Is the price all inclusive? What do you do?
All packages are inclusive of all prices. Since website design Add all the information, set various settings, customize the website to stick to Google faster, ready to go online
Can you update the website, post news activities, do it yourself?
Can be done because our website has an information management system at the back of the house. It allows us to edit our website as easy as using Word without writing code.
How much do I have to pay next year?
Next year, pay only 3500 baht per year, or if you want a cheaper or more expensive hosting, you can choose according to your needs.
I want to add a function How do the different systems cost?
Systems other than general website systems such as Booking system, bilingual web system will incur additional costs
If the web has a problem, who takes care of it?
We take care of solving website problems for customers for free for 1 year.
We customize On-Page SEO for every website. Helps the site get on google faster Get a better ranking
Duration 7-14 days depending on package and website data volume. Which does not include the adjustment period
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