Address field | | Tokens related to address field values and their components. |
Address formatted for MailChimp | [address-field:format-mailchimp] | The full address formatted for import into MailChimp. |
Administrative area (i.e. State/Province) | [address-field:administrative-area] | The administrative area value, expanded to the full name if applicable. |
Administrative area (raw value) | [address-field:administrative-area-raw] | The raw administrative area value. |
Country code | [address-field:country-code] | The two letter ISO country code. |
Country name | [address-field:country] | The full name of the country. |
Locality (i.e. City) | [address-field:locality] | The locality value. |
Organisation | [address-field:organisation] | The organisation name value. |
Sub Premise (i.e. Suite, Apartment, Floor, Unknown.) | [address-field:sub_premise] | The sub premise value. |
ชื่อจริง | [address-field:first-name] | The first name value. |
ชื่อเต็ม | [address-field:name-line] | The name line value of the address. |
ที่อยู่ถนน | [address-field:thoroughfare] | The thoroughfare value. |
ที่อยู่ถนน | [address-field:premise] | The premise value. |
นามสกุล | [address-field:last-name] | The last name value. |
รหัสไปรษณีย์ | [address-field:postal-code] | The postal code value. |
Array | | Tokens related to arrays of strings. |
First | [array:first] | The first element of the array. |
Imploded | [array:join:?] | The values of the array joined together with a custom string in-between each value. |
Joined path | [array:join-path] | The array values each cleaned by Pathauto and then joined with the slash into a string that resembles an URL. |
Keys | [array:keys] | The array of keys of the array. |
First | [array:keys:first] | The first element of the array. |
Imploded | [array:keys:join:?] | The values of the array joined together with a custom string in-between each value. |
Joined path | [array:keys:join-path] | The array values each cleaned by Pathauto and then joined with the slash into a string that resembles an URL. |
Last | [array:keys:last] | The last element of the array. |
Reversed | [array:keys:reversed] | The array reversed. |
First | [array:keys:reversed:first] | The first element of the array. |
Imploded | [array:keys:reversed:join:?] | The values of the array joined together with a custom string in-between each value. |
Joined path | [array:keys:reversed:join-path] | The array values each cleaned by Pathauto and then joined with the slash into a string that resembles an URL. |
Last | [array:keys:reversed:last] | The last element of the array. |
Value | [array:keys:reversed:value:?] | The specific value of the array. |
จำนวน | [array:keys:reversed:count] | The number of elements in the array. |
Value | [array:keys:value:?] | The specific value of the array. |
จำนวน | [array:keys:count] | The number of elements in the array. |
Last | [array:last] | The last element of the array. |
Reversed | [array:reversed] | The array reversed. |
First | [array:reversed:first] | The first element of the array. |
Imploded | [array:reversed:join:?] | The values of the array joined together with a custom string in-between each value. |
Joined path | [array:reversed:join-path] | The array values each cleaned by Pathauto and then joined with the slash into a string that resembles an URL. |
Keys | [array:reversed:keys] | The array of keys of the array. |
First | [array:reversed:keys:first] | The first element of the array. |
Imploded | [array:reversed:keys:join:?] | The values of the array joined together with a custom string in-between each value. |
Joined path | [array:reversed:keys:join-path] | The array values each cleaned by Pathauto and then joined with the slash into a string that resembles an URL. |
Last | [array:reversed:keys:last] | The last element of the array. |
Value | [array:reversed:keys:value:?] | The specific value of the array. |
จำนวน | [array:reversed:keys:count] | The number of elements in the array. |
Last | [array:reversed:last] | The last element of the array. |
Value | [array:reversed:value:?] | The specific value of the array. |
จำนวน | [array:reversed:count] | The number of elements in the array. |
Value | [array:value:?] | The specific value of the array. |
จำนวน | [array:count] | The number of elements in the array. |
Bookable Unit Type | | Tokens related to the "Bookable Unit Type" entities. |
Data | [rooms_unit_type:data] | Bookable unit type "data" property. |
Internal, numeric bookable unit type ID | [rooms_unit_type:id] | The ID used to identify this bookable unit type internally. |
Module | [rooms_unit_type:module] | Bookable unit type "module" property. |
Options | [rooms_unit_type:rooms-booking-unit-options:?] | Field "rooms_booking_unit_options". The following properties may be appended to the token: name (Name), quantity (Quantity), operation (Operation), value (Value), type (Type) |
Options | [rooms_unit_type:rooms_booking_unit_options] | Unit Options field. |
Status | [rooms_unit_type:status] | Bookable unit type "status" property. |
Weight | [rooms_unit_type:weight] | Bookable unit type "weight" property. |
ป้ายชื่อ | [rooms_unit_type:label] | The human readable label. |
Bookable Units | | Tokens related to the "Bookable Units" entities. |
Address hotel group | [rooms_unit:field-address-hotel-group:?] | Field "field_address_hotel_group". The following properties may be appended to the token: geom (Well-known text), geo_type (Geo Type), lat (Latitude), lon (Longitude), left (Left Latitude), top (Top Longitude), right (Right Latitude), bottom (Bottom Longitude), srid (Projection (SRID)), latlon (LatLong Pair), schemaorg_shape ( Shape) |
Address hotel group | [rooms_unit:field_address_hotel_group] | Geofield field. |
Base_price | [rooms_unit:base-price] | Bookable units "base_price" property. |
Bookable | [rooms_unit:bookable] | Bookable units "bookable" property. |
Bookable units ID | [rooms_unit:unit-id] | The unique ID of the bookable units. |
Changed | [rooms_unit:changed] | Bookable units "changed" property. |
Created | [rooms_unit:created] | Bookable units "created" property. |
Default_state | [rooms_unit:default-state] | Bookable units "default_state" property. |
Description | [rooms_unit:field-description:?] | Field "field_description". The following properties may be appended to the token: value (ข้อความ), summary (Summary), format (รูปแบบข้อความ) |
Description | [rooms_unit:field_description] | Long text and summary field. |
Images | [rooms_unit:field_image] | Image field. Also known as Image. |
Images | [rooms_unit:field-image:?] | Field "field_image". The following properties may be appended to the token: file (The image file.) |
Language | [rooms_unit:language] | Bookable units "language" property. |
Max_children | [rooms_unit:max-children] | Bookable units "max_children" property. |
Max_sleeps | [rooms_unit:max-sleeps] | Bookable units "max_sleeps" property. |
Min_children | [rooms_unit:min-children] | Bookable units "min_children" property. |
Min_sleeps | [rooms_unit:min-sleeps] | Bookable units "min_sleeps" property. |
Monthly_discount | [rooms_unit:monthly-discount] | Bookable units "monthly_discount" property. |
Option | [rooms_unit:field_option] | Unit Options field. |
Option | [rooms_unit:field-option:?] | Field "field_option". The following properties may be appended to the token: name (Name), quantity (Quantity), operation (Operation), value (Value), type (Type) |
Options | [rooms_unit:rooms_booking_unit_options] | Unit Options field. |
Options | [rooms_unit:rooms-booking-unit-options:?] | Field "rooms_booking_unit_options". The following properties may be appended to the token: name (Name), quantity (Quantity), operation (Operation), value (Value), type (Type) |
Status | [rooms_unit:status] | Bookable units "status" property. |
URL | [rooms_unit:url] | The URL of the entity. |
Uid | [rooms_unit:uid] | Bookable units "uid" property. |
Weekly_discount | [rooms_unit:weekly-discount] | Bookable units "weekly_discount" property. |
ป้ายชื่อ | [rooms_unit:name] | The human readable label. |
Booking Type | | Tokens related to the "Booking Type" entities. |
Data | [rooms_booking_type:data] | Booking type "data" property. |
Internal, numeric booking type ID | [rooms_booking_type:id] | The ID used to identify this booking type internally. |
Module | [rooms_booking_type:module] | Booking type "module" property. |
Status | [rooms_booking_type:status] | Booking type "status" property. |
Weight | [rooms_booking_type:weight] | Booking type "weight" property. |
ป้ายชื่อ | [rooms_booking_type:label] | The human readable label. |
Bookings | | Tokens related to the "Bookings" entities. |
Booking_status | [rooms_booking:booking-status] | Bookings "booking_status" property. |
Bookings ID | [rooms_booking:booking-id] | The unique ID of the bookings. |
Changed | [rooms_booking:changed] | Bookings "changed" property. |
Created | [rooms_booking:created] | Bookings "created" property. |
Customer_id | [rooms_booking:customer-id] | Bookings "customer_id" property. |
End_date | [rooms_booking:end-date] | Bookings "end_date" property. |
Language | [rooms_booking:language] | Bookings "language" property. |
Name | [rooms_booking:name] | Bookings "name" property. |
Order_id | [rooms_booking:order-id] | Bookings "order_id" property. |
Price | [rooms_booking:price] | Bookings "price" property. |
Start_date | [rooms_booking:start-date] | Bookings "start_date" property. |
URL | [rooms_booking:url] | The URL of the entity. |
Uid | [rooms_booking:uid] | Bookings "uid" property. |
Unit_id | [rooms_booking:unit-id] | Bookings "unit_id" property. |
Unit_type | [rooms_booking:unit-type] | Bookings "unit_type" property. |
Content | [comment:body] | รูปแบบเนื้อหาของความคิดเห็น |
Body | [comment:node:body:?] | The main body text of the node. The following properties may be appended to the token: value (ข้อความ), summary (Summary), format (รูปแบบข้อความ) |
Body | [comment:node:original:body:?] | The main body text of the node. The following properties may be appended to the token: value (ข้อความ), summary (Summary), format (รูปแบบข้อความ) |
Vedio samui iland youtube | [comment:node:original:field-vedio-samui-iland-youtube-:?] | Field "field_vedio_samui_iland_youtube_". The following properties may be appended to the token: input (YouTube URL), video_id (YouTube Video ID) |
Vedio samui iland youtube : Default | [comment:node:original:field_vedio_samui_iland_youtube_] | The YouTube video field value's Default (or Token if exists) view mode output. |
Vedio samui iland youtube : Image URL | [comment:node:original:field_vedio_samui_iland_youtube___youtube_image_url] | The YouTube video field value's local image URL. |
Vedio samui iland youtube : Video URL | [comment:node:original:field_vedio_samui_iland_youtube___youtube_video_url] | The YouTube video field value's URL. |
Body | [comment:node:source:body:?] | The main body text of the node. The following properties may be appended to the token: value (ข้อความ), summary (Summary), format (รูปแบบข้อความ) |
Vedio samui iland youtube | [comment:node:source:field-vedio-samui-iland-youtube-:?] | Field "field_vedio_samui_iland_youtube_". The following properties may be appended to the token: input (YouTube URL), video_id (YouTube Video ID) |
Vedio samui iland youtube : Default | [comment:node:source:field_vedio_samui_iland_youtube_] | The YouTube video field value's Default (or Token if exists) view mode output. |
Vedio samui iland youtube : Image URL | [comment:node:source:field_vedio_samui_iland_youtube___youtube_image_url] | The YouTube video field value's local image URL. |
Vedio samui iland youtube : Video URL | [comment:node:source:field_vedio_samui_iland_youtube___youtube_video_url] | The YouTube video field value's URL. |
Vedio samui iland youtube | [comment:node:field-vedio-samui-iland-youtube-:?] | Field "field_vedio_samui_iland_youtube_". The following properties may be appended to the token: input (YouTube URL), video_id (YouTube Video ID) |
Vedio samui iland youtube : Default | [comment:node:field_vedio_samui_iland_youtube_] | The YouTube video field value's Default (or Token if exists) view mode output. |
Vedio samui iland youtube : Image URL | [comment:node:field_vedio_samui_iland_youtube___youtube_image_url] | The YouTube video field value's local image URL. |
Vedio samui iland youtube : Video URL | [comment:node:field_vedio_samui_iland_youtube___youtube_video_url] | The YouTube video field value's URL. |
Content | [comment:original:body] | รูปแบบเนื้อหาของความคิดเห็น |
Body | [comment:original:node:body:?] | The main body text of the node. The following properties may be appended to the token: value (ข้อความ), summary (Summary), format (รูปแบบข้อความ) |
Vedio samui iland youtube | [comment:original:node:field-vedio-samui-iland-youtube-:?] | Field "field_vedio_samui_iland_youtube_". The following properties may be appended to the token: input (YouTube URL), video_id (YouTube Video ID) |
Vedio samui iland youtube : Default | [comment:original:node:field_vedio_samui_iland_youtube_] | The YouTube video field value's Default (or Token if exists) view mode output. |
Vedio samui iland youtube : Image URL | [comment:original:node:field_vedio_samui_iland_youtube___youtube_image_url] | The YouTube video field value's local image URL. |
Vedio samui iland youtube : Video URL | [comment:original:node:field_vedio_samui_iland_youtube___youtube_video_url] | The YouTube video field value's URL. |
Content | [comment:original:parent:body] | รูปแบบเนื้อหาของความคิดเห็น |
The main body text | [comment:original:parent:comment-body:?] | The main body text The following properties may be appended to the token: value (ข้อความ), format (รูปแบบข้อความ) |
The main body text | [comment:original:comment-body:?] | The main body text The following properties may be appended to the token: value (ข้อความ), format (รูปแบบข้อความ) |
Content | [comment:parent:body] | รูปแบบเนื้อหาของความคิดเห็น |
Body | [comment:parent:node:body:?] | The main body text of the node. The following properties may be appended to the token: value (ข้อความ), summary (Summary), format (รูปแบบข้อความ) |
Vedio samui iland youtube | [comment:parent:node:field-vedio-samui-iland-youtube-:?] | Field "field_vedio_samui_iland_youtube_". The following properties may be appended to the token: input (YouTube URL), video_id (YouTube Video ID) |
Vedio samui iland youtube : Default | [comment:parent:node:field_vedio_samui_iland_youtube_] | The YouTube video field value's Default (or Token if exists) view mode output. |
Vedio samui iland youtube : Image URL | [comment:parent:node:field_vedio_samui_iland_youtube___youtube_image_url] | The YouTube video field value's local image URL. |
Vedio samui iland youtube : Video URL | [comment:parent:node:field_vedio_samui_iland_youtube___youtube_video_url] | The YouTube video field value's URL. |
Content | [comment:parent:original:body] | รูปแบบเนื้อหาของความคิดเห็น |
The main body text | [comment:parent:original:comment-body:?] | The main body text The following properties may be appended to the token: value (ข้อความ), format (รูปแบบข้อความ) |
The main body text | [comment:parent:comment-body:?] | The main body text The following properties may be appended to the token: value (ข้อความ), format (รูปแบบข้อความ) |
The main body text | [comment:comment-body:?] | The main body text The following properties may be appended to the token: value (ข้อความ), format (รูปแบบข้อความ) |
Commerce Coupon | | Tokens related to the "Commerce Coupon" entities. |
Bulk | [commerce-coupon:bulk] | Commerce coupon "bulk" property. |
Changed | [commerce-coupon:changed] | Commerce coupon "changed" property. |
Commerce coupon ID | [commerce-coupon:coupon-id] | The unique ID of the commerce coupon. |
Conditions | [commerce-coupon:commerce_coupon_conditions] | Inline conditions field. |
Created | [commerce-coupon:created] | Commerce coupon "created" property. |
Discount reference | [commerce-coupon:commerce-discount-reference] | Field "commerce_discount_reference". |
Commerce Discount with delta 0 | [commerce-coupon:commerce-discount-reference:0] | The list item with delta 0. Delta values start from 0 and are incremented by one per list item. |
Admin title | [commerce-coupon:commerce-discount-reference:0:label] | The label used for the discount on administrative screens. |
Compatibility with other discounts | [commerce-coupon:commerce-discount-reference:0:commerce_compatibility_strategy] | รายการ (ข้อความ) field. |
Compatibility with other discounts | [commerce-coupon:commerce-discount-reference:0:commerce-compatibility-strategy] | Field "commerce_compatibility_strategy". |
Coupon count | [commerce-coupon:commerce-discount-reference:0:coupon-count] | Coupon count |
Coupons | [commerce-coupon:commerce-discount-reference:0:coupons] | Coupons |
Discount ID | [commerce-coupon:commerce-discount-reference:0:discount-id] | The serial numeric ID of the discount. |
Discount dates | [commerce-coupon:commerce-discount-reference:0:commerce-discount-date:?] | Field "commerce_discount_date". The following properties may be appended to the token: value (Start date), value2 (End date), duration (Duration) |
Discount dates | [commerce-coupon:commerce-discount-reference:0:commerce_discount_date] | Date (Unix timestamp) field. |
Discount offer reference | [commerce-coupon:commerce-discount-reference:0:commerce_discount_offer] | Entity Reference field. |
Discount offer reference | [commerce-coupon:commerce-discount-reference:0:commerce-discount-offer] | Field "commerce_discount_offer". |
Export status | [commerce-coupon:commerce-discount-reference:0:export-status] | The exportable status of the discount. |
Maximum overall usage | [commerce-coupon:commerce-discount-reference:0:discount-usage-limit] | Field "discount_usage_limit". |
Maximum overall usage | [commerce-coupon:commerce-discount-reference:0:discount_usage_limit] | จำนวนเต็ม field. |
Maximum usage per customer | [commerce-coupon:commerce-discount-reference:0:discount-usage-per-person] | Field "discount_usage_per_person". |
Maximum usage per customer | [commerce-coupon:commerce-discount-reference:0:discount_usage_per_person] | จำนวนเต็ม field. |
Module | [commerce-coupon:commerce-discount-reference:0:module] | The name of the module that defined the discount if applicable. |
Name | [commerce-coupon:commerce-discount-reference:0:component-title] | The name of the discount as shown to customers (e.g. in the price component list). |
Product discount conditions | [commerce-coupon:commerce-discount-reference:0:inline_conditions] | Inline conditions field. Also known as Order discount conditions. |
Selected discounts | [commerce-coupon:commerce-discount-reference:0:commerce-compatibility-selection] | Field "commerce_compatibility_selection". |
Selected discounts | [commerce-coupon:commerce-discount-reference:0:commerce_compatibility_selection] | Entity Reference field. |
Sort order | [commerce-coupon:commerce-discount-reference:0:sort-order] | The default sort order of the rule created for the discount. |
Status | [commerce-coupon:commerce-discount-reference:0:status] | The status of the discount (i.e. Active vs. Disabled). |
URL | [commerce-coupon:commerce-discount-reference:0:url] | The URL of the entity. |
Commerce Discount with delta 1 | [commerce-coupon:commerce-discount-reference:1] | The list item with delta 1. Delta values start from 0 and are incremented by one per list item. |
Admin title | [commerce-coupon:commerce-discount-reference:1:label] | The label used for the discount on administrative screens. |
Compatibility with other discounts | [commerce-coupon:commerce-discount-reference:1:commerce_compatibility_strategy] | รายการ (ข้อความ) field. |
Compatibility with other discounts | [commerce-coupon:commerce-discount-reference:1:commerce-compatibility-strategy] | Field "commerce_compatibility_strategy". |
Coupon count | [commerce-coupon:commerce-discount-reference:1:coupon-count] | Coupon count |
Coupons | [commerce-coupon:commerce-discount-reference:1:coupons] | Coupons |
Discount ID | [commerce-coupon:commerce-discount-reference:1:discount-id] | The serial numeric ID of the discount. |
Discount dates | [commerce-coupon:commerce-discount-reference:1:commerce-discount-date:?] | Field "commerce_discount_date". The following properties may be appended to the token: value (Start date), value2 (End date), duration (Duration) |
Discount dates | [commerce-coupon:commerce-discount-reference:1:commerce_discount_date] | Date (Unix timestamp) field. |
Discount offer reference | [commerce-coupon:commerce-discount-reference:1:commerce_discount_offer] | Entity Reference field. |
Discount offer reference | [commerce-coupon:commerce-discount-reference:1:commerce-discount-offer] | Field "commerce_discount_offer". |
Export status | [commerce-coupon:commerce-discount-reference:1:export-status] | The exportable status of the discount. |
Maximum overall usage | [commerce-coupon:commerce-discount-reference:1:discount-usage-limit] | Field "discount_usage_limit". |
Maximum overall usage | [commerce-coupon:commerce-discount-reference:1:discount_usage_limit] | จำนวนเต็ม field. |
Maximum usage per customer | [commerce-coupon:commerce-discount-reference:1:discount-usage-per-person] | Field "discount_usage_per_person". |
Maximum usage per customer | [commerce-coupon:commerce-discount-reference:1:discount_usage_per_person] | จำนวนเต็ม field. |
Module | [commerce-coupon:commerce-discount-reference:1:module] | The name of the module that defined the discount if applicable. |
Name | [commerce-coupon:commerce-discount-reference:1:component-title] | The name of the discount as shown to customers (e.g. in the price component list). |
Product discount conditions | [commerce-coupon:commerce-discount-reference:1:inline_conditions] | Inline conditions field. Also known as Order discount conditions. |
Selected discounts | [commerce-coupon:commerce-discount-reference:1:commerce-compatibility-selection] | Field "commerce_compatibility_selection". |
Selected discounts | [commerce-coupon:commerce-discount-reference:1:commerce_compatibility_selection] | Entity Reference field. |
Sort order | [commerce-coupon:commerce-discount-reference:1:sort-order] | The default sort order of the rule created for the discount. |
Status | [commerce-coupon:commerce-discount-reference:1:status] | The status of the discount (i.e. Active vs. Disabled). |
URL | [commerce-coupon:commerce-discount-reference:1:url] | The URL of the entity. |
Commerce Discount with delta 2 | [commerce-coupon:commerce-discount-reference:2] | The list item with delta 2. Delta values start from 0 and are incremented by one per list item. |
Admin title | [commerce-coupon:commerce-discount-reference:2:label] | The label used for the discount on administrative screens. |
Compatibility with other discounts | [commerce-coupon:commerce-discount-reference:2:commerce_compatibility_strategy] | รายการ (ข้อความ) field. |
Compatibility with other discounts | [commerce-coupon:commerce-discount-reference:2:commerce-compatibility-strategy] | Field "commerce_compatibility_strategy". |
Coupon count | [commerce-coupon:commerce-discount-reference:2:coupon-count] | Coupon count |
Coupons | [commerce-coupon:commerce-discount-reference:2:coupons] | Coupons |
Discount ID | [commerce-coupon:commerce-discount-reference:2:discount-id] | The serial numeric ID of the discount. |
Discount dates | [commerce-coupon:commerce-discount-reference:2:commerce-discount-date:?] | Field "commerce_discount_date". The following properties may be appended to the token: value (Start date), value2 (End date), duration (Duration) |
Discount dates | [commerce-coupon:commerce-discount-reference:2:commerce_discount_date] | Date (Unix timestamp) field. |
Discount offer reference | [commerce-coupon:commerce-discount-reference:2:commerce_discount_offer] | Entity Reference field. |
Discount offer reference | [commerce-coupon:commerce-discount-reference:2:commerce-discount-offer] | Field "commerce_discount_offer". |
Export status | [commerce-coupon:commerce-discount-reference:2:export-status] | The exportable status of the discount. |
Maximum overall usage | [commerce-coupon:commerce-discount-reference:2:discount-usage-limit] | Field "discount_usage_limit". |
Maximum overall usage | [commerce-coupon:commerce-discount-reference:2:discount_usage_limit] | จำนวนเต็ม field. |
Maximum usage per customer | [commerce-coupon:commerce-discount-reference:2:discount-usage-per-person] | Field "discount_usage_per_person". |
Maximum usage per customer | [commerce-coupon:commerce-discount-reference:2:discount_usage_per_person] | จำนวนเต็ม field. |
Module | [commerce-coupon:commerce-discount-reference:2:module] | The name of the module that defined the discount if applicable. |
Name | [commerce-coupon:commerce-discount-reference:2:component-title] | The name of the discount as shown to customers (e.g. in the price component list). |
Product discount conditions | [commerce-coupon:commerce-discount-reference:2:inline_conditions] | Inline conditions field. Also known as Order discount conditions. |
Selected discounts | [commerce-coupon:commerce-discount-reference:2:commerce-compatibility-selection] | Field "commerce_compatibility_selection". |
Selected discounts | [commerce-coupon:commerce-discount-reference:2:commerce_compatibility_selection] | Entity Reference field. |
Sort order | [commerce-coupon:commerce-discount-reference:2:sort-order] | The default sort order of the rule created for the discount. |
Status | [commerce-coupon:commerce-discount-reference:2:status] | The status of the discount (i.e. Active vs. Disabled). |
URL | [commerce-coupon:commerce-discount-reference:2:url] | The URL of the entity. |
Commerce Discount with delta 3 | [commerce-coupon:commerce-discount-reference:3] | The list item with delta 3. Delta values start from 0 and are incremented by one per list item. |
Admin title | [commerce-coupon:commerce-discount-reference:3:label] | The label used for the discount on administrative screens. |
Compatibility with other discounts | [commerce-coupon:commerce-discount-reference:3:commerce_compatibility_strategy] | รายการ (ข้อความ) field. |
Compatibility with other discounts | [commerce-coupon:commerce-discount-reference:3:commerce-compatibility-strategy] | Field "commerce_compatibility_strategy". |
Coupon count | [commerce-coupon:commerce-discount-reference:3:coupon-count] | Coupon count |
Coupons | [commerce-coupon:commerce-discount-reference:3:coupons] | Coupons |
Discount ID | [commerce-coupon:commerce-discount-reference:3:discount-id] | The serial numeric ID of the discount. |
Discount dates | [commerce-coupon:commerce-discount-reference:3:commerce-discount-date:?] | Field "commerce_discount_date". The following properties may be appended to the token: value (Start date), value2 (End date), duration (Duration) |
Discount dates | [commerce-coupon:commerce-discount-reference:3:commerce_discount_date] | Date (Unix timestamp) field. |
Discount offer reference | [commerce-coupon:commerce-discount-reference:3:commerce_discount_offer] | Entity Reference field. |
Discount offer reference | [commerce-coupon:commerce-discount-reference:3:commerce-discount-offer] | Field "commerce_discount_offer". |
Export status | [commerce-coupon:commerce-discount-reference:3:export-status] | The exportable status of the discount. |
Maximum overall usage | [commerce-coupon:commerce-discount-reference:3:discount-usage-limit] | Field "discount_usage_limit". |
Maximum overall usage | [commerce-coupon:commerce-discount-reference:3:discount_usage_limit] | จำนวนเต็ม field. |
Maximum usage per customer | [commerce-coupon:commerce-discount-reference:3:discount-usage-per-person] | Field "discount_usage_per_person". |
Maximum usage per customer | [commerce-coupon:commerce-discount-reference:3:discount_usage_per_person] | จำนวนเต็ม field. |
Module | [commerce-coupon:commerce-discount-reference:3:module] | The name of the module that defined the discount if applicable. |
Name | [commerce-coupon:commerce-discount-reference:3:component-title] | The name of the discount as shown to customers (e.g. in the price component list). |
Product discount conditions | [commerce-coupon:commerce-discount-reference:3:inline_conditions] | Inline conditions field. Also known as Order discount conditions. |
Selected discounts | [commerce-coupon:commerce-discount-reference:3:commerce-compatibility-selection] | Field "commerce_compatibility_selection". |
Selected discounts | [commerce-coupon:commerce-discount-reference:3:commerce_compatibility_selection] | Entity Reference field. |
Sort order | [commerce-coupon:commerce-discount-reference:3:sort-order] | The default sort order of the rule created for the discount. |
Status | [commerce-coupon:commerce-discount-reference:3:status] | The status of the discount (i.e. Active vs. Disabled). |
URL | [commerce-coupon:commerce-discount-reference:3:url] | The URL of the entity. |
Discount reference | [commerce-coupon:commerce_discount_reference] | Entity Reference field. |
Recipient | [commerce-coupon:commerce-coupon-recipient] | Field "commerce_coupon_recipient". |
Account cancellation URL | [commerce-coupon:commerce-coupon-recipient:cancel-url] | The URL of the confirm delete page for the user account. |
Last access | [commerce-coupon:commerce-coupon-recipient:last-access] | The date the user last accessed the site. |
Availability Calendar date display | [commerce-coupon:commerce-coupon-recipient:last-access:availability_calendar_date_display] | A date in 'availability_calendar_date_display' format. (03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Availability Calendar date entry | [commerce-coupon:commerce-coupon-recipient:last-access:availability_calendar_date_entry] | A date in 'availability_calendar_date_entry' format. (03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Availability Calendar month caption | [commerce-coupon:commerce-coupon-recipient:last-access:availability_calendar_month_caption] | A date in 'availability_calendar_month_caption' format. (03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Hours am/pm | [commerce-coupon:commerce-coupon-recipient:last-access:hours_ampm] | A date in 'hours_ampm' format. (3:29 am) |
Long format | [commerce-coupon:commerce-coupon-recipient:last-access:long] | A date in 'long' format. (พุธ, มีนาคม 20, 2024 - 03:29) |
Medium format | [commerce-coupon:commerce-coupon-recipient:last-access:medium] | A date in 'medium' format. (พ, 03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Raw timestamp | [commerce-coupon:commerce-coupon-recipient:last-access:raw] | A date in UNIX timestamp format (1710880172) |
Short format | [commerce-coupon:commerce-coupon-recipient:last-access:short] | A date in 'short' format. (03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Studyroom Availability Date | [commerce-coupon:commerce-coupon-recipient:last-access:studyroom_availability_date] | A date in 'studyroom_availability_date' format. (พ, 03/20/2024) |
Time-since | [commerce-coupon:commerce-coupon-recipient:last-access:since] | A date in 'time-since' format. (54 ปี 3 เดือน) |
กำหนดรูปแบบเอง | [commerce-coupon:commerce-coupon-recipient:last-access:custom:?] | A date in a custom format. See the PHP documentation for details. |
Location | [commerce-coupon:commerce-coupon-recipient:location] | The location for this user. |
Additional | [commerce-coupon:commerce-coupon-recipient:location:additional:?] | Additional (If there are multiple locations, N is the iteration, starting with 0). |
Country Name | [commerce-coupon:commerce-coupon-recipient:location:country_name:?] | Country Name (If there are multiple locations, N is the iteration, starting with 0). |
Latitude | [commerce-coupon:commerce-coupon-recipient:location:latitude:?] | Latitude (If there are multiple locations, N is the iteration, starting with 0). |
Location Name | [commerce-coupon:commerce-coupon-recipient:location:name:?] | Location Name (If there are multiple locations, N is the iteration, starting with 0). |
Longitude | [commerce-coupon:commerce-coupon-recipient:location:longitude:?] | Longitude (If there are multiple locations, N is the iteration, starting with 0). |
Postal Code | [commerce-coupon:commerce-coupon-recipient:location:postal_code:?] | Postal Code (If there are multiple locations, N is the iteration, starting with 0). |
State/Province Name | [commerce-coupon:commerce-coupon-recipient:location:province_name:?] | State/Province Name (If there are multiple locations, N is the iteration, starting with 0). |
Street | [commerce-coupon:commerce-coupon-recipient:location:street:?] | Street (If there are multiple locations, N is the iteration, starting with 0). |
ประเทศ | [commerce-coupon:commerce-coupon-recipient:location:country:?] | Country (If there are multiple locations, N is the iteration, starting with 0). |
รัฐ / จังหวัด | [commerce-coupon:commerce-coupon-recipient:location:province:?] | State/Province (If there are multiple locations, N is the iteration, starting with 0). |
เมือง | [commerce-coupon:commerce-coupon-recipient:location:city:?] | City (If there are multiple locations, N is the iteration, starting with 0). |
Name | [commerce-coupon:commerce-coupon-recipient:name] | The login name of the user account. |
One-time login URL | [commerce-coupon:commerce-coupon-recipient:one-time-login-url] | The URL of the one-time login page for the user account. |
Original user | [commerce-coupon:commerce-coupon-recipient:original] | The original user data if the user is being updated or saved. |
Account cancellation URL | [commerce-coupon:commerce-coupon-recipient:original:cancel-url] | The URL of the confirm delete page for the user account. |
Last access | [commerce-coupon:commerce-coupon-recipient:original:last-access] | The date the user last accessed the site. |
Location | [commerce-coupon:commerce-coupon-recipient:original:location] | The location for this user. |
Name | [commerce-coupon:commerce-coupon-recipient:original:name] | The login name of the user account. |
One-time login URL | [commerce-coupon:commerce-coupon-recipient:original:one-time-login-url] | The URL of the one-time login page for the user account. |
Roles | [commerce-coupon:commerce-coupon-recipient:original:roles] | The user roles associated with the user account. |
URL | [commerce-coupon:commerce-coupon-recipient:original:url] | The URL of the account profile page. |
User role ids | [commerce-coupon:commerce-coupon-recipient:original:role-ids] | The role ids the user account is a member of as comma separated list. |
User role names | [commerce-coupon:commerce-coupon-recipient:original:role-names] | The role names the user account is a member of as comma separated list. |
ธีมเริ่มต้น | [commerce-coupon:commerce-coupon-recipient:original:theme] | The user's default theme. |
รหัสผู้ใช้ | [commerce-coupon:commerce-coupon-recipient:original:uid] | The unique ID of the user account. |
รูปภาพ | [commerce-coupon:commerce-coupon-recipient:original:picture] | The picture of the user. |
สถานะ | [commerce-coupon:commerce-coupon-recipient:original:status] | Whether the user is active or blocked. |
สร้างเมื่อ | [commerce-coupon:commerce-coupon-recipient:original:created] | The date the user account was created. |
อีเมล | [commerce-coupon:commerce-coupon-recipient:original:mail] | The email address of the user account. |
เข้าสู่ระบบล่าสุด | [commerce-coupon:commerce-coupon-recipient:original:last-login] | The date the user last logged in to the site. |
แก้ไข URL | [commerce-coupon:commerce-coupon-recipient:original:edit-url] | The URL of the account edit page. |
Roles | [commerce-coupon:commerce-coupon-recipient:roles] | The user roles associated with the user account. |
First | [commerce-coupon:commerce-coupon-recipient:roles:first] | The first element of the array. |
Imploded | [commerce-coupon:commerce-coupon-recipient:roles:join:?] | The values of the array joined together with a custom string in-between each value. |
Joined path | [commerce-coupon:commerce-coupon-recipient:roles:join-path] | The array values each cleaned by Pathauto and then joined with the slash into a string that resembles an URL. |
Keys | [commerce-coupon:commerce-coupon-recipient:roles:keys] | The array of keys of the array. |
Last | [commerce-coupon:commerce-coupon-recipient:roles:last] | The last element of the array. |
Reversed | [commerce-coupon:commerce-coupon-recipient:roles:reversed] | The array reversed. |
Value | [commerce-coupon:commerce-coupon-recipient:roles:value:?] | The specific value of the array. |
จำนวน | [commerce-coupon:commerce-coupon-recipient:roles:count] | The number of elements in the array. |
URL | [commerce-coupon:commerce-coupon-recipient:url] | The URL of the account profile page. |
Absolute URL | [commerce-coupon:commerce-coupon-recipient:url:absolute] | The absolute URL. |
Arguments | [commerce-coupon:commerce-coupon-recipient:url:args] | The specific argument of the current page (e.g. 'arg:1' on the page 'node/1' returns '1'). |
Brief URL | [commerce-coupon:commerce-coupon-recipient:url:brief] | The URL without the protocol and trailing backslash. |
Relative URL | [commerce-coupon:commerce-coupon-recipient:url:relative] | The relative URL. |
Unaliased URL | [commerce-coupon:commerce-coupon-recipient:url:unaliased] | The unaliased URL. |
ตำแหน่งพาธ | [commerce-coupon:commerce-coupon-recipient:url:path] | The path component of the URL. |
User role ids | [commerce-coupon:commerce-coupon-recipient:role-ids] | The role ids the user account is a member of as comma separated list. |
User role names | [commerce-coupon:commerce-coupon-recipient:role-names] | The role names the user account is a member of as comma separated list. |
ธีมเริ่มต้น | [commerce-coupon:commerce-coupon-recipient:theme] | The user's default theme. |
รหัสผู้ใช้ | [commerce-coupon:commerce-coupon-recipient:uid] | The unique ID of the user account. |
รูปภาพ | [commerce-coupon:commerce-coupon-recipient:picture] | The picture of the user. |
Base name | [commerce-coupon:commerce-coupon-recipient:picture:basename] | The base name of the file. |
Extension | [commerce-coupon:commerce-coupon-recipient:picture:extension] | The extension of the file. |
File byte size | [commerce-coupon:commerce-coupon-recipient:picture:size-raw] | The size of the file, in bytes. |
File name | [commerce-coupon:commerce-coupon-recipient:picture:name] | The name of the file on disk. |
MIME type | [commerce-coupon:commerce-coupon-recipient:picture:mime] | The MIME type of the file. |
Original ไฟล์ | [commerce-coupon:commerce-coupon-recipient:picture:original] | The original ไฟล์ data if the ไฟล์ is being updated or saved. |
URL | [commerce-coupon:commerce-coupon-recipient:picture:url] | The web-accessible URL for the file. |
ขนาดไฟล์ | [commerce-coupon:commerce-coupon-recipient:picture:size] | ขนาดของไฟล์ |
ตำแหน่งพาธ | [commerce-coupon:commerce-coupon-recipient:picture:path] | The location of the file relative to Drupal root. |
รหัสไฟล์ | [commerce-coupon:commerce-coupon-recipient:picture:fid] | The unique ID of the uploaded file. |
ระบุเวลา | [commerce-coupon:commerce-coupon-recipient:picture:timestamp] | The date the file was most recently changed. |
เจ้าของ | [commerce-coupon:commerce-coupon-recipient:picture:owner] | The user who originally uploaded the file. |
สถานะ | [commerce-coupon:commerce-coupon-recipient:status] | Whether the user is active or blocked. |
สร้างเมื่อ | [commerce-coupon:commerce-coupon-recipient:created] | The date the user account was created. |
Availability Calendar date display | [commerce-coupon:commerce-coupon-recipient:created:availability_calendar_date_display] | A date in 'availability_calendar_date_display' format. (03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Availability Calendar date entry | [commerce-coupon:commerce-coupon-recipient:created:availability_calendar_date_entry] | A date in 'availability_calendar_date_entry' format. (03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Availability Calendar month caption | [commerce-coupon:commerce-coupon-recipient:created:availability_calendar_month_caption] | A date in 'availability_calendar_month_caption' format. (03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Hours am/pm | [commerce-coupon:commerce-coupon-recipient:created:hours_ampm] | A date in 'hours_ampm' format. (3:29 am) |
Long format | [commerce-coupon:commerce-coupon-recipient:created:long] | A date in 'long' format. (พุธ, มีนาคม 20, 2024 - 03:29) |
Medium format | [commerce-coupon:commerce-coupon-recipient:created:medium] | A date in 'medium' format. (พ, 03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Raw timestamp | [commerce-coupon:commerce-coupon-recipient:created:raw] | A date in UNIX timestamp format (1710880172) |
Short format | [commerce-coupon:commerce-coupon-recipient:created:short] | A date in 'short' format. (03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Studyroom Availability Date | [commerce-coupon:commerce-coupon-recipient:created:studyroom_availability_date] | A date in 'studyroom_availability_date' format. (พ, 03/20/2024) |
Time-since | [commerce-coupon:commerce-coupon-recipient:created:since] | A date in 'time-since' format. (54 ปี 3 เดือน) |
กำหนดรูปแบบเอง | [commerce-coupon:commerce-coupon-recipient:created:custom:?] | A date in a custom format. See the PHP documentation for details. |
อีเมล | [commerce-coupon:commerce-coupon-recipient:mail] | The email address of the user account. |
เข้าสู่ระบบล่าสุด | [commerce-coupon:commerce-coupon-recipient:last-login] | The date the user last logged in to the site. |
Availability Calendar date display | [commerce-coupon:commerce-coupon-recipient:last-login:availability_calendar_date_display] | A date in 'availability_calendar_date_display' format. (03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Availability Calendar date entry | [commerce-coupon:commerce-coupon-recipient:last-login:availability_calendar_date_entry] | A date in 'availability_calendar_date_entry' format. (03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Availability Calendar month caption | [commerce-coupon:commerce-coupon-recipient:last-login:availability_calendar_month_caption] | A date in 'availability_calendar_month_caption' format. (03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Hours am/pm | [commerce-coupon:commerce-coupon-recipient:last-login:hours_ampm] | A date in 'hours_ampm' format. (3:29 am) |
Long format | [commerce-coupon:commerce-coupon-recipient:last-login:long] | A date in 'long' format. (พุธ, มีนาคม 20, 2024 - 03:29) |
Medium format | [commerce-coupon:commerce-coupon-recipient:last-login:medium] | A date in 'medium' format. (พ, 03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Raw timestamp | [commerce-coupon:commerce-coupon-recipient:last-login:raw] | A date in UNIX timestamp format (1710880172) |
Short format | [commerce-coupon:commerce-coupon-recipient:last-login:short] | A date in 'short' format. (03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Studyroom Availability Date | [commerce-coupon:commerce-coupon-recipient:last-login:studyroom_availability_date] | A date in 'studyroom_availability_date' format. (พ, 03/20/2024) |
Time-since | [commerce-coupon:commerce-coupon-recipient:last-login:since] | A date in 'time-since' format. (54 ปี 3 เดือน) |
กำหนดรูปแบบเอง | [commerce-coupon:commerce-coupon-recipient:last-login:custom:?] | A date in a custom format. See the PHP documentation for details. |
แก้ไข URL | [commerce-coupon:commerce-coupon-recipient:edit-url] | The URL of the account edit page. |
Recipient | [commerce-coupon:commerce_coupon_recipient] | Entity Reference field. |
Status | [commerce-coupon:status] | Commerce coupon "status" property. |
Uid | [commerce-coupon:uid] | Commerce coupon "uid" property. |
ป้ายชื่อ | [commerce-coupon:code] | The human readable label. |
Commerce Discount | | Tokens related to the "Commerce Discount" entities. |
Admin title | [commerce_discount:label] | The label used for the discount on administrative screens. |
Compatibility with other discounts | [commerce_discount:commerce_compatibility_strategy] | รายการ (ข้อความ) field. |
Compatibility with other discounts | [commerce_discount:commerce-compatibility-strategy] | Field "commerce_compatibility_strategy". |
Coupon count | [commerce_discount:coupon-count] | Coupon count |
Coupons | [commerce_discount:coupons] | Coupons |
Commerce Coupon with delta 0 | [commerce_discount:coupons:0] | The list item with delta 0. Delta values start from 0 and are incremented by one per list item. |
Bulk | [commerce_discount:coupons:0:bulk] | Commerce coupon "bulk" property. |
Changed | [commerce_discount:coupons:0:changed] | Commerce coupon "changed" property. |
Commerce coupon ID | [commerce_discount:coupons:0:coupon-id] | The unique ID of the commerce coupon. |
Conditions | [commerce_discount:coupons:0:commerce_coupon_conditions] | Inline conditions field. |
Created | [commerce_discount:coupons:0:created] | Commerce coupon "created" property. |
Discount reference | [commerce_discount:coupons:0:commerce-discount-reference] | Field "commerce_discount_reference". |
Discount reference | [commerce_discount:coupons:0:commerce_discount_reference] | Entity Reference field. |
Recipient | [commerce_discount:coupons:0:commerce-coupon-recipient] | Field "commerce_coupon_recipient". |
Recipient | [commerce_discount:coupons:0:commerce_coupon_recipient] | Entity Reference field. |
Status | [commerce_discount:coupons:0:status] | Commerce coupon "status" property. |
Uid | [commerce_discount:coupons:0:uid] | Commerce coupon "uid" property. |
ป้ายชื่อ | [commerce_discount:coupons:0:code] | The human readable label. |
Commerce Coupon with delta 1 | [commerce_discount:coupons:1] | The list item with delta 1. Delta values start from 0 and are incremented by one per list item. |
Bulk | [commerce_discount:coupons:1:bulk] | Commerce coupon "bulk" property. |
Changed | [commerce_discount:coupons:1:changed] | Commerce coupon "changed" property. |
Commerce coupon ID | [commerce_discount:coupons:1:coupon-id] | The unique ID of the commerce coupon. |
Conditions | [commerce_discount:coupons:1:commerce_coupon_conditions] | Inline conditions field. |
Created | [commerce_discount:coupons:1:created] | Commerce coupon "created" property. |
Discount reference | [commerce_discount:coupons:1:commerce-discount-reference] | Field "commerce_discount_reference". |
Discount reference | [commerce_discount:coupons:1:commerce_discount_reference] | Entity Reference field. |
Recipient | [commerce_discount:coupons:1:commerce-coupon-recipient] | Field "commerce_coupon_recipient". |
Recipient | [commerce_discount:coupons:1:commerce_coupon_recipient] | Entity Reference field. |
Status | [commerce_discount:coupons:1:status] | Commerce coupon "status" property. |
Uid | [commerce_discount:coupons:1:uid] | Commerce coupon "uid" property. |
ป้ายชื่อ | [commerce_discount:coupons:1:code] | The human readable label. |
Commerce Coupon with delta 2 | [commerce_discount:coupons:2] | The list item with delta 2. Delta values start from 0 and are incremented by one per list item. |
Bulk | [commerce_discount:coupons:2:bulk] | Commerce coupon "bulk" property. |
Changed | [commerce_discount:coupons:2:changed] | Commerce coupon "changed" property. |
Commerce coupon ID | [commerce_discount:coupons:2:coupon-id] | The unique ID of the commerce coupon. |
Conditions | [commerce_discount:coupons:2:commerce_coupon_conditions] | Inline conditions field. |
Created | [commerce_discount:coupons:2:created] | Commerce coupon "created" property. |
Discount reference | [commerce_discount:coupons:2:commerce-discount-reference] | Field "commerce_discount_reference". |
Discount reference | [commerce_discount:coupons:2:commerce_discount_reference] | Entity Reference field. |
Recipient | [commerce_discount:coupons:2:commerce-coupon-recipient] | Field "commerce_coupon_recipient". |
Recipient | [commerce_discount:coupons:2:commerce_coupon_recipient] | Entity Reference field. |
Status | [commerce_discount:coupons:2:status] | Commerce coupon "status" property. |
Uid | [commerce_discount:coupons:2:uid] | Commerce coupon "uid" property. |
ป้ายชื่อ | [commerce_discount:coupons:2:code] | The human readable label. |
Commerce Coupon with delta 3 | [commerce_discount:coupons:3] | The list item with delta 3. Delta values start from 0 and are incremented by one per list item. |
Bulk | [commerce_discount:coupons:3:bulk] | Commerce coupon "bulk" property. |
Changed | [commerce_discount:coupons:3:changed] | Commerce coupon "changed" property. |
Commerce coupon ID | [commerce_discount:coupons:3:coupon-id] | The unique ID of the commerce coupon. |
Conditions | [commerce_discount:coupons:3:commerce_coupon_conditions] | Inline conditions field. |
Created | [commerce_discount:coupons:3:created] | Commerce coupon "created" property. |
Discount reference | [commerce_discount:coupons:3:commerce-discount-reference] | Field "commerce_discount_reference". |
Discount reference | [commerce_discount:coupons:3:commerce_discount_reference] | Entity Reference field. |
Recipient | [commerce_discount:coupons:3:commerce-coupon-recipient] | Field "commerce_coupon_recipient". |
Recipient | [commerce_discount:coupons:3:commerce_coupon_recipient] | Entity Reference field. |
Status | [commerce_discount:coupons:3:status] | Commerce coupon "status" property. |
Uid | [commerce_discount:coupons:3:uid] | Commerce coupon "uid" property. |
ป้ายชื่อ | [commerce_discount:coupons:3:code] | The human readable label. |
Discount ID | [commerce_discount:discount-id] | The serial numeric ID of the discount. |
Discount dates | [commerce_discount:commerce-discount-date:?] | Field "commerce_discount_date". The following properties may be appended to the token: value (Start date), value2 (End date), duration (Duration) |
Discount dates | [commerce_discount:commerce_discount_date] | Date (Unix timestamp) field. |
Discount offer reference | [commerce_discount:commerce_discount_offer] | Entity Reference field. |
Discount offer reference | [commerce_discount:commerce-discount-offer] | Field "commerce_discount_offer". |
Commerce discount offer ID | [commerce_discount:commerce-discount-offer:discount-offer-id] | The unique ID of the commerce discount offer. |
Fixed amount | [commerce_discount:commerce-discount-offer:commerce-fixed-amount:?] | Field "commerce_fixed_amount". The following properties may be appended to the token: amount (Amount), amount_decimal (Amount (decimal)), currency_code (Currency), data (Data) |
Fixed amount | [commerce_discount:commerce-discount-offer:commerce_fixed_amount] | ราคา field. |
Percentage | [commerce_discount:commerce-discount-offer:commerce_percentage] | ตัวเลข field. |
Percentage | [commerce_discount:commerce-discount-offer:commerce-percentage] | Field "commerce_percentage". |
Select bonus products | [commerce_discount:commerce-discount-offer:commerce_free_products] | Product reference field. |
Select bonus products | [commerce_discount:commerce-discount-offer:commerce-free-products] | Field "commerce_free_products". |
สินค้า with delta 0 | [commerce_discount:commerce-discount-offer:commerce-free-products:0] | The list item with delta 0. Delta values start from 0 and are incremented by one per list item. |
สินค้า with delta 1 | [commerce_discount:commerce-discount-offer:commerce-free-products:1] | The list item with delta 1. Delta values start from 0 and are incremented by one per list item. |
สินค้า with delta 2 | [commerce_discount:commerce-discount-offer:commerce-free-products:2] | The list item with delta 2. Delta values start from 0 and are incremented by one per list item. |
สินค้า with delta 3 | [commerce_discount:commerce-discount-offer:commerce-free-products:3] | The list item with delta 3. Delta values start from 0 and are incremented by one per list item. |
Export status | [commerce_discount:export-status] | The exportable status of the discount. |
Maximum overall usage | [commerce_discount:discount-usage-limit] | Field "discount_usage_limit". |
Maximum overall usage | [commerce_discount:discount_usage_limit] | จำนวนเต็ม field. |
Maximum usage per customer | [commerce_discount:discount-usage-per-person] | Field "discount_usage_per_person". |
Maximum usage per customer | [commerce_discount:discount_usage_per_person] | จำนวนเต็ม field. |
Module | [commerce_discount:module] | The name of the module that defined the discount if applicable. |
Name | [commerce_discount:component-title] | The name of the discount as shown to customers (e.g. in the price component list). |
Product discount conditions | [commerce_discount:inline_conditions] | Inline conditions field. Also known as Order discount conditions. |
Selected discounts | [commerce_discount:commerce-compatibility-selection] | Field "commerce_compatibility_selection". |
Commerce Discount with delta 0 | [commerce_discount:commerce-compatibility-selection:0] | The list item with delta 0. Delta values start from 0 and are incremented by one per list item. |
Admin title | [commerce_discount:commerce-compatibility-selection:0:label] | The label used for the discount on administrative screens. |
Compatibility with other discounts | [commerce_discount:commerce-compatibility-selection:0:commerce_compatibility_strategy] | รายการ (ข้อความ) field. |
Compatibility with other discounts | [commerce_discount:commerce-compatibility-selection:0:commerce-compatibility-strategy] | Field "commerce_compatibility_strategy". |
Coupon count | [commerce_discount:commerce-compatibility-selection:0:coupon-count] | Coupon count |
Coupons | [commerce_discount:commerce-compatibility-selection:0:coupons] | Coupons |
Discount ID | [commerce_discount:commerce-compatibility-selection:0:discount-id] | The serial numeric ID of the discount. |
Discount dates | [commerce_discount:commerce-compatibility-selection:0:commerce-discount-date:?] | Field "commerce_discount_date". The following properties may be appended to the token: value (Start date), value2 (End date), duration (Duration) |
Discount dates | [commerce_discount:commerce-compatibility-selection:0:commerce_discount_date] | Date (Unix timestamp) field. |
Discount offer reference | [commerce_discount:commerce-compatibility-selection:0:commerce_discount_offer] | Entity Reference field. |
Discount offer reference | [commerce_discount:commerce-compatibility-selection:0:commerce-discount-offer] | Field "commerce_discount_offer". |
Export status | [commerce_discount:commerce-compatibility-selection:0:export-status] | The exportable status of the discount. |
Maximum overall usage | [commerce_discount:commerce-compatibility-selection:0:discount-usage-limit] | Field "discount_usage_limit". |
Maximum overall usage | [commerce_discount:commerce-compatibility-selection:0:discount_usage_limit] | จำนวนเต็ม field. |
Maximum usage per customer | [commerce_discount:commerce-compatibility-selection:0:discount-usage-per-person] | Field "discount_usage_per_person". |
Maximum usage per customer | [commerce_discount:commerce-compatibility-selection:0:discount_usage_per_person] | จำนวนเต็ม field. |
Module | [commerce_discount:commerce-compatibility-selection:0:module] | The name of the module that defined the discount if applicable. |
Name | [commerce_discount:commerce-compatibility-selection:0:component-title] | The name of the discount as shown to customers (e.g. in the price component list). |
Product discount conditions | [commerce_discount:commerce-compatibility-selection:0:inline_conditions] | Inline conditions field. Also known as Order discount conditions. |
Selected discounts | [commerce_discount:commerce-compatibility-selection:0:commerce_compatibility_selection] | Entity Reference field. |
Sort order | [commerce_discount:commerce-compatibility-selection:0:sort-order] | The default sort order of the rule created for the discount. |
Status | [commerce_discount:commerce-compatibility-selection:0:status] | The status of the discount (i.e. Active vs. Disabled). |
URL | [commerce_discount:commerce-compatibility-selection:0:url] | The URL of the entity. |
Commerce Discount with delta 1 | [commerce_discount:commerce-compatibility-selection:1] | The list item with delta 1. Delta values start from 0 and are incremented by one per list item. |
Admin title | [commerce_discount:commerce-compatibility-selection:1:label] | The label used for the discount on administrative screens. |
Compatibility with other discounts | [commerce_discount:commerce-compatibility-selection:1:commerce_compatibility_strategy] | รายการ (ข้อความ) field. |
Compatibility with other discounts | [commerce_discount:commerce-compatibility-selection:1:commerce-compatibility-strategy] | Field "commerce_compatibility_strategy". |
Coupon count | [commerce_discount:commerce-compatibility-selection:1:coupon-count] | Coupon count |
Coupons | [commerce_discount:commerce-compatibility-selection:1:coupons] | Coupons |
Discount ID | [commerce_discount:commerce-compatibility-selection:1:discount-id] | The serial numeric ID of the discount. |
Discount dates | [commerce_discount:commerce-compatibility-selection:1:commerce-discount-date:?] | Field "commerce_discount_date". The following properties may be appended to the token: value (Start date), value2 (End date), duration (Duration) |
Discount dates | [commerce_discount:commerce-compatibility-selection:1:commerce_discount_date] | Date (Unix timestamp) field. |
Discount offer reference | [commerce_discount:commerce-compatibility-selection:1:commerce_discount_offer] | Entity Reference field. |
Discount offer reference | [commerce_discount:commerce-compatibility-selection:1:commerce-discount-offer] | Field "commerce_discount_offer". |
Export status | [commerce_discount:commerce-compatibility-selection:1:export-status] | The exportable status of the discount. |
Maximum overall usage | [commerce_discount:commerce-compatibility-selection:1:discount-usage-limit] | Field "discount_usage_limit". |
Maximum overall usage | [commerce_discount:commerce-compatibility-selection:1:discount_usage_limit] | จำนวนเต็ม field. |
Maximum usage per customer | [commerce_discount:commerce-compatibility-selection:1:discount-usage-per-person] | Field "discount_usage_per_person". |
Maximum usage per customer | [commerce_discount:commerce-compatibility-selection:1:discount_usage_per_person] | จำนวนเต็ม field. |
Module | [commerce_discount:commerce-compatibility-selection:1:module] | The name of the module that defined the discount if applicable. |
Name | [commerce_discount:commerce-compatibility-selection:1:component-title] | The name of the discount as shown to customers (e.g. in the price component list). |
Product discount conditions | [commerce_discount:commerce-compatibility-selection:1:inline_conditions] | Inline conditions field. Also known as Order discount conditions. |
Selected discounts | [commerce_discount:commerce-compatibility-selection:1:commerce_compatibility_selection] | Entity Reference field. |
Sort order | [commerce_discount:commerce-compatibility-selection:1:sort-order] | The default sort order of the rule created for the discount. |
Status | [commerce_discount:commerce-compatibility-selection:1:status] | The status of the discount (i.e. Active vs. Disabled). |
URL | [commerce_discount:commerce-compatibility-selection:1:url] | The URL of the entity. |
Commerce Discount with delta 2 | [commerce_discount:commerce-compatibility-selection:2] | The list item with delta 2. Delta values start from 0 and are incremented by one per list item. |
Admin title | [commerce_discount:commerce-compatibility-selection:2:label] | The label used for the discount on administrative screens. |
Compatibility with other discounts | [commerce_discount:commerce-compatibility-selection:2:commerce_compatibility_strategy] | รายการ (ข้อความ) field. |
Compatibility with other discounts | [commerce_discount:commerce-compatibility-selection:2:commerce-compatibility-strategy] | Field "commerce_compatibility_strategy". |
Coupon count | [commerce_discount:commerce-compatibility-selection:2:coupon-count] | Coupon count |
Coupons | [commerce_discount:commerce-compatibility-selection:2:coupons] | Coupons |
Discount ID | [commerce_discount:commerce-compatibility-selection:2:discount-id] | The serial numeric ID of the discount. |
Discount dates | [commerce_discount:commerce-compatibility-selection:2:commerce-discount-date:?] | Field "commerce_discount_date". The following properties may be appended to the token: value (Start date), value2 (End date), duration (Duration) |
Discount dates | [commerce_discount:commerce-compatibility-selection:2:commerce_discount_date] | Date (Unix timestamp) field. |
Discount offer reference | [commerce_discount:commerce-compatibility-selection:2:commerce_discount_offer] | Entity Reference field. |
Discount offer reference | [commerce_discount:commerce-compatibility-selection:2:commerce-discount-offer] | Field "commerce_discount_offer". |
Export status | [commerce_discount:commerce-compatibility-selection:2:export-status] | The exportable status of the discount. |
Maximum overall usage | [commerce_discount:commerce-compatibility-selection:2:discount-usage-limit] | Field "discount_usage_limit". |
Maximum overall usage | [commerce_discount:commerce-compatibility-selection:2:discount_usage_limit] | จำนวนเต็ม field. |
Maximum usage per customer | [commerce_discount:commerce-compatibility-selection:2:discount-usage-per-person] | Field "discount_usage_per_person". |
Maximum usage per customer | [commerce_discount:commerce-compatibility-selection:2:discount_usage_per_person] | จำนวนเต็ม field. |
Module | [commerce_discount:commerce-compatibility-selection:2:module] | The name of the module that defined the discount if applicable. |
Name | [commerce_discount:commerce-compatibility-selection:2:component-title] | The name of the discount as shown to customers (e.g. in the price component list). |
Product discount conditions | [commerce_discount:commerce-compatibility-selection:2:inline_conditions] | Inline conditions field. Also known as Order discount conditions. |
Selected discounts | [commerce_discount:commerce-compatibility-selection:2:commerce_compatibility_selection] | Entity Reference field. |
Sort order | [commerce_discount:commerce-compatibility-selection:2:sort-order] | The default sort order of the rule created for the discount. |
Status | [commerce_discount:commerce-compatibility-selection:2:status] | The status of the discount (i.e. Active vs. Disabled). |
URL | [commerce_discount:commerce-compatibility-selection:2:url] | The URL of the entity. |
Commerce Discount with delta 3 | [commerce_discount:commerce-compatibility-selection:3] | The list item with delta 3. Delta values start from 0 and are incremented by one per list item. |
Admin title | [commerce_discount:commerce-compatibility-selection:3:label] | The label used for the discount on administrative screens. |
Compatibility with other discounts | [commerce_discount:commerce-compatibility-selection:3:commerce_compatibility_strategy] | รายการ (ข้อความ) field. |
Compatibility with other discounts | [commerce_discount:commerce-compatibility-selection:3:commerce-compatibility-strategy] | Field "commerce_compatibility_strategy". |
Coupon count | [commerce_discount:commerce-compatibility-selection:3:coupon-count] | Coupon count |
Coupons | [commerce_discount:commerce-compatibility-selection:3:coupons] | Coupons |
Discount ID | [commerce_discount:commerce-compatibility-selection:3:discount-id] | The serial numeric ID of the discount. |
Discount dates | [commerce_discount:commerce-compatibility-selection:3:commerce-discount-date:?] | Field "commerce_discount_date". The following properties may be appended to the token: value (Start date), value2 (End date), duration (Duration) |
Discount dates | [commerce_discount:commerce-compatibility-selection:3:commerce_discount_date] | Date (Unix timestamp) field. |
Discount offer reference | [commerce_discount:commerce-compatibility-selection:3:commerce_discount_offer] | Entity Reference field. |
Discount offer reference | [commerce_discount:commerce-compatibility-selection:3:commerce-discount-offer] | Field "commerce_discount_offer". |
Export status | [commerce_discount:commerce-compatibility-selection:3:export-status] | The exportable status of the discount. |
Maximum overall usage | [commerce_discount:commerce-compatibility-selection:3:discount-usage-limit] | Field "discount_usage_limit". |
Maximum overall usage | [commerce_discount:commerce-compatibility-selection:3:discount_usage_limit] | จำนวนเต็ม field. |
Maximum usage per customer | [commerce_discount:commerce-compatibility-selection:3:discount-usage-per-person] | Field "discount_usage_per_person". |
Maximum usage per customer | [commerce_discount:commerce-compatibility-selection:3:discount_usage_per_person] | จำนวนเต็ม field. |
Module | [commerce_discount:commerce-compatibility-selection:3:module] | The name of the module that defined the discount if applicable. |
Name | [commerce_discount:commerce-compatibility-selection:3:component-title] | The name of the discount as shown to customers (e.g. in the price component list). |
Product discount conditions | [commerce_discount:commerce-compatibility-selection:3:inline_conditions] | Inline conditions field. Also known as Order discount conditions. |
Selected discounts | [commerce_discount:commerce-compatibility-selection:3:commerce_compatibility_selection] | Entity Reference field. |
Sort order | [commerce_discount:commerce-compatibility-selection:3:sort-order] | The default sort order of the rule created for the discount. |
Status | [commerce_discount:commerce-compatibility-selection:3:status] | The status of the discount (i.e. Active vs. Disabled). |
URL | [commerce_discount:commerce-compatibility-selection:3:url] | The URL of the entity. |
Selected discounts | [commerce_discount:commerce_compatibility_selection] | Entity Reference field. |
Sort order | [commerce_discount:sort-order] | The default sort order of the rule created for the discount. |
Status | [commerce_discount:status] | The status of the discount (i.e. Active vs. Disabled). |
URL | [commerce_discount:url] | The URL of the entity. |
Commerce Discount Offer | | Tokens related to the "Commerce Discount Offer" entities. |
Commerce discount offer ID | [commerce_discount_offer:discount-offer-id] | The unique ID of the commerce discount offer. |
Fixed amount | [commerce_discount_offer:commerce-fixed-amount:?] | Field "commerce_fixed_amount". The following properties may be appended to the token: amount (Amount), amount_decimal (Amount (decimal)), currency_code (Currency), data (Data) |
Fixed amount | [commerce_discount_offer:commerce_fixed_amount] | ราคา field. |
Percentage | [commerce_discount_offer:commerce_percentage] | ตัวเลข field. |
Percentage | [commerce_discount_offer:commerce-percentage] | Field "commerce_percentage". |
Select bonus products | [commerce_discount_offer:commerce_free_products] | Product reference field. |
Select bonus products | [commerce_discount_offer:commerce-free-products] | Field "commerce_free_products". |
สินค้า with delta 0 | [commerce_discount_offer:commerce-free-products:0] | The list item with delta 0. Delta values start from 0 and are incremented by one per list item. |
Creator | [commerce_discount_offer:commerce-free-products:0:creator] | The creator of the product. |
Creator ID | [commerce_discount_offer:commerce-free-products:0:uid] | The unique ID of the product creator. |
Date updated | [commerce_discount_offer:commerce-free-products:0:changed] | The date the product was last updated. |
Original commerce product | [commerce_discount_offer:commerce-free-products:0:original] | The original commerce product data if the commerce product is being updated or saved. |
Price | [commerce_discount_offer:commerce-free-products:0:commerce-price:?] | Field "commerce_price". The following properties may be appended to the token: amount (Amount), amount_decimal (Amount (decimal)), currency_code (Currency), data (Data) |
Price | [commerce_discount_offer:commerce-free-products:0:commerce_price] | ราคา field. |
Product ID | [commerce_discount_offer:commerce-free-products:0:product-id] | The internal numeric ID of the product. |
SKU | [commerce_discount_offer:commerce-free-products:0:sku] | The human readable product SKU. |
Type name | [commerce_discount_offer:commerce-free-products:0:type-name] | The human readable name of the product type. |
URL | [commerce_discount_offer:commerce-free-products:0:url] | The URL of the commerce product. |
ประเภท | [commerce_discount_offer:commerce-free-products:0:type] | The machine name of the product type. |
วันที่สร้าง | [commerce_discount_offer:commerce-free-products:0:created] | The date the product was created. |
สถานะ | [commerce_discount_offer:commerce-free-products:0:status] | Boolean indicating whether the product is active or disabled. |
หัวข้อ | [commerce_discount_offer:commerce-free-products:0:title] | The title of the product. |
แก้ไข URL | [commerce_discount_offer:commerce-free-products:0:edit-url] | The URL of the product's edit page. |
สินค้า with delta 1 | [commerce_discount_offer:commerce-free-products:1] | The list item with delta 1. Delta values start from 0 and are incremented by one per list item. |
Creator | [commerce_discount_offer:commerce-free-products:1:creator] | The creator of the product. |
Creator ID | [commerce_discount_offer:commerce-free-products:1:uid] | The unique ID of the product creator. |
Date updated | [commerce_discount_offer:commerce-free-products:1:changed] | The date the product was last updated. |
Original commerce product | [commerce_discount_offer:commerce-free-products:1:original] | The original commerce product data if the commerce product is being updated or saved. |
Price | [commerce_discount_offer:commerce-free-products:1:commerce-price:?] | Field "commerce_price". The following properties may be appended to the token: amount (Amount), amount_decimal (Amount (decimal)), currency_code (Currency), data (Data) |
Price | [commerce_discount_offer:commerce-free-products:1:commerce_price] | ราคา field. |
Product ID | [commerce_discount_offer:commerce-free-products:1:product-id] | The internal numeric ID of the product. |
SKU | [commerce_discount_offer:commerce-free-products:1:sku] | The human readable product SKU. |
Type name | [commerce_discount_offer:commerce-free-products:1:type-name] | The human readable name of the product type. |
URL | [commerce_discount_offer:commerce-free-products:1:url] | The URL of the commerce product. |
ประเภท | [commerce_discount_offer:commerce-free-products:1:type] | The machine name of the product type. |
วันที่สร้าง | [commerce_discount_offer:commerce-free-products:1:created] | The date the product was created. |
สถานะ | [commerce_discount_offer:commerce-free-products:1:status] | Boolean indicating whether the product is active or disabled. |
หัวข้อ | [commerce_discount_offer:commerce-free-products:1:title] | The title of the product. |
แก้ไข URL | [commerce_discount_offer:commerce-free-products:1:edit-url] | The URL of the product's edit page. |
สินค้า with delta 2 | [commerce_discount_offer:commerce-free-products:2] | The list item with delta 2. Delta values start from 0 and are incremented by one per list item. |
Creator | [commerce_discount_offer:commerce-free-products:2:creator] | The creator of the product. |
Creator ID | [commerce_discount_offer:commerce-free-products:2:uid] | The unique ID of the product creator. |
Date updated | [commerce_discount_offer:commerce-free-products:2:changed] | The date the product was last updated. |
Original commerce product | [commerce_discount_offer:commerce-free-products:2:original] | The original commerce product data if the commerce product is being updated or saved. |
Price | [commerce_discount_offer:commerce-free-products:2:commerce-price:?] | Field "commerce_price". The following properties may be appended to the token: amount (Amount), amount_decimal (Amount (decimal)), currency_code (Currency), data (Data) |
Price | [commerce_discount_offer:commerce-free-products:2:commerce_price] | ราคา field. |
Product ID | [commerce_discount_offer:commerce-free-products:2:product-id] | The internal numeric ID of the product. |
SKU | [commerce_discount_offer:commerce-free-products:2:sku] | The human readable product SKU. |
Type name | [commerce_discount_offer:commerce-free-products:2:type-name] | The human readable name of the product type. |
URL | [commerce_discount_offer:commerce-free-products:2:url] | The URL of the commerce product. |
ประเภท | [commerce_discount_offer:commerce-free-products:2:type] | The machine name of the product type. |
วันที่สร้าง | [commerce_discount_offer:commerce-free-products:2:created] | The date the product was created. |
สถานะ | [commerce_discount_offer:commerce-free-products:2:status] | Boolean indicating whether the product is active or disabled. |
หัวข้อ | [commerce_discount_offer:commerce-free-products:2:title] | The title of the product. |
แก้ไข URL | [commerce_discount_offer:commerce-free-products:2:edit-url] | The URL of the product's edit page. |
สินค้า with delta 3 | [commerce_discount_offer:commerce-free-products:3] | The list item with delta 3. Delta values start from 0 and are incremented by one per list item. |
Creator | [commerce_discount_offer:commerce-free-products:3:creator] | The creator of the product. |
Creator ID | [commerce_discount_offer:commerce-free-products:3:uid] | The unique ID of the product creator. |
Date updated | [commerce_discount_offer:commerce-free-products:3:changed] | The date the product was last updated. |
Original commerce product | [commerce_discount_offer:commerce-free-products:3:original] | The original commerce product data if the commerce product is being updated or saved. |
Price | [commerce_discount_offer:commerce-free-products:3:commerce-price:?] | Field "commerce_price". The following properties may be appended to the token: amount (Amount), amount_decimal (Amount (decimal)), currency_code (Currency), data (Data) |
Price | [commerce_discount_offer:commerce-free-products:3:commerce_price] | ราคา field. |
Product ID | [commerce_discount_offer:commerce-free-products:3:product-id] | The internal numeric ID of the product. |
SKU | [commerce_discount_offer:commerce-free-products:3:sku] | The human readable product SKU. |
Type name | [commerce_discount_offer:commerce-free-products:3:type-name] | The human readable name of the product type. |
URL | [commerce_discount_offer:commerce-free-products:3:url] | The URL of the commerce product. |
ประเภท | [commerce_discount_offer:commerce-free-products:3:type] | The machine name of the product type. |
วันที่สร้าง | [commerce_discount_offer:commerce-free-products:3:created] | The date the product was created. |
สถานะ | [commerce_discount_offer:commerce-free-products:3:status] | Boolean indicating whether the product is active or disabled. |
หัวข้อ | [commerce_discount_offer:commerce-free-products:3:title] | The title of the product. |
แก้ไข URL | [commerce_discount_offer:commerce-free-products:3:edit-url] | The URL of the product's edit page. |
Countries | | Tokens related to individual countries. |
Continent | [country:continent] | The Continent of the country. |
Continent code | [country:continent-code] | The Continent code of the country. |
Continent name | [country:continent-name] | Continent name |
Country ID | [country:cid] | The unique internal database ID of the country. |
ISO alpha-2 code | [country:iso2] | The ISO alpha-2 code of the country. |
ISO alpha-3 code | [country:iso3] | The ISO alpha-3 code of the country. |
ISO numeric-3 code | [country:numcode] | The ISO numeric-3 code of the country. |
Language | [country:language] | ประเทศ "language" property. |
Name | [country:name] | The name of the country. |
Official name | [country:official-name] | The official name of the country. |
Original ประเทศ | [country:original] | The original ประเทศ data if the ประเทศ is being updated or saved. |
Continent | [country:original:continent] | The Continent of the country. |
Continent code | [country:original:continent-code] | The Continent code of the country. |
Continent name | [country:original:continent-name] | Continent name |
Country ID | [country:original:cid] | The unique internal database ID of the country. |
ISO alpha-2 code | [country:original:iso2] | The ISO alpha-2 code of the country. |
ISO alpha-3 code | [country:original:iso3] | The ISO alpha-3 code of the country. |
ISO numeric-3 code | [country:original:numcode] | The ISO numeric-3 code of the country. |
Language | [country:original:language] | ประเทศ "language" property. |
Name | [country:original:name] | The name of the country. |
Official name | [country:original:official-name] | The official name of the country. |
สถานะ | [country:original:enabled] | The Continent of the country. |
สถานะ | [country:enabled] | The Continent of the country. |
Current date | | Tokens related to the current date and time. |
Availability Calendar date display | [current-date:availability_calendar_date_display] | A date in 'availability_calendar_date_display' format. (03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Availability Calendar date entry | [current-date:availability_calendar_date_entry] | A date in 'availability_calendar_date_entry' format. (03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Availability Calendar month caption | [current-date:availability_calendar_month_caption] | A date in 'availability_calendar_month_caption' format. (03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Hours am/pm | [current-date:hours_ampm] | A date in 'hours_ampm' format. (3:29 am) |
Long format | [current-date:long] | A date in 'long' format. (พุธ, มีนาคม 20, 2024 - 03:29) |
Medium format | [current-date:medium] | A date in 'medium' format. (พ, 03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Raw timestamp | [current-date:raw] | A date in UNIX timestamp format (1710880172) |
Short format | [current-date:short] | A date in 'short' format. (03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Studyroom Availability Date | [current-date:studyroom_availability_date] | A date in 'studyroom_availability_date' format. (พ, 03/20/2024) |
Time-since | [current-date:since] | A date in 'time-since' format. (54 ปี 3 เดือน) |
กำหนดรูปแบบเอง | [current-date:custom:?] | A date in a custom format. See the PHP documentation for details. |
Current page | | Tokens related to the current page request. |
Page number | [current-page:page-number] | The page number of the current page when viewing paged lists. |
Query string value | [current-page:query:?] | The value of a specific query string field of the current page. |
URL | [current-page:url] | The URL of the current page. |
Absolute URL | [current-page:url:absolute] | The absolute URL. |
Arguments | [current-page:url:args] | The specific argument of the current page (e.g. 'arg:1' on the page 'node/1' returns '1'). |
First | [current-page:url:args:first] | The first element of the array. |
Imploded | [current-page:url:args:join:?] | The values of the array joined together with a custom string in-between each value. |
Joined path | [current-page:url:args:join-path] | The array values each cleaned by Pathauto and then joined with the slash into a string that resembles an URL. |
Keys | [current-page:url:args:keys] | The array of keys of the array. |
Last | [current-page:url:args:last] | The last element of the array. |
Reversed | [current-page:url:args:reversed] | The array reversed. |
Value | [current-page:url:args:value:?] | The specific value of the array. |
จำนวน | [current-page:url:args:count] | The number of elements in the array. |
Brief URL | [current-page:url:brief] | The URL without the protocol and trailing backslash. |
Relative URL | [current-page:url:relative] | The relative URL. |
Unaliased URL | [current-page:url:unaliased] | The unaliased URL. |
Absolute URL | [current-page:url:unaliased:absolute] | The absolute URL. |
Arguments | [current-page:url:unaliased:args] | The specific argument of the current page (e.g. 'arg:1' on the page 'node/1' returns '1'). |
Brief URL | [current-page:url:unaliased:brief] | The URL without the protocol and trailing backslash. |
Relative URL | [current-page:url:unaliased:relative] | The relative URL. |
ตำแหน่งพาธ | [current-page:url:unaliased:path] | The path component of the URL. |
ตำแหน่งพาธ | [current-page:url:path] | The path component of the URL. |
หัวข้อ | [current-page:title] | The title of the current page. |
Customer profiles | | Tokens related to customer profiles. |
Address | [commerce-customer-profile:commerce-customer-address:?] | Field "commerce_customer_address". The following properties may be appended to the token: country (ประเทศ), name_line (ชื่อเต็ม), first_name (ชื่อจริง), last_name (นามสกุล), organisation_name (บริษัท), administrative_area (Administrative area (i.e. State / Province)), sub_administrative_area (Sub administrative area), locality (Locality (i.e. City)), dependent_locality (Dependent locality), postal_code (รหัสไปรษณีย์), thoroughfare (ที่อยู่ถนน), premise (Premise (i.e. Apartment / Suite number)), sub_premise (Sub Premise (i.e. Suite, Apartment, Floor, Unknown.) |
Address formatted for MailChimp | [commerce-customer-profile:commerce-customer-address:?:format-mailchimp] | The full address formatted for import into MailChimp. |
Administrative area (i.e. State/Province) | [commerce-customer-profile:commerce-customer-address:?:administrative-area] | The administrative area value, expanded to the full name if applicable. |
Administrative area (raw value) | [commerce-customer-profile:commerce-customer-address:?:administrative-area-raw] | The raw administrative area value. |
Country code | [commerce-customer-profile:commerce-customer-address:?:country-code] | The two letter ISO country code. |
Country name | [commerce-customer-profile:commerce-customer-address:?:country] | The full name of the country. |
Locality (i.e. City) | [commerce-customer-profile:commerce-customer-address:?:locality] | The locality value. |
Organisation | [commerce-customer-profile:commerce-customer-address:?:organisation] | The organisation name value. |
Sub Premise (i.e. Suite, Apartment, Floor, Unknown.) | [commerce-customer-profile:commerce-customer-address:?:sub_premise] | The sub premise value. |
ชื่อจริง | [commerce-customer-profile:commerce-customer-address:?:first-name] | The first name value. |
ชื่อเต็ม | [commerce-customer-profile:commerce-customer-address:?:name-line] | The name line value of the address. |
ที่อยู่ถนน | [commerce-customer-profile:commerce-customer-address:?:thoroughfare] | The thoroughfare value. |
ที่อยู่ถนน | [commerce-customer-profile:commerce-customer-address:?:premise] | The premise value. |
นามสกุล | [commerce-customer-profile:commerce-customer-address:?:last-name] | The last name value. |
รหัสไปรษณีย์ | [commerce-customer-profile:commerce-customer-address:?:postal-code] | The postal code value. |
Address | [commerce-customer-profile:commerce_customer_address] | Postal address field. |
Address formatted for MailChimp | [commerce-customer-profile:commerce_customer_address:format-mailchimp] | The full address formatted for import into MailChimp. |
Administrative area (i.e. State/Province) | [commerce-customer-profile:commerce_customer_address:administrative-area] | The administrative area value, expanded to the full name if applicable. |
Administrative area (raw value) | [commerce-customer-profile:commerce_customer_address:administrative-area-raw] | The raw administrative area value. |
Country code | [commerce-customer-profile:commerce_customer_address:country-code] | The two letter ISO country code. |
Country name | [commerce-customer-profile:commerce_customer_address:country] | The full name of the country. |
Locality (i.e. City) | [commerce-customer-profile:commerce_customer_address:locality] | The locality value. |
Organisation | [commerce-customer-profile:commerce_customer_address:organisation] | The organisation name value. |
Sub Premise (i.e. Suite, Apartment, Floor, Unknown.) | [commerce-customer-profile:commerce_customer_address:sub_premise] | The sub premise value. |
ชื่อจริง | [commerce-customer-profile:commerce_customer_address:first-name] | The first name value. |
ชื่อเต็ม | [commerce-customer-profile:commerce_customer_address:name-line] | The name line value of the address. |
ที่อยู่ถนน | [commerce-customer-profile:commerce_customer_address:thoroughfare] | The thoroughfare value. |
ที่อยู่ถนน | [commerce-customer-profile:commerce_customer_address:premise] | The premise value. |
นามสกุล | [commerce-customer-profile:commerce_customer_address:last-name] | The last name value. |
รหัสไปรษณีย์ | [commerce-customer-profile:commerce_customer_address:postal-code] | The postal code value. |
Customer profile ID | [commerce-customer-profile:customer-profile-id] | The unique numeric ID of the customer profile. |
Customer profile owner | [commerce-customer-profile:owner] | The user the customer profile belongs to. |
Account cancellation URL | [commerce-customer-profile:owner:cancel-url] | The URL of the confirm delete page for the user account. |
Last access | [commerce-customer-profile:owner:last-access] | The date the user last accessed the site. |
Availability Calendar date display | [commerce-customer-profile:owner:last-access:availability_calendar_date_display] | A date in 'availability_calendar_date_display' format. (03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Availability Calendar date entry | [commerce-customer-profile:owner:last-access:availability_calendar_date_entry] | A date in 'availability_calendar_date_entry' format. (03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Availability Calendar month caption | [commerce-customer-profile:owner:last-access:availability_calendar_month_caption] | A date in 'availability_calendar_month_caption' format. (03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Hours am/pm | [commerce-customer-profile:owner:last-access:hours_ampm] | A date in 'hours_ampm' format. (3:29 am) |
Long format | [commerce-customer-profile:owner:last-access:long] | A date in 'long' format. (พุธ, มีนาคม 20, 2024 - 03:29) |
Medium format | [commerce-customer-profile:owner:last-access:medium] | A date in 'medium' format. (พ, 03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Raw timestamp | [commerce-customer-profile:owner:last-access:raw] | A date in UNIX timestamp format (1710880172) |
Short format | [commerce-customer-profile:owner:last-access:short] | A date in 'short' format. (03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Studyroom Availability Date | [commerce-customer-profile:owner:last-access:studyroom_availability_date] | A date in 'studyroom_availability_date' format. (พ, 03/20/2024) |
Time-since | [commerce-customer-profile:owner:last-access:since] | A date in 'time-since' format. (54 ปี 3 เดือน) |
กำหนดรูปแบบเอง | [commerce-customer-profile:owner:last-access:custom:?] | A date in a custom format. See the PHP documentation for details. |
Location | [commerce-customer-profile:owner:location] | The location for this user. |
Additional | [commerce-customer-profile:owner:location:additional:?] | Additional (If there are multiple locations, N is the iteration, starting with 0). |
Country Name | [commerce-customer-profile:owner:location:country_name:?] | Country Name (If there are multiple locations, N is the iteration, starting with 0). |
Latitude | [commerce-customer-profile:owner:location:latitude:?] | Latitude (If there are multiple locations, N is the iteration, starting with 0). |
Location Name | [commerce-customer-profile:owner:location:name:?] | Location Name (If there are multiple locations, N is the iteration, starting with 0). |
Longitude | [commerce-customer-profile:owner:location:longitude:?] | Longitude (If there are multiple locations, N is the iteration, starting with 0). |
Postal Code | [commerce-customer-profile:owner:location:postal_code:?] | Postal Code (If there are multiple locations, N is the iteration, starting with 0). |
State/Province Name | [commerce-customer-profile:owner:location:province_name:?] | State/Province Name (If there are multiple locations, N is the iteration, starting with 0). |
Street | [commerce-customer-profile:owner:location:street:?] | Street (If there are multiple locations, N is the iteration, starting with 0). |
ประเทศ | [commerce-customer-profile:owner:location:country:?] | Country (If there are multiple locations, N is the iteration, starting with 0). |
รัฐ / จังหวัด | [commerce-customer-profile:owner:location:province:?] | State/Province (If there are multiple locations, N is the iteration, starting with 0). |
เมือง | [commerce-customer-profile:owner:location:city:?] | City (If there are multiple locations, N is the iteration, starting with 0). |
Name | [commerce-customer-profile:owner:name] | The login name of the user account. |
One-time login URL | [commerce-customer-profile:owner:one-time-login-url] | The URL of the one-time login page for the user account. |
Original user | [commerce-customer-profile:owner:original] | The original user data if the user is being updated or saved. |
Account cancellation URL | [commerce-customer-profile:owner:original:cancel-url] | The URL of the confirm delete page for the user account. |
Last access | [commerce-customer-profile:owner:original:last-access] | The date the user last accessed the site. |
Location | [commerce-customer-profile:owner:original:location] | The location for this user. |
Name | [commerce-customer-profile:owner:original:name] | The login name of the user account. |
One-time login URL | [commerce-customer-profile:owner:original:one-time-login-url] | The URL of the one-time login page for the user account. |
Roles | [commerce-customer-profile:owner:original:roles] | The user roles associated with the user account. |
URL | [commerce-customer-profile:owner:original:url] | The URL of the account profile page. |
User role ids | [commerce-customer-profile:owner:original:role-ids] | The role ids the user account is a member of as comma separated list. |
User role names | [commerce-customer-profile:owner:original:role-names] | The role names the user account is a member of as comma separated list. |
ธีมเริ่มต้น | [commerce-customer-profile:owner:original:theme] | The user's default theme. |
รหัสผู้ใช้ | [commerce-customer-profile:owner:original:uid] | The unique ID of the user account. |
รูปภาพ | [commerce-customer-profile:owner:original:picture] | The picture of the user. |
สถานะ | [commerce-customer-profile:owner:original:status] | Whether the user is active or blocked. |
สร้างเมื่อ | [commerce-customer-profile:owner:original:created] | The date the user account was created. |
อีเมล | [commerce-customer-profile:owner:original:mail] | The email address of the user account. |
เข้าสู่ระบบล่าสุด | [commerce-customer-profile:owner:original:last-login] | The date the user last logged in to the site. |
แก้ไข URL | [commerce-customer-profile:owner:original:edit-url] | The URL of the account edit page. |
Roles | [commerce-customer-profile:owner:roles] | The user roles associated with the user account. |
First | [commerce-customer-profile:owner:roles:first] | The first element of the array. |
Imploded | [commerce-customer-profile:owner:roles:join:?] | The values of the array joined together with a custom string in-between each value. |
Joined path | [commerce-customer-profile:owner:roles:join-path] | The array values each cleaned by Pathauto and then joined with the slash into a string that resembles an URL. |
Keys | [commerce-customer-profile:owner:roles:keys] | The array of keys of the array. |
Last | [commerce-customer-profile:owner:roles:last] | The last element of the array. |
Reversed | [commerce-customer-profile:owner:roles:reversed] | The array reversed. |
Value | [commerce-customer-profile:owner:roles:value:?] | The specific value of the array. |
จำนวน | [commerce-customer-profile:owner:roles:count] | The number of elements in the array. |
URL | [commerce-customer-profile:owner:url] | The URL of the account profile page. |
Absolute URL | [commerce-customer-profile:owner:url:absolute] | The absolute URL. |
Arguments | [commerce-customer-profile:owner:url:args] | The specific argument of the current page (e.g. 'arg:1' on the page 'node/1' returns '1'). |
Brief URL | [commerce-customer-profile:owner:url:brief] | The URL without the protocol and trailing backslash. |
Relative URL | [commerce-customer-profile:owner:url:relative] | The relative URL. |
Unaliased URL | [commerce-customer-profile:owner:url:unaliased] | The unaliased URL. |
ตำแหน่งพาธ | [commerce-customer-profile:owner:url:path] | The path component of the URL. |
User role ids | [commerce-customer-profile:owner:role-ids] | The role ids the user account is a member of as comma separated list. |
User role names | [commerce-customer-profile:owner:role-names] | The role names the user account is a member of as comma separated list. |
ธีมเริ่มต้น | [commerce-customer-profile:owner:theme] | The user's default theme. |
รหัสผู้ใช้ | [commerce-customer-profile:owner:uid] | The unique ID of the user account. |
รูปภาพ | [commerce-customer-profile:owner:picture] | The picture of the user. |
Base name | [commerce-customer-profile:owner:picture:basename] | The base name of the file. |
Extension | [commerce-customer-profile:owner:picture:extension] | The extension of the file. |
File byte size | [commerce-customer-profile:owner:picture:size-raw] | The size of the file, in bytes. |
File name | [commerce-customer-profile:owner:picture:name] | The name of the file on disk. |
MIME type | [commerce-customer-profile:owner:picture:mime] | The MIME type of the file. |
Original ไฟล์ | [commerce-customer-profile:owner:picture:original] | The original ไฟล์ data if the ไฟล์ is being updated or saved. |
URL | [commerce-customer-profile:owner:picture:url] | The web-accessible URL for the file. |
ขนาดไฟล์ | [commerce-customer-profile:owner:picture:size] | ขนาดของไฟล์ |
ตำแหน่งพาธ | [commerce-customer-profile:owner:picture:path] | The location of the file relative to Drupal root. |
รหัสไฟล์ | [commerce-customer-profile:owner:picture:fid] | The unique ID of the uploaded file. |
ระบุเวลา | [commerce-customer-profile:owner:picture:timestamp] | The date the file was most recently changed. |
สถานะ | [commerce-customer-profile:owner:status] | Whether the user is active or blocked. |
สร้างเมื่อ | [commerce-customer-profile:owner:created] | The date the user account was created. |
Availability Calendar date display | [commerce-customer-profile:owner:created:availability_calendar_date_display] | A date in 'availability_calendar_date_display' format. (03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Availability Calendar date entry | [commerce-customer-profile:owner:created:availability_calendar_date_entry] | A date in 'availability_calendar_date_entry' format. (03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Availability Calendar month caption | [commerce-customer-profile:owner:created:availability_calendar_month_caption] | A date in 'availability_calendar_month_caption' format. (03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Hours am/pm | [commerce-customer-profile:owner:created:hours_ampm] | A date in 'hours_ampm' format. (3:29 am) |
Long format | [commerce-customer-profile:owner:created:long] | A date in 'long' format. (พุธ, มีนาคม 20, 2024 - 03:29) |
Medium format | [commerce-customer-profile:owner:created:medium] | A date in 'medium' format. (พ, 03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Raw timestamp | [commerce-customer-profile:owner:created:raw] | A date in UNIX timestamp format (1710880172) |
Short format | [commerce-customer-profile:owner:created:short] | A date in 'short' format. (03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Studyroom Availability Date | [commerce-customer-profile:owner:created:studyroom_availability_date] | A date in 'studyroom_availability_date' format. (พ, 03/20/2024) |
Time-since | [commerce-customer-profile:owner:created:since] | A date in 'time-since' format. (54 ปี 3 เดือน) |
กำหนดรูปแบบเอง | [commerce-customer-profile:owner:created:custom:?] | A date in a custom format. See the PHP documentation for details. |
อีเมล | [commerce-customer-profile:owner:mail] | The email address of the user account. |
เข้าสู่ระบบล่าสุด | [commerce-customer-profile:owner:last-login] | The date the user last logged in to the site. |
Availability Calendar date display | [commerce-customer-profile:owner:last-login:availability_calendar_date_display] | A date in 'availability_calendar_date_display' format. (03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Availability Calendar date entry | [commerce-customer-profile:owner:last-login:availability_calendar_date_entry] | A date in 'availability_calendar_date_entry' format. (03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Availability Calendar month caption | [commerce-customer-profile:owner:last-login:availability_calendar_month_caption] | A date in 'availability_calendar_month_caption' format. (03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Hours am/pm | [commerce-customer-profile:owner:last-login:hours_ampm] | A date in 'hours_ampm' format. (3:29 am) |
Long format | [commerce-customer-profile:owner:last-login:long] | A date in 'long' format. (พุธ, มีนาคม 20, 2024 - 03:29) |
Medium format | [commerce-customer-profile:owner:last-login:medium] | A date in 'medium' format. (พ, 03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Raw timestamp | [commerce-customer-profile:owner:last-login:raw] | A date in UNIX timestamp format (1710880172) |
Short format | [commerce-customer-profile:owner:last-login:short] | A date in 'short' format. (03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Studyroom Availability Date | [commerce-customer-profile:owner:last-login:studyroom_availability_date] | A date in 'studyroom_availability_date' format. (พ, 03/20/2024) |
Time-since | [commerce-customer-profile:owner:last-login:since] | A date in 'time-since' format. (54 ปี 3 เดือน) |
กำหนดรูปแบบเอง | [commerce-customer-profile:owner:last-login:custom:?] | A date in a custom format. See the PHP documentation for details. |
แก้ไข URL | [commerce-customer-profile:owner:edit-url] | The URL of the account edit page. |
Customer profile type | [commerce-customer-profile:type] | The type of the customer profile. |
Customer profile type name | [commerce-customer-profile:type-name] | The type name of the customer profile. |
Date updated | [commerce-customer-profile:changed] | The date the customer profile was last updated. |
Availability Calendar date display | [commerce-customer-profile:changed:availability_calendar_date_display] | A date in 'availability_calendar_date_display' format. (03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Availability Calendar date entry | [commerce-customer-profile:changed:availability_calendar_date_entry] | A date in 'availability_calendar_date_entry' format. (03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Availability Calendar month caption | [commerce-customer-profile:changed:availability_calendar_month_caption] | A date in 'availability_calendar_month_caption' format. (03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Hours am/pm | [commerce-customer-profile:changed:hours_ampm] | A date in 'hours_ampm' format. (3:29 am) |
Long format | [commerce-customer-profile:changed:long] | A date in 'long' format. (พุธ, มีนาคม 20, 2024 - 03:29) |
Medium format | [commerce-customer-profile:changed:medium] | A date in 'medium' format. (พ, 03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Raw timestamp | [commerce-customer-profile:changed:raw] | A date in UNIX timestamp format (1710880172) |
Short format | [commerce-customer-profile:changed:short] | A date in 'short' format. (03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Studyroom Availability Date | [commerce-customer-profile:changed:studyroom_availability_date] | A date in 'studyroom_availability_date' format. (พ, 03/20/2024) |
Time-since | [commerce-customer-profile:changed:since] | A date in 'time-since' format. (54 ปี 3 เดือน) |
กำหนดรูปแบบเอง | [commerce-customer-profile:changed:custom:?] | A date in a custom format. See the PHP documentation for details. |
Original commerce customer profile | [commerce-customer-profile:original] | The original commerce customer profile data if the commerce customer profile is being updated or saved. |
Address | [commerce-customer-profile:original:commerce-customer-address:?] | Field "commerce_customer_address". The following properties may be appended to the token: country (ประเทศ), name_line (ชื่อเต็ม), first_name (ชื่อจริง), last_name (นามสกุล), organisation_name (บริษัท), administrative_area (Administrative area (i.e. State / Province)), sub_administrative_area (Sub administrative area), locality (Locality (i.e. City)), dependent_locality (Dependent locality), postal_code (รหัสไปรษณีย์), thoroughfare (ที่อยู่ถนน), premise (Premise (i.e. Apartment / Suite number)), sub_premise (Sub Premise (i.e. Suite, Apartment, Floor, Unknown.) |
Address formatted for MailChimp | [commerce-customer-profile:original:commerce-customer-address:?:format-mailchimp] | The full address formatted for import into MailChimp. |
Administrative area (i.e. State/Province) | [commerce-customer-profile:original:commerce-customer-address:?:administrative-area] | The administrative area value, expanded to the full name if applicable. |
Administrative area (raw value) | [commerce-customer-profile:original:commerce-customer-address:?:administrative-area-raw] | The raw administrative area value. |
Country code | [commerce-customer-profile:original:commerce-customer-address:?:country-code] | The two letter ISO country code. |
Country name | [commerce-customer-profile:original:commerce-customer-address:?:country] | The full name of the country. |
Locality (i.e. City) | [commerce-customer-profile:original:commerce-customer-address:?:locality] | The locality value. |
Organisation | [commerce-customer-profile:original:commerce-customer-address:?:organisation] | The organisation name value. |
Sub Premise (i.e. Suite, Apartment, Floor, Unknown.) | [commerce-customer-profile:original:commerce-customer-address:?:sub_premise] | The sub premise value. |
ชื่อจริง | [commerce-customer-profile:original:commerce-customer-address:?:first-name] | The first name value. |
ชื่อเต็ม | [commerce-customer-profile:original:commerce-customer-address:?:name-line] | The name line value of the address. |
ที่อยู่ถนน | [commerce-customer-profile:original:commerce-customer-address:?:thoroughfare] | The thoroughfare value. |
ที่อยู่ถนน | [commerce-customer-profile:original:commerce-customer-address:?:premise] | The premise value. |
นามสกุล | [commerce-customer-profile:original:commerce-customer-address:?:last-name] | The last name value. |
รหัสไปรษณีย์ | [commerce-customer-profile:original:commerce-customer-address:?:postal-code] | The postal code value. |
Address | [commerce-customer-profile:original:commerce_customer_address] | Postal address field. |
Address formatted for MailChimp | [commerce-customer-profile:original:commerce_customer_address:format-mailchimp] | The full address formatted for import into MailChimp. |
Administrative area (i.e. State/Province) | [commerce-customer-profile:original:commerce_customer_address:administrative-area] | The administrative area value, expanded to the full name if applicable. |
Administrative area (raw value) | [commerce-customer-profile:original:commerce_customer_address:administrative-area-raw] | The raw administrative area value. |
Country code | [commerce-customer-profile:original:commerce_customer_address:country-code] | The two letter ISO country code. |
Country name | [commerce-customer-profile:original:commerce_customer_address:country] | The full name of the country. |
Locality (i.e. City) | [commerce-customer-profile:original:commerce_customer_address:locality] | The locality value. |
Organisation | [commerce-customer-profile:original:commerce_customer_address:organisation] | The organisation name value. |
Sub Premise (i.e. Suite, Apartment, Floor, Unknown.) | [commerce-customer-profile:original:commerce_customer_address:sub_premise] | The sub premise value. |
ชื่อจริง | [commerce-customer-profile:original:commerce_customer_address:first-name] | The first name value. |
ชื่อเต็ม | [commerce-customer-profile:original:commerce_customer_address:name-line] | The name line value of the address. |
ที่อยู่ถนน | [commerce-customer-profile:original:commerce_customer_address:thoroughfare] | The thoroughfare value. |
ที่อยู่ถนน | [commerce-customer-profile:original:commerce_customer_address:premise] | The premise value. |
นามสกุล | [commerce-customer-profile:original:commerce_customer_address:last-name] | The last name value. |
รหัสไปรษณีย์ | [commerce-customer-profile:original:commerce_customer_address:postal-code] | The postal code value. |
Customer profile ID | [commerce-customer-profile:original:customer-profile-id] | The unique numeric ID of the customer profile. |
Customer profile owner | [commerce-customer-profile:original:owner] | The user the customer profile belongs to. |
Account cancellation URL | [commerce-customer-profile:original:owner:cancel-url] | The URL of the confirm delete page for the user account. |
Last access | [commerce-customer-profile:original:owner:last-access] | The date the user last accessed the site. |
Location | [commerce-customer-profile:original:owner:location] | The location for this user. |
Name | [commerce-customer-profile:original:owner:name] | The login name of the user account. |
One-time login URL | [commerce-customer-profile:original:owner:one-time-login-url] | The URL of the one-time login page for the user account. |
Roles | [commerce-customer-profile:original:owner:roles] | The user roles associated with the user account. |
URL | [commerce-customer-profile:original:owner:url] | The URL of the account profile page. |
User role ids | [commerce-customer-profile:original:owner:role-ids] | The role ids the user account is a member of as comma separated list. |
User role names | [commerce-customer-profile:original:owner:role-names] | The role names the user account is a member of as comma separated list. |
ธีมเริ่มต้น | [commerce-customer-profile:original:owner:theme] | The user's default theme. |
รหัสผู้ใช้ | [commerce-customer-profile:original:owner:uid] | The unique ID of the user account. |
รูปภาพ | [commerce-customer-profile:original:owner:picture] | The picture of the user. |
สถานะ | [commerce-customer-profile:original:owner:status] | Whether the user is active or blocked. |
สร้างเมื่อ | [commerce-customer-profile:original:owner:created] | The date the user account was created. |
อีเมล | [commerce-customer-profile:original:owner:mail] | The email address of the user account. |
เข้าสู่ระบบล่าสุด | [commerce-customer-profile:original:owner:last-login] | The date the user last logged in to the site. |
แก้ไข URL | [commerce-customer-profile:original:owner:edit-url] | The URL of the account edit page. |
Customer profile type | [commerce-customer-profile:original:type] | The type of the customer profile. |
Customer profile type name | [commerce-customer-profile:original:type-name] | The type name of the customer profile. |
Date updated | [commerce-customer-profile:original:changed] | The date the customer profile was last updated. |
Availability Calendar date display | [commerce-customer-profile:original:changed:availability_calendar_date_display] | A date in 'availability_calendar_date_display' format. (03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Availability Calendar date entry | [commerce-customer-profile:original:changed:availability_calendar_date_entry] | A date in 'availability_calendar_date_entry' format. (03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Availability Calendar month caption | [commerce-customer-profile:original:changed:availability_calendar_month_caption] | A date in 'availability_calendar_month_caption' format. (03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Hours am/pm | [commerce-customer-profile:original:changed:hours_ampm] | A date in 'hours_ampm' format. (3:29 am) |
Long format | [commerce-customer-profile:original:changed:long] | A date in 'long' format. (พุธ, มีนาคม 20, 2024 - 03:29) |
Medium format | [commerce-customer-profile:original:changed:medium] | A date in 'medium' format. (พ, 03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Raw timestamp | [commerce-customer-profile:original:changed:raw] | A date in UNIX timestamp format (1710880172) |
Short format | [commerce-customer-profile:original:changed:short] | A date in 'short' format. (03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Studyroom Availability Date | [commerce-customer-profile:original:changed:studyroom_availability_date] | A date in 'studyroom_availability_date' format. (พ, 03/20/2024) |
Time-since | [commerce-customer-profile:original:changed:since] | A date in 'time-since' format. (54 ปี 3 เดือน) |
กำหนดรูปแบบเอง | [commerce-customer-profile:original:changed:custom:?] | A date in a custom format. See the PHP documentation for details. |
Profile ID | [commerce-customer-profile:original:profile-id] | The internal numeric ID of the customer profile. |
URL | [commerce-customer-profile:original:url] | The URL of the commerce customer profile. |
Absolute URL | [commerce-customer-profile:original:url:absolute] | The absolute URL. |
Arguments | [commerce-customer-profile:original:url:args] | The specific argument of the current page (e.g. 'arg:1' on the page 'node/1' returns '1'). |
Brief URL | [commerce-customer-profile:original:url:brief] | The URL without the protocol and trailing backslash. |
Relative URL | [commerce-customer-profile:original:url:relative] | The relative URL. |
Unaliased URL | [commerce-customer-profile:original:url:unaliased] | The unaliased URL. |
ตำแหน่งพาธ | [commerce-customer-profile:original:url:path] | The path component of the URL. |
User | [commerce-customer-profile:original:user] | The user the customer profile belongs to. |
Account cancellation URL | [commerce-customer-profile:original:user:cancel-url] | The URL of the confirm delete page for the user account. |
Last access | [commerce-customer-profile:original:user:last-access] | The date the user last accessed the site. |
Location | [commerce-customer-profile:original:user:location] | The location for this user. |
Name | [commerce-customer-profile:original:user:name] | The login name of the user account. |
One-time login URL | [commerce-customer-profile:original:user:one-time-login-url] | The URL of the one-time login page for the user account. |
Roles | [commerce-customer-profile:original:user:roles] | The user roles associated with the user account. |
URL | [commerce-customer-profile:original:user:url] | The URL of the account profile page. |
User role ids | [commerce-customer-profile:original:user:role-ids] | The role ids the user account is a member of as comma separated list. |
User role names | [commerce-customer-profile:original:user:role-names] | The role names the user account is a member of as comma separated list. |
ธีมเริ่มต้น | [commerce-customer-profile:original:user:theme] | The user's default theme. |
รหัสผู้ใช้ | [commerce-customer-profile:original:user:uid] | The unique ID of the user account. |
รูปภาพ | [commerce-customer-profile:original:user:picture] | The picture of the user. |
สถานะ | [commerce-customer-profile:original:user:status] | Whether the user is active or blocked. |
สร้างเมื่อ | [commerce-customer-profile:original:user:created] | The date the user account was created. |
อีเมล | [commerce-customer-profile:original:user:mail] | The email address of the user account. |
เข้าสู่ระบบล่าสุด | [commerce-customer-profile:original:user:last-login] | The date the user last logged in to the site. |
แก้ไข URL | [commerce-customer-profile:original:user:edit-url] | The URL of the account edit page. |
รหัสผู้ใช้ | [commerce-customer-profile:original:uid] | The unique ID of the user the customer profile belongs to. |
วันที่สร้าง | [commerce-customer-profile:original:created] | The date the customer profile was created. |
Availability Calendar date display | [commerce-customer-profile:original:created:availability_calendar_date_display] | A date in 'availability_calendar_date_display' format. (03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Availability Calendar date entry | [commerce-customer-profile:original:created:availability_calendar_date_entry] | A date in 'availability_calendar_date_entry' format. (03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Availability Calendar month caption | [commerce-customer-profile:original:created:availability_calendar_month_caption] | A date in 'availability_calendar_month_caption' format. (03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Hours am/pm | [commerce-customer-profile:original:created:hours_ampm] | A date in 'hours_ampm' format. (3:29 am) |
Long format | [commerce-customer-profile:original:created:long] | A date in 'long' format. (พุธ, มีนาคม 20, 2024 - 03:29) |
Medium format | [commerce-customer-profile:original:created:medium] | A date in 'medium' format. (พ, 03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Raw timestamp | [commerce-customer-profile:original:created:raw] | A date in UNIX timestamp format (1710880172) |
Short format | [commerce-customer-profile:original:created:short] | A date in 'short' format. (03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Studyroom Availability Date | [commerce-customer-profile:original:created:studyroom_availability_date] | A date in 'studyroom_availability_date' format. (พ, 03/20/2024) |
Time-since | [commerce-customer-profile:original:created:since] | A date in 'time-since' format. (54 ปี 3 เดือน) |
กำหนดรูปแบบเอง | [commerce-customer-profile:original:created:custom:?] | A date in a custom format. See the PHP documentation for details. |
สถานะ | [commerce-customer-profile:original:status] | Whether or not the customer profile is active. |
แก้ไข ID | [commerce-customer-profile:original:revision-id] | The unique ID of the customer profile's latest revision. |
Profile ID | [commerce-customer-profile:profile-id] | The internal numeric ID of the customer profile. |
URL | [commerce-customer-profile:url] | The URL of the commerce customer profile. |
Absolute URL | [commerce-customer-profile:url:absolute] | The absolute URL. |
Arguments | [commerce-customer-profile:url:args] | The specific argument of the current page (e.g. 'arg:1' on the page 'node/1' returns '1'). |
First | [commerce-customer-profile:url:args:first] | The first element of the array. |
Imploded | [commerce-customer-profile:url:args:join:?] | The values of the array joined together with a custom string in-between each value. |
Joined path | [commerce-customer-profile:url:args:join-path] | The array values each cleaned by Pathauto and then joined with the slash into a string that resembles an URL. |
Keys | [commerce-customer-profile:url:args:keys] | The array of keys of the array. |
Last | [commerce-customer-profile:url:args:last] | The last element of the array. |
Reversed | [commerce-customer-profile:url:args:reversed] | The array reversed. |
Value | [commerce-customer-profile:url:args:value:?] | The specific value of the array. |
จำนวน | [commerce-customer-profile:url:args:count] | The number of elements in the array. |
Brief URL | [commerce-customer-profile:url:brief] | The URL without the protocol and trailing backslash. |
Relative URL | [commerce-customer-profile:url:relative] | The relative URL. |
Unaliased URL | [commerce-customer-profile:url:unaliased] | The unaliased URL. |
Absolute URL | [commerce-customer-profile:url:unaliased:absolute] | The absolute URL. |
Arguments | [commerce-customer-profile:url:unaliased:args] | The specific argument of the current page (e.g. 'arg:1' on the page 'node/1' returns '1'). |
Brief URL | [commerce-customer-profile:url:unaliased:brief] | The URL without the protocol and trailing backslash. |
Relative URL | [commerce-customer-profile:url:unaliased:relative] | The relative URL. |
ตำแหน่งพาธ | [commerce-customer-profile:url:unaliased:path] | The path component of the URL. |
ตำแหน่งพาธ | [commerce-customer-profile:url:path] | The path component of the URL. |
User | [commerce-customer-profile:user] | The user the customer profile belongs to. |
Account cancellation URL | [commerce-customer-profile:user:cancel-url] | The URL of the confirm delete page for the user account. |
Last access | [commerce-customer-profile:user:last-access] | The date the user last accessed the site. |
Availability Calendar date display | [commerce-customer-profile:user:last-access:availability_calendar_date_display] | A date in 'availability_calendar_date_display' format. (03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Availability Calendar date entry | [commerce-customer-profile:user:last-access:availability_calendar_date_entry] | A date in 'availability_calendar_date_entry' format. (03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Availability Calendar month caption | [commerce-customer-profile:user:last-access:availability_calendar_month_caption] | A date in 'availability_calendar_month_caption' format. (03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Hours am/pm | [commerce-customer-profile:user:last-access:hours_ampm] | A date in 'hours_ampm' format. (3:29 am) |
Long format | [commerce-customer-profile:user:last-access:long] | A date in 'long' format. (พุธ, มีนาคม 20, 2024 - 03:29) |
Medium format | [commerce-customer-profile:user:last-access:medium] | A date in 'medium' format. (พ, 03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Raw timestamp | [commerce-customer-profile:user:last-access:raw] | A date in UNIX timestamp format (1710880172) |
Short format | [commerce-customer-profile:user:last-access:short] | A date in 'short' format. (03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Studyroom Availability Date | [commerce-customer-profile:user:last-access:studyroom_availability_date] | A date in 'studyroom_availability_date' format. (พ, 03/20/2024) |
Time-since | [commerce-customer-profile:user:last-access:since] | A date in 'time-since' format. (54 ปี 3 เดือน) |
กำหนดรูปแบบเอง | [commerce-customer-profile:user:last-access:custom:?] | A date in a custom format. See the PHP documentation for details. |
Location | [commerce-customer-profile:user:location] | The location for this user. |
Additional | [commerce-customer-profile:user:location:additional:?] | Additional (If there are multiple locations, N is the iteration, starting with 0). |
Country Name | [commerce-customer-profile:user:location:country_name:?] | Country Name (If there are multiple locations, N is the iteration, starting with 0). |
Latitude | [commerce-customer-profile:user:location:latitude:?] | Latitude (If there are multiple locations, N is the iteration, starting with 0). |
Location Name | [commerce-customer-profile:user:location:name:?] | Location Name (If there are multiple locations, N is the iteration, starting with 0). |
Longitude | [commerce-customer-profile:user:location:longitude:?] | Longitude (If there are multiple locations, N is the iteration, starting with 0). |
Postal Code | [commerce-customer-profile:user:location:postal_code:?] | Postal Code (If there are multiple locations, N is the iteration, starting with 0). |
State/Province Name | [commerce-customer-profile:user:location:province_name:?] | State/Province Name (If there are multiple locations, N is the iteration, starting with 0). |
Street | [commerce-customer-profile:user:location:street:?] | Street (If there are multiple locations, N is the iteration, starting with 0). |
ประเทศ | [commerce-customer-profile:user:location:country:?] | Country (If there are multiple locations, N is the iteration, starting with 0). |
รัฐ / จังหวัด | [commerce-customer-profile:user:location:province:?] | State/Province (If there are multiple locations, N is the iteration, starting with 0). |
เมือง | [commerce-customer-profile:user:location:city:?] | City (If there are multiple locations, N is the iteration, starting with 0). |
Name | [commerce-customer-profile:user:name] | The login name of the user account. |
One-time login URL | [commerce-customer-profile:user:one-time-login-url] | The URL of the one-time login page for the user account. |
Original user | [commerce-customer-profile:user:original] | The original user data if the user is being updated or saved. |
Account cancellation URL | [commerce-customer-profile:user:original:cancel-url] | The URL of the confirm delete page for the user account. |
Last access | [commerce-customer-profile:user:original:last-access] | The date the user last accessed the site. |
Location | [commerce-customer-profile:user:original:location] | The location for this user. |
Name | [commerce-customer-profile:user:original:name] | The login name of the user account. |
One-time login URL | [commerce-customer-profile:user:original:one-time-login-url] | The URL of the one-time login page for the user account. |
Roles | [commerce-customer-profile:user:original:roles] | The user roles associated with the user account. |
URL | [commerce-customer-profile:user:original:url] | The URL of the account profile page. |
User role ids | [commerce-customer-profile:user:original:role-ids] | The role ids the user account is a member of as comma separated list. |
User role names | [commerce-customer-profile:user:original:role-names] | The role names the user account is a member of as comma separated list. |
ธีมเริ่มต้น | [commerce-customer-profile:user:original:theme] | The user's default theme. |
รหัสผู้ใช้ | [commerce-customer-profile:user:original:uid] | The unique ID of the user account. |
รูปภาพ | [commerce-customer-profile:user:original:picture] | The picture of the user. |
สถานะ | [commerce-customer-profile:user:original:status] | Whether the user is active or blocked. |
สร้างเมื่อ | [commerce-customer-profile:user:original:created] | The date the user account was created. |
อีเมล | [commerce-customer-profile:user:original:mail] | The email address of the user account. |
เข้าสู่ระบบล่าสุด | [commerce-customer-profile:user:original:last-login] | The date the user last logged in to the site. |
แก้ไข URL | [commerce-customer-profile:user:original:edit-url] | The URL of the account edit page. |
Roles | [commerce-customer-profile:user:roles] | The user roles associated with the user account. |
First | [commerce-customer-profile:user:roles:first] | The first element of the array. |
Imploded | [commerce-customer-profile:user:roles:join:?] | The values of the array joined together with a custom string in-between each value. |
Joined path | [commerce-customer-profile:user:roles:join-path] | The array values each cleaned by Pathauto and then joined with the slash into a string that resembles an URL. |
Keys | [commerce-customer-profile:user:roles:keys] | The array of keys of the array. |
Last | [commerce-customer-profile:user:roles:last] | The last element of the array. |
Reversed | [commerce-customer-profile:user:roles:reversed] | The array reversed. |
Value | [commerce-customer-profile:user:roles:value:?] | The specific value of the array. |
จำนวน | [commerce-customer-profile:user:roles:count] | The number of elements in the array. |
URL | [commerce-customer-profile:user:url] | The URL of the account profile page. |
Absolute URL | [commerce-customer-profile:user:url:absolute] | The absolute URL. |
Arguments | [commerce-customer-profile:user:url:args] | The specific argument of the current page (e.g. 'arg:1' on the page 'node/1' returns '1'). |
Brief URL | [commerce-customer-profile:user:url:brief] | The URL without the protocol and trailing backslash. |
Relative URL | [commerce-customer-profile:user:url:relative] | The relative URL. |
Unaliased URL | [commerce-customer-profile:user:url:unaliased] | The unaliased URL. |
ตำแหน่งพาธ | [commerce-customer-profile:user:url:path] | The path component of the URL. |
User role ids | [commerce-customer-profile:user:role-ids] | The role ids the user account is a member of as comma separated list. |
User role names | [commerce-customer-profile:user:role-names] | The role names the user account is a member of as comma separated list. |
ธีมเริ่มต้น | [commerce-customer-profile:user:theme] | The user's default theme. |
รหัสผู้ใช้ | [commerce-customer-profile:user:uid] | The unique ID of the user account. |
รูปภาพ | [commerce-customer-profile:user:picture] | The picture of the user. |
Base name | [commerce-customer-profile:user:picture:basename] | The base name of the file. |
Extension | [commerce-customer-profile:user:picture:extension] | The extension of the file. |
File byte size | [commerce-customer-profile:user:picture:size-raw] | The size of the file, in bytes. |
File name | [commerce-customer-profile:user:picture:name] | The name of the file on disk. |
MIME type | [commerce-customer-profile:user:picture:mime] | The MIME type of the file. |
Original ไฟล์ | [commerce-customer-profile:user:picture:original] | The original ไฟล์ data if the ไฟล์ is being updated or saved. |
URL | [commerce-customer-profile:user:picture:url] | The web-accessible URL for the file. |
ขนาดไฟล์ | [commerce-customer-profile:user:picture:size] | ขนาดของไฟล์ |
ตำแหน่งพาธ | [commerce-customer-profile:user:picture:path] | The location of the file relative to Drupal root. |
รหัสไฟล์ | [commerce-customer-profile:user:picture:fid] | The unique ID of the uploaded file. |
ระบุเวลา | [commerce-customer-profile:user:picture:timestamp] | The date the file was most recently changed. |
เจ้าของ | [commerce-customer-profile:user:picture:owner] | The user who originally uploaded the file. |
สถานะ | [commerce-customer-profile:user:status] | Whether the user is active or blocked. |
สร้างเมื่อ | [commerce-customer-profile:user:created] | The date the user account was created. |
Availability Calendar date display | [commerce-customer-profile:user:created:availability_calendar_date_display] | A date in 'availability_calendar_date_display' format. (03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Availability Calendar date entry | [commerce-customer-profile:user:created:availability_calendar_date_entry] | A date in 'availability_calendar_date_entry' format. (03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Availability Calendar month caption | [commerce-customer-profile:user:created:availability_calendar_month_caption] | A date in 'availability_calendar_month_caption' format. (03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Hours am/pm | [commerce-customer-profile:user:created:hours_ampm] | A date in 'hours_ampm' format. (3:29 am) |
Long format | [commerce-customer-profile:user:created:long] | A date in 'long' format. (พุธ, มีนาคม 20, 2024 - 03:29) |
Medium format | [commerce-customer-profile:user:created:medium] | A date in 'medium' format. (พ, 03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Raw timestamp | [commerce-customer-profile:user:created:raw] | A date in UNIX timestamp format (1710880172) |
Short format | [commerce-customer-profile:user:created:short] | A date in 'short' format. (03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Studyroom Availability Date | [commerce-customer-profile:user:created:studyroom_availability_date] | A date in 'studyroom_availability_date' format. (พ, 03/20/2024) |
Time-since | [commerce-customer-profile:user:created:since] | A date in 'time-since' format. (54 ปี 3 เดือน) |
กำหนดรูปแบบเอง | [commerce-customer-profile:user:created:custom:?] | A date in a custom format. See the PHP documentation for details. |
อีเมล | [commerce-customer-profile:user:mail] | The email address of the user account. |
เข้าสู่ระบบล่าสุด | [commerce-customer-profile:user:last-login] | The date the user last logged in to the site. |
Availability Calendar date display | [commerce-customer-profile:user:last-login:availability_calendar_date_display] | A date in 'availability_calendar_date_display' format. (03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Availability Calendar date entry | [commerce-customer-profile:user:last-login:availability_calendar_date_entry] | A date in 'availability_calendar_date_entry' format. (03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Availability Calendar month caption | [commerce-customer-profile:user:last-login:availability_calendar_month_caption] | A date in 'availability_calendar_month_caption' format. (03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Hours am/pm | [commerce-customer-profile:user:last-login:hours_ampm] | A date in 'hours_ampm' format. (3:29 am) |
Long format | [commerce-customer-profile:user:last-login:long] | A date in 'long' format. (พุธ, มีนาคม 20, 2024 - 03:29) |
Medium format | [commerce-customer-profile:user:last-login:medium] | A date in 'medium' format. (พ, 03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Raw timestamp | [commerce-customer-profile:user:last-login:raw] | A date in UNIX timestamp format (1710880172) |
Short format | [commerce-customer-profile:user:last-login:short] | A date in 'short' format. (03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Studyroom Availability Date | [commerce-customer-profile:user:last-login:studyroom_availability_date] | A date in 'studyroom_availability_date' format. (พ, 03/20/2024) |
Time-since | [commerce-customer-profile:user:last-login:since] | A date in 'time-since' format. (54 ปี 3 เดือน) |
กำหนดรูปแบบเอง | [commerce-customer-profile:user:last-login:custom:?] | A date in a custom format. See the PHP documentation for details. |
แก้ไข URL | [commerce-customer-profile:user:edit-url] | The URL of the account edit page. |
รหัสผู้ใช้ | [commerce-customer-profile:uid] | The unique ID of the user the customer profile belongs to. |
วันที่สร้าง | [commerce-customer-profile:created] | The date the customer profile was created. |
Availability Calendar date display | [commerce-customer-profile:created:availability_calendar_date_display] | A date in 'availability_calendar_date_display' format. (03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Availability Calendar date entry | [commerce-customer-profile:created:availability_calendar_date_entry] | A date in 'availability_calendar_date_entry' format. (03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Availability Calendar month caption | [commerce-customer-profile:created:availability_calendar_month_caption] | A date in 'availability_calendar_month_caption' format. (03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Hours am/pm | [commerce-customer-profile:created:hours_ampm] | A date in 'hours_ampm' format. (3:29 am) |
Long format | [commerce-customer-profile:created:long] | A date in 'long' format. (พุธ, มีนาคม 20, 2024 - 03:29) |
Medium format | [commerce-customer-profile:created:medium] | A date in 'medium' format. (พ, 03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Raw timestamp | [commerce-customer-profile:created:raw] | A date in UNIX timestamp format (1710880172) |
Short format | [commerce-customer-profile:created:short] | A date in 'short' format. (03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Studyroom Availability Date | [commerce-customer-profile:created:studyroom_availability_date] | A date in 'studyroom_availability_date' format. (พ, 03/20/2024) |
Time-since | [commerce-customer-profile:created:since] | A date in 'time-since' format. (54 ปี 3 เดือน) |
กำหนดรูปแบบเอง | [commerce-customer-profile:created:custom:?] | A date in a custom format. See the PHP documentation for details. |
สถานะ | [commerce-customer-profile:status] | Whether or not the customer profile is active. |
แก้ไข ID | [commerce-customer-profile:revision-id] | The unique ID of the customer profile's latest revision. |
Date field values | | Tokens related to date field values. |
End Date | [date-field-value:to-date] | The End date value. |
Availability Calendar date display | [date-field-value:to-date:availability_calendar_date_display] | A date in 'availability_calendar_date_display' format. (03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Availability Calendar date entry | [date-field-value:to-date:availability_calendar_date_entry] | A date in 'availability_calendar_date_entry' format. (03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Availability Calendar month caption | [date-field-value:to-date:availability_calendar_month_caption] | A date in 'availability_calendar_month_caption' format. (03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Hours am/pm | [date-field-value:to-date:hours_ampm] | A date in 'hours_ampm' format. (3:29 am) |
Long format | [date-field-value:to-date:long] | A date in 'long' format. (พุธ, มีนาคม 20, 2024 - 03:29) |
Medium format | [date-field-value:to-date:medium] | A date in 'medium' format. (พ, 03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Raw timestamp | [date-field-value:to-date:raw] | A date in UNIX timestamp format (1710880172) |
Short format | [date-field-value:to-date:short] | A date in 'short' format. (03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Studyroom Availability Date | [date-field-value:to-date:studyroom_availability_date] | A date in 'studyroom_availability_date' format. (พ, 03/20/2024) |
Time-since | [date-field-value:to-date:since] | A date in 'time-since' format. (54 ปี 3 เดือน) |
กำหนดรูปแบบเอง | [date-field-value:to-date:custom:?] | A date in a custom format. See the PHP documentation for details. |
วันที่ | [date-field-value:date] | The date value. |
Availability Calendar date display | [date-field-value:date:availability_calendar_date_display] | A date in 'availability_calendar_date_display' format. (03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Availability Calendar date entry | [date-field-value:date:availability_calendar_date_entry] | A date in 'availability_calendar_date_entry' format. (03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Availability Calendar month caption | [date-field-value:date:availability_calendar_month_caption] | A date in 'availability_calendar_month_caption' format. (03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Hours am/pm | [date-field-value:date:hours_ampm] | A date in 'hours_ampm' format. (3:29 am) |
Long format | [date-field-value:date:long] | A date in 'long' format. (พุธ, มีนาคม 20, 2024 - 03:29) |
Medium format | [date-field-value:date:medium] | A date in 'medium' format. (พ, 03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Raw timestamp | [date-field-value:date:raw] | A date in UNIX timestamp format (1710880172) |
Short format | [date-field-value:date:short] | A date in 'short' format. (03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Studyroom Availability Date | [date-field-value:date:studyroom_availability_date] | A date in 'studyroom_availability_date' format. (พ, 03/20/2024) |
Time-since | [date-field-value:date:since] | A date in 'time-since' format. (54 ปี 3 เดือน) |
กำหนดรูปแบบเอง | [date-field-value:date:custom:?] | A date in a custom format. See the PHP documentation for details. |
Dates | | Tokens related to times and dates. |
Availability Calendar date display | [date:availability_calendar_date_display] | A date in 'availability_calendar_date_display' format. (03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Availability Calendar date entry | [date:availability_calendar_date_entry] | A date in 'availability_calendar_date_entry' format. (03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Availability Calendar month caption | [date:availability_calendar_month_caption] | A date in 'availability_calendar_month_caption' format. (03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Hours am/pm | [date:hours_ampm] | A date in 'hours_ampm' format. (3:29 am) |
Long format | [date:long] | A date in 'long' format. (พุธ, มีนาคม 20, 2024 - 03:29) |
Medium format | [date:medium] | A date in 'medium' format. (พ, 03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Raw timestamp | [date:raw] | A date in UNIX timestamp format (1710880172) |
Short format | [date:short] | A date in 'short' format. (03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Studyroom Availability Date | [date:studyroom_availability_date] | A date in 'studyroom_availability_date' format. (พ, 03/20/2024) |
Time-since | [date:since] | A date in 'time-since' format. (54 ปี 3 เดือน) |
กำหนดรูปแบบเอง | [date:custom:?] | A date in a custom format. See the PHP documentation for details. |
Files | | Tokens related to uploaded files. |
Base name | [file:basename] | The base name of the file. |
Extension | [file:extension] | The extension of the file. |
File byte size | [file:size-raw] | The size of the file, in bytes. |
File name | [file:name] | The name of the file on disk. |
MIME type | [file:mime] | The MIME type of the file. |
Original ไฟล์ | [file:original] | The original ไฟล์ data if the ไฟล์ is being updated or saved. |
Base name | [file:original:basename] | The base name of the file. |
Extension | [file:original:extension] | The extension of the file. |
File byte size | [file:original:size-raw] | The size of the file, in bytes. |
File name | [file:original:name] | The name of the file on disk. |
MIME type | [file:original:mime] | The MIME type of the file. |
URL | [file:original:url] | The web-accessible URL for the file. |
ขนาดไฟล์ | [file:original:size] | ขนาดของไฟล์ |
ตำแหน่งพาธ | [file:original:path] | The location of the file relative to Drupal root. |
รหัสไฟล์ | [file:original:fid] | The unique ID of the uploaded file. |
ระบุเวลา | [file:original:timestamp] | The date the file was most recently changed. |
Availability Calendar date display | [file:original:timestamp:availability_calendar_date_display] | A date in 'availability_calendar_date_display' format. (03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Availability Calendar date entry | [file:original:timestamp:availability_calendar_date_entry] | A date in 'availability_calendar_date_entry' format. (03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Availability Calendar month caption | [file:original:timestamp:availability_calendar_month_caption] | A date in 'availability_calendar_month_caption' format. (03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Hours am/pm | [file:original:timestamp:hours_ampm] | A date in 'hours_ampm' format. (3:29 am) |
Long format | [file:original:timestamp:long] | A date in 'long' format. (พุธ, มีนาคม 20, 2024 - 03:29) |
Medium format | [file:original:timestamp:medium] | A date in 'medium' format. (พ, 03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Raw timestamp | [file:original:timestamp:raw] | A date in UNIX timestamp format (1710880172) |
Short format | [file:original:timestamp:short] | A date in 'short' format. (03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Studyroom Availability Date | [file:original:timestamp:studyroom_availability_date] | A date in 'studyroom_availability_date' format. (พ, 03/20/2024) |
Time-since | [file:original:timestamp:since] | A date in 'time-since' format. (54 ปี 3 เดือน) |
กำหนดรูปแบบเอง | [file:original:timestamp:custom:?] | A date in a custom format. See the PHP documentation for details. |
เจ้าของ | [file:original:owner] | The user who originally uploaded the file. |
Account cancellation URL | [file:original:owner:cancel-url] | The URL of the confirm delete page for the user account. |
Last access | [file:original:owner:last-access] | The date the user last accessed the site. |
Location | [file:original:owner:location] | The location for this user. |
Name | [file:original:owner:name] | The login name of the user account. |
One-time login URL | [file:original:owner:one-time-login-url] | The URL of the one-time login page for the user account. |
Roles | [file:original:owner:roles] | The user roles associated with the user account. |
URL | [file:original:owner:url] | The URL of the account profile page. |
User role ids | [file:original:owner:role-ids] | The role ids the user account is a member of as comma separated list. |
User role names | [file:original:owner:role-names] | The role names the user account is a member of as comma separated list. |
ธีมเริ่มต้น | [file:original:owner:theme] | The user's default theme. |
รหัสผู้ใช้ | [file:original:owner:uid] | The unique ID of the user account. |
รูปภาพ | [file:original:owner:picture] | The picture of the user. |
สถานะ | [file:original:owner:status] | Whether the user is active or blocked. |
สร้างเมื่อ | [file:original:owner:created] | The date the user account was created. |
อีเมล | [file:original:owner:mail] | The email address of the user account. |
เข้าสู่ระบบล่าสุด | [file:original:owner:last-login] | The date the user last logged in to the site. |
แก้ไข URL | [file:original:owner:edit-url] | The URL of the account edit page. |
URL | [file:url] | The web-accessible URL for the file. |
ขนาดไฟล์ | [file:size] | ขนาดของไฟล์ |
ตำแหน่งพาธ | [file:path] | The location of the file relative to Drupal root. |
รหัสไฟล์ | [file:fid] | The unique ID of the uploaded file. |
ระบุเวลา | [file:timestamp] | The date the file was most recently changed. |
Availability Calendar date display | [file:timestamp:availability_calendar_date_display] | A date in 'availability_calendar_date_display' format. (03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Availability Calendar date entry | [file:timestamp:availability_calendar_date_entry] | A date in 'availability_calendar_date_entry' format. (03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Availability Calendar month caption | [file:timestamp:availability_calendar_month_caption] | A date in 'availability_calendar_month_caption' format. (03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Hours am/pm | [file:timestamp:hours_ampm] | A date in 'hours_ampm' format. (3:29 am) |
Long format | [file:timestamp:long] | A date in 'long' format. (พุธ, มีนาคม 20, 2024 - 03:29) |
Medium format | [file:timestamp:medium] | A date in 'medium' format. (พ, 03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Raw timestamp | [file:timestamp:raw] | A date in UNIX timestamp format (1710880172) |
Short format | [file:timestamp:short] | A date in 'short' format. (03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Studyroom Availability Date | [file:timestamp:studyroom_availability_date] | A date in 'studyroom_availability_date' format. (พ, 03/20/2024) |
Time-since | [file:timestamp:since] | A date in 'time-since' format. (54 ปี 3 เดือน) |
กำหนดรูปแบบเอง | [file:timestamp:custom:?] | A date in a custom format. See the PHP documentation for details. |
เจ้าของ | [file:owner] | The user who originally uploaded the file. |
Account cancellation URL | [file:owner:cancel-url] | The URL of the confirm delete page for the user account. |
Last access | [file:owner:last-access] | The date the user last accessed the site. |
Availability Calendar date display | [file:owner:last-access:availability_calendar_date_display] | A date in 'availability_calendar_date_display' format. (03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Availability Calendar date entry | [file:owner:last-access:availability_calendar_date_entry] | A date in 'availability_calendar_date_entry' format. (03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Availability Calendar month caption | [file:owner:last-access:availability_calendar_month_caption] | A date in 'availability_calendar_month_caption' format. (03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Hours am/pm | [file:owner:last-access:hours_ampm] | A date in 'hours_ampm' format. (3:29 am) |
Long format | [file:owner:last-access:long] | A date in 'long' format. (พุธ, มีนาคม 20, 2024 - 03:29) |
Medium format | [file:owner:last-access:medium] | A date in 'medium' format. (พ, 03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Raw timestamp | [file:owner:last-access:raw] | A date in UNIX timestamp format (1710880172) |
Short format | [file:owner:last-access:short] | A date in 'short' format. (03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Studyroom Availability Date | [file:owner:last-access:studyroom_availability_date] | A date in 'studyroom_availability_date' format. (พ, 03/20/2024) |
Time-since | [file:owner:last-access:since] | A date in 'time-since' format. (54 ปี 3 เดือน) |
กำหนดรูปแบบเอง | [file:owner:last-access:custom:?] | A date in a custom format. See the PHP documentation for details. |
Location | [file:owner:location] | The location for this user. |
Additional | [file:owner:location:additional:?] | Additional (If there are multiple locations, N is the iteration, starting with 0). |
Country Name | [file:owner:location:country_name:?] | Country Name (If there are multiple locations, N is the iteration, starting with 0). |
Latitude | [file:owner:location:latitude:?] | Latitude (If there are multiple locations, N is the iteration, starting with 0). |
Location Name | [file:owner:location:name:?] | Location Name (If there are multiple locations, N is the iteration, starting with 0). |
Longitude | [file:owner:location:longitude:?] | Longitude (If there are multiple locations, N is the iteration, starting with 0). |
Postal Code | [file:owner:location:postal_code:?] | Postal Code (If there are multiple locations, N is the iteration, starting with 0). |
State/Province Name | [file:owner:location:province_name:?] | State/Province Name (If there are multiple locations, N is the iteration, starting with 0). |
Street | [file:owner:location:street:?] | Street (If there are multiple locations, N is the iteration, starting with 0). |
ประเทศ | [file:owner:location:country:?] | Country (If there are multiple locations, N is the iteration, starting with 0). |
รัฐ / จังหวัด | [file:owner:location:province:?] | State/Province (If there are multiple locations, N is the iteration, starting with 0). |
เมือง | [file:owner:location:city:?] | City (If there are multiple locations, N is the iteration, starting with 0). |
Name | [file:owner:name] | The login name of the user account. |
One-time login URL | [file:owner:one-time-login-url] | The URL of the one-time login page for the user account. |
Original user | [file:owner:original] | The original user data if the user is being updated or saved. |
Account cancellation URL | [file:owner:original:cancel-url] | The URL of the confirm delete page for the user account. |
Last access | [file:owner:original:last-access] | The date the user last accessed the site. |
Location | [file:owner:original:location] | The location for this user. |
Name | [file:owner:original:name] | The login name of the user account. |
One-time login URL | [file:owner:original:one-time-login-url] | The URL of the one-time login page for the user account. |
Roles | [file:owner:original:roles] | The user roles associated with the user account. |
URL | [file:owner:original:url] | The URL of the account profile page. |
User role ids | [file:owner:original:role-ids] | The role ids the user account is a member of as comma separated list. |
User role names | [file:owner:original:role-names] | The role names the user account is a member of as comma separated list. |
ธีมเริ่มต้น | [file:owner:original:theme] | The user's default theme. |
รหัสผู้ใช้ | [file:owner:original:uid] | The unique ID of the user account. |
รูปภาพ | [file:owner:original:picture] | The picture of the user. |
สถานะ | [file:owner:original:status] | Whether the user is active or blocked. |
สร้างเมื่อ | [file:owner:original:created] | The date the user account was created. |
อีเมล | [file:owner:original:mail] | The email address of the user account. |
เข้าสู่ระบบล่าสุด | [file:owner:original:last-login] | The date the user last logged in to the site. |
แก้ไข URL | [file:owner:original:edit-url] | The URL of the account edit page. |
Roles | [file:owner:roles] | The user roles associated with the user account. |
First | [file:owner:roles:first] | The first element of the array. |
Imploded | [file:owner:roles:join:?] | The values of the array joined together with a custom string in-between each value. |
Joined path | [file:owner:roles:join-path] | The array values each cleaned by Pathauto and then joined with the slash into a string that resembles an URL. |
Keys | [file:owner:roles:keys] | The array of keys of the array. |
Last | [file:owner:roles:last] | The last element of the array. |
Reversed | [file:owner:roles:reversed] | The array reversed. |
Value | [file:owner:roles:value:?] | The specific value of the array. |
จำนวน | [file:owner:roles:count] | The number of elements in the array. |
URL | [file:owner:url] | The URL of the account profile page. |
Absolute URL | [file:owner:url:absolute] | The absolute URL. |
Arguments | [file:owner:url:args] | The specific argument of the current page (e.g. 'arg:1' on the page 'node/1' returns '1'). |
Brief URL | [file:owner:url:brief] | The URL without the protocol and trailing backslash. |
Relative URL | [file:owner:url:relative] | The relative URL. |
Unaliased URL | [file:owner:url:unaliased] | The unaliased URL. |
ตำแหน่งพาธ | [file:owner:url:path] | The path component of the URL. |
User role ids | [file:owner:role-ids] | The role ids the user account is a member of as comma separated list. |
User role names | [file:owner:role-names] | The role names the user account is a member of as comma separated list. |
ธีมเริ่มต้น | [file:owner:theme] | The user's default theme. |
รหัสผู้ใช้ | [file:owner:uid] | The unique ID of the user account. |
รูปภาพ | [file:owner:picture] | The picture of the user. |
Base name | [file:owner:picture:basename] | The base name of the file. |
Extension | [file:owner:picture:extension] | The extension of the file. |
File byte size | [file:owner:picture:size-raw] | The size of the file, in bytes. |
File name | [file:owner:picture:name] | The name of the file on disk. |
MIME type | [file:owner:picture:mime] | The MIME type of the file. |
Original ไฟล์ | [file:owner:picture:original] | The original ไฟล์ data if the ไฟล์ is being updated or saved. |
URL | [file:owner:picture:url] | The web-accessible URL for the file. |
ขนาดไฟล์ | [file:owner:picture:size] | ขนาดของไฟล์ |
ตำแหน่งพาธ | [file:owner:picture:path] | The location of the file relative to Drupal root. |
รหัสไฟล์ | [file:owner:picture:fid] | The unique ID of the uploaded file. |
ระบุเวลา | [file:owner:picture:timestamp] | The date the file was most recently changed. |
สถานะ | [file:owner:status] | Whether the user is active or blocked. |
สร้างเมื่อ | [file:owner:created] | The date the user account was created. |
Availability Calendar date display | [file:owner:created:availability_calendar_date_display] | A date in 'availability_calendar_date_display' format. (03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Availability Calendar date entry | [file:owner:created:availability_calendar_date_entry] | A date in 'availability_calendar_date_entry' format. (03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Availability Calendar month caption | [file:owner:created:availability_calendar_month_caption] | A date in 'availability_calendar_month_caption' format. (03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Hours am/pm | [file:owner:created:hours_ampm] | A date in 'hours_ampm' format. (3:29 am) |
Long format | [file:owner:created:long] | A date in 'long' format. (พุธ, มีนาคม 20, 2024 - 03:29) |
Medium format | [file:owner:created:medium] | A date in 'medium' format. (พ, 03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Raw timestamp | [file:owner:created:raw] | A date in UNIX timestamp format (1710880172) |
Short format | [file:owner:created:short] | A date in 'short' format. (03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Studyroom Availability Date | [file:owner:created:studyroom_availability_date] | A date in 'studyroom_availability_date' format. (พ, 03/20/2024) |
Time-since | [file:owner:created:since] | A date in 'time-since' format. (54 ปี 3 เดือน) |
กำหนดรูปแบบเอง | [file:owner:created:custom:?] | A date in a custom format. See the PHP documentation for details. |
อีเมล | [file:owner:mail] | The email address of the user account. |
เข้าสู่ระบบล่าสุด | [file:owner:last-login] | The date the user last logged in to the site. |
Availability Calendar date display | [file:owner:last-login:availability_calendar_date_display] | A date in 'availability_calendar_date_display' format. (03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Availability Calendar date entry | [file:owner:last-login:availability_calendar_date_entry] | A date in 'availability_calendar_date_entry' format. (03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Availability Calendar month caption | [file:owner:last-login:availability_calendar_month_caption] | A date in 'availability_calendar_month_caption' format. (03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Hours am/pm | [file:owner:last-login:hours_ampm] | A date in 'hours_ampm' format. (3:29 am) |
Long format | [file:owner:last-login:long] | A date in 'long' format. (พุธ, มีนาคม 20, 2024 - 03:29) |
Medium format | [file:owner:last-login:medium] | A date in 'medium' format. (พ, 03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Raw timestamp | [file:owner:last-login:raw] | A date in UNIX timestamp format (1710880172) |
Short format | [file:owner:last-login:short] | A date in 'short' format. (03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Studyroom Availability Date | [file:owner:last-login:studyroom_availability_date] | A date in 'studyroom_availability_date' format. (พ, 03/20/2024) |
Time-since | [file:owner:last-login:since] | A date in 'time-since' format. (54 ปี 3 เดือน) |
กำหนดรูปแบบเอง | [file:owner:last-login:custom:?] | A date in a custom format. See the PHP documentation for details. |
แก้ไข URL | [file:owner:edit-url] | The URL of the account edit page. |
Line items | | Tokens related to individual line items. |
Booked Unit ID | [commerce-line-item:rooms-booked-unit-id] | Field "rooms_booked_unit_id". |
Booked Unit ID | [commerce-line-item:rooms_booked_unit_id] | จำนวนเต็ม field. |
Booked Unit Price | [commerce-line-item:rooms_booked_price] | จำนวนเต็ม field. |
Booked Unit Price | [commerce-line-item:rooms-booked-price] | Field "rooms_booked_price". |
Booked Unit Status | [commerce-line-item:rooms_booked_status] | จำนวนเต็ม field. |
Booked Unit Status | [commerce-line-item:rooms-booked-status] | Field "rooms_booked_status". |
Booking Children Ages | [commerce-line-item:rooms_booking_children_ages] | จำนวนเต็ม field. |
Booking Children Ages | [commerce-line-item:rooms-booking-children-ages] | Field "rooms_booking_children_ages". |
Booking Dates | [commerce-line-item:rooms_booking_dates] | Date (ISO format) field. |
Booking Dates | [commerce-line-item:rooms-booking-dates:?] | Field "rooms_booking_dates". The following properties may be appended to the token: value (Start date), value2 (End date), duration (Duration) |
Booking Number People | [commerce-line-item:rooms_booking_number_people] | จำนวนเต็ม field. |
Booking Number People | [commerce-line-item:rooms-booking-number-people] | Field "rooms_booking_number_people". |
Booking Options | [commerce-line-item:rooms_booking_options] | Unit Options field. |
Booking Options | [commerce-line-item:rooms-booking-options:?] | Field "rooms_booking_options". The following properties may be appended to the token: name (Name), quantity (Quantity), operation (Operation), value (Value), type (Type) |
Booking Price | [commerce-line-item:rooms_booked_bookingprice] | จำนวนเต็ม field. |
Booking Price | [commerce-line-item:rooms-booked-bookingprice] | Field "rooms_booked_bookingprice". |
Booking Reference | [commerce-line-item:rooms_booking_reference] | Entity Reference field. |
Booking Reference | [commerce-line-item:rooms-booking-reference] | Field "rooms_booking_reference". |
Booking_status | [commerce-line-item:rooms-booking-reference:booking-status] | Bookings "booking_status" property. |
Bookings ID | [commerce-line-item:rooms-booking-reference:booking-id] | The unique ID of the bookings. |
Changed | [commerce-line-item:rooms-booking-reference:changed] | Bookings "changed" property. |
Created | [commerce-line-item:rooms-booking-reference:created] | Bookings "created" property. |
Customer_id | [commerce-line-item:rooms-booking-reference:customer-id] | Bookings "customer_id" property. |
End_date | [commerce-line-item:rooms-booking-reference:end-date] | Bookings "end_date" property. |
Language | [commerce-line-item:rooms-booking-reference:language] | Bookings "language" property. |
Name | [commerce-line-item:rooms-booking-reference:name] | Bookings "name" property. |
Order_id | [commerce-line-item:rooms-booking-reference:order-id] | Bookings "order_id" property. |
Price | [commerce-line-item:rooms-booking-reference:price] | Bookings "price" property. |
Start_date | [commerce-line-item:rooms-booking-reference:start-date] | Bookings "start_date" property. |
URL | [commerce-line-item:rooms-booking-reference:url] | The URL of the entity. |
Uid | [commerce-line-item:rooms-booking-reference:uid] | Bookings "uid" property. |
Unit_id | [commerce-line-item:rooms-booking-reference:unit-id] | Bookings "unit_id" property. |
Unit_type | [commerce-line-item:rooms-booking-reference:unit-type] | Bookings "unit_type" property. |
Datees Line Item | [commerce-line-item:field-datees-line-item] | Field "field_datees_line_item". |
Availability Calendar date display | [commerce-line-item:field-datees-line-item:availability_calendar_date_display] | A date in 'availability_calendar_date_display' format. (03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Availability Calendar date entry | [commerce-line-item:field-datees-line-item:availability_calendar_date_entry] | A date in 'availability_calendar_date_entry' format. (03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Availability Calendar month caption | [commerce-line-item:field-datees-line-item:availability_calendar_month_caption] | A date in 'availability_calendar_month_caption' format. (03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Hours am/pm | [commerce-line-item:field-datees-line-item:hours_ampm] | A date in 'hours_ampm' format. (3:29 am) |
Long format | [commerce-line-item:field-datees-line-item:long] | A date in 'long' format. (พุธ, มีนาคม 20, 2024 - 03:29) |
Medium format | [commerce-line-item:field-datees-line-item:medium] | A date in 'medium' format. (พ, 03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Raw timestamp | [commerce-line-item:field-datees-line-item:raw] | A date in UNIX timestamp format (1710880172) |
Short format | [commerce-line-item:field-datees-line-item:short] | A date in 'short' format. (03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Studyroom Availability Date | [commerce-line-item:field-datees-line-item:studyroom_availability_date] | A date in 'studyroom_availability_date' format. (พ, 03/20/2024) |
Time-since | [commerce-line-item:field-datees-line-item:since] | A date in 'time-since' format. (54 ปี 3 เดือน) |
กำหนดรูปแบบเอง | [commerce-line-item:field-datees-line-item:custom:?] | A date in a custom format. See the PHP documentation for details. |
Datees Line Item | [commerce-line-item:field_datees_line_item] | วันที่ field. |
Date updated | [commerce-line-item:changed] | The date the line item was last updated. |
Availability Calendar date display | [commerce-line-item:changed:availability_calendar_date_display] | A date in 'availability_calendar_date_display' format. (03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Availability Calendar date entry | [commerce-line-item:changed:availability_calendar_date_entry] | A date in 'availability_calendar_date_entry' format. (03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Availability Calendar month caption | [commerce-line-item:changed:availability_calendar_month_caption] | A date in 'availability_calendar_month_caption' format. (03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Hours am/pm | [commerce-line-item:changed:hours_ampm] | A date in 'hours_ampm' format. (3:29 am) |
Long format | [commerce-line-item:changed:long] | A date in 'long' format. (พุธ, มีนาคม 20, 2024 - 03:29) |
Medium format | [commerce-line-item:changed:medium] | A date in 'medium' format. (พ, 03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Raw timestamp | [commerce-line-item:changed:raw] | A date in UNIX timestamp format (1710880172) |
Short format | [commerce-line-item:changed:short] | A date in 'short' format. (03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Studyroom Availability Date | [commerce-line-item:changed:studyroom_availability_date] | A date in 'studyroom_availability_date' format. (พ, 03/20/2024) |
Time-since | [commerce-line-item:changed:since] | A date in 'time-since' format. (54 ปี 3 เดือน) |
กำหนดรูปแบบเอง | [commerce-line-item:changed:custom:?] | A date in a custom format. See the PHP documentation for details. |
Display path | [commerce-line-item:commerce-display-path] | Field "commerce_display_path". |
Display path | [commerce-line-item:commerce_display_path] | ข้อความ field. |
Line item ID | [commerce-line-item:line-item-id] | The unique numeric ID of the line item. |
Line item Productss | [commerce-line-item:field-line-item-product] | Field "field_line_item_product". |
Line item Productss | [commerce-line-item:field_line_item_product] | ข้อความ field. |
Line item label | [commerce-line-item:line-item-label] | The label displayed with the line item. |
Line item type | [commerce-line-item:type] | The type of the line item. |
Line item type name | [commerce-line-item:type-name] | The human-readable name of the line item type. |
Order ID | [commerce-line-item:order-id] | The unique ID of the order the line item belongs to. |
Original commerce line item | [commerce-line-item:original] | The original commerce line item data if the commerce line item is being updated or saved. |
Booked Unit ID | [commerce-line-item:original:rooms-booked-unit-id] | Field "rooms_booked_unit_id". |
Booked Unit ID | [commerce-line-item:original:rooms_booked_unit_id] | จำนวนเต็ม field. |
Booked Unit Price | [commerce-line-item:original:rooms_booked_price] | จำนวนเต็ม field. |
Booked Unit Price | [commerce-line-item:original:rooms-booked-price] | Field "rooms_booked_price". |
Booked Unit Status | [commerce-line-item:original:rooms_booked_status] | จำนวนเต็ม field. |
Booked Unit Status | [commerce-line-item:original:rooms-booked-status] | Field "rooms_booked_status". |
Booking Children Ages | [commerce-line-item:original:rooms_booking_children_ages] | จำนวนเต็ม field. |
Booking Children Ages | [commerce-line-item:original:rooms-booking-children-ages] | Field "rooms_booking_children_ages". |
Booking Dates | [commerce-line-item:original:rooms_booking_dates] | Date (ISO format) field. |
Booking Dates | [commerce-line-item:original:rooms-booking-dates:?] | Field "rooms_booking_dates". The following properties may be appended to the token: value (Start date), value2 (End date), duration (Duration) |
Booking Number People | [commerce-line-item:original:rooms_booking_number_people] | จำนวนเต็ม field. |
Booking Number People | [commerce-line-item:original:rooms-booking-number-people] | Field "rooms_booking_number_people". |
Booking Options | [commerce-line-item:original:rooms_booking_options] | Unit Options field. |
Booking Options | [commerce-line-item:original:rooms-booking-options:?] | Field "rooms_booking_options". The following properties may be appended to the token: name (Name), quantity (Quantity), operation (Operation), value (Value), type (Type) |
Booking Price | [commerce-line-item:original:rooms_booked_bookingprice] | จำนวนเต็ม field. |
Booking Price | [commerce-line-item:original:rooms-booked-bookingprice] | Field "rooms_booked_bookingprice". |
Booking Reference | [commerce-line-item:original:rooms_booking_reference] | Entity Reference field. |
Booking Reference | [commerce-line-item:original:rooms-booking-reference] | Field "rooms_booking_reference". |
Booking_status | [commerce-line-item:original:rooms-booking-reference:booking-status] | Bookings "booking_status" property. |
Bookings ID | [commerce-line-item:original:rooms-booking-reference:booking-id] | The unique ID of the bookings. |
Changed | [commerce-line-item:original:rooms-booking-reference:changed] | Bookings "changed" property. |
Created | [commerce-line-item:original:rooms-booking-reference:created] | Bookings "created" property. |
Customer_id | [commerce-line-item:original:rooms-booking-reference:customer-id] | Bookings "customer_id" property. |
End_date | [commerce-line-item:original:rooms-booking-reference:end-date] | Bookings "end_date" property. |
Language | [commerce-line-item:original:rooms-booking-reference:language] | Bookings "language" property. |
Name | [commerce-line-item:original:rooms-booking-reference:name] | Bookings "name" property. |
Order_id | [commerce-line-item:original:rooms-booking-reference:order-id] | Bookings "order_id" property. |
Price | [commerce-line-item:original:rooms-booking-reference:price] | Bookings "price" property. |
Start_date | [commerce-line-item:original:rooms-booking-reference:start-date] | Bookings "start_date" property. |
URL | [commerce-line-item:original:rooms-booking-reference:url] | The URL of the entity. |
Uid | [commerce-line-item:original:rooms-booking-reference:uid] | Bookings "uid" property. |
Unit_id | [commerce-line-item:original:rooms-booking-reference:unit-id] | Bookings "unit_id" property. |
Unit_type | [commerce-line-item:original:rooms-booking-reference:unit-type] | Bookings "unit_type" property. |
Datees Line Item | [commerce-line-item:original:field-datees-line-item] | Field "field_datees_line_item". |
Availability Calendar date display | [commerce-line-item:original:field-datees-line-item:availability_calendar_date_display] | A date in 'availability_calendar_date_display' format. (03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Availability Calendar date entry | [commerce-line-item:original:field-datees-line-item:availability_calendar_date_entry] | A date in 'availability_calendar_date_entry' format. (03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Availability Calendar month caption | [commerce-line-item:original:field-datees-line-item:availability_calendar_month_caption] | A date in 'availability_calendar_month_caption' format. (03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Hours am/pm | [commerce-line-item:original:field-datees-line-item:hours_ampm] | A date in 'hours_ampm' format. (3:29 am) |
Long format | [commerce-line-item:original:field-datees-line-item:long] | A date in 'long' format. (พุธ, มีนาคม 20, 2024 - 03:29) |
Medium format | [commerce-line-item:original:field-datees-line-item:medium] | A date in 'medium' format. (พ, 03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Raw timestamp | [commerce-line-item:original:field-datees-line-item:raw] | A date in UNIX timestamp format (1710880172) |
Short format | [commerce-line-item:original:field-datees-line-item:short] | A date in 'short' format. (03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Studyroom Availability Date | [commerce-line-item:original:field-datees-line-item:studyroom_availability_date] | A date in 'studyroom_availability_date' format. (พ, 03/20/2024) |
Time-since | [commerce-line-item:original:field-datees-line-item:since] | A date in 'time-since' format. (54 ปี 3 เดือน) |
กำหนดรูปแบบเอง | [commerce-line-item:original:field-datees-line-item:custom:?] | A date in a custom format. See the PHP documentation for details. |
Datees Line Item | [commerce-line-item:original:field_datees_line_item] | วันที่ field. |
Date updated | [commerce-line-item:original:changed] | The date the line item was last updated. |
Availability Calendar date display | [commerce-line-item:original:changed:availability_calendar_date_display] | A date in 'availability_calendar_date_display' format. (03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Availability Calendar date entry | [commerce-line-item:original:changed:availability_calendar_date_entry] | A date in 'availability_calendar_date_entry' format. (03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Availability Calendar month caption | [commerce-line-item:original:changed:availability_calendar_month_caption] | A date in 'availability_calendar_month_caption' format. (03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Hours am/pm | [commerce-line-item:original:changed:hours_ampm] | A date in 'hours_ampm' format. (3:29 am) |
Long format | [commerce-line-item:original:changed:long] | A date in 'long' format. (พุธ, มีนาคม 20, 2024 - 03:29) |
Medium format | [commerce-line-item:original:changed:medium] | A date in 'medium' format. (พ, 03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Raw timestamp | [commerce-line-item:original:changed:raw] | A date in UNIX timestamp format (1710880172) |
Short format | [commerce-line-item:original:changed:short] | A date in 'short' format. (03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Studyroom Availability Date | [commerce-line-item:original:changed:studyroom_availability_date] | A date in 'studyroom_availability_date' format. (พ, 03/20/2024) |
Time-since | [commerce-line-item:original:changed:since] | A date in 'time-since' format. (54 ปี 3 เดือน) |
กำหนดรูปแบบเอง | [commerce-line-item:original:changed:custom:?] | A date in a custom format. See the PHP documentation for details. |
Display path | [commerce-line-item:original:commerce-display-path] | Field "commerce_display_path". |
Display path | [commerce-line-item:original:commerce_display_path] | ข้อความ field. |
Line item ID | [commerce-line-item:original:line-item-id] | The unique numeric ID of the line item. |
Line item Productss | [commerce-line-item:original:field-line-item-product] | Field "field_line_item_product". |
Line item Productss | [commerce-line-item:original:field_line_item_product] | ข้อความ field. |
Line item label | [commerce-line-item:original:line-item-label] | The label displayed with the line item. |
Line item type | [commerce-line-item:original:type] | The type of the line item. |
Line item type name | [commerce-line-item:original:type-name] | The human-readable name of the line item type. |
Order ID | [commerce-line-item:original:order-id] | The unique ID of the order the line item belongs to. |
Product | [commerce-line-item:original:commerce_product] | Product reference field. |
Product | [commerce-line-item:original:commerce-product] | Field "commerce_product". |
Creator | [commerce-line-item:original:commerce-product:creator] | The creator of the product. |
Creator ID | [commerce-line-item:original:commerce-product:uid] | The unique ID of the product creator. |
Date updated | [commerce-line-item:original:commerce-product:changed] | The date the product was last updated. |
Price | [commerce-line-item:original:commerce-product:commerce-price:?] | Field "commerce_price". The following properties may be appended to the token: amount (Amount), amount_decimal (Amount (decimal)), currency_code (Currency), data (Data) |
Price | [commerce-line-item:original:commerce-product:commerce_price] | ราคา field. |
Product ID | [commerce-line-item:original:commerce-product:product-id] | The internal numeric ID of the product. |
SKU | [commerce-line-item:original:commerce-product:sku] | The human readable product SKU. |
Type name | [commerce-line-item:original:commerce-product:type-name] | The human readable name of the product type. |
URL | [commerce-line-item:original:commerce-product:url] | The URL of the commerce product. |
ประเภท | [commerce-line-item:original:commerce-product:type] | The machine name of the product type. |
วันที่สร้าง | [commerce-line-item:original:commerce-product:created] | The date the product was created. |
สถานะ | [commerce-line-item:original:commerce-product:status] | Boolean indicating whether the product is active or disabled. |
หัวข้อ | [commerce-line-item:original:commerce-product:title] | The title of the product. |
แก้ไข URL | [commerce-line-item:original:commerce-product:edit-url] | The URL of the product's edit page. |
Total | [commerce-line-item:original:commerce-total:?] | Field "commerce_total". The following properties may be appended to the token: amount (Amount), amount_decimal (Amount (decimal)), currency_code (Currency), data (Data) |
Total | [commerce-line-item:original:commerce_total] | ราคา field. |
Unit price | [commerce-line-item:original:commerce_unit_price] | ราคา field. |
Unit price | [commerce-line-item:original:commerce-unit-price:?] | Field "commerce_unit_price". The following properties may be appended to the token: amount (Amount), amount_decimal (Amount (decimal)), currency_code (Currency), data (Data) |
จำนวนสินค้า | [commerce-line-item:original:quantity] | The quantity of the line item. |
วันที่สร้าง | [commerce-line-item:original:created] | The date the line item was created. |
Availability Calendar date display | [commerce-line-item:original:created:availability_calendar_date_display] | A date in 'availability_calendar_date_display' format. (03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Availability Calendar date entry | [commerce-line-item:original:created:availability_calendar_date_entry] | A date in 'availability_calendar_date_entry' format. (03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Availability Calendar month caption | [commerce-line-item:original:created:availability_calendar_month_caption] | A date in 'availability_calendar_month_caption' format. (03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Hours am/pm | [commerce-line-item:original:created:hours_ampm] | A date in 'hours_ampm' format. (3:29 am) |
Long format | [commerce-line-item:original:created:long] | A date in 'long' format. (พุธ, มีนาคม 20, 2024 - 03:29) |
Medium format | [commerce-line-item:original:created:medium] | A date in 'medium' format. (พ, 03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Raw timestamp | [commerce-line-item:original:created:raw] | A date in UNIX timestamp format (1710880172) |
Short format | [commerce-line-item:original:created:short] | A date in 'short' format. (03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Studyroom Availability Date | [commerce-line-item:original:created:studyroom_availability_date] | A date in 'studyroom_availability_date' format. (พ, 03/20/2024) |
Time-since | [commerce-line-item:original:created:since] | A date in 'time-since' format. (54 ปี 3 เดือน) |
กำหนดรูปแบบเอง | [commerce-line-item:original:created:custom:?] | A date in a custom format. See the PHP documentation for details. |
หมายเลขออเด้อ | [commerce-line-item:original:order] | Order associated with the line item |
Billing information | [commerce-line-item:original:order:commerce-customer-billing] | Field "commerce_customer_billing". |
Billing information | [commerce-line-item:original:order:commerce_customer_billing] | Customer profile reference field. |
Cancel date | [commerce-line-item:original:order:field-commerce-billy-cancel-date] | Field "field_commerce_billy_cancel_date". |
Cancel date | [commerce-line-item:original:order:field_commerce_billy_cancel_date] | Date (Unix timestamp) field. |
Coupons | [commerce-line-item:original:order:commerce_coupons] | Entity Reference field. |
Coupons | [commerce-line-item:original:order:commerce-coupons] | Field "commerce_coupons". |
Create revision | [commerce-line-item:original:order:revision] | Whether or not saving this order creates a new revision. |
Date placed | [commerce-line-item:original:order:placed] | The date the order was placed i.e. checkout was completed. |
Discount reference | [commerce-line-item:original:order:commerce_discounts] | Entity Reference field. |
Discount reference | [commerce-line-item:original:order:commerce-discounts] | Field "commerce_discounts". |
Expiration (formatted) | [commerce-line-item:original:order:expiration-formatted] | The time left until this order expires. Formatted by theme_commerce_cart_expiration(). |
Expiration (raw) | [commerce-line-item:original:order:expiration-raw] | The raw time left until this order expires in seconds. |
Host name | [commerce-line-item:original:order:hostname] | The IP address that created this order. |
Invoice date | [commerce-line-item:original:order:field-commerce-billy-i-date] | Field "field_commerce_billy_i_date". |
Invoice date | [commerce-line-item:original:order:field_commerce_billy_i_date] | Date (Unix timestamp) field. |
Line items | [commerce-line-item:original:order:commerce-line-items] | Field "commerce_line_items". |
Line items | [commerce-line-item:original:order:commerce_line_items] | Line item reference field. |
Order ID | [commerce-line-item:original:order:order-id] | The unique numeric ID of the order. |
Order e-mail | [commerce-line-item:original:order:mail] | The e-mail address associated with the order. |
Order e-mail prepared for username usage | [commerce-line-item:original:order:mail-username] | The e-mail address associated with this order with illegal characters for usernames replaced. |
Order number | [commerce-line-item:original:order:order-number] | The order number displayed to the customer. |
Order state | [commerce-line-item:original:order:state] | The current state of the order. |
Order state title | [commerce-line-item:original:order:state-title] | The human-readable title of the order state. |
Order status | [commerce-line-item:original:order:status] | The current status of the order. |
Order status title | [commerce-line-item:original:order:status-title] | The human-readable title of the order status. |
Order total | [commerce-line-item:original:order:commerce-order-total:?] | Field "commerce_order_total". The following properties may be appended to the token: amount (Amount), amount_decimal (Amount (decimal)), currency_code (Currency), data (Data) |
Order total | [commerce-line-item:original:order:commerce_order_total] | ราคา field. |
Order type | [commerce-line-item:original:order:type] | The type of the order. |
Order type name | [commerce-line-item:original:order:type-name] | The human-readable name of the order type. |
Owner ID | [commerce-line-item:original:order:uid] | The unique ID of the order owner. |
Payment method display title | [commerce-line-item:original:order:payment-method-display-title] | The checkout form oriented display title of the payment method for the payment transaction. |
Payment method short title | [commerce-line-item:original:order:payment-method-short-title] | The customer oriented short title of the payment method selected by the customer during checkout. |
Payment method title | [commerce-line-item:original:order:payment-method-title] | The administrative title of the payment method selected by the customer during checkout. |
URL | [commerce-line-item:original:order:url] | The URL of the order. |
URL | [commerce-line-item:original:order:admin-url] | The URL for administrators to view the order. |
URL | [commerce-line-item:original:order:customer-url] | The URL for customers to view the order. |
View URL | [commerce-line-item:original:order:view-url] | The URL a customer can visit to view the order. |
วันที่สร้าง | [commerce-line-item:original:order:created] | The date the order was created. |
วันที่เปลี่ยนแปลง | [commerce-line-item:original:order:changed] | The date the order was last updated. |
วิธีการชำระเงิน | [commerce-line-item:original:order:payment-method] | The method_id of the payment method selected by the customer during checkout. |
เจ้าของ | [commerce-line-item:original:order:owner] | The owner of the order. |
แก้ไข ID | [commerce-line-item:original:order:revision-id] | The unique ID of the order's latest revision. |
แก้ไข URL | [commerce-line-item:original:order:edit-url] | The URL of the order's edit page. |
Product | [commerce-line-item:commerce_product] | Product reference field. |
Product | [commerce-line-item:commerce-product] | Field "commerce_product". |
Creator | [commerce-line-item:commerce-product:creator] | The creator of the product. |
Account cancellation URL | [commerce-line-item:commerce-product:creator:cancel-url] | The URL of the confirm delete page for the user account. |
Last access | [commerce-line-item:commerce-product:creator:last-access] | The date the user last accessed the site. |
Location | [commerce-line-item:commerce-product:creator:location] | The location for this user. |
Name | [commerce-line-item:commerce-product:creator:name] | The login name of the user account. |
One-time login URL | [commerce-line-item:commerce-product:creator:one-time-login-url] | The URL of the one-time login page for the user account. |
Original user | [commerce-line-item:commerce-product:creator:original] | The original user data if the user is being updated or saved. |
Roles | [commerce-line-item:commerce-product:creator:roles] | The user roles associated with the user account. |
URL | [commerce-line-item:commerce-product:creator:url] | The URL of the account profile page. |
User role ids | [commerce-line-item:commerce-product:creator:role-ids] | The role ids the user account is a member of as comma separated list. |
User role names | [commerce-line-item:commerce-product:creator:role-names] | The role names the user account is a member of as comma separated list. |
ธีมเริ่มต้น | [commerce-line-item:commerce-product:creator:theme] | The user's default theme. |
รหัสผู้ใช้ | [commerce-line-item:commerce-product:creator:uid] | The unique ID of the user account. |
รูปภาพ | [commerce-line-item:commerce-product:creator:picture] | The picture of the user. |
สถานะ | [commerce-line-item:commerce-product:creator:status] | Whether the user is active or blocked. |
สร้างเมื่อ | [commerce-line-item:commerce-product:creator:created] | The date the user account was created. |
อีเมล | [commerce-line-item:commerce-product:creator:mail] | The email address of the user account. |
เข้าสู่ระบบล่าสุด | [commerce-line-item:commerce-product:creator:last-login] | The date the user last logged in to the site. |
แก้ไข URL | [commerce-line-item:commerce-product:creator:edit-url] | The URL of the account edit page. |
Creator ID | [commerce-line-item:commerce-product:uid] | The unique ID of the product creator. |
Date updated | [commerce-line-item:commerce-product:changed] | The date the product was last updated. |
Availability Calendar date display | [commerce-line-item:commerce-product:changed:availability_calendar_date_display] | A date in 'availability_calendar_date_display' format. (03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Availability Calendar date entry | [commerce-line-item:commerce-product:changed:availability_calendar_date_entry] | A date in 'availability_calendar_date_entry' format. (03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Availability Calendar month caption | [commerce-line-item:commerce-product:changed:availability_calendar_month_caption] | A date in 'availability_calendar_month_caption' format. (03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Hours am/pm | [commerce-line-item:commerce-product:changed:hours_ampm] | A date in 'hours_ampm' format. (3:29 am) |
Long format | [commerce-line-item:commerce-product:changed:long] | A date in 'long' format. (พุธ, มีนาคม 20, 2024 - 03:29) |
Medium format | [commerce-line-item:commerce-product:changed:medium] | A date in 'medium' format. (พ, 03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Raw timestamp | [commerce-line-item:commerce-product:changed:raw] | A date in UNIX timestamp format (1710880172) |
Short format | [commerce-line-item:commerce-product:changed:short] | A date in 'short' format. (03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Studyroom Availability Date | [commerce-line-item:commerce-product:changed:studyroom_availability_date] | A date in 'studyroom_availability_date' format. (พ, 03/20/2024) |
Time-since | [commerce-line-item:commerce-product:changed:since] | A date in 'time-since' format. (54 ปี 3 เดือน) |
กำหนดรูปแบบเอง | [commerce-line-item:commerce-product:changed:custom:?] | A date in a custom format. See the PHP documentation for details. |
Original commerce product | [commerce-line-item:commerce-product:original] | The original commerce product data if the commerce product is being updated or saved. |
Creator | [commerce-line-item:commerce-product:original:creator] | The creator of the product. |
Creator ID | [commerce-line-item:commerce-product:original:uid] | The unique ID of the product creator. |
Date updated | [commerce-line-item:commerce-product:original:changed] | The date the product was last updated. |
Price | [commerce-line-item:commerce-product:original:commerce-price:?] | Field "commerce_price". The following properties may be appended to the token: amount (Amount), amount_decimal (Amount (decimal)), currency_code (Currency), data (Data) |
Price | [commerce-line-item:commerce-product:original:commerce_price] | ราคา field. |
Product ID | [commerce-line-item:commerce-product:original:product-id] | The internal numeric ID of the product. |
SKU | [commerce-line-item:commerce-product:original:sku] | The human readable product SKU. |
Type name | [commerce-line-item:commerce-product:original:type-name] | The human readable name of the product type. |
URL | [commerce-line-item:commerce-product:original:url] | The URL of the commerce product. |
ประเภท | [commerce-line-item:commerce-product:original:type] | The machine name of the product type. |
วันที่สร้าง | [commerce-line-item:commerce-product:original:created] | The date the product was created. |
สถานะ | [commerce-line-item:commerce-product:original:status] | Boolean indicating whether the product is active or disabled. |
หัวข้อ | [commerce-line-item:commerce-product:original:title] | The title of the product. |
แก้ไข URL | [commerce-line-item:commerce-product:original:edit-url] | The URL of the product's edit page. |
Price | [commerce-line-item:commerce-product:commerce-price:?] | Field "commerce_price". The following properties may be appended to the token: amount (Amount), amount_decimal (Amount (decimal)), currency_code (Currency), data (Data) |
Price | [commerce-line-item:commerce-product:commerce_price] | ราคา field. |
Product ID | [commerce-line-item:commerce-product:product-id] | The internal numeric ID of the product. |
SKU | [commerce-line-item:commerce-product:sku] | The human readable product SKU. |
Type name | [commerce-line-item:commerce-product:type-name] | The human readable name of the product type. |
URL | [commerce-line-item:commerce-product:url] | The URL of the commerce product. |
Absolute URL | [commerce-line-item:commerce-product:url:absolute] | The absolute URL. |
Arguments | [commerce-line-item:commerce-product:url:args] | The specific argument of the current page (e.g. 'arg:1' on the page 'node/1' returns '1'). |
Brief URL | [commerce-line-item:commerce-product:url:brief] | The URL without the protocol and trailing backslash. |
Relative URL | [commerce-line-item:commerce-product:url:relative] | The relative URL. |
Unaliased URL | [commerce-line-item:commerce-product:url:unaliased] | The unaliased URL. |
ตำแหน่งพาธ | [commerce-line-item:commerce-product:url:path] | The path component of the URL. |
ประเภท | [commerce-line-item:commerce-product:type] | The machine name of the product type. |
วันที่สร้าง | [commerce-line-item:commerce-product:created] | The date the product was created. |
Availability Calendar date display | [commerce-line-item:commerce-product:created:availability_calendar_date_display] | A date in 'availability_calendar_date_display' format. (03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Availability Calendar date entry | [commerce-line-item:commerce-product:created:availability_calendar_date_entry] | A date in 'availability_calendar_date_entry' format. (03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Availability Calendar month caption | [commerce-line-item:commerce-product:created:availability_calendar_month_caption] | A date in 'availability_calendar_month_caption' format. (03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Hours am/pm | [commerce-line-item:commerce-product:created:hours_ampm] | A date in 'hours_ampm' format. (3:29 am) |
Long format | [commerce-line-item:commerce-product:created:long] | A date in 'long' format. (พุธ, มีนาคม 20, 2024 - 03:29) |
Medium format | [commerce-line-item:commerce-product:created:medium] | A date in 'medium' format. (พ, 03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Raw timestamp | [commerce-line-item:commerce-product:created:raw] | A date in UNIX timestamp format (1710880172) |
Short format | [commerce-line-item:commerce-product:created:short] | A date in 'short' format. (03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Studyroom Availability Date | [commerce-line-item:commerce-product:created:studyroom_availability_date] | A date in 'studyroom_availability_date' format. (พ, 03/20/2024) |
Time-since | [commerce-line-item:commerce-product:created:since] | A date in 'time-since' format. (54 ปี 3 เดือน) |
กำหนดรูปแบบเอง | [commerce-line-item:commerce-product:created:custom:?] | A date in a custom format. See the PHP documentation for details. |
สถานะ | [commerce-line-item:commerce-product:status] | Boolean indicating whether the product is active or disabled. |
หัวข้อ | [commerce-line-item:commerce-product:title] | The title of the product. |
แก้ไข URL | [commerce-line-item:commerce-product:edit-url] | The URL of the product's edit page. |
Total | [commerce-line-item:commerce-total:?] | Field "commerce_total". The following properties may be appended to the token: amount (Amount), amount_decimal (Amount (decimal)), currency_code (Currency), data (Data) |
Total | [commerce-line-item:commerce_total] | ราคา field. |
Unit price | [commerce-line-item:commerce_unit_price] | ราคา field. |
Unit price | [commerce-line-item:commerce-unit-price:?] | Field "commerce_unit_price". The following properties may be appended to the token: amount (Amount), amount_decimal (Amount (decimal)), currency_code (Currency), data (Data) |
จำนวนสินค้า | [commerce-line-item:quantity] | The quantity of the line item. |
วันที่สร้าง | [commerce-line-item:created] | The date the line item was created. |
Availability Calendar date display | [commerce-line-item:created:availability_calendar_date_display] | A date in 'availability_calendar_date_display' format. (03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Availability Calendar date entry | [commerce-line-item:created:availability_calendar_date_entry] | A date in 'availability_calendar_date_entry' format. (03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Availability Calendar month caption | [commerce-line-item:created:availability_calendar_month_caption] | A date in 'availability_calendar_month_caption' format. (03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Hours am/pm | [commerce-line-item:created:hours_ampm] | A date in 'hours_ampm' format. (3:29 am) |
Long format | [commerce-line-item:created:long] | A date in 'long' format. (พุธ, มีนาคม 20, 2024 - 03:29) |
Medium format | [commerce-line-item:created:medium] | A date in 'medium' format. (พ, 03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Raw timestamp | [commerce-line-item:created:raw] | A date in UNIX timestamp format (1710880172) |
Short format | [commerce-line-item:created:short] | A date in 'short' format. (03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Studyroom Availability Date | [commerce-line-item:created:studyroom_availability_date] | A date in 'studyroom_availability_date' format. (พ, 03/20/2024) |
Time-since | [commerce-line-item:created:since] | A date in 'time-since' format. (54 ปี 3 เดือน) |
กำหนดรูปแบบเอง | [commerce-line-item:created:custom:?] | A date in a custom format. See the PHP documentation for details. |
หมายเลขออเด้อ | [commerce-line-item:order] | Order associated with the line item |
Billing information | [commerce-line-item:order:commerce-customer-billing] | Field "commerce_customer_billing". |
Address | [commerce-line-item:order:commerce-customer-billing:commerce-customer-address:?] | Field "commerce_customer_address". The following properties may be appended to the token: country (ประเทศ), name_line (ชื่อเต็ม), first_name (ชื่อจริง), last_name (นามสกุล), organisation_name (บริษัท), administrative_area (Administrative area (i.e. State / Province)), sub_administrative_area (Sub administrative area), locality (Locality (i.e. City)), dependent_locality (Dependent locality), postal_code (รหัสไปรษณีย์), thoroughfare (ที่อยู่ถนน), premise (Premise (i.e. Apartment / Suite number)), sub_premise (Sub Premise (i.e. Suite, Apartment, Floor, Unknown.) |
Address | [commerce-line-item:order:commerce-customer-billing:commerce_customer_address] | Postal address field. |
Customer profile ID | [commerce-line-item:order:commerce-customer-billing:customer-profile-id] | The unique numeric ID of the customer profile. |
Customer profile owner | [commerce-line-item:order:commerce-customer-billing:owner] | The user the customer profile belongs to. |
Customer profile type | [commerce-line-item:order:commerce-customer-billing:type] | The type of the customer profile. |
Customer profile type name | [commerce-line-item:order:commerce-customer-billing:type-name] | The type name of the customer profile. |
Date updated | [commerce-line-item:order:commerce-customer-billing:changed] | The date the customer profile was last updated. |
Original commerce customer profile | [commerce-line-item:order:commerce-customer-billing:original] | The original commerce customer profile data if the commerce customer profile is being updated or saved. |
Profile ID | [commerce-line-item:order:commerce-customer-billing:profile-id] | The internal numeric ID of the customer profile. |
URL | [commerce-line-item:order:commerce-customer-billing:url] | The URL of the commerce customer profile. |
User | [commerce-line-item:order:commerce-customer-billing:user] | The user the customer profile belongs to. |
รหัสผู้ใช้ | [commerce-line-item:order:commerce-customer-billing:uid] | The unique ID of the user the customer profile belongs to. |
วันที่สร้าง | [commerce-line-item:order:commerce-customer-billing:created] | The date the customer profile was created. |
สถานะ | [commerce-line-item:order:commerce-customer-billing:status] | Whether or not the customer profile is active. |
แก้ไข ID | [commerce-line-item:order:commerce-customer-billing:revision-id] | The unique ID of the customer profile's latest revision. |
Billing information | [commerce-line-item:order:commerce_customer_billing] | Customer profile reference field. |
Cancel date | [commerce-line-item:order:field-commerce-billy-cancel-date] | Field "field_commerce_billy_cancel_date". |
Availability Calendar date display | [commerce-line-item:order:field-commerce-billy-cancel-date:availability_calendar_date_display] | A date in 'availability_calendar_date_display' format. (03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Availability Calendar date entry | [commerce-line-item:order:field-commerce-billy-cancel-date:availability_calendar_date_entry] | A date in 'availability_calendar_date_entry' format. (03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Availability Calendar month caption | [commerce-line-item:order:field-commerce-billy-cancel-date:availability_calendar_month_caption] | A date in 'availability_calendar_month_caption' format. (03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Hours am/pm | [commerce-line-item:order:field-commerce-billy-cancel-date:hours_ampm] | A date in 'hours_ampm' format. (3:29 am) |
Long format | [commerce-line-item:order:field-commerce-billy-cancel-date:long] | A date in 'long' format. (พุธ, มีนาคม 20, 2024 - 03:29) |
Medium format | [commerce-line-item:order:field-commerce-billy-cancel-date:medium] | A date in 'medium' format. (พ, 03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Raw timestamp | [commerce-line-item:order:field-commerce-billy-cancel-date:raw] | A date in UNIX timestamp format (1710880172) |
Short format | [commerce-line-item:order:field-commerce-billy-cancel-date:short] | A date in 'short' format. (03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Studyroom Availability Date | [commerce-line-item:order:field-commerce-billy-cancel-date:studyroom_availability_date] | A date in 'studyroom_availability_date' format. (พ, 03/20/2024) |
Time-since | [commerce-line-item:order:field-commerce-billy-cancel-date:since] | A date in 'time-since' format. (54 ปี 3 เดือน) |
กำหนดรูปแบบเอง | [commerce-line-item:order:field-commerce-billy-cancel-date:custom:?] | A date in a custom format. See the PHP documentation for details. |
Cancel date | [commerce-line-item:order:field_commerce_billy_cancel_date] | Date (Unix timestamp) field. |
Coupons | [commerce-line-item:order:commerce_coupons] | Entity Reference field. |
Coupons | [commerce-line-item:order:commerce-coupons] | Field "commerce_coupons". |
Commerce Coupon with delta 0 | [commerce-line-item:order:commerce-coupons:0] | The list item with delta 0. Delta values start from 0 and are incremented by one per list item. |
Commerce Coupon with delta 1 | [commerce-line-item:order:commerce-coupons:1] | The list item with delta 1. Delta values start from 0 and are incremented by one per list item. |
Commerce Coupon with delta 2 | [commerce-line-item:order:commerce-coupons:2] | The list item with delta 2. Delta values start from 0 and are incremented by one per list item. |
Commerce Coupon with delta 3 | [commerce-line-item:order:commerce-coupons:3] | The list item with delta 3. Delta values start from 0 and are incremented by one per list item. |
Create revision | [commerce-line-item:order:revision] | Whether or not saving this order creates a new revision. |
Date placed | [commerce-line-item:order:placed] | The date the order was placed i.e. checkout was completed. |
Availability Calendar date display | [commerce-line-item:order:placed:availability_calendar_date_display] | A date in 'availability_calendar_date_display' format. (03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Availability Calendar date entry | [commerce-line-item:order:placed:availability_calendar_date_entry] | A date in 'availability_calendar_date_entry' format. (03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Availability Calendar month caption | [commerce-line-item:order:placed:availability_calendar_month_caption] | A date in 'availability_calendar_month_caption' format. (03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Hours am/pm | [commerce-line-item:order:placed:hours_ampm] | A date in 'hours_ampm' format. (3:29 am) |
Long format | [commerce-line-item:order:placed:long] | A date in 'long' format. (พุธ, มีนาคม 20, 2024 - 03:29) |
Medium format | [commerce-line-item:order:placed:medium] | A date in 'medium' format. (พ, 03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Raw timestamp | [commerce-line-item:order:placed:raw] | A date in UNIX timestamp format (1710880172) |
Short format | [commerce-line-item:order:placed:short] | A date in 'short' format. (03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Studyroom Availability Date | [commerce-line-item:order:placed:studyroom_availability_date] | A date in 'studyroom_availability_date' format. (พ, 03/20/2024) |
Time-since | [commerce-line-item:order:placed:since] | A date in 'time-since' format. (54 ปี 3 เดือน) |
กำหนดรูปแบบเอง | [commerce-line-item:order:placed:custom:?] | A date in a custom format. See the PHP documentation for details. |
Discount reference | [commerce-line-item:order:commerce_discounts] | Entity Reference field. |
Discount reference | [commerce-line-item:order:commerce-discounts] | Field "commerce_discounts". |
Commerce Discount with delta 0 | [commerce-line-item:order:commerce-discounts:0] | The list item with delta 0. Delta values start from 0 and are incremented by one per list item. |
Commerce Discount with delta 1 | [commerce-line-item:order:commerce-discounts:1] | The list item with delta 1. Delta values start from 0 and are incremented by one per list item. |
Commerce Discount with delta 2 | [commerce-line-item:order:commerce-discounts:2] | The list item with delta 2. Delta values start from 0 and are incremented by one per list item. |
Commerce Discount with delta 3 | [commerce-line-item:order:commerce-discounts:3] | The list item with delta 3. Delta values start from 0 and are incremented by one per list item. |
Expiration (formatted) | [commerce-line-item:order:expiration-formatted] | The time left until this order expires. Formatted by theme_commerce_cart_expiration(). |
Expiration (raw) | [commerce-line-item:order:expiration-raw] | The raw time left until this order expires in seconds. |
Host name | [commerce-line-item:order:hostname] | The IP address that created this order. |
Invoice date | [commerce-line-item:order:field-commerce-billy-i-date] | Field "field_commerce_billy_i_date". |
Availability Calendar date display | [commerce-line-item:order:field-commerce-billy-i-date:availability_calendar_date_display] | A date in 'availability_calendar_date_display' format. (03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Availability Calendar date entry | [commerce-line-item:order:field-commerce-billy-i-date:availability_calendar_date_entry] | A date in 'availability_calendar_date_entry' format. (03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Availability Calendar month caption | [commerce-line-item:order:field-commerce-billy-i-date:availability_calendar_month_caption] | A date in 'availability_calendar_month_caption' format. (03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Hours am/pm | [commerce-line-item:order:field-commerce-billy-i-date:hours_ampm] | A date in 'hours_ampm' format. (3:29 am) |
Long format | [commerce-line-item:order:field-commerce-billy-i-date:long] | A date in 'long' format. (พุธ, มีนาคม 20, 2024 - 03:29) |
Medium format | [commerce-line-item:order:field-commerce-billy-i-date:medium] | A date in 'medium' format. (พ, 03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Raw timestamp | [commerce-line-item:order:field-commerce-billy-i-date:raw] | A date in UNIX timestamp format (1710880172) |
Short format | [commerce-line-item:order:field-commerce-billy-i-date:short] | A date in 'short' format. (03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Studyroom Availability Date | [commerce-line-item:order:field-commerce-billy-i-date:studyroom_availability_date] | A date in 'studyroom_availability_date' format. (พ, 03/20/2024) |
Time-since | [commerce-line-item:order:field-commerce-billy-i-date:since] | A date in 'time-since' format. (54 ปี 3 เดือน) |
กำหนดรูปแบบเอง | [commerce-line-item:order:field-commerce-billy-i-date:custom:?] | A date in a custom format. See the PHP documentation for details. |
Invoice date | [commerce-line-item:order:field_commerce_billy_i_date] | Date (Unix timestamp) field. |
Line items | [commerce-line-item:order:commerce-line-items] | Field "commerce_line_items". |
Line items with delta 0 | [commerce-line-item:order:commerce-line-items:0] | The list item with delta 0. Delta values start from 0 and are incremented by one per list item. |
Line items with delta 1 | [commerce-line-item:order:commerce-line-items:1] | The list item with delta 1. Delta values start from 0 and are incremented by one per list item. |
Line items with delta 2 | [commerce-line-item:order:commerce-line-items:2] | The list item with delta 2. Delta values start from 0 and are incremented by one per list item. |
Line items with delta 3 | [commerce-line-item:order:commerce-line-items:3] | The list item with delta 3. Delta values start from 0 and are incremented by one per list item. |
Line items | [commerce-line-item:order:commerce_line_items] | Line item reference field. |
Order ID | [commerce-line-item:order:order-id] | The unique numeric ID of the order. |
Order e-mail | [commerce-line-item:order:mail] | The e-mail address associated with the order. |
Order e-mail prepared for username usage | [commerce-line-item:order:mail-username] | The e-mail address associated with this order with illegal characters for usernames replaced. |
Order number | [commerce-line-item:order:order-number] | The order number displayed to the customer. |
Order state | [commerce-line-item:order:state] | The current state of the order. |
Order state title | [commerce-line-item:order:state-title] | The human-readable title of the order state. |
Order status | [commerce-line-item:order:status] | The current status of the order. |
Order status title | [commerce-line-item:order:status-title] | The human-readable title of the order status. |
Order total | [commerce-line-item:order:commerce-order-total:?] | Field "commerce_order_total". The following properties may be appended to the token: amount (Amount), amount_decimal (Amount (decimal)), currency_code (Currency), data (Data) |
Order total | [commerce-line-item:order:commerce_order_total] | ราคา field. |
Order type | [commerce-line-item:order:type] | The type of the order. |
Order type name | [commerce-line-item:order:type-name] | The human-readable name of the order type. |
Original commerce order | [commerce-line-item:order:original] | The original commerce order data if the commerce order is being updated or saved. |
Billing information | [commerce-line-item:order:original:commerce-customer-billing] | Field "commerce_customer_billing". |
Billing information | [commerce-line-item:order:original:commerce_customer_billing] | Customer profile reference field. |
Cancel date | [commerce-line-item:order:original:field-commerce-billy-cancel-date] | Field "field_commerce_billy_cancel_date". |
Cancel date | [commerce-line-item:order:original:field_commerce_billy_cancel_date] | Date (Unix timestamp) field. |
Coupons | [commerce-line-item:order:original:commerce_coupons] | Entity Reference field. |
Coupons | [commerce-line-item:order:original:commerce-coupons] | Field "commerce_coupons". |
Create revision | [commerce-line-item:order:original:revision] | Whether or not saving this order creates a new revision. |
Date placed | [commerce-line-item:order:original:placed] | The date the order was placed i.e. checkout was completed. |
Discount reference | [commerce-line-item:order:original:commerce_discounts] | Entity Reference field. |
Discount reference | [commerce-line-item:order:original:commerce-discounts] | Field "commerce_discounts". |
Expiration (formatted) | [commerce-line-item:order:original:expiration-formatted] | The time left until this order expires. Formatted by theme_commerce_cart_expiration(). |
Expiration (raw) | [commerce-line-item:order:original:expiration-raw] | The raw time left until this order expires in seconds. |
Host name | [commerce-line-item:order:original:hostname] | The IP address that created this order. |
Invoice date | [commerce-line-item:order:original:field-commerce-billy-i-date] | Field "field_commerce_billy_i_date". |
Invoice date | [commerce-line-item:order:original:field_commerce_billy_i_date] | Date (Unix timestamp) field. |
Line items | [commerce-line-item:order:original:commerce-line-items] | Field "commerce_line_items". |
Line items | [commerce-line-item:order:original:commerce_line_items] | Line item reference field. |
Order ID | [commerce-line-item:order:original:order-id] | The unique numeric ID of the order. |
Order e-mail | [commerce-line-item:order:original:mail] | The e-mail address associated with the order. |
Order e-mail prepared for username usage | [commerce-line-item:order:original:mail-username] | The e-mail address associated with this order with illegal characters for usernames replaced. |
Order number | [commerce-line-item:order:original:order-number] | The order number displayed to the customer. |
Order state | [commerce-line-item:order:original:state] | The current state of the order. |
Order state title | [commerce-line-item:order:original:state-title] | The human-readable title of the order state. |
Order status | [commerce-line-item:order:original:status] | The current status of the order. |
Order status title | [commerce-line-item:order:original:status-title] | The human-readable title of the order status. |
Order total | [commerce-line-item:order:original:commerce-order-total:?] | Field "commerce_order_total". The following properties may be appended to the token: amount (Amount), amount_decimal (Amount (decimal)), currency_code (Currency), data (Data) |
Order total | [commerce-line-item:order:original:commerce_order_total] | ราคา field. |
Order type | [commerce-line-item:order:original:type] | The type of the order. |
Order type name | [commerce-line-item:order:original:type-name] | The human-readable name of the order type. |
Owner ID | [commerce-line-item:order:original:uid] | The unique ID of the order owner. |
Payment method display title | [commerce-line-item:order:original:payment-method-display-title] | The checkout form oriented display title of the payment method for the payment transaction. |
Payment method short title | [commerce-line-item:order:original:payment-method-short-title] | The customer oriented short title of the payment method selected by the customer during checkout. |
Payment method title | [commerce-line-item:order:original:payment-method-title] | The administrative title of the payment method selected by the customer during checkout. |
URL | [commerce-line-item:order:original:url] | The URL of the order. |
URL | [commerce-line-item:order:original:admin-url] | The URL for administrators to view the order. |
URL | [commerce-line-item:order:original:customer-url] | The URL for customers to view the order. |
View URL | [commerce-line-item:order:original:view-url] | The URL a customer can visit to view the order. |
วันที่สร้าง | [commerce-line-item:order:original:created] | The date the order was created. |
วันที่เปลี่ยนแปลง | [commerce-line-item:order:original:changed] | The date the order was last updated. |
วิธีการชำระเงิน | [commerce-line-item:order:original:payment-method] | The method_id of the payment method selected by the customer during checkout. |
เจ้าของ | [commerce-line-item:order:original:owner] | The owner of the order. |
แก้ไข ID | [commerce-line-item:order:original:revision-id] | The unique ID of the order's latest revision. |
แก้ไข URL | [commerce-line-item:order:original:edit-url] | The URL of the order's edit page. |
Owner ID | [commerce-line-item:order:uid] | The unique ID of the order owner. |
Payment method display title | [commerce-line-item:order:payment-method-display-title] | The checkout form oriented display title of the payment method for the payment transaction. |
Payment method short title | [commerce-line-item:order:payment-method-short-title] | The customer oriented short title of the payment method selected by the customer during checkout. |
Payment method title | [commerce-line-item:order:payment-method-title] | The administrative title of the payment method selected by the customer during checkout. |
URL | [commerce-line-item:order:url] | The URL of the order. |
URL | [commerce-line-item:order:admin-url] | The URL for administrators to view the order. |
URL | [commerce-line-item:order:customer-url] | The URL for customers to view the order. |
View URL | [commerce-line-item:order:view-url] | The URL a customer can visit to view the order. |
วันที่สร้าง | [commerce-line-item:order:created] | The date the order was created. |
Availability Calendar date display | [commerce-line-item:order:created:availability_calendar_date_display] | A date in 'availability_calendar_date_display' format. (03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Availability Calendar date entry | [commerce-line-item:order:created:availability_calendar_date_entry] | A date in 'availability_calendar_date_entry' format. (03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Availability Calendar month caption | [commerce-line-item:order:created:availability_calendar_month_caption] | A date in 'availability_calendar_month_caption' format. (03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Hours am/pm | [commerce-line-item:order:created:hours_ampm] | A date in 'hours_ampm' format. (3:29 am) |
Long format | [commerce-line-item:order:created:long] | A date in 'long' format. (พุธ, มีนาคม 20, 2024 - 03:29) |
Medium format | [commerce-line-item:order:created:medium] | A date in 'medium' format. (พ, 03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Raw timestamp | [commerce-line-item:order:created:raw] | A date in UNIX timestamp format (1710880172) |
Short format | [commerce-line-item:order:created:short] | A date in 'short' format. (03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Studyroom Availability Date | [commerce-line-item:order:created:studyroom_availability_date] | A date in 'studyroom_availability_date' format. (พ, 03/20/2024) |
Time-since | [commerce-line-item:order:created:since] | A date in 'time-since' format. (54 ปี 3 เดือน) |
กำหนดรูปแบบเอง | [commerce-line-item:order:created:custom:?] | A date in a custom format. See the PHP documentation for details. |
วันที่เปลี่ยนแปลง | [commerce-line-item:order:changed] | The date the order was last updated. |
Availability Calendar date display | [commerce-line-item:order:changed:availability_calendar_date_display] | A date in 'availability_calendar_date_display' format. (03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Availability Calendar date entry | [commerce-line-item:order:changed:availability_calendar_date_entry] | A date in 'availability_calendar_date_entry' format. (03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Availability Calendar month caption | [commerce-line-item:order:changed:availability_calendar_month_caption] | A date in 'availability_calendar_month_caption' format. (03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Hours am/pm | [commerce-line-item:order:changed:hours_ampm] | A date in 'hours_ampm' format. (3:29 am) |
Long format | [commerce-line-item:order:changed:long] | A date in 'long' format. (พุธ, มีนาคม 20, 2024 - 03:29) |
Medium format | [commerce-line-item:order:changed:medium] | A date in 'medium' format. (พ, 03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Raw timestamp | [commerce-line-item:order:changed:raw] | A date in UNIX timestamp format (1710880172) |
Short format | [commerce-line-item:order:changed:short] | A date in 'short' format. (03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Studyroom Availability Date | [commerce-line-item:order:changed:studyroom_availability_date] | A date in 'studyroom_availability_date' format. (พ, 03/20/2024) |
Time-since | [commerce-line-item:order:changed:since] | A date in 'time-since' format. (54 ปี 3 เดือน) |
กำหนดรูปแบบเอง | [commerce-line-item:order:changed:custom:?] | A date in a custom format. See the PHP documentation for details. |
วิธีการชำระเงิน | [commerce-line-item:order:payment-method] | The method_id of the payment method selected by the customer during checkout. |
เจ้าของ | [commerce-line-item:order:owner] | The owner of the order. |
Account cancellation URL | [commerce-line-item:order:owner:cancel-url] | The URL of the confirm delete page for the user account. |
Last access | [commerce-line-item:order:owner:last-access] | The date the user last accessed the site. |
Location | [commerce-line-item:order:owner:location] | The location for this user. |
Name | [commerce-line-item:order:owner:name] | The login name of the user account. |
One-time login URL | [commerce-line-item:order:owner:one-time-login-url] | The URL of the one-time login page for the user account. |
Original user | [commerce-line-item:order:owner:original] | The original user data if the user is being updated or saved. |
Roles | [commerce-line-item:order:owner:roles] | The user roles associated with the user account. |
URL | [commerce-line-item:order:owner:url] | The URL of the account profile page. |
User role ids | [commerce-line-item:order:owner:role-ids] | The role ids the user account is a member of as comma separated list. |
User role names | [commerce-line-item:order:owner:role-names] | The role names the user account is a member of as comma separated list. |
ธีมเริ่มต้น | [commerce-line-item:order:owner:theme] | The user's default theme. |
รหัสผู้ใช้ | [commerce-line-item:order:owner:uid] | The unique ID of the user account. |
รูปภาพ | [commerce-line-item:order:owner:picture] | The picture of the user. |
สถานะ | [commerce-line-item:order:owner:status] | Whether the user is active or blocked. |
สร้างเมื่อ | [commerce-line-item:order:owner:created] | The date the user account was created. |
อีเมล | [commerce-line-item:order:owner:mail] | The email address of the user account. |
เข้าสู่ระบบล่าสุด | [commerce-line-item:order:owner:last-login] | The date the user last logged in to the site. |
แก้ไข URL | [commerce-line-item:order:owner:edit-url] | The URL of the account edit page. |
แก้ไข ID | [commerce-line-item:order:revision-id] | The unique ID of the order's latest revision. |
แก้ไข URL | [commerce-line-item:order:edit-url] | The URL of the order's edit page. |
List of Bookable Unit Types | | Tokens related to the "Bookable Unit Type" entities. |
Bookable Unit Type with delta 0 | [list:0] | The list item with delta 0. Delta values start from 0 and are incremented by one per list item. |
Data | [list:0:data] | Bookable unit type "data" property. |
Internal, numeric bookable unit type ID | [list:0:id] | The ID used to identify this bookable unit type internally. |
Module | [list:0:module] | Bookable unit type "module" property. |
Options | [list:0:rooms-booking-unit-options:?] | Field "rooms_booking_unit_options". The following properties may be appended to the token: name (Name), quantity (Quantity), operation (Operation), value (Value), type (Type) |
Options | [list:0:rooms_booking_unit_options] | Unit Options field. |
Status | [list:0:status] | Bookable unit type "status" property. |
Weight | [list:0:weight] | Bookable unit type "weight" property. |
ป้ายชื่อ | [list:0:label] | The human readable label. |
Bookable Unit Type with delta 1 | [list:1] | The list item with delta 1. Delta values start from 0 and are incremented by one per list item. |
Data | [list:1:data] | Bookable unit type "data" property. |
Internal, numeric bookable unit type ID | [list:1:id] | The ID used to identify this bookable unit type internally. |
Module | [list:1:module] | Bookable unit type "module" property. |
Options | [list:1:rooms-booking-unit-options:?] | Field "rooms_booking_unit_options". The following properties may be appended to the token: name (Name), quantity (Quantity), operation (Operation), value (Value), type (Type) |
Options | [list:1:rooms_booking_unit_options] | Unit Options field. |
Status | [list:1:status] | Bookable unit type "status" property. |
Weight | [list:1:weight] | Bookable unit type "weight" property. |
ป้ายชื่อ | [list:1:label] | The human readable label. |
Bookable Unit Type with delta 2 | [list:2] | The list item with delta 2. Delta values start from 0 and are incremented by one per list item. |
Data | [list:2:data] | Bookable unit type "data" property. |
Internal, numeric bookable unit type ID | [list:2:id] | The ID used to identify this bookable unit type internally. |
Module | [list:2:module] | Bookable unit type "module" property. |
Options | [list:2:rooms-booking-unit-options:?] | Field "rooms_booking_unit_options". The following properties may be appended to the token: name (Name), quantity (Quantity), operation (Operation), value (Value), type (Type) |
Options | [list:2:rooms_booking_unit_options] | Unit Options field. |
Status | [list:2:status] | Bookable unit type "status" property. |
Weight | [list:2:weight] | Bookable unit type "weight" property. |
ป้ายชื่อ | [list:2:label] | The human readable label. |
Bookable Unit Type with delta 3 | [list:3] | The list item with delta 3. Delta values start from 0 and are incremented by one per list item. |
Data | [list:3:data] | Bookable unit type "data" property. |
Internal, numeric bookable unit type ID | [list:3:id] | The ID used to identify this bookable unit type internally. |
Module | [list:3:module] | Bookable unit type "module" property. |
Options | [list:3:rooms-booking-unit-options:?] | Field "rooms_booking_unit_options". The following properties may be appended to the token: name (Name), quantity (Quantity), operation (Operation), value (Value), type (Type) |
Options | [list:3:rooms_booking_unit_options] | Unit Options field. |
Status | [list:3:status] | Bookable unit type "status" property. |
Weight | [list:3:weight] | Bookable unit type "weight" property. |
ป้ายชื่อ | [list:3:label] | The human readable label. |
List of Bookable Unitss | | Tokens related to the "Bookable Units" entities. |
Bookable Units with delta 0 | [list:0] | The list item with delta 0. Delta values start from 0 and are incremented by one per list item. |
Address hotel group | [list:0:field-address-hotel-group:?] | Field "field_address_hotel_group". The following properties may be appended to the token: geom (Well-known text), geo_type (Geo Type), lat (Latitude), lon (Longitude), left (Left Latitude), top (Top Longitude), right (Right Latitude), bottom (Bottom Longitude), srid (Projection (SRID)), latlon (LatLong Pair), schemaorg_shape ( Shape) |
Address hotel group | [list:0:field_address_hotel_group] | Geofield field. |
Base_price | [list:0:base-price] | Bookable units "base_price" property. |
Bookable | [list:0:bookable] | Bookable units "bookable" property. |
Bookable units ID | [list:0:unit-id] | The unique ID of the bookable units. |
Changed | [list:0:changed] | Bookable units "changed" property. |
Created | [list:0:created] | Bookable units "created" property. |
Default_state | [list:0:default-state] | Bookable units "default_state" property. |
Description | [list:0:field-description:?] | Field "field_description". The following properties may be appended to the token: value (ข้อความ), summary (Summary), format (รูปแบบข้อความ) |
Description | [list:0:field_description] | Long text and summary field. |
Images | [list:0:field_image] | Image field. Also known as Image. |
Images | [list:0:field-image:?] | Field "field_image". The following properties may be appended to the token: file (The image file.) |
Language | [list:0:language] | Bookable units "language" property. |
Max_children | [list:0:max-children] | Bookable units "max_children" property. |
Max_sleeps | [list:0:max-sleeps] | Bookable units "max_sleeps" property. |
Min_children | [list:0:min-children] | Bookable units "min_children" property. |
Min_sleeps | [list:0:min-sleeps] | Bookable units "min_sleeps" property. |
Monthly_discount | [list:0:monthly-discount] | Bookable units "monthly_discount" property. |
Option | [list:0:field_option] | Unit Options field. |
Option | [list:0:field-option:?] | Field "field_option". The following properties may be appended to the token: name (Name), quantity (Quantity), operation (Operation), value (Value), type (Type) |
Options | [list:0:rooms_booking_unit_options] | Unit Options field. |
Options | [list:0:rooms-booking-unit-options:?] | Field "rooms_booking_unit_options". The following properties may be appended to the token: name (Name), quantity (Quantity), operation (Operation), value (Value), type (Type) |
Status | [list:0:status] | Bookable units "status" property. |
URL | [list:0:url] | The URL of the entity. |
Uid | [list:0:uid] | Bookable units "uid" property. |
Weekly_discount | [list:0:weekly-discount] | Bookable units "weekly_discount" property. |
ป้ายชื่อ | [list:0:name] | The human readable label. |
Bookable Units with delta 1 | [list:1] | The list item with delta 1. Delta values start from 0 and are incremented by one per list item. |
Address hotel group | [list:1:field-address-hotel-group:?] | Field "field_address_hotel_group". The following properties may be appended to the token: geom (Well-known text), geo_type (Geo Type), lat (Latitude), lon (Longitude), left (Left Latitude), top (Top Longitude), right (Right Latitude), bottom (Bottom Longitude), srid (Projection (SRID)), latlon (LatLong Pair), schemaorg_shape ( Shape) |
Address hotel group | [list:1:field_address_hotel_group] | Geofield field. |
Base_price | [list:1:base-price] | Bookable units "base_price" property. |
Bookable | [list:1:bookable] | Bookable units "bookable" property. |
Bookable units ID | [list:1:unit-id] | The unique ID of the bookable units. |
Changed | [list:1:changed] | Bookable units "changed" property. |
Created | [list:1:created] | Bookable units "created" property. |
Default_state | [list:1:default-state] | Bookable units "default_state" property. |
Description | [list:1:field-description:?] | Field "field_description". The following properties may be appended to the token: value (ข้อความ), summary (Summary), format (รูปแบบข้อความ) |
Description | [list:1:field_description] | Long text and summary field. |
Images | [list:1:field_image] | Image field. Also known as Image. |
Images | [list:1:field-image:?] | Field "field_image". The following properties may be appended to the token: file (The image file.) |
Language | [list:1:language] | Bookable units "language" property. |
Max_children | [list:1:max-children] | Bookable units "max_children" property. |
Max_sleeps | [list:1:max-sleeps] | Bookable units "max_sleeps" property. |
Min_children | [list:1:min-children] | Bookable units "min_children" property. |
Min_sleeps | [list:1:min-sleeps] | Bookable units "min_sleeps" property. |
Monthly_discount | [list:1:monthly-discount] | Bookable units "monthly_discount" property. |
Option | [list:1:field_option] | Unit Options field. |
Option | [list:1:field-option:?] | Field "field_option". The following properties may be appended to the token: name (Name), quantity (Quantity), operation (Operation), value (Value), type (Type) |
Options | [list:1:rooms_booking_unit_options] | Unit Options field. |
Options | [list:1:rooms-booking-unit-options:?] | Field "rooms_booking_unit_options". The following properties may be appended to the token: name (Name), quantity (Quantity), operation (Operation), value (Value), type (Type) |
Status | [list:1:status] | Bookable units "status" property. |
URL | [list:1:url] | The URL of the entity. |
Uid | [list:1:uid] | Bookable units "uid" property. |
Weekly_discount | [list:1:weekly-discount] | Bookable units "weekly_discount" property. |
ป้ายชื่อ | [list:1:name] | The human readable label. |
Bookable Units with delta 2 | [list:2] | The list item with delta 2. Delta values start from 0 and are incremented by one per list item. |
Address hotel group | [list:2:field-address-hotel-group:?] | Field "field_address_hotel_group". The following properties may be appended to the token: geom (Well-known text), geo_type (Geo Type), lat (Latitude), lon (Longitude), left (Left Latitude), top (Top Longitude), right (Right Latitude), bottom (Bottom Longitude), srid (Projection (SRID)), latlon (LatLong Pair), schemaorg_shape ( Shape) |
Address hotel group | [list:2:field_address_hotel_group] | Geofield field. |
Base_price | [list:2:base-price] | Bookable units "base_price" property. |
Bookable | [list:2:bookable] | Bookable units "bookable" property. |
Bookable units ID | [list:2:unit-id] | The unique ID of the bookable units. |
Changed | [list:2:changed] | Bookable units "changed" property. |
Created | [list:2:created] | Bookable units "created" property. |
Default_state | [list:2:default-state] | Bookable units "default_state" property. |
Description | [list:2:field-description:?] | Field "field_description". The following properties may be appended to the token: value (ข้อความ), summary (Summary), format (รูปแบบข้อความ) |
Description | [list:2:field_description] | Long text and summary field. |
Images | [list:2:field_image] | Image field. Also known as Image. |
Images | [list:2:field-image:?] | Field "field_image". The following properties may be appended to the token: file (The image file.) |
Language | [list:2:language] | Bookable units "language" property. |
Max_children | [list:2:max-children] | Bookable units "max_children" property. |
Max_sleeps | [list:2:max-sleeps] | Bookable units "max_sleeps" property. |
Min_children | [list:2:min-children] | Bookable units "min_children" property. |
Min_sleeps | [list:2:min-sleeps] | Bookable units "min_sleeps" property. |
Monthly_discount | [list:2:monthly-discount] | Bookable units "monthly_discount" property. |
Option | [list:2:field_option] | Unit Options field. |
Option | [list:2:field-option:?] | Field "field_option". The following properties may be appended to the token: name (Name), quantity (Quantity), operation (Operation), value (Value), type (Type) |
Options | [list:2:rooms_booking_unit_options] | Unit Options field. |
Options | [list:2:rooms-booking-unit-options:?] | Field "rooms_booking_unit_options". The following properties may be appended to the token: name (Name), quantity (Quantity), operation (Operation), value (Value), type (Type) |
Status | [list:2:status] | Bookable units "status" property. |
URL | [list:2:url] | The URL of the entity. |
Uid | [list:2:uid] | Bookable units "uid" property. |
Weekly_discount | [list:2:weekly-discount] | Bookable units "weekly_discount" property. |
ป้ายชื่อ | [list:2:name] | The human readable label. |
Bookable Units with delta 3 | [list:3] | The list item with delta 3. Delta values start from 0 and are incremented by one per list item. |
Address hotel group | [list:3:field-address-hotel-group:?] | Field "field_address_hotel_group". The following properties may be appended to the token: geom (Well-known text), geo_type (Geo Type), lat (Latitude), lon (Longitude), left (Left Latitude), top (Top Longitude), right (Right Latitude), bottom (Bottom Longitude), srid (Projection (SRID)), latlon (LatLong Pair), schemaorg_shape ( Shape) |
Address hotel group | [list:3:field_address_hotel_group] | Geofield field. |
Base_price | [list:3:base-price] | Bookable units "base_price" property. |
Bookable | [list:3:bookable] | Bookable units "bookable" property. |
Bookable units ID | [list:3:unit-id] | The unique ID of the bookable units. |
Changed | [list:3:changed] | Bookable units "changed" property. |
Created | [list:3:created] | Bookable units "created" property. |
Default_state | [list:3:default-state] | Bookable units "default_state" property. |
Description | [list:3:field-description:?] | Field "field_description". The following properties may be appended to the token: value (ข้อความ), summary (Summary), format (รูปแบบข้อความ) |
Description | [list:3:field_description] | Long text and summary field. |
Images | [list:3:field_image] | Image field. Also known as Image. |
Images | [list:3:field-image:?] | Field "field_image". The following properties may be appended to the token: file (The image file.) |
Language | [list:3:language] | Bookable units "language" property. |
Max_children | [list:3:max-children] | Bookable units "max_children" property. |
Max_sleeps | [list:3:max-sleeps] | Bookable units "max_sleeps" property. |
Min_children | [list:3:min-children] | Bookable units "min_children" property. |
Min_sleeps | [list:3:min-sleeps] | Bookable units "min_sleeps" property. |
Monthly_discount | [list:3:monthly-discount] | Bookable units "monthly_discount" property. |
Option | [list:3:field_option] | Unit Options field. |
Option | [list:3:field-option:?] | Field "field_option". The following properties may be appended to the token: name (Name), quantity (Quantity), operation (Operation), value (Value), type (Type) |
Options | [list:3:rooms_booking_unit_options] | Unit Options field. |
Options | [list:3:rooms-booking-unit-options:?] | Field "rooms_booking_unit_options". The following properties may be appended to the token: name (Name), quantity (Quantity), operation (Operation), value (Value), type (Type) |
Status | [list:3:status] | Bookable units "status" property. |
URL | [list:3:url] | The URL of the entity. |
Uid | [list:3:uid] | Bookable units "uid" property. |
Weekly_discount | [list:3:weekly-discount] | Bookable units "weekly_discount" property. |
ป้ายชื่อ | [list:3:name] | The human readable label. |
List of Booking Types | | Tokens related to the "Booking Type" entities. |
Booking Type with delta 0 | [list:0] | The list item with delta 0. Delta values start from 0 and are incremented by one per list item. |
Data | [list:0:data] | Booking type "data" property. |
Internal, numeric booking type ID | [list:0:id] | The ID used to identify this booking type internally. |
Module | [list:0:module] | Booking type "module" property. |
Status | [list:0:status] | Booking type "status" property. |
Weight | [list:0:weight] | Booking type "weight" property. |
ป้ายชื่อ | [list:0:label] | The human readable label. |
Booking Type with delta 1 | [list:1] | The list item with delta 1. Delta values start from 0 and are incremented by one per list item. |
Data | [list:1:data] | Booking type "data" property. |
Internal, numeric booking type ID | [list:1:id] | The ID used to identify this booking type internally. |
Module | [list:1:module] | Booking type "module" property. |
Status | [list:1:status] | Booking type "status" property. |
Weight | [list:1:weight] | Booking type "weight" property. |
ป้ายชื่อ | [list:1:label] | The human readable label. |
Booking Type with delta 2 | [list:2] | The list item with delta 2. Delta values start from 0 and are incremented by one per list item. |
Data | [list:2:data] | Booking type "data" property. |
Internal, numeric booking type ID | [list:2:id] | The ID used to identify this booking type internally. |
Module | [list:2:module] | Booking type "module" property. |
Status | [list:2:status] | Booking type "status" property. |
Weight | [list:2:weight] | Booking type "weight" property. |
ป้ายชื่อ | [list:2:label] | The human readable label. |
Booking Type with delta 3 | [list:3] | The list item with delta 3. Delta values start from 0 and are incremented by one per list item. |
Data | [list:3:data] | Booking type "data" property. |
Internal, numeric booking type ID | [list:3:id] | The ID used to identify this booking type internally. |
Module | [list:3:module] | Booking type "module" property. |
Status | [list:3:status] | Booking type "status" property. |
Weight | [list:3:weight] | Booking type "weight" property. |
ป้ายชื่อ | [list:3:label] | The human readable label. |
List of Bookingss | | Tokens related to the "Bookings" entities. |
Bookings with delta 0 | [list:0] | The list item with delta 0. Delta values start from 0 and are incremented by one per list item. |
Booking_status | [list:0:booking-status] | Bookings "booking_status" property. |
Bookings ID | [list:0:booking-id] | The unique ID of the bookings. |
Changed | [list:0:changed] | Bookings "changed" property. |
Created | [list:0:created] | Bookings "created" property. |
Customer_id | [list:0:customer-id] | Bookings "customer_id" property. |
End_date | [list:0:end-date] | Bookings "end_date" property. |
Language | [list:0:language] | Bookings "language" property. |
Name | [list:0:name] | Bookings "name" property. |
Order_id | [list:0:order-id] | Bookings "order_id" property. |
Price | [list:0:price] | Bookings "price" property. |
Start_date | [list:0:start-date] | Bookings "start_date" property. |
URL | [list:0:url] | The URL of the entity. |
Uid | [list:0:uid] | Bookings "uid" property. |
Unit_id | [list:0:unit-id] | Bookings "unit_id" property. |
Unit_type | [list:0:unit-type] | Bookings "unit_type" property. |
Bookings with delta 1 | [list:1] | The list item with delta 1. Delta values start from 0 and are incremented by one per list item. |
Booking_status | [list:1:booking-status] | Bookings "booking_status" property. |
Bookings ID | [list:1:booking-id] | The unique ID of the bookings. |
Changed | [list:1:changed] | Bookings "changed" property. |
Created | [list:1:created] | Bookings "created" property. |
Customer_id | [list:1:customer-id] | Bookings "customer_id" property. |
End_date | [list:1:end-date] | Bookings "end_date" property. |
Language | [list:1:language] | Bookings "language" property. |
Name | [list:1:name] | Bookings "name" property. |
Order_id | [list:1:order-id] | Bookings "order_id" property. |
Price | [list:1:price] | Bookings "price" property. |
Start_date | [list:1:start-date] | Bookings "start_date" property. |
URL | [list:1:url] | The URL of the entity. |
Uid | [list:1:uid] | Bookings "uid" property. |
Unit_id | [list:1:unit-id] | Bookings "unit_id" property. |
Unit_type | [list:1:unit-type] | Bookings "unit_type" property. |
Bookings with delta 2 | [list:2] | The list item with delta 2. Delta values start from 0 and are incremented by one per list item. |
Booking_status | [list:2:booking-status] | Bookings "booking_status" property. |
Bookings ID | [list:2:booking-id] | The unique ID of the bookings. |
Changed | [list:2:changed] | Bookings "changed" property. |
Created | [list:2:created] | Bookings "created" property. |
Customer_id | [list:2:customer-id] | Bookings "customer_id" property. |
End_date | [list:2:end-date] | Bookings "end_date" property. |
Language | [list:2:language] | Bookings "language" property. |
Name | [list:2:name] | Bookings "name" property. |
Order_id | [list:2:order-id] | Bookings "order_id" property. |
Price | [list:2:price] | Bookings "price" property. |
Start_date | [list:2:start-date] | Bookings "start_date" property. |
URL | [list:2:url] | The URL of the entity. |
Uid | [list:2:uid] | Bookings "uid" property. |
Unit_id | [list:2:unit-id] | Bookings "unit_id" property. |
Unit_type | [list:2:unit-type] | Bookings "unit_type" property. |
Bookings with delta 3 | [list:3] | The list item with delta 3. Delta values start from 0 and are incremented by one per list item. |
Booking_status | [list:3:booking-status] | Bookings "booking_status" property. |
Bookings ID | [list:3:booking-id] | The unique ID of the bookings. |
Changed | [list:3:changed] | Bookings "changed" property. |
Created | [list:3:created] | Bookings "created" property. |
Customer_id | [list:3:customer-id] | Bookings "customer_id" property. |
End_date | [list:3:end-date] | Bookings "end_date" property. |
Language | [list:3:language] | Bookings "language" property. |
Name | [list:3:name] | Bookings "name" property. |
Order_id | [list:3:order-id] | Bookings "order_id" property. |
Price | [list:3:price] | Bookings "price" property. |
Start_date | [list:3:start-date] | Bookings "start_date" property. |
URL | [list:3:url] | The URL of the entity. |
Uid | [list:3:uid] | Bookings "uid" property. |
Unit_id | [list:3:unit-id] | Bookings "unit_id" property. |
Unit_type | [list:3:unit-type] | Bookings "unit_type" property. |
Content | [list:0:body] | รูปแบบเนื้อหาของความคิดเห็น |
Body | [list:0:node:body:?] | The main body text of the node. The following properties may be appended to the token: value (ข้อความ), summary (Summary), format (รูปแบบข้อความ) |
Vedio samui iland youtube | [list:0:node:field-vedio-samui-iland-youtube-:?] | Field "field_vedio_samui_iland_youtube_". The following properties may be appended to the token: input (YouTube URL), video_id (YouTube Video ID) |
Vedio samui iland youtube : Default | [list:0:node:field_vedio_samui_iland_youtube_] | The YouTube video field value's Default (or Token if exists) view mode output. |
Vedio samui iland youtube : Image URL | [list:0:node:field_vedio_samui_iland_youtube___youtube_image_url] | The YouTube video field value's local image URL. |
Vedio samui iland youtube : Video URL | [list:0:node:field_vedio_samui_iland_youtube___youtube_video_url] | The YouTube video field value's URL. |
Content | [list:0:original:body] | รูปแบบเนื้อหาของความคิดเห็น |
The main body text | [list:0:original:comment-body:?] | The main body text The following properties may be appended to the token: value (ข้อความ), format (รูปแบบข้อความ) |
Content | [list:0:parent:body] | รูปแบบเนื้อหาของความคิดเห็น |
The main body text | [list:0:parent:comment-body:?] | The main body text The following properties may be appended to the token: value (ข้อความ), format (รูปแบบข้อความ) |
The main body text | [list:0:comment-body:?] | The main body text The following properties may be appended to the token: value (ข้อความ), format (รูปแบบข้อความ) |
Content | [list:1:body] | รูปแบบเนื้อหาของความคิดเห็น |
Body | [list:1:node:body:?] | The main body text of the node. The following properties may be appended to the token: value (ข้อความ), summary (Summary), format (รูปแบบข้อความ) |
Vedio samui iland youtube | [list:1:node:field-vedio-samui-iland-youtube-:?] | Field "field_vedio_samui_iland_youtube_". The following properties may be appended to the token: input (YouTube URL), video_id (YouTube Video ID) |
Vedio samui iland youtube : Default | [list:1:node:field_vedio_samui_iland_youtube_] | The YouTube video field value's Default (or Token if exists) view mode output. |
Vedio samui iland youtube : Image URL | [list:1:node:field_vedio_samui_iland_youtube___youtube_image_url] | The YouTube video field value's local image URL. |
Vedio samui iland youtube : Video URL | [list:1:node:field_vedio_samui_iland_youtube___youtube_video_url] | The YouTube video field value's URL. |
Content | [list:1:original:body] | รูปแบบเนื้อหาของความคิดเห็น |
The main body text | [list:1:original:comment-body:?] | The main body text The following properties may be appended to the token: value (ข้อความ), format (รูปแบบข้อความ) |
Content | [list:1:parent:body] | รูปแบบเนื้อหาของความคิดเห็น |
The main body text | [list:1:parent:comment-body:?] | The main body text The following properties may be appended to the token: value (ข้อความ), format (รูปแบบข้อความ) |
The main body text | [list:1:comment-body:?] | The main body text The following properties may be appended to the token: value (ข้อความ), format (รูปแบบข้อความ) |
Content | [list:2:body] | รูปแบบเนื้อหาของความคิดเห็น |
Body | [list:2:node:body:?] | The main body text of the node. The following properties may be appended to the token: value (ข้อความ), summary (Summary), format (รูปแบบข้อความ) |
Vedio samui iland youtube | [list:2:node:field-vedio-samui-iland-youtube-:?] | Field "field_vedio_samui_iland_youtube_". The following properties may be appended to the token: input (YouTube URL), video_id (YouTube Video ID) |
Vedio samui iland youtube : Default | [list:2:node:field_vedio_samui_iland_youtube_] | The YouTube video field value's Default (or Token if exists) view mode output. |
Vedio samui iland youtube : Image URL | [list:2:node:field_vedio_samui_iland_youtube___youtube_image_url] | The YouTube video field value's local image URL. |
Vedio samui iland youtube : Video URL | [list:2:node:field_vedio_samui_iland_youtube___youtube_video_url] | The YouTube video field value's URL. |
Content | [list:2:original:body] | รูปแบบเนื้อหาของความคิดเห็น |
The main body text | [list:2:original:comment-body:?] | The main body text The following properties may be appended to the token: value (ข้อความ), format (รูปแบบข้อความ) |
Content | [list:2:parent:body] | รูปแบบเนื้อหาของความคิดเห็น |
The main body text | [list:2:parent:comment-body:?] | The main body text The following properties may be appended to the token: value (ข้อความ), format (รูปแบบข้อความ) |
The main body text | [list:2:comment-body:?] | The main body text The following properties may be appended to the token: value (ข้อความ), format (รูปแบบข้อความ) |
Content | [list:3:body] | รูปแบบเนื้อหาของความคิดเห็น |
Body | [list:3:node:body:?] | The main body text of the node. The following properties may be appended to the token: value (ข้อความ), summary (Summary), format (รูปแบบข้อความ) |
Vedio samui iland youtube | [list:3:node:field-vedio-samui-iland-youtube-:?] | Field "field_vedio_samui_iland_youtube_". The following properties may be appended to the token: input (YouTube URL), video_id (YouTube Video ID) |
Vedio samui iland youtube : Default | [list:3:node:field_vedio_samui_iland_youtube_] | The YouTube video field value's Default (or Token if exists) view mode output. |
Vedio samui iland youtube : Image URL | [list:3:node:field_vedio_samui_iland_youtube___youtube_image_url] | The YouTube video field value's local image URL. |
Vedio samui iland youtube : Video URL | [list:3:node:field_vedio_samui_iland_youtube___youtube_video_url] | The YouTube video field value's URL. |
Content | [list:3:original:body] | รูปแบบเนื้อหาของความคิดเห็น |
The main body text | [list:3:original:comment-body:?] | The main body text The following properties may be appended to the token: value (ข้อความ), format (รูปแบบข้อความ) |
Content | [list:3:parent:body] | รูปแบบเนื้อหาของความคิดเห็น |
The main body text | [list:3:parent:comment-body:?] | The main body text The following properties may be appended to the token: value (ข้อความ), format (รูปแบบข้อความ) |
The main body text | [list:3:comment-body:?] | The main body text The following properties may be appended to the token: value (ข้อความ), format (รูปแบบข้อความ) |
List of Commerce Coupons | | Tokens related to the "Commerce Coupon" entities. |
Commerce Coupon with delta 0 | [list:0] | The list item with delta 0. Delta values start from 0 and are incremented by one per list item. |
Bulk | [list:0:bulk] | Commerce coupon "bulk" property. |
Changed | [list:0:changed] | Commerce coupon "changed" property. |
Commerce coupon ID | [list:0:coupon-id] | The unique ID of the commerce coupon. |
Conditions | [list:0:commerce_coupon_conditions] | Inline conditions field. |
Created | [list:0:created] | Commerce coupon "created" property. |
Discount reference | [list:0:commerce-discount-reference] | Field "commerce_discount_reference". |
Commerce Discount with delta 1 | [list:0:commerce-discount-reference:1] | The list item with delta 1. Delta values start from 0 and are incremented by one per list item. |
Commerce Discount with delta 2 | [list:0:commerce-discount-reference:2] | The list item with delta 2. Delta values start from 0 and are incremented by one per list item. |
Commerce Discount with delta 3 | [list:0:commerce-discount-reference:3] | The list item with delta 3. Delta values start from 0 and are incremented by one per list item. |
Discount reference | [list:0:commerce_discount_reference] | Entity Reference field. |
Recipient | [list:0:commerce-coupon-recipient] | Field "commerce_coupon_recipient". |
Account cancellation URL | [list:0:commerce-coupon-recipient:cancel-url] | The URL of the confirm delete page for the user account. |
Last access | [list:0:commerce-coupon-recipient:last-access] | The date the user last accessed the site. |
Location | [list:0:commerce-coupon-recipient:location] | The location for this user. |
Name | [list:0:commerce-coupon-recipient:name] | The login name of the user account. |
One-time login URL | [list:0:commerce-coupon-recipient:one-time-login-url] | The URL of the one-time login page for the user account. |
Original user | [list:0:commerce-coupon-recipient:original] | The original user data if the user is being updated or saved. |
Roles | [list:0:commerce-coupon-recipient:roles] | The user roles associated with the user account. |
URL | [list:0:commerce-coupon-recipient:url] | The URL of the account profile page. |
User role ids | [list:0:commerce-coupon-recipient:role-ids] | The role ids the user account is a member of as comma separated list. |
User role names | [list:0:commerce-coupon-recipient:role-names] | The role names the user account is a member of as comma separated list. |
ธีมเริ่มต้น | [list:0:commerce-coupon-recipient:theme] | The user's default theme. |
รหัสผู้ใช้ | [list:0:commerce-coupon-recipient:uid] | The unique ID of the user account. |
รูปภาพ | [list:0:commerce-coupon-recipient:picture] | The picture of the user. |
สถานะ | [list:0:commerce-coupon-recipient:status] | Whether the user is active or blocked. |
สร้างเมื่อ | [list:0:commerce-coupon-recipient:created] | The date the user account was created. |
อีเมล | [list:0:commerce-coupon-recipient:mail] | The email address of the user account. |
เข้าสู่ระบบล่าสุด | [list:0:commerce-coupon-recipient:last-login] | The date the user last logged in to the site. |
แก้ไข URL | [list:0:commerce-coupon-recipient:edit-url] | The URL of the account edit page. |
Recipient | [list:0:commerce_coupon_recipient] | Entity Reference field. |
Status | [list:0:status] | Commerce coupon "status" property. |
Uid | [list:0:uid] | Commerce coupon "uid" property. |
ป้ายชื่อ | [list:0:code] | The human readable label. |
Commerce Coupon with delta 1 | [list:1] | The list item with delta 1. Delta values start from 0 and are incremented by one per list item. |
Bulk | [list:1:bulk] | Commerce coupon "bulk" property. |
Changed | [list:1:changed] | Commerce coupon "changed" property. |
Commerce coupon ID | [list:1:coupon-id] | The unique ID of the commerce coupon. |
Conditions | [list:1:commerce_coupon_conditions] | Inline conditions field. |
Created | [list:1:created] | Commerce coupon "created" property. |
Discount reference | [list:1:commerce-discount-reference] | Field "commerce_discount_reference". |
Commerce Discount with delta 0 | [list:1:commerce-discount-reference:0] | The list item with delta 0. Delta values start from 0 and are incremented by one per list item. |
Commerce Discount with delta 2 | [list:1:commerce-discount-reference:2] | The list item with delta 2. Delta values start from 0 and are incremented by one per list item. |
Commerce Discount with delta 3 | [list:1:commerce-discount-reference:3] | The list item with delta 3. Delta values start from 0 and are incremented by one per list item. |
Discount reference | [list:1:commerce_discount_reference] | Entity Reference field. |
Recipient | [list:1:commerce-coupon-recipient] | Field "commerce_coupon_recipient". |
Account cancellation URL | [list:1:commerce-coupon-recipient:cancel-url] | The URL of the confirm delete page for the user account. |
Last access | [list:1:commerce-coupon-recipient:last-access] | The date the user last accessed the site. |
Location | [list:1:commerce-coupon-recipient:location] | The location for this user. |
Name | [list:1:commerce-coupon-recipient:name] | The login name of the user account. |
One-time login URL | [list:1:commerce-coupon-recipient:one-time-login-url] | The URL of the one-time login page for the user account. |
Original user | [list:1:commerce-coupon-recipient:original] | The original user data if the user is being updated or saved. |
Roles | [list:1:commerce-coupon-recipient:roles] | The user roles associated with the user account. |
URL | [list:1:commerce-coupon-recipient:url] | The URL of the account profile page. |
User role ids | [list:1:commerce-coupon-recipient:role-ids] | The role ids the user account is a member of as comma separated list. |
User role names | [list:1:commerce-coupon-recipient:role-names] | The role names the user account is a member of as comma separated list. |
ธีมเริ่มต้น | [list:1:commerce-coupon-recipient:theme] | The user's default theme. |
รหัสผู้ใช้ | [list:1:commerce-coupon-recipient:uid] | The unique ID of the user account. |
รูปภาพ | [list:1:commerce-coupon-recipient:picture] | The picture of the user. |
สถานะ | [list:1:commerce-coupon-recipient:status] | Whether the user is active or blocked. |
สร้างเมื่อ | [list:1:commerce-coupon-recipient:created] | The date the user account was created. |
อีเมล | [list:1:commerce-coupon-recipient:mail] | The email address of the user account. |
เข้าสู่ระบบล่าสุด | [list:1:commerce-coupon-recipient:last-login] | The date the user last logged in to the site. |
แก้ไข URL | [list:1:commerce-coupon-recipient:edit-url] | The URL of the account edit page. |
Recipient | [list:1:commerce_coupon_recipient] | Entity Reference field. |
Status | [list:1:status] | Commerce coupon "status" property. |
Uid | [list:1:uid] | Commerce coupon "uid" property. |
ป้ายชื่อ | [list:1:code] | The human readable label. |
Commerce Coupon with delta 2 | [list:2] | The list item with delta 2. Delta values start from 0 and are incremented by one per list item. |
Bulk | [list:2:bulk] | Commerce coupon "bulk" property. |
Changed | [list:2:changed] | Commerce coupon "changed" property. |
Commerce coupon ID | [list:2:coupon-id] | The unique ID of the commerce coupon. |
Conditions | [list:2:commerce_coupon_conditions] | Inline conditions field. |
Created | [list:2:created] | Commerce coupon "created" property. |
Discount reference | [list:2:commerce-discount-reference] | Field "commerce_discount_reference". |
Commerce Discount with delta 0 | [list:2:commerce-discount-reference:0] | The list item with delta 0. Delta values start from 0 and are incremented by one per list item. |
Commerce Discount with delta 1 | [list:2:commerce-discount-reference:1] | The list item with delta 1. Delta values start from 0 and are incremented by one per list item. |
Commerce Discount with delta 3 | [list:2:commerce-discount-reference:3] | The list item with delta 3. Delta values start from 0 and are incremented by one per list item. |
Discount reference | [list:2:commerce_discount_reference] | Entity Reference field. |
Recipient | [list:2:commerce-coupon-recipient] | Field "commerce_coupon_recipient". |
Account cancellation URL | [list:2:commerce-coupon-recipient:cancel-url] | The URL of the confirm delete page for the user account. |
Last access | [list:2:commerce-coupon-recipient:last-access] | The date the user last accessed the site. |
Location | [list:2:commerce-coupon-recipient:location] | The location for this user. |
Name | [list:2:commerce-coupon-recipient:name] | The login name of the user account. |
One-time login URL | [list:2:commerce-coupon-recipient:one-time-login-url] | The URL of the one-time login page for the user account. |
Original user | [list:2:commerce-coupon-recipient:original] | The original user data if the user is being updated or saved. |
Roles | [list:2:commerce-coupon-recipient:roles] | The user roles associated with the user account. |
URL | [list:2:commerce-coupon-recipient:url] | The URL of the account profile page. |
User role ids | [list:2:commerce-coupon-recipient:role-ids] | The role ids the user account is a member of as comma separated list. |
User role names | [list:2:commerce-coupon-recipient:role-names] | The role names the user account is a member of as comma separated list. |
ธีมเริ่มต้น | [list:2:commerce-coupon-recipient:theme] | The user's default theme. |
รหัสผู้ใช้ | [list:2:commerce-coupon-recipient:uid] | The unique ID of the user account. |
รูปภาพ | [list:2:commerce-coupon-recipient:picture] | The picture of the user. |
สถานะ | [list:2:commerce-coupon-recipient:status] | Whether the user is active or blocked. |
สร้างเมื่อ | [list:2:commerce-coupon-recipient:created] | The date the user account was created. |
อีเมล | [list:2:commerce-coupon-recipient:mail] | The email address of the user account. |
เข้าสู่ระบบล่าสุด | [list:2:commerce-coupon-recipient:last-login] | The date the user last logged in to the site. |
แก้ไข URL | [list:2:commerce-coupon-recipient:edit-url] | The URL of the account edit page. |
Recipient | [list:2:commerce_coupon_recipient] | Entity Reference field. |
Status | [list:2:status] | Commerce coupon "status" property. |
Uid | [list:2:uid] | Commerce coupon "uid" property. |
ป้ายชื่อ | [list:2:code] | The human readable label. |
Commerce Coupon with delta 3 | [list:3] | The list item with delta 3. Delta values start from 0 and are incremented by one per list item. |
Bulk | [list:3:bulk] | Commerce coupon "bulk" property. |
Changed | [list:3:changed] | Commerce coupon "changed" property. |
Commerce coupon ID | [list:3:coupon-id] | The unique ID of the commerce coupon. |
Conditions | [list:3:commerce_coupon_conditions] | Inline conditions field. |
Created | [list:3:created] | Commerce coupon "created" property. |
Discount reference | [list:3:commerce-discount-reference] | Field "commerce_discount_reference". |
Commerce Discount with delta 0 | [list:3:commerce-discount-reference:0] | The list item with delta 0. Delta values start from 0 and are incremented by one per list item. |
Commerce Discount with delta 1 | [list:3:commerce-discount-reference:1] | The list item with delta 1. Delta values start from 0 and are incremented by one per list item. |
Commerce Discount with delta 2 | [list:3:commerce-discount-reference:2] | The list item with delta 2. Delta values start from 0 and are incremented by one per list item. |
Discount reference | [list:3:commerce_discount_reference] | Entity Reference field. |
Recipient | [list:3:commerce-coupon-recipient] | Field "commerce_coupon_recipient". |
Account cancellation URL | [list:3:commerce-coupon-recipient:cancel-url] | The URL of the confirm delete page for the user account. |
Last access | [list:3:commerce-coupon-recipient:last-access] | The date the user last accessed the site. |
Location | [list:3:commerce-coupon-recipient:location] | The location for this user. |
Name | [list:3:commerce-coupon-recipient:name] | The login name of the user account. |
One-time login URL | [list:3:commerce-coupon-recipient:one-time-login-url] | The URL of the one-time login page for the user account. |
Original user | [list:3:commerce-coupon-recipient:original] | The original user data if the user is being updated or saved. |
Roles | [list:3:commerce-coupon-recipient:roles] | The user roles associated with the user account. |
URL | [list:3:commerce-coupon-recipient:url] | The URL of the account profile page. |
User role ids | [list:3:commerce-coupon-recipient:role-ids] | The role ids the user account is a member of as comma separated list. |
User role names | [list:3:commerce-coupon-recipient:role-names] | The role names the user account is a member of as comma separated list. |
ธีมเริ่มต้น | [list:3:commerce-coupon-recipient:theme] | The user's default theme. |
รหัสผู้ใช้ | [list:3:commerce-coupon-recipient:uid] | The unique ID of the user account. |
รูปภาพ | [list:3:commerce-coupon-recipient:picture] | The picture of the user. |
สถานะ | [list:3:commerce-coupon-recipient:status] | Whether the user is active or blocked. |
สร้างเมื่อ | [list:3:commerce-coupon-recipient:created] | The date the user account was created. |
อีเมล | [list:3:commerce-coupon-recipient:mail] | The email address of the user account. |
เข้าสู่ระบบล่าสุด | [list:3:commerce-coupon-recipient:last-login] | The date the user last logged in to the site. |
แก้ไข URL | [list:3:commerce-coupon-recipient:edit-url] | The URL of the account edit page. |
Recipient | [list:3:commerce_coupon_recipient] | Entity Reference field. |
Status | [list:3:status] | Commerce coupon "status" property. |
Uid | [list:3:uid] | Commerce coupon "uid" property. |
ป้ายชื่อ | [list:3:code] | The human readable label. |
List of Commerce Customer profiles | | Tokens related to the "Commerce Customer profile" entities. |
Customer profiles with delta 0 | [list:0] | The list item with delta 0. Delta values start from 0 and are incremented by one per list item. |
Address | [list:0:commerce-customer-address:?] | Field "commerce_customer_address". The following properties may be appended to the token: country (ประเทศ), name_line (ชื่อเต็ม), first_name (ชื่อจริง), last_name (นามสกุล), organisation_name (บริษัท), administrative_area (Administrative area (i.e. State / Province)), sub_administrative_area (Sub administrative area), locality (Locality (i.e. City)), dependent_locality (Dependent locality), postal_code (รหัสไปรษณีย์), thoroughfare (ที่อยู่ถนน), premise (Premise (i.e. Apartment / Suite number)), sub_premise (Sub Premise (i.e. Suite, Apartment, Floor, Unknown.) |
Address formatted for MailChimp | [list:0:commerce-customer-address:?:format-mailchimp] | The full address formatted for import into MailChimp. |
Administrative area (i.e. State/Province) | [list:0:commerce-customer-address:?:administrative-area] | The administrative area value, expanded to the full name if applicable. |
Administrative area (raw value) | [list:0:commerce-customer-address:?:administrative-area-raw] | The raw administrative area value. |
Country code | [list:0:commerce-customer-address:?:country-code] | The two letter ISO country code. |
Country name | [list:0:commerce-customer-address:?:country] | The full name of the country. |
Locality (i.e. City) | [list:0:commerce-customer-address:?:locality] | The locality value. |
Organisation | [list:0:commerce-customer-address:?:organisation] | The organisation name value. |
Sub Premise (i.e. Suite, Apartment, Floor, Unknown.) | [list:0:commerce-customer-address:?:sub_premise] | The sub premise value. |
ชื่อจริง | [list:0:commerce-customer-address:?:first-name] | The first name value. |
ชื่อเต็ม | [list:0:commerce-customer-address:?:name-line] | The name line value of the address. |
ที่อยู่ถนน | [list:0:commerce-customer-address:?:thoroughfare] | The thoroughfare value. |
ที่อยู่ถนน | [list:0:commerce-customer-address:?:premise] | The premise value. |
นามสกุล | [list:0:commerce-customer-address:?:last-name] | The last name value. |
รหัสไปรษณีย์ | [list:0:commerce-customer-address:?:postal-code] | The postal code value. |
Address | [list:0:commerce_customer_address] | Postal address field. |
Address formatted for MailChimp | [list:0:commerce_customer_address:format-mailchimp] | The full address formatted for import into MailChimp. |
Administrative area (i.e. State/Province) | [list:0:commerce_customer_address:administrative-area] | The administrative area value, expanded to the full name if applicable. |
Administrative area (raw value) | [list:0:commerce_customer_address:administrative-area-raw] | The raw administrative area value. |
Country code | [list:0:commerce_customer_address:country-code] | The two letter ISO country code. |
Country name | [list:0:commerce_customer_address:country] | The full name of the country. |
Locality (i.e. City) | [list:0:commerce_customer_address:locality] | The locality value. |
Organisation | [list:0:commerce_customer_address:organisation] | The organisation name value. |
Sub Premise (i.e. Suite, Apartment, Floor, Unknown.) | [list:0:commerce_customer_address:sub_premise] | The sub premise value. |
ชื่อจริง | [list:0:commerce_customer_address:first-name] | The first name value. |
ชื่อเต็ม | [list:0:commerce_customer_address:name-line] | The name line value of the address. |
ที่อยู่ถนน | [list:0:commerce_customer_address:thoroughfare] | The thoroughfare value. |
ที่อยู่ถนน | [list:0:commerce_customer_address:premise] | The premise value. |
นามสกุล | [list:0:commerce_customer_address:last-name] | The last name value. |
รหัสไปรษณีย์ | [list:0:commerce_customer_address:postal-code] | The postal code value. |
Customer profile ID | [list:0:customer-profile-id] | The unique numeric ID of the customer profile. |
Customer profile owner | [list:0:owner] | The user the customer profile belongs to. |
Account cancellation URL | [list:0:owner:cancel-url] | The URL of the confirm delete page for the user account. |
Last access | [list:0:owner:last-access] | The date the user last accessed the site. |
Location | [list:0:owner:location] | The location for this user. |
Name | [list:0:owner:name] | The login name of the user account. |
One-time login URL | [list:0:owner:one-time-login-url] | The URL of the one-time login page for the user account. |
Original user | [list:0:owner:original] | The original user data if the user is being updated or saved. |
Roles | [list:0:owner:roles] | The user roles associated with the user account. |
URL | [list:0:owner:url] | The URL of the account profile page. |
User role ids | [list:0:owner:role-ids] | The role ids the user account is a member of as comma separated list. |
User role names | [list:0:owner:role-names] | The role names the user account is a member of as comma separated list. |
ธีมเริ่มต้น | [list:0:owner:theme] | The user's default theme. |
รหัสผู้ใช้ | [list:0:owner:uid] | The unique ID of the user account. |
รูปภาพ | [list:0:owner:picture] | The picture of the user. |
สถานะ | [list:0:owner:status] | Whether the user is active or blocked. |
สร้างเมื่อ | [list:0:owner:created] | The date the user account was created. |
อีเมล | [list:0:owner:mail] | The email address of the user account. |
เข้าสู่ระบบล่าสุด | [list:0:owner:last-login] | The date the user last logged in to the site. |
แก้ไข URL | [list:0:owner:edit-url] | The URL of the account edit page. |
Customer profile type | [list:0:type] | The type of the customer profile. |
Customer profile type name | [list:0:type-name] | The type name of the customer profile. |
Date updated | [list:0:changed] | The date the customer profile was last updated. |
Availability Calendar date display | [list:0:changed:availability_calendar_date_display] | A date in 'availability_calendar_date_display' format. (03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Availability Calendar date entry | [list:0:changed:availability_calendar_date_entry] | A date in 'availability_calendar_date_entry' format. (03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Availability Calendar month caption | [list:0:changed:availability_calendar_month_caption] | A date in 'availability_calendar_month_caption' format. (03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Hours am/pm | [list:0:changed:hours_ampm] | A date in 'hours_ampm' format. (3:29 am) |
Long format | [list:0:changed:long] | A date in 'long' format. (พุธ, มีนาคม 20, 2024 - 03:29) |
Medium format | [list:0:changed:medium] | A date in 'medium' format. (พ, 03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Raw timestamp | [list:0:changed:raw] | A date in UNIX timestamp format (1710880172) |
Short format | [list:0:changed:short] | A date in 'short' format. (03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Studyroom Availability Date | [list:0:changed:studyroom_availability_date] | A date in 'studyroom_availability_date' format. (พ, 03/20/2024) |
Time-since | [list:0:changed:since] | A date in 'time-since' format. (54 ปี 3 เดือน) |
กำหนดรูปแบบเอง | [list:0:changed:custom:?] | A date in a custom format. See the PHP documentation for details. |
Original commerce customer profile | [list:0:original] | The original commerce customer profile data if the commerce customer profile is being updated or saved. |
Address | [list:0:original:commerce-customer-address:?] | Field "commerce_customer_address". The following properties may be appended to the token: country (ประเทศ), name_line (ชื่อเต็ม), first_name (ชื่อจริง), last_name (นามสกุล), organisation_name (บริษัท), administrative_area (Administrative area (i.e. State / Province)), sub_administrative_area (Sub administrative area), locality (Locality (i.e. City)), dependent_locality (Dependent locality), postal_code (รหัสไปรษณีย์), thoroughfare (ที่อยู่ถนน), premise (Premise (i.e. Apartment / Suite number)), sub_premise (Sub Premise (i.e. Suite, Apartment, Floor, Unknown.) |
Address | [list:0:original:commerce_customer_address] | Postal address field. |
Customer profile ID | [list:0:original:customer-profile-id] | The unique numeric ID of the customer profile. |
Customer profile owner | [list:0:original:owner] | The user the customer profile belongs to. |
Customer profile type | [list:0:original:type] | The type of the customer profile. |
Customer profile type name | [list:0:original:type-name] | The type name of the customer profile. |
Date updated | [list:0:original:changed] | The date the customer profile was last updated. |
Profile ID | [list:0:original:profile-id] | The internal numeric ID of the customer profile. |
URL | [list:0:original:url] | The URL of the commerce customer profile. |
User | [list:0:original:user] | The user the customer profile belongs to. |
รหัสผู้ใช้ | [list:0:original:uid] | The unique ID of the user the customer profile belongs to. |
วันที่สร้าง | [list:0:original:created] | The date the customer profile was created. |
สถานะ | [list:0:original:status] | Whether or not the customer profile is active. |
แก้ไข ID | [list:0:original:revision-id] | The unique ID of the customer profile's latest revision. |
Profile ID | [list:0:profile-id] | The internal numeric ID of the customer profile. |
URL | [list:0:url] | The URL of the commerce customer profile. |
Absolute URL | [list:0:url:absolute] | The absolute URL. |
Arguments | [list:0:url:args] | The specific argument of the current page (e.g. 'arg:1' on the page 'node/1' returns '1'). |
Brief URL | [list:0:url:brief] | The URL without the protocol and trailing backslash. |
Relative URL | [list:0:url:relative] | The relative URL. |
Unaliased URL | [list:0:url:unaliased] | The unaliased URL. |
ตำแหน่งพาธ | [list:0:url:path] | The path component of the URL. |
User | [list:0:user] | The user the customer profile belongs to. |
Account cancellation URL | [list:0:user:cancel-url] | The URL of the confirm delete page for the user account. |
Last access | [list:0:user:last-access] | The date the user last accessed the site. |
Location | [list:0:user:location] | The location for this user. |
Name | [list:0:user:name] | The login name of the user account. |
One-time login URL | [list:0:user:one-time-login-url] | The URL of the one-time login page for the user account. |
Original user | [list:0:user:original] | The original user data if the user is being updated or saved. |
Roles | [list:0:user:roles] | The user roles associated with the user account. |
URL | [list:0:user:url] | The URL of the account profile page. |
User role ids | [list:0:user:role-ids] | The role ids the user account is a member of as comma separated list. |
User role names | [list:0:user:role-names] | The role names the user account is a member of as comma separated list. |
ธีมเริ่มต้น | [list:0:user:theme] | The user's default theme. |
รหัสผู้ใช้ | [list:0:user:uid] | The unique ID of the user account. |
รูปภาพ | [list:0:user:picture] | The picture of the user. |
สถานะ | [list:0:user:status] | Whether the user is active or blocked. |
สร้างเมื่อ | [list:0:user:created] | The date the user account was created. |
อีเมล | [list:0:user:mail] | The email address of the user account. |
เข้าสู่ระบบล่าสุด | [list:0:user:last-login] | The date the user last logged in to the site. |
แก้ไข URL | [list:0:user:edit-url] | The URL of the account edit page. |
รหัสผู้ใช้ | [list:0:uid] | The unique ID of the user the customer profile belongs to. |
วันที่สร้าง | [list:0:created] | The date the customer profile was created. |
Availability Calendar date display | [list:0:created:availability_calendar_date_display] | A date in 'availability_calendar_date_display' format. (03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Availability Calendar date entry | [list:0:created:availability_calendar_date_entry] | A date in 'availability_calendar_date_entry' format. (03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Availability Calendar month caption | [list:0:created:availability_calendar_month_caption] | A date in 'availability_calendar_month_caption' format. (03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Hours am/pm | [list:0:created:hours_ampm] | A date in 'hours_ampm' format. (3:29 am) |
Long format | [list:0:created:long] | A date in 'long' format. (พุธ, มีนาคม 20, 2024 - 03:29) |
Medium format | [list:0:created:medium] | A date in 'medium' format. (พ, 03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Raw timestamp | [list:0:created:raw] | A date in UNIX timestamp format (1710880172) |
Short format | [list:0:created:short] | A date in 'short' format. (03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Studyroom Availability Date | [list:0:created:studyroom_availability_date] | A date in 'studyroom_availability_date' format. (พ, 03/20/2024) |
Time-since | [list:0:created:since] | A date in 'time-since' format. (54 ปี 3 เดือน) |
กำหนดรูปแบบเอง | [list:0:created:custom:?] | A date in a custom format. See the PHP documentation for details. |
สถานะ | [list:0:status] | Whether or not the customer profile is active. |
แก้ไข ID | [list:0:revision-id] | The unique ID of the customer profile's latest revision. |
Customer profiles with delta 1 | [list:1] | The list item with delta 1. Delta values start from 0 and are incremented by one per list item. |
Address | [list:1:commerce-customer-address:?] | Field "commerce_customer_address". The following properties may be appended to the token: country (ประเทศ), name_line (ชื่อเต็ม), first_name (ชื่อจริง), last_name (นามสกุล), organisation_name (บริษัท), administrative_area (Administrative area (i.e. State / Province)), sub_administrative_area (Sub administrative area), locality (Locality (i.e. City)), dependent_locality (Dependent locality), postal_code (รหัสไปรษณีย์), thoroughfare (ที่อยู่ถนน), premise (Premise (i.e. Apartment / Suite number)), sub_premise (Sub Premise (i.e. Suite, Apartment, Floor, Unknown.) |
Address formatted for MailChimp | [list:1:commerce-customer-address:?:format-mailchimp] | The full address formatted for import into MailChimp. |
Administrative area (i.e. State/Province) | [list:1:commerce-customer-address:?:administrative-area] | The administrative area value, expanded to the full name if applicable. |
Administrative area (raw value) | [list:1:commerce-customer-address:?:administrative-area-raw] | The raw administrative area value. |
Country code | [list:1:commerce-customer-address:?:country-code] | The two letter ISO country code. |
Country name | [list:1:commerce-customer-address:?:country] | The full name of the country. |
Locality (i.e. City) | [list:1:commerce-customer-address:?:locality] | The locality value. |
Organisation | [list:1:commerce-customer-address:?:organisation] | The organisation name value. |
Sub Premise (i.e. Suite, Apartment, Floor, Unknown.) | [list:1:commerce-customer-address:?:sub_premise] | The sub premise value. |
ชื่อจริง | [list:1:commerce-customer-address:?:first-name] | The first name value. |
ชื่อเต็ม | [list:1:commerce-customer-address:?:name-line] | The name line value of the address. |
ที่อยู่ถนน | [list:1:commerce-customer-address:?:thoroughfare] | The thoroughfare value. |
ที่อยู่ถนน | [list:1:commerce-customer-address:?:premise] | The premise value. |
นามสกุล | [list:1:commerce-customer-address:?:last-name] | The last name value. |
รหัสไปรษณีย์ | [list:1:commerce-customer-address:?:postal-code] | The postal code value. |
Address | [list:1:commerce_customer_address] | Postal address field. |
Address formatted for MailChimp | [list:1:commerce_customer_address:format-mailchimp] | The full address formatted for import into MailChimp. |
Administrative area (i.e. State/Province) | [list:1:commerce_customer_address:administrative-area] | The administrative area value, expanded to the full name if applicable. |
Administrative area (raw value) | [list:1:commerce_customer_address:administrative-area-raw] | The raw administrative area value. |
Country code | [list:1:commerce_customer_address:country-code] | The two letter ISO country code. |
Country name | [list:1:commerce_customer_address:country] | The full name of the country. |
Locality (i.e. City) | [list:1:commerce_customer_address:locality] | The locality value. |
Organisation | [list:1:commerce_customer_address:organisation] | The organisation name value. |
Sub Premise (i.e. Suite, Apartment, Floor, Unknown.) | [list:1:commerce_customer_address:sub_premise] | The sub premise value. |
ชื่อจริง | [list:1:commerce_customer_address:first-name] | The first name value. |
ชื่อเต็ม | [list:1:commerce_customer_address:name-line] | The name line value of the address. |
ที่อยู่ถนน | [list:1:commerce_customer_address:thoroughfare] | The thoroughfare value. |
ที่อยู่ถนน | [list:1:commerce_customer_address:premise] | The premise value. |
นามสกุล | [list:1:commerce_customer_address:last-name] | The last name value. |
รหัสไปรษณีย์ | [list:1:commerce_customer_address:postal-code] | The postal code value. |
Customer profile ID | [list:1:customer-profile-id] | The unique numeric ID of the customer profile. |
Customer profile owner | [list:1:owner] | The user the customer profile belongs to. |
Account cancellation URL | [list:1:owner:cancel-url] | The URL of the confirm delete page for the user account. |
Last access | [list:1:owner:last-access] | The date the user last accessed the site. |
Location | [list:1:owner:location] | The location for this user. |
Name | [list:1:owner:name] | The login name of the user account. |
One-time login URL | [list:1:owner:one-time-login-url] | The URL of the one-time login page for the user account. |
Original user | [list:1:owner:original] | The original user data if the user is being updated or saved. |
Roles | [list:1:owner:roles] | The user roles associated with the user account. |
URL | [list:1:owner:url] | The URL of the account profile page. |
User role ids | [list:1:owner:role-ids] | The role ids the user account is a member of as comma separated list. |
User role names | [list:1:owner:role-names] | The role names the user account is a member of as comma separated list. |
ธีมเริ่มต้น | [list:1:owner:theme] | The user's default theme. |
รหัสผู้ใช้ | [list:1:owner:uid] | The unique ID of the user account. |
รูปภาพ | [list:1:owner:picture] | The picture of the user. |
สถานะ | [list:1:owner:status] | Whether the user is active or blocked. |
สร้างเมื่อ | [list:1:owner:created] | The date the user account was created. |
อีเมล | [list:1:owner:mail] | The email address of the user account. |
เข้าสู่ระบบล่าสุด | [list:1:owner:last-login] | The date the user last logged in to the site. |
แก้ไข URL | [list:1:owner:edit-url] | The URL of the account edit page. |
Customer profile type | [list:1:type] | The type of the customer profile. |
Customer profile type name | [list:1:type-name] | The type name of the customer profile. |
Date updated | [list:1:changed] | The date the customer profile was last updated. |
Availability Calendar date display | [list:1:changed:availability_calendar_date_display] | A date in 'availability_calendar_date_display' format. (03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Availability Calendar date entry | [list:1:changed:availability_calendar_date_entry] | A date in 'availability_calendar_date_entry' format. (03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Availability Calendar month caption | [list:1:changed:availability_calendar_month_caption] | A date in 'availability_calendar_month_caption' format. (03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Hours am/pm | [list:1:changed:hours_ampm] | A date in 'hours_ampm' format. (3:29 am) |
Long format | [list:1:changed:long] | A date in 'long' format. (พุธ, มีนาคม 20, 2024 - 03:29) |
Medium format | [list:1:changed:medium] | A date in 'medium' format. (พ, 03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Raw timestamp | [list:1:changed:raw] | A date in UNIX timestamp format (1710880172) |
Short format | [list:1:changed:short] | A date in 'short' format. (03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Studyroom Availability Date | [list:1:changed:studyroom_availability_date] | A date in 'studyroom_availability_date' format. (พ, 03/20/2024) |
Time-since | [list:1:changed:since] | A date in 'time-since' format. (54 ปี 3 เดือน) |
กำหนดรูปแบบเอง | [list:1:changed:custom:?] | A date in a custom format. See the PHP documentation for details. |
Original commerce customer profile | [list:1:original] | The original commerce customer profile data if the commerce customer profile is being updated or saved. |
Address | [list:1:original:commerce-customer-address:?] | Field "commerce_customer_address". The following properties may be appended to the token: country (ประเทศ), name_line (ชื่อเต็ม), first_name (ชื่อจริง), last_name (นามสกุล), organisation_name (บริษัท), administrative_area (Administrative area (i.e. State / Province)), sub_administrative_area (Sub administrative area), locality (Locality (i.e. City)), dependent_locality (Dependent locality), postal_code (รหัสไปรษณีย์), thoroughfare (ที่อยู่ถนน), premise (Premise (i.e. Apartment / Suite number)), sub_premise (Sub Premise (i.e. Suite, Apartment, Floor, Unknown.) |
Address | [list:1:original:commerce_customer_address] | Postal address field. |
Customer profile ID | [list:1:original:customer-profile-id] | The unique numeric ID of the customer profile. |
Customer profile owner | [list:1:original:owner] | The user the customer profile belongs to. |
Customer profile type | [list:1:original:type] | The type of the customer profile. |
Customer profile type name | [list:1:original:type-name] | The type name of the customer profile. |
Date updated | [list:1:original:changed] | The date the customer profile was last updated. |
Profile ID | [list:1:original:profile-id] | The internal numeric ID of the customer profile. |
URL | [list:1:original:url] | The URL of the commerce customer profile. |
User | [list:1:original:user] | The user the customer profile belongs to. |
รหัสผู้ใช้ | [list:1:original:uid] | The unique ID of the user the customer profile belongs to. |
วันที่สร้าง | [list:1:original:created] | The date the customer profile was created. |
สถานะ | [list:1:original:status] | Whether or not the customer profile is active. |
แก้ไข ID | [list:1:original:revision-id] | The unique ID of the customer profile's latest revision. |
Profile ID | [list:1:profile-id] | The internal numeric ID of the customer profile. |
URL | [list:1:url] | The URL of the commerce customer profile. |
Absolute URL | [list:1:url:absolute] | The absolute URL. |
Arguments | [list:1:url:args] | The specific argument of the current page (e.g. 'arg:1' on the page 'node/1' returns '1'). |
Brief URL | [list:1:url:brief] | The URL without the protocol and trailing backslash. |
Relative URL | [list:1:url:relative] | The relative URL. |
Unaliased URL | [list:1:url:unaliased] | The unaliased URL. |
ตำแหน่งพาธ | [list:1:url:path] | The path component of the URL. |
User | [list:1:user] | The user the customer profile belongs to. |
Account cancellation URL | [list:1:user:cancel-url] | The URL of the confirm delete page for the user account. |
Last access | [list:1:user:last-access] | The date the user last accessed the site. |
Location | [list:1:user:location] | The location for this user. |
Name | [list:1:user:name] | The login name of the user account. |
One-time login URL | [list:1:user:one-time-login-url] | The URL of the one-time login page for the user account. |
Original user | [list:1:user:original] | The original user data if the user is being updated or saved. |
Roles | [list:1:user:roles] | The user roles associated with the user account. |
URL | [list:1:user:url] | The URL of the account profile page. |
User role ids | [list:1:user:role-ids] | The role ids the user account is a member of as comma separated list. |
User role names | [list:1:user:role-names] | The role names the user account is a member of as comma separated list. |
ธีมเริ่มต้น | [list:1:user:theme] | The user's default theme. |
รหัสผู้ใช้ | [list:1:user:uid] | The unique ID of the user account. |
รูปภาพ | [list:1:user:picture] | The picture of the user. |
สถานะ | [list:1:user:status] | Whether the user is active or blocked. |
สร้างเมื่อ | [list:1:user:created] | The date the user account was created. |
อีเมล | [list:1:user:mail] | The email address of the user account. |
เข้าสู่ระบบล่าสุด | [list:1:user:last-login] | The date the user last logged in to the site. |
แก้ไข URL | [list:1:user:edit-url] | The URL of the account edit page. |
รหัสผู้ใช้ | [list:1:uid] | The unique ID of the user the customer profile belongs to. |
วันที่สร้าง | [list:1:created] | The date the customer profile was created. |
Availability Calendar date display | [list:1:created:availability_calendar_date_display] | A date in 'availability_calendar_date_display' format. (03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Availability Calendar date entry | [list:1:created:availability_calendar_date_entry] | A date in 'availability_calendar_date_entry' format. (03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Availability Calendar month caption | [list:1:created:availability_calendar_month_caption] | A date in 'availability_calendar_month_caption' format. (03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Hours am/pm | [list:1:created:hours_ampm] | A date in 'hours_ampm' format. (3:29 am) |
Long format | [list:1:created:long] | A date in 'long' format. (พุธ, มีนาคม 20, 2024 - 03:29) |
Medium format | [list:1:created:medium] | A date in 'medium' format. (พ, 03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Raw timestamp | [list:1:created:raw] | A date in UNIX timestamp format (1710880172) |
Short format | [list:1:created:short] | A date in 'short' format. (03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Studyroom Availability Date | [list:1:created:studyroom_availability_date] | A date in 'studyroom_availability_date' format. (พ, 03/20/2024) |
Time-since | [list:1:created:since] | A date in 'time-since' format. (54 ปี 3 เดือน) |
กำหนดรูปแบบเอง | [list:1:created:custom:?] | A date in a custom format. See the PHP documentation for details. |
สถานะ | [list:1:status] | Whether or not the customer profile is active. |
แก้ไข ID | [list:1:revision-id] | The unique ID of the customer profile's latest revision. |
Customer profiles with delta 2 | [list:2] | The list item with delta 2. Delta values start from 0 and are incremented by one per list item. |
Address | [list:2:commerce-customer-address:?] | Field "commerce_customer_address". The following properties may be appended to the token: country (ประเทศ), name_line (ชื่อเต็ม), first_name (ชื่อจริง), last_name (นามสกุล), organisation_name (บริษัท), administrative_area (Administrative area (i.e. State / Province)), sub_administrative_area (Sub administrative area), locality (Locality (i.e. City)), dependent_locality (Dependent locality), postal_code (รหัสไปรษณีย์), thoroughfare (ที่อยู่ถนน), premise (Premise (i.e. Apartment / Suite number)), sub_premise (Sub Premise (i.e. Suite, Apartment, Floor, Unknown.) |
Address formatted for MailChimp | [list:2:commerce-customer-address:?:format-mailchimp] | The full address formatted for import into MailChimp. |
Administrative area (i.e. State/Province) | [list:2:commerce-customer-address:?:administrative-area] | The administrative area value, expanded to the full name if applicable. |
Administrative area (raw value) | [list:2:commerce-customer-address:?:administrative-area-raw] | The raw administrative area value. |
Country code | [list:2:commerce-customer-address:?:country-code] | The two letter ISO country code. |
Country name | [list:2:commerce-customer-address:?:country] | The full name of the country. |
Locality (i.e. City) | [list:2:commerce-customer-address:?:locality] | The locality value. |
Organisation | [list:2:commerce-customer-address:?:organisation] | The organisation name value. |
Sub Premise (i.e. Suite, Apartment, Floor, Unknown.) | [list:2:commerce-customer-address:?:sub_premise] | The sub premise value. |
ชื่อจริง | [list:2:commerce-customer-address:?:first-name] | The first name value. |
ชื่อเต็ม | [list:2:commerce-customer-address:?:name-line] | The name line value of the address. |
ที่อยู่ถนน | [list:2:commerce-customer-address:?:thoroughfare] | The thoroughfare value. |
ที่อยู่ถนน | [list:2:commerce-customer-address:?:premise] | The premise value. |
นามสกุล | [list:2:commerce-customer-address:?:last-name] | The last name value. |
รหัสไปรษณีย์ | [list:2:commerce-customer-address:?:postal-code] | The postal code value. |
Address | [list:2:commerce_customer_address] | Postal address field. |
Address formatted for MailChimp | [list:2:commerce_customer_address:format-mailchimp] | The full address formatted for import into MailChimp. |
Administrative area (i.e. State/Province) | [list:2:commerce_customer_address:administrative-area] | The administrative area value, expanded to the full name if applicable. |
Administrative area (raw value) | [list:2:commerce_customer_address:administrative-area-raw] | The raw administrative area value. |
Country code | [list:2:commerce_customer_address:country-code] | The two letter ISO country code. |
Country name | [list:2:commerce_customer_address:country] | The full name of the country. |
Locality (i.e. City) | [list:2:commerce_customer_address:locality] | The locality value. |
Organisation | [list:2:commerce_customer_address:organisation] | The organisation name value. |
Sub Premise (i.e. Suite, Apartment, Floor, Unknown.) | [list:2:commerce_customer_address:sub_premise] | The sub premise value. |
ชื่อจริง | [list:2:commerce_customer_address:first-name] | The first name value. |
ชื่อเต็ม | [list:2:commerce_customer_address:name-line] | The name line value of the address. |
ที่อยู่ถนน | [list:2:commerce_customer_address:thoroughfare] | The thoroughfare value. |
ที่อยู่ถนน | [list:2:commerce_customer_address:premise] | The premise value. |
นามสกุล | [list:2:commerce_customer_address:last-name] | The last name value. |
รหัสไปรษณีย์ | [list:2:commerce_customer_address:postal-code] | The postal code value. |
Customer profile ID | [list:2:customer-profile-id] | The unique numeric ID of the customer profile. |
Customer profile owner | [list:2:owner] | The user the customer profile belongs to. |
Account cancellation URL | [list:2:owner:cancel-url] | The URL of the confirm delete page for the user account. |
Last access | [list:2:owner:last-access] | The date the user last accessed the site. |
Location | [list:2:owner:location] | The location for this user. |
Name | [list:2:owner:name] | The login name of the user account. |
One-time login URL | [list:2:owner:one-time-login-url] | The URL of the one-time login page for the user account. |
Original user | [list:2:owner:original] | The original user data if the user is being updated or saved. |
Roles | [list:2:owner:roles] | The user roles associated with the user account. |
URL | [list:2:owner:url] | The URL of the account profile page. |
User role ids | [list:2:owner:role-ids] | The role ids the user account is a member of as comma separated list. |
User role names | [list:2:owner:role-names] | The role names the user account is a member of as comma separated list. |
ธีมเริ่มต้น | [list:2:owner:theme] | The user's default theme. |
รหัสผู้ใช้ | [list:2:owner:uid] | The unique ID of the user account. |
รูปภาพ | [list:2:owner:picture] | The picture of the user. |
สถานะ | [list:2:owner:status] | Whether the user is active or blocked. |
สร้างเมื่อ | [list:2:owner:created] | The date the user account was created. |
อีเมล | [list:2:owner:mail] | The email address of the user account. |
เข้าสู่ระบบล่าสุด | [list:2:owner:last-login] | The date the user last logged in to the site. |
แก้ไข URL | [list:2:owner:edit-url] | The URL of the account edit page. |
Customer profile type | [list:2:type] | The type of the customer profile. |
Customer profile type name | [list:2:type-name] | The type name of the customer profile. |
Date updated | [list:2:changed] | The date the customer profile was last updated. |
Availability Calendar date display | [list:2:changed:availability_calendar_date_display] | A date in 'availability_calendar_date_display' format. (03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Availability Calendar date entry | [list:2:changed:availability_calendar_date_entry] | A date in 'availability_calendar_date_entry' format. (03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Availability Calendar month caption | [list:2:changed:availability_calendar_month_caption] | A date in 'availability_calendar_month_caption' format. (03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Hours am/pm | [list:2:changed:hours_ampm] | A date in 'hours_ampm' format. (3:29 am) |
Long format | [list:2:changed:long] | A date in 'long' format. (พุธ, มีนาคม 20, 2024 - 03:29) |
Medium format | [list:2:changed:medium] | A date in 'medium' format. (พ, 03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Raw timestamp | [list:2:changed:raw] | A date in UNIX timestamp format (1710880172) |
Short format | [list:2:changed:short] | A date in 'short' format. (03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Studyroom Availability Date | [list:2:changed:studyroom_availability_date] | A date in 'studyroom_availability_date' format. (พ, 03/20/2024) |
Time-since | [list:2:changed:since] | A date in 'time-since' format. (54 ปี 3 เดือน) |
กำหนดรูปแบบเอง | [list:2:changed:custom:?] | A date in a custom format. See the PHP documentation for details. |
Original commerce customer profile | [list:2:original] | The original commerce customer profile data if the commerce customer profile is being updated or saved. |
Address | [list:2:original:commerce-customer-address:?] | Field "commerce_customer_address". The following properties may be appended to the token: country (ประเทศ), name_line (ชื่อเต็ม), first_name (ชื่อจริง), last_name (นามสกุล), organisation_name (บริษัท), administrative_area (Administrative area (i.e. State / Province)), sub_administrative_area (Sub administrative area), locality (Locality (i.e. City)), dependent_locality (Dependent locality), postal_code (รหัสไปรษณีย์), thoroughfare (ที่อยู่ถนน), premise (Premise (i.e. Apartment / Suite number)), sub_premise (Sub Premise (i.e. Suite, Apartment, Floor, Unknown.) |
Address | [list:2:original:commerce_customer_address] | Postal address field. |
Customer profile ID | [list:2:original:customer-profile-id] | The unique numeric ID of the customer profile. |
Customer profile owner | [list:2:original:owner] | The user the customer profile belongs to. |
Customer profile type | [list:2:original:type] | The type of the customer profile. |
Customer profile type name | [list:2:original:type-name] | The type name of the customer profile. |
Date updated | [list:2:original:changed] | The date the customer profile was last updated. |
Profile ID | [list:2:original:profile-id] | The internal numeric ID of the customer profile. |
URL | [list:2:original:url] | The URL of the commerce customer profile. |
User | [list:2:original:user] | The user the customer profile belongs to. |
รหัสผู้ใช้ | [list:2:original:uid] | The unique ID of the user the customer profile belongs to. |
วันที่สร้าง | [list:2:original:created] | The date the customer profile was created. |
สถานะ | [list:2:original:status] | Whether or not the customer profile is active. |
แก้ไข ID | [list:2:original:revision-id] | The unique ID of the customer profile's latest revision. |
Profile ID | [list:2:profile-id] | The internal numeric ID of the customer profile. |
URL | [list:2:url] | The URL of the commerce customer profile. |
Absolute URL | [list:2:url:absolute] | The absolute URL. |
Arguments | [list:2:url:args] | The specific argument of the current page (e.g. 'arg:1' on the page 'node/1' returns '1'). |
Brief URL | [list:2:url:brief] | The URL without the protocol and trailing backslash. |
Relative URL | [list:2:url:relative] | The relative URL. |
Unaliased URL | [list:2:url:unaliased] | The unaliased URL. |
ตำแหน่งพาธ | [list:2:url:path] | The path component of the URL. |
User | [list:2:user] | The user the customer profile belongs to. |
Account cancellation URL | [list:2:user:cancel-url] | The URL of the confirm delete page for the user account. |
Last access | [list:2:user:last-access] | The date the user last accessed the site. |
Location | [list:2:user:location] | The location for this user. |
Name | [list:2:user:name] | The login name of the user account. |
One-time login URL | [list:2:user:one-time-login-url] | The URL of the one-time login page for the user account. |
Original user | [list:2:user:original] | The original user data if the user is being updated or saved. |
Roles | [list:2:user:roles] | The user roles associated with the user account. |
URL | [list:2:user:url] | The URL of the account profile page. |
User role ids | [list:2:user:role-ids] | The role ids the user account is a member of as comma separated list. |
User role names | [list:2:user:role-names] | The role names the user account is a member of as comma separated list. |
ธีมเริ่มต้น | [list:2:user:theme] | The user's default theme. |
รหัสผู้ใช้ | [list:2:user:uid] | The unique ID of the user account. |
รูปภาพ | [list:2:user:picture] | The picture of the user. |
สถานะ | [list:2:user:status] | Whether the user is active or blocked. |
สร้างเมื่อ | [list:2:user:created] | The date the user account was created. |
อีเมล | [list:2:user:mail] | The email address of the user account. |
เข้าสู่ระบบล่าสุด | [list:2:user:last-login] | The date the user last logged in to the site. |
แก้ไข URL | [list:2:user:edit-url] | The URL of the account edit page. |
รหัสผู้ใช้ | [list:2:uid] | The unique ID of the user the customer profile belongs to. |
วันที่สร้าง | [list:2:created] | The date the customer profile was created. |
Availability Calendar date display | [list:2:created:availability_calendar_date_display] | A date in 'availability_calendar_date_display' format. (03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Availability Calendar date entry | [list:2:created:availability_calendar_date_entry] | A date in 'availability_calendar_date_entry' format. (03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Availability Calendar month caption | [list:2:created:availability_calendar_month_caption] | A date in 'availability_calendar_month_caption' format. (03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Hours am/pm | [list:2:created:hours_ampm] | A date in 'hours_ampm' format. (3:29 am) |
Long format | [list:2:created:long] | A date in 'long' format. (พุธ, มีนาคม 20, 2024 - 03:29) |
Medium format | [list:2:created:medium] | A date in 'medium' format. (พ, 03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Raw timestamp | [list:2:created:raw] | A date in UNIX timestamp format (1710880172) |
Short format | [list:2:created:short] | A date in 'short' format. (03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Studyroom Availability Date | [list:2:created:studyroom_availability_date] | A date in 'studyroom_availability_date' format. (พ, 03/20/2024) |
Time-since | [list:2:created:since] | A date in 'time-since' format. (54 ปี 3 เดือน) |
กำหนดรูปแบบเอง | [list:2:created:custom:?] | A date in a custom format. See the PHP documentation for details. |
สถานะ | [list:2:status] | Whether or not the customer profile is active. |
แก้ไข ID | [list:2:revision-id] | The unique ID of the customer profile's latest revision. |
Customer profiles with delta 3 | [list:3] | The list item with delta 3. Delta values start from 0 and are incremented by one per list item. |
Address | [list:3:commerce-customer-address:?] | Field "commerce_customer_address". The following properties may be appended to the token: country (ประเทศ), name_line (ชื่อเต็ม), first_name (ชื่อจริง), last_name (นามสกุล), organisation_name (บริษัท), administrative_area (Administrative area (i.e. State / Province)), sub_administrative_area (Sub administrative area), locality (Locality (i.e. City)), dependent_locality (Dependent locality), postal_code (รหัสไปรษณีย์), thoroughfare (ที่อยู่ถนน), premise (Premise (i.e. Apartment / Suite number)), sub_premise (Sub Premise (i.e. Suite, Apartment, Floor, Unknown.) |
Address formatted for MailChimp | [list:3:commerce-customer-address:?:format-mailchimp] | The full address formatted for import into MailChimp. |
Administrative area (i.e. State/Province) | [list:3:commerce-customer-address:?:administrative-area] | The administrative area value, expanded to the full name if applicable. |
Administrative area (raw value) | [list:3:commerce-customer-address:?:administrative-area-raw] | The raw administrative area value. |
Country code | [list:3:commerce-customer-address:?:country-code] | The two letter ISO country code. |
Country name | [list:3:commerce-customer-address:?:country] | The full name of the country. |
Locality (i.e. City) | [list:3:commerce-customer-address:?:locality] | The locality value. |
Organisation | [list:3:commerce-customer-address:?:organisation] | The organisation name value. |
Sub Premise (i.e. Suite, Apartment, Floor, Unknown.) | [list:3:commerce-customer-address:?:sub_premise] | The sub premise value. |
ชื่อจริง | [list:3:commerce-customer-address:?:first-name] | The first name value. |
ชื่อเต็ม | [list:3:commerce-customer-address:?:name-line] | The name line value of the address. |
ที่อยู่ถนน | [list:3:commerce-customer-address:?:thoroughfare] | The thoroughfare value. |
ที่อยู่ถนน | [list:3:commerce-customer-address:?:premise] | The premise value. |
นามสกุล | [list:3:commerce-customer-address:?:last-name] | The last name value. |
รหัสไปรษณีย์ | [list:3:commerce-customer-address:?:postal-code] | The postal code value. |
Address | [list:3:commerce_customer_address] | Postal address field. |
Address formatted for MailChimp | [list:3:commerce_customer_address:format-mailchimp] | The full address formatted for import into MailChimp. |
Administrative area (i.e. State/Province) | [list:3:commerce_customer_address:administrative-area] | The administrative area value, expanded to the full name if applicable. |
Administrative area (raw value) | [list:3:commerce_customer_address:administrative-area-raw] | The raw administrative area value. |
Country code | [list:3:commerce_customer_address:country-code] | The two letter ISO country code. |
Country name | [list:3:commerce_customer_address:country] | The full name of the country. |
Locality (i.e. City) | [list:3:commerce_customer_address:locality] | The locality value. |
Organisation | [list:3:commerce_customer_address:organisation] | The organisation name value. |
Sub Premise (i.e. Suite, Apartment, Floor, Unknown.) | [list:3:commerce_customer_address:sub_premise] | The sub premise value. |
ชื่อจริง | [list:3:commerce_customer_address:first-name] | The first name value. |
ชื่อเต็ม | [list:3:commerce_customer_address:name-line] | The name line value of the address. |
ที่อยู่ถนน | [list:3:commerce_customer_address:thoroughfare] | The thoroughfare value. |
ที่อยู่ถนน | [list:3:commerce_customer_address:premise] | The premise value. |
นามสกุล | [list:3:commerce_customer_address:last-name] | The last name value. |
รหัสไปรษณีย์ | [list:3:commerce_customer_address:postal-code] | The postal code value. |
Customer profile ID | [list:3:customer-profile-id] | The unique numeric ID of the customer profile. |
Customer profile owner | [list:3:owner] | The user the customer profile belongs to. |
Account cancellation URL | [list:3:owner:cancel-url] | The URL of the confirm delete page for the user account. |
Last access | [list:3:owner:last-access] | The date the user last accessed the site. |
Location | [list:3:owner:location] | The location for this user. |
Name | [list:3:owner:name] | The login name of the user account. |
One-time login URL | [list:3:owner:one-time-login-url] | The URL of the one-time login page for the user account. |
Original user | [list:3:owner:original] | The original user data if the user is being updated or saved. |
Roles | [list:3:owner:roles] | The user roles associated with the user account. |
URL | [list:3:owner:url] | The URL of the account profile page. |
User role ids | [list:3:owner:role-ids] | The role ids the user account is a member of as comma separated list. |
User role names | [list:3:owner:role-names] | The role names the user account is a member of as comma separated list. |
ธีมเริ่มต้น | [list:3:owner:theme] | The user's default theme. |
รหัสผู้ใช้ | [list:3:owner:uid] | The unique ID of the user account. |
รูปภาพ | [list:3:owner:picture] | The picture of the user. |
สถานะ | [list:3:owner:status] | Whether the user is active or blocked. |
สร้างเมื่อ | [list:3:owner:created] | The date the user account was created. |
อีเมล | [list:3:owner:mail] | The email address of the user account. |
เข้าสู่ระบบล่าสุด | [list:3:owner:last-login] | The date the user last logged in to the site. |
แก้ไข URL | [list:3:owner:edit-url] | The URL of the account edit page. |
Customer profile type | [list:3:type] | The type of the customer profile. |
Customer profile type name | [list:3:type-name] | The type name of the customer profile. |
Date updated | [list:3:changed] | The date the customer profile was last updated. |
Availability Calendar date display | [list:3:changed:availability_calendar_date_display] | A date in 'availability_calendar_date_display' format. (03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Availability Calendar date entry | [list:3:changed:availability_calendar_date_entry] | A date in 'availability_calendar_date_entry' format. (03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Availability Calendar month caption | [list:3:changed:availability_calendar_month_caption] | A date in 'availability_calendar_month_caption' format. (03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Hours am/pm | [list:3:changed:hours_ampm] | A date in 'hours_ampm' format. (3:29 am) |
Long format | [list:3:changed:long] | A date in 'long' format. (พุธ, มีนาคม 20, 2024 - 03:29) |
Medium format | [list:3:changed:medium] | A date in 'medium' format. (พ, 03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Raw timestamp | [list:3:changed:raw] | A date in UNIX timestamp format (1710880172) |
Short format | [list:3:changed:short] | A date in 'short' format. (03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Studyroom Availability Date | [list:3:changed:studyroom_availability_date] | A date in 'studyroom_availability_date' format. (พ, 03/20/2024) |
Time-since | [list:3:changed:since] | A date in 'time-since' format. (54 ปี 3 เดือน) |
กำหนดรูปแบบเอง | [list:3:changed:custom:?] | A date in a custom format. See the PHP documentation for details. |
Original commerce customer profile | [list:3:original] | The original commerce customer profile data if the commerce customer profile is being updated or saved. |
Address | [list:3:original:commerce-customer-address:?] | Field "commerce_customer_address". The following properties may be appended to the token: country (ประเทศ), name_line (ชื่อเต็ม), first_name (ชื่อจริง), last_name (นามสกุล), organisation_name (บริษัท), administrative_area (Administrative area (i.e. State / Province)), sub_administrative_area (Sub administrative area), locality (Locality (i.e. City)), dependent_locality (Dependent locality), postal_code (รหัสไปรษณีย์), thoroughfare (ที่อยู่ถนน), premise (Premise (i.e. Apartment / Suite number)), sub_premise (Sub Premise (i.e. Suite, Apartment, Floor, Unknown.) |
Address | [list:3:original:commerce_customer_address] | Postal address field. |
Customer profile ID | [list:3:original:customer-profile-id] | The unique numeric ID of the customer profile. |
Customer profile owner | [list:3:original:owner] | The user the customer profile belongs to. |
Customer profile type | [list:3:original:type] | The type of the customer profile. |
Customer profile type name | [list:3:original:type-name] | The type name of the customer profile. |
Date updated | [list:3:original:changed] | The date the customer profile was last updated. |
Profile ID | [list:3:original:profile-id] | The internal numeric ID of the customer profile. |
URL | [list:3:original:url] | The URL of the commerce customer profile. |
User | [list:3:original:user] | The user the customer profile belongs to. |
รหัสผู้ใช้ | [list:3:original:uid] | The unique ID of the user the customer profile belongs to. |
วันที่สร้าง | [list:3:original:created] | The date the customer profile was created. |
สถานะ | [list:3:original:status] | Whether or not the customer profile is active. |
แก้ไข ID | [list:3:original:revision-id] | The unique ID of the customer profile's latest revision. |
Profile ID | [list:3:profile-id] | The internal numeric ID of the customer profile. |
URL | [list:3:url] | The URL of the commerce customer profile. |
Absolute URL | [list:3:url:absolute] | The absolute URL. |
Arguments | [list:3:url:args] | The specific argument of the current page (e.g. 'arg:1' on the page 'node/1' returns '1'). |
Brief URL | [list:3:url:brief] | The URL without the protocol and trailing backslash. |
Relative URL | [list:3:url:relative] | The relative URL. |
Unaliased URL | [list:3:url:unaliased] | The unaliased URL. |
ตำแหน่งพาธ | [list:3:url:path] | The path component of the URL. |
User | [list:3:user] | The user the customer profile belongs to. |
Account cancellation URL | [list:3:user:cancel-url] | The URL of the confirm delete page for the user account. |
Last access | [list:3:user:last-access] | The date the user last accessed the site. |
Location | [list:3:user:location] | The location for this user. |
Name | [list:3:user:name] | The login name of the user account. |
One-time login URL | [list:3:user:one-time-login-url] | The URL of the one-time login page for the user account. |
Original user | [list:3:user:original] | The original user data if the user is being updated or saved. |
Roles | [list:3:user:roles] | The user roles associated with the user account. |
URL | [list:3:user:url] | The URL of the account profile page. |
User role ids | [list:3:user:role-ids] | The role ids the user account is a member of as comma separated list. |
User role names | [list:3:user:role-names] | The role names the user account is a member of as comma separated list. |
ธีมเริ่มต้น | [list:3:user:theme] | The user's default theme. |
รหัสผู้ใช้ | [list:3:user:uid] | The unique ID of the user account. |
รูปภาพ | [list:3:user:picture] | The picture of the user. |
สถานะ | [list:3:user:status] | Whether the user is active or blocked. |
สร้างเมื่อ | [list:3:user:created] | The date the user account was created. |
อีเมล | [list:3:user:mail] | The email address of the user account. |
เข้าสู่ระบบล่าสุด | [list:3:user:last-login] | The date the user last logged in to the site. |
แก้ไข URL | [list:3:user:edit-url] | The URL of the account edit page. |
รหัสผู้ใช้ | [list:3:uid] | The unique ID of the user the customer profile belongs to. |
วันที่สร้าง | [list:3:created] | The date the customer profile was created. |
Availability Calendar date display | [list:3:created:availability_calendar_date_display] | A date in 'availability_calendar_date_display' format. (03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Availability Calendar date entry | [list:3:created:availability_calendar_date_entry] | A date in 'availability_calendar_date_entry' format. (03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Availability Calendar month caption | [list:3:created:availability_calendar_month_caption] | A date in 'availability_calendar_month_caption' format. (03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Hours am/pm | [list:3:created:hours_ampm] | A date in 'hours_ampm' format. (3:29 am) |
Long format | [list:3:created:long] | A date in 'long' format. (พุธ, มีนาคม 20, 2024 - 03:29) |
Medium format | [list:3:created:medium] | A date in 'medium' format. (พ, 03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Raw timestamp | [list:3:created:raw] | A date in UNIX timestamp format (1710880172) |
Short format | [list:3:created:short] | A date in 'short' format. (03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Studyroom Availability Date | [list:3:created:studyroom_availability_date] | A date in 'studyroom_availability_date' format. (พ, 03/20/2024) |
Time-since | [list:3:created:since] | A date in 'time-since' format. (54 ปี 3 เดือน) |
กำหนดรูปแบบเอง | [list:3:created:custom:?] | A date in a custom format. See the PHP documentation for details. |
สถานะ | [list:3:status] | Whether or not the customer profile is active. |
แก้ไข ID | [list:3:revision-id] | The unique ID of the customer profile's latest revision. |
List of Commerce Discount Offers | | Tokens related to the "Commerce Discount Offer" entities. |
Commerce Discount Offer with delta 0 | [list:0] | The list item with delta 0. Delta values start from 0 and are incremented by one per list item. |
Commerce discount offer ID | [list:0:discount-offer-id] | The unique ID of the commerce discount offer. |
Fixed amount | [list:0:commerce-fixed-amount:?] | Field "commerce_fixed_amount". The following properties may be appended to the token: amount (Amount), amount_decimal (Amount (decimal)), currency_code (Currency), data (Data) |
Fixed amount | [list:0:commerce_fixed_amount] | ราคา field. |
Percentage | [list:0:commerce_percentage] | ตัวเลข field. |
Percentage | [list:0:commerce-percentage] | Field "commerce_percentage". |
Select bonus products | [list:0:commerce_free_products] | Product reference field. |
Select bonus products | [list:0:commerce-free-products] | Field "commerce_free_products". |
สินค้า with delta 1 | [list:0:commerce-free-products:1] | The list item with delta 1. Delta values start from 0 and are incremented by one per list item. |
สินค้า with delta 2 | [list:0:commerce-free-products:2] | The list item with delta 2. Delta values start from 0 and are incremented by one per list item. |
สินค้า with delta 3 | [list:0:commerce-free-products:3] | The list item with delta 3. Delta values start from 0 and are incremented by one per list item. |
Commerce Discount Offer with delta 1 | [list:1] | The list item with delta 1. Delta values start from 0 and are incremented by one per list item. |
Commerce discount offer ID | [list:1:discount-offer-id] | The unique ID of the commerce discount offer. |
Fixed amount | [list:1:commerce-fixed-amount:?] | Field "commerce_fixed_amount". The following properties may be appended to the token: amount (Amount), amount_decimal (Amount (decimal)), currency_code (Currency), data (Data) |
Fixed amount | [list:1:commerce_fixed_amount] | ราคา field. |
Percentage | [list:1:commerce_percentage] | ตัวเลข field. |
Percentage | [list:1:commerce-percentage] | Field "commerce_percentage". |
Select bonus products | [list:1:commerce_free_products] | Product reference field. |
Select bonus products | [list:1:commerce-free-products] | Field "commerce_free_products". |
สินค้า with delta 0 | [list:1:commerce-free-products:0] | The list item with delta 0. Delta values start from 0 and are incremented by one per list item. |
สินค้า with delta 2 | [list:1:commerce-free-products:2] | The list item with delta 2. Delta values start from 0 and are incremented by one per list item. |
สินค้า with delta 3 | [list:1:commerce-free-products:3] | The list item with delta 3. Delta values start from 0 and are incremented by one per list item. |
Commerce Discount Offer with delta 2 | [list:2] | The list item with delta 2. Delta values start from 0 and are incremented by one per list item. |
Commerce discount offer ID | [list:2:discount-offer-id] | The unique ID of the commerce discount offer. |
Fixed amount | [list:2:commerce-fixed-amount:?] | Field "commerce_fixed_amount". The following properties may be appended to the token: amount (Amount), amount_decimal (Amount (decimal)), currency_code (Currency), data (Data) |
Fixed amount | [list:2:commerce_fixed_amount] | ราคา field. |
Percentage | [list:2:commerce_percentage] | ตัวเลข field. |
Percentage | [list:2:commerce-percentage] | Field "commerce_percentage". |
Select bonus products | [list:2:commerce_free_products] | Product reference field. |
Select bonus products | [list:2:commerce-free-products] | Field "commerce_free_products". |
สินค้า with delta 0 | [list:2:commerce-free-products:0] | The list item with delta 0. Delta values start from 0 and are incremented by one per list item. |
สินค้า with delta 1 | [list:2:commerce-free-products:1] | The list item with delta 1. Delta values start from 0 and are incremented by one per list item. |
สินค้า with delta 3 | [list:2:commerce-free-products:3] | The list item with delta 3. Delta values start from 0 and are incremented by one per list item. |
Commerce Discount Offer with delta 3 | [list:3] | The list item with delta 3. Delta values start from 0 and are incremented by one per list item. |
Commerce discount offer ID | [list:3:discount-offer-id] | The unique ID of the commerce discount offer. |
Fixed amount | [list:3:commerce-fixed-amount:?] | Field "commerce_fixed_amount". The following properties may be appended to the token: amount (Amount), amount_decimal (Amount (decimal)), currency_code (Currency), data (Data) |
Fixed amount | [list:3:commerce_fixed_amount] | ราคา field. |
Percentage | [list:3:commerce_percentage] | ตัวเลข field. |
Percentage | [list:3:commerce-percentage] | Field "commerce_percentage". |
Select bonus products | [list:3:commerce_free_products] | Product reference field. |
Select bonus products | [list:3:commerce-free-products] | Field "commerce_free_products". |
สินค้า with delta 0 | [list:3:commerce-free-products:0] | The list item with delta 0. Delta values start from 0 and are incremented by one per list item. |
สินค้า with delta 1 | [list:3:commerce-free-products:1] | The list item with delta 1. Delta values start from 0 and are incremented by one per list item. |
สินค้า with delta 2 | [list:3:commerce-free-products:2] | The list item with delta 2. Delta values start from 0 and are incremented by one per list item. |
List of Commerce Discounts | | Tokens related to the "Commerce Discount" entities. |
Commerce Discount with delta 0 | [list:0] | The list item with delta 0. Delta values start from 0 and are incremented by one per list item. |
Admin title | [list:0:label] | The label used for the discount on administrative screens. |
Compatibility with other discounts | [list:0:commerce_compatibility_strategy] | รายการ (ข้อความ) field. |
Compatibility with other discounts | [list:0:commerce-compatibility-strategy] | Field "commerce_compatibility_strategy". |
Coupon count | [list:0:coupon-count] | Coupon count |
Coupons | [list:0:coupons] | Coupons |
Commerce Coupon with delta 1 | [list:0:coupons:1] | The list item with delta 1. Delta values start from 0 and are incremented by one per list item. |
Commerce Coupon with delta 2 | [list:0:coupons:2] | The list item with delta 2. Delta values start from 0 and are incremented by one per list item. |
Commerce Coupon with delta 3 | [list:0:coupons:3] | The list item with delta 3. Delta values start from 0 and are incremented by one per list item. |
Discount ID | [list:0:discount-id] | The serial numeric ID of the discount. |
Discount dates | [list:0:commerce-discount-date:?] | Field "commerce_discount_date". The following properties may be appended to the token: value (Start date), value2 (End date), duration (Duration) |
Discount dates | [list:0:commerce_discount_date] | Date (Unix timestamp) field. |
Discount offer reference | [list:0:commerce_discount_offer] | Entity Reference field. |
Discount offer reference | [list:0:commerce-discount-offer] | Field "commerce_discount_offer". |
Commerce discount offer ID | [list:0:commerce-discount-offer:discount-offer-id] | The unique ID of the commerce discount offer. |
Fixed amount | [list:0:commerce-discount-offer:commerce-fixed-amount:?] | Field "commerce_fixed_amount". The following properties may be appended to the token: amount (Amount), amount_decimal (Amount (decimal)), currency_code (Currency), data (Data) |
Fixed amount | [list:0:commerce-discount-offer:commerce_fixed_amount] | ราคา field. |
Percentage | [list:0:commerce-discount-offer:commerce_percentage] | ตัวเลข field. |
Percentage | [list:0:commerce-discount-offer:commerce-percentage] | Field "commerce_percentage". |
Select bonus products | [list:0:commerce-discount-offer:commerce_free_products] | Product reference field. |
Select bonus products | [list:0:commerce-discount-offer:commerce-free-products] | Field "commerce_free_products". |
Export status | [list:0:export-status] | The exportable status of the discount. |
Maximum overall usage | [list:0:discount-usage-limit] | Field "discount_usage_limit". |
Maximum overall usage | [list:0:discount_usage_limit] | จำนวนเต็ม field. |
Maximum usage per customer | [list:0:discount-usage-per-person] | Field "discount_usage_per_person". |
Maximum usage per customer | [list:0:discount_usage_per_person] | จำนวนเต็ม field. |
Module | [list:0:module] | The name of the module that defined the discount if applicable. |
Name | [list:0:component-title] | The name of the discount as shown to customers (e.g. in the price component list). |
Product discount conditions | [list:0:inline_conditions] | Inline conditions field. Also known as Order discount conditions. |
Selected discounts | [list:0:commerce-compatibility-selection] | Field "commerce_compatibility_selection". |
Commerce Discount with delta 1 | [list:0:commerce-compatibility-selection:1] | The list item with delta 1. Delta values start from 0 and are incremented by one per list item. |
Commerce Discount with delta 2 | [list:0:commerce-compatibility-selection:2] | The list item with delta 2. Delta values start from 0 and are incremented by one per list item. |
Commerce Discount with delta 3 | [list:0:commerce-compatibility-selection:3] | The list item with delta 3. Delta values start from 0 and are incremented by one per list item. |
Selected discounts | [list:0:commerce_compatibility_selection] | Entity Reference field. |
Sort order | [list:0:sort-order] | The default sort order of the rule created for the discount. |
Status | [list:0:status] | The status of the discount (i.e. Active vs. Disabled). |
URL | [list:0:url] | The URL of the entity. |
Commerce Discount with delta 1 | [list:1] | The list item with delta 1. Delta values start from 0 and are incremented by one per list item. |
Admin title | [list:1:label] | The label used for the discount on administrative screens. |
Compatibility with other discounts | [list:1:commerce_compatibility_strategy] | รายการ (ข้อความ) field. |
Compatibility with other discounts | [list:1:commerce-compatibility-strategy] | Field "commerce_compatibility_strategy". |
Coupon count | [list:1:coupon-count] | Coupon count |
Coupons | [list:1:coupons] | Coupons |
Commerce Coupon with delta 0 | [list:1:coupons:0] | The list item with delta 0. Delta values start from 0 and are incremented by one per list item. |
Commerce Coupon with delta 2 | [list:1:coupons:2] | The list item with delta 2. Delta values start from 0 and are incremented by one per list item. |
Commerce Coupon with delta 3 | [list:1:coupons:3] | The list item with delta 3. Delta values start from 0 and are incremented by one per list item. |
Discount ID | [list:1:discount-id] | The serial numeric ID of the discount. |
Discount dates | [list:1:commerce-discount-date:?] | Field "commerce_discount_date". The following properties may be appended to the token: value (Start date), value2 (End date), duration (Duration) |
Discount dates | [list:1:commerce_discount_date] | Date (Unix timestamp) field. |
Discount offer reference | [list:1:commerce_discount_offer] | Entity Reference field. |
Discount offer reference | [list:1:commerce-discount-offer] | Field "commerce_discount_offer". |
Commerce discount offer ID | [list:1:commerce-discount-offer:discount-offer-id] | The unique ID of the commerce discount offer. |
Fixed amount | [list:1:commerce-discount-offer:commerce-fixed-amount:?] | Field "commerce_fixed_amount". The following properties may be appended to the token: amount (Amount), amount_decimal (Amount (decimal)), currency_code (Currency), data (Data) |
Fixed amount | [list:1:commerce-discount-offer:commerce_fixed_amount] | ราคา field. |
Percentage | [list:1:commerce-discount-offer:commerce_percentage] | ตัวเลข field. |
Percentage | [list:1:commerce-discount-offer:commerce-percentage] | Field "commerce_percentage". |
Select bonus products | [list:1:commerce-discount-offer:commerce_free_products] | Product reference field. |
Select bonus products | [list:1:commerce-discount-offer:commerce-free-products] | Field "commerce_free_products". |
Export status | [list:1:export-status] | The exportable status of the discount. |
Maximum overall usage | [list:1:discount-usage-limit] | Field "discount_usage_limit". |
Maximum overall usage | [list:1:discount_usage_limit] | จำนวนเต็ม field. |
Maximum usage per customer | [list:1:discount-usage-per-person] | Field "discount_usage_per_person". |
Maximum usage per customer | [list:1:discount_usage_per_person] | จำนวนเต็ม field. |
Module | [list:1:module] | The name of the module that defined the discount if applicable. |
Name | [list:1:component-title] | The name of the discount as shown to customers (e.g. in the price component list). |
Product discount conditions | [list:1:inline_conditions] | Inline conditions field. Also known as Order discount conditions. |
Selected discounts | [list:1:commerce-compatibility-selection] | Field "commerce_compatibility_selection". |
Commerce Discount with delta 0 | [list:1:commerce-compatibility-selection:0] | The list item with delta 0. Delta values start from 0 and are incremented by one per list item. |
Commerce Discount with delta 2 | [list:1:commerce-compatibility-selection:2] | The list item with delta 2. Delta values start from 0 and are incremented by one per list item. |
Commerce Discount with delta 3 | [list:1:commerce-compatibility-selection:3] | The list item with delta 3. Delta values start from 0 and are incremented by one per list item. |
Selected discounts | [list:1:commerce_compatibility_selection] | Entity Reference field. |
Sort order | [list:1:sort-order] | The default sort order of the rule created for the discount. |
Status | [list:1:status] | The status of the discount (i.e. Active vs. Disabled). |
URL | [list:1:url] | The URL of the entity. |
Commerce Discount with delta 2 | [list:2] | The list item with delta 2. Delta values start from 0 and are incremented by one per list item. |
Admin title | [list:2:label] | The label used for the discount on administrative screens. |
Compatibility with other discounts | [list:2:commerce_compatibility_strategy] | รายการ (ข้อความ) field. |
Compatibility with other discounts | [list:2:commerce-compatibility-strategy] | Field "commerce_compatibility_strategy". |
Coupon count | [list:2:coupon-count] | Coupon count |
Coupons | [list:2:coupons] | Coupons |
Commerce Coupon with delta 0 | [list:2:coupons:0] | The list item with delta 0. Delta values start from 0 and are incremented by one per list item. |
Commerce Coupon with delta 1 | [list:2:coupons:1] | The list item with delta 1. Delta values start from 0 and are incremented by one per list item. |
Commerce Coupon with delta 3 | [list:2:coupons:3] | The list item with delta 3. Delta values start from 0 and are incremented by one per list item. |
Discount ID | [list:2:discount-id] | The serial numeric ID of the discount. |
Discount dates | [list:2:commerce-discount-date:?] | Field "commerce_discount_date". The following properties may be appended to the token: value (Start date), value2 (End date), duration (Duration) |
Discount dates | [list:2:commerce_discount_date] | Date (Unix timestamp) field. |
Discount offer reference | [list:2:commerce_discount_offer] | Entity Reference field. |
Discount offer reference | [list:2:commerce-discount-offer] | Field "commerce_discount_offer". |
Commerce discount offer ID | [list:2:commerce-discount-offer:discount-offer-id] | The unique ID of the commerce discount offer. |
Fixed amount | [list:2:commerce-discount-offer:commerce-fixed-amount:?] | Field "commerce_fixed_amount". The following properties may be appended to the token: amount (Amount), amount_decimal (Amount (decimal)), currency_code (Currency), data (Data) |
Fixed amount | [list:2:commerce-discount-offer:commerce_fixed_amount] | ราคา field. |
Percentage | [list:2:commerce-discount-offer:commerce_percentage] | ตัวเลข field. |
Percentage | [list:2:commerce-discount-offer:commerce-percentage] | Field "commerce_percentage". |
Select bonus products | [list:2:commerce-discount-offer:commerce_free_products] | Product reference field. |
Select bonus products | [list:2:commerce-discount-offer:commerce-free-products] | Field "commerce_free_products". |
Export status | [list:2:export-status] | The exportable status of the discount. |
Maximum overall usage | [list:2:discount-usage-limit] | Field "discount_usage_limit". |
Maximum overall usage | [list:2:discount_usage_limit] | จำนวนเต็ม field. |
Maximum usage per customer | [list:2:discount-usage-per-person] | Field "discount_usage_per_person". |
Maximum usage per customer | [list:2:discount_usage_per_person] | จำนวนเต็ม field. |
Module | [list:2:module] | The name of the module that defined the discount if applicable. |
Name | [list:2:component-title] | The name of the discount as shown to customers (e.g. in the price component list). |
Product discount conditions | [list:2:inline_conditions] | Inline conditions field. Also known as Order discount conditions. |
Selected discounts | [list:2:commerce-compatibility-selection] | Field "commerce_compatibility_selection". |
Commerce Discount with delta 0 | [list:2:commerce-compatibility-selection:0] | The list item with delta 0. Delta values start from 0 and are incremented by one per list item. |
Commerce Discount with delta 1 | [list:2:commerce-compatibility-selection:1] | The list item with delta 1. Delta values start from 0 and are incremented by one per list item. |
Commerce Discount with delta 3 | [list:2:commerce-compatibility-selection:3] | The list item with delta 3. Delta values start from 0 and are incremented by one per list item. |
Selected discounts | [list:2:commerce_compatibility_selection] | Entity Reference field. |
Sort order | [list:2:sort-order] | The default sort order of the rule created for the discount. |
Status | [list:2:status] | The status of the discount (i.e. Active vs. Disabled). |
URL | [list:2:url] | The URL of the entity. |
Commerce Discount with delta 3 | [list:3] | The list item with delta 3. Delta values start from 0 and are incremented by one per list item. |
Admin title | [list:3:label] | The label used for the discount on administrative screens. |
Compatibility with other discounts | [list:3:commerce_compatibility_strategy] | รายการ (ข้อความ) field. |
Compatibility with other discounts | [list:3:commerce-compatibility-strategy] | Field "commerce_compatibility_strategy". |
Coupon count | [list:3:coupon-count] | Coupon count |
Coupons | [list:3:coupons] | Coupons |
Commerce Coupon with delta 0 | [list:3:coupons:0] | The list item with delta 0. Delta values start from 0 and are incremented by one per list item. |
Commerce Coupon with delta 1 | [list:3:coupons:1] | The list item with delta 1. Delta values start from 0 and are incremented by one per list item. |
Commerce Coupon with delta 2 | [list:3:coupons:2] | The list item with delta 2. Delta values start from 0 and are incremented by one per list item. |
Discount ID | [list:3:discount-id] | The serial numeric ID of the discount. |
Discount dates | [list:3:commerce-discount-date:?] | Field "commerce_discount_date". The following properties may be appended to the token: value (Start date), value2 (End date), duration (Duration) |
Discount dates | [list:3:commerce_discount_date] | Date (Unix timestamp) field. |
Discount offer reference | [list:3:commerce_discount_offer] | Entity Reference field. |
Discount offer reference | [list:3:commerce-discount-offer] | Field "commerce_discount_offer". |
Commerce discount offer ID | [list:3:commerce-discount-offer:discount-offer-id] | The unique ID of the commerce discount offer. |
Fixed amount | [list:3:commerce-discount-offer:commerce-fixed-amount:?] | Field "commerce_fixed_amount". The following properties may be appended to the token: amount (Amount), amount_decimal (Amount (decimal)), currency_code (Currency), data (Data) |
Fixed amount | [list:3:commerce-discount-offer:commerce_fixed_amount] | ราคา field. |
Percentage | [list:3:commerce-discount-offer:commerce_percentage] | ตัวเลข field. |
Percentage | [list:3:commerce-discount-offer:commerce-percentage] | Field "commerce_percentage". |
Select bonus products | [list:3:commerce-discount-offer:commerce_free_products] | Product reference field. |
Select bonus products | [list:3:commerce-discount-offer:commerce-free-products] | Field "commerce_free_products". |
Export status | [list:3:export-status] | The exportable status of the discount. |
Maximum overall usage | [list:3:discount-usage-limit] | Field "discount_usage_limit". |
Maximum overall usage | [list:3:discount_usage_limit] | จำนวนเต็ม field. |
Maximum usage per customer | [list:3:discount-usage-per-person] | Field "discount_usage_per_person". |
Maximum usage per customer | [list:3:discount_usage_per_person] | จำนวนเต็ม field. |
Module | [list:3:module] | The name of the module that defined the discount if applicable. |
Name | [list:3:component-title] | The name of the discount as shown to customers (e.g. in the price component list). |
Product discount conditions | [list:3:inline_conditions] | Inline conditions field. Also known as Order discount conditions. |
Selected discounts | [list:3:commerce-compatibility-selection] | Field "commerce_compatibility_selection". |
Commerce Discount with delta 0 | [list:3:commerce-compatibility-selection:0] | The list item with delta 0. Delta values start from 0 and are incremented by one per list item. |
Commerce Discount with delta 1 | [list:3:commerce-compatibility-selection:1] | The list item with delta 1. Delta values start from 0 and are incremented by one per list item. |
Commerce Discount with delta 2 | [list:3:commerce-compatibility-selection:2] | The list item with delta 2. Delta values start from 0 and are incremented by one per list item. |
Selected discounts | [list:3:commerce_compatibility_selection] | Entity Reference field. |
Sort order | [list:3:sort-order] | The default sort order of the rule created for the discount. |
Status | [list:3:status] | The status of the discount (i.e. Active vs. Disabled). |
URL | [list:3:url] | The URL of the entity. |
List of Commerce Line items | | Tokens related to the "Commerce Line item" entities. |
Line items with delta 0 | [list:0] | The list item with delta 0. Delta values start from 0 and are incremented by one per list item. |
Booked Unit ID | [list:0:rooms-booked-unit-id] | Field "rooms_booked_unit_id". |
Booked Unit ID | [list:0:rooms_booked_unit_id] | จำนวนเต็ม field. |
Booked Unit Price | [list:0:rooms_booked_price] | จำนวนเต็ม field. |
Booked Unit Price | [list:0:rooms-booked-price] | Field "rooms_booked_price". |
Booked Unit Status | [list:0:rooms_booked_status] | จำนวนเต็ม field. |
Booked Unit Status | [list:0:rooms-booked-status] | Field "rooms_booked_status". |
Booking Children Ages | [list:0:rooms_booking_children_ages] | จำนวนเต็ม field. |
Booking Children Ages | [list:0:rooms-booking-children-ages] | Field "rooms_booking_children_ages". |
Booking Dates | [list:0:rooms_booking_dates] | Date (ISO format) field. |
Booking Dates | [list:0:rooms-booking-dates:?] | Field "rooms_booking_dates". The following properties may be appended to the token: value (Start date), value2 (End date), duration (Duration) |
Booking Number People | [list:0:rooms_booking_number_people] | จำนวนเต็ม field. |
Booking Number People | [list:0:rooms-booking-number-people] | Field "rooms_booking_number_people". |
Booking Options | [list:0:rooms_booking_options] | Unit Options field. |
Booking Options | [list:0:rooms-booking-options:?] | Field "rooms_booking_options". The following properties may be appended to the token: name (Name), quantity (Quantity), operation (Operation), value (Value), type (Type) |
Booking Price | [list:0:rooms_booked_bookingprice] | จำนวนเต็ม field. |
Booking Price | [list:0:rooms-booked-bookingprice] | Field "rooms_booked_bookingprice". |
Booking Reference | [list:0:rooms_booking_reference] | Entity Reference field. |
Booking Reference | [list:0:rooms-booking-reference] | Field "rooms_booking_reference". |
Booking_status | [list:0:rooms-booking-reference:booking-status] | Bookings "booking_status" property. |
Bookings ID | [list:0:rooms-booking-reference:booking-id] | The unique ID of the bookings. |
Changed | [list:0:rooms-booking-reference:changed] | Bookings "changed" property. |
Created | [list:0:rooms-booking-reference:created] | Bookings "created" property. |
Customer_id | [list:0:rooms-booking-reference:customer-id] | Bookings "customer_id" property. |
End_date | [list:0:rooms-booking-reference:end-date] | Bookings "end_date" property. |
Language | [list:0:rooms-booking-reference:language] | Bookings "language" property. |
Name | [list:0:rooms-booking-reference:name] | Bookings "name" property. |
Order_id | [list:0:rooms-booking-reference:order-id] | Bookings "order_id" property. |
Price | [list:0:rooms-booking-reference:price] | Bookings "price" property. |
Start_date | [list:0:rooms-booking-reference:start-date] | Bookings "start_date" property. |
URL | [list:0:rooms-booking-reference:url] | The URL of the entity. |
Uid | [list:0:rooms-booking-reference:uid] | Bookings "uid" property. |
Unit_id | [list:0:rooms-booking-reference:unit-id] | Bookings "unit_id" property. |
Unit_type | [list:0:rooms-booking-reference:unit-type] | Bookings "unit_type" property. |
Datees Line Item | [list:0:field-datees-line-item] | Field "field_datees_line_item". |
Availability Calendar date display | [list:0:field-datees-line-item:availability_calendar_date_display] | A date in 'availability_calendar_date_display' format. (03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Availability Calendar date entry | [list:0:field-datees-line-item:availability_calendar_date_entry] | A date in 'availability_calendar_date_entry' format. (03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Availability Calendar month caption | [list:0:field-datees-line-item:availability_calendar_month_caption] | A date in 'availability_calendar_month_caption' format. (03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Hours am/pm | [list:0:field-datees-line-item:hours_ampm] | A date in 'hours_ampm' format. (3:29 am) |
Long format | [list:0:field-datees-line-item:long] | A date in 'long' format. (พุธ, มีนาคม 20, 2024 - 03:29) |
Medium format | [list:0:field-datees-line-item:medium] | A date in 'medium' format. (พ, 03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Raw timestamp | [list:0:field-datees-line-item:raw] | A date in UNIX timestamp format (1710880172) |
Short format | [list:0:field-datees-line-item:short] | A date in 'short' format. (03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Studyroom Availability Date | [list:0:field-datees-line-item:studyroom_availability_date] | A date in 'studyroom_availability_date' format. (พ, 03/20/2024) |
Time-since | [list:0:field-datees-line-item:since] | A date in 'time-since' format. (54 ปี 3 เดือน) |
กำหนดรูปแบบเอง | [list:0:field-datees-line-item:custom:?] | A date in a custom format. See the PHP documentation for details. |
Datees Line Item | [list:0:field_datees_line_item] | วันที่ field. |
Date updated | [list:0:changed] | The date the line item was last updated. |
Availability Calendar date display | [list:0:changed:availability_calendar_date_display] | A date in 'availability_calendar_date_display' format. (03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Availability Calendar date entry | [list:0:changed:availability_calendar_date_entry] | A date in 'availability_calendar_date_entry' format. (03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Availability Calendar month caption | [list:0:changed:availability_calendar_month_caption] | A date in 'availability_calendar_month_caption' format. (03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Hours am/pm | [list:0:changed:hours_ampm] | A date in 'hours_ampm' format. (3:29 am) |
Long format | [list:0:changed:long] | A date in 'long' format. (พุธ, มีนาคม 20, 2024 - 03:29) |
Medium format | [list:0:changed:medium] | A date in 'medium' format. (พ, 03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Raw timestamp | [list:0:changed:raw] | A date in UNIX timestamp format (1710880172) |
Short format | [list:0:changed:short] | A date in 'short' format. (03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Studyroom Availability Date | [list:0:changed:studyroom_availability_date] | A date in 'studyroom_availability_date' format. (พ, 03/20/2024) |
Time-since | [list:0:changed:since] | A date in 'time-since' format. (54 ปี 3 เดือน) |
กำหนดรูปแบบเอง | [list:0:changed:custom:?] | A date in a custom format. See the PHP documentation for details. |
Display path | [list:0:commerce-display-path] | Field "commerce_display_path". |
Display path | [list:0:commerce_display_path] | ข้อความ field. |
Line item ID | [list:0:line-item-id] | The unique numeric ID of the line item. |
Line item Productss | [list:0:field-line-item-product] | Field "field_line_item_product". |
Line item Productss | [list:0:field_line_item_product] | ข้อความ field. |
Line item label | [list:0:line-item-label] | The label displayed with the line item. |
Line item type | [list:0:type] | The type of the line item. |
Line item type name | [list:0:type-name] | The human-readable name of the line item type. |
Order ID | [list:0:order-id] | The unique ID of the order the line item belongs to. |
Original commerce line item | [list:0:original] | The original commerce line item data if the commerce line item is being updated or saved. |
Booked Unit ID | [list:0:original:rooms-booked-unit-id] | Field "rooms_booked_unit_id". |
Booked Unit ID | [list:0:original:rooms_booked_unit_id] | จำนวนเต็ม field. |
Booked Unit Price | [list:0:original:rooms_booked_price] | จำนวนเต็ม field. |
Booked Unit Price | [list:0:original:rooms-booked-price] | Field "rooms_booked_price". |
Booked Unit Status | [list:0:original:rooms_booked_status] | จำนวนเต็ม field. |
Booked Unit Status | [list:0:original:rooms-booked-status] | Field "rooms_booked_status". |
Booking Children Ages | [list:0:original:rooms_booking_children_ages] | จำนวนเต็ม field. |
Booking Children Ages | [list:0:original:rooms-booking-children-ages] | Field "rooms_booking_children_ages". |
Booking Dates | [list:0:original:rooms_booking_dates] | Date (ISO format) field. |
Booking Dates | [list:0:original:rooms-booking-dates:?] | Field "rooms_booking_dates". The following properties may be appended to the token: value (Start date), value2 (End date), duration (Duration) |
Booking Number People | [list:0:original:rooms_booking_number_people] | จำนวนเต็ม field. |
Booking Number People | [list:0:original:rooms-booking-number-people] | Field "rooms_booking_number_people". |
Booking Options | [list:0:original:rooms_booking_options] | Unit Options field. |
Booking Options | [list:0:original:rooms-booking-options:?] | Field "rooms_booking_options". The following properties may be appended to the token: name (Name), quantity (Quantity), operation (Operation), value (Value), type (Type) |
Booking Price | [list:0:original:rooms_booked_bookingprice] | จำนวนเต็ม field. |
Booking Price | [list:0:original:rooms-booked-bookingprice] | Field "rooms_booked_bookingprice". |
Booking Reference | [list:0:original:rooms_booking_reference] | Entity Reference field. |
Booking Reference | [list:0:original:rooms-booking-reference] | Field "rooms_booking_reference". |
Datees Line Item | [list:0:original:field-datees-line-item] | Field "field_datees_line_item". |
Datees Line Item | [list:0:original:field_datees_line_item] | วันที่ field. |
Date updated | [list:0:original:changed] | The date the line item was last updated. |
Display path | [list:0:original:commerce-display-path] | Field "commerce_display_path". |
Display path | [list:0:original:commerce_display_path] | ข้อความ field. |
Line item ID | [list:0:original:line-item-id] | The unique numeric ID of the line item. |
Line item Productss | [list:0:original:field-line-item-product] | Field "field_line_item_product". |
Line item Productss | [list:0:original:field_line_item_product] | ข้อความ field. |
Line item label | [list:0:original:line-item-label] | The label displayed with the line item. |
Line item type | [list:0:original:type] | The type of the line item. |
Line item type name | [list:0:original:type-name] | The human-readable name of the line item type. |
Order ID | [list:0:original:order-id] | The unique ID of the order the line item belongs to. |
Product | [list:0:original:commerce_product] | Product reference field. |
Product | [list:0:original:commerce-product] | Field "commerce_product". |
Total | [list:0:original:commerce-total:?] | Field "commerce_total". The following properties may be appended to the token: amount (Amount), amount_decimal (Amount (decimal)), currency_code (Currency), data (Data) |
Total | [list:0:original:commerce_total] | ราคา field. |
Unit price | [list:0:original:commerce_unit_price] | ราคา field. |
Unit price | [list:0:original:commerce-unit-price:?] | Field "commerce_unit_price". The following properties may be appended to the token: amount (Amount), amount_decimal (Amount (decimal)), currency_code (Currency), data (Data) |
จำนวนสินค้า | [list:0:original:quantity] | The quantity of the line item. |
วันที่สร้าง | [list:0:original:created] | The date the line item was created. |
หมายเลขออเด้อ | [list:0:original:order] | Order associated with the line item |
Product | [list:0:commerce_product] | Product reference field. |
Product | [list:0:commerce-product] | Field "commerce_product". |
Creator | [list:0:commerce-product:creator] | The creator of the product. |
Creator ID | [list:0:commerce-product:uid] | The unique ID of the product creator. |
Date updated | [list:0:commerce-product:changed] | The date the product was last updated. |
Original commerce product | [list:0:commerce-product:original] | The original commerce product data if the commerce product is being updated or saved. |
Price | [list:0:commerce-product:commerce-price:?] | Field "commerce_price". The following properties may be appended to the token: amount (Amount), amount_decimal (Amount (decimal)), currency_code (Currency), data (Data) |
Price | [list:0:commerce-product:commerce_price] | ราคา field. |
Product ID | [list:0:commerce-product:product-id] | The internal numeric ID of the product. |
SKU | [list:0:commerce-product:sku] | The human readable product SKU. |
Type name | [list:0:commerce-product:type-name] | The human readable name of the product type. |
URL | [list:0:commerce-product:url] | The URL of the commerce product. |
ประเภท | [list:0:commerce-product:type] | The machine name of the product type. |
วันที่สร้าง | [list:0:commerce-product:created] | The date the product was created. |
สถานะ | [list:0:commerce-product:status] | Boolean indicating whether the product is active or disabled. |
หัวข้อ | [list:0:commerce-product:title] | The title of the product. |
แก้ไข URL | [list:0:commerce-product:edit-url] | The URL of the product's edit page. |
Total | [list:0:commerce-total:?] | Field "commerce_total". The following properties may be appended to the token: amount (Amount), amount_decimal (Amount (decimal)), currency_code (Currency), data (Data) |
Total | [list:0:commerce_total] | ราคา field. |
Unit price | [list:0:commerce_unit_price] | ราคา field. |
Unit price | [list:0:commerce-unit-price:?] | Field "commerce_unit_price". The following properties may be appended to the token: amount (Amount), amount_decimal (Amount (decimal)), currency_code (Currency), data (Data) |
จำนวนสินค้า | [list:0:quantity] | The quantity of the line item. |
วันที่สร้าง | [list:0:created] | The date the line item was created. |
Availability Calendar date display | [list:0:created:availability_calendar_date_display] | A date in 'availability_calendar_date_display' format. (03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Availability Calendar date entry | [list:0:created:availability_calendar_date_entry] | A date in 'availability_calendar_date_entry' format. (03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Availability Calendar month caption | [list:0:created:availability_calendar_month_caption] | A date in 'availability_calendar_month_caption' format. (03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Hours am/pm | [list:0:created:hours_ampm] | A date in 'hours_ampm' format. (3:29 am) |
Long format | [list:0:created:long] | A date in 'long' format. (พุธ, มีนาคม 20, 2024 - 03:29) |
Medium format | [list:0:created:medium] | A date in 'medium' format. (พ, 03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Raw timestamp | [list:0:created:raw] | A date in UNIX timestamp format (1710880172) |
Short format | [list:0:created:short] | A date in 'short' format. (03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Studyroom Availability Date | [list:0:created:studyroom_availability_date] | A date in 'studyroom_availability_date' format. (พ, 03/20/2024) |
Time-since | [list:0:created:since] | A date in 'time-since' format. (54 ปี 3 เดือน) |
กำหนดรูปแบบเอง | [list:0:created:custom:?] | A date in a custom format. See the PHP documentation for details. |
หมายเลขออเด้อ | [list:0:order] | Order associated with the line item |
Billing information | [list:0:order:commerce-customer-billing] | Field "commerce_customer_billing". |
Billing information | [list:0:order:commerce_customer_billing] | Customer profile reference field. |
Cancel date | [list:0:order:field-commerce-billy-cancel-date] | Field "field_commerce_billy_cancel_date". |
Cancel date | [list:0:order:field_commerce_billy_cancel_date] | Date (Unix timestamp) field. |
Coupons | [list:0:order:commerce_coupons] | Entity Reference field. |
Coupons | [list:0:order:commerce-coupons] | Field "commerce_coupons". |
Create revision | [list:0:order:revision] | Whether or not saving this order creates a new revision. |
Date placed | [list:0:order:placed] | The date the order was placed i.e. checkout was completed. |
Discount reference | [list:0:order:commerce_discounts] | Entity Reference field. |
Discount reference | [list:0:order:commerce-discounts] | Field "commerce_discounts". |
Expiration (formatted) | [list:0:order:expiration-formatted] | The time left until this order expires. Formatted by theme_commerce_cart_expiration(). |
Expiration (raw) | [list:0:order:expiration-raw] | The raw time left until this order expires in seconds. |
Host name | [list:0:order:hostname] | The IP address that created this order. |
Invoice date | [list:0:order:field-commerce-billy-i-date] | Field "field_commerce_billy_i_date". |
Invoice date | [list:0:order:field_commerce_billy_i_date] | Date (Unix timestamp) field. |
Line items | [list:0:order:commerce-line-items] | Field "commerce_line_items". |
Line items | [list:0:order:commerce_line_items] | Line item reference field. |
Order ID | [list:0:order:order-id] | The unique numeric ID of the order. |
Order e-mail | [list:0:order:mail] | The e-mail address associated with the order. |
Order e-mail prepared for username usage | [list:0:order:mail-username] | The e-mail address associated with this order with illegal characters for usernames replaced. |
Order number | [list:0:order:order-number] | The order number displayed to the customer. |
Order state | [list:0:order:state] | The current state of the order. |
Order state title | [list:0:order:state-title] | The human-readable title of the order state. |
Order status | [list:0:order:status] | The current status of the order. |
Order status title | [list:0:order:status-title] | The human-readable title of the order status. |
Order total | [list:0:order:commerce-order-total:?] | Field "commerce_order_total". The following properties may be appended to the token: amount (Amount), amount_decimal (Amount (decimal)), currency_code (Currency), data (Data) |
Order total | [list:0:order:commerce_order_total] | ราคา field. |
Order type | [list:0:order:type] | The type of the order. |
Order type name | [list:0:order:type-name] | The human-readable name of the order type. |
Original commerce order | [list:0:order:original] | The original commerce order data if the commerce order is being updated or saved. |
Owner ID | [list:0:order:uid] | The unique ID of the order owner. |
Payment method display title | [list:0:order:payment-method-display-title] | The checkout form oriented display title of the payment method for the payment transaction. |
Payment method short title | [list:0:order:payment-method-short-title] | The customer oriented short title of the payment method selected by the customer during checkout. |
Payment method title | [list:0:order:payment-method-title] | The administrative title of the payment method selected by the customer during checkout. |
URL | [list:0:order:url] | The URL of the order. |
URL | [list:0:order:admin-url] | The URL for administrators to view the order. |
URL | [list:0:order:customer-url] | The URL for customers to view the order. |
View URL | [list:0:order:view-url] | The URL a customer can visit to view the order. |
วันที่สร้าง | [list:0:order:created] | The date the order was created. |
วันที่เปลี่ยนแปลง | [list:0:order:changed] | The date the order was last updated. |
วิธีการชำระเงิน | [list:0:order:payment-method] | The method_id of the payment method selected by the customer during checkout. |
เจ้าของ | [list:0:order:owner] | The owner of the order. |
แก้ไข ID | [list:0:order:revision-id] | The unique ID of the order's latest revision. |
แก้ไข URL | [list:0:order:edit-url] | The URL of the order's edit page. |
Line items with delta 1 | [list:1] | The list item with delta 1. Delta values start from 0 and are incremented by one per list item. |
Booked Unit ID | [list:1:rooms-booked-unit-id] | Field "rooms_booked_unit_id". |
Booked Unit ID | [list:1:rooms_booked_unit_id] | จำนวนเต็ม field. |
Booked Unit Price | [list:1:rooms_booked_price] | จำนวนเต็ม field. |
Booked Unit Price | [list:1:rooms-booked-price] | Field "rooms_booked_price". |
Booked Unit Status | [list:1:rooms_booked_status] | จำนวนเต็ม field. |
Booked Unit Status | [list:1:rooms-booked-status] | Field "rooms_booked_status". |
Booking Children Ages | [list:1:rooms_booking_children_ages] | จำนวนเต็ม field. |
Booking Children Ages | [list:1:rooms-booking-children-ages] | Field "rooms_booking_children_ages". |
Booking Dates | [list:1:rooms_booking_dates] | Date (ISO format) field. |
Booking Dates | [list:1:rooms-booking-dates:?] | Field "rooms_booking_dates". The following properties may be appended to the token: value (Start date), value2 (End date), duration (Duration) |
Booking Number People | [list:1:rooms_booking_number_people] | จำนวนเต็ม field. |
Booking Number People | [list:1:rooms-booking-number-people] | Field "rooms_booking_number_people". |
Booking Options | [list:1:rooms_booking_options] | Unit Options field. |
Booking Options | [list:1:rooms-booking-options:?] | Field "rooms_booking_options". The following properties may be appended to the token: name (Name), quantity (Quantity), operation (Operation), value (Value), type (Type) |
Booking Price | [list:1:rooms_booked_bookingprice] | จำนวนเต็ม field. |
Booking Price | [list:1:rooms-booked-bookingprice] | Field "rooms_booked_bookingprice". |
Booking Reference | [list:1:rooms_booking_reference] | Entity Reference field. |
Booking Reference | [list:1:rooms-booking-reference] | Field "rooms_booking_reference". |
Booking_status | [list:1:rooms-booking-reference:booking-status] | Bookings "booking_status" property. |
Bookings ID | [list:1:rooms-booking-reference:booking-id] | The unique ID of the bookings. |
Changed | [list:1:rooms-booking-reference:changed] | Bookings "changed" property. |
Created | [list:1:rooms-booking-reference:created] | Bookings "created" property. |
Customer_id | [list:1:rooms-booking-reference:customer-id] | Bookings "customer_id" property. |
End_date | [list:1:rooms-booking-reference:end-date] | Bookings "end_date" property. |
Language | [list:1:rooms-booking-reference:language] | Bookings "language" property. |
Name | [list:1:rooms-booking-reference:name] | Bookings "name" property. |
Order_id | [list:1:rooms-booking-reference:order-id] | Bookings "order_id" property. |
Price | [list:1:rooms-booking-reference:price] | Bookings "price" property. |
Start_date | [list:1:rooms-booking-reference:start-date] | Bookings "start_date" property. |
URL | [list:1:rooms-booking-reference:url] | The URL of the entity. |
Uid | [list:1:rooms-booking-reference:uid] | Bookings "uid" property. |
Unit_id | [list:1:rooms-booking-reference:unit-id] | Bookings "unit_id" property. |
Unit_type | [list:1:rooms-booking-reference:unit-type] | Bookings "unit_type" property. |
Datees Line Item | [list:1:field-datees-line-item] | Field "field_datees_line_item". |
Availability Calendar date display | [list:1:field-datees-line-item:availability_calendar_date_display] | A date in 'availability_calendar_date_display' format. (03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Availability Calendar date entry | [list:1:field-datees-line-item:availability_calendar_date_entry] | A date in 'availability_calendar_date_entry' format. (03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Availability Calendar month caption | [list:1:field-datees-line-item:availability_calendar_month_caption] | A date in 'availability_calendar_month_caption' format. (03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Hours am/pm | [list:1:field-datees-line-item:hours_ampm] | A date in 'hours_ampm' format. (3:29 am) |
Long format | [list:1:field-datees-line-item:long] | A date in 'long' format. (พุธ, มีนาคม 20, 2024 - 03:29) |
Medium format | [list:1:field-datees-line-item:medium] | A date in 'medium' format. (พ, 03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Raw timestamp | [list:1:field-datees-line-item:raw] | A date in UNIX timestamp format (1710880172) |
Short format | [list:1:field-datees-line-item:short] | A date in 'short' format. (03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Studyroom Availability Date | [list:1:field-datees-line-item:studyroom_availability_date] | A date in 'studyroom_availability_date' format. (พ, 03/20/2024) |
Time-since | [list:1:field-datees-line-item:since] | A date in 'time-since' format. (54 ปี 3 เดือน) |
กำหนดรูปแบบเอง | [list:1:field-datees-line-item:custom:?] | A date in a custom format. See the PHP documentation for details. |
Datees Line Item | [list:1:field_datees_line_item] | วันที่ field. |
Date updated | [list:1:changed] | The date the line item was last updated. |
Availability Calendar date display | [list:1:changed:availability_calendar_date_display] | A date in 'availability_calendar_date_display' format. (03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Availability Calendar date entry | [list:1:changed:availability_calendar_date_entry] | A date in 'availability_calendar_date_entry' format. (03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Availability Calendar month caption | [list:1:changed:availability_calendar_month_caption] | A date in 'availability_calendar_month_caption' format. (03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Hours am/pm | [list:1:changed:hours_ampm] | A date in 'hours_ampm' format. (3:29 am) |
Long format | [list:1:changed:long] | A date in 'long' format. (พุธ, มีนาคม 20, 2024 - 03:29) |
Medium format | [list:1:changed:medium] | A date in 'medium' format. (พ, 03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Raw timestamp | [list:1:changed:raw] | A date in UNIX timestamp format (1710880172) |
Short format | [list:1:changed:short] | A date in 'short' format. (03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Studyroom Availability Date | [list:1:changed:studyroom_availability_date] | A date in 'studyroom_availability_date' format. (พ, 03/20/2024) |
Time-since | [list:1:changed:since] | A date in 'time-since' format. (54 ปี 3 เดือน) |
กำหนดรูปแบบเอง | [list:1:changed:custom:?] | A date in a custom format. See the PHP documentation for details. |
Display path | [list:1:commerce-display-path] | Field "commerce_display_path". |
Display path | [list:1:commerce_display_path] | ข้อความ field. |
Line item ID | [list:1:line-item-id] | The unique numeric ID of the line item. |
Line item Productss | [list:1:field-line-item-product] | Field "field_line_item_product". |
Line item Productss | [list:1:field_line_item_product] | ข้อความ field. |
Line item label | [list:1:line-item-label] | The label displayed with the line item. |
Line item type | [list:1:type] | The type of the line item. |
Line item type name | [list:1:type-name] | The human-readable name of the line item type. |
Order ID | [list:1:order-id] | The unique ID of the order the line item belongs to. |
Original commerce line item | [list:1:original] | The original commerce line item data if the commerce line item is being updated or saved. |
Booked Unit ID | [list:1:original:rooms-booked-unit-id] | Field "rooms_booked_unit_id". |
Booked Unit ID | [list:1:original:rooms_booked_unit_id] | จำนวนเต็ม field. |
Booked Unit Price | [list:1:original:rooms_booked_price] | จำนวนเต็ม field. |
Booked Unit Price | [list:1:original:rooms-booked-price] | Field "rooms_booked_price". |
Booked Unit Status | [list:1:original:rooms_booked_status] | จำนวนเต็ม field. |
Booked Unit Status | [list:1:original:rooms-booked-status] | Field "rooms_booked_status". |
Booking Children Ages | [list:1:original:rooms_booking_children_ages] | จำนวนเต็ม field. |
Booking Children Ages | [list:1:original:rooms-booking-children-ages] | Field "rooms_booking_children_ages". |
Booking Dates | [list:1:original:rooms_booking_dates] | Date (ISO format) field. |
Booking Dates | [list:1:original:rooms-booking-dates:?] | Field "rooms_booking_dates". The following properties may be appended to the token: value (Start date), value2 (End date), duration (Duration) |
Booking Number People | [list:1:original:rooms_booking_number_people] | จำนวนเต็ม field. |
Booking Number People | [list:1:original:rooms-booking-number-people] | Field "rooms_booking_number_people". |
Booking Options | [list:1:original:rooms_booking_options] | Unit Options field. |
Booking Options | [list:1:original:rooms-booking-options:?] | Field "rooms_booking_options". The following properties may be appended to the token: name (Name), quantity (Quantity), operation (Operation), value (Value), type (Type) |
Booking Price | [list:1:original:rooms_booked_bookingprice] | จำนวนเต็ม field. |
Booking Price | [list:1:original:rooms-booked-bookingprice] | Field "rooms_booked_bookingprice". |
Booking Reference | [list:1:original:rooms_booking_reference] | Entity Reference field. |
Booking Reference | [list:1:original:rooms-booking-reference] | Field "rooms_booking_reference". |
Datees Line Item | [list:1:original:field-datees-line-item] | Field "field_datees_line_item". |
Datees Line Item | [list:1:original:field_datees_line_item] | วันที่ field. |
Date updated | [list:1:original:changed] | The date the line item was last updated. |
Display path | [list:1:original:commerce-display-path] | Field "commerce_display_path". |
Display path | [list:1:original:commerce_display_path] | ข้อความ field. |
Line item ID | [list:1:original:line-item-id] | The unique numeric ID of the line item. |
Line item Productss | [list:1:original:field-line-item-product] | Field "field_line_item_product". |
Line item Productss | [list:1:original:field_line_item_product] | ข้อความ field. |
Line item label | [list:1:original:line-item-label] | The label displayed with the line item. |
Line item type | [list:1:original:type] | The type of the line item. |
Line item type name | [list:1:original:type-name] | The human-readable name of the line item type. |
Order ID | [list:1:original:order-id] | The unique ID of the order the line item belongs to. |
Product | [list:1:original:commerce_product] | Product reference field. |
Product | [list:1:original:commerce-product] | Field "commerce_product". |
Total | [list:1:original:commerce-total:?] | Field "commerce_total". The following properties may be appended to the token: amount (Amount), amount_decimal (Amount (decimal)), currency_code (Currency), data (Data) |
Total | [list:1:original:commerce_total] | ราคา field. |
Unit price | [list:1:original:commerce_unit_price] | ราคา field. |
Unit price | [list:1:original:commerce-unit-price:?] | Field "commerce_unit_price". The following properties may be appended to the token: amount (Amount), amount_decimal (Amount (decimal)), currency_code (Currency), data (Data) |
จำนวนสินค้า | [list:1:original:quantity] | The quantity of the line item. |
วันที่สร้าง | [list:1:original:created] | The date the line item was created. |
หมายเลขออเด้อ | [list:1:original:order] | Order associated with the line item |
Product | [list:1:commerce_product] | Product reference field. |
Product | [list:1:commerce-product] | Field "commerce_product". |
Creator | [list:1:commerce-product:creator] | The creator of the product. |
Creator ID | [list:1:commerce-product:uid] | The unique ID of the product creator. |
Date updated | [list:1:commerce-product:changed] | The date the product was last updated. |
Original commerce product | [list:1:commerce-product:original] | The original commerce product data if the commerce product is being updated or saved. |
Price | [list:1:commerce-product:commerce-price:?] | Field "commerce_price". The following properties may be appended to the token: amount (Amount), amount_decimal (Amount (decimal)), currency_code (Currency), data (Data) |
Price | [list:1:commerce-product:commerce_price] | ราคา field. |
Product ID | [list:1:commerce-product:product-id] | The internal numeric ID of the product. |
SKU | [list:1:commerce-product:sku] | The human readable product SKU. |
Type name | [list:1:commerce-product:type-name] | The human readable name of the product type. |
URL | [list:1:commerce-product:url] | The URL of the commerce product. |
ประเภท | [list:1:commerce-product:type] | The machine name of the product type. |
วันที่สร้าง | [list:1:commerce-product:created] | The date the product was created. |
สถานะ | [list:1:commerce-product:status] | Boolean indicating whether the product is active or disabled. |
หัวข้อ | [list:1:commerce-product:title] | The title of the product. |
แก้ไข URL | [list:1:commerce-product:edit-url] | The URL of the product's edit page. |
Total | [list:1:commerce-total:?] | Field "commerce_total". The following properties may be appended to the token: amount (Amount), amount_decimal (Amount (decimal)), currency_code (Currency), data (Data) |
Total | [list:1:commerce_total] | ราคา field. |
Unit price | [list:1:commerce_unit_price] | ราคา field. |
Unit price | [list:1:commerce-unit-price:?] | Field "commerce_unit_price". The following properties may be appended to the token: amount (Amount), amount_decimal (Amount (decimal)), currency_code (Currency), data (Data) |
จำนวนสินค้า | [list:1:quantity] | The quantity of the line item. |
วันที่สร้าง | [list:1:created] | The date the line item was created. |
Availability Calendar date display | [list:1:created:availability_calendar_date_display] | A date in 'availability_calendar_date_display' format. (03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Availability Calendar date entry | [list:1:created:availability_calendar_date_entry] | A date in 'availability_calendar_date_entry' format. (03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Availability Calendar month caption | [list:1:created:availability_calendar_month_caption] | A date in 'availability_calendar_month_caption' format. (03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Hours am/pm | [list:1:created:hours_ampm] | A date in 'hours_ampm' format. (3:29 am) |
Long format | [list:1:created:long] | A date in 'long' format. (พุธ, มีนาคม 20, 2024 - 03:29) |
Medium format | [list:1:created:medium] | A date in 'medium' format. (พ, 03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Raw timestamp | [list:1:created:raw] | A date in UNIX timestamp format (1710880172) |
Short format | [list:1:created:short] | A date in 'short' format. (03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Studyroom Availability Date | [list:1:created:studyroom_availability_date] | A date in 'studyroom_availability_date' format. (พ, 03/20/2024) |
Time-since | [list:1:created:since] | A date in 'time-since' format. (54 ปี 3 เดือน) |
กำหนดรูปแบบเอง | [list:1:created:custom:?] | A date in a custom format. See the PHP documentation for details. |
หมายเลขออเด้อ | [list:1:order] | Order associated with the line item |
Billing information | [list:1:order:commerce-customer-billing] | Field "commerce_customer_billing". |
Billing information | [list:1:order:commerce_customer_billing] | Customer profile reference field. |
Cancel date | [list:1:order:field-commerce-billy-cancel-date] | Field "field_commerce_billy_cancel_date". |
Cancel date | [list:1:order:field_commerce_billy_cancel_date] | Date (Unix timestamp) field. |
Coupons | [list:1:order:commerce_coupons] | Entity Reference field. |
Coupons | [list:1:order:commerce-coupons] | Field "commerce_coupons". |
Create revision | [list:1:order:revision] | Whether or not saving this order creates a new revision. |
Date placed | [list:1:order:placed] | The date the order was placed i.e. checkout was completed. |
Discount reference | [list:1:order:commerce_discounts] | Entity Reference field. |
Discount reference | [list:1:order:commerce-discounts] | Field "commerce_discounts". |
Expiration (formatted) | [list:1:order:expiration-formatted] | The time left until this order expires. Formatted by theme_commerce_cart_expiration(). |
Expiration (raw) | [list:1:order:expiration-raw] | The raw time left until this order expires in seconds. |
Host name | [list:1:order:hostname] | The IP address that created this order. |
Invoice date | [list:1:order:field-commerce-billy-i-date] | Field "field_commerce_billy_i_date". |
Invoice date | [list:1:order:field_commerce_billy_i_date] | Date (Unix timestamp) field. |
Line items | [list:1:order:commerce-line-items] | Field "commerce_line_items". |
Line items | [list:1:order:commerce_line_items] | Line item reference field. |
Order ID | [list:1:order:order-id] | The unique numeric ID of the order. |
Order e-mail | [list:1:order:mail] | The e-mail address associated with the order. |
Order e-mail prepared for username usage | [list:1:order:mail-username] | The e-mail address associated with this order with illegal characters for usernames replaced. |
Order number | [list:1:order:order-number] | The order number displayed to the customer. |
Order state | [list:1:order:state] | The current state of the order. |
Order state title | [list:1:order:state-title] | The human-readable title of the order state. |
Order status | [list:1:order:status] | The current status of the order. |
Order status title | [list:1:order:status-title] | The human-readable title of the order status. |
Order total | [list:1:order:commerce-order-total:?] | Field "commerce_order_total". The following properties may be appended to the token: amount (Amount), amount_decimal (Amount (decimal)), currency_code (Currency), data (Data) |
Order total | [list:1:order:commerce_order_total] | ราคา field. |
Order type | [list:1:order:type] | The type of the order. |
Order type name | [list:1:order:type-name] | The human-readable name of the order type. |
Original commerce order | [list:1:order:original] | The original commerce order data if the commerce order is being updated or saved. |
Owner ID | [list:1:order:uid] | The unique ID of the order owner. |
Payment method display title | [list:1:order:payment-method-display-title] | The checkout form oriented display title of the payment method for the payment transaction. |
Payment method short title | [list:1:order:payment-method-short-title] | The customer oriented short title of the payment method selected by the customer during checkout. |
Payment method title | [list:1:order:payment-method-title] | The administrative title of the payment method selected by the customer during checkout. |
URL | [list:1:order:url] | The URL of the order. |
URL | [list:1:order:admin-url] | The URL for administrators to view the order. |
URL | [list:1:order:customer-url] | The URL for customers to view the order. |
View URL | [list:1:order:view-url] | The URL a customer can visit to view the order. |
วันที่สร้าง | [list:1:order:created] | The date the order was created. |
วันที่เปลี่ยนแปลง | [list:1:order:changed] | The date the order was last updated. |
วิธีการชำระเงิน | [list:1:order:payment-method] | The method_id of the payment method selected by the customer during checkout. |
เจ้าของ | [list:1:order:owner] | The owner of the order. |
แก้ไข ID | [list:1:order:revision-id] | The unique ID of the order's latest revision. |
แก้ไข URL | [list:1:order:edit-url] | The URL of the order's edit page. |
Line items with delta 2 | [list:2] | The list item with delta 2. Delta values start from 0 and are incremented by one per list item. |
Booked Unit ID | [list:2:rooms-booked-unit-id] | Field "rooms_booked_unit_id". |
Booked Unit ID | [list:2:rooms_booked_unit_id] | จำนวนเต็ม field. |
Booked Unit Price | [list:2:rooms_booked_price] | จำนวนเต็ม field. |
Booked Unit Price | [list:2:rooms-booked-price] | Field "rooms_booked_price". |
Booked Unit Status | [list:2:rooms_booked_status] | จำนวนเต็ม field. |
Booked Unit Status | [list:2:rooms-booked-status] | Field "rooms_booked_status". |
Booking Children Ages | [list:2:rooms_booking_children_ages] | จำนวนเต็ม field. |
Booking Children Ages | [list:2:rooms-booking-children-ages] | Field "rooms_booking_children_ages". |
Booking Dates | [list:2:rooms_booking_dates] | Date (ISO format) field. |
Booking Dates | [list:2:rooms-booking-dates:?] | Field "rooms_booking_dates". The following properties may be appended to the token: value (Start date), value2 (End date), duration (Duration) |
Booking Number People | [list:2:rooms_booking_number_people] | จำนวนเต็ม field. |
Booking Number People | [list:2:rooms-booking-number-people] | Field "rooms_booking_number_people". |
Booking Options | [list:2:rooms_booking_options] | Unit Options field. |
Booking Options | [list:2:rooms-booking-options:?] | Field "rooms_booking_options". The following properties may be appended to the token: name (Name), quantity (Quantity), operation (Operation), value (Value), type (Type) |
Booking Price | [list:2:rooms_booked_bookingprice] | จำนวนเต็ม field. |
Booking Price | [list:2:rooms-booked-bookingprice] | Field "rooms_booked_bookingprice". |
Booking Reference | [list:2:rooms_booking_reference] | Entity Reference field. |
Booking Reference | [list:2:rooms-booking-reference] | Field "rooms_booking_reference". |
Booking_status | [list:2:rooms-booking-reference:booking-status] | Bookings "booking_status" property. |
Bookings ID | [list:2:rooms-booking-reference:booking-id] | The unique ID of the bookings. |
Changed | [list:2:rooms-booking-reference:changed] | Bookings "changed" property. |
Created | [list:2:rooms-booking-reference:created] | Bookings "created" property. |
Customer_id | [list:2:rooms-booking-reference:customer-id] | Bookings "customer_id" property. |
End_date | [list:2:rooms-booking-reference:end-date] | Bookings "end_date" property. |
Language | [list:2:rooms-booking-reference:language] | Bookings "language" property. |
Name | [list:2:rooms-booking-reference:name] | Bookings "name" property. |
Order_id | [list:2:rooms-booking-reference:order-id] | Bookings "order_id" property. |
Price | [list:2:rooms-booking-reference:price] | Bookings "price" property. |
Start_date | [list:2:rooms-booking-reference:start-date] | Bookings "start_date" property. |
URL | [list:2:rooms-booking-reference:url] | The URL of the entity. |
Uid | [list:2:rooms-booking-reference:uid] | Bookings "uid" property. |
Unit_id | [list:2:rooms-booking-reference:unit-id] | Bookings "unit_id" property. |
Unit_type | [list:2:rooms-booking-reference:unit-type] | Bookings "unit_type" property. |
Datees Line Item | [list:2:field-datees-line-item] | Field "field_datees_line_item". |
Availability Calendar date display | [list:2:field-datees-line-item:availability_calendar_date_display] | A date in 'availability_calendar_date_display' format. (03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Availability Calendar date entry | [list:2:field-datees-line-item:availability_calendar_date_entry] | A date in 'availability_calendar_date_entry' format. (03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Availability Calendar month caption | [list:2:field-datees-line-item:availability_calendar_month_caption] | A date in 'availability_calendar_month_caption' format. (03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Hours am/pm | [list:2:field-datees-line-item:hours_ampm] | A date in 'hours_ampm' format. (3:29 am) |
Long format | [list:2:field-datees-line-item:long] | A date in 'long' format. (พุธ, มีนาคม 20, 2024 - 03:29) |
Medium format | [list:2:field-datees-line-item:medium] | A date in 'medium' format. (พ, 03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Raw timestamp | [list:2:field-datees-line-item:raw] | A date in UNIX timestamp format (1710880172) |
Short format | [list:2:field-datees-line-item:short] | A date in 'short' format. (03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Studyroom Availability Date | [list:2:field-datees-line-item:studyroom_availability_date] | A date in 'studyroom_availability_date' format. (พ, 03/20/2024) |
Time-since | [list:2:field-datees-line-item:since] | A date in 'time-since' format. (54 ปี 3 เดือน) |
กำหนดรูปแบบเอง | [list:2:field-datees-line-item:custom:?] | A date in a custom format. See the PHP documentation for details. |
Datees Line Item | [list:2:field_datees_line_item] | วันที่ field. |
Date updated | [list:2:changed] | The date the line item was last updated. |
Availability Calendar date display | [list:2:changed:availability_calendar_date_display] | A date in 'availability_calendar_date_display' format. (03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Availability Calendar date entry | [list:2:changed:availability_calendar_date_entry] | A date in 'availability_calendar_date_entry' format. (03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Availability Calendar month caption | [list:2:changed:availability_calendar_month_caption] | A date in 'availability_calendar_month_caption' format. (03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Hours am/pm | [list:2:changed:hours_ampm] | A date in 'hours_ampm' format. (3:29 am) |
Long format | [list:2:changed:long] | A date in 'long' format. (พุธ, มีนาคม 20, 2024 - 03:29) |
Medium format | [list:2:changed:medium] | A date in 'medium' format. (พ, 03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Raw timestamp | [list:2:changed:raw] | A date in UNIX timestamp format (1710880172) |
Short format | [list:2:changed:short] | A date in 'short' format. (03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Studyroom Availability Date | [list:2:changed:studyroom_availability_date] | A date in 'studyroom_availability_date' format. (พ, 03/20/2024) |
Time-since | [list:2:changed:since] | A date in 'time-since' format. (54 ปี 3 เดือน) |
กำหนดรูปแบบเอง | [list:2:changed:custom:?] | A date in a custom format. See the PHP documentation for details. |
Display path | [list:2:commerce-display-path] | Field "commerce_display_path". |
Display path | [list:2:commerce_display_path] | ข้อความ field. |
Line item ID | [list:2:line-item-id] | The unique numeric ID of the line item. |
Line item Productss | [list:2:field-line-item-product] | Field "field_line_item_product". |
Line item Productss | [list:2:field_line_item_product] | ข้อความ field. |
Line item label | [list:2:line-item-label] | The label displayed with the line item. |
Line item type | [list:2:type] | The type of the line item. |
Line item type name | [list:2:type-name] | The human-readable name of the line item type. |
Order ID | [list:2:order-id] | The unique ID of the order the line item belongs to. |
Original commerce line item | [list:2:original] | The original commerce line item data if the commerce line item is being updated or saved. |
Booked Unit ID | [list:2:original:rooms-booked-unit-id] | Field "rooms_booked_unit_id". |
Booked Unit ID | [list:2:original:rooms_booked_unit_id] | จำนวนเต็ม field. |
Booked Unit Price | [list:2:original:rooms_booked_price] | จำนวนเต็ม field. |
Booked Unit Price | [list:2:original:rooms-booked-price] | Field "rooms_booked_price". |
Booked Unit Status | [list:2:original:rooms_booked_status] | จำนวนเต็ม field. |
Booked Unit Status | [list:2:original:rooms-booked-status] | Field "rooms_booked_status". |
Booking Children Ages | [list:2:original:rooms_booking_children_ages] | จำนวนเต็ม field. |
Booking Children Ages | [list:2:original:rooms-booking-children-ages] | Field "rooms_booking_children_ages". |
Booking Dates | [list:2:original:rooms_booking_dates] | Date (ISO format) field. |
Booking Dates | [list:2:original:rooms-booking-dates:?] | Field "rooms_booking_dates". The following properties may be appended to the token: value (Start date), value2 (End date), duration (Duration) |
Booking Number People | [list:2:original:rooms_booking_number_people] | จำนวนเต็ม field. |
Booking Number People | [list:2:original:rooms-booking-number-people] | Field "rooms_booking_number_people". |
Booking Options | [list:2:original:rooms_booking_options] | Unit Options field. |
Booking Options | [list:2:original:rooms-booking-options:?] | Field "rooms_booking_options". The following properties may be appended to the token: name (Name), quantity (Quantity), operation (Operation), value (Value), type (Type) |
Booking Price | [list:2:original:rooms_booked_bookingprice] | จำนวนเต็ม field. |
Booking Price | [list:2:original:rooms-booked-bookingprice] | Field "rooms_booked_bookingprice". |
Booking Reference | [list:2:original:rooms_booking_reference] | Entity Reference field. |
Booking Reference | [list:2:original:rooms-booking-reference] | Field "rooms_booking_reference". |
Datees Line Item | [list:2:original:field-datees-line-item] | Field "field_datees_line_item". |
Datees Line Item | [list:2:original:field_datees_line_item] | วันที่ field. |
Date updated | [list:2:original:changed] | The date the line item was last updated. |
Display path | [list:2:original:commerce-display-path] | Field "commerce_display_path". |
Display path | [list:2:original:commerce_display_path] | ข้อความ field. |
Line item ID | [list:2:original:line-item-id] | The unique numeric ID of the line item. |
Line item Productss | [list:2:original:field-line-item-product] | Field "field_line_item_product". |
Line item Productss | [list:2:original:field_line_item_product] | ข้อความ field. |
Line item label | [list:2:original:line-item-label] | The label displayed with the line item. |
Line item type | [list:2:original:type] | The type of the line item. |
Line item type name | [list:2:original:type-name] | The human-readable name of the line item type. |
Order ID | [list:2:original:order-id] | The unique ID of the order the line item belongs to. |
Product | [list:2:original:commerce_product] | Product reference field. |
Product | [list:2:original:commerce-product] | Field "commerce_product". |
Total | [list:2:original:commerce-total:?] | Field "commerce_total". The following properties may be appended to the token: amount (Amount), amount_decimal (Amount (decimal)), currency_code (Currency), data (Data) |
Total | [list:2:original:commerce_total] | ราคา field. |
Unit price | [list:2:original:commerce_unit_price] | ราคา field. |
Unit price | [list:2:original:commerce-unit-price:?] | Field "commerce_unit_price". The following properties may be appended to the token: amount (Amount), amount_decimal (Amount (decimal)), currency_code (Currency), data (Data) |
จำนวนสินค้า | [list:2:original:quantity] | The quantity of the line item. |
วันที่สร้าง | [list:2:original:created] | The date the line item was created. |
หมายเลขออเด้อ | [list:2:original:order] | Order associated with the line item |
Product | [list:2:commerce_product] | Product reference field. |
Product | [list:2:commerce-product] | Field "commerce_product". |
Creator | [list:2:commerce-product:creator] | The creator of the product. |
Creator ID | [list:2:commerce-product:uid] | The unique ID of the product creator. |
Date updated | [list:2:commerce-product:changed] | The date the product was last updated. |
Original commerce product | [list:2:commerce-product:original] | The original commerce product data if the commerce product is being updated or saved. |
Price | [list:2:commerce-product:commerce-price:?] | Field "commerce_price". The following properties may be appended to the token: amount (Amount), amount_decimal (Amount (decimal)), currency_code (Currency), data (Data) |
Price | [list:2:commerce-product:commerce_price] | ราคา field. |
Product ID | [list:2:commerce-product:product-id] | The internal numeric ID of the product. |
SKU | [list:2:commerce-product:sku] | The human readable product SKU. |
Type name | [list:2:commerce-product:type-name] | The human readable name of the product type. |
URL | [list:2:commerce-product:url] | The URL of the commerce product. |
ประเภท | [list:2:commerce-product:type] | The machine name of the product type. |
วันที่สร้าง | [list:2:commerce-product:created] | The date the product was created. |
สถานะ | [list:2:commerce-product:status] | Boolean indicating whether the product is active or disabled. |
หัวข้อ | [list:2:commerce-product:title] | The title of the product. |
แก้ไข URL | [list:2:commerce-product:edit-url] | The URL of the product's edit page. |
Total | [list:2:commerce-total:?] | Field "commerce_total". The following properties may be appended to the token: amount (Amount), amount_decimal (Amount (decimal)), currency_code (Currency), data (Data) |
Total | [list:2:commerce_total] | ราคา field. |
Unit price | [list:2:commerce_unit_price] | ราคา field. |
Unit price | [list:2:commerce-unit-price:?] | Field "commerce_unit_price". The following properties may be appended to the token: amount (Amount), amount_decimal (Amount (decimal)), currency_code (Currency), data (Data) |
จำนวนสินค้า | [list:2:quantity] | The quantity of the line item. |
วันที่สร้าง | [list:2:created] | The date the line item was created. |
Availability Calendar date display | [list:2:created:availability_calendar_date_display] | A date in 'availability_calendar_date_display' format. (03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Availability Calendar date entry | [list:2:created:availability_calendar_date_entry] | A date in 'availability_calendar_date_entry' format. (03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Availability Calendar month caption | [list:2:created:availability_calendar_month_caption] | A date in 'availability_calendar_month_caption' format. (03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Hours am/pm | [list:2:created:hours_ampm] | A date in 'hours_ampm' format. (3:29 am) |
Long format | [list:2:created:long] | A date in 'long' format. (พุธ, มีนาคม 20, 2024 - 03:29) |
Medium format | [list:2:created:medium] | A date in 'medium' format. (พ, 03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Raw timestamp | [list:2:created:raw] | A date in UNIX timestamp format (1710880172) |
Short format | [list:2:created:short] | A date in 'short' format. (03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Studyroom Availability Date | [list:2:created:studyroom_availability_date] | A date in 'studyroom_availability_date' format. (พ, 03/20/2024) |
Time-since | [list:2:created:since] | A date in 'time-since' format. (54 ปี 3 เดือน) |
กำหนดรูปแบบเอง | [list:2:created:custom:?] | A date in a custom format. See the PHP documentation for details. |
หมายเลขออเด้อ | [list:2:order] | Order associated with the line item |
Billing information | [list:2:order:commerce-customer-billing] | Field "commerce_customer_billing". |
Billing information | [list:2:order:commerce_customer_billing] | Customer profile reference field. |
Cancel date | [list:2:order:field-commerce-billy-cancel-date] | Field "field_commerce_billy_cancel_date". |
Cancel date | [list:2:order:field_commerce_billy_cancel_date] | Date (Unix timestamp) field. |
Coupons | [list:2:order:commerce_coupons] | Entity Reference field. |
Coupons | [list:2:order:commerce-coupons] | Field "commerce_coupons". |
Create revision | [list:2:order:revision] | Whether or not saving this order creates a new revision. |
Date placed | [list:2:order:placed] | The date the order was placed i.e. checkout was completed. |
Discount reference | [list:2:order:commerce_discounts] | Entity Reference field. |
Discount reference | [list:2:order:commerce-discounts] | Field "commerce_discounts". |
Expiration (formatted) | [list:2:order:expiration-formatted] | The time left until this order expires. Formatted by theme_commerce_cart_expiration(). |
Expiration (raw) | [list:2:order:expiration-raw] | The raw time left until this order expires in seconds. |
Host name | [list:2:order:hostname] | The IP address that created this order. |
Invoice date | [list:2:order:field-commerce-billy-i-date] | Field "field_commerce_billy_i_date". |
Invoice date | [list:2:order:field_commerce_billy_i_date] | Date (Unix timestamp) field. |
Line items | [list:2:order:commerce-line-items] | Field "commerce_line_items". |
Line items | [list:2:order:commerce_line_items] | Line item reference field. |
Order ID | [list:2:order:order-id] | The unique numeric ID of the order. |
Order e-mail | [list:2:order:mail] | The e-mail address associated with the order. |
Order e-mail prepared for username usage | [list:2:order:mail-username] | The e-mail address associated with this order with illegal characters for usernames replaced. |
Order number | [list:2:order:order-number] | The order number displayed to the customer. |
Order state | [list:2:order:state] | The current state of the order. |
Order state title | [list:2:order:state-title] | The human-readable title of the order state. |
Order status | [list:2:order:status] | The current status of the order. |
Order status title | [list:2:order:status-title] | The human-readable title of the order status. |
Order total | [list:2:order:commerce-order-total:?] | Field "commerce_order_total". The following properties may be appended to the token: amount (Amount), amount_decimal (Amount (decimal)), currency_code (Currency), data (Data) |
Order total | [list:2:order:commerce_order_total] | ราคา field. |
Order type | [list:2:order:type] | The type of the order. |
Order type name | [list:2:order:type-name] | The human-readable name of the order type. |
Original commerce order | [list:2:order:original] | The original commerce order data if the commerce order is being updated or saved. |
Owner ID | [list:2:order:uid] | The unique ID of the order owner. |
Payment method display title | [list:2:order:payment-method-display-title] | The checkout form oriented display title of the payment method for the payment transaction. |
Payment method short title | [list:2:order:payment-method-short-title] | The customer oriented short title of the payment method selected by the customer during checkout. |
Payment method title | [list:2:order:payment-method-title] | The administrative title of the payment method selected by the customer during checkout. |
URL | [list:2:order:url] | The URL of the order. |
URL | [list:2:order:admin-url] | The URL for administrators to view the order. |
URL | [list:2:order:customer-url] | The URL for customers to view the order. |
View URL | [list:2:order:view-url] | The URL a customer can visit to view the order. |
วันที่สร้าง | [list:2:order:created] | The date the order was created. |
วันที่เปลี่ยนแปลง | [list:2:order:changed] | The date the order was last updated. |
วิธีการชำระเงิน | [list:2:order:payment-method] | The method_id of the payment method selected by the customer during checkout. |
เจ้าของ | [list:2:order:owner] | The owner of the order. |
แก้ไข ID | [list:2:order:revision-id] | The unique ID of the order's latest revision. |
แก้ไข URL | [list:2:order:edit-url] | The URL of the order's edit page. |
Line items with delta 3 | [list:3] | The list item with delta 3. Delta values start from 0 and are incremented by one per list item. |
Booked Unit ID | [list:3:rooms-booked-unit-id] | Field "rooms_booked_unit_id". |
Booked Unit ID | [list:3:rooms_booked_unit_id] | จำนวนเต็ม field. |
Booked Unit Price | [list:3:rooms_booked_price] | จำนวนเต็ม field. |
Booked Unit Price | [list:3:rooms-booked-price] | Field "rooms_booked_price". |
Booked Unit Status | [list:3:rooms_booked_status] | จำนวนเต็ม field. |
Booked Unit Status | [list:3:rooms-booked-status] | Field "rooms_booked_status". |
Booking Children Ages | [list:3:rooms_booking_children_ages] | จำนวนเต็ม field. |
Booking Children Ages | [list:3:rooms-booking-children-ages] | Field "rooms_booking_children_ages". |
Booking Dates | [list:3:rooms_booking_dates] | Date (ISO format) field. |
Booking Dates | [list:3:rooms-booking-dates:?] | Field "rooms_booking_dates". The following properties may be appended to the token: value (Start date), value2 (End date), duration (Duration) |
Booking Number People | [list:3:rooms_booking_number_people] | จำนวนเต็ม field. |
Booking Number People | [list:3:rooms-booking-number-people] | Field "rooms_booking_number_people". |
Booking Options | [list:3:rooms_booking_options] | Unit Options field. |
Booking Options | [list:3:rooms-booking-options:?] | Field "rooms_booking_options". The following properties may be appended to the token: name (Name), quantity (Quantity), operation (Operation), value (Value), type (Type) |
Booking Price | [list:3:rooms_booked_bookingprice] | จำนวนเต็ม field. |
Booking Price | [list:3:rooms-booked-bookingprice] | Field "rooms_booked_bookingprice". |
Booking Reference | [list:3:rooms_booking_reference] | Entity Reference field. |
Booking Reference | [list:3:rooms-booking-reference] | Field "rooms_booking_reference". |
Booking_status | [list:3:rooms-booking-reference:booking-status] | Bookings "booking_status" property. |
Bookings ID | [list:3:rooms-booking-reference:booking-id] | The unique ID of the bookings. |
Changed | [list:3:rooms-booking-reference:changed] | Bookings "changed" property. |
Created | [list:3:rooms-booking-reference:created] | Bookings "created" property. |
Customer_id | [list:3:rooms-booking-reference:customer-id] | Bookings "customer_id" property. |
End_date | [list:3:rooms-booking-reference:end-date] | Bookings "end_date" property. |
Language | [list:3:rooms-booking-reference:language] | Bookings "language" property. |
Name | [list:3:rooms-booking-reference:name] | Bookings "name" property. |
Order_id | [list:3:rooms-booking-reference:order-id] | Bookings "order_id" property. |
Price | [list:3:rooms-booking-reference:price] | Bookings "price" property. |
Start_date | [list:3:rooms-booking-reference:start-date] | Bookings "start_date" property. |
URL | [list:3:rooms-booking-reference:url] | The URL of the entity. |
Uid | [list:3:rooms-booking-reference:uid] | Bookings "uid" property. |
Unit_id | [list:3:rooms-booking-reference:unit-id] | Bookings "unit_id" property. |
Unit_type | [list:3:rooms-booking-reference:unit-type] | Bookings "unit_type" property. |
Datees Line Item | [list:3:field-datees-line-item] | Field "field_datees_line_item". |
Availability Calendar date display | [list:3:field-datees-line-item:availability_calendar_date_display] | A date in 'availability_calendar_date_display' format. (03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Availability Calendar date entry | [list:3:field-datees-line-item:availability_calendar_date_entry] | A date in 'availability_calendar_date_entry' format. (03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Availability Calendar month caption | [list:3:field-datees-line-item:availability_calendar_month_caption] | A date in 'availability_calendar_month_caption' format. (03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Hours am/pm | [list:3:field-datees-line-item:hours_ampm] | A date in 'hours_ampm' format. (3:29 am) |
Long format | [list:3:field-datees-line-item:long] | A date in 'long' format. (พุธ, มีนาคม 20, 2024 - 03:29) |
Medium format | [list:3:field-datees-line-item:medium] | A date in 'medium' format. (พ, 03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Raw timestamp | [list:3:field-datees-line-item:raw] | A date in UNIX timestamp format (1710880172) |
Short format | [list:3:field-datees-line-item:short] | A date in 'short' format. (03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Studyroom Availability Date | [list:3:field-datees-line-item:studyroom_availability_date] | A date in 'studyroom_availability_date' format. (พ, 03/20/2024) |
Time-since | [list:3:field-datees-line-item:since] | A date in 'time-since' format. (54 ปี 3 เดือน) |
กำหนดรูปแบบเอง | [list:3:field-datees-line-item:custom:?] | A date in a custom format. See the PHP documentation for details. |
Datees Line Item | [list:3:field_datees_line_item] | วันที่ field. |
Date updated | [list:3:changed] | The date the line item was last updated. |
Availability Calendar date display | [list:3:changed:availability_calendar_date_display] | A date in 'availability_calendar_date_display' format. (03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Availability Calendar date entry | [list:3:changed:availability_calendar_date_entry] | A date in 'availability_calendar_date_entry' format. (03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Availability Calendar month caption | [list:3:changed:availability_calendar_month_caption] | A date in 'availability_calendar_month_caption' format. (03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Hours am/pm | [list:3:changed:hours_ampm] | A date in 'hours_ampm' format. (3:29 am) |
Long format | [list:3:changed:long] | A date in 'long' format. (พุธ, มีนาคม 20, 2024 - 03:29) |
Medium format | [list:3:changed:medium] | A date in 'medium' format. (พ, 03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Raw timestamp | [list:3:changed:raw] | A date in UNIX timestamp format (1710880172) |
Short format | [list:3:changed:short] | A date in 'short' format. (03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Studyroom Availability Date | [list:3:changed:studyroom_availability_date] | A date in 'studyroom_availability_date' format. (พ, 03/20/2024) |
Time-since | [list:3:changed:since] | A date in 'time-since' format. (54 ปี 3 เดือน) |
กำหนดรูปแบบเอง | [list:3:changed:custom:?] | A date in a custom format. See the PHP documentation for details. |
Display path | [list:3:commerce-display-path] | Field "commerce_display_path". |
Display path | [list:3:commerce_display_path] | ข้อความ field. |
Line item ID | [list:3:line-item-id] | The unique numeric ID of the line item. |
Line item Productss | [list:3:field-line-item-product] | Field "field_line_item_product". |
Line item Productss | [list:3:field_line_item_product] | ข้อความ field. |
Line item label | [list:3:line-item-label] | The label displayed with the line item. |
Line item type | [list:3:type] | The type of the line item. |
Line item type name | [list:3:type-name] | The human-readable name of the line item type. |
Order ID | [list:3:order-id] | The unique ID of the order the line item belongs to. |
Original commerce line item | [list:3:original] | The original commerce line item data if the commerce line item is being updated or saved. |
Booked Unit ID | [list:3:original:rooms-booked-unit-id] | Field "rooms_booked_unit_id". |
Booked Unit ID | [list:3:original:rooms_booked_unit_id] | จำนวนเต็ม field. |
Booked Unit Price | [list:3:original:rooms_booked_price] | จำนวนเต็ม field. |
Booked Unit Price | [list:3:original:rooms-booked-price] | Field "rooms_booked_price". |
Booked Unit Status | [list:3:original:rooms_booked_status] | จำนวนเต็ม field. |
Booked Unit Status | [list:3:original:rooms-booked-status] | Field "rooms_booked_status". |
Booking Children Ages | [list:3:original:rooms_booking_children_ages] | จำนวนเต็ม field. |
Booking Children Ages | [list:3:original:rooms-booking-children-ages] | Field "rooms_booking_children_ages". |
Booking Dates | [list:3:original:rooms_booking_dates] | Date (ISO format) field. |
Booking Dates | [list:3:original:rooms-booking-dates:?] | Field "rooms_booking_dates". The following properties may be appended to the token: value (Start date), value2 (End date), duration (Duration) |
Booking Number People | [list:3:original:rooms_booking_number_people] | จำนวนเต็ม field. |
Booking Number People | [list:3:original:rooms-booking-number-people] | Field "rooms_booking_number_people". |
Booking Options | [list:3:original:rooms_booking_options] | Unit Options field. |
Booking Options | [list:3:original:rooms-booking-options:?] | Field "rooms_booking_options". The following properties may be appended to the token: name (Name), quantity (Quantity), operation (Operation), value (Value), type (Type) |
Booking Price | [list:3:original:rooms_booked_bookingprice] | จำนวนเต็ม field. |
Booking Price | [list:3:original:rooms-booked-bookingprice] | Field "rooms_booked_bookingprice". |
Booking Reference | [list:3:original:rooms_booking_reference] | Entity Reference field. |
Booking Reference | [list:3:original:rooms-booking-reference] | Field "rooms_booking_reference". |
Datees Line Item | [list:3:original:field-datees-line-item] | Field "field_datees_line_item". |
Datees Line Item | [list:3:original:field_datees_line_item] | วันที่ field. |
Date updated | [list:3:original:changed] | The date the line item was last updated. |
Display path | [list:3:original:commerce-display-path] | Field "commerce_display_path". |
Display path | [list:3:original:commerce_display_path] | ข้อความ field. |
Line item ID | [list:3:original:line-item-id] | The unique numeric ID of the line item. |
Line item Productss | [list:3:original:field-line-item-product] | Field "field_line_item_product". |
Line item Productss | [list:3:original:field_line_item_product] | ข้อความ field. |
Line item label | [list:3:original:line-item-label] | The label displayed with the line item. |
Line item type | [list:3:original:type] | The type of the line item. |
Line item type name | [list:3:original:type-name] | The human-readable name of the line item type. |
Order ID | [list:3:original:order-id] | The unique ID of the order the line item belongs to. |
Product | [list:3:original:commerce_product] | Product reference field. |
Product | [list:3:original:commerce-product] | Field "commerce_product". |
Total | [list:3:original:commerce-total:?] | Field "commerce_total". The following properties may be appended to the token: amount (Amount), amount_decimal (Amount (decimal)), currency_code (Currency), data (Data) |
Total | [list:3:original:commerce_total] | ราคา field. |
Unit price | [list:3:original:commerce_unit_price] | ราคา field. |
Unit price | [list:3:original:commerce-unit-price:?] | Field "commerce_unit_price". The following properties may be appended to the token: amount (Amount), amount_decimal (Amount (decimal)), currency_code (Currency), data (Data) |
จำนวนสินค้า | [list:3:original:quantity] | The quantity of the line item. |
วันที่สร้าง | [list:3:original:created] | The date the line item was created. |
หมายเลขออเด้อ | [list:3:original:order] | Order associated with the line item |
Product | [list:3:commerce_product] | Product reference field. |
Product | [list:3:commerce-product] | Field "commerce_product". |
Creator | [list:3:commerce-product:creator] | The creator of the product. |
Creator ID | [list:3:commerce-product:uid] | The unique ID of the product creator. |
Date updated | [list:3:commerce-product:changed] | The date the product was last updated. |
Original commerce product | [list:3:commerce-product:original] | The original commerce product data if the commerce product is being updated or saved. |
Price | [list:3:commerce-product:commerce-price:?] | Field "commerce_price". The following properties may be appended to the token: amount (Amount), amount_decimal (Amount (decimal)), currency_code (Currency), data (Data) |
Price | [list:3:commerce-product:commerce_price] | ราคา field. |
Product ID | [list:3:commerce-product:product-id] | The internal numeric ID of the product. |
SKU | [list:3:commerce-product:sku] | The human readable product SKU. |
Type name | [list:3:commerce-product:type-name] | The human readable name of the product type. |
URL | [list:3:commerce-product:url] | The URL of the commerce product. |
ประเภท | [list:3:commerce-product:type] | The machine name of the product type. |
วันที่สร้าง | [list:3:commerce-product:created] | The date the product was created. |
สถานะ | [list:3:commerce-product:status] | Boolean indicating whether the product is active or disabled. |
หัวข้อ | [list:3:commerce-product:title] | The title of the product. |
แก้ไข URL | [list:3:commerce-product:edit-url] | The URL of the product's edit page. |
Total | [list:3:commerce-total:?] | Field "commerce_total". The following properties may be appended to the token: amount (Amount), amount_decimal (Amount (decimal)), currency_code (Currency), data (Data) |
Total | [list:3:commerce_total] | ราคา field. |
Unit price | [list:3:commerce_unit_price] | ราคา field. |
Unit price | [list:3:commerce-unit-price:?] | Field "commerce_unit_price". The following properties may be appended to the token: amount (Amount), amount_decimal (Amount (decimal)), currency_code (Currency), data (Data) |
จำนวนสินค้า | [list:3:quantity] | The quantity of the line item. |
วันที่สร้าง | [list:3:created] | The date the line item was created. |
Availability Calendar date display | [list:3:created:availability_calendar_date_display] | A date in 'availability_calendar_date_display' format. (03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Availability Calendar date entry | [list:3:created:availability_calendar_date_entry] | A date in 'availability_calendar_date_entry' format. (03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Availability Calendar month caption | [list:3:created:availability_calendar_month_caption] | A date in 'availability_calendar_month_caption' format. (03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Hours am/pm | [list:3:created:hours_ampm] | A date in 'hours_ampm' format. (3:29 am) |
Long format | [list:3:created:long] | A date in 'long' format. (พุธ, มีนาคม 20, 2024 - 03:29) |
Medium format | [list:3:created:medium] | A date in 'medium' format. (พ, 03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Raw timestamp | [list:3:created:raw] | A date in UNIX timestamp format (1710880172) |
Short format | [list:3:created:short] | A date in 'short' format. (03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Studyroom Availability Date | [list:3:created:studyroom_availability_date] | A date in 'studyroom_availability_date' format. (พ, 03/20/2024) |
Time-since | [list:3:created:since] | A date in 'time-since' format. (54 ปี 3 เดือน) |
กำหนดรูปแบบเอง | [list:3:created:custom:?] | A date in a custom format. See the PHP documentation for details. |
หมายเลขออเด้อ | [list:3:order] | Order associated with the line item |
Billing information | [list:3:order:commerce-customer-billing] | Field "commerce_customer_billing". |
Billing information | [list:3:order:commerce_customer_billing] | Customer profile reference field. |
Cancel date | [list:3:order:field-commerce-billy-cancel-date] | Field "field_commerce_billy_cancel_date". |
Cancel date | [list:3:order:field_commerce_billy_cancel_date] | Date (Unix timestamp) field. |
Coupons | [list:3:order:commerce_coupons] | Entity Reference field. |
Coupons | [list:3:order:commerce-coupons] | Field "commerce_coupons". |
Create revision | [list:3:order:revision] | Whether or not saving this order creates a new revision. |
Date placed | [list:3:order:placed] | The date the order was placed i.e. checkout was completed. |
Discount reference | [list:3:order:commerce_discounts] | Entity Reference field. |
Discount reference | [list:3:order:commerce-discounts] | Field "commerce_discounts". |
Expiration (formatted) | [list:3:order:expiration-formatted] | The time left until this order expires. Formatted by theme_commerce_cart_expiration(). |
Expiration (raw) | [list:3:order:expiration-raw] | The raw time left until this order expires in seconds. |
Host name | [list:3:order:hostname] | The IP address that created this order. |
Invoice date | [list:3:order:field-commerce-billy-i-date] | Field "field_commerce_billy_i_date". |
Invoice date | [list:3:order:field_commerce_billy_i_date] | Date (Unix timestamp) field. |
Line items | [list:3:order:commerce-line-items] | Field "commerce_line_items". |
Line items | [list:3:order:commerce_line_items] | Line item reference field. |
Order ID | [list:3:order:order-id] | The unique numeric ID of the order. |
Order e-mail | [list:3:order:mail] | The e-mail address associated with the order. |
Order e-mail prepared for username usage | [list:3:order:mail-username] | The e-mail address associated with this order with illegal characters for usernames replaced. |
Order number | [list:3:order:order-number] | The order number displayed to the customer. |
Order state | [list:3:order:state] | The current state of the order. |
Order state title | [list:3:order:state-title] | The human-readable title of the order state. |
Order status | [list:3:order:status] | The current status of the order. |
Order status title | [list:3:order:status-title] | The human-readable title of the order status. |
Order total | [list:3:order:commerce-order-total:?] | Field "commerce_order_total". The following properties may be appended to the token: amount (Amount), amount_decimal (Amount (decimal)), currency_code (Currency), data (Data) |
Order total | [list:3:order:commerce_order_total] | ราคา field. |
Order type | [list:3:order:type] | The type of the order. |
Order type name | [list:3:order:type-name] | The human-readable name of the order type. |
Original commerce order | [list:3:order:original] | The original commerce order data if the commerce order is being updated or saved. |
Owner ID | [list:3:order:uid] | The unique ID of the order owner. |
Payment method display title | [list:3:order:payment-method-display-title] | The checkout form oriented display title of the payment method for the payment transaction. |
Payment method short title | [list:3:order:payment-method-short-title] | The customer oriented short title of the payment method selected by the customer during checkout. |
Payment method title | [list:3:order:payment-method-title] | The administrative title of the payment method selected by the customer during checkout. |
URL | [list:3:order:url] | The URL of the order. |
URL | [list:3:order:admin-url] | The URL for administrators to view the order. |
URL | [list:3:order:customer-url] | The URL for customers to view the order. |
View URL | [list:3:order:view-url] | The URL a customer can visit to view the order. |
วันที่สร้าง | [list:3:order:created] | The date the order was created. |
วันที่เปลี่ยนแปลง | [list:3:order:changed] | The date the order was last updated. |
วิธีการชำระเงิน | [list:3:order:payment-method] | The method_id of the payment method selected by the customer during checkout. |
เจ้าของ | [list:3:order:owner] | The owner of the order. |
แก้ไข ID | [list:3:order:revision-id] | The unique ID of the order's latest revision. |
แก้ไข URL | [list:3:order:edit-url] | The URL of the order's edit page. |
List of Commerce Orders | | Tokens related to the "Commerce Order" entities. |
รายการจองของคุณ with delta 0 | [list:0] | The list item with delta 0. Delta values start from 0 and are incremented by one per list item. |
Billing information | [list:0:commerce-customer-billing] | Field "commerce_customer_billing". |
Address | [list:0:commerce-customer-billing:commerce-customer-address:?] | Field "commerce_customer_address". The following properties may be appended to the token: country (ประเทศ), name_line (ชื่อเต็ม), first_name (ชื่อจริง), last_name (นามสกุล), organisation_name (บริษัท), administrative_area (Administrative area (i.e. State / Province)), sub_administrative_area (Sub administrative area), locality (Locality (i.e. City)), dependent_locality (Dependent locality), postal_code (รหัสไปรษณีย์), thoroughfare (ที่อยู่ถนน), premise (Premise (i.e. Apartment / Suite number)), sub_premise (Sub Premise (i.e. Suite, Apartment, Floor, Unknown.) |
Address | [list:0:commerce-customer-billing:commerce_customer_address] | Postal address field. |
Customer profile ID | [list:0:commerce-customer-billing:customer-profile-id] | The unique numeric ID of the customer profile. |
Customer profile owner | [list:0:commerce-customer-billing:owner] | The user the customer profile belongs to. |
Customer profile type | [list:0:commerce-customer-billing:type] | The type of the customer profile. |
Customer profile type name | [list:0:commerce-customer-billing:type-name] | The type name of the customer profile. |
Date updated | [list:0:commerce-customer-billing:changed] | The date the customer profile was last updated. |
Original commerce customer profile | [list:0:commerce-customer-billing:original] | The original commerce customer profile data if the commerce customer profile is being updated or saved. |
Profile ID | [list:0:commerce-customer-billing:profile-id] | The internal numeric ID of the customer profile. |
URL | [list:0:commerce-customer-billing:url] | The URL of the commerce customer profile. |
User | [list:0:commerce-customer-billing:user] | The user the customer profile belongs to. |
รหัสผู้ใช้ | [list:0:commerce-customer-billing:uid] | The unique ID of the user the customer profile belongs to. |
วันที่สร้าง | [list:0:commerce-customer-billing:created] | The date the customer profile was created. |
สถานะ | [list:0:commerce-customer-billing:status] | Whether or not the customer profile is active. |
แก้ไข ID | [list:0:commerce-customer-billing:revision-id] | The unique ID of the customer profile's latest revision. |
Billing information | [list:0:commerce_customer_billing] | Customer profile reference field. |
Cancel date | [list:0:field-commerce-billy-cancel-date] | Field "field_commerce_billy_cancel_date". |
Availability Calendar date display | [list:0:field-commerce-billy-cancel-date:availability_calendar_date_display] | A date in 'availability_calendar_date_display' format. (03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Availability Calendar date entry | [list:0:field-commerce-billy-cancel-date:availability_calendar_date_entry] | A date in 'availability_calendar_date_entry' format. (03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Availability Calendar month caption | [list:0:field-commerce-billy-cancel-date:availability_calendar_month_caption] | A date in 'availability_calendar_month_caption' format. (03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Hours am/pm | [list:0:field-commerce-billy-cancel-date:hours_ampm] | A date in 'hours_ampm' format. (3:29 am) |
Long format | [list:0:field-commerce-billy-cancel-date:long] | A date in 'long' format. (พุธ, มีนาคม 20, 2024 - 03:29) |
Medium format | [list:0:field-commerce-billy-cancel-date:medium] | A date in 'medium' format. (พ, 03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Raw timestamp | [list:0:field-commerce-billy-cancel-date:raw] | A date in UNIX timestamp format (1710880172) |
Short format | [list:0:field-commerce-billy-cancel-date:short] | A date in 'short' format. (03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Studyroom Availability Date | [list:0:field-commerce-billy-cancel-date:studyroom_availability_date] | A date in 'studyroom_availability_date' format. (พ, 03/20/2024) |
Time-since | [list:0:field-commerce-billy-cancel-date:since] | A date in 'time-since' format. (54 ปี 3 เดือน) |
กำหนดรูปแบบเอง | [list:0:field-commerce-billy-cancel-date:custom:?] | A date in a custom format. See the PHP documentation for details. |
Cancel date | [list:0:field_commerce_billy_cancel_date] | Date (Unix timestamp) field. |
Coupons | [list:0:commerce_coupons] | Entity Reference field. |
Coupons | [list:0:commerce-coupons] | Field "commerce_coupons". |
Commerce Coupon with delta 1 | [list:0:commerce-coupons:1] | The list item with delta 1. Delta values start from 0 and are incremented by one per list item. |
Commerce Coupon with delta 2 | [list:0:commerce-coupons:2] | The list item with delta 2. Delta values start from 0 and are incremented by one per list item. |
Commerce Coupon with delta 3 | [list:0:commerce-coupons:3] | The list item with delta 3. Delta values start from 0 and are incremented by one per list item. |
Create revision | [list:0:revision] | Whether or not saving this order creates a new revision. |
Date placed | [list:0:placed] | The date the order was placed i.e. checkout was completed. |
Availability Calendar date display | [list:0:placed:availability_calendar_date_display] | A date in 'availability_calendar_date_display' format. (03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Availability Calendar date entry | [list:0:placed:availability_calendar_date_entry] | A date in 'availability_calendar_date_entry' format. (03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Availability Calendar month caption | [list:0:placed:availability_calendar_month_caption] | A date in 'availability_calendar_month_caption' format. (03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Hours am/pm | [list:0:placed:hours_ampm] | A date in 'hours_ampm' format. (3:29 am) |
Long format | [list:0:placed:long] | A date in 'long' format. (พุธ, มีนาคม 20, 2024 - 03:29) |
Medium format | [list:0:placed:medium] | A date in 'medium' format. (พ, 03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Raw timestamp | [list:0:placed:raw] | A date in UNIX timestamp format (1710880172) |
Short format | [list:0:placed:short] | A date in 'short' format. (03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Studyroom Availability Date | [list:0:placed:studyroom_availability_date] | A date in 'studyroom_availability_date' format. (พ, 03/20/2024) |
Time-since | [list:0:placed:since] | A date in 'time-since' format. (54 ปี 3 เดือน) |
กำหนดรูปแบบเอง | [list:0:placed:custom:?] | A date in a custom format. See the PHP documentation for details. |
Discount reference | [list:0:commerce_discounts] | Entity Reference field. |
Discount reference | [list:0:commerce-discounts] | Field "commerce_discounts". |
Commerce Discount with delta 1 | [list:0:commerce-discounts:1] | The list item with delta 1. Delta values start from 0 and are incremented by one per list item. |
Commerce Discount with delta 2 | [list:0:commerce-discounts:2] | The list item with delta 2. Delta values start from 0 and are incremented by one per list item. |
Commerce Discount with delta 3 | [list:0:commerce-discounts:3] | The list item with delta 3. Delta values start from 0 and are incremented by one per list item. |
Expiration (formatted) | [list:0:expiration-formatted] | The time left until this order expires. Formatted by theme_commerce_cart_expiration(). |
Expiration (raw) | [list:0:expiration-raw] | The raw time left until this order expires in seconds. |
Host name | [list:0:hostname] | The IP address that created this order. |
Invoice date | [list:0:field-commerce-billy-i-date] | Field "field_commerce_billy_i_date". |
Availability Calendar date display | [list:0:field-commerce-billy-i-date:availability_calendar_date_display] | A date in 'availability_calendar_date_display' format. (03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Availability Calendar date entry | [list:0:field-commerce-billy-i-date:availability_calendar_date_entry] | A date in 'availability_calendar_date_entry' format. (03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Availability Calendar month caption | [list:0:field-commerce-billy-i-date:availability_calendar_month_caption] | A date in 'availability_calendar_month_caption' format. (03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Hours am/pm | [list:0:field-commerce-billy-i-date:hours_ampm] | A date in 'hours_ampm' format. (3:29 am) |
Long format | [list:0:field-commerce-billy-i-date:long] | A date in 'long' format. (พุธ, มีนาคม 20, 2024 - 03:29) |
Medium format | [list:0:field-commerce-billy-i-date:medium] | A date in 'medium' format. (พ, 03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Raw timestamp | [list:0:field-commerce-billy-i-date:raw] | A date in UNIX timestamp format (1710880172) |
Short format | [list:0:field-commerce-billy-i-date:short] | A date in 'short' format. (03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Studyroom Availability Date | [list:0:field-commerce-billy-i-date:studyroom_availability_date] | A date in 'studyroom_availability_date' format. (พ, 03/20/2024) |
Time-since | [list:0:field-commerce-billy-i-date:since] | A date in 'time-since' format. (54 ปี 3 เดือน) |
กำหนดรูปแบบเอง | [list:0:field-commerce-billy-i-date:custom:?] | A date in a custom format. See the PHP documentation for details. |
Invoice date | [list:0:field_commerce_billy_i_date] | Date (Unix timestamp) field. |
Line items | [list:0:commerce-line-items] | Field "commerce_line_items". |
Line items with delta 1 | [list:0:commerce-line-items:1] | The list item with delta 1. Delta values start from 0 and are incremented by one per list item. |
Line items with delta 2 | [list:0:commerce-line-items:2] | The list item with delta 2. Delta values start from 0 and are incremented by one per list item. |
Line items with delta 3 | [list:0:commerce-line-items:3] | The list item with delta 3. Delta values start from 0 and are incremented by one per list item. |
Line items | [list:0:commerce_line_items] | Line item reference field. |
Order ID | [list:0:order-id] | The unique numeric ID of the order. |
Order e-mail | [list:0:mail] | The e-mail address associated with the order. |
Order e-mail prepared for username usage | [list:0:mail-username] | The e-mail address associated with this order with illegal characters for usernames replaced. |
Order number | [list:0:order-number] | The order number displayed to the customer. |
Order state | [list:0:state] | The current state of the order. |
Order state title | [list:0:state-title] | The human-readable title of the order state. |
Order status | [list:0:status] | The current status of the order. |
Order status title | [list:0:status-title] | The human-readable title of the order status. |
Order total | [list:0:commerce-order-total:?] | Field "commerce_order_total". The following properties may be appended to the token: amount (Amount), amount_decimal (Amount (decimal)), currency_code (Currency), data (Data) |
Order total | [list:0:commerce_order_total] | ราคา field. |
Order type | [list:0:type] | The type of the order. |
Order type name | [list:0:type-name] | The human-readable name of the order type. |
Original commerce order | [list:0:original] | The original commerce order data if the commerce order is being updated or saved. |
Billing information | [list:0:original:commerce-customer-billing] | Field "commerce_customer_billing". |
Billing information | [list:0:original:commerce_customer_billing] | Customer profile reference field. |
Cancel date | [list:0:original:field-commerce-billy-cancel-date] | Field "field_commerce_billy_cancel_date". |
Cancel date | [list:0:original:field_commerce_billy_cancel_date] | Date (Unix timestamp) field. |
Coupons | [list:0:original:commerce_coupons] | Entity Reference field. |
Coupons | [list:0:original:commerce-coupons] | Field "commerce_coupons". |
Create revision | [list:0:original:revision] | Whether or not saving this order creates a new revision. |
Date placed | [list:0:original:placed] | The date the order was placed i.e. checkout was completed. |
Discount reference | [list:0:original:commerce_discounts] | Entity Reference field. |
Discount reference | [list:0:original:commerce-discounts] | Field "commerce_discounts". |
Expiration (formatted) | [list:0:original:expiration-formatted] | The time left until this order expires. Formatted by theme_commerce_cart_expiration(). |
Expiration (raw) | [list:0:original:expiration-raw] | The raw time left until this order expires in seconds. |
Host name | [list:0:original:hostname] | The IP address that created this order. |
Invoice date | [list:0:original:field-commerce-billy-i-date] | Field "field_commerce_billy_i_date". |
Invoice date | [list:0:original:field_commerce_billy_i_date] | Date (Unix timestamp) field. |
Line items | [list:0:original:commerce-line-items] | Field "commerce_line_items". |
Line items | [list:0:original:commerce_line_items] | Line item reference field. |
Order ID | [list:0:original:order-id] | The unique numeric ID of the order. |
Order e-mail | [list:0:original:mail] | The e-mail address associated with the order. |
Order e-mail prepared for username usage | [list:0:original:mail-username] | The e-mail address associated with this order with illegal characters for usernames replaced. |
Order number | [list:0:original:order-number] | The order number displayed to the customer. |
Order state | [list:0:original:state] | The current state of the order. |
Order state title | [list:0:original:state-title] | The human-readable title of the order state. |
Order status | [list:0:original:status] | The current status of the order. |
Order status title | [list:0:original:status-title] | The human-readable title of the order status. |
Order total | [list:0:original:commerce-order-total:?] | Field "commerce_order_total". The following properties may be appended to the token: amount (Amount), amount_decimal (Amount (decimal)), currency_code (Currency), data (Data) |
Order total | [list:0:original:commerce_order_total] | ราคา field. |
Order type | [list:0:original:type] | The type of the order. |
Order type name | [list:0:original:type-name] | The human-readable name of the order type. |
Owner ID | [list:0:original:uid] | The unique ID of the order owner. |
Payment method display title | [list:0:original:payment-method-display-title] | The checkout form oriented display title of the payment method for the payment transaction. |
Payment method short title | [list:0:original:payment-method-short-title] | The customer oriented short title of the payment method selected by the customer during checkout. |
Payment method title | [list:0:original:payment-method-title] | The administrative title of the payment method selected by the customer during checkout. |
URL | [list:0:original:url] | The URL of the order. |
URL | [list:0:original:admin-url] | The URL for administrators to view the order. |
URL | [list:0:original:customer-url] | The URL for customers to view the order. |
View URL | [list:0:original:view-url] | The URL a customer can visit to view the order. |
วันที่สร้าง | [list:0:original:created] | The date the order was created. |
วันที่เปลี่ยนแปลง | [list:0:original:changed] | The date the order was last updated. |
วิธีการชำระเงิน | [list:0:original:payment-method] | The method_id of the payment method selected by the customer during checkout. |
เจ้าของ | [list:0:original:owner] | The owner of the order. |
แก้ไข ID | [list:0:original:revision-id] | The unique ID of the order's latest revision. |
แก้ไข URL | [list:0:original:edit-url] | The URL of the order's edit page. |
Owner ID | [list:0:uid] | The unique ID of the order owner. |
Payment method display title | [list:0:payment-method-display-title] | The checkout form oriented display title of the payment method for the payment transaction. |
Payment method short title | [list:0:payment-method-short-title] | The customer oriented short title of the payment method selected by the customer during checkout. |
Payment method title | [list:0:payment-method-title] | The administrative title of the payment method selected by the customer during checkout. |
URL | [list:0:url] | The URL of the order. |
URL | [list:0:admin-url] | The URL for administrators to view the order. |
URL | [list:0:customer-url] | The URL for customers to view the order. |
View URL | [list:0:view-url] | The URL a customer can visit to view the order. |
วันที่สร้าง | [list:0:created] | The date the order was created. |
Availability Calendar date display | [list:0:created:availability_calendar_date_display] | A date in 'availability_calendar_date_display' format. (03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Availability Calendar date entry | [list:0:created:availability_calendar_date_entry] | A date in 'availability_calendar_date_entry' format. (03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Availability Calendar month caption | [list:0:created:availability_calendar_month_caption] | A date in 'availability_calendar_month_caption' format. (03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Hours am/pm | [list:0:created:hours_ampm] | A date in 'hours_ampm' format. (3:29 am) |
Long format | [list:0:created:long] | A date in 'long' format. (พุธ, มีนาคม 20, 2024 - 03:29) |
Medium format | [list:0:created:medium] | A date in 'medium' format. (พ, 03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Raw timestamp | [list:0:created:raw] | A date in UNIX timestamp format (1710880172) |
Short format | [list:0:created:short] | A date in 'short' format. (03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Studyroom Availability Date | [list:0:created:studyroom_availability_date] | A date in 'studyroom_availability_date' format. (พ, 03/20/2024) |
Time-since | [list:0:created:since] | A date in 'time-since' format. (54 ปี 3 เดือน) |
กำหนดรูปแบบเอง | [list:0:created:custom:?] | A date in a custom format. See the PHP documentation for details. |
วันที่เปลี่ยนแปลง | [list:0:changed] | The date the order was last updated. |
Availability Calendar date display | [list:0:changed:availability_calendar_date_display] | A date in 'availability_calendar_date_display' format. (03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Availability Calendar date entry | [list:0:changed:availability_calendar_date_entry] | A date in 'availability_calendar_date_entry' format. (03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Availability Calendar month caption | [list:0:changed:availability_calendar_month_caption] | A date in 'availability_calendar_month_caption' format. (03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Hours am/pm | [list:0:changed:hours_ampm] | A date in 'hours_ampm' format. (3:29 am) |
Long format | [list:0:changed:long] | A date in 'long' format. (พุธ, มีนาคม 20, 2024 - 03:29) |
Medium format | [list:0:changed:medium] | A date in 'medium' format. (พ, 03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Raw timestamp | [list:0:changed:raw] | A date in UNIX timestamp format (1710880172) |
Short format | [list:0:changed:short] | A date in 'short' format. (03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Studyroom Availability Date | [list:0:changed:studyroom_availability_date] | A date in 'studyroom_availability_date' format. (พ, 03/20/2024) |
Time-since | [list:0:changed:since] | A date in 'time-since' format. (54 ปี 3 เดือน) |
กำหนดรูปแบบเอง | [list:0:changed:custom:?] | A date in a custom format. See the PHP documentation for details. |
วิธีการชำระเงิน | [list:0:payment-method] | The method_id of the payment method selected by the customer during checkout. |
เจ้าของ | [list:0:owner] | The owner of the order. |
Account cancellation URL | [list:0:owner:cancel-url] | The URL of the confirm delete page for the user account. |
Last access | [list:0:owner:last-access] | The date the user last accessed the site. |
Location | [list:0:owner:location] | The location for this user. |
Name | [list:0:owner:name] | The login name of the user account. |
One-time login URL | [list:0:owner:one-time-login-url] | The URL of the one-time login page for the user account. |
Original user | [list:0:owner:original] | The original user data if the user is being updated or saved. |
Roles | [list:0:owner:roles] | The user roles associated with the user account. |
URL | [list:0:owner:url] | The URL of the account profile page. |
User role ids | [list:0:owner:role-ids] | The role ids the user account is a member of as comma separated list. |
User role names | [list:0:owner:role-names] | The role names the user account is a member of as comma separated list. |
ธีมเริ่มต้น | [list:0:owner:theme] | The user's default theme. |
รหัสผู้ใช้ | [list:0:owner:uid] | The unique ID of the user account. |
รูปภาพ | [list:0:owner:picture] | The picture of the user. |
สถานะ | [list:0:owner:status] | Whether the user is active or blocked. |
สร้างเมื่อ | [list:0:owner:created] | The date the user account was created. |
อีเมล | [list:0:owner:mail] | The email address of the user account. |
เข้าสู่ระบบล่าสุด | [list:0:owner:last-login] | The date the user last logged in to the site. |
แก้ไข URL | [list:0:owner:edit-url] | The URL of the account edit page. |
แก้ไข ID | [list:0:revision-id] | The unique ID of the order's latest revision. |
แก้ไข URL | [list:0:edit-url] | The URL of the order's edit page. |
รายการจองของคุณ with delta 1 | [list:1] | The list item with delta 1. Delta values start from 0 and are incremented by one per list item. |
Billing information | [list:1:commerce-customer-billing] | Field "commerce_customer_billing". |
Address | [list:1:commerce-customer-billing:commerce-customer-address:?] | Field "commerce_customer_address". The following properties may be appended to the token: country (ประเทศ), name_line (ชื่อเต็ม), first_name (ชื่อจริง), last_name (นามสกุล), organisation_name (บริษัท), administrative_area (Administrative area (i.e. State / Province)), sub_administrative_area (Sub administrative area), locality (Locality (i.e. City)), dependent_locality (Dependent locality), postal_code (รหัสไปรษณีย์), thoroughfare (ที่อยู่ถนน), premise (Premise (i.e. Apartment / Suite number)), sub_premise (Sub Premise (i.e. Suite, Apartment, Floor, Unknown.) |
Address | [list:1:commerce-customer-billing:commerce_customer_address] | Postal address field. |
Customer profile ID | [list:1:commerce-customer-billing:customer-profile-id] | The unique numeric ID of the customer profile. |
Customer profile owner | [list:1:commerce-customer-billing:owner] | The user the customer profile belongs to. |
Customer profile type | [list:1:commerce-customer-billing:type] | The type of the customer profile. |
Customer profile type name | [list:1:commerce-customer-billing:type-name] | The type name of the customer profile. |
Date updated | [list:1:commerce-customer-billing:changed] | The date the customer profile was last updated. |
Original commerce customer profile | [list:1:commerce-customer-billing:original] | The original commerce customer profile data if the commerce customer profile is being updated or saved. |
Profile ID | [list:1:commerce-customer-billing:profile-id] | The internal numeric ID of the customer profile. |
URL | [list:1:commerce-customer-billing:url] | The URL of the commerce customer profile. |
User | [list:1:commerce-customer-billing:user] | The user the customer profile belongs to. |
รหัสผู้ใช้ | [list:1:commerce-customer-billing:uid] | The unique ID of the user the customer profile belongs to. |
วันที่สร้าง | [list:1:commerce-customer-billing:created] | The date the customer profile was created. |
สถานะ | [list:1:commerce-customer-billing:status] | Whether or not the customer profile is active. |
แก้ไข ID | [list:1:commerce-customer-billing:revision-id] | The unique ID of the customer profile's latest revision. |
Billing information | [list:1:commerce_customer_billing] | Customer profile reference field. |
Cancel date | [list:1:field-commerce-billy-cancel-date] | Field "field_commerce_billy_cancel_date". |
Availability Calendar date display | [list:1:field-commerce-billy-cancel-date:availability_calendar_date_display] | A date in 'availability_calendar_date_display' format. (03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Availability Calendar date entry | [list:1:field-commerce-billy-cancel-date:availability_calendar_date_entry] | A date in 'availability_calendar_date_entry' format. (03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Availability Calendar month caption | [list:1:field-commerce-billy-cancel-date:availability_calendar_month_caption] | A date in 'availability_calendar_month_caption' format. (03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Hours am/pm | [list:1:field-commerce-billy-cancel-date:hours_ampm] | A date in 'hours_ampm' format. (3:29 am) |
Long format | [list:1:field-commerce-billy-cancel-date:long] | A date in 'long' format. (พุธ, มีนาคม 20, 2024 - 03:29) |
Medium format | [list:1:field-commerce-billy-cancel-date:medium] | A date in 'medium' format. (พ, 03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Raw timestamp | [list:1:field-commerce-billy-cancel-date:raw] | A date in UNIX timestamp format (1710880172) |
Short format | [list:1:field-commerce-billy-cancel-date:short] | A date in 'short' format. (03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Studyroom Availability Date | [list:1:field-commerce-billy-cancel-date:studyroom_availability_date] | A date in 'studyroom_availability_date' format. (พ, 03/20/2024) |
Time-since | [list:1:field-commerce-billy-cancel-date:since] | A date in 'time-since' format. (54 ปี 3 เดือน) |
กำหนดรูปแบบเอง | [list:1:field-commerce-billy-cancel-date:custom:?] | A date in a custom format. See the PHP documentation for details. |
Cancel date | [list:1:field_commerce_billy_cancel_date] | Date (Unix timestamp) field. |
Coupons | [list:1:commerce_coupons] | Entity Reference field. |
Coupons | [list:1:commerce-coupons] | Field "commerce_coupons". |
Commerce Coupon with delta 0 | [list:1:commerce-coupons:0] | The list item with delta 0. Delta values start from 0 and are incremented by one per list item. |
Commerce Coupon with delta 2 | [list:1:commerce-coupons:2] | The list item with delta 2. Delta values start from 0 and are incremented by one per list item. |
Commerce Coupon with delta 3 | [list:1:commerce-coupons:3] | The list item with delta 3. Delta values start from 0 and are incremented by one per list item. |
Create revision | [list:1:revision] | Whether or not saving this order creates a new revision. |
Date placed | [list:1:placed] | The date the order was placed i.e. checkout was completed. |
Availability Calendar date display | [list:1:placed:availability_calendar_date_display] | A date in 'availability_calendar_date_display' format. (03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Availability Calendar date entry | [list:1:placed:availability_calendar_date_entry] | A date in 'availability_calendar_date_entry' format. (03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Availability Calendar month caption | [list:1:placed:availability_calendar_month_caption] | A date in 'availability_calendar_month_caption' format. (03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Hours am/pm | [list:1:placed:hours_ampm] | A date in 'hours_ampm' format. (3:29 am) |
Long format | [list:1:placed:long] | A date in 'long' format. (พุธ, มีนาคม 20, 2024 - 03:29) |
Medium format | [list:1:placed:medium] | A date in 'medium' format. (พ, 03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Raw timestamp | [list:1:placed:raw] | A date in UNIX timestamp format (1710880172) |
Short format | [list:1:placed:short] | A date in 'short' format. (03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Studyroom Availability Date | [list:1:placed:studyroom_availability_date] | A date in 'studyroom_availability_date' format. (พ, 03/20/2024) |
Time-since | [list:1:placed:since] | A date in 'time-since' format. (54 ปี 3 เดือน) |
กำหนดรูปแบบเอง | [list:1:placed:custom:?] | A date in a custom format. See the PHP documentation for details. |
Discount reference | [list:1:commerce_discounts] | Entity Reference field. |
Discount reference | [list:1:commerce-discounts] | Field "commerce_discounts". |
Commerce Discount with delta 0 | [list:1:commerce-discounts:0] | The list item with delta 0. Delta values start from 0 and are incremented by one per list item. |
Commerce Discount with delta 2 | [list:1:commerce-discounts:2] | The list item with delta 2. Delta values start from 0 and are incremented by one per list item. |
Commerce Discount with delta 3 | [list:1:commerce-discounts:3] | The list item with delta 3. Delta values start from 0 and are incremented by one per list item. |
Expiration (formatted) | [list:1:expiration-formatted] | The time left until this order expires. Formatted by theme_commerce_cart_expiration(). |
Expiration (raw) | [list:1:expiration-raw] | The raw time left until this order expires in seconds. |
Host name | [list:1:hostname] | The IP address that created this order. |
Invoice date | [list:1:field-commerce-billy-i-date] | Field "field_commerce_billy_i_date". |
Availability Calendar date display | [list:1:field-commerce-billy-i-date:availability_calendar_date_display] | A date in 'availability_calendar_date_display' format. (03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Availability Calendar date entry | [list:1:field-commerce-billy-i-date:availability_calendar_date_entry] | A date in 'availability_calendar_date_entry' format. (03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Availability Calendar month caption | [list:1:field-commerce-billy-i-date:availability_calendar_month_caption] | A date in 'availability_calendar_month_caption' format. (03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Hours am/pm | [list:1:field-commerce-billy-i-date:hours_ampm] | A date in 'hours_ampm' format. (3:29 am) |
Long format | [list:1:field-commerce-billy-i-date:long] | A date in 'long' format. (พุธ, มีนาคม 20, 2024 - 03:29) |
Medium format | [list:1:field-commerce-billy-i-date:medium] | A date in 'medium' format. (พ, 03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Raw timestamp | [list:1:field-commerce-billy-i-date:raw] | A date in UNIX timestamp format (1710880172) |
Short format | [list:1:field-commerce-billy-i-date:short] | A date in 'short' format. (03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Studyroom Availability Date | [list:1:field-commerce-billy-i-date:studyroom_availability_date] | A date in 'studyroom_availability_date' format. (พ, 03/20/2024) |
Time-since | [list:1:field-commerce-billy-i-date:since] | A date in 'time-since' format. (54 ปี 3 เดือน) |
กำหนดรูปแบบเอง | [list:1:field-commerce-billy-i-date:custom:?] | A date in a custom format. See the PHP documentation for details. |
Invoice date | [list:1:field_commerce_billy_i_date] | Date (Unix timestamp) field. |
Line items | [list:1:commerce-line-items] | Field "commerce_line_items". |
Line items with delta 0 | [list:1:commerce-line-items:0] | The list item with delta 0. Delta values start from 0 and are incremented by one per list item. |
Line items with delta 2 | [list:1:commerce-line-items:2] | The list item with delta 2. Delta values start from 0 and are incremented by one per list item. |
Line items with delta 3 | [list:1:commerce-line-items:3] | The list item with delta 3. Delta values start from 0 and are incremented by one per list item. |
Line items | [list:1:commerce_line_items] | Line item reference field. |
Order ID | [list:1:order-id] | The unique numeric ID of the order. |
Order e-mail | [list:1:mail] | The e-mail address associated with the order. |
Order e-mail prepared for username usage | [list:1:mail-username] | The e-mail address associated with this order with illegal characters for usernames replaced. |
Order number | [list:1:order-number] | The order number displayed to the customer. |
Order state | [list:1:state] | The current state of the order. |
Order state title | [list:1:state-title] | The human-readable title of the order state. |
Order status | [list:1:status] | The current status of the order. |
Order status title | [list:1:status-title] | The human-readable title of the order status. |
Order total | [list:1:commerce-order-total:?] | Field "commerce_order_total". The following properties may be appended to the token: amount (Amount), amount_decimal (Amount (decimal)), currency_code (Currency), data (Data) |
Order total | [list:1:commerce_order_total] | ราคา field. |
Order type | [list:1:type] | The type of the order. |
Order type name | [list:1:type-name] | The human-readable name of the order type. |
Original commerce order | [list:1:original] | The original commerce order data if the commerce order is being updated or saved. |
Billing information | [list:1:original:commerce-customer-billing] | Field "commerce_customer_billing". |
Billing information | [list:1:original:commerce_customer_billing] | Customer profile reference field. |
Cancel date | [list:1:original:field-commerce-billy-cancel-date] | Field "field_commerce_billy_cancel_date". |
Cancel date | [list:1:original:field_commerce_billy_cancel_date] | Date (Unix timestamp) field. |
Coupons | [list:1:original:commerce_coupons] | Entity Reference field. |
Coupons | [list:1:original:commerce-coupons] | Field "commerce_coupons". |
Create revision | [list:1:original:revision] | Whether or not saving this order creates a new revision. |
Date placed | [list:1:original:placed] | The date the order was placed i.e. checkout was completed. |
Discount reference | [list:1:original:commerce_discounts] | Entity Reference field. |
Discount reference | [list:1:original:commerce-discounts] | Field "commerce_discounts". |
Expiration (formatted) | [list:1:original:expiration-formatted] | The time left until this order expires. Formatted by theme_commerce_cart_expiration(). |
Expiration (raw) | [list:1:original:expiration-raw] | The raw time left until this order expires in seconds. |
Host name | [list:1:original:hostname] | The IP address that created this order. |
Invoice date | [list:1:original:field-commerce-billy-i-date] | Field "field_commerce_billy_i_date". |
Invoice date | [list:1:original:field_commerce_billy_i_date] | Date (Unix timestamp) field. |
Line items | [list:1:original:commerce-line-items] | Field "commerce_line_items". |
Line items | [list:1:original:commerce_line_items] | Line item reference field. |
Order ID | [list:1:original:order-id] | The unique numeric ID of the order. |
Order e-mail | [list:1:original:mail] | The e-mail address associated with the order. |
Order e-mail prepared for username usage | [list:1:original:mail-username] | The e-mail address associated with this order with illegal characters for usernames replaced. |
Order number | [list:1:original:order-number] | The order number displayed to the customer. |
Order state | [list:1:original:state] | The current state of the order. |
Order state title | [list:1:original:state-title] | The human-readable title of the order state. |
Order status | [list:1:original:status] | The current status of the order. |
Order status title | [list:1:original:status-title] | The human-readable title of the order status. |
Order total | [list:1:original:commerce-order-total:?] | Field "commerce_order_total". The following properties may be appended to the token: amount (Amount), amount_decimal (Amount (decimal)), currency_code (Currency), data (Data) |
Order total | [list:1:original:commerce_order_total] | ราคา field. |
Order type | [list:1:original:type] | The type of the order. |
Order type name | [list:1:original:type-name] | The human-readable name of the order type. |
Owner ID | [list:1:original:uid] | The unique ID of the order owner. |
Payment method display title | [list:1:original:payment-method-display-title] | The checkout form oriented display title of the payment method for the payment transaction. |
Payment method short title | [list:1:original:payment-method-short-title] | The customer oriented short title of the payment method selected by the customer during checkout. |
Payment method title | [list:1:original:payment-method-title] | The administrative title of the payment method selected by the customer during checkout. |
URL | [list:1:original:url] | The URL of the order. |
URL | [list:1:original:admin-url] | The URL for administrators to view the order. |
URL | [list:1:original:customer-url] | The URL for customers to view the order. |
View URL | [list:1:original:view-url] | The URL a customer can visit to view the order. |
วันที่สร้าง | [list:1:original:created] | The date the order was created. |
วันที่เปลี่ยนแปลง | [list:1:original:changed] | The date the order was last updated. |
วิธีการชำระเงิน | [list:1:original:payment-method] | The method_id of the payment method selected by the customer during checkout. |
เจ้าของ | [list:1:original:owner] | The owner of the order. |
แก้ไข ID | [list:1:original:revision-id] | The unique ID of the order's latest revision. |
แก้ไข URL | [list:1:original:edit-url] | The URL of the order's edit page. |
Owner ID | [list:1:uid] | The unique ID of the order owner. |
Payment method display title | [list:1:payment-method-display-title] | The checkout form oriented display title of the payment method for the payment transaction. |
Payment method short title | [list:1:payment-method-short-title] | The customer oriented short title of the payment method selected by the customer during checkout. |
Payment method title | [list:1:payment-method-title] | The administrative title of the payment method selected by the customer during checkout. |
URL | [list:1:url] | The URL of the order. |
URL | [list:1:admin-url] | The URL for administrators to view the order. |
URL | [list:1:customer-url] | The URL for customers to view the order. |
View URL | [list:1:view-url] | The URL a customer can visit to view the order. |
วันที่สร้าง | [list:1:created] | The date the order was created. |
Availability Calendar date display | [list:1:created:availability_calendar_date_display] | A date in 'availability_calendar_date_display' format. (03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Availability Calendar date entry | [list:1:created:availability_calendar_date_entry] | A date in 'availability_calendar_date_entry' format. (03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Availability Calendar month caption | [list:1:created:availability_calendar_month_caption] | A date in 'availability_calendar_month_caption' format. (03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Hours am/pm | [list:1:created:hours_ampm] | A date in 'hours_ampm' format. (3:29 am) |
Long format | [list:1:created:long] | A date in 'long' format. (พุธ, มีนาคม 20, 2024 - 03:29) |
Medium format | [list:1:created:medium] | A date in 'medium' format. (พ, 03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Raw timestamp | [list:1:created:raw] | A date in UNIX timestamp format (1710880172) |
Short format | [list:1:created:short] | A date in 'short' format. (03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Studyroom Availability Date | [list:1:created:studyroom_availability_date] | A date in 'studyroom_availability_date' format. (พ, 03/20/2024) |
Time-since | [list:1:created:since] | A date in 'time-since' format. (54 ปี 3 เดือน) |
กำหนดรูปแบบเอง | [list:1:created:custom:?] | A date in a custom format. See the PHP documentation for details. |
วันที่เปลี่ยนแปลง | [list:1:changed] | The date the order was last updated. |
Availability Calendar date display | [list:1:changed:availability_calendar_date_display] | A date in 'availability_calendar_date_display' format. (03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Availability Calendar date entry | [list:1:changed:availability_calendar_date_entry] | A date in 'availability_calendar_date_entry' format. (03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Availability Calendar month caption | [list:1:changed:availability_calendar_month_caption] | A date in 'availability_calendar_month_caption' format. (03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Hours am/pm | [list:1:changed:hours_ampm] | A date in 'hours_ampm' format. (3:29 am) |
Long format | [list:1:changed:long] | A date in 'long' format. (พุธ, มีนาคม 20, 2024 - 03:29) |
Medium format | [list:1:changed:medium] | A date in 'medium' format. (พ, 03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Raw timestamp | [list:1:changed:raw] | A date in UNIX timestamp format (1710880172) |
Short format | [list:1:changed:short] | A date in 'short' format. (03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Studyroom Availability Date | [list:1:changed:studyroom_availability_date] | A date in 'studyroom_availability_date' format. (พ, 03/20/2024) |
Time-since | [list:1:changed:since] | A date in 'time-since' format. (54 ปี 3 เดือน) |
กำหนดรูปแบบเอง | [list:1:changed:custom:?] | A date in a custom format. See the PHP documentation for details. |
วิธีการชำระเงิน | [list:1:payment-method] | The method_id of the payment method selected by the customer during checkout. |
เจ้าของ | [list:1:owner] | The owner of the order. |
Account cancellation URL | [list:1:owner:cancel-url] | The URL of the confirm delete page for the user account. |
Last access | [list:1:owner:last-access] | The date the user last accessed the site. |
Location | [list:1:owner:location] | The location for this user. |
Name | [list:1:owner:name] | The login name of the user account. |
One-time login URL | [list:1:owner:one-time-login-url] | The URL of the one-time login page for the user account. |
Original user | [list:1:owner:original] | The original user data if the user is being updated or saved. |
Roles | [list:1:owner:roles] | The user roles associated with the user account. |
URL | [list:1:owner:url] | The URL of the account profile page. |
User role ids | [list:1:owner:role-ids] | The role ids the user account is a member of as comma separated list. |
User role names | [list:1:owner:role-names] | The role names the user account is a member of as comma separated list. |
ธีมเริ่มต้น | [list:1:owner:theme] | The user's default theme. |
รหัสผู้ใช้ | [list:1:owner:uid] | The unique ID of the user account. |
รูปภาพ | [list:1:owner:picture] | The picture of the user. |
สถานะ | [list:1:owner:status] | Whether the user is active or blocked. |
สร้างเมื่อ | [list:1:owner:created] | The date the user account was created. |
อีเมล | [list:1:owner:mail] | The email address of the user account. |
เข้าสู่ระบบล่าสุด | [list:1:owner:last-login] | The date the user last logged in to the site. |
แก้ไข URL | [list:1:owner:edit-url] | The URL of the account edit page. |
แก้ไข ID | [list:1:revision-id] | The unique ID of the order's latest revision. |
แก้ไข URL | [list:1:edit-url] | The URL of the order's edit page. |
รายการจองของคุณ with delta 2 | [list:2] | The list item with delta 2. Delta values start from 0 and are incremented by one per list item. |
Billing information | [list:2:commerce-customer-billing] | Field "commerce_customer_billing". |
Address | [list:2:commerce-customer-billing:commerce-customer-address:?] | Field "commerce_customer_address". The following properties may be appended to the token: country (ประเทศ), name_line (ชื่อเต็ม), first_name (ชื่อจริง), last_name (นามสกุล), organisation_name (บริษัท), administrative_area (Administrative area (i.e. State / Province)), sub_administrative_area (Sub administrative area), locality (Locality (i.e. City)), dependent_locality (Dependent locality), postal_code (รหัสไปรษณีย์), thoroughfare (ที่อยู่ถนน), premise (Premise (i.e. Apartment / Suite number)), sub_premise (Sub Premise (i.e. Suite, Apartment, Floor, Unknown.) |
Address | [list:2:commerce-customer-billing:commerce_customer_address] | Postal address field. |
Customer profile ID | [list:2:commerce-customer-billing:customer-profile-id] | The unique numeric ID of the customer profile. |
Customer profile owner | [list:2:commerce-customer-billing:owner] | The user the customer profile belongs to. |
Customer profile type | [list:2:commerce-customer-billing:type] | The type of the customer profile. |
Customer profile type name | [list:2:commerce-customer-billing:type-name] | The type name of the customer profile. |
Date updated | [list:2:commerce-customer-billing:changed] | The date the customer profile was last updated. |
Original commerce customer profile | [list:2:commerce-customer-billing:original] | The original commerce customer profile data if the commerce customer profile is being updated or saved. |
Profile ID | [list:2:commerce-customer-billing:profile-id] | The internal numeric ID of the customer profile. |
URL | [list:2:commerce-customer-billing:url] | The URL of the commerce customer profile. |
User | [list:2:commerce-customer-billing:user] | The user the customer profile belongs to. |
รหัสผู้ใช้ | [list:2:commerce-customer-billing:uid] | The unique ID of the user the customer profile belongs to. |
วันที่สร้าง | [list:2:commerce-customer-billing:created] | The date the customer profile was created. |
สถานะ | [list:2:commerce-customer-billing:status] | Whether or not the customer profile is active. |
แก้ไข ID | [list:2:commerce-customer-billing:revision-id] | The unique ID of the customer profile's latest revision. |
Billing information | [list:2:commerce_customer_billing] | Customer profile reference field. |
Cancel date | [list:2:field-commerce-billy-cancel-date] | Field "field_commerce_billy_cancel_date". |
Availability Calendar date display | [list:2:field-commerce-billy-cancel-date:availability_calendar_date_display] | A date in 'availability_calendar_date_display' format. (03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Availability Calendar date entry | [list:2:field-commerce-billy-cancel-date:availability_calendar_date_entry] | A date in 'availability_calendar_date_entry' format. (03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Availability Calendar month caption | [list:2:field-commerce-billy-cancel-date:availability_calendar_month_caption] | A date in 'availability_calendar_month_caption' format. (03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Hours am/pm | [list:2:field-commerce-billy-cancel-date:hours_ampm] | A date in 'hours_ampm' format. (3:29 am) |
Long format | [list:2:field-commerce-billy-cancel-date:long] | A date in 'long' format. (พุธ, มีนาคม 20, 2024 - 03:29) |
Medium format | [list:2:field-commerce-billy-cancel-date:medium] | A date in 'medium' format. (พ, 03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Raw timestamp | [list:2:field-commerce-billy-cancel-date:raw] | A date in UNIX timestamp format (1710880172) |
Short format | [list:2:field-commerce-billy-cancel-date:short] | A date in 'short' format. (03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Studyroom Availability Date | [list:2:field-commerce-billy-cancel-date:studyroom_availability_date] | A date in 'studyroom_availability_date' format. (พ, 03/20/2024) |
Time-since | [list:2:field-commerce-billy-cancel-date:since] | A date in 'time-since' format. (54 ปี 3 เดือน) |
กำหนดรูปแบบเอง | [list:2:field-commerce-billy-cancel-date:custom:?] | A date in a custom format. See the PHP documentation for details. |
Cancel date | [list:2:field_commerce_billy_cancel_date] | Date (Unix timestamp) field. |
Coupons | [list:2:commerce_coupons] | Entity Reference field. |
Coupons | [list:2:commerce-coupons] | Field "commerce_coupons". |
Commerce Coupon with delta 0 | [list:2:commerce-coupons:0] | The list item with delta 0. Delta values start from 0 and are incremented by one per list item. |
Commerce Coupon with delta 1 | [list:2:commerce-coupons:1] | The list item with delta 1. Delta values start from 0 and are incremented by one per list item. |
Commerce Coupon with delta 3 | [list:2:commerce-coupons:3] | The list item with delta 3. Delta values start from 0 and are incremented by one per list item. |
Create revision | [list:2:revision] | Whether or not saving this order creates a new revision. |
Date placed | [list:2:placed] | The date the order was placed i.e. checkout was completed. |
Availability Calendar date display | [list:2:placed:availability_calendar_date_display] | A date in 'availability_calendar_date_display' format. (03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Availability Calendar date entry | [list:2:placed:availability_calendar_date_entry] | A date in 'availability_calendar_date_entry' format. (03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Availability Calendar month caption | [list:2:placed:availability_calendar_month_caption] | A date in 'availability_calendar_month_caption' format. (03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Hours am/pm | [list:2:placed:hours_ampm] | A date in 'hours_ampm' format. (3:29 am) |
Long format | [list:2:placed:long] | A date in 'long' format. (พุธ, มีนาคม 20, 2024 - 03:29) |
Medium format | [list:2:placed:medium] | A date in 'medium' format. (พ, 03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Raw timestamp | [list:2:placed:raw] | A date in UNIX timestamp format (1710880172) |
Short format | [list:2:placed:short] | A date in 'short' format. (03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Studyroom Availability Date | [list:2:placed:studyroom_availability_date] | A date in 'studyroom_availability_date' format. (พ, 03/20/2024) |
Time-since | [list:2:placed:since] | A date in 'time-since' format. (54 ปี 3 เดือน) |
กำหนดรูปแบบเอง | [list:2:placed:custom:?] | A date in a custom format. See the PHP documentation for details. |
Discount reference | [list:2:commerce_discounts] | Entity Reference field. |
Discount reference | [list:2:commerce-discounts] | Field "commerce_discounts". |
Commerce Discount with delta 0 | [list:2:commerce-discounts:0] | The list item with delta 0. Delta values start from 0 and are incremented by one per list item. |
Commerce Discount with delta 1 | [list:2:commerce-discounts:1] | The list item with delta 1. Delta values start from 0 and are incremented by one per list item. |
Commerce Discount with delta 3 | [list:2:commerce-discounts:3] | The list item with delta 3. Delta values start from 0 and are incremented by one per list item. |
Expiration (formatted) | [list:2:expiration-formatted] | The time left until this order expires. Formatted by theme_commerce_cart_expiration(). |
Expiration (raw) | [list:2:expiration-raw] | The raw time left until this order expires in seconds. |
Host name | [list:2:hostname] | The IP address that created this order. |
Invoice date | [list:2:field-commerce-billy-i-date] | Field "field_commerce_billy_i_date". |
Availability Calendar date display | [list:2:field-commerce-billy-i-date:availability_calendar_date_display] | A date in 'availability_calendar_date_display' format. (03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Availability Calendar date entry | [list:2:field-commerce-billy-i-date:availability_calendar_date_entry] | A date in 'availability_calendar_date_entry' format. (03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Availability Calendar month caption | [list:2:field-commerce-billy-i-date:availability_calendar_month_caption] | A date in 'availability_calendar_month_caption' format. (03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Hours am/pm | [list:2:field-commerce-billy-i-date:hours_ampm] | A date in 'hours_ampm' format. (3:29 am) |
Long format | [list:2:field-commerce-billy-i-date:long] | A date in 'long' format. (พุธ, มีนาคม 20, 2024 - 03:29) |
Medium format | [list:2:field-commerce-billy-i-date:medium] | A date in 'medium' format. (พ, 03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Raw timestamp | [list:2:field-commerce-billy-i-date:raw] | A date in UNIX timestamp format (1710880172) |
Short format | [list:2:field-commerce-billy-i-date:short] | A date in 'short' format. (03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Studyroom Availability Date | [list:2:field-commerce-billy-i-date:studyroom_availability_date] | A date in 'studyroom_availability_date' format. (พ, 03/20/2024) |
Time-since | [list:2:field-commerce-billy-i-date:since] | A date in 'time-since' format. (54 ปี 3 เดือน) |
กำหนดรูปแบบเอง | [list:2:field-commerce-billy-i-date:custom:?] | A date in a custom format. See the PHP documentation for details. |
Invoice date | [list:2:field_commerce_billy_i_date] | Date (Unix timestamp) field. |
Line items | [list:2:commerce-line-items] | Field "commerce_line_items". |
Line items with delta 0 | [list:2:commerce-line-items:0] | The list item with delta 0. Delta values start from 0 and are incremented by one per list item. |
Line items with delta 1 | [list:2:commerce-line-items:1] | The list item with delta 1. Delta values start from 0 and are incremented by one per list item. |
Line items with delta 3 | [list:2:commerce-line-items:3] | The list item with delta 3. Delta values start from 0 and are incremented by one per list item. |
Line items | [list:2:commerce_line_items] | Line item reference field. |
Order ID | [list:2:order-id] | The unique numeric ID of the order. |
Order e-mail | [list:2:mail] | The e-mail address associated with the order. |
Order e-mail prepared for username usage | [list:2:mail-username] | The e-mail address associated with this order with illegal characters for usernames replaced. |
Order number | [list:2:order-number] | The order number displayed to the customer. |
Order state | [list:2:state] | The current state of the order. |
Order state title | [list:2:state-title] | The human-readable title of the order state. |
Order status | [list:2:status] | The current status of the order. |
Order status title | [list:2:status-title] | The human-readable title of the order status. |
Order total | [list:2:commerce-order-total:?] | Field "commerce_order_total". The following properties may be appended to the token: amount (Amount), amount_decimal (Amount (decimal)), currency_code (Currency), data (Data) |
Order total | [list:2:commerce_order_total] | ราคา field. |
Order type | [list:2:type] | The type of the order. |
Order type name | [list:2:type-name] | The human-readable name of the order type. |
Original commerce order | [list:2:original] | The original commerce order data if the commerce order is being updated or saved. |
Billing information | [list:2:original:commerce-customer-billing] | Field "commerce_customer_billing". |
Billing information | [list:2:original:commerce_customer_billing] | Customer profile reference field. |
Cancel date | [list:2:original:field-commerce-billy-cancel-date] | Field "field_commerce_billy_cancel_date". |
Cancel date | [list:2:original:field_commerce_billy_cancel_date] | Date (Unix timestamp) field. |
Coupons | [list:2:original:commerce_coupons] | Entity Reference field. |
Coupons | [list:2:original:commerce-coupons] | Field "commerce_coupons". |
Create revision | [list:2:original:revision] | Whether or not saving this order creates a new revision. |
Date placed | [list:2:original:placed] | The date the order was placed i.e. checkout was completed. |
Discount reference | [list:2:original:commerce_discounts] | Entity Reference field. |
Discount reference | [list:2:original:commerce-discounts] | Field "commerce_discounts". |
Expiration (formatted) | [list:2:original:expiration-formatted] | The time left until this order expires. Formatted by theme_commerce_cart_expiration(). |
Expiration (raw) | [list:2:original:expiration-raw] | The raw time left until this order expires in seconds. |
Host name | [list:2:original:hostname] | The IP address that created this order. |
Invoice date | [list:2:original:field-commerce-billy-i-date] | Field "field_commerce_billy_i_date". |
Invoice date | [list:2:original:field_commerce_billy_i_date] | Date (Unix timestamp) field. |
Line items | [list:2:original:commerce-line-items] | Field "commerce_line_items". |
Line items | [list:2:original:commerce_line_items] | Line item reference field. |
Order ID | [list:2:original:order-id] | The unique numeric ID of the order. |
Order e-mail | [list:2:original:mail] | The e-mail address associated with the order. |
Order e-mail prepared for username usage | [list:2:original:mail-username] | The e-mail address associated with this order with illegal characters for usernames replaced. |
Order number | [list:2:original:order-number] | The order number displayed to the customer. |
Order state | [list:2:original:state] | The current state of the order. |
Order state title | [list:2:original:state-title] | The human-readable title of the order state. |
Order status | [list:2:original:status] | The current status of the order. |
Order status title | [list:2:original:status-title] | The human-readable title of the order status. |
Order total | [list:2:original:commerce-order-total:?] | Field "commerce_order_total". The following properties may be appended to the token: amount (Amount), amount_decimal (Amount (decimal)), currency_code (Currency), data (Data) |
Order total | [list:2:original:commerce_order_total] | ราคา field. |
Order type | [list:2:original:type] | The type of the order. |
Order type name | [list:2:original:type-name] | The human-readable name of the order type. |
Owner ID | [list:2:original:uid] | The unique ID of the order owner. |
Payment method display title | [list:2:original:payment-method-display-title] | The checkout form oriented display title of the payment method for the payment transaction. |
Payment method short title | [list:2:original:payment-method-short-title] | The customer oriented short title of the payment method selected by the customer during checkout. |
Payment method title | [list:2:original:payment-method-title] | The administrative title of the payment method selected by the customer during checkout. |
URL | [list:2:original:url] | The URL of the order. |
URL | [list:2:original:admin-url] | The URL for administrators to view the order. |
URL | [list:2:original:customer-url] | The URL for customers to view the order. |
View URL | [list:2:original:view-url] | The URL a customer can visit to view the order. |
วันที่สร้าง | [list:2:original:created] | The date the order was created. |
วันที่เปลี่ยนแปลง | [list:2:original:changed] | The date the order was last updated. |
วิธีการชำระเงิน | [list:2:original:payment-method] | The method_id of the payment method selected by the customer during checkout. |
เจ้าของ | [list:2:original:owner] | The owner of the order. |
แก้ไข ID | [list:2:original:revision-id] | The unique ID of the order's latest revision. |
แก้ไข URL | [list:2:original:edit-url] | The URL of the order's edit page. |
Owner ID | [list:2:uid] | The unique ID of the order owner. |
Payment method display title | [list:2:payment-method-display-title] | The checkout form oriented display title of the payment method for the payment transaction. |
Payment method short title | [list:2:payment-method-short-title] | The customer oriented short title of the payment method selected by the customer during checkout. |
Payment method title | [list:2:payment-method-title] | The administrative title of the payment method selected by the customer during checkout. |
URL | [list:2:url] | The URL of the order. |
URL | [list:2:admin-url] | The URL for administrators to view the order. |
URL | [list:2:customer-url] | The URL for customers to view the order. |
View URL | [list:2:view-url] | The URL a customer can visit to view the order. |
วันที่สร้าง | [list:2:created] | The date the order was created. |
Availability Calendar date display | [list:2:created:availability_calendar_date_display] | A date in 'availability_calendar_date_display' format. (03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Availability Calendar date entry | [list:2:created:availability_calendar_date_entry] | A date in 'availability_calendar_date_entry' format. (03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Availability Calendar month caption | [list:2:created:availability_calendar_month_caption] | A date in 'availability_calendar_month_caption' format. (03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Hours am/pm | [list:2:created:hours_ampm] | A date in 'hours_ampm' format. (3:29 am) |
Long format | [list:2:created:long] | A date in 'long' format. (พุธ, มีนาคม 20, 2024 - 03:29) |
Medium format | [list:2:created:medium] | A date in 'medium' format. (พ, 03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Raw timestamp | [list:2:created:raw] | A date in UNIX timestamp format (1710880172) |
Short format | [list:2:created:short] | A date in 'short' format. (03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Studyroom Availability Date | [list:2:created:studyroom_availability_date] | A date in 'studyroom_availability_date' format. (พ, 03/20/2024) |
Time-since | [list:2:created:since] | A date in 'time-since' format. (54 ปี 3 เดือน) |
กำหนดรูปแบบเอง | [list:2:created:custom:?] | A date in a custom format. See the PHP documentation for details. |
วันที่เปลี่ยนแปลง | [list:2:changed] | The date the order was last updated. |
Availability Calendar date display | [list:2:changed:availability_calendar_date_display] | A date in 'availability_calendar_date_display' format. (03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Availability Calendar date entry | [list:2:changed:availability_calendar_date_entry] | A date in 'availability_calendar_date_entry' format. (03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Availability Calendar month caption | [list:2:changed:availability_calendar_month_caption] | A date in 'availability_calendar_month_caption' format. (03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Hours am/pm | [list:2:changed:hours_ampm] | A date in 'hours_ampm' format. (3:29 am) |
Long format | [list:2:changed:long] | A date in 'long' format. (พุธ, มีนาคม 20, 2024 - 03:29) |
Medium format | [list:2:changed:medium] | A date in 'medium' format. (พ, 03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Raw timestamp | [list:2:changed:raw] | A date in UNIX timestamp format (1710880172) |
Short format | [list:2:changed:short] | A date in 'short' format. (03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Studyroom Availability Date | [list:2:changed:studyroom_availability_date] | A date in 'studyroom_availability_date' format. (พ, 03/20/2024) |
Time-since | [list:2:changed:since] | A date in 'time-since' format. (54 ปี 3 เดือน) |
กำหนดรูปแบบเอง | [list:2:changed:custom:?] | A date in a custom format. See the PHP documentation for details. |
วิธีการชำระเงิน | [list:2:payment-method] | The method_id of the payment method selected by the customer during checkout. |
เจ้าของ | [list:2:owner] | The owner of the order. |
Account cancellation URL | [list:2:owner:cancel-url] | The URL of the confirm delete page for the user account. |
Last access | [list:2:owner:last-access] | The date the user last accessed the site. |
Location | [list:2:owner:location] | The location for this user. |
Name | [list:2:owner:name] | The login name of the user account. |
One-time login URL | [list:2:owner:one-time-login-url] | The URL of the one-time login page for the user account. |
Original user | [list:2:owner:original] | The original user data if the user is being updated or saved. |
Roles | [list:2:owner:roles] | The user roles associated with the user account. |
URL | [list:2:owner:url] | The URL of the account profile page. |
User role ids | [list:2:owner:role-ids] | The role ids the user account is a member of as comma separated list. |
User role names | [list:2:owner:role-names] | The role names the user account is a member of as comma separated list. |
ธีมเริ่มต้น | [list:2:owner:theme] | The user's default theme. |
รหัสผู้ใช้ | [list:2:owner:uid] | The unique ID of the user account. |
รูปภาพ | [list:2:owner:picture] | The picture of the user. |
สถานะ | [list:2:owner:status] | Whether the user is active or blocked. |
สร้างเมื่อ | [list:2:owner:created] | The date the user account was created. |
อีเมล | [list:2:owner:mail] | The email address of the user account. |
เข้าสู่ระบบล่าสุด | [list:2:owner:last-login] | The date the user last logged in to the site. |
แก้ไข URL | [list:2:owner:edit-url] | The URL of the account edit page. |
แก้ไข ID | [list:2:revision-id] | The unique ID of the order's latest revision. |
แก้ไข URL | [list:2:edit-url] | The URL of the order's edit page. |
รายการจองของคุณ with delta 3 | [list:3] | The list item with delta 3. Delta values start from 0 and are incremented by one per list item. |
Billing information | [list:3:commerce-customer-billing] | Field "commerce_customer_billing". |
Address | [list:3:commerce-customer-billing:commerce-customer-address:?] | Field "commerce_customer_address". The following properties may be appended to the token: country (ประเทศ), name_line (ชื่อเต็ม), first_name (ชื่อจริง), last_name (นามสกุล), organisation_name (บริษัท), administrative_area (Administrative area (i.e. State / Province)), sub_administrative_area (Sub administrative area), locality (Locality (i.e. City)), dependent_locality (Dependent locality), postal_code (รหัสไปรษณีย์), thoroughfare (ที่อยู่ถนน), premise (Premise (i.e. Apartment / Suite number)), sub_premise (Sub Premise (i.e. Suite, Apartment, Floor, Unknown.) |
Address | [list:3:commerce-customer-billing:commerce_customer_address] | Postal address field. |
Customer profile ID | [list:3:commerce-customer-billing:customer-profile-id] | The unique numeric ID of the customer profile. |
Customer profile owner | [list:3:commerce-customer-billing:owner] | The user the customer profile belongs to. |
Customer profile type | [list:3:commerce-customer-billing:type] | The type of the customer profile. |
Customer profile type name | [list:3:commerce-customer-billing:type-name] | The type name of the customer profile. |
Date updated | [list:3:commerce-customer-billing:changed] | The date the customer profile was last updated. |
Original commerce customer profile | [list:3:commerce-customer-billing:original] | The original commerce customer profile data if the commerce customer profile is being updated or saved. |
Profile ID | [list:3:commerce-customer-billing:profile-id] | The internal numeric ID of the customer profile. |
URL | [list:3:commerce-customer-billing:url] | The URL of the commerce customer profile. |
User | [list:3:commerce-customer-billing:user] | The user the customer profile belongs to. |
รหัสผู้ใช้ | [list:3:commerce-customer-billing:uid] | The unique ID of the user the customer profile belongs to. |
วันที่สร้าง | [list:3:commerce-customer-billing:created] | The date the customer profile was created. |
สถานะ | [list:3:commerce-customer-billing:status] | Whether or not the customer profile is active. |
แก้ไข ID | [list:3:commerce-customer-billing:revision-id] | The unique ID of the customer profile's latest revision. |
Billing information | [list:3:commerce_customer_billing] | Customer profile reference field. |
Cancel date | [list:3:field-commerce-billy-cancel-date] | Field "field_commerce_billy_cancel_date". |
Availability Calendar date display | [list:3:field-commerce-billy-cancel-date:availability_calendar_date_display] | A date in 'availability_calendar_date_display' format. (03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Availability Calendar date entry | [list:3:field-commerce-billy-cancel-date:availability_calendar_date_entry] | A date in 'availability_calendar_date_entry' format. (03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Availability Calendar month caption | [list:3:field-commerce-billy-cancel-date:availability_calendar_month_caption] | A date in 'availability_calendar_month_caption' format. (03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Hours am/pm | [list:3:field-commerce-billy-cancel-date:hours_ampm] | A date in 'hours_ampm' format. (3:29 am) |
Long format | [list:3:field-commerce-billy-cancel-date:long] | A date in 'long' format. (พุธ, มีนาคม 20, 2024 - 03:29) |
Medium format | [list:3:field-commerce-billy-cancel-date:medium] | A date in 'medium' format. (พ, 03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Raw timestamp | [list:3:field-commerce-billy-cancel-date:raw] | A date in UNIX timestamp format (1710880172) |
Short format | [list:3:field-commerce-billy-cancel-date:short] | A date in 'short' format. (03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Studyroom Availability Date | [list:3:field-commerce-billy-cancel-date:studyroom_availability_date] | A date in 'studyroom_availability_date' format. (พ, 03/20/2024) |
Time-since | [list:3:field-commerce-billy-cancel-date:since] | A date in 'time-since' format. (54 ปี 3 เดือน) |
กำหนดรูปแบบเอง | [list:3:field-commerce-billy-cancel-date:custom:?] | A date in a custom format. See the PHP documentation for details. |
Cancel date | [list:3:field_commerce_billy_cancel_date] | Date (Unix timestamp) field. |
Coupons | [list:3:commerce_coupons] | Entity Reference field. |
Coupons | [list:3:commerce-coupons] | Field "commerce_coupons". |
Commerce Coupon with delta 0 | [list:3:commerce-coupons:0] | The list item with delta 0. Delta values start from 0 and are incremented by one per list item. |
Commerce Coupon with delta 1 | [list:3:commerce-coupons:1] | The list item with delta 1. Delta values start from 0 and are incremented by one per list item. |
Commerce Coupon with delta 2 | [list:3:commerce-coupons:2] | The list item with delta 2. Delta values start from 0 and are incremented by one per list item. |
Create revision | [list:3:revision] | Whether or not saving this order creates a new revision. |
Date placed | [list:3:placed] | The date the order was placed i.e. checkout was completed. |
Availability Calendar date display | [list:3:placed:availability_calendar_date_display] | A date in 'availability_calendar_date_display' format. (03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Availability Calendar date entry | [list:3:placed:availability_calendar_date_entry] | A date in 'availability_calendar_date_entry' format. (03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Availability Calendar month caption | [list:3:placed:availability_calendar_month_caption] | A date in 'availability_calendar_month_caption' format. (03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Hours am/pm | [list:3:placed:hours_ampm] | A date in 'hours_ampm' format. (3:29 am) |
Long format | [list:3:placed:long] | A date in 'long' format. (พุธ, มีนาคม 20, 2024 - 03:29) |
Medium format | [list:3:placed:medium] | A date in 'medium' format. (พ, 03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Raw timestamp | [list:3:placed:raw] | A date in UNIX timestamp format (1710880172) |
Short format | [list:3:placed:short] | A date in 'short' format. (03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Studyroom Availability Date | [list:3:placed:studyroom_availability_date] | A date in 'studyroom_availability_date' format. (พ, 03/20/2024) |
Time-since | [list:3:placed:since] | A date in 'time-since' format. (54 ปี 3 เดือน) |
กำหนดรูปแบบเอง | [list:3:placed:custom:?] | A date in a custom format. See the PHP documentation for details. |
Discount reference | [list:3:commerce_discounts] | Entity Reference field. |
Discount reference | [list:3:commerce-discounts] | Field "commerce_discounts". |
Commerce Discount with delta 0 | [list:3:commerce-discounts:0] | The list item with delta 0. Delta values start from 0 and are incremented by one per list item. |
Commerce Discount with delta 1 | [list:3:commerce-discounts:1] | The list item with delta 1. Delta values start from 0 and are incremented by one per list item. |
Commerce Discount with delta 2 | [list:3:commerce-discounts:2] | The list item with delta 2. Delta values start from 0 and are incremented by one per list item. |
Expiration (formatted) | [list:3:expiration-formatted] | The time left until this order expires. Formatted by theme_commerce_cart_expiration(). |
Expiration (raw) | [list:3:expiration-raw] | The raw time left until this order expires in seconds. |
Host name | [list:3:hostname] | The IP address that created this order. |
Invoice date | [list:3:field-commerce-billy-i-date] | Field "field_commerce_billy_i_date". |
Availability Calendar date display | [list:3:field-commerce-billy-i-date:availability_calendar_date_display] | A date in 'availability_calendar_date_display' format. (03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Availability Calendar date entry | [list:3:field-commerce-billy-i-date:availability_calendar_date_entry] | A date in 'availability_calendar_date_entry' format. (03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Availability Calendar month caption | [list:3:field-commerce-billy-i-date:availability_calendar_month_caption] | A date in 'availability_calendar_month_caption' format. (03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Hours am/pm | [list:3:field-commerce-billy-i-date:hours_ampm] | A date in 'hours_ampm' format. (3:29 am) |
Long format | [list:3:field-commerce-billy-i-date:long] | A date in 'long' format. (พุธ, มีนาคม 20, 2024 - 03:29) |
Medium format | [list:3:field-commerce-billy-i-date:medium] | A date in 'medium' format. (พ, 03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Raw timestamp | [list:3:field-commerce-billy-i-date:raw] | A date in UNIX timestamp format (1710880172) |
Short format | [list:3:field-commerce-billy-i-date:short] | A date in 'short' format. (03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Studyroom Availability Date | [list:3:field-commerce-billy-i-date:studyroom_availability_date] | A date in 'studyroom_availability_date' format. (พ, 03/20/2024) |
Time-since | [list:3:field-commerce-billy-i-date:since] | A date in 'time-since' format. (54 ปี 3 เดือน) |
กำหนดรูปแบบเอง | [list:3:field-commerce-billy-i-date:custom:?] | A date in a custom format. See the PHP documentation for details. |
Invoice date | [list:3:field_commerce_billy_i_date] | Date (Unix timestamp) field. |
Line items | [list:3:commerce-line-items] | Field "commerce_line_items". |
Line items with delta 0 | [list:3:commerce-line-items:0] | The list item with delta 0. Delta values start from 0 and are incremented by one per list item. |
Line items with delta 1 | [list:3:commerce-line-items:1] | The list item with delta 1. Delta values start from 0 and are incremented by one per list item. |
Line items with delta 2 | [list:3:commerce-line-items:2] | The list item with delta 2. Delta values start from 0 and are incremented by one per list item. |
Line items | [list:3:commerce_line_items] | Line item reference field. |
Order ID | [list:3:order-id] | The unique numeric ID of the order. |
Order e-mail | [list:3:mail] | The e-mail address associated with the order. |
Order e-mail prepared for username usage | [list:3:mail-username] | The e-mail address associated with this order with illegal characters for usernames replaced. |
Order number | [list:3:order-number] | The order number displayed to the customer. |
Order state | [list:3:state] | The current state of the order. |
Order state title | [list:3:state-title] | The human-readable title of the order state. |
Order status | [list:3:status] | The current status of the order. |
Order status title | [list:3:status-title] | The human-readable title of the order status. |
Order total | [list:3:commerce-order-total:?] | Field "commerce_order_total". The following properties may be appended to the token: amount (Amount), amount_decimal (Amount (decimal)), currency_code (Currency), data (Data) |
Order total | [list:3:commerce_order_total] | ราคา field. |
Order type | [list:3:type] | The type of the order. |
Order type name | [list:3:type-name] | The human-readable name of the order type. |
Original commerce order | [list:3:original] | The original commerce order data if the commerce order is being updated or saved. |
Billing information | [list:3:original:commerce-customer-billing] | Field "commerce_customer_billing". |
Billing information | [list:3:original:commerce_customer_billing] | Customer profile reference field. |
Cancel date | [list:3:original:field-commerce-billy-cancel-date] | Field "field_commerce_billy_cancel_date". |
Cancel date | [list:3:original:field_commerce_billy_cancel_date] | Date (Unix timestamp) field. |
Coupons | [list:3:original:commerce_coupons] | Entity Reference field. |
Coupons | [list:3:original:commerce-coupons] | Field "commerce_coupons". |
Create revision | [list:3:original:revision] | Whether or not saving this order creates a new revision. |
Date placed | [list:3:original:placed] | The date the order was placed i.e. checkout was completed. |
Discount reference | [list:3:original:commerce_discounts] | Entity Reference field. |
Discount reference | [list:3:original:commerce-discounts] | Field "commerce_discounts". |
Expiration (formatted) | [list:3:original:expiration-formatted] | The time left until this order expires. Formatted by theme_commerce_cart_expiration(). |
Expiration (raw) | [list:3:original:expiration-raw] | The raw time left until this order expires in seconds. |
Host name | [list:3:original:hostname] | The IP address that created this order. |
Invoice date | [list:3:original:field-commerce-billy-i-date] | Field "field_commerce_billy_i_date". |
Invoice date | [list:3:original:field_commerce_billy_i_date] | Date (Unix timestamp) field. |
Line items | [list:3:original:commerce-line-items] | Field "commerce_line_items". |
Line items | [list:3:original:commerce_line_items] | Line item reference field. |
Order ID | [list:3:original:order-id] | The unique numeric ID of the order. |
Order e-mail | [list:3:original:mail] | The e-mail address associated with the order. |
Order e-mail prepared for username usage | [list:3:original:mail-username] | The e-mail address associated with this order with illegal characters for usernames replaced. |
Order number | [list:3:original:order-number] | The order number displayed to the customer. |
Order state | [list:3:original:state] | The current state of the order. |
Order state title | [list:3:original:state-title] | The human-readable title of the order state. |
Order status | [list:3:original:status] | The current status of the order. |
Order status title | [list:3:original:status-title] | The human-readable title of the order status. |
Order total | [list:3:original:commerce-order-total:?] | Field "commerce_order_total". The following properties may be appended to the token: amount (Amount), amount_decimal (Amount (decimal)), currency_code (Currency), data (Data) |
Order total | [list:3:original:commerce_order_total] | ราคา field. |
Order type | [list:3:original:type] | The type of the order. |
Order type name | [list:3:original:type-name] | The human-readable name of the order type. |
Owner ID | [list:3:original:uid] | The unique ID of the order owner. |
Payment method display title | [list:3:original:payment-method-display-title] | The checkout form oriented display title of the payment method for the payment transaction. |
Payment method short title | [list:3:original:payment-method-short-title] | The customer oriented short title of the payment method selected by the customer during checkout. |
Payment method title | [list:3:original:payment-method-title] | The administrative title of the payment method selected by the customer during checkout. |
URL | [list:3:original:url] | The URL of the order. |
URL | [list:3:original:admin-url] | The URL for administrators to view the order. |
URL | [list:3:original:customer-url] | The URL for customers to view the order. |
View URL | [list:3:original:view-url] | The URL a customer can visit to view the order. |
วันที่สร้าง | [list:3:original:created] | The date the order was created. |
วันที่เปลี่ยนแปลง | [list:3:original:changed] | The date the order was last updated. |
วิธีการชำระเงิน | [list:3:original:payment-method] | The method_id of the payment method selected by the customer during checkout. |
เจ้าของ | [list:3:original:owner] | The owner of the order. |
แก้ไข ID | [list:3:original:revision-id] | The unique ID of the order's latest revision. |
แก้ไข URL | [list:3:original:edit-url] | The URL of the order's edit page. |
Owner ID | [list:3:uid] | The unique ID of the order owner. |
Payment method display title | [list:3:payment-method-display-title] | The checkout form oriented display title of the payment method for the payment transaction. |
Payment method short title | [list:3:payment-method-short-title] | The customer oriented short title of the payment method selected by the customer during checkout. |
Payment method title | [list:3:payment-method-title] | The administrative title of the payment method selected by the customer during checkout. |
URL | [list:3:url] | The URL of the order. |
URL | [list:3:admin-url] | The URL for administrators to view the order. |
URL | [list:3:customer-url] | The URL for customers to view the order. |
View URL | [list:3:view-url] | The URL a customer can visit to view the order. |
วันที่สร้าง | [list:3:created] | The date the order was created. |
Availability Calendar date display | [list:3:created:availability_calendar_date_display] | A date in 'availability_calendar_date_display' format. (03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Availability Calendar date entry | [list:3:created:availability_calendar_date_entry] | A date in 'availability_calendar_date_entry' format. (03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Availability Calendar month caption | [list:3:created:availability_calendar_month_caption] | A date in 'availability_calendar_month_caption' format. (03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Hours am/pm | [list:3:created:hours_ampm] | A date in 'hours_ampm' format. (3:29 am) |
Long format | [list:3:created:long] | A date in 'long' format. (พุธ, มีนาคม 20, 2024 - 03:29) |
Medium format | [list:3:created:medium] | A date in 'medium' format. (พ, 03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Raw timestamp | [list:3:created:raw] | A date in UNIX timestamp format (1710880172) |
Short format | [list:3:created:short] | A date in 'short' format. (03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Studyroom Availability Date | [list:3:created:studyroom_availability_date] | A date in 'studyroom_availability_date' format. (พ, 03/20/2024) |
Time-since | [list:3:created:since] | A date in 'time-since' format. (54 ปี 3 เดือน) |
กำหนดรูปแบบเอง | [list:3:created:custom:?] | A date in a custom format. See the PHP documentation for details. |
วันที่เปลี่ยนแปลง | [list:3:changed] | The date the order was last updated. |
Availability Calendar date display | [list:3:changed:availability_calendar_date_display] | A date in 'availability_calendar_date_display' format. (03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Availability Calendar date entry | [list:3:changed:availability_calendar_date_entry] | A date in 'availability_calendar_date_entry' format. (03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Availability Calendar month caption | [list:3:changed:availability_calendar_month_caption] | A date in 'availability_calendar_month_caption' format. (03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Hours am/pm | [list:3:changed:hours_ampm] | A date in 'hours_ampm' format. (3:29 am) |
Long format | [list:3:changed:long] | A date in 'long' format. (พุธ, มีนาคม 20, 2024 - 03:29) |
Medium format | [list:3:changed:medium] | A date in 'medium' format. (พ, 03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Raw timestamp | [list:3:changed:raw] | A date in UNIX timestamp format (1710880172) |
Short format | [list:3:changed:short] | A date in 'short' format. (03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Studyroom Availability Date | [list:3:changed:studyroom_availability_date] | A date in 'studyroom_availability_date' format. (พ, 03/20/2024) |
Time-since | [list:3:changed:since] | A date in 'time-since' format. (54 ปี 3 เดือน) |
กำหนดรูปแบบเอง | [list:3:changed:custom:?] | A date in a custom format. See the PHP documentation for details. |
วิธีการชำระเงิน | [list:3:payment-method] | The method_id of the payment method selected by the customer during checkout. |
เจ้าของ | [list:3:owner] | The owner of the order. |
Account cancellation URL | [list:3:owner:cancel-url] | The URL of the confirm delete page for the user account. |
Last access | [list:3:owner:last-access] | The date the user last accessed the site. |
Location | [list:3:owner:location] | The location for this user. |
Name | [list:3:owner:name] | The login name of the user account. |
One-time login URL | [list:3:owner:one-time-login-url] | The URL of the one-time login page for the user account. |
Original user | [list:3:owner:original] | The original user data if the user is being updated or saved. |
Roles | [list:3:owner:roles] | The user roles associated with the user account. |
URL | [list:3:owner:url] | The URL of the account profile page. |
User role ids | [list:3:owner:role-ids] | The role ids the user account is a member of as comma separated list. |
User role names | [list:3:owner:role-names] | The role names the user account is a member of as comma separated list. |
ธีมเริ่มต้น | [list:3:owner:theme] | The user's default theme. |
รหัสผู้ใช้ | [list:3:owner:uid] | The unique ID of the user account. |
รูปภาพ | [list:3:owner:picture] | The picture of the user. |
สถานะ | [list:3:owner:status] | Whether the user is active or blocked. |
สร้างเมื่อ | [list:3:owner:created] | The date the user account was created. |
อีเมล | [list:3:owner:mail] | The email address of the user account. |
เข้าสู่ระบบล่าสุด | [list:3:owner:last-login] | The date the user last logged in to the site. |
แก้ไข URL | [list:3:owner:edit-url] | The URL of the account edit page. |
แก้ไข ID | [list:3:revision-id] | The unique ID of the order's latest revision. |
แก้ไข URL | [list:3:edit-url] | The URL of the order's edit page. |
List of Commerce Payment transactions | | Tokens related to the "Commerce Payment transaction" entities. |
Payment transactions with delta 0 | [list:0] | The list item with delta 0. Delta values start from 0 and are incremented by one per list item. |
Amount | [list:0:amount] | The amount for this transaction. |
Creator | [list:0:creator] | The creator of the payment transaction. |
Account cancellation URL | [list:0:creator:cancel-url] | The URL of the confirm delete page for the user account. |
Last access | [list:0:creator:last-access] | The date the user last accessed the site. |
Location | [list:0:creator:location] | The location for this user. |
Name | [list:0:creator:name] | The login name of the user account. |
One-time login URL | [list:0:creator:one-time-login-url] | The URL of the one-time login page for the user account. |
Original user | [list:0:creator:original] | The original user data if the user is being updated or saved. |
Roles | [list:0:creator:roles] | The user roles associated with the user account. |
URL | [list:0:creator:url] | The URL of the account profile page. |
User role ids | [list:0:creator:role-ids] | The role ids the user account is a member of as comma separated list. |
User role names | [list:0:creator:role-names] | The role names the user account is a member of as comma separated list. |
ธีมเริ่มต้น | [list:0:creator:theme] | The user's default theme. |
รหัสผู้ใช้ | [list:0:creator:uid] | The unique ID of the user account. |
รูปภาพ | [list:0:creator:picture] | The picture of the user. |
สถานะ | [list:0:creator:status] | Whether the user is active or blocked. |
สร้างเมื่อ | [list:0:creator:created] | The date the user account was created. |
อีเมล | [list:0:creator:mail] | The email address of the user account. |
เข้าสู่ระบบล่าสุด | [list:0:creator:last-login] | The date the user last logged in to the site. |
แก้ไข URL | [list:0:creator:edit-url] | The URL of the account edit page. |
Currency code | [list:0:currency-code] | The currency code for the payment. |
Currency symbol | [list:0:currency-symbol] | The currency symbol for the payment. |
Formatted amount | [list:0:amount-formatted] | The formatted amount of the payment transaction. |
Order ID | [list:0:order-id] | The unique ID of the order the transaction belongs to. |
Original commerce payment transaction | [list:0:original] | The original commerce payment transaction data if the commerce payment transaction is being updated or saved. |
Amount | [list:0:original:amount] | The amount for this transaction. |
Creator | [list:0:original:creator] | The creator of the payment transaction. |
Currency code | [list:0:original:currency-code] | The currency code for the payment. |
Currency symbol | [list:0:original:currency-symbol] | The currency symbol for the payment. |
Formatted amount | [list:0:original:amount-formatted] | The formatted amount of the payment transaction. |
Order ID | [list:0:original:order-id] | The unique ID of the order the transaction belongs to. |
Payment method display title | [list:0:original:payment-method-display-title] | The checkout form oriented display title of the payment method for the payment transaction. |
Payment method short title | [list:0:original:payment-method-short-title] | The customer oriented short title of the payment method for the payment transaction. |
Payment method title | [list:0:original:payment-method-title] | The administrative title of the payment method for the payment transaction. |
Raw amount | [list:0:original:amount-raw] | The raw amount of the payment transaction. |
Remote ID | [list:0:original:remote-id] | The remote identifier for the payment transaction. |
Remote status | [list:0:original:remote-status] | The status of the transaction at the payment provider. |
Transaction ID | [list:0:original:transaction-id] | The primary identifier for a payment transaction. |
URL | [list:0:original:url] | The URL of the commerce payment transaction. |
User | [list:0:original:user] | The user who created the transaction. |
ข้อความ | [list:0:original:message] | The human-readable message associated to the payment transaction. |
รหัสผู้ใช้ | [list:0:original:uid] | The unique ID of the user who created the transaction. |
วันที่สร้าง | [list:0:original:created] | The date the payment transaction was created. |
วันที่เปลี่ยนแปลง | [list:0:original:changed] | The date the payment transaction was last updated. |
วิธีการชำระเงิน | [list:0:original:payment-method] | The payment method method_id for the payment transaction. |
สถานะ | [list:0:original:status] | The status of this transaction (pending, success, or failure). |
หมายเลขออเด้อ | [list:0:original:order] | The order related to the payment transaction. |
แก้ไข ID | [list:0:original:revision-id] | The unique ID for the latest revision of a payment transaction. |
Payment method display title | [list:0:payment-method-display-title] | The checkout form oriented display title of the payment method for the payment transaction. |
Payment method short title | [list:0:payment-method-short-title] | The customer oriented short title of the payment method for the payment transaction. |
Payment method title | [list:0:payment-method-title] | The administrative title of the payment method for the payment transaction. |
Raw amount | [list:0:amount-raw] | The raw amount of the payment transaction. |
Remote ID | [list:0:remote-id] | The remote identifier for the payment transaction. |
Remote status | [list:0:remote-status] | The status of the transaction at the payment provider. |
Transaction ID | [list:0:transaction-id] | The primary identifier for a payment transaction. |
URL | [list:0:url] | The URL of the commerce payment transaction. |
Absolute URL | [list:0:url:absolute] | The absolute URL. |
Arguments | [list:0:url:args] | The specific argument of the current page (e.g. 'arg:1' on the page 'node/1' returns '1'). |
Brief URL | [list:0:url:brief] | The URL without the protocol and trailing backslash. |
Relative URL | [list:0:url:relative] | The relative URL. |
Unaliased URL | [list:0:url:unaliased] | The unaliased URL. |
ตำแหน่งพาธ | [list:0:url:path] | The path component of the URL. |
User | [list:0:user] | The user who created the transaction. |
Account cancellation URL | [list:0:user:cancel-url] | The URL of the confirm delete page for the user account. |
Last access | [list:0:user:last-access] | The date the user last accessed the site. |
Location | [list:0:user:location] | The location for this user. |
Name | [list:0:user:name] | The login name of the user account. |
One-time login URL | [list:0:user:one-time-login-url] | The URL of the one-time login page for the user account. |
Original user | [list:0:user:original] | The original user data if the user is being updated or saved. |
Roles | [list:0:user:roles] | The user roles associated with the user account. |
URL | [list:0:user:url] | The URL of the account profile page. |
User role ids | [list:0:user:role-ids] | The role ids the user account is a member of as comma separated list. |
User role names | [list:0:user:role-names] | The role names the user account is a member of as comma separated list. |
ธีมเริ่มต้น | [list:0:user:theme] | The user's default theme. |
รหัสผู้ใช้ | [list:0:user:uid] | The unique ID of the user account. |
รูปภาพ | [list:0:user:picture] | The picture of the user. |
สถานะ | [list:0:user:status] | Whether the user is active or blocked. |
สร้างเมื่อ | [list:0:user:created] | The date the user account was created. |
อีเมล | [list:0:user:mail] | The email address of the user account. |
เข้าสู่ระบบล่าสุด | [list:0:user:last-login] | The date the user last logged in to the site. |
แก้ไข URL | [list:0:user:edit-url] | The URL of the account edit page. |
ข้อความ | [list:0:message] | The human-readable message associated to the payment transaction. |
รหัสผู้ใช้ | [list:0:uid] | The unique ID of the user who created the transaction. |
วันที่สร้าง | [list:0:created] | The date the payment transaction was created. |
Availability Calendar date display | [list:0:created:availability_calendar_date_display] | A date in 'availability_calendar_date_display' format. (03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Availability Calendar date entry | [list:0:created:availability_calendar_date_entry] | A date in 'availability_calendar_date_entry' format. (03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Availability Calendar month caption | [list:0:created:availability_calendar_month_caption] | A date in 'availability_calendar_month_caption' format. (03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Hours am/pm | [list:0:created:hours_ampm] | A date in 'hours_ampm' format. (3:29 am) |
Long format | [list:0:created:long] | A date in 'long' format. (พุธ, มีนาคม 20, 2024 - 03:29) |
Medium format | [list:0:created:medium] | A date in 'medium' format. (พ, 03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Raw timestamp | [list:0:created:raw] | A date in UNIX timestamp format (1710880172) |
Short format | [list:0:created:short] | A date in 'short' format. (03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Studyroom Availability Date | [list:0:created:studyroom_availability_date] | A date in 'studyroom_availability_date' format. (พ, 03/20/2024) |
Time-since | [list:0:created:since] | A date in 'time-since' format. (54 ปี 3 เดือน) |
กำหนดรูปแบบเอง | [list:0:created:custom:?] | A date in a custom format. See the PHP documentation for details. |
วันที่เปลี่ยนแปลง | [list:0:changed] | The date the payment transaction was last updated. |
Availability Calendar date display | [list:0:changed:availability_calendar_date_display] | A date in 'availability_calendar_date_display' format. (03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Availability Calendar date entry | [list:0:changed:availability_calendar_date_entry] | A date in 'availability_calendar_date_entry' format. (03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Availability Calendar month caption | [list:0:changed:availability_calendar_month_caption] | A date in 'availability_calendar_month_caption' format. (03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Hours am/pm | [list:0:changed:hours_ampm] | A date in 'hours_ampm' format. (3:29 am) |
Long format | [list:0:changed:long] | A date in 'long' format. (พุธ, มีนาคม 20, 2024 - 03:29) |
Medium format | [list:0:changed:medium] | A date in 'medium' format. (พ, 03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Raw timestamp | [list:0:changed:raw] | A date in UNIX timestamp format (1710880172) |
Short format | [list:0:changed:short] | A date in 'short' format. (03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Studyroom Availability Date | [list:0:changed:studyroom_availability_date] | A date in 'studyroom_availability_date' format. (พ, 03/20/2024) |
Time-since | [list:0:changed:since] | A date in 'time-since' format. (54 ปี 3 เดือน) |
กำหนดรูปแบบเอง | [list:0:changed:custom:?] | A date in a custom format. See the PHP documentation for details. |
วิธีการชำระเงิน | [list:0:payment-method] | The payment method method_id for the payment transaction. |
สถานะ | [list:0:status] | The status of this transaction (pending, success, or failure). |
หมายเลขออเด้อ | [list:0:order] | The order related to the payment transaction. |
Billing information | [list:0:order:commerce-customer-billing] | Field "commerce_customer_billing". |
Billing information | [list:0:order:commerce_customer_billing] | Customer profile reference field. |
Cancel date | [list:0:order:field-commerce-billy-cancel-date] | Field "field_commerce_billy_cancel_date". |
Cancel date | [list:0:order:field_commerce_billy_cancel_date] | Date (Unix timestamp) field. |
Coupons | [list:0:order:commerce_coupons] | Entity Reference field. |
Coupons | [list:0:order:commerce-coupons] | Field "commerce_coupons". |
Create revision | [list:0:order:revision] | Whether or not saving this order creates a new revision. |
Date placed | [list:0:order:placed] | The date the order was placed i.e. checkout was completed. |
Discount reference | [list:0:order:commerce_discounts] | Entity Reference field. |
Discount reference | [list:0:order:commerce-discounts] | Field "commerce_discounts". |
Expiration (formatted) | [list:0:order:expiration-formatted] | The time left until this order expires. Formatted by theme_commerce_cart_expiration(). |
Expiration (raw) | [list:0:order:expiration-raw] | The raw time left until this order expires in seconds. |
Host name | [list:0:order:hostname] | The IP address that created this order. |
Invoice date | [list:0:order:field-commerce-billy-i-date] | Field "field_commerce_billy_i_date". |
Invoice date | [list:0:order:field_commerce_billy_i_date] | Date (Unix timestamp) field. |
Line items | [list:0:order:commerce-line-items] | Field "commerce_line_items". |
Line items | [list:0:order:commerce_line_items] | Line item reference field. |
Order ID | [list:0:order:order-id] | The unique numeric ID of the order. |
Order e-mail | [list:0:order:mail] | The e-mail address associated with the order. |
Order e-mail prepared for username usage | [list:0:order:mail-username] | The e-mail address associated with this order with illegal characters for usernames replaced. |
Order number | [list:0:order:order-number] | The order number displayed to the customer. |
Order state | [list:0:order:state] | The current state of the order. |
Order state title | [list:0:order:state-title] | The human-readable title of the order state. |
Order status | [list:0:order:status] | The current status of the order. |
Order status title | [list:0:order:status-title] | The human-readable title of the order status. |
Order total | [list:0:order:commerce-order-total:?] | Field "commerce_order_total". The following properties may be appended to the token: amount (Amount), amount_decimal (Amount (decimal)), currency_code (Currency), data (Data) |
Order total | [list:0:order:commerce_order_total] | ราคา field. |
Order type | [list:0:order:type] | The type of the order. |
Order type name | [list:0:order:type-name] | The human-readable name of the order type. |
Original commerce order | [list:0:order:original] | The original commerce order data if the commerce order is being updated or saved. |
Owner ID | [list:0:order:uid] | The unique ID of the order owner. |
Payment method display title | [list:0:order:payment-method-display-title] | The checkout form oriented display title of the payment method for the payment transaction. |
Payment method short title | [list:0:order:payment-method-short-title] | The customer oriented short title of the payment method selected by the customer during checkout. |
Payment method title | [list:0:order:payment-method-title] | The administrative title of the payment method selected by the customer during checkout. |
URL | [list:0:order:url] | The URL of the order. |
URL | [list:0:order:admin-url] | The URL for administrators to view the order. |
URL | [list:0:order:customer-url] | The URL for customers to view the order. |
View URL | [list:0:order:view-url] | The URL a customer can visit to view the order. |
วันที่สร้าง | [list:0:order:created] | The date the order was created. |
วันที่เปลี่ยนแปลง | [list:0:order:changed] | The date the order was last updated. |
วิธีการชำระเงิน | [list:0:order:payment-method] | The method_id of the payment method selected by the customer during checkout. |
เจ้าของ | [list:0:order:owner] | The owner of the order. |
แก้ไข ID | [list:0:order:revision-id] | The unique ID of the order's latest revision. |
แก้ไข URL | [list:0:order:edit-url] | The URL of the order's edit page. |
แก้ไข ID | [list:0:revision-id] | The unique ID for the latest revision of a payment transaction. |
Payment transactions with delta 1 | [list:1] | The list item with delta 1. Delta values start from 0 and are incremented by one per list item. |
Amount | [list:1:amount] | The amount for this transaction. |
Creator | [list:1:creator] | The creator of the payment transaction. |
Account cancellation URL | [list:1:creator:cancel-url] | The URL of the confirm delete page for the user account. |
Last access | [list:1:creator:last-access] | The date the user last accessed the site. |
Location | [list:1:creator:location] | The location for this user. |
Name | [list:1:creator:name] | The login name of the user account. |
One-time login URL | [list:1:creator:one-time-login-url] | The URL of the one-time login page for the user account. |
Original user | [list:1:creator:original] | The original user data if the user is being updated or saved. |
Roles | [list:1:creator:roles] | The user roles associated with the user account. |
URL | [list:1:creator:url] | The URL of the account profile page. |
User role ids | [list:1:creator:role-ids] | The role ids the user account is a member of as comma separated list. |
User role names | [list:1:creator:role-names] | The role names the user account is a member of as comma separated list. |
ธีมเริ่มต้น | [list:1:creator:theme] | The user's default theme. |
รหัสผู้ใช้ | [list:1:creator:uid] | The unique ID of the user account. |
รูปภาพ | [list:1:creator:picture] | The picture of the user. |
สถานะ | [list:1:creator:status] | Whether the user is active or blocked. |
สร้างเมื่อ | [list:1:creator:created] | The date the user account was created. |
อีเมล | [list:1:creator:mail] | The email address of the user account. |
เข้าสู่ระบบล่าสุด | [list:1:creator:last-login] | The date the user last logged in to the site. |
แก้ไข URL | [list:1:creator:edit-url] | The URL of the account edit page. |
Currency code | [list:1:currency-code] | The currency code for the payment. |
Currency symbol | [list:1:currency-symbol] | The currency symbol for the payment. |
Formatted amount | [list:1:amount-formatted] | The formatted amount of the payment transaction. |
Order ID | [list:1:order-id] | The unique ID of the order the transaction belongs to. |
Original commerce payment transaction | [list:1:original] | The original commerce payment transaction data if the commerce payment transaction is being updated or saved. |
Amount | [list:1:original:amount] | The amount for this transaction. |
Creator | [list:1:original:creator] | The creator of the payment transaction. |
Currency code | [list:1:original:currency-code] | The currency code for the payment. |
Currency symbol | [list:1:original:currency-symbol] | The currency symbol for the payment. |
Formatted amount | [list:1:original:amount-formatted] | The formatted amount of the payment transaction. |
Order ID | [list:1:original:order-id] | The unique ID of the order the transaction belongs to. |
Payment method display title | [list:1:original:payment-method-display-title] | The checkout form oriented display title of the payment method for the payment transaction. |
Payment method short title | [list:1:original:payment-method-short-title] | The customer oriented short title of the payment method for the payment transaction. |
Payment method title | [list:1:original:payment-method-title] | The administrative title of the payment method for the payment transaction. |
Raw amount | [list:1:original:amount-raw] | The raw amount of the payment transaction. |
Remote ID | [list:1:original:remote-id] | The remote identifier for the payment transaction. |
Remote status | [list:1:original:remote-status] | The status of the transaction at the payment provider. |
Transaction ID | [list:1:original:transaction-id] | The primary identifier for a payment transaction. |
URL | [list:1:original:url] | The URL of the commerce payment transaction. |
User | [list:1:original:user] | The user who created the transaction. |
ข้อความ | [list:1:original:message] | The human-readable message associated to the payment transaction. |
รหัสผู้ใช้ | [list:1:original:uid] | The unique ID of the user who created the transaction. |
วันที่สร้าง | [list:1:original:created] | The date the payment transaction was created. |
วันที่เปลี่ยนแปลง | [list:1:original:changed] | The date the payment transaction was last updated. |
วิธีการชำระเงิน | [list:1:original:payment-method] | The payment method method_id for the payment transaction. |
สถานะ | [list:1:original:status] | The status of this transaction (pending, success, or failure). |
หมายเลขออเด้อ | [list:1:original:order] | The order related to the payment transaction. |
แก้ไข ID | [list:1:original:revision-id] | The unique ID for the latest revision of a payment transaction. |
Payment method display title | [list:1:payment-method-display-title] | The checkout form oriented display title of the payment method for the payment transaction. |
Payment method short title | [list:1:payment-method-short-title] | The customer oriented short title of the payment method for the payment transaction. |
Payment method title | [list:1:payment-method-title] | The administrative title of the payment method for the payment transaction. |
Raw amount | [list:1:amount-raw] | The raw amount of the payment transaction. |
Remote ID | [list:1:remote-id] | The remote identifier for the payment transaction. |
Remote status | [list:1:remote-status] | The status of the transaction at the payment provider. |
Transaction ID | [list:1:transaction-id] | The primary identifier for a payment transaction. |
URL | [list:1:url] | The URL of the commerce payment transaction. |
Absolute URL | [list:1:url:absolute] | The absolute URL. |
Arguments | [list:1:url:args] | The specific argument of the current page (e.g. 'arg:1' on the page 'node/1' returns '1'). |
Brief URL | [list:1:url:brief] | The URL without the protocol and trailing backslash. |
Relative URL | [list:1:url:relative] | The relative URL. |
Unaliased URL | [list:1:url:unaliased] | The unaliased URL. |
ตำแหน่งพาธ | [list:1:url:path] | The path component of the URL. |
User | [list:1:user] | The user who created the transaction. |
Account cancellation URL | [list:1:user:cancel-url] | The URL of the confirm delete page for the user account. |
Last access | [list:1:user:last-access] | The date the user last accessed the site. |
Location | [list:1:user:location] | The location for this user. |
Name | [list:1:user:name] | The login name of the user account. |
One-time login URL | [list:1:user:one-time-login-url] | The URL of the one-time login page for the user account. |
Original user | [list:1:user:original] | The original user data if the user is being updated or saved. |
Roles | [list:1:user:roles] | The user roles associated with the user account. |
URL | [list:1:user:url] | The URL of the account profile page. |
User role ids | [list:1:user:role-ids] | The role ids the user account is a member of as comma separated list. |
User role names | [list:1:user:role-names] | The role names the user account is a member of as comma separated list. |
ธีมเริ่มต้น | [list:1:user:theme] | The user's default theme. |
รหัสผู้ใช้ | [list:1:user:uid] | The unique ID of the user account. |
รูปภาพ | [list:1:user:picture] | The picture of the user. |
สถานะ | [list:1:user:status] | Whether the user is active or blocked. |
สร้างเมื่อ | [list:1:user:created] | The date the user account was created. |
อีเมล | [list:1:user:mail] | The email address of the user account. |
เข้าสู่ระบบล่าสุด | [list:1:user:last-login] | The date the user last logged in to the site. |
แก้ไข URL | [list:1:user:edit-url] | The URL of the account edit page. |
ข้อความ | [list:1:message] | The human-readable message associated to the payment transaction. |
รหัสผู้ใช้ | [list:1:uid] | The unique ID of the user who created the transaction. |
วันที่สร้าง | [list:1:created] | The date the payment transaction was created. |
Availability Calendar date display | [list:1:created:availability_calendar_date_display] | A date in 'availability_calendar_date_display' format. (03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Availability Calendar date entry | [list:1:created:availability_calendar_date_entry] | A date in 'availability_calendar_date_entry' format. (03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Availability Calendar month caption | [list:1:created:availability_calendar_month_caption] | A date in 'availability_calendar_month_caption' format. (03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Hours am/pm | [list:1:created:hours_ampm] | A date in 'hours_ampm' format. (3:29 am) |
Long format | [list:1:created:long] | A date in 'long' format. (พุธ, มีนาคม 20, 2024 - 03:29) |
Medium format | [list:1:created:medium] | A date in 'medium' format. (พ, 03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Raw timestamp | [list:1:created:raw] | A date in UNIX timestamp format (1710880172) |
Short format | [list:1:created:short] | A date in 'short' format. (03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Studyroom Availability Date | [list:1:created:studyroom_availability_date] | A date in 'studyroom_availability_date' format. (พ, 03/20/2024) |
Time-since | [list:1:created:since] | A date in 'time-since' format. (54 ปี 3 เดือน) |
กำหนดรูปแบบเอง | [list:1:created:custom:?] | A date in a custom format. See the PHP documentation for details. |
วันที่เปลี่ยนแปลง | [list:1:changed] | The date the payment transaction was last updated. |
Availability Calendar date display | [list:1:changed:availability_calendar_date_display] | A date in 'availability_calendar_date_display' format. (03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Availability Calendar date entry | [list:1:changed:availability_calendar_date_entry] | A date in 'availability_calendar_date_entry' format. (03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Availability Calendar month caption | [list:1:changed:availability_calendar_month_caption] | A date in 'availability_calendar_month_caption' format. (03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Hours am/pm | [list:1:changed:hours_ampm] | A date in 'hours_ampm' format. (3:29 am) |
Long format | [list:1:changed:long] | A date in 'long' format. (พุธ, มีนาคม 20, 2024 - 03:29) |
Medium format | [list:1:changed:medium] | A date in 'medium' format. (พ, 03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Raw timestamp | [list:1:changed:raw] | A date in UNIX timestamp format (1710880172) |
Short format | [list:1:changed:short] | A date in 'short' format. (03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Studyroom Availability Date | [list:1:changed:studyroom_availability_date] | A date in 'studyroom_availability_date' format. (พ, 03/20/2024) |
Time-since | [list:1:changed:since] | A date in 'time-since' format. (54 ปี 3 เดือน) |
กำหนดรูปแบบเอง | [list:1:changed:custom:?] | A date in a custom format. See the PHP documentation for details. |
วิธีการชำระเงิน | [list:1:payment-method] | The payment method method_id for the payment transaction. |
สถานะ | [list:1:status] | The status of this transaction (pending, success, or failure). |
หมายเลขออเด้อ | [list:1:order] | The order related to the payment transaction. |
Billing information | [list:1:order:commerce-customer-billing] | Field "commerce_customer_billing". |
Billing information | [list:1:order:commerce_customer_billing] | Customer profile reference field. |
Cancel date | [list:1:order:field-commerce-billy-cancel-date] | Field "field_commerce_billy_cancel_date". |
Cancel date | [list:1:order:field_commerce_billy_cancel_date] | Date (Unix timestamp) field. |
Coupons | [list:1:order:commerce_coupons] | Entity Reference field. |
Coupons | [list:1:order:commerce-coupons] | Field "commerce_coupons". |
Create revision | [list:1:order:revision] | Whether or not saving this order creates a new revision. |
Date placed | [list:1:order:placed] | The date the order was placed i.e. checkout was completed. |
Discount reference | [list:1:order:commerce_discounts] | Entity Reference field. |
Discount reference | [list:1:order:commerce-discounts] | Field "commerce_discounts". |
Expiration (formatted) | [list:1:order:expiration-formatted] | The time left until this order expires. Formatted by theme_commerce_cart_expiration(). |
Expiration (raw) | [list:1:order:expiration-raw] | The raw time left until this order expires in seconds. |
Host name | [list:1:order:hostname] | The IP address that created this order. |
Invoice date | [list:1:order:field-commerce-billy-i-date] | Field "field_commerce_billy_i_date". |
Invoice date | [list:1:order:field_commerce_billy_i_date] | Date (Unix timestamp) field. |
Line items | [list:1:order:commerce-line-items] | Field "commerce_line_items". |
Line items | [list:1:order:commerce_line_items] | Line item reference field. |
Order ID | [list:1:order:order-id] | The unique numeric ID of the order. |
Order e-mail | [list:1:order:mail] | The e-mail address associated with the order. |
Order e-mail prepared for username usage | [list:1:order:mail-username] | The e-mail address associated with this order with illegal characters for usernames replaced. |
Order number | [list:1:order:order-number] | The order number displayed to the customer. |
Order state | [list:1:order:state] | The current state of the order. |
Order state title | [list:1:order:state-title] | The human-readable title of the order state. |
Order status | [list:1:order:status] | The current status of the order. |
Order status title | [list:1:order:status-title] | The human-readable title of the order status. |
Order total | [list:1:order:commerce-order-total:?] | Field "commerce_order_total". The following properties may be appended to the token: amount (Amount), amount_decimal (Amount (decimal)), currency_code (Currency), data (Data) |
Order total | [list:1:order:commerce_order_total] | ราคา field. |
Order type | [list:1:order:type] | The type of the order. |
Order type name | [list:1:order:type-name] | The human-readable name of the order type. |
Original commerce order | [list:1:order:original] | The original commerce order data if the commerce order is being updated or saved. |
Owner ID | [list:1:order:uid] | The unique ID of the order owner. |
Payment method display title | [list:1:order:payment-method-display-title] | The checkout form oriented display title of the payment method for the payment transaction. |
Payment method short title | [list:1:order:payment-method-short-title] | The customer oriented short title of the payment method selected by the customer during checkout. |
Payment method title | [list:1:order:payment-method-title] | The administrative title of the payment method selected by the customer during checkout. |
URL | [list:1:order:url] | The URL of the order. |
URL | [list:1:order:admin-url] | The URL for administrators to view the order. |
URL | [list:1:order:customer-url] | The URL for customers to view the order. |
View URL | [list:1:order:view-url] | The URL a customer can visit to view the order. |
วันที่สร้าง | [list:1:order:created] | The date the order was created. |
วันที่เปลี่ยนแปลง | [list:1:order:changed] | The date the order was last updated. |
วิธีการชำระเงิน | [list:1:order:payment-method] | The method_id of the payment method selected by the customer during checkout. |
เจ้าของ | [list:1:order:owner] | The owner of the order. |
แก้ไข ID | [list:1:order:revision-id] | The unique ID of the order's latest revision. |
แก้ไข URL | [list:1:order:edit-url] | The URL of the order's edit page. |
แก้ไข ID | [list:1:revision-id] | The unique ID for the latest revision of a payment transaction. |
Payment transactions with delta 2 | [list:2] | The list item with delta 2. Delta values start from 0 and are incremented by one per list item. |
Amount | [list:2:amount] | The amount for this transaction. |
Creator | [list:2:creator] | The creator of the payment transaction. |
Account cancellation URL | [list:2:creator:cancel-url] | The URL of the confirm delete page for the user account. |
Last access | [list:2:creator:last-access] | The date the user last accessed the site. |
Location | [list:2:creator:location] | The location for this user. |
Name | [list:2:creator:name] | The login name of the user account. |
One-time login URL | [list:2:creator:one-time-login-url] | The URL of the one-time login page for the user account. |
Original user | [list:2:creator:original] | The original user data if the user is being updated or saved. |
Roles | [list:2:creator:roles] | The user roles associated with the user account. |
URL | [list:2:creator:url] | The URL of the account profile page. |
User role ids | [list:2:creator:role-ids] | The role ids the user account is a member of as comma separated list. |
User role names | [list:2:creator:role-names] | The role names the user account is a member of as comma separated list. |
ธีมเริ่มต้น | [list:2:creator:theme] | The user's default theme. |
รหัสผู้ใช้ | [list:2:creator:uid] | The unique ID of the user account. |
รูปภาพ | [list:2:creator:picture] | The picture of the user. |
สถานะ | [list:2:creator:status] | Whether the user is active or blocked. |
สร้างเมื่อ | [list:2:creator:created] | The date the user account was created. |
อีเมล | [list:2:creator:mail] | The email address of the user account. |
เข้าสู่ระบบล่าสุด | [list:2:creator:last-login] | The date the user last logged in to the site. |
แก้ไข URL | [list:2:creator:edit-url] | The URL of the account edit page. |
Currency code | [list:2:currency-code] | The currency code for the payment. |
Currency symbol | [list:2:currency-symbol] | The currency symbol for the payment. |
Formatted amount | [list:2:amount-formatted] | The formatted amount of the payment transaction. |
Order ID | [list:2:order-id] | The unique ID of the order the transaction belongs to. |
Original commerce payment transaction | [list:2:original] | The original commerce payment transaction data if the commerce payment transaction is being updated or saved. |
Amount | [list:2:original:amount] | The amount for this transaction. |
Creator | [list:2:original:creator] | The creator of the payment transaction. |
Currency code | [list:2:original:currency-code] | The currency code for the payment. |
Currency symbol | [list:2:original:currency-symbol] | The currency symbol for the payment. |
Formatted amount | [list:2:original:amount-formatted] | The formatted amount of the payment transaction. |
Order ID | [list:2:original:order-id] | The unique ID of the order the transaction belongs to. |
Payment method display title | [list:2:original:payment-method-display-title] | The checkout form oriented display title of the payment method for the payment transaction. |
Payment method short title | [list:2:original:payment-method-short-title] | The customer oriented short title of the payment method for the payment transaction. |
Payment method title | [list:2:original:payment-method-title] | The administrative title of the payment method for the payment transaction. |
Raw amount | [list:2:original:amount-raw] | The raw amount of the payment transaction. |
Remote ID | [list:2:original:remote-id] | The remote identifier for the payment transaction. |
Remote status | [list:2:original:remote-status] | The status of the transaction at the payment provider. |
Transaction ID | [list:2:original:transaction-id] | The primary identifier for a payment transaction. |
URL | [list:2:original:url] | The URL of the commerce payment transaction. |
User | [list:2:original:user] | The user who created the transaction. |
ข้อความ | [list:2:original:message] | The human-readable message associated to the payment transaction. |
รหัสผู้ใช้ | [list:2:original:uid] | The unique ID of the user who created the transaction. |
วันที่สร้าง | [list:2:original:created] | The date the payment transaction was created. |
วันที่เปลี่ยนแปลง | [list:2:original:changed] | The date the payment transaction was last updated. |
วิธีการชำระเงิน | [list:2:original:payment-method] | The payment method method_id for the payment transaction. |
สถานะ | [list:2:original:status] | The status of this transaction (pending, success, or failure). |
หมายเลขออเด้อ | [list:2:original:order] | The order related to the payment transaction. |
แก้ไข ID | [list:2:original:revision-id] | The unique ID for the latest revision of a payment transaction. |
Payment method display title | [list:2:payment-method-display-title] | The checkout form oriented display title of the payment method for the payment transaction. |
Payment method short title | [list:2:payment-method-short-title] | The customer oriented short title of the payment method for the payment transaction. |
Payment method title | [list:2:payment-method-title] | The administrative title of the payment method for the payment transaction. |
Raw amount | [list:2:amount-raw] | The raw amount of the payment transaction. |
Remote ID | [list:2:remote-id] | The remote identifier for the payment transaction. |
Remote status | [list:2:remote-status] | The status of the transaction at the payment provider. |
Transaction ID | [list:2:transaction-id] | The primary identifier for a payment transaction. |
URL | [list:2:url] | The URL of the commerce payment transaction. |
Absolute URL | [list:2:url:absolute] | The absolute URL. |
Arguments | [list:2:url:args] | The specific argument of the current page (e.g. 'arg:1' on the page 'node/1' returns '1'). |
Brief URL | [list:2:url:brief] | The URL without the protocol and trailing backslash. |
Relative URL | [list:2:url:relative] | The relative URL. |
Unaliased URL | [list:2:url:unaliased] | The unaliased URL. |
ตำแหน่งพาธ | [list:2:url:path] | The path component of the URL. |
User | [list:2:user] | The user who created the transaction. |
Account cancellation URL | [list:2:user:cancel-url] | The URL of the confirm delete page for the user account. |
Last access | [list:2:user:last-access] | The date the user last accessed the site. |
Location | [list:2:user:location] | The location for this user. |
Name | [list:2:user:name] | The login name of the user account. |
One-time login URL | [list:2:user:one-time-login-url] | The URL of the one-time login page for the user account. |
Original user | [list:2:user:original] | The original user data if the user is being updated or saved. |
Roles | [list:2:user:roles] | The user roles associated with the user account. |
URL | [list:2:user:url] | The URL of the account profile page. |
User role ids | [list:2:user:role-ids] | The role ids the user account is a member of as comma separated list. |
User role names | [list:2:user:role-names] | The role names the user account is a member of as comma separated list. |
ธีมเริ่มต้น | [list:2:user:theme] | The user's default theme. |
รหัสผู้ใช้ | [list:2:user:uid] | The unique ID of the user account. |
รูปภาพ | [list:2:user:picture] | The picture of the user. |
สถานะ | [list:2:user:status] | Whether the user is active or blocked. |
สร้างเมื่อ | [list:2:user:created] | The date the user account was created. |
อีเมล | [list:2:user:mail] | The email address of the user account. |
เข้าสู่ระบบล่าสุด | [list:2:user:last-login] | The date the user last logged in to the site. |
แก้ไข URL | [list:2:user:edit-url] | The URL of the account edit page. |
ข้อความ | [list:2:message] | The human-readable message associated to the payment transaction. |
รหัสผู้ใช้ | [list:2:uid] | The unique ID of the user who created the transaction. |
วันที่สร้าง | [list:2:created] | The date the payment transaction was created. |
Availability Calendar date display | [list:2:created:availability_calendar_date_display] | A date in 'availability_calendar_date_display' format. (03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Availability Calendar date entry | [list:2:created:availability_calendar_date_entry] | A date in 'availability_calendar_date_entry' format. (03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Availability Calendar month caption | [list:2:created:availability_calendar_month_caption] | A date in 'availability_calendar_month_caption' format. (03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Hours am/pm | [list:2:created:hours_ampm] | A date in 'hours_ampm' format. (3:29 am) |
Long format | [list:2:created:long] | A date in 'long' format. (พุธ, มีนาคม 20, 2024 - 03:29) |
Medium format | [list:2:created:medium] | A date in 'medium' format. (พ, 03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Raw timestamp | [list:2:created:raw] | A date in UNIX timestamp format (1710880172) |
Short format | [list:2:created:short] | A date in 'short' format. (03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Studyroom Availability Date | [list:2:created:studyroom_availability_date] | A date in 'studyroom_availability_date' format. (พ, 03/20/2024) |
Time-since | [list:2:created:since] | A date in 'time-since' format. (54 ปี 3 เดือน) |
กำหนดรูปแบบเอง | [list:2:created:custom:?] | A date in a custom format. See the PHP documentation for details. |
วันที่เปลี่ยนแปลง | [list:2:changed] | The date the payment transaction was last updated. |
Availability Calendar date display | [list:2:changed:availability_calendar_date_display] | A date in 'availability_calendar_date_display' format. (03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Availability Calendar date entry | [list:2:changed:availability_calendar_date_entry] | A date in 'availability_calendar_date_entry' format. (03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Availability Calendar month caption | [list:2:changed:availability_calendar_month_caption] | A date in 'availability_calendar_month_caption' format. (03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Hours am/pm | [list:2:changed:hours_ampm] | A date in 'hours_ampm' format. (3:29 am) |
Long format | [list:2:changed:long] | A date in 'long' format. (พุธ, มีนาคม 20, 2024 - 03:29) |
Medium format | [list:2:changed:medium] | A date in 'medium' format. (พ, 03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Raw timestamp | [list:2:changed:raw] | A date in UNIX timestamp format (1710880172) |
Short format | [list:2:changed:short] | A date in 'short' format. (03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Studyroom Availability Date | [list:2:changed:studyroom_availability_date] | A date in 'studyroom_availability_date' format. (พ, 03/20/2024) |
Time-since | [list:2:changed:since] | A date in 'time-since' format. (54 ปี 3 เดือน) |
กำหนดรูปแบบเอง | [list:2:changed:custom:?] | A date in a custom format. See the PHP documentation for details. |
วิธีการชำระเงิน | [list:2:payment-method] | The payment method method_id for the payment transaction. |
สถานะ | [list:2:status] | The status of this transaction (pending, success, or failure). |
หมายเลขออเด้อ | [list:2:order] | The order related to the payment transaction. |
Billing information | [list:2:order:commerce-customer-billing] | Field "commerce_customer_billing". |
Billing information | [list:2:order:commerce_customer_billing] | Customer profile reference field. |
Cancel date | [list:2:order:field-commerce-billy-cancel-date] | Field "field_commerce_billy_cancel_date". |
Cancel date | [list:2:order:field_commerce_billy_cancel_date] | Date (Unix timestamp) field. |
Coupons | [list:2:order:commerce_coupons] | Entity Reference field. |
Coupons | [list:2:order:commerce-coupons] | Field "commerce_coupons". |
Create revision | [list:2:order:revision] | Whether or not saving this order creates a new revision. |
Date placed | [list:2:order:placed] | The date the order was placed i.e. checkout was completed. |
Discount reference | [list:2:order:commerce_discounts] | Entity Reference field. |
Discount reference | [list:2:order:commerce-discounts] | Field "commerce_discounts". |
Expiration (formatted) | [list:2:order:expiration-formatted] | The time left until this order expires. Formatted by theme_commerce_cart_expiration(). |
Expiration (raw) | [list:2:order:expiration-raw] | The raw time left until this order expires in seconds. |
Host name | [list:2:order:hostname] | The IP address that created this order. |
Invoice date | [list:2:order:field-commerce-billy-i-date] | Field "field_commerce_billy_i_date". |
Invoice date | [list:2:order:field_commerce_billy_i_date] | Date (Unix timestamp) field. |
Line items | [list:2:order:commerce-line-items] | Field "commerce_line_items". |
Line items | [list:2:order:commerce_line_items] | Line item reference field. |
Order ID | [list:2:order:order-id] | The unique numeric ID of the order. |
Order e-mail | [list:2:order:mail] | The e-mail address associated with the order. |
Order e-mail prepared for username usage | [list:2:order:mail-username] | The e-mail address associated with this order with illegal characters for usernames replaced. |
Order number | [list:2:order:order-number] | The order number displayed to the customer. |
Order state | [list:2:order:state] | The current state of the order. |
Order state title | [list:2:order:state-title] | The human-readable title of the order state. |
Order status | [list:2:order:status] | The current status of the order. |
Order status title | [list:2:order:status-title] | The human-readable title of the order status. |
Order total | [list:2:order:commerce-order-total:?] | Field "commerce_order_total". The following properties may be appended to the token: amount (Amount), amount_decimal (Amount (decimal)), currency_code (Currency), data (Data) |
Order total | [list:2:order:commerce_order_total] | ราคา field. |
Order type | [list:2:order:type] | The type of the order. |
Order type name | [list:2:order:type-name] | The human-readable name of the order type. |
Original commerce order | [list:2:order:original] | The original commerce order data if the commerce order is being updated or saved. |
Owner ID | [list:2:order:uid] | The unique ID of the order owner. |
Payment method display title | [list:2:order:payment-method-display-title] | The checkout form oriented display title of the payment method for the payment transaction. |
Payment method short title | [list:2:order:payment-method-short-title] | The customer oriented short title of the payment method selected by the customer during checkout. |
Payment method title | [list:2:order:payment-method-title] | The administrative title of the payment method selected by the customer during checkout. |
URL | [list:2:order:url] | The URL of the order. |
URL | [list:2:order:admin-url] | The URL for administrators to view the order. |
URL | [list:2:order:customer-url] | The URL for customers to view the order. |
View URL | [list:2:order:view-url] | The URL a customer can visit to view the order. |
วันที่สร้าง | [list:2:order:created] | The date the order was created. |
วันที่เปลี่ยนแปลง | [list:2:order:changed] | The date the order was last updated. |
วิธีการชำระเงิน | [list:2:order:payment-method] | The method_id of the payment method selected by the customer during checkout. |
เจ้าของ | [list:2:order:owner] | The owner of the order. |
แก้ไข ID | [list:2:order:revision-id] | The unique ID of the order's latest revision. |
แก้ไข URL | [list:2:order:edit-url] | The URL of the order's edit page. |
แก้ไข ID | [list:2:revision-id] | The unique ID for the latest revision of a payment transaction. |
Payment transactions with delta 3 | [list:3] | The list item with delta 3. Delta values start from 0 and are incremented by one per list item. |
Amount | [list:3:amount] | The amount for this transaction. |
Creator | [list:3:creator] | The creator of the payment transaction. |
Account cancellation URL | [list:3:creator:cancel-url] | The URL of the confirm delete page for the user account. |
Last access | [list:3:creator:last-access] | The date the user last accessed the site. |
Location | [list:3:creator:location] | The location for this user. |
Name | [list:3:creator:name] | The login name of the user account. |
One-time login URL | [list:3:creator:one-time-login-url] | The URL of the one-time login page for the user account. |
Original user | [list:3:creator:original] | The original user data if the user is being updated or saved. |
Roles | [list:3:creator:roles] | The user roles associated with the user account. |
URL | [list:3:creator:url] | The URL of the account profile page. |
User role ids | [list:3:creator:role-ids] | The role ids the user account is a member of as comma separated list. |
User role names | [list:3:creator:role-names] | The role names the user account is a member of as comma separated list. |
ธีมเริ่มต้น | [list:3:creator:theme] | The user's default theme. |
รหัสผู้ใช้ | [list:3:creator:uid] | The unique ID of the user account. |
รูปภาพ | [list:3:creator:picture] | The picture of the user. |
สถานะ | [list:3:creator:status] | Whether the user is active or blocked. |
สร้างเมื่อ | [list:3:creator:created] | The date the user account was created. |
อีเมล | [list:3:creator:mail] | The email address of the user account. |
เข้าสู่ระบบล่าสุด | [list:3:creator:last-login] | The date the user last logged in to the site. |
แก้ไข URL | [list:3:creator:edit-url] | The URL of the account edit page. |
Currency code | [list:3:currency-code] | The currency code for the payment. |
Currency symbol | [list:3:currency-symbol] | The currency symbol for the payment. |
Formatted amount | [list:3:amount-formatted] | The formatted amount of the payment transaction. |
Order ID | [list:3:order-id] | The unique ID of the order the transaction belongs to. |
Original commerce payment transaction | [list:3:original] | The original commerce payment transaction data if the commerce payment transaction is being updated or saved. |
Amount | [list:3:original:amount] | The amount for this transaction. |
Creator | [list:3:original:creator] | The creator of the payment transaction. |
Currency code | [list:3:original:currency-code] | The currency code for the payment. |
Currency symbol | [list:3:original:currency-symbol] | The currency symbol for the payment. |
Formatted amount | [list:3:original:amount-formatted] | The formatted amount of the payment transaction. |
Order ID | [list:3:original:order-id] | The unique ID of the order the transaction belongs to. |
Payment method display title | [list:3:original:payment-method-display-title] | The checkout form oriented display title of the payment method for the payment transaction. |
Payment method short title | [list:3:original:payment-method-short-title] | The customer oriented short title of the payment method for the payment transaction. |
Payment method title | [list:3:original:payment-method-title] | The administrative title of the payment method for the payment transaction. |
Raw amount | [list:3:original:amount-raw] | The raw amount of the payment transaction. |
Remote ID | [list:3:original:remote-id] | The remote identifier for the payment transaction. |
Remote status | [list:3:original:remote-status] | The status of the transaction at the payment provider. |
Transaction ID | [list:3:original:transaction-id] | The primary identifier for a payment transaction. |
URL | [list:3:original:url] | The URL of the commerce payment transaction. |
User | [list:3:original:user] | The user who created the transaction. |
ข้อความ | [list:3:original:message] | The human-readable message associated to the payment transaction. |
รหัสผู้ใช้ | [list:3:original:uid] | The unique ID of the user who created the transaction. |
วันที่สร้าง | [list:3:original:created] | The date the payment transaction was created. |
วันที่เปลี่ยนแปลง | [list:3:original:changed] | The date the payment transaction was last updated. |
วิธีการชำระเงิน | [list:3:original:payment-method] | The payment method method_id for the payment transaction. |
สถานะ | [list:3:original:status] | The status of this transaction (pending, success, or failure). |
หมายเลขออเด้อ | [list:3:original:order] | The order related to the payment transaction. |
แก้ไข ID | [list:3:original:revision-id] | The unique ID for the latest revision of a payment transaction. |
Payment method display title | [list:3:payment-method-display-title] | The checkout form oriented display title of the payment method for the payment transaction. |
Payment method short title | [list:3:payment-method-short-title] | The customer oriented short title of the payment method for the payment transaction. |
Payment method title | [list:3:payment-method-title] | The administrative title of the payment method for the payment transaction. |
Raw amount | [list:3:amount-raw] | The raw amount of the payment transaction. |
Remote ID | [list:3:remote-id] | The remote identifier for the payment transaction. |
Remote status | [list:3:remote-status] | The status of the transaction at the payment provider. |
Transaction ID | [list:3:transaction-id] | The primary identifier for a payment transaction. |
URL | [list:3:url] | The URL of the commerce payment transaction. |
Absolute URL | [list:3:url:absolute] | The absolute URL. |
Arguments | [list:3:url:args] | The specific argument of the current page (e.g. 'arg:1' on the page 'node/1' returns '1'). |
Brief URL | [list:3:url:brief] | The URL without the protocol and trailing backslash. |
Relative URL | [list:3:url:relative] | The relative URL. |
Unaliased URL | [list:3:url:unaliased] | The unaliased URL. |
ตำแหน่งพาธ | [list:3:url:path] | The path component of the URL. |
User | [list:3:user] | The user who created the transaction. |
Account cancellation URL | [list:3:user:cancel-url] | The URL of the confirm delete page for the user account. |
Last access | [list:3:user:last-access] | The date the user last accessed the site. |
Location | [list:3:user:location] | The location for this user. |
Name | [list:3:user:name] | The login name of the user account. |
One-time login URL | [list:3:user:one-time-login-url] | The URL of the one-time login page for the user account. |
Original user | [list:3:user:original] | The original user data if the user is being updated or saved. |
Roles | [list:3:user:roles] | The user roles associated with the user account. |
URL | [list:3:user:url] | The URL of the account profile page. |
User role ids | [list:3:user:role-ids] | The role ids the user account is a member of as comma separated list. |
User role names | [list:3:user:role-names] | The role names the user account is a member of as comma separated list. |
ธีมเริ่มต้น | [list:3:user:theme] | The user's default theme. |
รหัสผู้ใช้ | [list:3:user:uid] | The unique ID of the user account. |
รูปภาพ | [list:3:user:picture] | The picture of the user. |
สถานะ | [list:3:user:status] | Whether the user is active or blocked. |
สร้างเมื่อ | [list:3:user:created] | The date the user account was created. |
อีเมล | [list:3:user:mail] | The email address of the user account. |
เข้าสู่ระบบล่าสุด | [list:3:user:last-login] | The date the user last logged in to the site. |
แก้ไข URL | [list:3:user:edit-url] | The URL of the account edit page. |
ข้อความ | [list:3:message] | The human-readable message associated to the payment transaction. |
รหัสผู้ใช้ | [list:3:uid] | The unique ID of the user who created the transaction. |
วันที่สร้าง | [list:3:created] | The date the payment transaction was created. |
Availability Calendar date display | [list:3:created:availability_calendar_date_display] | A date in 'availability_calendar_date_display' format. (03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Availability Calendar date entry | [list:3:created:availability_calendar_date_entry] | A date in 'availability_calendar_date_entry' format. (03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Availability Calendar month caption | [list:3:created:availability_calendar_month_caption] | A date in 'availability_calendar_month_caption' format. (03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Hours am/pm | [list:3:created:hours_ampm] | A date in 'hours_ampm' format. (3:29 am) |
Long format | [list:3:created:long] | A date in 'long' format. (พุธ, มีนาคม 20, 2024 - 03:29) |
Medium format | [list:3:created:medium] | A date in 'medium' format. (พ, 03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Raw timestamp | [list:3:created:raw] | A date in UNIX timestamp format (1710880172) |
Short format | [list:3:created:short] | A date in 'short' format. (03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Studyroom Availability Date | [list:3:created:studyroom_availability_date] | A date in 'studyroom_availability_date' format. (พ, 03/20/2024) |
Time-since | [list:3:created:since] | A date in 'time-since' format. (54 ปี 3 เดือน) |
กำหนดรูปแบบเอง | [list:3:created:custom:?] | A date in a custom format. See the PHP documentation for details. |
วันที่เปลี่ยนแปลง | [list:3:changed] | The date the payment transaction was last updated. |
Availability Calendar date display | [list:3:changed:availability_calendar_date_display] | A date in 'availability_calendar_date_display' format. (03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Availability Calendar date entry | [list:3:changed:availability_calendar_date_entry] | A date in 'availability_calendar_date_entry' format. (03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Availability Calendar month caption | [list:3:changed:availability_calendar_month_caption] | A date in 'availability_calendar_month_caption' format. (03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Hours am/pm | [list:3:changed:hours_ampm] | A date in 'hours_ampm' format. (3:29 am) |
Long format | [list:3:changed:long] | A date in 'long' format. (พุธ, มีนาคม 20, 2024 - 03:29) |
Medium format | [list:3:changed:medium] | A date in 'medium' format. (พ, 03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Raw timestamp | [list:3:changed:raw] | A date in UNIX timestamp format (1710880172) |
Short format | [list:3:changed:short] | A date in 'short' format. (03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Studyroom Availability Date | [list:3:changed:studyroom_availability_date] | A date in 'studyroom_availability_date' format. (พ, 03/20/2024) |
Time-since | [list:3:changed:since] | A date in 'time-since' format. (54 ปี 3 เดือน) |
กำหนดรูปแบบเอง | [list:3:changed:custom:?] | A date in a custom format. See the PHP documentation for details. |
วิธีการชำระเงิน | [list:3:payment-method] | The payment method method_id for the payment transaction. |
สถานะ | [list:3:status] | The status of this transaction (pending, success, or failure). |
หมายเลขออเด้อ | [list:3:order] | The order related to the payment transaction. |
Billing information | [list:3:order:commerce-customer-billing] | Field "commerce_customer_billing". |
Billing information | [list:3:order:commerce_customer_billing] | Customer profile reference field. |
Cancel date | [list:3:order:field-commerce-billy-cancel-date] | Field "field_commerce_billy_cancel_date". |
Cancel date | [list:3:order:field_commerce_billy_cancel_date] | Date (Unix timestamp) field. |
Coupons | [list:3:order:commerce_coupons] | Entity Reference field. |
Coupons | [list:3:order:commerce-coupons] | Field "commerce_coupons". |
Create revision | [list:3:order:revision] | Whether or not saving this order creates a new revision. |
Date placed | [list:3:order:placed] | The date the order was placed i.e. checkout was completed. |
Discount reference | [list:3:order:commerce_discounts] | Entity Reference field. |
Discount reference | [list:3:order:commerce-discounts] | Field "commerce_discounts". |
Expiration (formatted) | [list:3:order:expiration-formatted] | The time left until this order expires. Formatted by theme_commerce_cart_expiration(). |
Expiration (raw) | [list:3:order:expiration-raw] | The raw time left until this order expires in seconds. |
Host name | [list:3:order:hostname] | The IP address that created this order. |
Invoice date | [list:3:order:field-commerce-billy-i-date] | Field "field_commerce_billy_i_date". |
Invoice date | [list:3:order:field_commerce_billy_i_date] | Date (Unix timestamp) field. |
Line items | [list:3:order:commerce-line-items] | Field "commerce_line_items". |
Line items | [list:3:order:commerce_line_items] | Line item reference field. |
Order ID | [list:3:order:order-id] | The unique numeric ID of the order. |
Order e-mail | [list:3:order:mail] | The e-mail address associated with the order. |
Order e-mail prepared for username usage | [list:3:order:mail-username] | The e-mail address associated with this order with illegal characters for usernames replaced. |
Order number | [list:3:order:order-number] | The order number displayed to the customer. |
Order state | [list:3:order:state] | The current state of the order. |
Order state title | [list:3:order:state-title] | The human-readable title of the order state. |
Order status | [list:3:order:status] | The current status of the order. |
Order status title | [list:3:order:status-title] | The human-readable title of the order status. |
Order total | [list:3:order:commerce-order-total:?] | Field "commerce_order_total". The following properties may be appended to the token: amount (Amount), amount_decimal (Amount (decimal)), currency_code (Currency), data (Data) |
Order total | [list:3:order:commerce_order_total] | ราคา field. |
Order type | [list:3:order:type] | The type of the order. |
Order type name | [list:3:order:type-name] | The human-readable name of the order type. |
Original commerce order | [list:3:order:original] | The original commerce order data if the commerce order is being updated or saved. |
Owner ID | [list:3:order:uid] | The unique ID of the order owner. |
Payment method display title | [list:3:order:payment-method-display-title] | The checkout form oriented display title of the payment method for the payment transaction. |
Payment method short title | [list:3:order:payment-method-short-title] | The customer oriented short title of the payment method selected by the customer during checkout. |
Payment method title | [list:3:order:payment-method-title] | The administrative title of the payment method selected by the customer during checkout. |
URL | [list:3:order:url] | The URL of the order. |
URL | [list:3:order:admin-url] | The URL for administrators to view the order. |
URL | [list:3:order:customer-url] | The URL for customers to view the order. |
View URL | [list:3:order:view-url] | The URL a customer can visit to view the order. |
วันที่สร้าง | [list:3:order:created] | The date the order was created. |
วันที่เปลี่ยนแปลง | [list:3:order:changed] | The date the order was last updated. |
วิธีการชำระเงิน | [list:3:order:payment-method] | The method_id of the payment method selected by the customer during checkout. |
เจ้าของ | [list:3:order:owner] | The owner of the order. |
แก้ไข ID | [list:3:order:revision-id] | The unique ID of the order's latest revision. |
แก้ไข URL | [list:3:order:edit-url] | The URL of the order's edit page. |
แก้ไข ID | [list:3:revision-id] | The unique ID for the latest revision of a payment transaction. |
List of Commerce Products | | Tokens related to the "Commerce Product" entities. |
สินค้า with delta 0 | [list:0] | The list item with delta 0. Delta values start from 0 and are incremented by one per list item. |
Creator | [list:0:creator] | The creator of the product. |
Account cancellation URL | [list:0:creator:cancel-url] | The URL of the confirm delete page for the user account. |
Last access | [list:0:creator:last-access] | The date the user last accessed the site. |
Location | [list:0:creator:location] | The location for this user. |
Name | [list:0:creator:name] | The login name of the user account. |
One-time login URL | [list:0:creator:one-time-login-url] | The URL of the one-time login page for the user account. |
Original user | [list:0:creator:original] | The original user data if the user is being updated or saved. |
Roles | [list:0:creator:roles] | The user roles associated with the user account. |
URL | [list:0:creator:url] | The URL of the account profile page. |
User role ids | [list:0:creator:role-ids] | The role ids the user account is a member of as comma separated list. |
User role names | [list:0:creator:role-names] | The role names the user account is a member of as comma separated list. |
ธีมเริ่มต้น | [list:0:creator:theme] | The user's default theme. |
รหัสผู้ใช้ | [list:0:creator:uid] | The unique ID of the user account. |
รูปภาพ | [list:0:creator:picture] | The picture of the user. |
สถานะ | [list:0:creator:status] | Whether the user is active or blocked. |
สร้างเมื่อ | [list:0:creator:created] | The date the user account was created. |
อีเมล | [list:0:creator:mail] | The email address of the user account. |
เข้าสู่ระบบล่าสุด | [list:0:creator:last-login] | The date the user last logged in to the site. |
แก้ไข URL | [list:0:creator:edit-url] | The URL of the account edit page. |
Creator ID | [list:0:uid] | The unique ID of the product creator. |
Date updated | [list:0:changed] | The date the product was last updated. |
Availability Calendar date display | [list:0:changed:availability_calendar_date_display] | A date in 'availability_calendar_date_display' format. (03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Availability Calendar date entry | [list:0:changed:availability_calendar_date_entry] | A date in 'availability_calendar_date_entry' format. (03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Availability Calendar month caption | [list:0:changed:availability_calendar_month_caption] | A date in 'availability_calendar_month_caption' format. (03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Hours am/pm | [list:0:changed:hours_ampm] | A date in 'hours_ampm' format. (3:29 am) |
Long format | [list:0:changed:long] | A date in 'long' format. (พุธ, มีนาคม 20, 2024 - 03:29) |
Medium format | [list:0:changed:medium] | A date in 'medium' format. (พ, 03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Raw timestamp | [list:0:changed:raw] | A date in UNIX timestamp format (1710880172) |
Short format | [list:0:changed:short] | A date in 'short' format. (03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Studyroom Availability Date | [list:0:changed:studyroom_availability_date] | A date in 'studyroom_availability_date' format. (พ, 03/20/2024) |
Time-since | [list:0:changed:since] | A date in 'time-since' format. (54 ปี 3 เดือน) |
กำหนดรูปแบบเอง | [list:0:changed:custom:?] | A date in a custom format. See the PHP documentation for details. |
Original commerce product | [list:0:original] | The original commerce product data if the commerce product is being updated or saved. |
Creator | [list:0:original:creator] | The creator of the product. |
Creator ID | [list:0:original:uid] | The unique ID of the product creator. |
Date updated | [list:0:original:changed] | The date the product was last updated. |
Price | [list:0:original:commerce-price:?] | Field "commerce_price". The following properties may be appended to the token: amount (Amount), amount_decimal (Amount (decimal)), currency_code (Currency), data (Data) |
Price | [list:0:original:commerce_price] | ราคา field. |
Product ID | [list:0:original:product-id] | The internal numeric ID of the product. |
SKU | [list:0:original:sku] | The human readable product SKU. |
Type name | [list:0:original:type-name] | The human readable name of the product type. |
URL | [list:0:original:url] | The URL of the commerce product. |
ประเภท | [list:0:original:type] | The machine name of the product type. |
วันที่สร้าง | [list:0:original:created] | The date the product was created. |
สถานะ | [list:0:original:status] | Boolean indicating whether the product is active or disabled. |
หัวข้อ | [list:0:original:title] | The title of the product. |
แก้ไข URL | [list:0:original:edit-url] | The URL of the product's edit page. |
Price | [list:0:commerce-price:?] | Field "commerce_price". The following properties may be appended to the token: amount (Amount), amount_decimal (Amount (decimal)), currency_code (Currency), data (Data) |
Price | [list:0:commerce_price] | ราคา field. |
Product ID | [list:0:product-id] | The internal numeric ID of the product. |
SKU | [list:0:sku] | The human readable product SKU. |
Type name | [list:0:type-name] | The human readable name of the product type. |
URL | [list:0:url] | The URL of the commerce product. |
Absolute URL | [list:0:url:absolute] | The absolute URL. |
Arguments | [list:0:url:args] | The specific argument of the current page (e.g. 'arg:1' on the page 'node/1' returns '1'). |
Brief URL | [list:0:url:brief] | The URL without the protocol and trailing backslash. |
Relative URL | [list:0:url:relative] | The relative URL. |
Unaliased URL | [list:0:url:unaliased] | The unaliased URL. |
ตำแหน่งพาธ | [list:0:url:path] | The path component of the URL. |
ประเภท | [list:0:type] | The machine name of the product type. |
วันที่สร้าง | [list:0:created] | The date the product was created. |
Availability Calendar date display | [list:0:created:availability_calendar_date_display] | A date in 'availability_calendar_date_display' format. (03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Availability Calendar date entry | [list:0:created:availability_calendar_date_entry] | A date in 'availability_calendar_date_entry' format. (03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Availability Calendar month caption | [list:0:created:availability_calendar_month_caption] | A date in 'availability_calendar_month_caption' format. (03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Hours am/pm | [list:0:created:hours_ampm] | A date in 'hours_ampm' format. (3:29 am) |
Long format | [list:0:created:long] | A date in 'long' format. (พุธ, มีนาคม 20, 2024 - 03:29) |
Medium format | [list:0:created:medium] | A date in 'medium' format. (พ, 03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Raw timestamp | [list:0:created:raw] | A date in UNIX timestamp format (1710880172) |
Short format | [list:0:created:short] | A date in 'short' format. (03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Studyroom Availability Date | [list:0:created:studyroom_availability_date] | A date in 'studyroom_availability_date' format. (พ, 03/20/2024) |
Time-since | [list:0:created:since] | A date in 'time-since' format. (54 ปี 3 เดือน) |
กำหนดรูปแบบเอง | [list:0:created:custom:?] | A date in a custom format. See the PHP documentation for details. |
สถานะ | [list:0:status] | Boolean indicating whether the product is active or disabled. |
หัวข้อ | [list:0:title] | The title of the product. |
แก้ไข URL | [list:0:edit-url] | The URL of the product's edit page. |
สินค้า with delta 1 | [list:1] | The list item with delta 1. Delta values start from 0 and are incremented by one per list item. |
Creator | [list:1:creator] | The creator of the product. |
Account cancellation URL | [list:1:creator:cancel-url] | The URL of the confirm delete page for the user account. |
Last access | [list:1:creator:last-access] | The date the user last accessed the site. |
Location | [list:1:creator:location] | The location for this user. |
Name | [list:1:creator:name] | The login name of the user account. |
One-time login URL | [list:1:creator:one-time-login-url] | The URL of the one-time login page for the user account. |
Original user | [list:1:creator:original] | The original user data if the user is being updated or saved. |
Roles | [list:1:creator:roles] | The user roles associated with the user account. |
URL | [list:1:creator:url] | The URL of the account profile page. |
User role ids | [list:1:creator:role-ids] | The role ids the user account is a member of as comma separated list. |
User role names | [list:1:creator:role-names] | The role names the user account is a member of as comma separated list. |
ธีมเริ่มต้น | [list:1:creator:theme] | The user's default theme. |
รหัสผู้ใช้ | [list:1:creator:uid] | The unique ID of the user account. |
รูปภาพ | [list:1:creator:picture] | The picture of the user. |
สถานะ | [list:1:creator:status] | Whether the user is active or blocked. |
สร้างเมื่อ | [list:1:creator:created] | The date the user account was created. |
อีเมล | [list:1:creator:mail] | The email address of the user account. |
เข้าสู่ระบบล่าสุด | [list:1:creator:last-login] | The date the user last logged in to the site. |
แก้ไข URL | [list:1:creator:edit-url] | The URL of the account edit page. |
Creator ID | [list:1:uid] | The unique ID of the product creator. |
Date updated | [list:1:changed] | The date the product was last updated. |
Availability Calendar date display | [list:1:changed:availability_calendar_date_display] | A date in 'availability_calendar_date_display' format. (03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Availability Calendar date entry | [list:1:changed:availability_calendar_date_entry] | A date in 'availability_calendar_date_entry' format. (03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Availability Calendar month caption | [list:1:changed:availability_calendar_month_caption] | A date in 'availability_calendar_month_caption' format. (03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Hours am/pm | [list:1:changed:hours_ampm] | A date in 'hours_ampm' format. (3:29 am) |
Long format | [list:1:changed:long] | A date in 'long' format. (พุธ, มีนาคม 20, 2024 - 03:29) |
Medium format | [list:1:changed:medium] | A date in 'medium' format. (พ, 03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Raw timestamp | [list:1:changed:raw] | A date in UNIX timestamp format (1710880172) |
Short format | [list:1:changed:short] | A date in 'short' format. (03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Studyroom Availability Date | [list:1:changed:studyroom_availability_date] | A date in 'studyroom_availability_date' format. (พ, 03/20/2024) |
Time-since | [list:1:changed:since] | A date in 'time-since' format. (54 ปี 3 เดือน) |
กำหนดรูปแบบเอง | [list:1:changed:custom:?] | A date in a custom format. See the PHP documentation for details. |
Original commerce product | [list:1:original] | The original commerce product data if the commerce product is being updated or saved. |
Creator | [list:1:original:creator] | The creator of the product. |
Creator ID | [list:1:original:uid] | The unique ID of the product creator. |
Date updated | [list:1:original:changed] | The date the product was last updated. |
Price | [list:1:original:commerce-price:?] | Field "commerce_price". The following properties may be appended to the token: amount (Amount), amount_decimal (Amount (decimal)), currency_code (Currency), data (Data) |
Price | [list:1:original:commerce_price] | ราคา field. |
Product ID | [list:1:original:product-id] | The internal numeric ID of the product. |
SKU | [list:1:original:sku] | The human readable product SKU. |
Type name | [list:1:original:type-name] | The human readable name of the product type. |
URL | [list:1:original:url] | The URL of the commerce product. |
ประเภท | [list:1:original:type] | The machine name of the product type. |
วันที่สร้าง | [list:1:original:created] | The date the product was created. |
สถานะ | [list:1:original:status] | Boolean indicating whether the product is active or disabled. |
หัวข้อ | [list:1:original:title] | The title of the product. |
แก้ไข URL | [list:1:original:edit-url] | The URL of the product's edit page. |
Price | [list:1:commerce-price:?] | Field "commerce_price". The following properties may be appended to the token: amount (Amount), amount_decimal (Amount (decimal)), currency_code (Currency), data (Data) |
Price | [list:1:commerce_price] | ราคา field. |
Product ID | [list:1:product-id] | The internal numeric ID of the product. |
SKU | [list:1:sku] | The human readable product SKU. |
Type name | [list:1:type-name] | The human readable name of the product type. |
URL | [list:1:url] | The URL of the commerce product. |
Absolute URL | [list:1:url:absolute] | The absolute URL. |
Arguments | [list:1:url:args] | The specific argument of the current page (e.g. 'arg:1' on the page 'node/1' returns '1'). |
Brief URL | [list:1:url:brief] | The URL without the protocol and trailing backslash. |
Relative URL | [list:1:url:relative] | The relative URL. |
Unaliased URL | [list:1:url:unaliased] | The unaliased URL. |
ตำแหน่งพาธ | [list:1:url:path] | The path component of the URL. |
ประเภท | [list:1:type] | The machine name of the product type. |
วันที่สร้าง | [list:1:created] | The date the product was created. |
Availability Calendar date display | [list:1:created:availability_calendar_date_display] | A date in 'availability_calendar_date_display' format. (03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Availability Calendar date entry | [list:1:created:availability_calendar_date_entry] | A date in 'availability_calendar_date_entry' format. (03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Availability Calendar month caption | [list:1:created:availability_calendar_month_caption] | A date in 'availability_calendar_month_caption' format. (03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Hours am/pm | [list:1:created:hours_ampm] | A date in 'hours_ampm' format. (3:29 am) |
Long format | [list:1:created:long] | A date in 'long' format. (พุธ, มีนาคม 20, 2024 - 03:29) |
Medium format | [list:1:created:medium] | A date in 'medium' format. (พ, 03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Raw timestamp | [list:1:created:raw] | A date in UNIX timestamp format (1710880172) |
Short format | [list:1:created:short] | A date in 'short' format. (03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Studyroom Availability Date | [list:1:created:studyroom_availability_date] | A date in 'studyroom_availability_date' format. (พ, 03/20/2024) |
Time-since | [list:1:created:since] | A date in 'time-since' format. (54 ปี 3 เดือน) |
กำหนดรูปแบบเอง | [list:1:created:custom:?] | A date in a custom format. See the PHP documentation for details. |
สถานะ | [list:1:status] | Boolean indicating whether the product is active or disabled. |
หัวข้อ | [list:1:title] | The title of the product. |
แก้ไข URL | [list:1:edit-url] | The URL of the product's edit page. |
สินค้า with delta 2 | [list:2] | The list item with delta 2. Delta values start from 0 and are incremented by one per list item. |
Creator | [list:2:creator] | The creator of the product. |
Account cancellation URL | [list:2:creator:cancel-url] | The URL of the confirm delete page for the user account. |
Last access | [list:2:creator:last-access] | The date the user last accessed the site. |
Location | [list:2:creator:location] | The location for this user. |
Name | [list:2:creator:name] | The login name of the user account. |
One-time login URL | [list:2:creator:one-time-login-url] | The URL of the one-time login page for the user account. |
Original user | [list:2:creator:original] | The original user data if the user is being updated or saved. |
Roles | [list:2:creator:roles] | The user roles associated with the user account. |
URL | [list:2:creator:url] | The URL of the account profile page. |
User role ids | [list:2:creator:role-ids] | The role ids the user account is a member of as comma separated list. |
User role names | [list:2:creator:role-names] | The role names the user account is a member of as comma separated list. |
ธีมเริ่มต้น | [list:2:creator:theme] | The user's default theme. |
รหัสผู้ใช้ | [list:2:creator:uid] | The unique ID of the user account. |
รูปภาพ | [list:2:creator:picture] | The picture of the user. |
สถานะ | [list:2:creator:status] | Whether the user is active or blocked. |
สร้างเมื่อ | [list:2:creator:created] | The date the user account was created. |
อีเมล | [list:2:creator:mail] | The email address of the user account. |
เข้าสู่ระบบล่าสุด | [list:2:creator:last-login] | The date the user last logged in to the site. |
แก้ไข URL | [list:2:creator:edit-url] | The URL of the account edit page. |
Creator ID | [list:2:uid] | The unique ID of the product creator. |
Date updated | [list:2:changed] | The date the product was last updated. |
Availability Calendar date display | [list:2:changed:availability_calendar_date_display] | A date in 'availability_calendar_date_display' format. (03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Availability Calendar date entry | [list:2:changed:availability_calendar_date_entry] | A date in 'availability_calendar_date_entry' format. (03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Availability Calendar month caption | [list:2:changed:availability_calendar_month_caption] | A date in 'availability_calendar_month_caption' format. (03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Hours am/pm | [list:2:changed:hours_ampm] | A date in 'hours_ampm' format. (3:29 am) |
Long format | [list:2:changed:long] | A date in 'long' format. (พุธ, มีนาคม 20, 2024 - 03:29) |
Medium format | [list:2:changed:medium] | A date in 'medium' format. (พ, 03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Raw timestamp | [list:2:changed:raw] | A date in UNIX timestamp format (1710880172) |
Short format | [list:2:changed:short] | A date in 'short' format. (03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Studyroom Availability Date | [list:2:changed:studyroom_availability_date] | A date in 'studyroom_availability_date' format. (พ, 03/20/2024) |
Time-since | [list:2:changed:since] | A date in 'time-since' format. (54 ปี 3 เดือน) |
กำหนดรูปแบบเอง | [list:2:changed:custom:?] | A date in a custom format. See the PHP documentation for details. |
Original commerce product | [list:2:original] | The original commerce product data if the commerce product is being updated or saved. |
Creator | [list:2:original:creator] | The creator of the product. |
Creator ID | [list:2:original:uid] | The unique ID of the product creator. |
Date updated | [list:2:original:changed] | The date the product was last updated. |
Price | [list:2:original:commerce-price:?] | Field "commerce_price". The following properties may be appended to the token: amount (Amount), amount_decimal (Amount (decimal)), currency_code (Currency), data (Data) |
Price | [list:2:original:commerce_price] | ราคา field. |
Product ID | [list:2:original:product-id] | The internal numeric ID of the product. |
SKU | [list:2:original:sku] | The human readable product SKU. |
Type name | [list:2:original:type-name] | The human readable name of the product type. |
URL | [list:2:original:url] | The URL of the commerce product. |
ประเภท | [list:2:original:type] | The machine name of the product type. |
วันที่สร้าง | [list:2:original:created] | The date the product was created. |
สถานะ | [list:2:original:status] | Boolean indicating whether the product is active or disabled. |
หัวข้อ | [list:2:original:title] | The title of the product. |
แก้ไข URL | [list:2:original:edit-url] | The URL of the product's edit page. |
Price | [list:2:commerce-price:?] | Field "commerce_price". The following properties may be appended to the token: amount (Amount), amount_decimal (Amount (decimal)), currency_code (Currency), data (Data) |
Price | [list:2:commerce_price] | ราคา field. |
Product ID | [list:2:product-id] | The internal numeric ID of the product. |
SKU | [list:2:sku] | The human readable product SKU. |
Type name | [list:2:type-name] | The human readable name of the product type. |
URL | [list:2:url] | The URL of the commerce product. |
Absolute URL | [list:2:url:absolute] | The absolute URL. |
Arguments | [list:2:url:args] | The specific argument of the current page (e.g. 'arg:1' on the page 'node/1' returns '1'). |
Brief URL | [list:2:url:brief] | The URL without the protocol and trailing backslash. |
Relative URL | [list:2:url:relative] | The relative URL. |
Unaliased URL | [list:2:url:unaliased] | The unaliased URL. |
ตำแหน่งพาธ | [list:2:url:path] | The path component of the URL. |
ประเภท | [list:2:type] | The machine name of the product type. |
วันที่สร้าง | [list:2:created] | The date the product was created. |
Availability Calendar date display | [list:2:created:availability_calendar_date_display] | A date in 'availability_calendar_date_display' format. (03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Availability Calendar date entry | [list:2:created:availability_calendar_date_entry] | A date in 'availability_calendar_date_entry' format. (03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Availability Calendar month caption | [list:2:created:availability_calendar_month_caption] | A date in 'availability_calendar_month_caption' format. (03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Hours am/pm | [list:2:created:hours_ampm] | A date in 'hours_ampm' format. (3:29 am) |
Long format | [list:2:created:long] | A date in 'long' format. (พุธ, มีนาคม 20, 2024 - 03:29) |
Medium format | [list:2:created:medium] | A date in 'medium' format. (พ, 03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Raw timestamp | [list:2:created:raw] | A date in UNIX timestamp format (1710880172) |
Short format | [list:2:created:short] | A date in 'short' format. (03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Studyroom Availability Date | [list:2:created:studyroom_availability_date] | A date in 'studyroom_availability_date' format. (พ, 03/20/2024) |
Time-since | [list:2:created:since] | A date in 'time-since' format. (54 ปี 3 เดือน) |
กำหนดรูปแบบเอง | [list:2:created:custom:?] | A date in a custom format. See the PHP documentation for details. |
สถานะ | [list:2:status] | Boolean indicating whether the product is active or disabled. |
หัวข้อ | [list:2:title] | The title of the product. |
แก้ไข URL | [list:2:edit-url] | The URL of the product's edit page. |
สินค้า with delta 3 | [list:3] | The list item with delta 3. Delta values start from 0 and are incremented by one per list item. |
Creator | [list:3:creator] | The creator of the product. |
Account cancellation URL | [list:3:creator:cancel-url] | The URL of the confirm delete page for the user account. |
Last access | [list:3:creator:last-access] | The date the user last accessed the site. |
Location | [list:3:creator:location] | The location for this user. |
Name | [list:3:creator:name] | The login name of the user account. |
One-time login URL | [list:3:creator:one-time-login-url] | The URL of the one-time login page for the user account. |
Original user | [list:3:creator:original] | The original user data if the user is being updated or saved. |
Roles | [list:3:creator:roles] | The user roles associated with the user account. |
URL | [list:3:creator:url] | The URL of the account profile page. |
User role ids | [list:3:creator:role-ids] | The role ids the user account is a member of as comma separated list. |
User role names | [list:3:creator:role-names] | The role names the user account is a member of as comma separated list. |
ธีมเริ่มต้น | [list:3:creator:theme] | The user's default theme. |
รหัสผู้ใช้ | [list:3:creator:uid] | The unique ID of the user account. |
รูปภาพ | [list:3:creator:picture] | The picture of the user. |
สถานะ | [list:3:creator:status] | Whether the user is active or blocked. |
สร้างเมื่อ | [list:3:creator:created] | The date the user account was created. |
อีเมล | [list:3:creator:mail] | The email address of the user account. |
เข้าสู่ระบบล่าสุด | [list:3:creator:last-login] | The date the user last logged in to the site. |
แก้ไข URL | [list:3:creator:edit-url] | The URL of the account edit page. |
Creator ID | [list:3:uid] | The unique ID of the product creator. |
Date updated | [list:3:changed] | The date the product was last updated. |
Availability Calendar date display | [list:3:changed:availability_calendar_date_display] | A date in 'availability_calendar_date_display' format. (03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Availability Calendar date entry | [list:3:changed:availability_calendar_date_entry] | A date in 'availability_calendar_date_entry' format. (03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Availability Calendar month caption | [list:3:changed:availability_calendar_month_caption] | A date in 'availability_calendar_month_caption' format. (03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Hours am/pm | [list:3:changed:hours_ampm] | A date in 'hours_ampm' format. (3:29 am) |
Long format | [list:3:changed:long] | A date in 'long' format. (พุธ, มีนาคม 20, 2024 - 03:29) |
Medium format | [list:3:changed:medium] | A date in 'medium' format. (พ, 03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Raw timestamp | [list:3:changed:raw] | A date in UNIX timestamp format (1710880172) |
Short format | [list:3:changed:short] | A date in 'short' format. (03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Studyroom Availability Date | [list:3:changed:studyroom_availability_date] | A date in 'studyroom_availability_date' format. (พ, 03/20/2024) |
Time-since | [list:3:changed:since] | A date in 'time-since' format. (54 ปี 3 เดือน) |
กำหนดรูปแบบเอง | [list:3:changed:custom:?] | A date in a custom format. See the PHP documentation for details. |
Original commerce product | [list:3:original] | The original commerce product data if the commerce product is being updated or saved. |
Creator | [list:3:original:creator] | The creator of the product. |
Creator ID | [list:3:original:uid] | The unique ID of the product creator. |
Date updated | [list:3:original:changed] | The date the product was last updated. |
Price | [list:3:original:commerce-price:?] | Field "commerce_price". The following properties may be appended to the token: amount (Amount), amount_decimal (Amount (decimal)), currency_code (Currency), data (Data) |
Price | [list:3:original:commerce_price] | ราคา field. |
Product ID | [list:3:original:product-id] | The internal numeric ID of the product. |
SKU | [list:3:original:sku] | The human readable product SKU. |
Type name | [list:3:original:type-name] | The human readable name of the product type. |
URL | [list:3:original:url] | The URL of the commerce product. |
ประเภท | [list:3:original:type] | The machine name of the product type. |
วันที่สร้าง | [list:3:original:created] | The date the product was created. |
สถานะ | [list:3:original:status] | Boolean indicating whether the product is active or disabled. |
หัวข้อ | [list:3:original:title] | The title of the product. |
แก้ไข URL | [list:3:original:edit-url] | The URL of the product's edit page. |
Price | [list:3:commerce-price:?] | Field "commerce_price". The following properties may be appended to the token: amount (Amount), amount_decimal (Amount (decimal)), currency_code (Currency), data (Data) |
Price | [list:3:commerce_price] | ราคา field. |
Product ID | [list:3:product-id] | The internal numeric ID of the product. |
SKU | [list:3:sku] | The human readable product SKU. |
Type name | [list:3:type-name] | The human readable name of the product type. |
URL | [list:3:url] | The URL of the commerce product. |
Absolute URL | [list:3:url:absolute] | The absolute URL. |
Arguments | [list:3:url:args] | The specific argument of the current page (e.g. 'arg:1' on the page 'node/1' returns '1'). |
Brief URL | [list:3:url:brief] | The URL without the protocol and trailing backslash. |
Relative URL | [list:3:url:relative] | The relative URL. |
Unaliased URL | [list:3:url:unaliased] | The unaliased URL. |
ตำแหน่งพาธ | [list:3:url:path] | The path component of the URL. |
ประเภท | [list:3:type] | The machine name of the product type. |
วันที่สร้าง | [list:3:created] | The date the product was created. |
Availability Calendar date display | [list:3:created:availability_calendar_date_display] | A date in 'availability_calendar_date_display' format. (03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Availability Calendar date entry | [list:3:created:availability_calendar_date_entry] | A date in 'availability_calendar_date_entry' format. (03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Availability Calendar month caption | [list:3:created:availability_calendar_month_caption] | A date in 'availability_calendar_month_caption' format. (03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Hours am/pm | [list:3:created:hours_ampm] | A date in 'hours_ampm' format. (3:29 am) |
Long format | [list:3:created:long] | A date in 'long' format. (พุธ, มีนาคม 20, 2024 - 03:29) |
Medium format | [list:3:created:medium] | A date in 'medium' format. (พ, 03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Raw timestamp | [list:3:created:raw] | A date in UNIX timestamp format (1710880172) |
Short format | [list:3:created:short] | A date in 'short' format. (03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Studyroom Availability Date | [list:3:created:studyroom_availability_date] | A date in 'studyroom_availability_date' format. (พ, 03/20/2024) |
Time-since | [list:3:created:since] | A date in 'time-since' format. (54 ปี 3 เดือน) |
กำหนดรูปแบบเอง | [list:3:created:custom:?] | A date in a custom format. See the PHP documentation for details. |
สถานะ | [list:3:status] | Boolean indicating whether the product is active or disabled. |
หัวข้อ | [list:3:title] | The title of the product. |
แก้ไข URL | [list:3:edit-url] | The URL of the product's edit page. |
List of Files | | Tokens related to the "ไฟล์" entities. |
Files with delta 0 | [list:0] | The list item with delta 0. Delta values start from 0 and are incremented by one per list item. |
Base name | [list:0:basename] | The base name of the file. |
Extension | [list:0:extension] | The extension of the file. |
File byte size | [list:0:size-raw] | The size of the file, in bytes. |
File name | [list:0:name] | The name of the file on disk. |
MIME type | [list:0:mime] | The MIME type of the file. |
Original ไฟล์ | [list:0:original] | The original ไฟล์ data if the ไฟล์ is being updated or saved. |
Base name | [list:0:original:basename] | The base name of the file. |
Extension | [list:0:original:extension] | The extension of the file. |
File byte size | [list:0:original:size-raw] | The size of the file, in bytes. |
File name | [list:0:original:name] | The name of the file on disk. |
MIME type | [list:0:original:mime] | The MIME type of the file. |
URL | [list:0:original:url] | The web-accessible URL for the file. |
ขนาดไฟล์ | [list:0:original:size] | ขนาดของไฟล์ |
ตำแหน่งพาธ | [list:0:original:path] | The location of the file relative to Drupal root. |
รหัสไฟล์ | [list:0:original:fid] | The unique ID of the uploaded file. |
ระบุเวลา | [list:0:original:timestamp] | The date the file was most recently changed. |
เจ้าของ | [list:0:original:owner] | The user who originally uploaded the file. |
URL | [list:0:url] | The web-accessible URL for the file. |
ขนาดไฟล์ | [list:0:size] | ขนาดของไฟล์ |
ตำแหน่งพาธ | [list:0:path] | The location of the file relative to Drupal root. |
รหัสไฟล์ | [list:0:fid] | The unique ID of the uploaded file. |
ระบุเวลา | [list:0:timestamp] | The date the file was most recently changed. |
Availability Calendar date display | [list:0:timestamp:availability_calendar_date_display] | A date in 'availability_calendar_date_display' format. (03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Availability Calendar date entry | [list:0:timestamp:availability_calendar_date_entry] | A date in 'availability_calendar_date_entry' format. (03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Availability Calendar month caption | [list:0:timestamp:availability_calendar_month_caption] | A date in 'availability_calendar_month_caption' format. (03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Hours am/pm | [list:0:timestamp:hours_ampm] | A date in 'hours_ampm' format. (3:29 am) |
Long format | [list:0:timestamp:long] | A date in 'long' format. (พุธ, มีนาคม 20, 2024 - 03:29) |
Medium format | [list:0:timestamp:medium] | A date in 'medium' format. (พ, 03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Raw timestamp | [list:0:timestamp:raw] | A date in UNIX timestamp format (1710880172) |
Short format | [list:0:timestamp:short] | A date in 'short' format. (03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Studyroom Availability Date | [list:0:timestamp:studyroom_availability_date] | A date in 'studyroom_availability_date' format. (พ, 03/20/2024) |
Time-since | [list:0:timestamp:since] | A date in 'time-since' format. (54 ปี 3 เดือน) |
กำหนดรูปแบบเอง | [list:0:timestamp:custom:?] | A date in a custom format. See the PHP documentation for details. |
เจ้าของ | [list:0:owner] | The user who originally uploaded the file. |
Account cancellation URL | [list:0:owner:cancel-url] | The URL of the confirm delete page for the user account. |
Last access | [list:0:owner:last-access] | The date the user last accessed the site. |
Location | [list:0:owner:location] | The location for this user. |
Name | [list:0:owner:name] | The login name of the user account. |
One-time login URL | [list:0:owner:one-time-login-url] | The URL of the one-time login page for the user account. |
Original user | [list:0:owner:original] | The original user data if the user is being updated or saved. |
Roles | [list:0:owner:roles] | The user roles associated with the user account. |
URL | [list:0:owner:url] | The URL of the account profile page. |
User role ids | [list:0:owner:role-ids] | The role ids the user account is a member of as comma separated list. |
User role names | [list:0:owner:role-names] | The role names the user account is a member of as comma separated list. |
ธีมเริ่มต้น | [list:0:owner:theme] | The user's default theme. |
รหัสผู้ใช้ | [list:0:owner:uid] | The unique ID of the user account. |
รูปภาพ | [list:0:owner:picture] | The picture of the user. |
สถานะ | [list:0:owner:status] | Whether the user is active or blocked. |
สร้างเมื่อ | [list:0:owner:created] | The date the user account was created. |
อีเมล | [list:0:owner:mail] | The email address of the user account. |
เข้าสู่ระบบล่าสุด | [list:0:owner:last-login] | The date the user last logged in to the site. |
แก้ไข URL | [list:0:owner:edit-url] | The URL of the account edit page. |
Files with delta 1 | [list:1] | The list item with delta 1. Delta values start from 0 and are incremented by one per list item. |
Base name | [list:1:basename] | The base name of the file. |
Extension | [list:1:extension] | The extension of the file. |
File byte size | [list:1:size-raw] | The size of the file, in bytes. |
File name | [list:1:name] | The name of the file on disk. |
MIME type | [list:1:mime] | The MIME type of the file. |
Original ไฟล์ | [list:1:original] | The original ไฟล์ data if the ไฟล์ is being updated or saved. |
Base name | [list:1:original:basename] | The base name of the file. |
Extension | [list:1:original:extension] | The extension of the file. |
File byte size | [list:1:original:size-raw] | The size of the file, in bytes. |
File name | [list:1:original:name] | The name of the file on disk. |
MIME type | [list:1:original:mime] | The MIME type of the file. |
URL | [list:1:original:url] | The web-accessible URL for the file. |
ขนาดไฟล์ | [list:1:original:size] | ขนาดของไฟล์ |
ตำแหน่งพาธ | [list:1:original:path] | The location of the file relative to Drupal root. |
รหัสไฟล์ | [list:1:original:fid] | The unique ID of the uploaded file. |
ระบุเวลา | [list:1:original:timestamp] | The date the file was most recently changed. |
เจ้าของ | [list:1:original:owner] | The user who originally uploaded the file. |
URL | [list:1:url] | The web-accessible URL for the file. |
ขนาดไฟล์ | [list:1:size] | ขนาดของไฟล์ |
ตำแหน่งพาธ | [list:1:path] | The location of the file relative to Drupal root. |
รหัสไฟล์ | [list:1:fid] | The unique ID of the uploaded file. |
ระบุเวลา | [list:1:timestamp] | The date the file was most recently changed. |
Availability Calendar date display | [list:1:timestamp:availability_calendar_date_display] | A date in 'availability_calendar_date_display' format. (03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Availability Calendar date entry | [list:1:timestamp:availability_calendar_date_entry] | A date in 'availability_calendar_date_entry' format. (03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Availability Calendar month caption | [list:1:timestamp:availability_calendar_month_caption] | A date in 'availability_calendar_month_caption' format. (03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Hours am/pm | [list:1:timestamp:hours_ampm] | A date in 'hours_ampm' format. (3:29 am) |
Long format | [list:1:timestamp:long] | A date in 'long' format. (พุธ, มีนาคม 20, 2024 - 03:29) |
Medium format | [list:1:timestamp:medium] | A date in 'medium' format. (พ, 03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Raw timestamp | [list:1:timestamp:raw] | A date in UNIX timestamp format (1710880172) |
Short format | [list:1:timestamp:short] | A date in 'short' format. (03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Studyroom Availability Date | [list:1:timestamp:studyroom_availability_date] | A date in 'studyroom_availability_date' format. (พ, 03/20/2024) |
Time-since | [list:1:timestamp:since] | A date in 'time-since' format. (54 ปี 3 เดือน) |
กำหนดรูปแบบเอง | [list:1:timestamp:custom:?] | A date in a custom format. See the PHP documentation for details. |
เจ้าของ | [list:1:owner] | The user who originally uploaded the file. |
Account cancellation URL | [list:1:owner:cancel-url] | The URL of the confirm delete page for the user account. |
Last access | [list:1:owner:last-access] | The date the user last accessed the site. |
Location | [list:1:owner:location] | The location for this user. |
Name | [list:1:owner:name] | The login name of the user account. |
One-time login URL | [list:1:owner:one-time-login-url] | The URL of the one-time login page for the user account. |
Original user | [list:1:owner:original] | The original user data if the user is being updated or saved. |
Roles | [list:1:owner:roles] | The user roles associated with the user account. |
URL | [list:1:owner:url] | The URL of the account profile page. |
User role ids | [list:1:owner:role-ids] | The role ids the user account is a member of as comma separated list. |
User role names | [list:1:owner:role-names] | The role names the user account is a member of as comma separated list. |
ธีมเริ่มต้น | [list:1:owner:theme] | The user's default theme. |
รหัสผู้ใช้ | [list:1:owner:uid] | The unique ID of the user account. |
รูปภาพ | [list:1:owner:picture] | The picture of the user. |
สถานะ | [list:1:owner:status] | Whether the user is active or blocked. |
สร้างเมื่อ | [list:1:owner:created] | The date the user account was created. |
อีเมล | [list:1:owner:mail] | The email address of the user account. |
เข้าสู่ระบบล่าสุด | [list:1:owner:last-login] | The date the user last logged in to the site. |
แก้ไข URL | [list:1:owner:edit-url] | The URL of the account edit page. |
Files with delta 2 | [list:2] | The list item with delta 2. Delta values start from 0 and are incremented by one per list item. |
Base name | [list:2:basename] | The base name of the file. |
Extension | [list:2:extension] | The extension of the file. |
File byte size | [list:2:size-raw] | The size of the file, in bytes. |
File name | [list:2:name] | The name of the file on disk. |
MIME type | [list:2:mime] | The MIME type of the file. |
Original ไฟล์ | [list:2:original] | The original ไฟล์ data if the ไฟล์ is being updated or saved. |
Base name | [list:2:original:basename] | The base name of the file. |
Extension | [list:2:original:extension] | The extension of the file. |
File byte size | [list:2:original:size-raw] | The size of the file, in bytes. |
File name | [list:2:original:name] | The name of the file on disk. |
MIME type | [list:2:original:mime] | The MIME type of the file. |
URL | [list:2:original:url] | The web-accessible URL for the file. |
ขนาดไฟล์ | [list:2:original:size] | ขนาดของไฟล์ |
ตำแหน่งพาธ | [list:2:original:path] | The location of the file relative to Drupal root. |
รหัสไฟล์ | [list:2:original:fid] | The unique ID of the uploaded file. |
ระบุเวลา | [list:2:original:timestamp] | The date the file was most recently changed. |
เจ้าของ | [list:2:original:owner] | The user who originally uploaded the file. |
URL | [list:2:url] | The web-accessible URL for the file. |
ขนาดไฟล์ | [list:2:size] | ขนาดของไฟล์ |
ตำแหน่งพาธ | [list:2:path] | The location of the file relative to Drupal root. |
รหัสไฟล์ | [list:2:fid] | The unique ID of the uploaded file. |
ระบุเวลา | [list:2:timestamp] | The date the file was most recently changed. |
Availability Calendar date display | [list:2:timestamp:availability_calendar_date_display] | A date in 'availability_calendar_date_display' format. (03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Availability Calendar date entry | [list:2:timestamp:availability_calendar_date_entry] | A date in 'availability_calendar_date_entry' format. (03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Availability Calendar month caption | [list:2:timestamp:availability_calendar_month_caption] | A date in 'availability_calendar_month_caption' format. (03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Hours am/pm | [list:2:timestamp:hours_ampm] | A date in 'hours_ampm' format. (3:29 am) |
Long format | [list:2:timestamp:long] | A date in 'long' format. (พุธ, มีนาคม 20, 2024 - 03:29) |
Medium format | [list:2:timestamp:medium] | A date in 'medium' format. (พ, 03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Raw timestamp | [list:2:timestamp:raw] | A date in UNIX timestamp format (1710880172) |
Short format | [list:2:timestamp:short] | A date in 'short' format. (03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Studyroom Availability Date | [list:2:timestamp:studyroom_availability_date] | A date in 'studyroom_availability_date' format. (พ, 03/20/2024) |
Time-since | [list:2:timestamp:since] | A date in 'time-since' format. (54 ปี 3 เดือน) |
กำหนดรูปแบบเอง | [list:2:timestamp:custom:?] | A date in a custom format. See the PHP documentation for details. |
เจ้าของ | [list:2:owner] | The user who originally uploaded the file. |
Account cancellation URL | [list:2:owner:cancel-url] | The URL of the confirm delete page for the user account. |
Last access | [list:2:owner:last-access] | The date the user last accessed the site. |
Location | [list:2:owner:location] | The location for this user. |
Name | [list:2:owner:name] | The login name of the user account. |
One-time login URL | [list:2:owner:one-time-login-url] | The URL of the one-time login page for the user account. |
Original user | [list:2:owner:original] | The original user data if the user is being updated or saved. |
Roles | [list:2:owner:roles] | The user roles associated with the user account. |
URL | [list:2:owner:url] | The URL of the account profile page. |
User role ids | [list:2:owner:role-ids] | The role ids the user account is a member of as comma separated list. |
User role names | [list:2:owner:role-names] | The role names the user account is a member of as comma separated list. |
ธีมเริ่มต้น | [list:2:owner:theme] | The user's default theme. |
รหัสผู้ใช้ | [list:2:owner:uid] | The unique ID of the user account. |
รูปภาพ | [list:2:owner:picture] | The picture of the user. |
สถานะ | [list:2:owner:status] | Whether the user is active or blocked. |
สร้างเมื่อ | [list:2:owner:created] | The date the user account was created. |
อีเมล | [list:2:owner:mail] | The email address of the user account. |
เข้าสู่ระบบล่าสุด | [list:2:owner:last-login] | The date the user last logged in to the site. |
แก้ไข URL | [list:2:owner:edit-url] | The URL of the account edit page. |
Files with delta 3 | [list:3] | The list item with delta 3. Delta values start from 0 and are incremented by one per list item. |
Base name | [list:3:basename] | The base name of the file. |
Extension | [list:3:extension] | The extension of the file. |
File byte size | [list:3:size-raw] | The size of the file, in bytes. |
File name | [list:3:name] | The name of the file on disk. |
MIME type | [list:3:mime] | The MIME type of the file. |
Original ไฟล์ | [list:3:original] | The original ไฟล์ data if the ไฟล์ is being updated or saved. |
Base name | [list:3:original:basename] | The base name of the file. |
Extension | [list:3:original:extension] | The extension of the file. |
File byte size | [list:3:original:size-raw] | The size of the file, in bytes. |
File name | [list:3:original:name] | The name of the file on disk. |
MIME type | [list:3:original:mime] | The MIME type of the file. |
URL | [list:3:original:url] | The web-accessible URL for the file. |
ขนาดไฟล์ | [list:3:original:size] | ขนาดของไฟล์ |
ตำแหน่งพาธ | [list:3:original:path] | The location of the file relative to Drupal root. |
รหัสไฟล์ | [list:3:original:fid] | The unique ID of the uploaded file. |
ระบุเวลา | [list:3:original:timestamp] | The date the file was most recently changed. |
เจ้าของ | [list:3:original:owner] | The user who originally uploaded the file. |
URL | [list:3:url] | The web-accessible URL for the file. |
ขนาดไฟล์ | [list:3:size] | ขนาดของไฟล์ |
ตำแหน่งพาธ | [list:3:path] | The location of the file relative to Drupal root. |
รหัสไฟล์ | [list:3:fid] | The unique ID of the uploaded file. |
ระบุเวลา | [list:3:timestamp] | The date the file was most recently changed. |
Availability Calendar date display | [list:3:timestamp:availability_calendar_date_display] | A date in 'availability_calendar_date_display' format. (03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Availability Calendar date entry | [list:3:timestamp:availability_calendar_date_entry] | A date in 'availability_calendar_date_entry' format. (03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Availability Calendar month caption | [list:3:timestamp:availability_calendar_month_caption] | A date in 'availability_calendar_month_caption' format. (03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Hours am/pm | [list:3:timestamp:hours_ampm] | A date in 'hours_ampm' format. (3:29 am) |
Long format | [list:3:timestamp:long] | A date in 'long' format. (พุธ, มีนาคม 20, 2024 - 03:29) |
Medium format | [list:3:timestamp:medium] | A date in 'medium' format. (พ, 03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Raw timestamp | [list:3:timestamp:raw] | A date in UNIX timestamp format (1710880172) |
Short format | [list:3:timestamp:short] | A date in 'short' format. (03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Studyroom Availability Date | [list:3:timestamp:studyroom_availability_date] | A date in 'studyroom_availability_date' format. (พ, 03/20/2024) |
Time-since | [list:3:timestamp:since] | A date in 'time-since' format. (54 ปี 3 เดือน) |
กำหนดรูปแบบเอง | [list:3:timestamp:custom:?] | A date in a custom format. See the PHP documentation for details. |
เจ้าของ | [list:3:owner] | The user who originally uploaded the file. |
Account cancellation URL | [list:3:owner:cancel-url] | The URL of the confirm delete page for the user account. |
Last access | [list:3:owner:last-access] | The date the user last accessed the site. |
Location | [list:3:owner:location] | The location for this user. |
Name | [list:3:owner:name] | The login name of the user account. |
One-time login URL | [list:3:owner:one-time-login-url] | The URL of the one-time login page for the user account. |
Original user | [list:3:owner:original] | The original user data if the user is being updated or saved. |
Roles | [list:3:owner:roles] | The user roles associated with the user account. |
URL | [list:3:owner:url] | The URL of the account profile page. |
User role ids | [list:3:owner:role-ids] | The role ids the user account is a member of as comma separated list. |
User role names | [list:3:owner:role-names] | The role names the user account is a member of as comma separated list. |
ธีมเริ่มต้น | [list:3:owner:theme] | The user's default theme. |
รหัสผู้ใช้ | [list:3:owner:uid] | The unique ID of the user account. |
รูปภาพ | [list:3:owner:picture] | The picture of the user. |
สถานะ | [list:3:owner:status] | Whether the user is active or blocked. |
สร้างเมื่อ | [list:3:owner:created] | The date the user account was created. |
อีเมล | [list:3:owner:mail] | The email address of the user account. |
เข้าสู่ระบบล่าสุด | [list:3:owner:last-login] | The date the user last logged in to the site. |
แก้ไข URL | [list:3:owner:edit-url] | The URL of the account edit page. |
List of Nodes | | Tokens related to the "Node" entities. |
Nodes with delta 0 | [list:0] | The list item with delta 0. Delta values start from 0 and are incremented by one per list item. |
Address compay | [list:0:field_address_compay] | Geofield field. |
Address compay | [list:0:field-address-compay:?] | Field "field_address_compay". The following properties may be appended to the token: geom (Well-known text), geo_type (Geo Type), lat (Latitude), lon (Longitude), left (Left Latitude), top (Top Longitude), right (Right Latitude), bottom (Bottom Longitude), srid (Projection (SRID)), latlon (LatLong Pair), schemaorg_shape ( Shape) |
Author | [list:0:author] | The author of the node. |
Account cancellation URL | [list:0:author:cancel-url] | The URL of the confirm delete page for the user account. |
Last access | [list:0:author:last-access] | The date the user last accessed the site. |
Location | [list:0:author:location] | The location for this user. |
Name | [list:0:author:name] | The login name of the user account. |
One-time login URL | [list:0:author:one-time-login-url] | The URL of the one-time login page for the user account. |
Original user | [list:0:author:original] | The original user data if the user is being updated or saved. |
Roles | [list:0:author:roles] | The user roles associated with the user account. |
URL | [list:0:author:url] | The URL of the account profile page. |
User role ids | [list:0:author:role-ids] | The role ids the user account is a member of as comma separated list. |
User role names | [list:0:author:role-names] | The role names the user account is a member of as comma separated list. |
ธีมเริ่มต้น | [list:0:author:theme] | The user's default theme. |
รหัสผู้ใช้ | [list:0:author:uid] | The unique ID of the user account. |
รูปภาพ | [list:0:author:picture] | The picture of the user. |
สถานะ | [list:0:author:status] | Whether the user is active or blocked. |
สร้างเมื่อ | [list:0:author:created] | The date the user account was created. |
อีเมล | [list:0:author:mail] | The email address of the user account. |
เข้าสู่ระบบล่าสุด | [list:0:author:last-login] | The date the user last logged in to the site. |
แก้ไข URL | [list:0:author:edit-url] | The URL of the account edit page. |
Availability | [list:0:field_availability] | Rooms Availability Reference field. |
Bill money | [list:0:field_bill_money] | Image field. |
Bill money | [list:0:field-bill-money:?] | Field "field_bill_money". The following properties may be appended to the token: file (The image file.) |
Block location fried | [list:0:field-block-location-frieds:?] | Field "field_block_location_frieds". The following properties may be appended to the token: geom (Well-known text), geo_type (Geo Type), lat (Latitude), lon (Longitude), left (Left Latitude), top (Top Longitude), right (Right Latitude), bottom (Bottom Longitude), srid (Projection (SRID)), latlon (LatLong Pair), schemaorg_shape ( Shape) |
Block location fried | [list:0:field_block_location_frieds] | Geofield field. |
Body | [list:0:body:?] | The main body text of the node. The following properties may be appended to the token: value (ข้อความ), summary (Summary), format (รูปแบบข้อความ) |
Content ID | [list:0:nid] | The unique ID of the content item, or "node". |
Creates revision | [list:0:revision] | Whether saving this node creates a new revision. |
Date | [list:0:event_calendar_date] | วันที่ field. |
Date | [list:0:event-calendar-date:?] | Field "event_calendar_date". The following properties may be appended to the token: value (Start date), value2 (End date), duration (Duration) |
Description | [list:0:field_description] | Long text and summary field. |
Description | [list:0:field-description:?] | Field "field_description". The following properties may be appended to the token: value (ข้อความ), summary (Summary), format (รูปแบบข้อความ) |
Email customer | [list:0:field_email_customer] | ข้อความ field. |
Email customer | [list:0:field-email-customer] | Field "field_email_customer". |
FlexSlider Example Image | [list:0:field-flexslider-example-image:?] | Field "field_flexslider_example_image". The following properties may be appended to the token: file (The image file.) |
FlexSlider Example Image | [list:0:field_flexslider_example_image] | Image field. |
FlexSlider Example Slideshow | [list:0:field_flexslider_example_slidesh] | Image field. |
FlexSlider Example Slideshow | [list:0:field-flexslider-example-slidesh:?] | Field "field_flexslider_example_slidesh". The following properties may be appended to the token: file (The image file.), title (The "Title" attribute text) |
Full name | [list:0:field-full-name-or-order] | Field "field_full_name_or_order". |
Address | [list:0:field-full-name-or-order:commerce-customer-address:?] | Field "commerce_customer_address". The following properties may be appended to the token: country (ประเทศ), name_line (ชื่อเต็ม), first_name (ชื่อจริง), last_name (นามสกุล), organisation_name (บริษัท), administrative_area (Administrative area (i.e. State / Province)), sub_administrative_area (Sub administrative area), locality (Locality (i.e. City)), dependent_locality (Dependent locality), postal_code (รหัสไปรษณีย์), thoroughfare (ที่อยู่ถนน), premise (Premise (i.e. Apartment / Suite number)), sub_premise (Sub Premise (i.e. Suite, Apartment, Floor, Unknown.) |
Address | [list:0:field-full-name-or-order:commerce_customer_address] | Postal address field. |
Customer profile ID | [list:0:field-full-name-or-order:customer-profile-id] | The unique numeric ID of the customer profile. |
Customer profile owner | [list:0:field-full-name-or-order:owner] | The user the customer profile belongs to. |
Customer profile type | [list:0:field-full-name-or-order:type] | The type of the customer profile. |
Customer profile type name | [list:0:field-full-name-or-order:type-name] | The type name of the customer profile. |
Date updated | [list:0:field-full-name-or-order:changed] | The date the customer profile was last updated. |
Original commerce customer profile | [list:0:field-full-name-or-order:original] | The original commerce customer profile data if the commerce customer profile is being updated or saved. |
Profile ID | [list:0:field-full-name-or-order:profile-id] | The internal numeric ID of the customer profile. |
URL | [list:0:field-full-name-or-order:url] | The URL of the commerce customer profile. |
User | [list:0:field-full-name-or-order:user] | The user the customer profile belongs to. |
รหัสผู้ใช้ | [list:0:field-full-name-or-order:uid] | The unique ID of the user the customer profile belongs to. |
วันที่สร้าง | [list:0:field-full-name-or-order:created] | The date the customer profile was created. |
สถานะ | [list:0:field-full-name-or-order:status] | Whether or not the customer profile is active. |
แก้ไข ID | [list:0:field-full-name-or-order:revision-id] | The unique ID of the customer profile's latest revision. |
Full name | [list:0:field_full_name_or_order] | Entity Reference field. |
Image | [list:0:field-image:?] | Field "field_image". The following properties may be appended to the token: file (The image file.), alt (The "Alt" attribute text) |
Image_home | [list:0:field-image-home:?] | Field "field_image_home". The following properties may be appended to the token: file (The image file.) |
Image_home | [list:0:field_image_home] | Image field. |
Images | [list:0:field_image] | Image field. Also known as Image. |
Images | [list:0:field_images] | Image field. |
Images | [list:0:field-images:?] | Field "field_images". The following properties may be appended to the token: file (The image file.) |
Is new | [list:0:is-new] | Whether the node is new and not saved to the database yet. |
Language | [list:0:language] | The language the node is written in. |
Last view | [list:0:last-view] | The date on which a visitor last read the node. |
Availability Calendar date display | [list:0:last-view:availability_calendar_date_display] | A date in 'availability_calendar_date_display' format. (03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Availability Calendar date entry | [list:0:last-view:availability_calendar_date_entry] | A date in 'availability_calendar_date_entry' format. (03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Availability Calendar month caption | [list:0:last-view:availability_calendar_month_caption] | A date in 'availability_calendar_month_caption' format. (03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Hours am/pm | [list:0:last-view:hours_ampm] | A date in 'hours_ampm' format. (3:29 am) |
Long format | [list:0:last-view:long] | A date in 'long' format. (พุธ, มีนาคม 20, 2024 - 03:29) |
Medium format | [list:0:last-view:medium] | A date in 'medium' format. (พ, 03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Raw timestamp | [list:0:last-view:raw] | A date in UNIX timestamp format (1710880172) |
Short format | [list:0:last-view:short] | A date in 'short' format. (03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Studyroom Availability Date | [list:0:last-view:studyroom_availability_date] | A date in 'studyroom_availability_date' format. (พ, 03/20/2024) |
Time-since | [list:0:last-view:since] | A date in 'time-since' format. (54 ปี 3 เดือน) |
กำหนดรูปแบบเอง | [list:0:last-view:custom:?] | A date in a custom format. See the PHP documentation for details. |
Location | [list:0:location] | The location for this node. |
Additional | [list:0:location:additional:?] | Additional (If there are multiple locations, N is the iteration, starting with 0). |
Country Name | [list:0:location:country_name:?] | Country Name (If there are multiple locations, N is the iteration, starting with 0). |
Latitude | [list:0:location:latitude:?] | Latitude (If there are multiple locations, N is the iteration, starting with 0). |
Location Name | [list:0:location:name:?] | Location Name (If there are multiple locations, N is the iteration, starting with 0). |
Longitude | [list:0:location:longitude:?] | Longitude (If there are multiple locations, N is the iteration, starting with 0). |
Postal Code | [list:0:location:postal_code:?] | Postal Code (If there are multiple locations, N is the iteration, starting with 0). |
State/Province Name | [list:0:location:province_name:?] | State/Province Name (If there are multiple locations, N is the iteration, starting with 0). |
Street | [list:0:location:street:?] | Street (If there are multiple locations, N is the iteration, starting with 0). |
ประเทศ | [list:0:location:country:?] | Country (If there are multiple locations, N is the iteration, starting with 0). |
รัฐ / จังหวัด | [list:0:location:province:?] | State/Province (If there are multiple locations, N is the iteration, starting with 0). |
เมือง | [list:0:location:city:?] | City (If there are multiple locations, N is the iteration, starting with 0). |
Order | [list:0:field_order] | Entity Reference field. |
Order | [list:0:field-order] | Field "field_order". |
Billing information | [list:0:field-order:commerce-customer-billing] | Field "commerce_customer_billing". |
Billing information | [list:0:field-order:commerce_customer_billing] | Customer profile reference field. |
Cancel date | [list:0:field-order:field-commerce-billy-cancel-date] | Field "field_commerce_billy_cancel_date". |
Cancel date | [list:0:field-order:field_commerce_billy_cancel_date] | Date (Unix timestamp) field. |
Coupons | [list:0:field-order:commerce_coupons] | Entity Reference field. |
Coupons | [list:0:field-order:commerce-coupons] | Field "commerce_coupons". |
Create revision | [list:0:field-order:revision] | Whether or not saving this order creates a new revision. |
Date placed | [list:0:field-order:placed] | The date the order was placed i.e. checkout was completed. |
Discount reference | [list:0:field-order:commerce_discounts] | Entity Reference field. |
Discount reference | [list:0:field-order:commerce-discounts] | Field "commerce_discounts". |
Expiration (formatted) | [list:0:field-order:expiration-formatted] | The time left until this order expires. Formatted by theme_commerce_cart_expiration(). |
Expiration (raw) | [list:0:field-order:expiration-raw] | The raw time left until this order expires in seconds. |
Host name | [list:0:field-order:hostname] | The IP address that created this order. |
Invoice date | [list:0:field-order:field-commerce-billy-i-date] | Field "field_commerce_billy_i_date". |
Invoice date | [list:0:field-order:field_commerce_billy_i_date] | Date (Unix timestamp) field. |
Line items | [list:0:field-order:commerce-line-items] | Field "commerce_line_items". |
Line items | [list:0:field-order:commerce_line_items] | Line item reference field. |
Order ID | [list:0:field-order:order-id] | The unique numeric ID of the order. |
Order e-mail | [list:0:field-order:mail] | The e-mail address associated with the order. |
Order e-mail prepared for username usage | [list:0:field-order:mail-username] | The e-mail address associated with this order with illegal characters for usernames replaced. |
Order number | [list:0:field-order:order-number] | The order number displayed to the customer. |
Order state | [list:0:field-order:state] | The current state of the order. |
Order state title | [list:0:field-order:state-title] | The human-readable title of the order state. |
Order status | [list:0:field-order:status] | The current status of the order. |
Order status title | [list:0:field-order:status-title] | The human-readable title of the order status. |
Order total | [list:0:field-order:commerce-order-total:?] | Field "commerce_order_total". The following properties may be appended to the token: amount (Amount), amount_decimal (Amount (decimal)), currency_code (Currency), data (Data) |
Order total | [list:0:field-order:commerce_order_total] | ราคา field. |
Order type | [list:0:field-order:type] | The type of the order. |
Order type name | [list:0:field-order:type-name] | The human-readable name of the order type. |
Original commerce order | [list:0:field-order:original] | The original commerce order data if the commerce order is being updated or saved. |
Owner ID | [list:0:field-order:uid] | The unique ID of the order owner. |
Payment method display title | [list:0:field-order:payment-method-display-title] | The checkout form oriented display title of the payment method for the payment transaction. |
Payment method short title | [list:0:field-order:payment-method-short-title] | The customer oriented short title of the payment method selected by the customer during checkout. |
Payment method title | [list:0:field-order:payment-method-title] | The administrative title of the payment method selected by the customer during checkout. |
URL | [list:0:field-order:url] | The URL of the order. |
URL | [list:0:field-order:admin-url] | The URL for administrators to view the order. |
URL | [list:0:field-order:customer-url] | The URL for customers to view the order. |
View URL | [list:0:field-order:view-url] | The URL a customer can visit to view the order. |
วันที่สร้าง | [list:0:field-order:created] | The date the order was created. |
วันที่เปลี่ยนแปลง | [list:0:field-order:changed] | The date the order was last updated. |
วิธีการชำระเงิน | [list:0:field-order:payment-method] | The method_id of the payment method selected by the customer during checkout. |
เจ้าของ | [list:0:field-order:owner] | The owner of the order. |
แก้ไข ID | [list:0:field-order:revision-id] | The unique ID of the order's latest revision. |
แก้ไข URL | [list:0:field-order:edit-url] | The URL of the order's edit page. |
Original node | [list:0:original] | The original node data if the node is being updated or saved. |
Address compay | [list:0:original:field_address_compay] | Geofield field. |
Address compay | [list:0:original:field-address-compay:?] | Field "field_address_compay". The following properties may be appended to the token: geom (Well-known text), geo_type (Geo Type), lat (Latitude), lon (Longitude), left (Left Latitude), top (Top Longitude), right (Right Latitude), bottom (Bottom Longitude), srid (Projection (SRID)), latlon (LatLong Pair), schemaorg_shape ( Shape) |
Author | [list:0:original:author] | The author of the node. |
Availability | [list:0:original:field_availability] | Rooms Availability Reference field. |
Bill money | [list:0:original:field_bill_money] | Image field. |
Bill money | [list:0:original:field-bill-money:?] | Field "field_bill_money". The following properties may be appended to the token: file (The image file.) |
Block location fried | [list:0:original:field-block-location-frieds:?] | Field "field_block_location_frieds". The following properties may be appended to the token: geom (Well-known text), geo_type (Geo Type), lat (Latitude), lon (Longitude), left (Left Latitude), top (Top Longitude), right (Right Latitude), bottom (Bottom Longitude), srid (Projection (SRID)), latlon (LatLong Pair), schemaorg_shape ( Shape) |
Block location fried | [list:0:original:field_block_location_frieds] | Geofield field. |
Body | [list:0:original:body:?] | The main body text of the node. The following properties may be appended to the token: value (ข้อความ), summary (Summary), format (รูปแบบข้อความ) |
Content ID | [list:0:original:nid] | The unique ID of the content item, or "node". |
Creates revision | [list:0:original:revision] | Whether saving this node creates a new revision. |
Date | [list:0:original:event_calendar_date] | วันที่ field. |
Date | [list:0:original:event-calendar-date:?] | Field "event_calendar_date". The following properties may be appended to the token: value (Start date), value2 (End date), duration (Duration) |
Description | [list:0:original:field_description] | Long text and summary field. |
Description | [list:0:original:field-description:?] | Field "field_description". The following properties may be appended to the token: value (ข้อความ), summary (Summary), format (รูปแบบข้อความ) |
Email customer | [list:0:original:field_email_customer] | ข้อความ field. |
Email customer | [list:0:original:field-email-customer] | Field "field_email_customer". |
FlexSlider Example Image | [list:0:original:field-flexslider-example-image:?] | Field "field_flexslider_example_image". The following properties may be appended to the token: file (The image file.) |
FlexSlider Example Image | [list:0:original:field_flexslider_example_image] | Image field. |
FlexSlider Example Slideshow | [list:0:original:field_flexslider_example_slidesh] | Image field. |
FlexSlider Example Slideshow | [list:0:original:field-flexslider-example-slidesh:?] | Field "field_flexslider_example_slidesh". The following properties may be appended to the token: file (The image file.), title (The "Title" attribute text) |
Full name | [list:0:original:field-full-name-or-order] | Field "field_full_name_or_order". |
Full name | [list:0:original:field_full_name_or_order] | Entity Reference field. |
Image | [list:0:original:field-image:?] | Field "field_image". The following properties may be appended to the token: file (The image file.), alt (The "Alt" attribute text) |
Image_home | [list:0:original:field-image-home:?] | Field "field_image_home". The following properties may be appended to the token: file (The image file.) |
Image_home | [list:0:original:field_image_home] | Image field. |
Images | [list:0:original:field_image] | Image field. Also known as Image. |
Images | [list:0:original:field_images] | Image field. |
Images | [list:0:original:field-images:?] | Field "field_images". The following properties may be appended to the token: file (The image file.) |
Is new | [list:0:original:is-new] | Whether the node is new and not saved to the database yet. |
Language | [list:0:original:language] | The language the node is written in. |
Last view | [list:0:original:last-view] | The date on which a visitor last read the node. |
Location | [list:0:original:location] | The location for this node. |
Order | [list:0:original:field_order] | Entity Reference field. |
Order | [list:0:original:field-order] | Field "field_order". |
Poll votes | [list:0:original:poll-votes] | The number of votes that have been cast on a poll. |
Poll winner | [list:0:original:poll-winner] | The winning poll answer. |
Poll winner percent | [list:0:original:poll-winner-percent] | The percentage of votes received by the winning poll answer. |
Poll winner votes | [list:0:original:poll-winner-votes] | The number of votes received by the winning poll answer. |
Promoted to frontpage | [list:0:original:promote] | Whether the node is promoted to the frontpage. |
Slideshow Image | [list:0:original:field-slideshow-image:?] | Field "field_slideshow_image". The following properties may be appended to the token: file (The image file.) |
Slideshow Image | [list:0:original:field_slideshow_image] | Image field. |
Status | [list:0:original:event_calendar_status] | คำอ้างอิง field. |
Status | [list:0:original:event-calendar-status] | Field "event_calendar_status". |
Sticky in lists | [list:0:original:sticky] | Whether the node is displayed at the top of lists in which it appears. |
Summary | [list:0:original:summary] | The summary of the node's main body text. |
Tags | [list:0:original:field_tags] | คำอ้างอิง field. |
Tags | [list:0:original:field-tags] | Field "field_tags". |
The information entered is correct. | [list:0:original:field_n] | บูลีน field. |
The information entered is correct. | [list:0:original:field-n] | Field "field_n". |
Translation source node | [list:0:original:source] | The source node for this current node's translation set. |
URL | [list:0:original:url] | The URL of the node. |
Vedio | [list:0:original:field-vedios:?] | Field "field_vedios". The following properties may be appended to the token: input (YouTube URL), video_id (YouTube Video ID) |
Vedio: Default | [list:0:original:field_vedios] | The YouTube video field value's Default (or Token if exists) view mode output. |
Vedio: Image URL | [list:0:original:field_vedios__youtube_image_url] | The YouTube video field value's local image URL. |
Vedio: Video URL | [list:0:original:field_vedios__youtube_video_url] | The YouTube video field value's URL. |
Vedio samui iland youtube | [list:0:original:field-vedio-samui-iland-youtube-:?] | Field "field_vedio_samui_iland_youtube_". The following properties may be appended to the token: input (YouTube URL), video_id (YouTube Video ID) |
Vedio samui iland youtube : Default | [list:0:original:field_vedio_samui_iland_youtube_] | The YouTube video field value's Default (or Token if exists) view mode output. |
Vedio samui iland youtube : Image URL | [list:0:original:field_vedio_samui_iland_youtube___youtube_image_url] | The YouTube video field value's local image URL. |
Vedio samui iland youtube : Video URL | [list:0:original:field_vedio_samui_iland_youtube___youtube_video_url] | The YouTube video field value's URL. |
Views today | [list:0:original:day-views] | The number of visitors who have read the node today. |
Views today | [list:0:original:day-count] | The number of visitors who have read the node today. |
กระดานสนทนา ถาม ตอบ | [list:0:original:taxonomy-forums] | Field "taxonomy_forums". |
กระดานสนทนา ถาม ตอบ | [list:0:original:taxonomy_forums] | คำอ้างอิง field. |
การแก้ไขการบันทึกข้อความ | [list:0:original:log] | The explanation of the most recent changes made to the node. |
จำนวนการเข้าชม | [list:0:original:total-count] | The number of visitors who have read the node. |
จำนวนการเข้าชม | [list:0:original:views] | The number of visitors who have read the node. |
ชนิดของเนื้อหา | [list:0:original:content-type] | The content type of the node. |
ระยะเวลาแบบสำรวจ | [list:0:original:poll-duration] | The length of time the poll is set to run. |
วันที่สร้าง | [list:0:original:created] | The date the node was posted. |
วันที่เปลี่ยนแปลง | [list:0:original:changed] | The date the node was most recently updated. |
สถานะ | [list:0:original:status] | Whether the node is published or unpublished. |
หัวข้อ | [list:0:original:title] | The title of the node. |
แก้ไข ID | [list:0:original:vid] | The unique ID of the node's latest revision. |
แก้ไข URL | [list:0:original:edit-url] | The URL of the node's edit page. |
Poll votes | [list:0:poll-votes] | The number of votes that have been cast on a poll. |
Poll winner | [list:0:poll-winner] | The winning poll answer. |
Poll winner percent | [list:0:poll-winner-percent] | The percentage of votes received by the winning poll answer. |
Poll winner votes | [list:0:poll-winner-votes] | The number of votes received by the winning poll answer. |
Promoted to frontpage | [list:0:promote] | Whether the node is promoted to the frontpage. |
Slideshow Image | [list:0:field-slideshow-image:?] | Field "field_slideshow_image". The following properties may be appended to the token: file (The image file.) |
Slideshow Image | [list:0:field_slideshow_image] | Image field. |
Status | [list:0:event_calendar_status] | คำอ้างอิง field. |
Status | [list:0:event-calendar-status] | Field "event_calendar_status". |
All parent terms | [list:0:event-calendar-status:parents-all] | Ancestors of the term, i.e. parent of all above hierarchy levels. |
Description (localized) | [list:0:event-calendar-status:i18n-description] | The optional description of the taxonomy term. |
Name | [list:0:event-calendar-status:name] | The name of the taxonomy term. |
Name (localized) | [list:0:event-calendar-status:i18n-name] | The name of the taxonomy term. |
Name in current language | [list:0:event-calendar-status:localized-name] | The name of the taxonomy term in current language. |
Node count | [list:0:event-calendar-status:node-count] | The number of nodes tagged with the taxonomy term. |
Original taxonomy term | [list:0:event-calendar-status:original] | The original taxonomy term data if the taxonomy term is being updated or saved. |
Parents | [list:0:event-calendar-status:parents] | An array of all the term's parents, starting with the root. |
Parent term (localized) | [list:0:event-calendar-status:i18n-parent] | The parent term of the taxonomy term, if one exists. |
Root term | [list:0:event-calendar-status:root] | The root term of the taxonomy term. |
Term ID | [list:0:event-calendar-status:tid] | The unique ID of the taxonomy term. |
URL | [list:0:event-calendar-status:url] | The URL of the taxonomy term. |
Vocabulary (localized) | [list:0:event-calendar-status:i18n-vocabulary] | The vocabulary the taxonomy term belongs to. |
คำศัพท์ | [list:0:event-calendar-status:vocabulary] | The vocabulary the taxonomy term belongs to. |
คำอธิบาย | [list:0:event-calendar-status:description] | The optional description of the taxonomy term. |
น้ำหนัก | [list:0:event-calendar-status:weight] | The weight of the term, which is used for ordering terms during display. |
ลำดับชั้นของ Term | [list:0:event-calendar-status:parent] | The parent term of the taxonomy term, if one exists. |
แก้ไข URL | [list:0:event-calendar-status:edit-url] | The URL of the taxonomy term's edit page. |
Sticky in lists | [list:0:sticky] | Whether the node is displayed at the top of lists in which it appears. |
Summary | [list:0:summary] | The summary of the node's main body text. |
Tags | [list:0:field_tags] | คำอ้างอิง field. |
Tags | [list:0:field-tags] | Field "field_tags". |
แง่อนุกรมวิธาน with delta 1 | [list:0:field-tags:1] | The list item with delta 1. Delta values start from 0 and are incremented by one per list item. |
แง่อนุกรมวิธาน with delta 2 | [list:0:field-tags:2] | The list item with delta 2. Delta values start from 0 and are incremented by one per list item. |
แง่อนุกรมวิธาน with delta 3 | [list:0:field-tags:3] | The list item with delta 3. Delta values start from 0 and are incremented by one per list item. |
The information entered is correct. | [list:0:field_n] | บูลีน field. |
The information entered is correct. | [list:0:field-n] | Field "field_n". |
Translation source node | [list:0:source] | The source node for this current node's translation set. |
Address compay | [list:0:source:field_address_compay] | Geofield field. |
Address compay | [list:0:source:field-address-compay:?] | Field "field_address_compay". The following properties may be appended to the token: geom (Well-known text), geo_type (Geo Type), lat (Latitude), lon (Longitude), left (Left Latitude), top (Top Longitude), right (Right Latitude), bottom (Bottom Longitude), srid (Projection (SRID)), latlon (LatLong Pair), schemaorg_shape ( Shape) |
Author | [list:0:source:author] | The author of the node. |
Availability | [list:0:source:field_availability] | Rooms Availability Reference field. |
Bill money | [list:0:source:field_bill_money] | Image field. |
Bill money | [list:0:source:field-bill-money:?] | Field "field_bill_money". The following properties may be appended to the token: file (The image file.) |
Block location fried | [list:0:source:field-block-location-frieds:?] | Field "field_block_location_frieds". The following properties may be appended to the token: geom (Well-known text), geo_type (Geo Type), lat (Latitude), lon (Longitude), left (Left Latitude), top (Top Longitude), right (Right Latitude), bottom (Bottom Longitude), srid (Projection (SRID)), latlon (LatLong Pair), schemaorg_shape ( Shape) |
Block location fried | [list:0:source:field_block_location_frieds] | Geofield field. |
Body | [list:0:source:body:?] | The main body text of the node. The following properties may be appended to the token: value (ข้อความ), summary (Summary), format (รูปแบบข้อความ) |
Content ID | [list:0:source:nid] | The unique ID of the content item, or "node". |
Creates revision | [list:0:source:revision] | Whether saving this node creates a new revision. |
Date | [list:0:source:event_calendar_date] | วันที่ field. |
Date | [list:0:source:event-calendar-date:?] | Field "event_calendar_date". The following properties may be appended to the token: value (Start date), value2 (End date), duration (Duration) |
Description | [list:0:source:field_description] | Long text and summary field. |
Description | [list:0:source:field-description:?] | Field "field_description". The following properties may be appended to the token: value (ข้อความ), summary (Summary), format (รูปแบบข้อความ) |
Email customer | [list:0:source:field_email_customer] | ข้อความ field. |
Email customer | [list:0:source:field-email-customer] | Field "field_email_customer". |
FlexSlider Example Image | [list:0:source:field-flexslider-example-image:?] | Field "field_flexslider_example_image". The following properties may be appended to the token: file (The image file.) |
FlexSlider Example Image | [list:0:source:field_flexslider_example_image] | Image field. |
FlexSlider Example Slideshow | [list:0:source:field_flexslider_example_slidesh] | Image field. |
FlexSlider Example Slideshow | [list:0:source:field-flexslider-example-slidesh:?] | Field "field_flexslider_example_slidesh". The following properties may be appended to the token: file (The image file.), title (The "Title" attribute text) |
Full name | [list:0:source:field-full-name-or-order] | Field "field_full_name_or_order". |
Full name | [list:0:source:field_full_name_or_order] | Entity Reference field. |
Image | [list:0:source:field-image:?] | Field "field_image". The following properties may be appended to the token: file (The image file.), alt (The "Alt" attribute text) |
Image_home | [list:0:source:field-image-home:?] | Field "field_image_home". The following properties may be appended to the token: file (The image file.) |
Image_home | [list:0:source:field_image_home] | Image field. |
Images | [list:0:source:field_image] | Image field. Also known as Image. |
Images | [list:0:source:field_images] | Image field. |
Images | [list:0:source:field-images:?] | Field "field_images". The following properties may be appended to the token: file (The image file.) |
Is new | [list:0:source:is-new] | Whether the node is new and not saved to the database yet. |
Language | [list:0:source:language] | The language the node is written in. |
Last view | [list:0:source:last-view] | The date on which a visitor last read the node. |
Location | [list:0:source:location] | The location for this node. |
Order | [list:0:source:field_order] | Entity Reference field. |
Order | [list:0:source:field-order] | Field "field_order". |
Original node | [list:0:source:original] | The original node data if the node is being updated or saved. |
Poll votes | [list:0:source:poll-votes] | The number of votes that have been cast on a poll. |
Poll winner | [list:0:source:poll-winner] | The winning poll answer. |
Poll winner percent | [list:0:source:poll-winner-percent] | The percentage of votes received by the winning poll answer. |
Poll winner votes | [list:0:source:poll-winner-votes] | The number of votes received by the winning poll answer. |
Promoted to frontpage | [list:0:source:promote] | Whether the node is promoted to the frontpage. |
Slideshow Image | [list:0:source:field-slideshow-image:?] | Field "field_slideshow_image". The following properties may be appended to the token: file (The image file.) |
Slideshow Image | [list:0:source:field_slideshow_image] | Image field. |
Status | [list:0:source:event_calendar_status] | คำอ้างอิง field. |
Status | [list:0:source:event-calendar-status] | Field "event_calendar_status". |
Sticky in lists | [list:0:source:sticky] | Whether the node is displayed at the top of lists in which it appears. |
Summary | [list:0:source:summary] | The summary of the node's main body text. |
Tags | [list:0:source:field_tags] | คำอ้างอิง field. |
Tags | [list:0:source:field-tags] | Field "field_tags". |
The information entered is correct. | [list:0:source:field_n] | บูลีน field. |
The information entered is correct. | [list:0:source:field-n] | Field "field_n". |
URL | [list:0:source:url] | The URL of the node. |
Vedio | [list:0:source:field-vedios:?] | Field "field_vedios". The following properties may be appended to the token: input (YouTube URL), video_id (YouTube Video ID) |
Vedio: Default | [list:0:source:field_vedios] | The YouTube video field value's Default (or Token if exists) view mode output. |
Vedio: Image URL | [list:0:source:field_vedios__youtube_image_url] | The YouTube video field value's local image URL. |
Vedio: Video URL | [list:0:source:field_vedios__youtube_video_url] | The YouTube video field value's URL. |
Vedio samui iland youtube | [list:0:source:field-vedio-samui-iland-youtube-:?] | Field "field_vedio_samui_iland_youtube_". The following properties may be appended to the token: input (YouTube URL), video_id (YouTube Video ID) |
Vedio samui iland youtube : Default | [list:0:source:field_vedio_samui_iland_youtube_] | The YouTube video field value's Default (or Token if exists) view mode output. |
Vedio samui iland youtube : Image URL | [list:0:source:field_vedio_samui_iland_youtube___youtube_image_url] | The YouTube video field value's local image URL. |
Vedio samui iland youtube : Video URL | [list:0:source:field_vedio_samui_iland_youtube___youtube_video_url] | The YouTube video field value's URL. |
Views today | [list:0:source:day-views] | The number of visitors who have read the node today. |
Views today | [list:0:source:day-count] | The number of visitors who have read the node today. |
กระดานสนทนา ถาม ตอบ | [list:0:source:taxonomy-forums] | Field "taxonomy_forums". |
กระดานสนทนา ถาม ตอบ | [list:0:source:taxonomy_forums] | คำอ้างอิง field. |
การแก้ไขการบันทึกข้อความ | [list:0:source:log] | The explanation of the most recent changes made to the node. |
จำนวนการเข้าชม | [list:0:source:total-count] | The number of visitors who have read the node. |
จำนวนการเข้าชม | [list:0:source:views] | The number of visitors who have read the node. |
ชนิดของเนื้อหา | [list:0:source:content-type] | The content type of the node. |
ระยะเวลาแบบสำรวจ | [list:0:source:poll-duration] | The length of time the poll is set to run. |
วันที่สร้าง | [list:0:source:created] | The date the node was posted. |
วันที่เปลี่ยนแปลง | [list:0:source:changed] | The date the node was most recently updated. |
สถานะ | [list:0:source:status] | Whether the node is published or unpublished. |
หัวข้อ | [list:0:source:title] | The title of the node. |
แก้ไข ID | [list:0:source:vid] | The unique ID of the node's latest revision. |
แก้ไข URL | [list:0:source:edit-url] | The URL of the node's edit page. |
URL | [list:0:url] | The URL of the node. |
Absolute URL | [list:0:url:absolute] | The absolute URL. |
Arguments | [list:0:url:args] | The specific argument of the current page (e.g. 'arg:1' on the page 'node/1' returns '1'). |
Brief URL | [list:0:url:brief] | The URL without the protocol and trailing backslash. |
Relative URL | [list:0:url:relative] | The relative URL. |
Unaliased URL | [list:0:url:unaliased] | The unaliased URL. |
ตำแหน่งพาธ | [list:0:url:path] | The path component of the URL. |
Vedio | [list:0:field-vedios:?] | Field "field_vedios". The following properties may be appended to the token: input (YouTube URL), video_id (YouTube Video ID) |
Vedio: Default | [list:0:field_vedios] | The YouTube video field value's Default (or Token if exists) view mode output. |
Vedio: Image URL | [list:0:field_vedios__youtube_image_url] | The YouTube video field value's local image URL. |
Vedio: Video URL | [list:0:field_vedios__youtube_video_url] | The YouTube video field value's URL. |
Vedio samui iland youtube | [list:0:field-vedio-samui-iland-youtube-:?] | Field "field_vedio_samui_iland_youtube_". The following properties may be appended to the token: input (YouTube URL), video_id (YouTube Video ID) |
Vedio samui iland youtube : Default | [list:0:field_vedio_samui_iland_youtube_] | The YouTube video field value's Default (or Token if exists) view mode output. |
Vedio samui iland youtube : Image URL | [list:0:field_vedio_samui_iland_youtube___youtube_image_url] | The YouTube video field value's local image URL. |
Vedio samui iland youtube : Video URL | [list:0:field_vedio_samui_iland_youtube___youtube_video_url] | The YouTube video field value's URL. |
Views today | [list:0:day-views] | The number of visitors who have read the node today. |
Views today | [list:0:day-count] | The number of visitors who have read the node today. |
กระดานสนทนา ถาม ตอบ | [list:0:taxonomy-forums] | Field "taxonomy_forums". |
All parent terms | [list:0:taxonomy-forums:parents-all] | Ancestors of the term, i.e. parent of all above hierarchy levels. |
Description (localized) | [list:0:taxonomy-forums:i18n-description] | The optional description of the taxonomy term. |
Name | [list:0:taxonomy-forums:name] | The name of the taxonomy term. |
Name (localized) | [list:0:taxonomy-forums:i18n-name] | The name of the taxonomy term. |
Name in current language | [list:0:taxonomy-forums:localized-name] | The name of the taxonomy term in current language. |
Node count | [list:0:taxonomy-forums:node-count] | The number of nodes tagged with the taxonomy term. |
Original taxonomy term | [list:0:taxonomy-forums:original] | The original taxonomy term data if the taxonomy term is being updated or saved. |
Parents | [list:0:taxonomy-forums:parents] | An array of all the term's parents, starting with the root. |
Parent term (localized) | [list:0:taxonomy-forums:i18n-parent] | The parent term of the taxonomy term, if one exists. |
Root term | [list:0:taxonomy-forums:root] | The root term of the taxonomy term. |
Term ID | [list:0:taxonomy-forums:tid] | The unique ID of the taxonomy term. |
URL | [list:0:taxonomy-forums:url] | The URL of the taxonomy term. |
Vocabulary (localized) | [list:0:taxonomy-forums:i18n-vocabulary] | The vocabulary the taxonomy term belongs to. |
คำศัพท์ | [list:0:taxonomy-forums:vocabulary] | The vocabulary the taxonomy term belongs to. |
คำอธิบาย | [list:0:taxonomy-forums:description] | The optional description of the taxonomy term. |
น้ำหนัก | [list:0:taxonomy-forums:weight] | The weight of the term, which is used for ordering terms during display. |
ลำดับชั้นของ Term | [list:0:taxonomy-forums:parent] | The parent term of the taxonomy term, if one exists. |
แก้ไข URL | [list:0:taxonomy-forums:edit-url] | The URL of the taxonomy term's edit page. |
กระดานสนทนา ถาม ตอบ | [list:0:taxonomy_forums] | คำอ้างอิง field. |
การแก้ไขการบันทึกข้อความ | [list:0:log] | The explanation of the most recent changes made to the node. |
จำนวนการเข้าชม | [list:0:total-count] | The number of visitors who have read the node. |
จำนวนการเข้าชม | [list:0:views] | The number of visitors who have read the node. |
ชนิดของเนื้อหา | [list:0:content-type] | The content type of the node. |
Description (localized) | [list:0:content-type:i18n-description] | The optional description of the content type. |
Name | [list:0:content-type:name] | The name of the content type. |
Name (localized) | [list:0:content-type:i18n-name] | The name of the content type. |
Node count | [list:0:content-type:node-count] | The number of nodes belonging to the content type. |
คำอธิบาย | [list:0:content-type:description] | The optional description of the content type. |
ชื่อสำหรับอ้างอิง | [list:0:content-type:machine-name] | The unique machine-readable name of the content type. |
แก้ไข URL | [list:0:content-type:edit-url] | The URL of the content type's edit page. |
ระยะเวลาแบบสำรวจ | [list:0:poll-duration] | The length of time the poll is set to run. |
วันที่สร้าง | [list:0:created] | The date the node was posted. |
Availability Calendar date display | [list:0:created:availability_calendar_date_display] | A date in 'availability_calendar_date_display' format. (03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Availability Calendar date entry | [list:0:created:availability_calendar_date_entry] | A date in 'availability_calendar_date_entry' format. (03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Availability Calendar month caption | [list:0:created:availability_calendar_month_caption] | A date in 'availability_calendar_month_caption' format. (03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Hours am/pm | [list:0:created:hours_ampm] | A date in 'hours_ampm' format. (3:29 am) |
Long format | [list:0:created:long] | A date in 'long' format. (พุธ, มีนาคม 20, 2024 - 03:29) |
Medium format | [list:0:created:medium] | A date in 'medium' format. (พ, 03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Raw timestamp | [list:0:created:raw] | A date in UNIX timestamp format (1710880172) |
Short format | [list:0:created:short] | A date in 'short' format. (03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Studyroom Availability Date | [list:0:created:studyroom_availability_date] | A date in 'studyroom_availability_date' format. (พ, 03/20/2024) |
Time-since | [list:0:created:since] | A date in 'time-since' format. (54 ปี 3 เดือน) |
กำหนดรูปแบบเอง | [list:0:created:custom:?] | A date in a custom format. See the PHP documentation for details. |
วันที่เปลี่ยนแปลง | [list:0:changed] | The date the node was most recently updated. |
Availability Calendar date display | [list:0:changed:availability_calendar_date_display] | A date in 'availability_calendar_date_display' format. (03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Availability Calendar date entry | [list:0:changed:availability_calendar_date_entry] | A date in 'availability_calendar_date_entry' format. (03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Availability Calendar month caption | [list:0:changed:availability_calendar_month_caption] | A date in 'availability_calendar_month_caption' format. (03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Hours am/pm | [list:0:changed:hours_ampm] | A date in 'hours_ampm' format. (3:29 am) |
Long format | [list:0:changed:long] | A date in 'long' format. (พุธ, มีนาคม 20, 2024 - 03:29) |
Medium format | [list:0:changed:medium] | A date in 'medium' format. (พ, 03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Raw timestamp | [list:0:changed:raw] | A date in UNIX timestamp format (1710880172) |
Short format | [list:0:changed:short] | A date in 'short' format. (03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Studyroom Availability Date | [list:0:changed:studyroom_availability_date] | A date in 'studyroom_availability_date' format. (พ, 03/20/2024) |
Time-since | [list:0:changed:since] | A date in 'time-since' format. (54 ปี 3 เดือน) |
กำหนดรูปแบบเอง | [list:0:changed:custom:?] | A date in a custom format. See the PHP documentation for details. |
สถานะ | [list:0:status] | Whether the node is published or unpublished. |
หัวข้อ | [list:0:title] | The title of the node. |
แก้ไข ID | [list:0:vid] | The unique ID of the node's latest revision. |
แก้ไข URL | [list:0:edit-url] | The URL of the node's edit page. |
Nodes with delta 1 | [list:1] | The list item with delta 1. Delta values start from 0 and are incremented by one per list item. |
Address compay | [list:1:field_address_compay] | Geofield field. |
Address compay | [list:1:field-address-compay:?] | Field "field_address_compay". The following properties may be appended to the token: geom (Well-known text), geo_type (Geo Type), lat (Latitude), lon (Longitude), left (Left Latitude), top (Top Longitude), right (Right Latitude), bottom (Bottom Longitude), srid (Projection (SRID)), latlon (LatLong Pair), schemaorg_shape ( Shape) |
Author | [list:1:author] | The author of the node. |
Account cancellation URL | [list:1:author:cancel-url] | The URL of the confirm delete page for the user account. |
Last access | [list:1:author:last-access] | The date the user last accessed the site. |
Location | [list:1:author:location] | The location for this user. |
Name | [list:1:author:name] | The login name of the user account. |
One-time login URL | [list:1:author:one-time-login-url] | The URL of the one-time login page for the user account. |
Original user | [list:1:author:original] | The original user data if the user is being updated or saved. |
Roles | [list:1:author:roles] | The user roles associated with the user account. |
URL | [list:1:author:url] | The URL of the account profile page. |
User role ids | [list:1:author:role-ids] | The role ids the user account is a member of as comma separated list. |
User role names | [list:1:author:role-names] | The role names the user account is a member of as comma separated list. |
ธีมเริ่มต้น | [list:1:author:theme] | The user's default theme. |
รหัสผู้ใช้ | [list:1:author:uid] | The unique ID of the user account. |
รูปภาพ | [list:1:author:picture] | The picture of the user. |
สถานะ | [list:1:author:status] | Whether the user is active or blocked. |
สร้างเมื่อ | [list:1:author:created] | The date the user account was created. |
อีเมล | [list:1:author:mail] | The email address of the user account. |
เข้าสู่ระบบล่าสุด | [list:1:author:last-login] | The date the user last logged in to the site. |
แก้ไข URL | [list:1:author:edit-url] | The URL of the account edit page. |
Availability | [list:1:field_availability] | Rooms Availability Reference field. |
Bill money | [list:1:field_bill_money] | Image field. |
Bill money | [list:1:field-bill-money:?] | Field "field_bill_money". The following properties may be appended to the token: file (The image file.) |
Block location fried | [list:1:field-block-location-frieds:?] | Field "field_block_location_frieds". The following properties may be appended to the token: geom (Well-known text), geo_type (Geo Type), lat (Latitude), lon (Longitude), left (Left Latitude), top (Top Longitude), right (Right Latitude), bottom (Bottom Longitude), srid (Projection (SRID)), latlon (LatLong Pair), schemaorg_shape ( Shape) |
Block location fried | [list:1:field_block_location_frieds] | Geofield field. |
Body | [list:1:body:?] | The main body text of the node. The following properties may be appended to the token: value (ข้อความ), summary (Summary), format (รูปแบบข้อความ) |
Content ID | [list:1:nid] | The unique ID of the content item, or "node". |
Creates revision | [list:1:revision] | Whether saving this node creates a new revision. |
Date | [list:1:event_calendar_date] | วันที่ field. |
Date | [list:1:event-calendar-date:?] | Field "event_calendar_date". The following properties may be appended to the token: value (Start date), value2 (End date), duration (Duration) |
Description | [list:1:field_description] | Long text and summary field. |
Description | [list:1:field-description:?] | Field "field_description". The following properties may be appended to the token: value (ข้อความ), summary (Summary), format (รูปแบบข้อความ) |
Email customer | [list:1:field_email_customer] | ข้อความ field. |
Email customer | [list:1:field-email-customer] | Field "field_email_customer". |
FlexSlider Example Image | [list:1:field-flexslider-example-image:?] | Field "field_flexslider_example_image". The following properties may be appended to the token: file (The image file.) |
FlexSlider Example Image | [list:1:field_flexslider_example_image] | Image field. |
FlexSlider Example Slideshow | [list:1:field_flexslider_example_slidesh] | Image field. |
FlexSlider Example Slideshow | [list:1:field-flexslider-example-slidesh:?] | Field "field_flexslider_example_slidesh". The following properties may be appended to the token: file (The image file.), title (The "Title" attribute text) |
Full name | [list:1:field-full-name-or-order] | Field "field_full_name_or_order". |
Address | [list:1:field-full-name-or-order:commerce-customer-address:?] | Field "commerce_customer_address". The following properties may be appended to the token: country (ประเทศ), name_line (ชื่อเต็ม), first_name (ชื่อจริง), last_name (นามสกุล), organisation_name (บริษัท), administrative_area (Administrative area (i.e. State / Province)), sub_administrative_area (Sub administrative area), locality (Locality (i.e. City)), dependent_locality (Dependent locality), postal_code (รหัสไปรษณีย์), thoroughfare (ที่อยู่ถนน), premise (Premise (i.e. Apartment / Suite number)), sub_premise (Sub Premise (i.e. Suite, Apartment, Floor, Unknown.) |
Address | [list:1:field-full-name-or-order:commerce_customer_address] | Postal address field. |
Customer profile ID | [list:1:field-full-name-or-order:customer-profile-id] | The unique numeric ID of the customer profile. |
Customer profile owner | [list:1:field-full-name-or-order:owner] | The user the customer profile belongs to. |
Customer profile type | [list:1:field-full-name-or-order:type] | The type of the customer profile. |
Customer profile type name | [list:1:field-full-name-or-order:type-name] | The type name of the customer profile. |
Date updated | [list:1:field-full-name-or-order:changed] | The date the customer profile was last updated. |
Original commerce customer profile | [list:1:field-full-name-or-order:original] | The original commerce customer profile data if the commerce customer profile is being updated or saved. |
Profile ID | [list:1:field-full-name-or-order:profile-id] | The internal numeric ID of the customer profile. |
URL | [list:1:field-full-name-or-order:url] | The URL of the commerce customer profile. |
User | [list:1:field-full-name-or-order:user] | The user the customer profile belongs to. |
รหัสผู้ใช้ | [list:1:field-full-name-or-order:uid] | The unique ID of the user the customer profile belongs to. |
วันที่สร้าง | [list:1:field-full-name-or-order:created] | The date the customer profile was created. |
สถานะ | [list:1:field-full-name-or-order:status] | Whether or not the customer profile is active. |
แก้ไข ID | [list:1:field-full-name-or-order:revision-id] | The unique ID of the customer profile's latest revision. |
Full name | [list:1:field_full_name_or_order] | Entity Reference field. |
Image | [list:1:field-image:?] | Field "field_image". The following properties may be appended to the token: file (The image file.), alt (The "Alt" attribute text) |
Image_home | [list:1:field-image-home:?] | Field "field_image_home". The following properties may be appended to the token: file (The image file.) |
Image_home | [list:1:field_image_home] | Image field. |
Images | [list:1:field_image] | Image field. Also known as Image. |
Images | [list:1:field_images] | Image field. |
Images | [list:1:field-images:?] | Field "field_images". The following properties may be appended to the token: file (The image file.) |
Is new | [list:1:is-new] | Whether the node is new and not saved to the database yet. |
Language | [list:1:language] | The language the node is written in. |
Last view | [list:1:last-view] | The date on which a visitor last read the node. |
Availability Calendar date display | [list:1:last-view:availability_calendar_date_display] | A date in 'availability_calendar_date_display' format. (03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Availability Calendar date entry | [list:1:last-view:availability_calendar_date_entry] | A date in 'availability_calendar_date_entry' format. (03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Availability Calendar month caption | [list:1:last-view:availability_calendar_month_caption] | A date in 'availability_calendar_month_caption' format. (03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Hours am/pm | [list:1:last-view:hours_ampm] | A date in 'hours_ampm' format. (3:29 am) |
Long format | [list:1:last-view:long] | A date in 'long' format. (พุธ, มีนาคม 20, 2024 - 03:29) |
Medium format | [list:1:last-view:medium] | A date in 'medium' format. (พ, 03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Raw timestamp | [list:1:last-view:raw] | A date in UNIX timestamp format (1710880172) |
Short format | [list:1:last-view:short] | A date in 'short' format. (03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Studyroom Availability Date | [list:1:last-view:studyroom_availability_date] | A date in 'studyroom_availability_date' format. (พ, 03/20/2024) |
Time-since | [list:1:last-view:since] | A date in 'time-since' format. (54 ปี 3 เดือน) |
กำหนดรูปแบบเอง | [list:1:last-view:custom:?] | A date in a custom format. See the PHP documentation for details. |
Location | [list:1:location] | The location for this node. |
Additional | [list:1:location:additional:?] | Additional (If there are multiple locations, N is the iteration, starting with 0). |
Country Name | [list:1:location:country_name:?] | Country Name (If there are multiple locations, N is the iteration, starting with 0). |
Latitude | [list:1:location:latitude:?] | Latitude (If there are multiple locations, N is the iteration, starting with 0). |
Location Name | [list:1:location:name:?] | Location Name (If there are multiple locations, N is the iteration, starting with 0). |
Longitude | [list:1:location:longitude:?] | Longitude (If there are multiple locations, N is the iteration, starting with 0). |
Postal Code | [list:1:location:postal_code:?] | Postal Code (If there are multiple locations, N is the iteration, starting with 0). |
State/Province Name | [list:1:location:province_name:?] | State/Province Name (If there are multiple locations, N is the iteration, starting with 0). |
Street | [list:1:location:street:?] | Street (If there are multiple locations, N is the iteration, starting with 0). |
ประเทศ | [list:1:location:country:?] | Country (If there are multiple locations, N is the iteration, starting with 0). |
รัฐ / จังหวัด | [list:1:location:province:?] | State/Province (If there are multiple locations, N is the iteration, starting with 0). |
เมือง | [list:1:location:city:?] | City (If there are multiple locations, N is the iteration, starting with 0). |
Order | [list:1:field_order] | Entity Reference field. |
Order | [list:1:field-order] | Field "field_order". |
Billing information | [list:1:field-order:commerce-customer-billing] | Field "commerce_customer_billing". |
Billing information | [list:1:field-order:commerce_customer_billing] | Customer profile reference field. |
Cancel date | [list:1:field-order:field-commerce-billy-cancel-date] | Field "field_commerce_billy_cancel_date". |
Cancel date | [list:1:field-order:field_commerce_billy_cancel_date] | Date (Unix timestamp) field. |
Coupons | [list:1:field-order:commerce_coupons] | Entity Reference field. |
Coupons | [list:1:field-order:commerce-coupons] | Field "commerce_coupons". |
Create revision | [list:1:field-order:revision] | Whether or not saving this order creates a new revision. |
Date placed | [list:1:field-order:placed] | The date the order was placed i.e. checkout was completed. |
Discount reference | [list:1:field-order:commerce_discounts] | Entity Reference field. |
Discount reference | [list:1:field-order:commerce-discounts] | Field "commerce_discounts". |
Expiration (formatted) | [list:1:field-order:expiration-formatted] | The time left until this order expires. Formatted by theme_commerce_cart_expiration(). |
Expiration (raw) | [list:1:field-order:expiration-raw] | The raw time left until this order expires in seconds. |
Host name | [list:1:field-order:hostname] | The IP address that created this order. |
Invoice date | [list:1:field-order:field-commerce-billy-i-date] | Field "field_commerce_billy_i_date". |
Invoice date | [list:1:field-order:field_commerce_billy_i_date] | Date (Unix timestamp) field. |
Line items | [list:1:field-order:commerce-line-items] | Field "commerce_line_items". |
Line items | [list:1:field-order:commerce_line_items] | Line item reference field. |
Order ID | [list:1:field-order:order-id] | The unique numeric ID of the order. |
Order e-mail | [list:1:field-order:mail] | The e-mail address associated with the order. |
Order e-mail prepared for username usage | [list:1:field-order:mail-username] | The e-mail address associated with this order with illegal characters for usernames replaced. |
Order number | [list:1:field-order:order-number] | The order number displayed to the customer. |
Order state | [list:1:field-order:state] | The current state of the order. |
Order state title | [list:1:field-order:state-title] | The human-readable title of the order state. |
Order status | [list:1:field-order:status] | The current status of the order. |
Order status title | [list:1:field-order:status-title] | The human-readable title of the order status. |
Order total | [list:1:field-order:commerce-order-total:?] | Field "commerce_order_total". The following properties may be appended to the token: amount (Amount), amount_decimal (Amount (decimal)), currency_code (Currency), data (Data) |
Order total | [list:1:field-order:commerce_order_total] | ราคา field. |
Order type | [list:1:field-order:type] | The type of the order. |
Order type name | [list:1:field-order:type-name] | The human-readable name of the order type. |
Original commerce order | [list:1:field-order:original] | The original commerce order data if the commerce order is being updated or saved. |
Owner ID | [list:1:field-order:uid] | The unique ID of the order owner. |
Payment method display title | [list:1:field-order:payment-method-display-title] | The checkout form oriented display title of the payment method for the payment transaction. |
Payment method short title | [list:1:field-order:payment-method-short-title] | The customer oriented short title of the payment method selected by the customer during checkout. |
Payment method title | [list:1:field-order:payment-method-title] | The administrative title of the payment method selected by the customer during checkout. |
URL | [list:1:field-order:url] | The URL of the order. |
URL | [list:1:field-order:admin-url] | The URL for administrators to view the order. |
URL | [list:1:field-order:customer-url] | The URL for customers to view the order. |
View URL | [list:1:field-order:view-url] | The URL a customer can visit to view the order. |
วันที่สร้าง | [list:1:field-order:created] | The date the order was created. |
วันที่เปลี่ยนแปลง | [list:1:field-order:changed] | The date the order was last updated. |
วิธีการชำระเงิน | [list:1:field-order:payment-method] | The method_id of the payment method selected by the customer during checkout. |
เจ้าของ | [list:1:field-order:owner] | The owner of the order. |
แก้ไข ID | [list:1:field-order:revision-id] | The unique ID of the order's latest revision. |
แก้ไข URL | [list:1:field-order:edit-url] | The URL of the order's edit page. |
Original node | [list:1:original] | The original node data if the node is being updated or saved. |
Address compay | [list:1:original:field_address_compay] | Geofield field. |
Address compay | [list:1:original:field-address-compay:?] | Field "field_address_compay". The following properties may be appended to the token: geom (Well-known text), geo_type (Geo Type), lat (Latitude), lon (Longitude), left (Left Latitude), top (Top Longitude), right (Right Latitude), bottom (Bottom Longitude), srid (Projection (SRID)), latlon (LatLong Pair), schemaorg_shape ( Shape) |
Author | [list:1:original:author] | The author of the node. |
Availability | [list:1:original:field_availability] | Rooms Availability Reference field. |
Bill money | [list:1:original:field_bill_money] | Image field. |
Bill money | [list:1:original:field-bill-money:?] | Field "field_bill_money". The following properties may be appended to the token: file (The image file.) |
Block location fried | [list:1:original:field-block-location-frieds:?] | Field "field_block_location_frieds". The following properties may be appended to the token: geom (Well-known text), geo_type (Geo Type), lat (Latitude), lon (Longitude), left (Left Latitude), top (Top Longitude), right (Right Latitude), bottom (Bottom Longitude), srid (Projection (SRID)), latlon (LatLong Pair), schemaorg_shape ( Shape) |
Block location fried | [list:1:original:field_block_location_frieds] | Geofield field. |
Body | [list:1:original:body:?] | The main body text of the node. The following properties may be appended to the token: value (ข้อความ), summary (Summary), format (รูปแบบข้อความ) |
Content ID | [list:1:original:nid] | The unique ID of the content item, or "node". |
Creates revision | [list:1:original:revision] | Whether saving this node creates a new revision. |
Date | [list:1:original:event_calendar_date] | วันที่ field. |
Date | [list:1:original:event-calendar-date:?] | Field "event_calendar_date". The following properties may be appended to the token: value (Start date), value2 (End date), duration (Duration) |
Description | [list:1:original:field_description] | Long text and summary field. |
Description | [list:1:original:field-description:?] | Field "field_description". The following properties may be appended to the token: value (ข้อความ), summary (Summary), format (รูปแบบข้อความ) |
Email customer | [list:1:original:field_email_customer] | ข้อความ field. |
Email customer | [list:1:original:field-email-customer] | Field "field_email_customer". |
FlexSlider Example Image | [list:1:original:field-flexslider-example-image:?] | Field "field_flexslider_example_image". The following properties may be appended to the token: file (The image file.) |
FlexSlider Example Image | [list:1:original:field_flexslider_example_image] | Image field. |
FlexSlider Example Slideshow | [list:1:original:field_flexslider_example_slidesh] | Image field. |
FlexSlider Example Slideshow | [list:1:original:field-flexslider-example-slidesh:?] | Field "field_flexslider_example_slidesh". The following properties may be appended to the token: file (The image file.), title (The "Title" attribute text) |
Full name | [list:1:original:field-full-name-or-order] | Field "field_full_name_or_order". |
Full name | [list:1:original:field_full_name_or_order] | Entity Reference field. |
Image | [list:1:original:field-image:?] | Field "field_image". The following properties may be appended to the token: file (The image file.), alt (The "Alt" attribute text) |
Image_home | [list:1:original:field-image-home:?] | Field "field_image_home". The following properties may be appended to the token: file (The image file.) |
Image_home | [list:1:original:field_image_home] | Image field. |
Images | [list:1:original:field_image] | Image field. Also known as Image. |
Images | [list:1:original:field_images] | Image field. |
Images | [list:1:original:field-images:?] | Field "field_images". The following properties may be appended to the token: file (The image file.) |
Is new | [list:1:original:is-new] | Whether the node is new and not saved to the database yet. |
Language | [list:1:original:language] | The language the node is written in. |
Last view | [list:1:original:last-view] | The date on which a visitor last read the node. |
Location | [list:1:original:location] | The location for this node. |
Order | [list:1:original:field_order] | Entity Reference field. |
Order | [list:1:original:field-order] | Field "field_order". |
Poll votes | [list:1:original:poll-votes] | The number of votes that have been cast on a poll. |
Poll winner | [list:1:original:poll-winner] | The winning poll answer. |
Poll winner percent | [list:1:original:poll-winner-percent] | The percentage of votes received by the winning poll answer. |
Poll winner votes | [list:1:original:poll-winner-votes] | The number of votes received by the winning poll answer. |
Promoted to frontpage | [list:1:original:promote] | Whether the node is promoted to the frontpage. |
Slideshow Image | [list:1:original:field-slideshow-image:?] | Field "field_slideshow_image". The following properties may be appended to the token: file (The image file.) |
Slideshow Image | [list:1:original:field_slideshow_image] | Image field. |
Status | [list:1:original:event_calendar_status] | คำอ้างอิง field. |
Status | [list:1:original:event-calendar-status] | Field "event_calendar_status". |
Sticky in lists | [list:1:original:sticky] | Whether the node is displayed at the top of lists in which it appears. |
Summary | [list:1:original:summary] | The summary of the node's main body text. |
Tags | [list:1:original:field_tags] | คำอ้างอิง field. |
Tags | [list:1:original:field-tags] | Field "field_tags". |
The information entered is correct. | [list:1:original:field_n] | บูลีน field. |
The information entered is correct. | [list:1:original:field-n] | Field "field_n". |
Translation source node | [list:1:original:source] | The source node for this current node's translation set. |
URL | [list:1:original:url] | The URL of the node. |
Vedio | [list:1:original:field-vedios:?] | Field "field_vedios". The following properties may be appended to the token: input (YouTube URL), video_id (YouTube Video ID) |
Vedio: Default | [list:1:original:field_vedios] | The YouTube video field value's Default (or Token if exists) view mode output. |
Vedio: Image URL | [list:1:original:field_vedios__youtube_image_url] | The YouTube video field value's local image URL. |
Vedio: Video URL | [list:1:original:field_vedios__youtube_video_url] | The YouTube video field value's URL. |
Vedio samui iland youtube | [list:1:original:field-vedio-samui-iland-youtube-:?] | Field "field_vedio_samui_iland_youtube_". The following properties may be appended to the token: input (YouTube URL), video_id (YouTube Video ID) |
Vedio samui iland youtube : Default | [list:1:original:field_vedio_samui_iland_youtube_] | The YouTube video field value's Default (or Token if exists) view mode output. |
Vedio samui iland youtube : Image URL | [list:1:original:field_vedio_samui_iland_youtube___youtube_image_url] | The YouTube video field value's local image URL. |
Vedio samui iland youtube : Video URL | [list:1:original:field_vedio_samui_iland_youtube___youtube_video_url] | The YouTube video field value's URL. |
Views today | [list:1:original:day-views] | The number of visitors who have read the node today. |
Views today | [list:1:original:day-count] | The number of visitors who have read the node today. |
กระดานสนทนา ถาม ตอบ | [list:1:original:taxonomy-forums] | Field "taxonomy_forums". |
กระดานสนทนา ถาม ตอบ | [list:1:original:taxonomy_forums] | คำอ้างอิง field. |
การแก้ไขการบันทึกข้อความ | [list:1:original:log] | The explanation of the most recent changes made to the node. |
จำนวนการเข้าชม | [list:1:original:total-count] | The number of visitors who have read the node. |
จำนวนการเข้าชม | [list:1:original:views] | The number of visitors who have read the node. |
ชนิดของเนื้อหา | [list:1:original:content-type] | The content type of the node. |
ระยะเวลาแบบสำรวจ | [list:1:original:poll-duration] | The length of time the poll is set to run. |
วันที่สร้าง | [list:1:original:created] | The date the node was posted. |
วันที่เปลี่ยนแปลง | [list:1:original:changed] | The date the node was most recently updated. |
สถานะ | [list:1:original:status] | Whether the node is published or unpublished. |
หัวข้อ | [list:1:original:title] | The title of the node. |
แก้ไข ID | [list:1:original:vid] | The unique ID of the node's latest revision. |
แก้ไข URL | [list:1:original:edit-url] | The URL of the node's edit page. |
Poll votes | [list:1:poll-votes] | The number of votes that have been cast on a poll. |
Poll winner | [list:1:poll-winner] | The winning poll answer. |
Poll winner percent | [list:1:poll-winner-percent] | The percentage of votes received by the winning poll answer. |
Poll winner votes | [list:1:poll-winner-votes] | The number of votes received by the winning poll answer. |
Promoted to frontpage | [list:1:promote] | Whether the node is promoted to the frontpage. |
Slideshow Image | [list:1:field-slideshow-image:?] | Field "field_slideshow_image". The following properties may be appended to the token: file (The image file.) |
Slideshow Image | [list:1:field_slideshow_image] | Image field. |
Status | [list:1:event_calendar_status] | คำอ้างอิง field. |
Status | [list:1:event-calendar-status] | Field "event_calendar_status". |
All parent terms | [list:1:event-calendar-status:parents-all] | Ancestors of the term, i.e. parent of all above hierarchy levels. |
Description (localized) | [list:1:event-calendar-status:i18n-description] | The optional description of the taxonomy term. |
Name | [list:1:event-calendar-status:name] | The name of the taxonomy term. |
Name (localized) | [list:1:event-calendar-status:i18n-name] | The name of the taxonomy term. |
Name in current language | [list:1:event-calendar-status:localized-name] | The name of the taxonomy term in current language. |
Node count | [list:1:event-calendar-status:node-count] | The number of nodes tagged with the taxonomy term. |
Original taxonomy term | [list:1:event-calendar-status:original] | The original taxonomy term data if the taxonomy term is being updated or saved. |
Parents | [list:1:event-calendar-status:parents] | An array of all the term's parents, starting with the root. |
Parent term (localized) | [list:1:event-calendar-status:i18n-parent] | The parent term of the taxonomy term, if one exists. |
Root term | [list:1:event-calendar-status:root] | The root term of the taxonomy term. |
Term ID | [list:1:event-calendar-status:tid] | The unique ID of the taxonomy term. |
URL | [list:1:event-calendar-status:url] | The URL of the taxonomy term. |
Vocabulary (localized) | [list:1:event-calendar-status:i18n-vocabulary] | The vocabulary the taxonomy term belongs to. |
คำศัพท์ | [list:1:event-calendar-status:vocabulary] | The vocabulary the taxonomy term belongs to. |
คำอธิบาย | [list:1:event-calendar-status:description] | The optional description of the taxonomy term. |
น้ำหนัก | [list:1:event-calendar-status:weight] | The weight of the term, which is used for ordering terms during display. |
ลำดับชั้นของ Term | [list:1:event-calendar-status:parent] | The parent term of the taxonomy term, if one exists. |
แก้ไข URL | [list:1:event-calendar-status:edit-url] | The URL of the taxonomy term's edit page. |
Sticky in lists | [list:1:sticky] | Whether the node is displayed at the top of lists in which it appears. |
Summary | [list:1:summary] | The summary of the node's main body text. |
Tags | [list:1:field_tags] | คำอ้างอิง field. |
Tags | [list:1:field-tags] | Field "field_tags". |
แง่อนุกรมวิธาน with delta 0 | [list:1:field-tags:0] | The list item with delta 0. Delta values start from 0 and are incremented by one per list item. |
แง่อนุกรมวิธาน with delta 2 | [list:1:field-tags:2] | The list item with delta 2. Delta values start from 0 and are incremented by one per list item. |
แง่อนุกรมวิธาน with delta 3 | [list:1:field-tags:3] | The list item with delta 3. Delta values start from 0 and are incremented by one per list item. |
The information entered is correct. | [list:1:field_n] | บูลีน field. |
The information entered is correct. | [list:1:field-n] | Field "field_n". |
Translation source node | [list:1:source] | The source node for this current node's translation set. |
Address compay | [list:1:source:field_address_compay] | Geofield field. |
Address compay | [list:1:source:field-address-compay:?] | Field "field_address_compay". The following properties may be appended to the token: geom (Well-known text), geo_type (Geo Type), lat (Latitude), lon (Longitude), left (Left Latitude), top (Top Longitude), right (Right Latitude), bottom (Bottom Longitude), srid (Projection (SRID)), latlon (LatLong Pair), schemaorg_shape ( Shape) |
Author | [list:1:source:author] | The author of the node. |
Availability | [list:1:source:field_availability] | Rooms Availability Reference field. |
Bill money | [list:1:source:field_bill_money] | Image field. |
Bill money | [list:1:source:field-bill-money:?] | Field "field_bill_money". The following properties may be appended to the token: file (The image file.) |
Block location fried | [list:1:source:field-block-location-frieds:?] | Field "field_block_location_frieds". The following properties may be appended to the token: geom (Well-known text), geo_type (Geo Type), lat (Latitude), lon (Longitude), left (Left Latitude), top (Top Longitude), right (Right Latitude), bottom (Bottom Longitude), srid (Projection (SRID)), latlon (LatLong Pair), schemaorg_shape ( Shape) |
Block location fried | [list:1:source:field_block_location_frieds] | Geofield field. |
Body | [list:1:source:body:?] | The main body text of the node. The following properties may be appended to the token: value (ข้อความ), summary (Summary), format (รูปแบบข้อความ) |
Content ID | [list:1:source:nid] | The unique ID of the content item, or "node". |
Creates revision | [list:1:source:revision] | Whether saving this node creates a new revision. |
Date | [list:1:source:event_calendar_date] | วันที่ field. |
Date | [list:1:source:event-calendar-date:?] | Field "event_calendar_date". The following properties may be appended to the token: value (Start date), value2 (End date), duration (Duration) |
Description | [list:1:source:field_description] | Long text and summary field. |
Description | [list:1:source:field-description:?] | Field "field_description". The following properties may be appended to the token: value (ข้อความ), summary (Summary), format (รูปแบบข้อความ) |
Email customer | [list:1:source:field_email_customer] | ข้อความ field. |
Email customer | [list:1:source:field-email-customer] | Field "field_email_customer". |
FlexSlider Example Image | [list:1:source:field-flexslider-example-image:?] | Field "field_flexslider_example_image". The following properties may be appended to the token: file (The image file.) |
FlexSlider Example Image | [list:1:source:field_flexslider_example_image] | Image field. |
FlexSlider Example Slideshow | [list:1:source:field_flexslider_example_slidesh] | Image field. |
FlexSlider Example Slideshow | [list:1:source:field-flexslider-example-slidesh:?] | Field "field_flexslider_example_slidesh". The following properties may be appended to the token: file (The image file.), title (The "Title" attribute text) |
Full name | [list:1:source:field-full-name-or-order] | Field "field_full_name_or_order". |
Full name | [list:1:source:field_full_name_or_order] | Entity Reference field. |
Image | [list:1:source:field-image:?] | Field "field_image". The following properties may be appended to the token: file (The image file.), alt (The "Alt" attribute text) |
Image_home | [list:1:source:field-image-home:?] | Field "field_image_home". The following properties may be appended to the token: file (The image file.) |
Image_home | [list:1:source:field_image_home] | Image field. |
Images | [list:1:source:field_image] | Image field. Also known as Image. |
Images | [list:1:source:field_images] | Image field. |
Images | [list:1:source:field-images:?] | Field "field_images". The following properties may be appended to the token: file (The image file.) |
Is new | [list:1:source:is-new] | Whether the node is new and not saved to the database yet. |
Language | [list:1:source:language] | The language the node is written in. |
Last view | [list:1:source:last-view] | The date on which a visitor last read the node. |
Location | [list:1:source:location] | The location for this node. |
Order | [list:1:source:field_order] | Entity Reference field. |
Order | [list:1:source:field-order] | Field "field_order". |
Original node | [list:1:source:original] | The original node data if the node is being updated or saved. |
Poll votes | [list:1:source:poll-votes] | The number of votes that have been cast on a poll. |
Poll winner | [list:1:source:poll-winner] | The winning poll answer. |
Poll winner percent | [list:1:source:poll-winner-percent] | The percentage of votes received by the winning poll answer. |
Poll winner votes | [list:1:source:poll-winner-votes] | The number of votes received by the winning poll answer. |
Promoted to frontpage | [list:1:source:promote] | Whether the node is promoted to the frontpage. |
Slideshow Image | [list:1:source:field-slideshow-image:?] | Field "field_slideshow_image". The following properties may be appended to the token: file (The image file.) |
Slideshow Image | [list:1:source:field_slideshow_image] | Image field. |
Status | [list:1:source:event_calendar_status] | คำอ้างอิง field. |
Status | [list:1:source:event-calendar-status] | Field "event_calendar_status". |
Sticky in lists | [list:1:source:sticky] | Whether the node is displayed at the top of lists in which it appears. |
Summary | [list:1:source:summary] | The summary of the node's main body text. |
Tags | [list:1:source:field_tags] | คำอ้างอิง field. |
Tags | [list:1:source:field-tags] | Field "field_tags". |
The information entered is correct. | [list:1:source:field_n] | บูลีน field. |
The information entered is correct. | [list:1:source:field-n] | Field "field_n". |
URL | [list:1:source:url] | The URL of the node. |
Vedio | [list:1:source:field-vedios:?] | Field "field_vedios". The following properties may be appended to the token: input (YouTube URL), video_id (YouTube Video ID) |
Vedio: Default | [list:1:source:field_vedios] | The YouTube video field value's Default (or Token if exists) view mode output. |
Vedio: Image URL | [list:1:source:field_vedios__youtube_image_url] | The YouTube video field value's local image URL. |
Vedio: Video URL | [list:1:source:field_vedios__youtube_video_url] | The YouTube video field value's URL. |
Vedio samui iland youtube | [list:1:source:field-vedio-samui-iland-youtube-:?] | Field "field_vedio_samui_iland_youtube_". The following properties may be appended to the token: input (YouTube URL), video_id (YouTube Video ID) |
Vedio samui iland youtube : Default | [list:1:source:field_vedio_samui_iland_youtube_] | The YouTube video field value's Default (or Token if exists) view mode output. |
Vedio samui iland youtube : Image URL | [list:1:source:field_vedio_samui_iland_youtube___youtube_image_url] | The YouTube video field value's local image URL. |
Vedio samui iland youtube : Video URL | [list:1:source:field_vedio_samui_iland_youtube___youtube_video_url] | The YouTube video field value's URL. |
Views today | [list:1:source:day-views] | The number of visitors who have read the node today. |
Views today | [list:1:source:day-count] | The number of visitors who have read the node today. |
กระดานสนทนา ถาม ตอบ | [list:1:source:taxonomy-forums] | Field "taxonomy_forums". |
กระดานสนทนา ถาม ตอบ | [list:1:source:taxonomy_forums] | คำอ้างอิง field. |
การแก้ไขการบันทึกข้อความ | [list:1:source:log] | The explanation of the most recent changes made to the node. |
จำนวนการเข้าชม | [list:1:source:total-count] | The number of visitors who have read the node. |
จำนวนการเข้าชม | [list:1:source:views] | The number of visitors who have read the node. |
ชนิดของเนื้อหา | [list:1:source:content-type] | The content type of the node. |
ระยะเวลาแบบสำรวจ | [list:1:source:poll-duration] | The length of time the poll is set to run. |
วันที่สร้าง | [list:1:source:created] | The date the node was posted. |
วันที่เปลี่ยนแปลง | [list:1:source:changed] | The date the node was most recently updated. |
สถานะ | [list:1:source:status] | Whether the node is published or unpublished. |
หัวข้อ | [list:1:source:title] | The title of the node. |
แก้ไข ID | [list:1:source:vid] | The unique ID of the node's latest revision. |
แก้ไข URL | [list:1:source:edit-url] | The URL of the node's edit page. |
URL | [list:1:url] | The URL of the node. |
Absolute URL | [list:1:url:absolute] | The absolute URL. |
Arguments | [list:1:url:args] | The specific argument of the current page (e.g. 'arg:1' on the page 'node/1' returns '1'). |
Brief URL | [list:1:url:brief] | The URL without the protocol and trailing backslash. |
Relative URL | [list:1:url:relative] | The relative URL. |
Unaliased URL | [list:1:url:unaliased] | The unaliased URL. |
ตำแหน่งพาธ | [list:1:url:path] | The path component of the URL. |
Vedio | [list:1:field-vedios:?] | Field "field_vedios". The following properties may be appended to the token: input (YouTube URL), video_id (YouTube Video ID) |
Vedio: Default | [list:1:field_vedios] | The YouTube video field value's Default (or Token if exists) view mode output. |
Vedio: Image URL | [list:1:field_vedios__youtube_image_url] | The YouTube video field value's local image URL. |
Vedio: Video URL | [list:1:field_vedios__youtube_video_url] | The YouTube video field value's URL. |
Vedio samui iland youtube | [list:1:field-vedio-samui-iland-youtube-:?] | Field "field_vedio_samui_iland_youtube_". The following properties may be appended to the token: input (YouTube URL), video_id (YouTube Video ID) |
Vedio samui iland youtube : Default | [list:1:field_vedio_samui_iland_youtube_] | The YouTube video field value's Default (or Token if exists) view mode output. |
Vedio samui iland youtube : Image URL | [list:1:field_vedio_samui_iland_youtube___youtube_image_url] | The YouTube video field value's local image URL. |
Vedio samui iland youtube : Video URL | [list:1:field_vedio_samui_iland_youtube___youtube_video_url] | The YouTube video field value's URL. |
Views today | [list:1:day-views] | The number of visitors who have read the node today. |
Views today | [list:1:day-count] | The number of visitors who have read the node today. |
กระดานสนทนา ถาม ตอบ | [list:1:taxonomy-forums] | Field "taxonomy_forums". |
All parent terms | [list:1:taxonomy-forums:parents-all] | Ancestors of the term, i.e. parent of all above hierarchy levels. |
Description (localized) | [list:1:taxonomy-forums:i18n-description] | The optional description of the taxonomy term. |
Name | [list:1:taxonomy-forums:name] | The name of the taxonomy term. |
Name (localized) | [list:1:taxonomy-forums:i18n-name] | The name of the taxonomy term. |
Name in current language | [list:1:taxonomy-forums:localized-name] | The name of the taxonomy term in current language. |
Node count | [list:1:taxonomy-forums:node-count] | The number of nodes tagged with the taxonomy term. |
Original taxonomy term | [list:1:taxonomy-forums:original] | The original taxonomy term data if the taxonomy term is being updated or saved. |
Parents | [list:1:taxonomy-forums:parents] | An array of all the term's parents, starting with the root. |
Parent term (localized) | [list:1:taxonomy-forums:i18n-parent] | The parent term of the taxonomy term, if one exists. |
Root term | [list:1:taxonomy-forums:root] | The root term of the taxonomy term. |
Term ID | [list:1:taxonomy-forums:tid] | The unique ID of the taxonomy term. |
URL | [list:1:taxonomy-forums:url] | The URL of the taxonomy term. |
Vocabulary (localized) | [list:1:taxonomy-forums:i18n-vocabulary] | The vocabulary the taxonomy term belongs to. |
คำศัพท์ | [list:1:taxonomy-forums:vocabulary] | The vocabulary the taxonomy term belongs to. |
คำอธิบาย | [list:1:taxonomy-forums:description] | The optional description of the taxonomy term. |
น้ำหนัก | [list:1:taxonomy-forums:weight] | The weight of the term, which is used for ordering terms during display. |
ลำดับชั้นของ Term | [list:1:taxonomy-forums:parent] | The parent term of the taxonomy term, if one exists. |
แก้ไข URL | [list:1:taxonomy-forums:edit-url] | The URL of the taxonomy term's edit page. |
กระดานสนทนา ถาม ตอบ | [list:1:taxonomy_forums] | คำอ้างอิง field. |
การแก้ไขการบันทึกข้อความ | [list:1:log] | The explanation of the most recent changes made to the node. |
จำนวนการเข้าชม | [list:1:total-count] | The number of visitors who have read the node. |
จำนวนการเข้าชม | [list:1:views] | The number of visitors who have read the node. |
ชนิดของเนื้อหา | [list:1:content-type] | The content type of the node. |
Description (localized) | [list:1:content-type:i18n-description] | The optional description of the content type. |
Name | [list:1:content-type:name] | The name of the content type. |
Name (localized) | [list:1:content-type:i18n-name] | The name of the content type. |
Node count | [list:1:content-type:node-count] | The number of nodes belonging to the content type. |
คำอธิบาย | [list:1:content-type:description] | The optional description of the content type. |
ชื่อสำหรับอ้างอิง | [list:1:content-type:machine-name] | The unique machine-readable name of the content type. |
แก้ไข URL | [list:1:content-type:edit-url] | The URL of the content type's edit page. |
ระยะเวลาแบบสำรวจ | [list:1:poll-duration] | The length of time the poll is set to run. |
วันที่สร้าง | [list:1:created] | The date the node was posted. |
Availability Calendar date display | [list:1:created:availability_calendar_date_display] | A date in 'availability_calendar_date_display' format. (03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Availability Calendar date entry | [list:1:created:availability_calendar_date_entry] | A date in 'availability_calendar_date_entry' format. (03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Availability Calendar month caption | [list:1:created:availability_calendar_month_caption] | A date in 'availability_calendar_month_caption' format. (03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Hours am/pm | [list:1:created:hours_ampm] | A date in 'hours_ampm' format. (3:29 am) |
Long format | [list:1:created:long] | A date in 'long' format. (พุธ, มีนาคม 20, 2024 - 03:29) |
Medium format | [list:1:created:medium] | A date in 'medium' format. (พ, 03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Raw timestamp | [list:1:created:raw] | A date in UNIX timestamp format (1710880172) |
Short format | [list:1:created:short] | A date in 'short' format. (03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Studyroom Availability Date | [list:1:created:studyroom_availability_date] | A date in 'studyroom_availability_date' format. (พ, 03/20/2024) |
Time-since | [list:1:created:since] | A date in 'time-since' format. (54 ปี 3 เดือน) |
กำหนดรูปแบบเอง | [list:1:created:custom:?] | A date in a custom format. See the PHP documentation for details. |
วันที่เปลี่ยนแปลง | [list:1:changed] | The date the node was most recently updated. |
Availability Calendar date display | [list:1:changed:availability_calendar_date_display] | A date in 'availability_calendar_date_display' format. (03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Availability Calendar date entry | [list:1:changed:availability_calendar_date_entry] | A date in 'availability_calendar_date_entry' format. (03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Availability Calendar month caption | [list:1:changed:availability_calendar_month_caption] | A date in 'availability_calendar_month_caption' format. (03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Hours am/pm | [list:1:changed:hours_ampm] | A date in 'hours_ampm' format. (3:29 am) |
Long format | [list:1:changed:long] | A date in 'long' format. (พุธ, มีนาคม 20, 2024 - 03:29) |
Medium format | [list:1:changed:medium] | A date in 'medium' format. (พ, 03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Raw timestamp | [list:1:changed:raw] | A date in UNIX timestamp format (1710880172) |
Short format | [list:1:changed:short] | A date in 'short' format. (03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Studyroom Availability Date | [list:1:changed:studyroom_availability_date] | A date in 'studyroom_availability_date' format. (พ, 03/20/2024) |
Time-since | [list:1:changed:since] | A date in 'time-since' format. (54 ปี 3 เดือน) |
กำหนดรูปแบบเอง | [list:1:changed:custom:?] | A date in a custom format. See the PHP documentation for details. |
สถานะ | [list:1:status] | Whether the node is published or unpublished. |
หัวข้อ | [list:1:title] | The title of the node. |
แก้ไข ID | [list:1:vid] | The unique ID of the node's latest revision. |
แก้ไข URL | [list:1:edit-url] | The URL of the node's edit page. |
Nodes with delta 2 | [list:2] | The list item with delta 2. Delta values start from 0 and are incremented by one per list item. |
Address compay | [list:2:field_address_compay] | Geofield field. |
Address compay | [list:2:field-address-compay:?] | Field "field_address_compay". The following properties may be appended to the token: geom (Well-known text), geo_type (Geo Type), lat (Latitude), lon (Longitude), left (Left Latitude), top (Top Longitude), right (Right Latitude), bottom (Bottom Longitude), srid (Projection (SRID)), latlon (LatLong Pair), schemaorg_shape ( Shape) |
Author | [list:2:author] | The author of the node. |
Account cancellation URL | [list:2:author:cancel-url] | The URL of the confirm delete page for the user account. |
Last access | [list:2:author:last-access] | The date the user last accessed the site. |
Location | [list:2:author:location] | The location for this user. |
Name | [list:2:author:name] | The login name of the user account. |
One-time login URL | [list:2:author:one-time-login-url] | The URL of the one-time login page for the user account. |
Original user | [list:2:author:original] | The original user data if the user is being updated or saved. |
Roles | [list:2:author:roles] | The user roles associated with the user account. |
URL | [list:2:author:url] | The URL of the account profile page. |
User role ids | [list:2:author:role-ids] | The role ids the user account is a member of as comma separated list. |
User role names | [list:2:author:role-names] | The role names the user account is a member of as comma separated list. |
ธีมเริ่มต้น | [list:2:author:theme] | The user's default theme. |
รหัสผู้ใช้ | [list:2:author:uid] | The unique ID of the user account. |
รูปภาพ | [list:2:author:picture] | The picture of the user. |
สถานะ | [list:2:author:status] | Whether the user is active or blocked. |
สร้างเมื่อ | [list:2:author:created] | The date the user account was created. |
อีเมล | [list:2:author:mail] | The email address of the user account. |
เข้าสู่ระบบล่าสุด | [list:2:author:last-login] | The date the user last logged in to the site. |
แก้ไข URL | [list:2:author:edit-url] | The URL of the account edit page. |
Availability | [list:2:field_availability] | Rooms Availability Reference field. |
Bill money | [list:2:field_bill_money] | Image field. |
Bill money | [list:2:field-bill-money:?] | Field "field_bill_money". The following properties may be appended to the token: file (The image file.) |
Block location fried | [list:2:field-block-location-frieds:?] | Field "field_block_location_frieds". The following properties may be appended to the token: geom (Well-known text), geo_type (Geo Type), lat (Latitude), lon (Longitude), left (Left Latitude), top (Top Longitude), right (Right Latitude), bottom (Bottom Longitude), srid (Projection (SRID)), latlon (LatLong Pair), schemaorg_shape ( Shape) |
Block location fried | [list:2:field_block_location_frieds] | Geofield field. |
Body | [list:2:body:?] | The main body text of the node. The following properties may be appended to the token: value (ข้อความ), summary (Summary), format (รูปแบบข้อความ) |
Content ID | [list:2:nid] | The unique ID of the content item, or "node". |
Creates revision | [list:2:revision] | Whether saving this node creates a new revision. |
Date | [list:2:event_calendar_date] | วันที่ field. |
Date | [list:2:event-calendar-date:?] | Field "event_calendar_date". The following properties may be appended to the token: value (Start date), value2 (End date), duration (Duration) |
Description | [list:2:field_description] | Long text and summary field. |
Description | [list:2:field-description:?] | Field "field_description". The following properties may be appended to the token: value (ข้อความ), summary (Summary), format (รูปแบบข้อความ) |
Email customer | [list:2:field_email_customer] | ข้อความ field. |
Email customer | [list:2:field-email-customer] | Field "field_email_customer". |
FlexSlider Example Image | [list:2:field-flexslider-example-image:?] | Field "field_flexslider_example_image". The following properties may be appended to the token: file (The image file.) |
FlexSlider Example Image | [list:2:field_flexslider_example_image] | Image field. |
FlexSlider Example Slideshow | [list:2:field_flexslider_example_slidesh] | Image field. |
FlexSlider Example Slideshow | [list:2:field-flexslider-example-slidesh:?] | Field "field_flexslider_example_slidesh". The following properties may be appended to the token: file (The image file.), title (The "Title" attribute text) |
Full name | [list:2:field-full-name-or-order] | Field "field_full_name_or_order". |
Address | [list:2:field-full-name-or-order:commerce-customer-address:?] | Field "commerce_customer_address". The following properties may be appended to the token: country (ประเทศ), name_line (ชื่อเต็ม), first_name (ชื่อจริง), last_name (นามสกุล), organisation_name (บริษัท), administrative_area (Administrative area (i.e. State / Province)), sub_administrative_area (Sub administrative area), locality (Locality (i.e. City)), dependent_locality (Dependent locality), postal_code (รหัสไปรษณีย์), thoroughfare (ที่อยู่ถนน), premise (Premise (i.e. Apartment / Suite number)), sub_premise (Sub Premise (i.e. Suite, Apartment, Floor, Unknown.) |
Address | [list:2:field-full-name-or-order:commerce_customer_address] | Postal address field. |
Customer profile ID | [list:2:field-full-name-or-order:customer-profile-id] | The unique numeric ID of the customer profile. |
Customer profile owner | [list:2:field-full-name-or-order:owner] | The user the customer profile belongs to. |
Customer profile type | [list:2:field-full-name-or-order:type] | The type of the customer profile. |
Customer profile type name | [list:2:field-full-name-or-order:type-name] | The type name of the customer profile. |
Date updated | [list:2:field-full-name-or-order:changed] | The date the customer profile was last updated. |
Original commerce customer profile | [list:2:field-full-name-or-order:original] | The original commerce customer profile data if the commerce customer profile is being updated or saved. |
Profile ID | [list:2:field-full-name-or-order:profile-id] | The internal numeric ID of the customer profile. |
URL | [list:2:field-full-name-or-order:url] | The URL of the commerce customer profile. |
User | [list:2:field-full-name-or-order:user] | The user the customer profile belongs to. |
รหัสผู้ใช้ | [list:2:field-full-name-or-order:uid] | The unique ID of the user the customer profile belongs to. |
วันที่สร้าง | [list:2:field-full-name-or-order:created] | The date the customer profile was created. |
สถานะ | [list:2:field-full-name-or-order:status] | Whether or not the customer profile is active. |
แก้ไข ID | [list:2:field-full-name-or-order:revision-id] | The unique ID of the customer profile's latest revision. |
Full name | [list:2:field_full_name_or_order] | Entity Reference field. |
Image | [list:2:field-image:?] | Field "field_image". The following properties may be appended to the token: file (The image file.), alt (The "Alt" attribute text) |
Image_home | [list:2:field-image-home:?] | Field "field_image_home". The following properties may be appended to the token: file (The image file.) |
Image_home | [list:2:field_image_home] | Image field. |
Images | [list:2:field_image] | Image field. Also known as Image. |
Images | [list:2:field_images] | Image field. |
Images | [list:2:field-images:?] | Field "field_images". The following properties may be appended to the token: file (The image file.) |
Is new | [list:2:is-new] | Whether the node is new and not saved to the database yet. |
Language | [list:2:language] | The language the node is written in. |
Last view | [list:2:last-view] | The date on which a visitor last read the node. |
Availability Calendar date display | [list:2:last-view:availability_calendar_date_display] | A date in 'availability_calendar_date_display' format. (03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Availability Calendar date entry | [list:2:last-view:availability_calendar_date_entry] | A date in 'availability_calendar_date_entry' format. (03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Availability Calendar month caption | [list:2:last-view:availability_calendar_month_caption] | A date in 'availability_calendar_month_caption' format. (03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Hours am/pm | [list:2:last-view:hours_ampm] | A date in 'hours_ampm' format. (3:29 am) |
Long format | [list:2:last-view:long] | A date in 'long' format. (พุธ, มีนาคม 20, 2024 - 03:29) |
Medium format | [list:2:last-view:medium] | A date in 'medium' format. (พ, 03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Raw timestamp | [list:2:last-view:raw] | A date in UNIX timestamp format (1710880172) |
Short format | [list:2:last-view:short] | A date in 'short' format. (03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Studyroom Availability Date | [list:2:last-view:studyroom_availability_date] | A date in 'studyroom_availability_date' format. (พ, 03/20/2024) |
Time-since | [list:2:last-view:since] | A date in 'time-since' format. (54 ปี 3 เดือน) |
กำหนดรูปแบบเอง | [list:2:last-view:custom:?] | A date in a custom format. See the PHP documentation for details. |
Location | [list:2:location] | The location for this node. |
Additional | [list:2:location:additional:?] | Additional (If there are multiple locations, N is the iteration, starting with 0). |
Country Name | [list:2:location:country_name:?] | Country Name (If there are multiple locations, N is the iteration, starting with 0). |
Latitude | [list:2:location:latitude:?] | Latitude (If there are multiple locations, N is the iteration, starting with 0). |
Location Name | [list:2:location:name:?] | Location Name (If there are multiple locations, N is the iteration, starting with 0). |
Longitude | [list:2:location:longitude:?] | Longitude (If there are multiple locations, N is the iteration, starting with 0). |
Postal Code | [list:2:location:postal_code:?] | Postal Code (If there are multiple locations, N is the iteration, starting with 0). |
State/Province Name | [list:2:location:province_name:?] | State/Province Name (If there are multiple locations, N is the iteration, starting with 0). |
Street | [list:2:location:street:?] | Street (If there are multiple locations, N is the iteration, starting with 0). |
ประเทศ | [list:2:location:country:?] | Country (If there are multiple locations, N is the iteration, starting with 0). |
รัฐ / จังหวัด | [list:2:location:province:?] | State/Province (If there are multiple locations, N is the iteration, starting with 0). |
เมือง | [list:2:location:city:?] | City (If there are multiple locations, N is the iteration, starting with 0). |
Order | [list:2:field_order] | Entity Reference field. |
Order | [list:2:field-order] | Field "field_order". |
Billing information | [list:2:field-order:commerce-customer-billing] | Field "commerce_customer_billing". |
Billing information | [list:2:field-order:commerce_customer_billing] | Customer profile reference field. |
Cancel date | [list:2:field-order:field-commerce-billy-cancel-date] | Field "field_commerce_billy_cancel_date". |
Cancel date | [list:2:field-order:field_commerce_billy_cancel_date] | Date (Unix timestamp) field. |
Coupons | [list:2:field-order:commerce_coupons] | Entity Reference field. |
Coupons | [list:2:field-order:commerce-coupons] | Field "commerce_coupons". |
Create revision | [list:2:field-order:revision] | Whether or not saving this order creates a new revision. |
Date placed | [list:2:field-order:placed] | The date the order was placed i.e. checkout was completed. |
Discount reference | [list:2:field-order:commerce_discounts] | Entity Reference field. |
Discount reference | [list:2:field-order:commerce-discounts] | Field "commerce_discounts". |
Expiration (formatted) | [list:2:field-order:expiration-formatted] | The time left until this order expires. Formatted by theme_commerce_cart_expiration(). |
Expiration (raw) | [list:2:field-order:expiration-raw] | The raw time left until this order expires in seconds. |
Host name | [list:2:field-order:hostname] | The IP address that created this order. |
Invoice date | [list:2:field-order:field-commerce-billy-i-date] | Field "field_commerce_billy_i_date". |
Invoice date | [list:2:field-order:field_commerce_billy_i_date] | Date (Unix timestamp) field. |
Line items | [list:2:field-order:commerce-line-items] | Field "commerce_line_items". |
Line items | [list:2:field-order:commerce_line_items] | Line item reference field. |
Order ID | [list:2:field-order:order-id] | The unique numeric ID of the order. |
Order e-mail | [list:2:field-order:mail] | The e-mail address associated with the order. |
Order e-mail prepared for username usage | [list:2:field-order:mail-username] | The e-mail address associated with this order with illegal characters for usernames replaced. |
Order number | [list:2:field-order:order-number] | The order number displayed to the customer. |
Order state | [list:2:field-order:state] | The current state of the order. |
Order state title | [list:2:field-order:state-title] | The human-readable title of the order state. |
Order status | [list:2:field-order:status] | The current status of the order. |
Order status title | [list:2:field-order:status-title] | The human-readable title of the order status. |
Order total | [list:2:field-order:commerce-order-total:?] | Field "commerce_order_total". The following properties may be appended to the token: amount (Amount), amount_decimal (Amount (decimal)), currency_code (Currency), data (Data) |
Order total | [list:2:field-order:commerce_order_total] | ราคา field. |
Order type | [list:2:field-order:type] | The type of the order. |
Order type name | [list:2:field-order:type-name] | The human-readable name of the order type. |
Original commerce order | [list:2:field-order:original] | The original commerce order data if the commerce order is being updated or saved. |
Owner ID | [list:2:field-order:uid] | The unique ID of the order owner. |
Payment method display title | [list:2:field-order:payment-method-display-title] | The checkout form oriented display title of the payment method for the payment transaction. |
Payment method short title | [list:2:field-order:payment-method-short-title] | The customer oriented short title of the payment method selected by the customer during checkout. |
Payment method title | [list:2:field-order:payment-method-title] | The administrative title of the payment method selected by the customer during checkout. |
URL | [list:2:field-order:url] | The URL of the order. |
URL | [list:2:field-order:admin-url] | The URL for administrators to view the order. |
URL | [list:2:field-order:customer-url] | The URL for customers to view the order. |
View URL | [list:2:field-order:view-url] | The URL a customer can visit to view the order. |
วันที่สร้าง | [list:2:field-order:created] | The date the order was created. |
วันที่เปลี่ยนแปลง | [list:2:field-order:changed] | The date the order was last updated. |
วิธีการชำระเงิน | [list:2:field-order:payment-method] | The method_id of the payment method selected by the customer during checkout. |
เจ้าของ | [list:2:field-order:owner] | The owner of the order. |
แก้ไข ID | [list:2:field-order:revision-id] | The unique ID of the order's latest revision. |
แก้ไข URL | [list:2:field-order:edit-url] | The URL of the order's edit page. |
Original node | [list:2:original] | The original node data if the node is being updated or saved. |
Address compay | [list:2:original:field_address_compay] | Geofield field. |
Address compay | [list:2:original:field-address-compay:?] | Field "field_address_compay". The following properties may be appended to the token: geom (Well-known text), geo_type (Geo Type), lat (Latitude), lon (Longitude), left (Left Latitude), top (Top Longitude), right (Right Latitude), bottom (Bottom Longitude), srid (Projection (SRID)), latlon (LatLong Pair), schemaorg_shape ( Shape) |
Author | [list:2:original:author] | The author of the node. |
Availability | [list:2:original:field_availability] | Rooms Availability Reference field. |
Bill money | [list:2:original:field_bill_money] | Image field. |
Bill money | [list:2:original:field-bill-money:?] | Field "field_bill_money". The following properties may be appended to the token: file (The image file.) |
Block location fried | [list:2:original:field-block-location-frieds:?] | Field "field_block_location_frieds". The following properties may be appended to the token: geom (Well-known text), geo_type (Geo Type), lat (Latitude), lon (Longitude), left (Left Latitude), top (Top Longitude), right (Right Latitude), bottom (Bottom Longitude), srid (Projection (SRID)), latlon (LatLong Pair), schemaorg_shape ( Shape) |
Block location fried | [list:2:original:field_block_location_frieds] | Geofield field. |
Body | [list:2:original:body:?] | The main body text of the node. The following properties may be appended to the token: value (ข้อความ), summary (Summary), format (รูปแบบข้อความ) |
Content ID | [list:2:original:nid] | The unique ID of the content item, or "node". |
Creates revision | [list:2:original:revision] | Whether saving this node creates a new revision. |
Date | [list:2:original:event_calendar_date] | วันที่ field. |
Date | [list:2:original:event-calendar-date:?] | Field "event_calendar_date". The following properties may be appended to the token: value (Start date), value2 (End date), duration (Duration) |
Description | [list:2:original:field_description] | Long text and summary field. |
Description | [list:2:original:field-description:?] | Field "field_description". The following properties may be appended to the token: value (ข้อความ), summary (Summary), format (รูปแบบข้อความ) |
Email customer | [list:2:original:field_email_customer] | ข้อความ field. |
Email customer | [list:2:original:field-email-customer] | Field "field_email_customer". |
FlexSlider Example Image | [list:2:original:field-flexslider-example-image:?] | Field "field_flexslider_example_image". The following properties may be appended to the token: file (The image file.) |
FlexSlider Example Image | [list:2:original:field_flexslider_example_image] | Image field. |
FlexSlider Example Slideshow | [list:2:original:field_flexslider_example_slidesh] | Image field. |
FlexSlider Example Slideshow | [list:2:original:field-flexslider-example-slidesh:?] | Field "field_flexslider_example_slidesh". The following properties may be appended to the token: file (The image file.), title (The "Title" attribute text) |
Full name | [list:2:original:field-full-name-or-order] | Field "field_full_name_or_order". |
Full name | [list:2:original:field_full_name_or_order] | Entity Reference field. |
Image | [list:2:original:field-image:?] | Field "field_image". The following properties may be appended to the token: file (The image file.), alt (The "Alt" attribute text) |
Image_home | [list:2:original:field-image-home:?] | Field "field_image_home". The following properties may be appended to the token: file (The image file.) |
Image_home | [list:2:original:field_image_home] | Image field. |
Images | [list:2:original:field_image] | Image field. Also known as Image. |
Images | [list:2:original:field_images] | Image field. |
Images | [list:2:original:field-images:?] | Field "field_images". The following properties may be appended to the token: file (The image file.) |
Is new | [list:2:original:is-new] | Whether the node is new and not saved to the database yet. |
Language | [list:2:original:language] | The language the node is written in. |
Last view | [list:2:original:last-view] | The date on which a visitor last read the node. |
Location | [list:2:original:location] | The location for this node. |
Order | [list:2:original:field_order] | Entity Reference field. |
Order | [list:2:original:field-order] | Field "field_order". |
Poll votes | [list:2:original:poll-votes] | The number of votes that have been cast on a poll. |
Poll winner | [list:2:original:poll-winner] | The winning poll answer. |
Poll winner percent | [list:2:original:poll-winner-percent] | The percentage of votes received by the winning poll answer. |
Poll winner votes | [list:2:original:poll-winner-votes] | The number of votes received by the winning poll answer. |
Promoted to frontpage | [list:2:original:promote] | Whether the node is promoted to the frontpage. |
Slideshow Image | [list:2:original:field-slideshow-image:?] | Field "field_slideshow_image". The following properties may be appended to the token: file (The image file.) |
Slideshow Image | [list:2:original:field_slideshow_image] | Image field. |
Status | [list:2:original:event_calendar_status] | คำอ้างอิง field. |
Status | [list:2:original:event-calendar-status] | Field "event_calendar_status". |
Sticky in lists | [list:2:original:sticky] | Whether the node is displayed at the top of lists in which it appears. |
Summary | [list:2:original:summary] | The summary of the node's main body text. |
Tags | [list:2:original:field_tags] | คำอ้างอิง field. |
Tags | [list:2:original:field-tags] | Field "field_tags". |
The information entered is correct. | [list:2:original:field_n] | บูลีน field. |
The information entered is correct. | [list:2:original:field-n] | Field "field_n". |
Translation source node | [list:2:original:source] | The source node for this current node's translation set. |
URL | [list:2:original:url] | The URL of the node. |
Vedio | [list:2:original:field-vedios:?] | Field "field_vedios". The following properties may be appended to the token: input (YouTube URL), video_id (YouTube Video ID) |
Vedio: Default | [list:2:original:field_vedios] | The YouTube video field value's Default (or Token if exists) view mode output. |
Vedio: Image URL | [list:2:original:field_vedios__youtube_image_url] | The YouTube video field value's local image URL. |
Vedio: Video URL | [list:2:original:field_vedios__youtube_video_url] | The YouTube video field value's URL. |
Vedio samui iland youtube | [list:2:original:field-vedio-samui-iland-youtube-:?] | Field "field_vedio_samui_iland_youtube_". The following properties may be appended to the token: input (YouTube URL), video_id (YouTube Video ID) |
Vedio samui iland youtube : Default | [list:2:original:field_vedio_samui_iland_youtube_] | The YouTube video field value's Default (or Token if exists) view mode output. |
Vedio samui iland youtube : Image URL | [list:2:original:field_vedio_samui_iland_youtube___youtube_image_url] | The YouTube video field value's local image URL. |
Vedio samui iland youtube : Video URL | [list:2:original:field_vedio_samui_iland_youtube___youtube_video_url] | The YouTube video field value's URL. |
Views today | [list:2:original:day-views] | The number of visitors who have read the node today. |
Views today | [list:2:original:day-count] | The number of visitors who have read the node today. |
กระดานสนทนา ถาม ตอบ | [list:2:original:taxonomy-forums] | Field "taxonomy_forums". |
กระดานสนทนา ถาม ตอบ | [list:2:original:taxonomy_forums] | คำอ้างอิง field. |
การแก้ไขการบันทึกข้อความ | [list:2:original:log] | The explanation of the most recent changes made to the node. |
จำนวนการเข้าชม | [list:2:original:total-count] | The number of visitors who have read the node. |
จำนวนการเข้าชม | [list:2:original:views] | The number of visitors who have read the node. |
ชนิดของเนื้อหา | [list:2:original:content-type] | The content type of the node. |
ระยะเวลาแบบสำรวจ | [list:2:original:poll-duration] | The length of time the poll is set to run. |
วันที่สร้าง | [list:2:original:created] | The date the node was posted. |
วันที่เปลี่ยนแปลง | [list:2:original:changed] | The date the node was most recently updated. |
สถานะ | [list:2:original:status] | Whether the node is published or unpublished. |
หัวข้อ | [list:2:original:title] | The title of the node. |
แก้ไข ID | [list:2:original:vid] | The unique ID of the node's latest revision. |
แก้ไข URL | [list:2:original:edit-url] | The URL of the node's edit page. |
Poll votes | [list:2:poll-votes] | The number of votes that have been cast on a poll. |
Poll winner | [list:2:poll-winner] | The winning poll answer. |
Poll winner percent | [list:2:poll-winner-percent] | The percentage of votes received by the winning poll answer. |
Poll winner votes | [list:2:poll-winner-votes] | The number of votes received by the winning poll answer. |
Promoted to frontpage | [list:2:promote] | Whether the node is promoted to the frontpage. |
Slideshow Image | [list:2:field-slideshow-image:?] | Field "field_slideshow_image". The following properties may be appended to the token: file (The image file.) |
Slideshow Image | [list:2:field_slideshow_image] | Image field. |
Status | [list:2:event_calendar_status] | คำอ้างอิง field. |
Status | [list:2:event-calendar-status] | Field "event_calendar_status". |
All parent terms | [list:2:event-calendar-status:parents-all] | Ancestors of the term, i.e. parent of all above hierarchy levels. |
Description (localized) | [list:2:event-calendar-status:i18n-description] | The optional description of the taxonomy term. |
Name | [list:2:event-calendar-status:name] | The name of the taxonomy term. |
Name (localized) | [list:2:event-calendar-status:i18n-name] | The name of the taxonomy term. |
Name in current language | [list:2:event-calendar-status:localized-name] | The name of the taxonomy term in current language. |
Node count | [list:2:event-calendar-status:node-count] | The number of nodes tagged with the taxonomy term. |
Original taxonomy term | [list:2:event-calendar-status:original] | The original taxonomy term data if the taxonomy term is being updated or saved. |
Parents | [list:2:event-calendar-status:parents] | An array of all the term's parents, starting with the root. |
Parent term (localized) | [list:2:event-calendar-status:i18n-parent] | The parent term of the taxonomy term, if one exists. |
Root term | [list:2:event-calendar-status:root] | The root term of the taxonomy term. |
Term ID | [list:2:event-calendar-status:tid] | The unique ID of the taxonomy term. |
URL | [list:2:event-calendar-status:url] | The URL of the taxonomy term. |
Vocabulary (localized) | [list:2:event-calendar-status:i18n-vocabulary] | The vocabulary the taxonomy term belongs to. |
คำศัพท์ | [list:2:event-calendar-status:vocabulary] | The vocabulary the taxonomy term belongs to. |
คำอธิบาย | [list:2:event-calendar-status:description] | The optional description of the taxonomy term. |
น้ำหนัก | [list:2:event-calendar-status:weight] | The weight of the term, which is used for ordering terms during display. |
ลำดับชั้นของ Term | [list:2:event-calendar-status:parent] | The parent term of the taxonomy term, if one exists. |
แก้ไข URL | [list:2:event-calendar-status:edit-url] | The URL of the taxonomy term's edit page. |
Sticky in lists | [list:2:sticky] | Whether the node is displayed at the top of lists in which it appears. |
Summary | [list:2:summary] | The summary of the node's main body text. |
Tags | [list:2:field_tags] | คำอ้างอิง field. |
Tags | [list:2:field-tags] | Field "field_tags". |
แง่อนุกรมวิธาน with delta 0 | [list:2:field-tags:0] | The list item with delta 0. Delta values start from 0 and are incremented by one per list item. |
แง่อนุกรมวิธาน with delta 1 | [list:2:field-tags:1] | The list item with delta 1. Delta values start from 0 and are incremented by one per list item. |
แง่อนุกรมวิธาน with delta 3 | [list:2:field-tags:3] | The list item with delta 3. Delta values start from 0 and are incremented by one per list item. |
The information entered is correct. | [list:2:field_n] | บูลีน field. |
The information entered is correct. | [list:2:field-n] | Field "field_n". |
Translation source node | [list:2:source] | The source node for this current node's translation set. |
Address compay | [list:2:source:field_address_compay] | Geofield field. |
Address compay | [list:2:source:field-address-compay:?] | Field "field_address_compay". The following properties may be appended to the token: geom (Well-known text), geo_type (Geo Type), lat (Latitude), lon (Longitude), left (Left Latitude), top (Top Longitude), right (Right Latitude), bottom (Bottom Longitude), srid (Projection (SRID)), latlon (LatLong Pair), schemaorg_shape ( Shape) |
Author | [list:2:source:author] | The author of the node. |
Availability | [list:2:source:field_availability] | Rooms Availability Reference field. |
Bill money | [list:2:source:field_bill_money] | Image field. |
Bill money | [list:2:source:field-bill-money:?] | Field "field_bill_money". The following properties may be appended to the token: file (The image file.) |
Block location fried | [list:2:source:field-block-location-frieds:?] | Field "field_block_location_frieds". The following properties may be appended to the token: geom (Well-known text), geo_type (Geo Type), lat (Latitude), lon (Longitude), left (Left Latitude), top (Top Longitude), right (Right Latitude), bottom (Bottom Longitude), srid (Projection (SRID)), latlon (LatLong Pair), schemaorg_shape ( Shape) |
Block location fried | [list:2:source:field_block_location_frieds] | Geofield field. |
Body | [list:2:source:body:?] | The main body text of the node. The following properties may be appended to the token: value (ข้อความ), summary (Summary), format (รูปแบบข้อความ) |
Content ID | [list:2:source:nid] | The unique ID of the content item, or "node". |
Creates revision | [list:2:source:revision] | Whether saving this node creates a new revision. |
Date | [list:2:source:event_calendar_date] | วันที่ field. |
Date | [list:2:source:event-calendar-date:?] | Field "event_calendar_date". The following properties may be appended to the token: value (Start date), value2 (End date), duration (Duration) |
Description | [list:2:source:field_description] | Long text and summary field. |
Description | [list:2:source:field-description:?] | Field "field_description". The following properties may be appended to the token: value (ข้อความ), summary (Summary), format (รูปแบบข้อความ) |
Email customer | [list:2:source:field_email_customer] | ข้อความ field. |
Email customer | [list:2:source:field-email-customer] | Field "field_email_customer". |
FlexSlider Example Image | [list:2:source:field-flexslider-example-image:?] | Field "field_flexslider_example_image". The following properties may be appended to the token: file (The image file.) |
FlexSlider Example Image | [list:2:source:field_flexslider_example_image] | Image field. |
FlexSlider Example Slideshow | [list:2:source:field_flexslider_example_slidesh] | Image field. |
FlexSlider Example Slideshow | [list:2:source:field-flexslider-example-slidesh:?] | Field "field_flexslider_example_slidesh". The following properties may be appended to the token: file (The image file.), title (The "Title" attribute text) |
Full name | [list:2:source:field-full-name-or-order] | Field "field_full_name_or_order". |
Full name | [list:2:source:field_full_name_or_order] | Entity Reference field. |
Image | [list:2:source:field-image:?] | Field "field_image". The following properties may be appended to the token: file (The image file.), alt (The "Alt" attribute text) |
Image_home | [list:2:source:field-image-home:?] | Field "field_image_home". The following properties may be appended to the token: file (The image file.) |
Image_home | [list:2:source:field_image_home] | Image field. |
Images | [list:2:source:field_image] | Image field. Also known as Image. |
Images | [list:2:source:field_images] | Image field. |
Images | [list:2:source:field-images:?] | Field "field_images". The following properties may be appended to the token: file (The image file.) |
Is new | [list:2:source:is-new] | Whether the node is new and not saved to the database yet. |
Language | [list:2:source:language] | The language the node is written in. |
Last view | [list:2:source:last-view] | The date on which a visitor last read the node. |
Location | [list:2:source:location] | The location for this node. |
Order | [list:2:source:field_order] | Entity Reference field. |
Order | [list:2:source:field-order] | Field "field_order". |
Original node | [list:2:source:original] | The original node data if the node is being updated or saved. |
Poll votes | [list:2:source:poll-votes] | The number of votes that have been cast on a poll. |
Poll winner | [list:2:source:poll-winner] | The winning poll answer. |
Poll winner percent | [list:2:source:poll-winner-percent] | The percentage of votes received by the winning poll answer. |
Poll winner votes | [list:2:source:poll-winner-votes] | The number of votes received by the winning poll answer. |
Promoted to frontpage | [list:2:source:promote] | Whether the node is promoted to the frontpage. |
Slideshow Image | [list:2:source:field-slideshow-image:?] | Field "field_slideshow_image". The following properties may be appended to the token: file (The image file.) |
Slideshow Image | [list:2:source:field_slideshow_image] | Image field. |
Status | [list:2:source:event_calendar_status] | คำอ้างอิง field. |
Status | [list:2:source:event-calendar-status] | Field "event_calendar_status". |
Sticky in lists | [list:2:source:sticky] | Whether the node is displayed at the top of lists in which it appears. |
Summary | [list:2:source:summary] | The summary of the node's main body text. |
Tags | [list:2:source:field_tags] | คำอ้างอิง field. |
Tags | [list:2:source:field-tags] | Field "field_tags". |
The information entered is correct. | [list:2:source:field_n] | บูลีน field. |
The information entered is correct. | [list:2:source:field-n] | Field "field_n". |
URL | [list:2:source:url] | The URL of the node. |
Vedio | [list:2:source:field-vedios:?] | Field "field_vedios". The following properties may be appended to the token: input (YouTube URL), video_id (YouTube Video ID) |
Vedio: Default | [list:2:source:field_vedios] | The YouTube video field value's Default (or Token if exists) view mode output. |
Vedio: Image URL | [list:2:source:field_vedios__youtube_image_url] | The YouTube video field value's local image URL. |
Vedio: Video URL | [list:2:source:field_vedios__youtube_video_url] | The YouTube video field value's URL. |
Vedio samui iland youtube | [list:2:source:field-vedio-samui-iland-youtube-:?] | Field "field_vedio_samui_iland_youtube_". The following properties may be appended to the token: input (YouTube URL), video_id (YouTube Video ID) |
Vedio samui iland youtube : Default | [list:2:source:field_vedio_samui_iland_youtube_] | The YouTube video field value's Default (or Token if exists) view mode output. |
Vedio samui iland youtube : Image URL | [list:2:source:field_vedio_samui_iland_youtube___youtube_image_url] | The YouTube video field value's local image URL. |
Vedio samui iland youtube : Video URL | [list:2:source:field_vedio_samui_iland_youtube___youtube_video_url] | The YouTube video field value's URL. |
Views today | [list:2:source:day-views] | The number of visitors who have read the node today. |
Views today | [list:2:source:day-count] | The number of visitors who have read the node today. |
กระดานสนทนา ถาม ตอบ | [list:2:source:taxonomy-forums] | Field "taxonomy_forums". |
กระดานสนทนา ถาม ตอบ | [list:2:source:taxonomy_forums] | คำอ้างอิง field. |
การแก้ไขการบันทึกข้อความ | [list:2:source:log] | The explanation of the most recent changes made to the node. |
จำนวนการเข้าชม | [list:2:source:total-count] | The number of visitors who have read the node. |
จำนวนการเข้าชม | [list:2:source:views] | The number of visitors who have read the node. |
ชนิดของเนื้อหา | [list:2:source:content-type] | The content type of the node. |
ระยะเวลาแบบสำรวจ | [list:2:source:poll-duration] | The length of time the poll is set to run. |
วันที่สร้าง | [list:2:source:created] | The date the node was posted. |
วันที่เปลี่ยนแปลง | [list:2:source:changed] | The date the node was most recently updated. |
สถานะ | [list:2:source:status] | Whether the node is published or unpublished. |
หัวข้อ | [list:2:source:title] | The title of the node. |
แก้ไข ID | [list:2:source:vid] | The unique ID of the node's latest revision. |
แก้ไข URL | [list:2:source:edit-url] | The URL of the node's edit page. |
URL | [list:2:url] | The URL of the node. |
Absolute URL | [list:2:url:absolute] | The absolute URL. |
Arguments | [list:2:url:args] | The specific argument of the current page (e.g. 'arg:1' on the page 'node/1' returns '1'). |
Brief URL | [list:2:url:brief] | The URL without the protocol and trailing backslash. |
Relative URL | [list:2:url:relative] | The relative URL. |
Unaliased URL | [list:2:url:unaliased] | The unaliased URL. |
ตำแหน่งพาธ | [list:2:url:path] | The path component of the URL. |
Vedio | [list:2:field-vedios:?] | Field "field_vedios". The following properties may be appended to the token: input (YouTube URL), video_id (YouTube Video ID) |
Vedio: Default | [list:2:field_vedios] | The YouTube video field value's Default (or Token if exists) view mode output. |
Vedio: Image URL | [list:2:field_vedios__youtube_image_url] | The YouTube video field value's local image URL. |
Vedio: Video URL | [list:2:field_vedios__youtube_video_url] | The YouTube video field value's URL. |
Vedio samui iland youtube | [list:2:field-vedio-samui-iland-youtube-:?] | Field "field_vedio_samui_iland_youtube_". The following properties may be appended to the token: input (YouTube URL), video_id (YouTube Video ID) |
Vedio samui iland youtube : Default | [list:2:field_vedio_samui_iland_youtube_] | The YouTube video field value's Default (or Token if exists) view mode output. |
Vedio samui iland youtube : Image URL | [list:2:field_vedio_samui_iland_youtube___youtube_image_url] | The YouTube video field value's local image URL. |
Vedio samui iland youtube : Video URL | [list:2:field_vedio_samui_iland_youtube___youtube_video_url] | The YouTube video field value's URL. |
Views today | [list:2:day-views] | The number of visitors who have read the node today. |
Views today | [list:2:day-count] | The number of visitors who have read the node today. |
กระดานสนทนา ถาม ตอบ | [list:2:taxonomy-forums] | Field "taxonomy_forums". |
All parent terms | [list:2:taxonomy-forums:parents-all] | Ancestors of the term, i.e. parent of all above hierarchy levels. |
Description (localized) | [list:2:taxonomy-forums:i18n-description] | The optional description of the taxonomy term. |
Name | [list:2:taxonomy-forums:name] | The name of the taxonomy term. |
Name (localized) | [list:2:taxonomy-forums:i18n-name] | The name of the taxonomy term. |
Name in current language | [list:2:taxonomy-forums:localized-name] | The name of the taxonomy term in current language. |
Node count | [list:2:taxonomy-forums:node-count] | The number of nodes tagged with the taxonomy term. |
Original taxonomy term | [list:2:taxonomy-forums:original] | The original taxonomy term data if the taxonomy term is being updated or saved. |
Parents | [list:2:taxonomy-forums:parents] | An array of all the term's parents, starting with the root. |
Parent term (localized) | [list:2:taxonomy-forums:i18n-parent] | The parent term of the taxonomy term, if one exists. |
Root term | [list:2:taxonomy-forums:root] | The root term of the taxonomy term. |
Term ID | [list:2:taxonomy-forums:tid] | The unique ID of the taxonomy term. |
URL | [list:2:taxonomy-forums:url] | The URL of the taxonomy term. |
Vocabulary (localized) | [list:2:taxonomy-forums:i18n-vocabulary] | The vocabulary the taxonomy term belongs to. |
คำศัพท์ | [list:2:taxonomy-forums:vocabulary] | The vocabulary the taxonomy term belongs to. |
คำอธิบาย | [list:2:taxonomy-forums:description] | The optional description of the taxonomy term. |
น้ำหนัก | [list:2:taxonomy-forums:weight] | The weight of the term, which is used for ordering terms during display. |
ลำดับชั้นของ Term | [list:2:taxonomy-forums:parent] | The parent term of the taxonomy term, if one exists. |
แก้ไข URL | [list:2:taxonomy-forums:edit-url] | The URL of the taxonomy term's edit page. |
กระดานสนทนา ถาม ตอบ | [list:2:taxonomy_forums] | คำอ้างอิง field. |
การแก้ไขการบันทึกข้อความ | [list:2:log] | The explanation of the most recent changes made to the node. |
จำนวนการเข้าชม | [list:2:total-count] | The number of visitors who have read the node. |
จำนวนการเข้าชม | [list:2:views] | The number of visitors who have read the node. |
ชนิดของเนื้อหา | [list:2:content-type] | The content type of the node. |
Description (localized) | [list:2:content-type:i18n-description] | The optional description of the content type. |
Name | [list:2:content-type:name] | The name of the content type. |
Name (localized) | [list:2:content-type:i18n-name] | The name of the content type. |
Node count | [list:2:content-type:node-count] | The number of nodes belonging to the content type. |
คำอธิบาย | [list:2:content-type:description] | The optional description of the content type. |
ชื่อสำหรับอ้างอิง | [list:2:content-type:machine-name] | The unique machine-readable name of the content type. |
แก้ไข URL | [list:2:content-type:edit-url] | The URL of the content type's edit page. |
ระยะเวลาแบบสำรวจ | [list:2:poll-duration] | The length of time the poll is set to run. |
วันที่สร้าง | [list:2:created] | The date the node was posted. |
Availability Calendar date display | [list:2:created:availability_calendar_date_display] | A date in 'availability_calendar_date_display' format. (03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Availability Calendar date entry | [list:2:created:availability_calendar_date_entry] | A date in 'availability_calendar_date_entry' format. (03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Availability Calendar month caption | [list:2:created:availability_calendar_month_caption] | A date in 'availability_calendar_month_caption' format. (03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Hours am/pm | [list:2:created:hours_ampm] | A date in 'hours_ampm' format. (3:29 am) |
Long format | [list:2:created:long] | A date in 'long' format. (พุธ, มีนาคม 20, 2024 - 03:29) |
Medium format | [list:2:created:medium] | A date in 'medium' format. (พ, 03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Raw timestamp | [list:2:created:raw] | A date in UNIX timestamp format (1710880172) |
Short format | [list:2:created:short] | A date in 'short' format. (03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Studyroom Availability Date | [list:2:created:studyroom_availability_date] | A date in 'studyroom_availability_date' format. (พ, 03/20/2024) |
Time-since | [list:2:created:since] | A date in 'time-since' format. (54 ปี 3 เดือน) |
กำหนดรูปแบบเอง | [list:2:created:custom:?] | A date in a custom format. See the PHP documentation for details. |
วันที่เปลี่ยนแปลง | [list:2:changed] | The date the node was most recently updated. |
Availability Calendar date display | [list:2:changed:availability_calendar_date_display] | A date in 'availability_calendar_date_display' format. (03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Availability Calendar date entry | [list:2:changed:availability_calendar_date_entry] | A date in 'availability_calendar_date_entry' format. (03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Availability Calendar month caption | [list:2:changed:availability_calendar_month_caption] | A date in 'availability_calendar_month_caption' format. (03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Hours am/pm | [list:2:changed:hours_ampm] | A date in 'hours_ampm' format. (3:29 am) |
Long format | [list:2:changed:long] | A date in 'long' format. (พุธ, มีนาคม 20, 2024 - 03:29) |
Medium format | [list:2:changed:medium] | A date in 'medium' format. (พ, 03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Raw timestamp | [list:2:changed:raw] | A date in UNIX timestamp format (1710880172) |
Short format | [list:2:changed:short] | A date in 'short' format. (03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Studyroom Availability Date | [list:2:changed:studyroom_availability_date] | A date in 'studyroom_availability_date' format. (พ, 03/20/2024) |
Time-since | [list:2:changed:since] | A date in 'time-since' format. (54 ปี 3 เดือน) |
กำหนดรูปแบบเอง | [list:2:changed:custom:?] | A date in a custom format. See the PHP documentation for details. |
สถานะ | [list:2:status] | Whether the node is published or unpublished. |
หัวข้อ | [list:2:title] | The title of the node. |
แก้ไข ID | [list:2:vid] | The unique ID of the node's latest revision. |
แก้ไข URL | [list:2:edit-url] | The URL of the node's edit page. |
Nodes with delta 3 | [list:3] | The list item with delta 3. Delta values start from 0 and are incremented by one per list item. |
Address compay | [list:3:field_address_compay] | Geofield field. |
Address compay | [list:3:field-address-compay:?] | Field "field_address_compay". The following properties may be appended to the token: geom (Well-known text), geo_type (Geo Type), lat (Latitude), lon (Longitude), left (Left Latitude), top (Top Longitude), right (Right Latitude), bottom (Bottom Longitude), srid (Projection (SRID)), latlon (LatLong Pair), schemaorg_shape ( Shape) |
Author | [list:3:author] | The author of the node. |
Account cancellation URL | [list:3:author:cancel-url] | The URL of the confirm delete page for the user account. |
Last access | [list:3:author:last-access] | The date the user last accessed the site. |
Location | [list:3:author:location] | The location for this user. |
Name | [list:3:author:name] | The login name of the user account. |
One-time login URL | [list:3:author:one-time-login-url] | The URL of the one-time login page for the user account. |
Original user | [list:3:author:original] | The original user data if the user is being updated or saved. |
Roles | [list:3:author:roles] | The user roles associated with the user account. |
URL | [list:3:author:url] | The URL of the account profile page. |
User role ids | [list:3:author:role-ids] | The role ids the user account is a member of as comma separated list. |
User role names | [list:3:author:role-names] | The role names the user account is a member of as comma separated list. |
ธีมเริ่มต้น | [list:3:author:theme] | The user's default theme. |
รหัสผู้ใช้ | [list:3:author:uid] | The unique ID of the user account. |
รูปภาพ | [list:3:author:picture] | The picture of the user. |
สถานะ | [list:3:author:status] | Whether the user is active or blocked. |
สร้างเมื่อ | [list:3:author:created] | The date the user account was created. |
อีเมล | [list:3:author:mail] | The email address of the user account. |
เข้าสู่ระบบล่าสุด | [list:3:author:last-login] | The date the user last logged in to the site. |
แก้ไข URL | [list:3:author:edit-url] | The URL of the account edit page. |
Availability | [list:3:field_availability] | Rooms Availability Reference field. |
Bill money | [list:3:field_bill_money] | Image field. |
Bill money | [list:3:field-bill-money:?] | Field "field_bill_money". The following properties may be appended to the token: file (The image file.) |
Block location fried | [list:3:field-block-location-frieds:?] | Field "field_block_location_frieds". The following properties may be appended to the token: geom (Well-known text), geo_type (Geo Type), lat (Latitude), lon (Longitude), left (Left Latitude), top (Top Longitude), right (Right Latitude), bottom (Bottom Longitude), srid (Projection (SRID)), latlon (LatLong Pair), schemaorg_shape ( Shape) |
Block location fried | [list:3:field_block_location_frieds] | Geofield field. |
Body | [list:3:body:?] | The main body text of the node. The following properties may be appended to the token: value (ข้อความ), summary (Summary), format (รูปแบบข้อความ) |
Content ID | [list:3:nid] | The unique ID of the content item, or "node". |
Creates revision | [list:3:revision] | Whether saving this node creates a new revision. |
Date | [list:3:event_calendar_date] | วันที่ field. |
Date | [list:3:event-calendar-date:?] | Field "event_calendar_date". The following properties may be appended to the token: value (Start date), value2 (End date), duration (Duration) |
Description | [list:3:field_description] | Long text and summary field. |
Description | [list:3:field-description:?] | Field "field_description". The following properties may be appended to the token: value (ข้อความ), summary (Summary), format (รูปแบบข้อความ) |
Email customer | [list:3:field_email_customer] | ข้อความ field. |
Email customer | [list:3:field-email-customer] | Field "field_email_customer". |
FlexSlider Example Image | [list:3:field-flexslider-example-image:?] | Field "field_flexslider_example_image". The following properties may be appended to the token: file (The image file.) |
FlexSlider Example Image | [list:3:field_flexslider_example_image] | Image field. |
FlexSlider Example Slideshow | [list:3:field_flexslider_example_slidesh] | Image field. |
FlexSlider Example Slideshow | [list:3:field-flexslider-example-slidesh:?] | Field "field_flexslider_example_slidesh". The following properties may be appended to the token: file (The image file.), title (The "Title" attribute text) |
Full name | [list:3:field-full-name-or-order] | Field "field_full_name_or_order". |
Address | [list:3:field-full-name-or-order:commerce-customer-address:?] | Field "commerce_customer_address". The following properties may be appended to the token: country (ประเทศ), name_line (ชื่อเต็ม), first_name (ชื่อจริง), last_name (นามสกุล), organisation_name (บริษัท), administrative_area (Administrative area (i.e. State / Province)), sub_administrative_area (Sub administrative area), locality (Locality (i.e. City)), dependent_locality (Dependent locality), postal_code (รหัสไปรษณีย์), thoroughfare (ที่อยู่ถนน), premise (Premise (i.e. Apartment / Suite number)), sub_premise (Sub Premise (i.e. Suite, Apartment, Floor, Unknown.) |
Address | [list:3:field-full-name-or-order:commerce_customer_address] | Postal address field. |
Customer profile ID | [list:3:field-full-name-or-order:customer-profile-id] | The unique numeric ID of the customer profile. |
Customer profile owner | [list:3:field-full-name-or-order:owner] | The user the customer profile belongs to. |
Customer profile type | [list:3:field-full-name-or-order:type] | The type of the customer profile. |
Customer profile type name | [list:3:field-full-name-or-order:type-name] | The type name of the customer profile. |
Date updated | [list:3:field-full-name-or-order:changed] | The date the customer profile was last updated. |
Original commerce customer profile | [list:3:field-full-name-or-order:original] | The original commerce customer profile data if the commerce customer profile is being updated or saved. |
Profile ID | [list:3:field-full-name-or-order:profile-id] | The internal numeric ID of the customer profile. |
URL | [list:3:field-full-name-or-order:url] | The URL of the commerce customer profile. |
User | [list:3:field-full-name-or-order:user] | The user the customer profile belongs to. |
รหัสผู้ใช้ | [list:3:field-full-name-or-order:uid] | The unique ID of the user the customer profile belongs to. |
วันที่สร้าง | [list:3:field-full-name-or-order:created] | The date the customer profile was created. |
สถานะ | [list:3:field-full-name-or-order:status] | Whether or not the customer profile is active. |
แก้ไข ID | [list:3:field-full-name-or-order:revision-id] | The unique ID of the customer profile's latest revision. |
Full name | [list:3:field_full_name_or_order] | Entity Reference field. |
Image | [list:3:field-image:?] | Field "field_image". The following properties may be appended to the token: file (The image file.), alt (The "Alt" attribute text) |
Image_home | [list:3:field-image-home:?] | Field "field_image_home". The following properties may be appended to the token: file (The image file.) |
Image_home | [list:3:field_image_home] | Image field. |
Images | [list:3:field_image] | Image field. Also known as Image. |
Images | [list:3:field_images] | Image field. |
Images | [list:3:field-images:?] | Field "field_images". The following properties may be appended to the token: file (The image file.) |
Is new | [list:3:is-new] | Whether the node is new and not saved to the database yet. |
Language | [list:3:language] | The language the node is written in. |
Last view | [list:3:last-view] | The date on which a visitor last read the node. |
Availability Calendar date display | [list:3:last-view:availability_calendar_date_display] | A date in 'availability_calendar_date_display' format. (03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Availability Calendar date entry | [list:3:last-view:availability_calendar_date_entry] | A date in 'availability_calendar_date_entry' format. (03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Availability Calendar month caption | [list:3:last-view:availability_calendar_month_caption] | A date in 'availability_calendar_month_caption' format. (03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Hours am/pm | [list:3:last-view:hours_ampm] | A date in 'hours_ampm' format. (3:29 am) |
Long format | [list:3:last-view:long] | A date in 'long' format. (พุธ, มีนาคม 20, 2024 - 03:29) |
Medium format | [list:3:last-view:medium] | A date in 'medium' format. (พ, 03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Raw timestamp | [list:3:last-view:raw] | A date in UNIX timestamp format (1710880172) |
Short format | [list:3:last-view:short] | A date in 'short' format. (03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Studyroom Availability Date | [list:3:last-view:studyroom_availability_date] | A date in 'studyroom_availability_date' format. (พ, 03/20/2024) |
Time-since | [list:3:last-view:since] | A date in 'time-since' format. (54 ปี 3 เดือน) |
กำหนดรูปแบบเอง | [list:3:last-view:custom:?] | A date in a custom format. See the PHP documentation for details. |
Location | [list:3:location] | The location for this node. |
Additional | [list:3:location:additional:?] | Additional (If there are multiple locations, N is the iteration, starting with 0). |
Country Name | [list:3:location:country_name:?] | Country Name (If there are multiple locations, N is the iteration, starting with 0). |
Latitude | [list:3:location:latitude:?] | Latitude (If there are multiple locations, N is the iteration, starting with 0). |
Location Name | [list:3:location:name:?] | Location Name (If there are multiple locations, N is the iteration, starting with 0). |
Longitude | [list:3:location:longitude:?] | Longitude (If there are multiple locations, N is the iteration, starting with 0). |
Postal Code | [list:3:location:postal_code:?] | Postal Code (If there are multiple locations, N is the iteration, starting with 0). |
State/Province Name | [list:3:location:province_name:?] | State/Province Name (If there are multiple locations, N is the iteration, starting with 0). |
Street | [list:3:location:street:?] | Street (If there are multiple locations, N is the iteration, starting with 0). |
ประเทศ | [list:3:location:country:?] | Country (If there are multiple locations, N is the iteration, starting with 0). |
รัฐ / จังหวัด | [list:3:location:province:?] | State/Province (If there are multiple locations, N is the iteration, starting with 0). |
เมือง | [list:3:location:city:?] | City (If there are multiple locations, N is the iteration, starting with 0). |
Order | [list:3:field_order] | Entity Reference field. |
Order | [list:3:field-order] | Field "field_order". |
Billing information | [list:3:field-order:commerce-customer-billing] | Field "commerce_customer_billing". |
Billing information | [list:3:field-order:commerce_customer_billing] | Customer profile reference field. |
Cancel date | [list:3:field-order:field-commerce-billy-cancel-date] | Field "field_commerce_billy_cancel_date". |
Cancel date | [list:3:field-order:field_commerce_billy_cancel_date] | Date (Unix timestamp) field. |
Coupons | [list:3:field-order:commerce_coupons] | Entity Reference field. |
Coupons | [list:3:field-order:commerce-coupons] | Field "commerce_coupons". |
Create revision | [list:3:field-order:revision] | Whether or not saving this order creates a new revision. |
Date placed | [list:3:field-order:placed] | The date the order was placed i.e. checkout was completed. |
Discount reference | [list:3:field-order:commerce_discounts] | Entity Reference field. |
Discount reference | [list:3:field-order:commerce-discounts] | Field "commerce_discounts". |
Expiration (formatted) | [list:3:field-order:expiration-formatted] | The time left until this order expires. Formatted by theme_commerce_cart_expiration(). |
Expiration (raw) | [list:3:field-order:expiration-raw] | The raw time left until this order expires in seconds. |
Host name | [list:3:field-order:hostname] | The IP address that created this order. |
Invoice date | [list:3:field-order:field-commerce-billy-i-date] | Field "field_commerce_billy_i_date". |
Invoice date | [list:3:field-order:field_commerce_billy_i_date] | Date (Unix timestamp) field. |
Line items | [list:3:field-order:commerce-line-items] | Field "commerce_line_items". |
Line items | [list:3:field-order:commerce_line_items] | Line item reference field. |
Order ID | [list:3:field-order:order-id] | The unique numeric ID of the order. |
Order e-mail | [list:3:field-order:mail] | The e-mail address associated with the order. |
Order e-mail prepared for username usage | [list:3:field-order:mail-username] | The e-mail address associated with this order with illegal characters for usernames replaced. |
Order number | [list:3:field-order:order-number] | The order number displayed to the customer. |
Order state | [list:3:field-order:state] | The current state of the order. |
Order state title | [list:3:field-order:state-title] | The human-readable title of the order state. |
Order status | [list:3:field-order:status] | The current status of the order. |
Order status title | [list:3:field-order:status-title] | The human-readable title of the order status. |
Order total | [list:3:field-order:commerce-order-total:?] | Field "commerce_order_total". The following properties may be appended to the token: amount (Amount), amount_decimal (Amount (decimal)), currency_code (Currency), data (Data) |
Order total | [list:3:field-order:commerce_order_total] | ราคา field. |
Order type | [list:3:field-order:type] | The type of the order. |
Order type name | [list:3:field-order:type-name] | The human-readable name of the order type. |
Original commerce order | [list:3:field-order:original] | The original commerce order data if the commerce order is being updated or saved. |
Owner ID | [list:3:field-order:uid] | The unique ID of the order owner. |
Payment method display title | [list:3:field-order:payment-method-display-title] | The checkout form oriented display title of the payment method for the payment transaction. |
Payment method short title | [list:3:field-order:payment-method-short-title] | The customer oriented short title of the payment method selected by the customer during checkout. |
Payment method title | [list:3:field-order:payment-method-title] | The administrative title of the payment method selected by the customer during checkout. |
URL | [list:3:field-order:url] | The URL of the order. |
URL | [list:3:field-order:admin-url] | The URL for administrators to view the order. |
URL | [list:3:field-order:customer-url] | The URL for customers to view the order. |
View URL | [list:3:field-order:view-url] | The URL a customer can visit to view the order. |
วันที่สร้าง | [list:3:field-order:created] | The date the order was created. |
วันที่เปลี่ยนแปลง | [list:3:field-order:changed] | The date the order was last updated. |
วิธีการชำระเงิน | [list:3:field-order:payment-method] | The method_id of the payment method selected by the customer during checkout. |
เจ้าของ | [list:3:field-order:owner] | The owner of the order. |
แก้ไข ID | [list:3:field-order:revision-id] | The unique ID of the order's latest revision. |
แก้ไข URL | [list:3:field-order:edit-url] | The URL of the order's edit page. |
Original node | [list:3:original] | The original node data if the node is being updated or saved. |
Address compay | [list:3:original:field_address_compay] | Geofield field. |
Address compay | [list:3:original:field-address-compay:?] | Field "field_address_compay". The following properties may be appended to the token: geom (Well-known text), geo_type (Geo Type), lat (Latitude), lon (Longitude), left (Left Latitude), top (Top Longitude), right (Right Latitude), bottom (Bottom Longitude), srid (Projection (SRID)), latlon (LatLong Pair), schemaorg_shape ( Shape) |
Author | [list:3:original:author] | The author of the node. |
Availability | [list:3:original:field_availability] | Rooms Availability Reference field. |
Bill money | [list:3:original:field_bill_money] | Image field. |
Bill money | [list:3:original:field-bill-money:?] | Field "field_bill_money". The following properties may be appended to the token: file (The image file.) |
Block location fried | [list:3:original:field-block-location-frieds:?] | Field "field_block_location_frieds". The following properties may be appended to the token: geom (Well-known text), geo_type (Geo Type), lat (Latitude), lon (Longitude), left (Left Latitude), top (Top Longitude), right (Right Latitude), bottom (Bottom Longitude), srid (Projection (SRID)), latlon (LatLong Pair), schemaorg_shape ( Shape) |
Block location fried | [list:3:original:field_block_location_frieds] | Geofield field. |
Body | [list:3:original:body:?] | The main body text of the node. The following properties may be appended to the token: value (ข้อความ), summary (Summary), format (รูปแบบข้อความ) |
Content ID | [list:3:original:nid] | The unique ID of the content item, or "node". |
Creates revision | [list:3:original:revision] | Whether saving this node creates a new revision. |
Date | [list:3:original:event_calendar_date] | วันที่ field. |
Date | [list:3:original:event-calendar-date:?] | Field "event_calendar_date". The following properties may be appended to the token: value (Start date), value2 (End date), duration (Duration) |
Description | [list:3:original:field_description] | Long text and summary field. |
Description | [list:3:original:field-description:?] | Field "field_description". The following properties may be appended to the token: value (ข้อความ), summary (Summary), format (รูปแบบข้อความ) |
Email customer | [list:3:original:field_email_customer] | ข้อความ field. |
Email customer | [list:3:original:field-email-customer] | Field "field_email_customer". |
FlexSlider Example Image | [list:3:original:field-flexslider-example-image:?] | Field "field_flexslider_example_image". The following properties may be appended to the token: file (The image file.) |
FlexSlider Example Image | [list:3:original:field_flexslider_example_image] | Image field. |
FlexSlider Example Slideshow | [list:3:original:field_flexslider_example_slidesh] | Image field. |
FlexSlider Example Slideshow | [list:3:original:field-flexslider-example-slidesh:?] | Field "field_flexslider_example_slidesh". The following properties may be appended to the token: file (The image file.), title (The "Title" attribute text) |
Full name | [list:3:original:field-full-name-or-order] | Field "field_full_name_or_order". |
Full name | [list:3:original:field_full_name_or_order] | Entity Reference field. |
Image | [list:3:original:field-image:?] | Field "field_image". The following properties may be appended to the token: file (The image file.), alt (The "Alt" attribute text) |
Image_home | [list:3:original:field-image-home:?] | Field "field_image_home". The following properties may be appended to the token: file (The image file.) |
Image_home | [list:3:original:field_image_home] | Image field. |
Images | [list:3:original:field_image] | Image field. Also known as Image. |
Images | [list:3:original:field_images] | Image field. |
Images | [list:3:original:field-images:?] | Field "field_images". The following properties may be appended to the token: file (The image file.) |
Is new | [list:3:original:is-new] | Whether the node is new and not saved to the database yet. |
Language | [list:3:original:language] | The language the node is written in. |
Last view | [list:3:original:last-view] | The date on which a visitor last read the node. |
Location | [list:3:original:location] | The location for this node. |
Order | [list:3:original:field_order] | Entity Reference field. |
Order | [list:3:original:field-order] | Field "field_order". |
Poll votes | [list:3:original:poll-votes] | The number of votes that have been cast on a poll. |
Poll winner | [list:3:original:poll-winner] | The winning poll answer. |
Poll winner percent | [list:3:original:poll-winner-percent] | The percentage of votes received by the winning poll answer. |
Poll winner votes | [list:3:original:poll-winner-votes] | The number of votes received by the winning poll answer. |
Promoted to frontpage | [list:3:original:promote] | Whether the node is promoted to the frontpage. |
Slideshow Image | [list:3:original:field-slideshow-image:?] | Field "field_slideshow_image". The following properties may be appended to the token: file (The image file.) |
Slideshow Image | [list:3:original:field_slideshow_image] | Image field. |
Status | [list:3:original:event_calendar_status] | คำอ้างอิง field. |
Status | [list:3:original:event-calendar-status] | Field "event_calendar_status". |
Sticky in lists | [list:3:original:sticky] | Whether the node is displayed at the top of lists in which it appears. |
Summary | [list:3:original:summary] | The summary of the node's main body text. |
Tags | [list:3:original:field_tags] | คำอ้างอิง field. |
Tags | [list:3:original:field-tags] | Field "field_tags". |
The information entered is correct. | [list:3:original:field_n] | บูลีน field. |
The information entered is correct. | [list:3:original:field-n] | Field "field_n". |
Translation source node | [list:3:original:source] | The source node for this current node's translation set. |
URL | [list:3:original:url] | The URL of the node. |
Vedio | [list:3:original:field-vedios:?] | Field "field_vedios". The following properties may be appended to the token: input (YouTube URL), video_id (YouTube Video ID) |
Vedio: Default | [list:3:original:field_vedios] | The YouTube video field value's Default (or Token if exists) view mode output. |
Vedio: Image URL | [list:3:original:field_vedios__youtube_image_url] | The YouTube video field value's local image URL. |
Vedio: Video URL | [list:3:original:field_vedios__youtube_video_url] | The YouTube video field value's URL. |
Vedio samui iland youtube | [list:3:original:field-vedio-samui-iland-youtube-:?] | Field "field_vedio_samui_iland_youtube_". The following properties may be appended to the token: input (YouTube URL), video_id (YouTube Video ID) |
Vedio samui iland youtube : Default | [list:3:original:field_vedio_samui_iland_youtube_] | The YouTube video field value's Default (or Token if exists) view mode output. |
Vedio samui iland youtube : Image URL | [list:3:original:field_vedio_samui_iland_youtube___youtube_image_url] | The YouTube video field value's local image URL. |
Vedio samui iland youtube : Video URL | [list:3:original:field_vedio_samui_iland_youtube___youtube_video_url] | The YouTube video field value's URL. |
Views today | [list:3:original:day-views] | The number of visitors who have read the node today. |
Views today | [list:3:original:day-count] | The number of visitors who have read the node today. |
กระดานสนทนา ถาม ตอบ | [list:3:original:taxonomy-forums] | Field "taxonomy_forums". |
กระดานสนทนา ถาม ตอบ | [list:3:original:taxonomy_forums] | คำอ้างอิง field. |
การแก้ไขการบันทึกข้อความ | [list:3:original:log] | The explanation of the most recent changes made to the node. |
จำนวนการเข้าชม | [list:3:original:total-count] | The number of visitors who have read the node. |
จำนวนการเข้าชม | [list:3:original:views] | The number of visitors who have read the node. |
ชนิดของเนื้อหา | [list:3:original:content-type] | The content type of the node. |
ระยะเวลาแบบสำรวจ | [list:3:original:poll-duration] | The length of time the poll is set to run. |
วันที่สร้าง | [list:3:original:created] | The date the node was posted. |
วันที่เปลี่ยนแปลง | [list:3:original:changed] | The date the node was most recently updated. |
สถานะ | [list:3:original:status] | Whether the node is published or unpublished. |
หัวข้อ | [list:3:original:title] | The title of the node. |
แก้ไข ID | [list:3:original:vid] | The unique ID of the node's latest revision. |
แก้ไข URL | [list:3:original:edit-url] | The URL of the node's edit page. |
Poll votes | [list:3:poll-votes] | The number of votes that have been cast on a poll. |
Poll winner | [list:3:poll-winner] | The winning poll answer. |
Poll winner percent | [list:3:poll-winner-percent] | The percentage of votes received by the winning poll answer. |
Poll winner votes | [list:3:poll-winner-votes] | The number of votes received by the winning poll answer. |
Promoted to frontpage | [list:3:promote] | Whether the node is promoted to the frontpage. |
Slideshow Image | [list:3:field-slideshow-image:?] | Field "field_slideshow_image". The following properties may be appended to the token: file (The image file.) |
Slideshow Image | [list:3:field_slideshow_image] | Image field. |
Status | [list:3:event_calendar_status] | คำอ้างอิง field. |
Status | [list:3:event-calendar-status] | Field "event_calendar_status". |
All parent terms | [list:3:event-calendar-status:parents-all] | Ancestors of the term, i.e. parent of all above hierarchy levels. |
Description (localized) | [list:3:event-calendar-status:i18n-description] | The optional description of the taxonomy term. |
Name | [list:3:event-calendar-status:name] | The name of the taxonomy term. |
Name (localized) | [list:3:event-calendar-status:i18n-name] | The name of the taxonomy term. |
Name in current language | [list:3:event-calendar-status:localized-name] | The name of the taxonomy term in current language. |
Node count | [list:3:event-calendar-status:node-count] | The number of nodes tagged with the taxonomy term. |
Original taxonomy term | [list:3:event-calendar-status:original] | The original taxonomy term data if the taxonomy term is being updated or saved. |
Parents | [list:3:event-calendar-status:parents] | An array of all the term's parents, starting with the root. |
Parent term (localized) | [list:3:event-calendar-status:i18n-parent] | The parent term of the taxonomy term, if one exists. |
Root term | [list:3:event-calendar-status:root] | The root term of the taxonomy term. |
Term ID | [list:3:event-calendar-status:tid] | The unique ID of the taxonomy term. |
URL | [list:3:event-calendar-status:url] | The URL of the taxonomy term. |
Vocabulary (localized) | [list:3:event-calendar-status:i18n-vocabulary] | The vocabulary the taxonomy term belongs to. |
คำศัพท์ | [list:3:event-calendar-status:vocabulary] | The vocabulary the taxonomy term belongs to. |
คำอธิบาย | [list:3:event-calendar-status:description] | The optional description of the taxonomy term. |
น้ำหนัก | [list:3:event-calendar-status:weight] | The weight of the term, which is used for ordering terms during display. |
ลำดับชั้นของ Term | [list:3:event-calendar-status:parent] | The parent term of the taxonomy term, if one exists. |
แก้ไข URL | [list:3:event-calendar-status:edit-url] | The URL of the taxonomy term's edit page. |
Sticky in lists | [list:3:sticky] | Whether the node is displayed at the top of lists in which it appears. |
Summary | [list:3:summary] | The summary of the node's main body text. |
Tags | [list:3:field_tags] | คำอ้างอิง field. |
Tags | [list:3:field-tags] | Field "field_tags". |
แง่อนุกรมวิธาน with delta 0 | [list:3:field-tags:0] | The list item with delta 0. Delta values start from 0 and are incremented by one per list item. |
แง่อนุกรมวิธาน with delta 1 | [list:3:field-tags:1] | The list item with delta 1. Delta values start from 0 and are incremented by one per list item. |
แง่อนุกรมวิธาน with delta 2 | [list:3:field-tags:2] | The list item with delta 2. Delta values start from 0 and are incremented by one per list item. |
The information entered is correct. | [list:3:field_n] | บูลีน field. |
The information entered is correct. | [list:3:field-n] | Field "field_n". |
Translation source node | [list:3:source] | The source node for this current node's translation set. |
Address compay | [list:3:source:field_address_compay] | Geofield field. |
Address compay | [list:3:source:field-address-compay:?] | Field "field_address_compay". The following properties may be appended to the token: geom (Well-known text), geo_type (Geo Type), lat (Latitude), lon (Longitude), left (Left Latitude), top (Top Longitude), right (Right Latitude), bottom (Bottom Longitude), srid (Projection (SRID)), latlon (LatLong Pair), schemaorg_shape ( Shape) |
Author | [list:3:source:author] | The author of the node. |
Availability | [list:3:source:field_availability] | Rooms Availability Reference field. |
Bill money | [list:3:source:field_bill_money] | Image field. |
Bill money | [list:3:source:field-bill-money:?] | Field "field_bill_money". The following properties may be appended to the token: file (The image file.) |
Block location fried | [list:3:source:field-block-location-frieds:?] | Field "field_block_location_frieds". The following properties may be appended to the token: geom (Well-known text), geo_type (Geo Type), lat (Latitude), lon (Longitude), left (Left Latitude), top (Top Longitude), right (Right Latitude), bottom (Bottom Longitude), srid (Projection (SRID)), latlon (LatLong Pair), schemaorg_shape ( Shape) |
Block location fried | [list:3:source:field_block_location_frieds] | Geofield field. |
Body | [list:3:source:body:?] | The main body text of the node. The following properties may be appended to the token: value (ข้อความ), summary (Summary), format (รูปแบบข้อความ) |
Content ID | [list:3:source:nid] | The unique ID of the content item, or "node". |
Creates revision | [list:3:source:revision] | Whether saving this node creates a new revision. |
Date | [list:3:source:event_calendar_date] | วันที่ field. |
Date | [list:3:source:event-calendar-date:?] | Field "event_calendar_date". The following properties may be appended to the token: value (Start date), value2 (End date), duration (Duration) |
Description | [list:3:source:field_description] | Long text and summary field. |
Description | [list:3:source:field-description:?] | Field "field_description". The following properties may be appended to the token: value (ข้อความ), summary (Summary), format (รูปแบบข้อความ) |
Email customer | [list:3:source:field_email_customer] | ข้อความ field. |
Email customer | [list:3:source:field-email-customer] | Field "field_email_customer". |
FlexSlider Example Image | [list:3:source:field-flexslider-example-image:?] | Field "field_flexslider_example_image". The following properties may be appended to the token: file (The image file.) |
FlexSlider Example Image | [list:3:source:field_flexslider_example_image] | Image field. |
FlexSlider Example Slideshow | [list:3:source:field_flexslider_example_slidesh] | Image field. |
FlexSlider Example Slideshow | [list:3:source:field-flexslider-example-slidesh:?] | Field "field_flexslider_example_slidesh". The following properties may be appended to the token: file (The image file.), title (The "Title" attribute text) |
Full name | [list:3:source:field-full-name-or-order] | Field "field_full_name_or_order". |
Full name | [list:3:source:field_full_name_or_order] | Entity Reference field. |
Image | [list:3:source:field-image:?] | Field "field_image". The following properties may be appended to the token: file (The image file.), alt (The "Alt" attribute text) |
Image_home | [list:3:source:field-image-home:?] | Field "field_image_home". The following properties may be appended to the token: file (The image file.) |
Image_home | [list:3:source:field_image_home] | Image field. |
Images | [list:3:source:field_image] | Image field. Also known as Image. |
Images | [list:3:source:field_images] | Image field. |
Images | [list:3:source:field-images:?] | Field "field_images". The following properties may be appended to the token: file (The image file.) |
Is new | [list:3:source:is-new] | Whether the node is new and not saved to the database yet. |
Language | [list:3:source:language] | The language the node is written in. |
Last view | [list:3:source:last-view] | The date on which a visitor last read the node. |
Location | [list:3:source:location] | The location for this node. |
Order | [list:3:source:field_order] | Entity Reference field. |
Order | [list:3:source:field-order] | Field "field_order". |
Original node | [list:3:source:original] | The original node data if the node is being updated or saved. |
Poll votes | [list:3:source:poll-votes] | The number of votes that have been cast on a poll. |
Poll winner | [list:3:source:poll-winner] | The winning poll answer. |
Poll winner percent | [list:3:source:poll-winner-percent] | The percentage of votes received by the winning poll answer. |
Poll winner votes | [list:3:source:poll-winner-votes] | The number of votes received by the winning poll answer. |
Promoted to frontpage | [list:3:source:promote] | Whether the node is promoted to the frontpage. |
Slideshow Image | [list:3:source:field-slideshow-image:?] | Field "field_slideshow_image". The following properties may be appended to the token: file (The image file.) |
Slideshow Image | [list:3:source:field_slideshow_image] | Image field. |
Status | [list:3:source:event_calendar_status] | คำอ้างอิง field. |
Status | [list:3:source:event-calendar-status] | Field "event_calendar_status". |
Sticky in lists | [list:3:source:sticky] | Whether the node is displayed at the top of lists in which it appears. |
Summary | [list:3:source:summary] | The summary of the node's main body text. |
Tags | [list:3:source:field_tags] | คำอ้างอิง field. |
Tags | [list:3:source:field-tags] | Field "field_tags". |
The information entered is correct. | [list:3:source:field_n] | บูลีน field. |
The information entered is correct. | [list:3:source:field-n] | Field "field_n". |
URL | [list:3:source:url] | The URL of the node. |
Vedio | [list:3:source:field-vedios:?] | Field "field_vedios". The following properties may be appended to the token: input (YouTube URL), video_id (YouTube Video ID) |
Vedio: Default | [list:3:source:field_vedios] | The YouTube video field value's Default (or Token if exists) view mode output. |
Vedio: Image URL | [list:3:source:field_vedios__youtube_image_url] | The YouTube video field value's local image URL. |
Vedio: Video URL | [list:3:source:field_vedios__youtube_video_url] | The YouTube video field value's URL. |
Vedio samui iland youtube | [list:3:source:field-vedio-samui-iland-youtube-:?] | Field "field_vedio_samui_iland_youtube_". The following properties may be appended to the token: input (YouTube URL), video_id (YouTube Video ID) |
Vedio samui iland youtube : Default | [list:3:source:field_vedio_samui_iland_youtube_] | The YouTube video field value's Default (or Token if exists) view mode output. |
Vedio samui iland youtube : Image URL | [list:3:source:field_vedio_samui_iland_youtube___youtube_image_url] | The YouTube video field value's local image URL. |
Vedio samui iland youtube : Video URL | [list:3:source:field_vedio_samui_iland_youtube___youtube_video_url] | The YouTube video field value's URL. |
Views today | [list:3:source:day-views] | The number of visitors who have read the node today. |
Views today | [list:3:source:day-count] | The number of visitors who have read the node today. |
กระดานสนทนา ถาม ตอบ | [list:3:source:taxonomy-forums] | Field "taxonomy_forums". |
กระดานสนทนา ถาม ตอบ | [list:3:source:taxonomy_forums] | คำอ้างอิง field. |
การแก้ไขการบันทึกข้อความ | [list:3:source:log] | The explanation of the most recent changes made to the node. |
จำนวนการเข้าชม | [list:3:source:total-count] | The number of visitors who have read the node. |
จำนวนการเข้าชม | [list:3:source:views] | The number of visitors who have read the node. |
ชนิดของเนื้อหา | [list:3:source:content-type] | The content type of the node. |
ระยะเวลาแบบสำรวจ | [list:3:source:poll-duration] | The length of time the poll is set to run. |
วันที่สร้าง | [list:3:source:created] | The date the node was posted. |
วันที่เปลี่ยนแปลง | [list:3:source:changed] | The date the node was most recently updated. |
สถานะ | [list:3:source:status] | Whether the node is published or unpublished. |
หัวข้อ | [list:3:source:title] | The title of the node. |
แก้ไข ID | [list:3:source:vid] | The unique ID of the node's latest revision. |
แก้ไข URL | [list:3:source:edit-url] | The URL of the node's edit page. |
URL | [list:3:url] | The URL of the node. |
Absolute URL | [list:3:url:absolute] | The absolute URL. |
Arguments | [list:3:url:args] | The specific argument of the current page (e.g. 'arg:1' on the page 'node/1' returns '1'). |
Brief URL | [list:3:url:brief] | The URL without the protocol and trailing backslash. |
Relative URL | [list:3:url:relative] | The relative URL. |
Unaliased URL | [list:3:url:unaliased] | The unaliased URL. |
ตำแหน่งพาธ | [list:3:url:path] | The path component of the URL. |
Vedio | [list:3:field-vedios:?] | Field "field_vedios". The following properties may be appended to the token: input (YouTube URL), video_id (YouTube Video ID) |
Vedio: Default | [list:3:field_vedios] | The YouTube video field value's Default (or Token if exists) view mode output. |
Vedio: Image URL | [list:3:field_vedios__youtube_image_url] | The YouTube video field value's local image URL. |
Vedio: Video URL | [list:3:field_vedios__youtube_video_url] | The YouTube video field value's URL. |
Vedio samui iland youtube | [list:3:field-vedio-samui-iland-youtube-:?] | Field "field_vedio_samui_iland_youtube_". The following properties may be appended to the token: input (YouTube URL), video_id (YouTube Video ID) |
Vedio samui iland youtube : Default | [list:3:field_vedio_samui_iland_youtube_] | The YouTube video field value's Default (or Token if exists) view mode output. |
Vedio samui iland youtube : Image URL | [list:3:field_vedio_samui_iland_youtube___youtube_image_url] | The YouTube video field value's local image URL. |
Vedio samui iland youtube : Video URL | [list:3:field_vedio_samui_iland_youtube___youtube_video_url] | The YouTube video field value's URL. |
Views today | [list:3:day-views] | The number of visitors who have read the node today. |
Views today | [list:3:day-count] | The number of visitors who have read the node today. |
กระดานสนทนา ถาม ตอบ | [list:3:taxonomy-forums] | Field "taxonomy_forums". |
All parent terms | [list:3:taxonomy-forums:parents-all] | Ancestors of the term, i.e. parent of all above hierarchy levels. |
Description (localized) | [list:3:taxonomy-forums:i18n-description] | The optional description of the taxonomy term. |
Name | [list:3:taxonomy-forums:name] | The name of the taxonomy term. |
Name (localized) | [list:3:taxonomy-forums:i18n-name] | The name of the taxonomy term. |
Name in current language | [list:3:taxonomy-forums:localized-name] | The name of the taxonomy term in current language. |
Node count | [list:3:taxonomy-forums:node-count] | The number of nodes tagged with the taxonomy term. |
Original taxonomy term | [list:3:taxonomy-forums:original] | The original taxonomy term data if the taxonomy term is being updated or saved. |
Parents | [list:3:taxonomy-forums:parents] | An array of all the term's parents, starting with the root. |
Parent term (localized) | [list:3:taxonomy-forums:i18n-parent] | The parent term of the taxonomy term, if one exists. |
Root term | [list:3:taxonomy-forums:root] | The root term of the taxonomy term. |
Term ID | [list:3:taxonomy-forums:tid] | The unique ID of the taxonomy term. |
URL | [list:3:taxonomy-forums:url] | The URL of the taxonomy term. |
Vocabulary (localized) | [list:3:taxonomy-forums:i18n-vocabulary] | The vocabulary the taxonomy term belongs to. |
คำศัพท์ | [list:3:taxonomy-forums:vocabulary] | The vocabulary the taxonomy term belongs to. |
คำอธิบาย | [list:3:taxonomy-forums:description] | The optional description of the taxonomy term. |
น้ำหนัก | [list:3:taxonomy-forums:weight] | The weight of the term, which is used for ordering terms during display. |
ลำดับชั้นของ Term | [list:3:taxonomy-forums:parent] | The parent term of the taxonomy term, if one exists. |
แก้ไข URL | [list:3:taxonomy-forums:edit-url] | The URL of the taxonomy term's edit page. |
กระดานสนทนา ถาม ตอบ | [list:3:taxonomy_forums] | คำอ้างอิง field. |
การแก้ไขการบันทึกข้อความ | [list:3:log] | The explanation of the most recent changes made to the node. |
จำนวนการเข้าชม | [list:3:total-count] | The number of visitors who have read the node. |
จำนวนการเข้าชม | [list:3:views] | The number of visitors who have read the node. |
ชนิดของเนื้อหา | [list:3:content-type] | The content type of the node. |
Description (localized) | [list:3:content-type:i18n-description] | The optional description of the content type. |
Name | [list:3:content-type:name] | The name of the content type. |
Name (localized) | [list:3:content-type:i18n-name] | The name of the content type. |
Node count | [list:3:content-type:node-count] | The number of nodes belonging to the content type. |
คำอธิบาย | [list:3:content-type:description] | The optional description of the content type. |
ชื่อสำหรับอ้างอิง | [list:3:content-type:machine-name] | The unique machine-readable name of the content type. |
แก้ไข URL | [list:3:content-type:edit-url] | The URL of the content type's edit page. |
ระยะเวลาแบบสำรวจ | [list:3:poll-duration] | The length of time the poll is set to run. |
วันที่สร้าง | [list:3:created] | The date the node was posted. |
Availability Calendar date display | [list:3:created:availability_calendar_date_display] | A date in 'availability_calendar_date_display' format. (03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Availability Calendar date entry | [list:3:created:availability_calendar_date_entry] | A date in 'availability_calendar_date_entry' format. (03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Availability Calendar month caption | [list:3:created:availability_calendar_month_caption] | A date in 'availability_calendar_month_caption' format. (03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Hours am/pm | [list:3:created:hours_ampm] | A date in 'hours_ampm' format. (3:29 am) |
Long format | [list:3:created:long] | A date in 'long' format. (พุธ, มีนาคม 20, 2024 - 03:29) |
Medium format | [list:3:created:medium] | A date in 'medium' format. (พ, 03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Raw timestamp | [list:3:created:raw] | A date in UNIX timestamp format (1710880172) |
Short format | [list:3:created:short] | A date in 'short' format. (03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Studyroom Availability Date | [list:3:created:studyroom_availability_date] | A date in 'studyroom_availability_date' format. (พ, 03/20/2024) |
Time-since | [list:3:created:since] | A date in 'time-since' format. (54 ปี 3 เดือน) |
กำหนดรูปแบบเอง | [list:3:created:custom:?] | A date in a custom format. See the PHP documentation for details. |
วันที่เปลี่ยนแปลง | [list:3:changed] | The date the node was most recently updated. |
Availability Calendar date display | [list:3:changed:availability_calendar_date_display] | A date in 'availability_calendar_date_display' format. (03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Availability Calendar date entry | [list:3:changed:availability_calendar_date_entry] | A date in 'availability_calendar_date_entry' format. (03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Availability Calendar month caption | [list:3:changed:availability_calendar_month_caption] | A date in 'availability_calendar_month_caption' format. (03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Hours am/pm | [list:3:changed:hours_ampm] | A date in 'hours_ampm' format. (3:29 am) |
Long format | [list:3:changed:long] | A date in 'long' format. (พุธ, มีนาคม 20, 2024 - 03:29) |
Medium format | [list:3:changed:medium] | A date in 'medium' format. (พ, 03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Raw timestamp | [list:3:changed:raw] | A date in UNIX timestamp format (1710880172) |
Short format | [list:3:changed:short] | A date in 'short' format. (03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Studyroom Availability Date | [list:3:changed:studyroom_availability_date] | A date in 'studyroom_availability_date' format. (พ, 03/20/2024) |
Time-since | [list:3:changed:since] | A date in 'time-since' format. (54 ปี 3 เดือน) |
กำหนดรูปแบบเอง | [list:3:changed:custom:?] | A date in a custom format. See the PHP documentation for details. |
สถานะ | [list:3:status] | Whether the node is published or unpublished. |
หัวข้อ | [list:3:title] | The title of the node. |
แก้ไข ID | [list:3:vid] | The unique ID of the node's latest revision. |
แก้ไข URL | [list:3:edit-url] | The URL of the node's edit page. |
List of Rules configurations | | Tokens related to the "Rules configuration" entities. |
Rules configuration with delta 0 | [list:0] | The list item with delta 0. Delta values start from 0 and are incremented by one per list item. |
Access_exposed | [list:0:access-exposed] | Rules configuration "access_exposed" property. |
Active | [list:0:active] | Rules configuration "active" property. |
Dirty | [list:0:dirty] | Rules configuration "dirty" property. |
Internal, numeric rules configuration ID | [list:0:id] | The ID used to identify this rules configuration internally. |
Module | [list:0:module] | Rules configuration "module" property. |
Owner | [list:0:owner] | Rules configuration "owner" property. |
Plugin | [list:0:plugin] | Rules configuration "plugin" property. |
Status | [list:0:status] | Rules configuration "status" property. |
Weight | [list:0:weight] | Rules configuration "weight" property. |
ป้ายชื่อ | [list:0:label] | The human readable label. |
Rules configuration with delta 1 | [list:1] | The list item with delta 1. Delta values start from 0 and are incremented by one per list item. |
Access_exposed | [list:1:access-exposed] | Rules configuration "access_exposed" property. |
Active | [list:1:active] | Rules configuration "active" property. |
Dirty | [list:1:dirty] | Rules configuration "dirty" property. |
Internal, numeric rules configuration ID | [list:1:id] | The ID used to identify this rules configuration internally. |
Module | [list:1:module] | Rules configuration "module" property. |
Owner | [list:1:owner] | Rules configuration "owner" property. |
Plugin | [list:1:plugin] | Rules configuration "plugin" property. |
Status | [list:1:status] | Rules configuration "status" property. |
Weight | [list:1:weight] | Rules configuration "weight" property. |
ป้ายชื่อ | [list:1:label] | The human readable label. |
Rules configuration with delta 2 | [list:2] | The list item with delta 2. Delta values start from 0 and are incremented by one per list item. |
Access_exposed | [list:2:access-exposed] | Rules configuration "access_exposed" property. |
Active | [list:2:active] | Rules configuration "active" property. |
Dirty | [list:2:dirty] | Rules configuration "dirty" property. |
Internal, numeric rules configuration ID | [list:2:id] | The ID used to identify this rules configuration internally. |
Module | [list:2:module] | Rules configuration "module" property. |
Owner | [list:2:owner] | Rules configuration "owner" property. |
Plugin | [list:2:plugin] | Rules configuration "plugin" property. |
Status | [list:2:status] | Rules configuration "status" property. |
Weight | [list:2:weight] | Rules configuration "weight" property. |
ป้ายชื่อ | [list:2:label] | The human readable label. |
Rules configuration with delta 3 | [list:3] | The list item with delta 3. Delta values start from 0 and are incremented by one per list item. |
Access_exposed | [list:3:access-exposed] | Rules configuration "access_exposed" property. |
Active | [list:3:active] | Rules configuration "active" property. |
Dirty | [list:3:dirty] | Rules configuration "dirty" property. |
Internal, numeric rules configuration ID | [list:3:id] | The ID used to identify this rules configuration internally. |
Module | [list:3:module] | Rules configuration "module" property. |
Owner | [list:3:owner] | Rules configuration "owner" property. |
Plugin | [list:3:plugin] | Rules configuration "plugin" property. |
Status | [list:3:status] | Rules configuration "status" property. |
Weight | [list:3:weight] | Rules configuration "weight" property. |
ป้ายชื่อ | [list:3:label] | The human readable label. |
List of Taxonomy vocabularies | | Tokens related to the "คำศัพท์จำแนกประเภท" entities. |
Vocabularies with delta 0 | [list:0] | The list item with delta 0. Delta values start from 0 and are incremented by one per list item. |
Description (localized) | [list:0:i18n-description] | The optional description of the taxonomy vocabulary. |
Name | [list:0:name] | The name of the taxonomy vocabulary. |
Name (localized) | [list:0:i18n-name] | The name of the taxonomy vocabulary. |
Node count | [list:0:node-count] | The number of nodes tagged with terms belonging to the taxonomy vocabulary. |
Original คำศัพท์จำแนกประเภท | [list:0:original] | The original คำศัพท์จำแนกประเภท data if the คำศัพท์จำแนกประเภท is being updated or saved. |
Description (localized) | [list:0:original:i18n-description] | The optional description of the taxonomy vocabulary. |
Name | [list:0:original:name] | The name of the taxonomy vocabulary. |
Name (localized) | [list:0:original:i18n-name] | The name of the taxonomy vocabulary. |
Node count | [list:0:original:node-count] | The number of nodes tagged with terms belonging to the taxonomy vocabulary. |
Term count | [list:0:original:term-count] | The number of terms belonging to the taxonomy vocabulary. |
Vocabulary ID | [list:0:original:vid] | The unique ID of the taxonomy vocabulary. |
คำอธิบาย | [list:0:original:description] | The optional description of the taxonomy vocabulary. |
ชื่อสำหรับอ้างอิง | [list:0:original:machine-name] | The unique machine-readable name of the vocabulary. |
แก้ไข URL | [list:0:original:edit-url] | The URL of the vocabulary's edit page. |
Term count | [list:0:term-count] | The number of terms belonging to the taxonomy vocabulary. |
Vocabulary ID | [list:0:vid] | The unique ID of the taxonomy vocabulary. |
คำอธิบาย | [list:0:description] | The optional description of the taxonomy vocabulary. |
ชื่อสำหรับอ้างอิง | [list:0:machine-name] | The unique machine-readable name of the vocabulary. |
แก้ไข URL | [list:0:edit-url] | The URL of the vocabulary's edit page. |
Vocabularies with delta 1 | [list:1] | The list item with delta 1. Delta values start from 0 and are incremented by one per list item. |
Description (localized) | [list:1:i18n-description] | The optional description of the taxonomy vocabulary. |
Name | [list:1:name] | The name of the taxonomy vocabulary. |
Name (localized) | [list:1:i18n-name] | The name of the taxonomy vocabulary. |
Node count | [list:1:node-count] | The number of nodes tagged with terms belonging to the taxonomy vocabulary. |
Original คำศัพท์จำแนกประเภท | [list:1:original] | The original คำศัพท์จำแนกประเภท data if the คำศัพท์จำแนกประเภท is being updated or saved. |
Description (localized) | [list:1:original:i18n-description] | The optional description of the taxonomy vocabulary. |
Name | [list:1:original:name] | The name of the taxonomy vocabulary. |
Name (localized) | [list:1:original:i18n-name] | The name of the taxonomy vocabulary. |
Node count | [list:1:original:node-count] | The number of nodes tagged with terms belonging to the taxonomy vocabulary. |
Term count | [list:1:original:term-count] | The number of terms belonging to the taxonomy vocabulary. |
Vocabulary ID | [list:1:original:vid] | The unique ID of the taxonomy vocabulary. |
คำอธิบาย | [list:1:original:description] | The optional description of the taxonomy vocabulary. |
ชื่อสำหรับอ้างอิง | [list:1:original:machine-name] | The unique machine-readable name of the vocabulary. |
แก้ไข URL | [list:1:original:edit-url] | The URL of the vocabulary's edit page. |
Term count | [list:1:term-count] | The number of terms belonging to the taxonomy vocabulary. |
Vocabulary ID | [list:1:vid] | The unique ID of the taxonomy vocabulary. |
คำอธิบาย | [list:1:description] | The optional description of the taxonomy vocabulary. |
ชื่อสำหรับอ้างอิง | [list:1:machine-name] | The unique machine-readable name of the vocabulary. |
แก้ไข URL | [list:1:edit-url] | The URL of the vocabulary's edit page. |
Vocabularies with delta 2 | [list:2] | The list item with delta 2. Delta values start from 0 and are incremented by one per list item. |
Description (localized) | [list:2:i18n-description] | The optional description of the taxonomy vocabulary. |
Name | [list:2:name] | The name of the taxonomy vocabulary. |
Name (localized) | [list:2:i18n-name] | The name of the taxonomy vocabulary. |
Node count | [list:2:node-count] | The number of nodes tagged with terms belonging to the taxonomy vocabulary. |
Original คำศัพท์จำแนกประเภท | [list:2:original] | The original คำศัพท์จำแนกประเภท data if the คำศัพท์จำแนกประเภท is being updated or saved. |
Description (localized) | [list:2:original:i18n-description] | The optional description of the taxonomy vocabulary. |
Name | [list:2:original:name] | The name of the taxonomy vocabulary. |
Name (localized) | [list:2:original:i18n-name] | The name of the taxonomy vocabulary. |
Node count | [list:2:original:node-count] | The number of nodes tagged with terms belonging to the taxonomy vocabulary. |
Term count | [list:2:original:term-count] | The number of terms belonging to the taxonomy vocabulary. |
Vocabulary ID | [list:2:original:vid] | The unique ID of the taxonomy vocabulary. |
คำอธิบาย | [list:2:original:description] | The optional description of the taxonomy vocabulary. |
ชื่อสำหรับอ้างอิง | [list:2:original:machine-name] | The unique machine-readable name of the vocabulary. |
แก้ไข URL | [list:2:original:edit-url] | The URL of the vocabulary's edit page. |
Term count | [list:2:term-count] | The number of terms belonging to the taxonomy vocabulary. |
Vocabulary ID | [list:2:vid] | The unique ID of the taxonomy vocabulary. |
คำอธิบาย | [list:2:description] | The optional description of the taxonomy vocabulary. |
ชื่อสำหรับอ้างอิง | [list:2:machine-name] | The unique machine-readable name of the vocabulary. |
แก้ไข URL | [list:2:edit-url] | The URL of the vocabulary's edit page. |
Vocabularies with delta 3 | [list:3] | The list item with delta 3. Delta values start from 0 and are incremented by one per list item. |
Description (localized) | [list:3:i18n-description] | The optional description of the taxonomy vocabulary. |
Name | [list:3:name] | The name of the taxonomy vocabulary. |
Name (localized) | [list:3:i18n-name] | The name of the taxonomy vocabulary. |
Node count | [list:3:node-count] | The number of nodes tagged with terms belonging to the taxonomy vocabulary. |
Original คำศัพท์จำแนกประเภท | [list:3:original] | The original คำศัพท์จำแนกประเภท data if the คำศัพท์จำแนกประเภท is being updated or saved. |
Description (localized) | [list:3:original:i18n-description] | The optional description of the taxonomy vocabulary. |
Name | [list:3:original:name] | The name of the taxonomy vocabulary. |
Name (localized) | [list:3:original:i18n-name] | The name of the taxonomy vocabulary. |
Node count | [list:3:original:node-count] | The number of nodes tagged with terms belonging to the taxonomy vocabulary. |
Term count | [list:3:original:term-count] | The number of terms belonging to the taxonomy vocabulary. |
Vocabulary ID | [list:3:original:vid] | The unique ID of the taxonomy vocabulary. |
คำอธิบาย | [list:3:original:description] | The optional description of the taxonomy vocabulary. |
ชื่อสำหรับอ้างอิง | [list:3:original:machine-name] | The unique machine-readable name of the vocabulary. |
แก้ไข URL | [list:3:original:edit-url] | The URL of the vocabulary's edit page. |
Term count | [list:3:term-count] | The number of terms belonging to the taxonomy vocabulary. |
Vocabulary ID | [list:3:vid] | The unique ID of the taxonomy vocabulary. |
คำอธิบาย | [list:3:description] | The optional description of the taxonomy vocabulary. |
ชื่อสำหรับอ้างอิง | [list:3:machine-name] | The unique machine-readable name of the vocabulary. |
แก้ไข URL | [list:3:edit-url] | The URL of the vocabulary's edit page. |
List of Users | | Tokens related to the "User" entities. |
Users with delta 0 | [list:0] | The list item with delta 0. Delta values start from 0 and are incremented by one per list item. |
Account cancellation URL | [list:0:cancel-url] | The URL of the confirm delete page for the user account. |
Last access | [list:0:last-access] | The date the user last accessed the site. |
Availability Calendar date display | [list:0:last-access:availability_calendar_date_display] | A date in 'availability_calendar_date_display' format. (03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Availability Calendar date entry | [list:0:last-access:availability_calendar_date_entry] | A date in 'availability_calendar_date_entry' format. (03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Availability Calendar month caption | [list:0:last-access:availability_calendar_month_caption] | A date in 'availability_calendar_month_caption' format. (03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Hours am/pm | [list:0:last-access:hours_ampm] | A date in 'hours_ampm' format. (3:29 am) |
Long format | [list:0:last-access:long] | A date in 'long' format. (พุธ, มีนาคม 20, 2024 - 03:29) |
Medium format | [list:0:last-access:medium] | A date in 'medium' format. (พ, 03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Raw timestamp | [list:0:last-access:raw] | A date in UNIX timestamp format (1710880172) |
Short format | [list:0:last-access:short] | A date in 'short' format. (03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Studyroom Availability Date | [list:0:last-access:studyroom_availability_date] | A date in 'studyroom_availability_date' format. (พ, 03/20/2024) |
Time-since | [list:0:last-access:since] | A date in 'time-since' format. (54 ปี 3 เดือน) |
กำหนดรูปแบบเอง | [list:0:last-access:custom:?] | A date in a custom format. See the PHP documentation for details. |
Location | [list:0:location] | The location for this user. |
Additional | [list:0:location:additional:?] | Additional (If there are multiple locations, N is the iteration, starting with 0). |
Country Name | [list:0:location:country_name:?] | Country Name (If there are multiple locations, N is the iteration, starting with 0). |
Latitude | [list:0:location:latitude:?] | Latitude (If there are multiple locations, N is the iteration, starting with 0). |
Location Name | [list:0:location:name:?] | Location Name (If there are multiple locations, N is the iteration, starting with 0). |
Longitude | [list:0:location:longitude:?] | Longitude (If there are multiple locations, N is the iteration, starting with 0). |
Postal Code | [list:0:location:postal_code:?] | Postal Code (If there are multiple locations, N is the iteration, starting with 0). |
State/Province Name | [list:0:location:province_name:?] | State/Province Name (If there are multiple locations, N is the iteration, starting with 0). |
Street | [list:0:location:street:?] | Street (If there are multiple locations, N is the iteration, starting with 0). |
ประเทศ | [list:0:location:country:?] | Country (If there are multiple locations, N is the iteration, starting with 0). |
รัฐ / จังหวัด | [list:0:location:province:?] | State/Province (If there are multiple locations, N is the iteration, starting with 0). |
เมือง | [list:0:location:city:?] | City (If there are multiple locations, N is the iteration, starting with 0). |
Name | [list:0:name] | The login name of the user account. |
One-time login URL | [list:0:one-time-login-url] | The URL of the one-time login page for the user account. |
Original user | [list:0:original] | The original user data if the user is being updated or saved. |
Account cancellation URL | [list:0:original:cancel-url] | The URL of the confirm delete page for the user account. |
Last access | [list:0:original:last-access] | The date the user last accessed the site. |
Location | [list:0:original:location] | The location for this user. |
Name | [list:0:original:name] | The login name of the user account. |
One-time login URL | [list:0:original:one-time-login-url] | The URL of the one-time login page for the user account. |
Roles | [list:0:original:roles] | The user roles associated with the user account. |
URL | [list:0:original:url] | The URL of the account profile page. |
User role ids | [list:0:original:role-ids] | The role ids the user account is a member of as comma separated list. |
User role names | [list:0:original:role-names] | The role names the user account is a member of as comma separated list. |
ธีมเริ่มต้น | [list:0:original:theme] | The user's default theme. |
รหัสผู้ใช้ | [list:0:original:uid] | The unique ID of the user account. |
รูปภาพ | [list:0:original:picture] | The picture of the user. |
สถานะ | [list:0:original:status] | Whether the user is active or blocked. |
สร้างเมื่อ | [list:0:original:created] | The date the user account was created. |
อีเมล | [list:0:original:mail] | The email address of the user account. |
เข้าสู่ระบบล่าสุด | [list:0:original:last-login] | The date the user last logged in to the site. |
แก้ไข URL | [list:0:original:edit-url] | The URL of the account edit page. |
Roles | [list:0:roles] | The user roles associated with the user account. |
First | [list:0:roles:first] | The first element of the array. |
Imploded | [list:0:roles:join:?] | The values of the array joined together with a custom string in-between each value. |
Joined path | [list:0:roles:join-path] | The array values each cleaned by Pathauto and then joined with the slash into a string that resembles an URL. |
Keys | [list:0:roles:keys] | The array of keys of the array. |
Last | [list:0:roles:last] | The last element of the array. |
Reversed | [list:0:roles:reversed] | The array reversed. |
Value | [list:0:roles:value:?] | The specific value of the array. |
จำนวน | [list:0:roles:count] | The number of elements in the array. |
URL | [list:0:url] | The URL of the account profile page. |
Absolute URL | [list:0:url:absolute] | The absolute URL. |
Arguments | [list:0:url:args] | The specific argument of the current page (e.g. 'arg:1' on the page 'node/1' returns '1'). |
Brief URL | [list:0:url:brief] | The URL without the protocol and trailing backslash. |
Relative URL | [list:0:url:relative] | The relative URL. |
Unaliased URL | [list:0:url:unaliased] | The unaliased URL. |
ตำแหน่งพาธ | [list:0:url:path] | The path component of the URL. |
User role ids | [list:0:role-ids] | The role ids the user account is a member of as comma separated list. |
User role names | [list:0:role-names] | The role names the user account is a member of as comma separated list. |
ธีมเริ่มต้น | [list:0:theme] | The user's default theme. |
รหัสผู้ใช้ | [list:0:uid] | The unique ID of the user account. |
รูปภาพ | [list:0:picture] | The picture of the user. |
Base name | [list:0:picture:basename] | The base name of the file. |
Extension | [list:0:picture:extension] | The extension of the file. |
File byte size | [list:0:picture:size-raw] | The size of the file, in bytes. |
File name | [list:0:picture:name] | The name of the file on disk. |
MIME type | [list:0:picture:mime] | The MIME type of the file. |
Original ไฟล์ | [list:0:picture:original] | The original ไฟล์ data if the ไฟล์ is being updated or saved. |
URL | [list:0:picture:url] | The web-accessible URL for the file. |
ขนาดไฟล์ | [list:0:picture:size] | ขนาดของไฟล์ |
ตำแหน่งพาธ | [list:0:picture:path] | The location of the file relative to Drupal root. |
รหัสไฟล์ | [list:0:picture:fid] | The unique ID of the uploaded file. |
ระบุเวลา | [list:0:picture:timestamp] | The date the file was most recently changed. |
เจ้าของ | [list:0:picture:owner] | The user who originally uploaded the file. |
สถานะ | [list:0:status] | Whether the user is active or blocked. |
สร้างเมื่อ | [list:0:created] | The date the user account was created. |
Availability Calendar date display | [list:0:created:availability_calendar_date_display] | A date in 'availability_calendar_date_display' format. (03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Availability Calendar date entry | [list:0:created:availability_calendar_date_entry] | A date in 'availability_calendar_date_entry' format. (03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Availability Calendar month caption | [list:0:created:availability_calendar_month_caption] | A date in 'availability_calendar_month_caption' format. (03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Hours am/pm | [list:0:created:hours_ampm] | A date in 'hours_ampm' format. (3:29 am) |
Long format | [list:0:created:long] | A date in 'long' format. (พุธ, มีนาคม 20, 2024 - 03:29) |
Medium format | [list:0:created:medium] | A date in 'medium' format. (พ, 03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Raw timestamp | [list:0:created:raw] | A date in UNIX timestamp format (1710880172) |
Short format | [list:0:created:short] | A date in 'short' format. (03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Studyroom Availability Date | [list:0:created:studyroom_availability_date] | A date in 'studyroom_availability_date' format. (พ, 03/20/2024) |
Time-since | [list:0:created:since] | A date in 'time-since' format. (54 ปี 3 เดือน) |
กำหนดรูปแบบเอง | [list:0:created:custom:?] | A date in a custom format. See the PHP documentation for details. |
อีเมล | [list:0:mail] | The email address of the user account. |
เข้าสู่ระบบล่าสุด | [list:0:last-login] | The date the user last logged in to the site. |
Availability Calendar date display | [list:0:last-login:availability_calendar_date_display] | A date in 'availability_calendar_date_display' format. (03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Availability Calendar date entry | [list:0:last-login:availability_calendar_date_entry] | A date in 'availability_calendar_date_entry' format. (03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Availability Calendar month caption | [list:0:last-login:availability_calendar_month_caption] | A date in 'availability_calendar_month_caption' format. (03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Hours am/pm | [list:0:last-login:hours_ampm] | A date in 'hours_ampm' format. (3:29 am) |
Long format | [list:0:last-login:long] | A date in 'long' format. (พุธ, มีนาคม 20, 2024 - 03:29) |
Medium format | [list:0:last-login:medium] | A date in 'medium' format. (พ, 03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Raw timestamp | [list:0:last-login:raw] | A date in UNIX timestamp format (1710880172) |
Short format | [list:0:last-login:short] | A date in 'short' format. (03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Studyroom Availability Date | [list:0:last-login:studyroom_availability_date] | A date in 'studyroom_availability_date' format. (พ, 03/20/2024) |
Time-since | [list:0:last-login:since] | A date in 'time-since' format. (54 ปี 3 เดือน) |
กำหนดรูปแบบเอง | [list:0:last-login:custom:?] | A date in a custom format. See the PHP documentation for details. |
แก้ไข URL | [list:0:edit-url] | The URL of the account edit page. |
Users with delta 1 | [list:1] | The list item with delta 1. Delta values start from 0 and are incremented by one per list item. |
Account cancellation URL | [list:1:cancel-url] | The URL of the confirm delete page for the user account. |
Last access | [list:1:last-access] | The date the user last accessed the site. |
Availability Calendar date display | [list:1:last-access:availability_calendar_date_display] | A date in 'availability_calendar_date_display' format. (03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Availability Calendar date entry | [list:1:last-access:availability_calendar_date_entry] | A date in 'availability_calendar_date_entry' format. (03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Availability Calendar month caption | [list:1:last-access:availability_calendar_month_caption] | A date in 'availability_calendar_month_caption' format. (03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Hours am/pm | [list:1:last-access:hours_ampm] | A date in 'hours_ampm' format. (3:29 am) |
Long format | [list:1:last-access:long] | A date in 'long' format. (พุธ, มีนาคม 20, 2024 - 03:29) |
Medium format | [list:1:last-access:medium] | A date in 'medium' format. (พ, 03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Raw timestamp | [list:1:last-access:raw] | A date in UNIX timestamp format (1710880172) |
Short format | [list:1:last-access:short] | A date in 'short' format. (03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Studyroom Availability Date | [list:1:last-access:studyroom_availability_date] | A date in 'studyroom_availability_date' format. (พ, 03/20/2024) |
Time-since | [list:1:last-access:since] | A date in 'time-since' format. (54 ปี 3 เดือน) |
กำหนดรูปแบบเอง | [list:1:last-access:custom:?] | A date in a custom format. See the PHP documentation for details. |
Location | [list:1:location] | The location for this user. |
Additional | [list:1:location:additional:?] | Additional (If there are multiple locations, N is the iteration, starting with 0). |
Country Name | [list:1:location:country_name:?] | Country Name (If there are multiple locations, N is the iteration, starting with 0). |
Latitude | [list:1:location:latitude:?] | Latitude (If there are multiple locations, N is the iteration, starting with 0). |
Location Name | [list:1:location:name:?] | Location Name (If there are multiple locations, N is the iteration, starting with 0). |
Longitude | [list:1:location:longitude:?] | Longitude (If there are multiple locations, N is the iteration, starting with 0). |
Postal Code | [list:1:location:postal_code:?] | Postal Code (If there are multiple locations, N is the iteration, starting with 0). |
State/Province Name | [list:1:location:province_name:?] | State/Province Name (If there are multiple locations, N is the iteration, starting with 0). |
Street | [list:1:location:street:?] | Street (If there are multiple locations, N is the iteration, starting with 0). |
ประเทศ | [list:1:location:country:?] | Country (If there are multiple locations, N is the iteration, starting with 0). |
รัฐ / จังหวัด | [list:1:location:province:?] | State/Province (If there are multiple locations, N is the iteration, starting with 0). |
เมือง | [list:1:location:city:?] | City (If there are multiple locations, N is the iteration, starting with 0). |
Name | [list:1:name] | The login name of the user account. |
One-time login URL | [list:1:one-time-login-url] | The URL of the one-time login page for the user account. |
Original user | [list:1:original] | The original user data if the user is being updated or saved. |
Account cancellation URL | [list:1:original:cancel-url] | The URL of the confirm delete page for the user account. |
Last access | [list:1:original:last-access] | The date the user last accessed the site. |
Location | [list:1:original:location] | The location for this user. |
Name | [list:1:original:name] | The login name of the user account. |
One-time login URL | [list:1:original:one-time-login-url] | The URL of the one-time login page for the user account. |
Roles | [list:1:original:roles] | The user roles associated with the user account. |
URL | [list:1:original:url] | The URL of the account profile page. |
User role ids | [list:1:original:role-ids] | The role ids the user account is a member of as comma separated list. |
User role names | [list:1:original:role-names] | The role names the user account is a member of as comma separated list. |
ธีมเริ่มต้น | [list:1:original:theme] | The user's default theme. |
รหัสผู้ใช้ | [list:1:original:uid] | The unique ID of the user account. |
รูปภาพ | [list:1:original:picture] | The picture of the user. |
สถานะ | [list:1:original:status] | Whether the user is active or blocked. |
สร้างเมื่อ | [list:1:original:created] | The date the user account was created. |
อีเมล | [list:1:original:mail] | The email address of the user account. |
เข้าสู่ระบบล่าสุด | [list:1:original:last-login] | The date the user last logged in to the site. |
แก้ไข URL | [list:1:original:edit-url] | The URL of the account edit page. |
Roles | [list:1:roles] | The user roles associated with the user account. |
First | [list:1:roles:first] | The first element of the array. |
Imploded | [list:1:roles:join:?] | The values of the array joined together with a custom string in-between each value. |
Joined path | [list:1:roles:join-path] | The array values each cleaned by Pathauto and then joined with the slash into a string that resembles an URL. |
Keys | [list:1:roles:keys] | The array of keys of the array. |
Last | [list:1:roles:last] | The last element of the array. |
Reversed | [list:1:roles:reversed] | The array reversed. |
Value | [list:1:roles:value:?] | The specific value of the array. |
จำนวน | [list:1:roles:count] | The number of elements in the array. |
URL | [list:1:url] | The URL of the account profile page. |
Absolute URL | [list:1:url:absolute] | The absolute URL. |
Arguments | [list:1:url:args] | The specific argument of the current page (e.g. 'arg:1' on the page 'node/1' returns '1'). |
Brief URL | [list:1:url:brief] | The URL without the protocol and trailing backslash. |
Relative URL | [list:1:url:relative] | The relative URL. |
Unaliased URL | [list:1:url:unaliased] | The unaliased URL. |
ตำแหน่งพาธ | [list:1:url:path] | The path component of the URL. |
User role ids | [list:1:role-ids] | The role ids the user account is a member of as comma separated list. |
User role names | [list:1:role-names] | The role names the user account is a member of as comma separated list. |
ธีมเริ่มต้น | [list:1:theme] | The user's default theme. |
รหัสผู้ใช้ | [list:1:uid] | The unique ID of the user account. |
รูปภาพ | [list:1:picture] | The picture of the user. |
Base name | [list:1:picture:basename] | The base name of the file. |
Extension | [list:1:picture:extension] | The extension of the file. |
File byte size | [list:1:picture:size-raw] | The size of the file, in bytes. |
File name | [list:1:picture:name] | The name of the file on disk. |
MIME type | [list:1:picture:mime] | The MIME type of the file. |
Original ไฟล์ | [list:1:picture:original] | The original ไฟล์ data if the ไฟล์ is being updated or saved. |
URL | [list:1:picture:url] | The web-accessible URL for the file. |
ขนาดไฟล์ | [list:1:picture:size] | ขนาดของไฟล์ |
ตำแหน่งพาธ | [list:1:picture:path] | The location of the file relative to Drupal root. |
รหัสไฟล์ | [list:1:picture:fid] | The unique ID of the uploaded file. |
ระบุเวลา | [list:1:picture:timestamp] | The date the file was most recently changed. |
เจ้าของ | [list:1:picture:owner] | The user who originally uploaded the file. |
สถานะ | [list:1:status] | Whether the user is active or blocked. |
สร้างเมื่อ | [list:1:created] | The date the user account was created. |
Availability Calendar date display | [list:1:created:availability_calendar_date_display] | A date in 'availability_calendar_date_display' format. (03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Availability Calendar date entry | [list:1:created:availability_calendar_date_entry] | A date in 'availability_calendar_date_entry' format. (03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Availability Calendar month caption | [list:1:created:availability_calendar_month_caption] | A date in 'availability_calendar_month_caption' format. (03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Hours am/pm | [list:1:created:hours_ampm] | A date in 'hours_ampm' format. (3:29 am) |
Long format | [list:1:created:long] | A date in 'long' format. (พุธ, มีนาคม 20, 2024 - 03:29) |
Medium format | [list:1:created:medium] | A date in 'medium' format. (พ, 03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Raw timestamp | [list:1:created:raw] | A date in UNIX timestamp format (1710880172) |
Short format | [list:1:created:short] | A date in 'short' format. (03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Studyroom Availability Date | [list:1:created:studyroom_availability_date] | A date in 'studyroom_availability_date' format. (พ, 03/20/2024) |
Time-since | [list:1:created:since] | A date in 'time-since' format. (54 ปี 3 เดือน) |
กำหนดรูปแบบเอง | [list:1:created:custom:?] | A date in a custom format. See the PHP documentation for details. |
อีเมล | [list:1:mail] | The email address of the user account. |
เข้าสู่ระบบล่าสุด | [list:1:last-login] | The date the user last logged in to the site. |
Availability Calendar date display | [list:1:last-login:availability_calendar_date_display] | A date in 'availability_calendar_date_display' format. (03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Availability Calendar date entry | [list:1:last-login:availability_calendar_date_entry] | A date in 'availability_calendar_date_entry' format. (03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Availability Calendar month caption | [list:1:last-login:availability_calendar_month_caption] | A date in 'availability_calendar_month_caption' format. (03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Hours am/pm | [list:1:last-login:hours_ampm] | A date in 'hours_ampm' format. (3:29 am) |
Long format | [list:1:last-login:long] | A date in 'long' format. (พุธ, มีนาคม 20, 2024 - 03:29) |
Medium format | [list:1:last-login:medium] | A date in 'medium' format. (พ, 03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Raw timestamp | [list:1:last-login:raw] | A date in UNIX timestamp format (1710880172) |
Short format | [list:1:last-login:short] | A date in 'short' format. (03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Studyroom Availability Date | [list:1:last-login:studyroom_availability_date] | A date in 'studyroom_availability_date' format. (พ, 03/20/2024) |
Time-since | [list:1:last-login:since] | A date in 'time-since' format. (54 ปี 3 เดือน) |
กำหนดรูปแบบเอง | [list:1:last-login:custom:?] | A date in a custom format. See the PHP documentation for details. |
แก้ไข URL | [list:1:edit-url] | The URL of the account edit page. |
Users with delta 2 | [list:2] | The list item with delta 2. Delta values start from 0 and are incremented by one per list item. |
Account cancellation URL | [list:2:cancel-url] | The URL of the confirm delete page for the user account. |
Last access | [list:2:last-access] | The date the user last accessed the site. |
Availability Calendar date display | [list:2:last-access:availability_calendar_date_display] | A date in 'availability_calendar_date_display' format. (03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Availability Calendar date entry | [list:2:last-access:availability_calendar_date_entry] | A date in 'availability_calendar_date_entry' format. (03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Availability Calendar month caption | [list:2:last-access:availability_calendar_month_caption] | A date in 'availability_calendar_month_caption' format. (03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Hours am/pm | [list:2:last-access:hours_ampm] | A date in 'hours_ampm' format. (3:29 am) |
Long format | [list:2:last-access:long] | A date in 'long' format. (พุธ, มีนาคม 20, 2024 - 03:29) |
Medium format | [list:2:last-access:medium] | A date in 'medium' format. (พ, 03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Raw timestamp | [list:2:last-access:raw] | A date in UNIX timestamp format (1710880172) |
Short format | [list:2:last-access:short] | A date in 'short' format. (03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Studyroom Availability Date | [list:2:last-access:studyroom_availability_date] | A date in 'studyroom_availability_date' format. (พ, 03/20/2024) |
Time-since | [list:2:last-access:since] | A date in 'time-since' format. (54 ปี 3 เดือน) |
กำหนดรูปแบบเอง | [list:2:last-access:custom:?] | A date in a custom format. See the PHP documentation for details. |
Location | [list:2:location] | The location for this user. |
Additional | [list:2:location:additional:?] | Additional (If there are multiple locations, N is the iteration, starting with 0). |
Country Name | [list:2:location:country_name:?] | Country Name (If there are multiple locations, N is the iteration, starting with 0). |
Latitude | [list:2:location:latitude:?] | Latitude (If there are multiple locations, N is the iteration, starting with 0). |
Location Name | [list:2:location:name:?] | Location Name (If there are multiple locations, N is the iteration, starting with 0). |
Longitude | [list:2:location:longitude:?] | Longitude (If there are multiple locations, N is the iteration, starting with 0). |
Postal Code | [list:2:location:postal_code:?] | Postal Code (If there are multiple locations, N is the iteration, starting with 0). |
State/Province Name | [list:2:location:province_name:?] | State/Province Name (If there are multiple locations, N is the iteration, starting with 0). |
Street | [list:2:location:street:?] | Street (If there are multiple locations, N is the iteration, starting with 0). |
ประเทศ | [list:2:location:country:?] | Country (If there are multiple locations, N is the iteration, starting with 0). |
รัฐ / จังหวัด | [list:2:location:province:?] | State/Province (If there are multiple locations, N is the iteration, starting with 0). |
เมือง | [list:2:location:city:?] | City (If there are multiple locations, N is the iteration, starting with 0). |
Name | [list:2:name] | The login name of the user account. |
One-time login URL | [list:2:one-time-login-url] | The URL of the one-time login page for the user account. |
Original user | [list:2:original] | The original user data if the user is being updated or saved. |
Account cancellation URL | [list:2:original:cancel-url] | The URL of the confirm delete page for the user account. |
Last access | [list:2:original:last-access] | The date the user last accessed the site. |
Location | [list:2:original:location] | The location for this user. |
Name | [list:2:original:name] | The login name of the user account. |
One-time login URL | [list:2:original:one-time-login-url] | The URL of the one-time login page for the user account. |
Roles | [list:2:original:roles] | The user roles associated with the user account. |
URL | [list:2:original:url] | The URL of the account profile page. |
User role ids | [list:2:original:role-ids] | The role ids the user account is a member of as comma separated list. |
User role names | [list:2:original:role-names] | The role names the user account is a member of as comma separated list. |
ธีมเริ่มต้น | [list:2:original:theme] | The user's default theme. |
รหัสผู้ใช้ | [list:2:original:uid] | The unique ID of the user account. |
รูปภาพ | [list:2:original:picture] | The picture of the user. |
สถานะ | [list:2:original:status] | Whether the user is active or blocked. |
สร้างเมื่อ | [list:2:original:created] | The date the user account was created. |
อีเมล | [list:2:original:mail] | The email address of the user account. |
เข้าสู่ระบบล่าสุด | [list:2:original:last-login] | The date the user last logged in to the site. |
แก้ไข URL | [list:2:original:edit-url] | The URL of the account edit page. |
Roles | [list:2:roles] | The user roles associated with the user account. |
First | [list:2:roles:first] | The first element of the array. |
Imploded | [list:2:roles:join:?] | The values of the array joined together with a custom string in-between each value. |
Joined path | [list:2:roles:join-path] | The array values each cleaned by Pathauto and then joined with the slash into a string that resembles an URL. |
Keys | [list:2:roles:keys] | The array of keys of the array. |
Last | [list:2:roles:last] | The last element of the array. |
Reversed | [list:2:roles:reversed] | The array reversed. |
Value | [list:2:roles:value:?] | The specific value of the array. |
จำนวน | [list:2:roles:count] | The number of elements in the array. |
URL | [list:2:url] | The URL of the account profile page. |
Absolute URL | [list:2:url:absolute] | The absolute URL. |
Arguments | [list:2:url:args] | The specific argument of the current page (e.g. 'arg:1' on the page 'node/1' returns '1'). |
Brief URL | [list:2:url:brief] | The URL without the protocol and trailing backslash. |
Relative URL | [list:2:url:relative] | The relative URL. |
Unaliased URL | [list:2:url:unaliased] | The unaliased URL. |
ตำแหน่งพาธ | [list:2:url:path] | The path component of the URL. |
User role ids | [list:2:role-ids] | The role ids the user account is a member of as comma separated list. |
User role names | [list:2:role-names] | The role names the user account is a member of as comma separated list. |
ธีมเริ่มต้น | [list:2:theme] | The user's default theme. |
รหัสผู้ใช้ | [list:2:uid] | The unique ID of the user account. |
รูปภาพ | [list:2:picture] | The picture of the user. |
Base name | [list:2:picture:basename] | The base name of the file. |
Extension | [list:2:picture:extension] | The extension of the file. |
File byte size | [list:2:picture:size-raw] | The size of the file, in bytes. |
File name | [list:2:picture:name] | The name of the file on disk. |
MIME type | [list:2:picture:mime] | The MIME type of the file. |
Original ไฟล์ | [list:2:picture:original] | The original ไฟล์ data if the ไฟล์ is being updated or saved. |
URL | [list:2:picture:url] | The web-accessible URL for the file. |
ขนาดไฟล์ | [list:2:picture:size] | ขนาดของไฟล์ |
ตำแหน่งพาธ | [list:2:picture:path] | The location of the file relative to Drupal root. |
รหัสไฟล์ | [list:2:picture:fid] | The unique ID of the uploaded file. |
ระบุเวลา | [list:2:picture:timestamp] | The date the file was most recently changed. |
เจ้าของ | [list:2:picture:owner] | The user who originally uploaded the file. |
สถานะ | [list:2:status] | Whether the user is active or blocked. |
สร้างเมื่อ | [list:2:created] | The date the user account was created. |
Availability Calendar date display | [list:2:created:availability_calendar_date_display] | A date in 'availability_calendar_date_display' format. (03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Availability Calendar date entry | [list:2:created:availability_calendar_date_entry] | A date in 'availability_calendar_date_entry' format. (03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Availability Calendar month caption | [list:2:created:availability_calendar_month_caption] | A date in 'availability_calendar_month_caption' format. (03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Hours am/pm | [list:2:created:hours_ampm] | A date in 'hours_ampm' format. (3:29 am) |
Long format | [list:2:created:long] | A date in 'long' format. (พุธ, มีนาคม 20, 2024 - 03:29) |
Medium format | [list:2:created:medium] | A date in 'medium' format. (พ, 03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Raw timestamp | [list:2:created:raw] | A date in UNIX timestamp format (1710880172) |
Short format | [list:2:created:short] | A date in 'short' format. (03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Studyroom Availability Date | [list:2:created:studyroom_availability_date] | A date in 'studyroom_availability_date' format. (พ, 03/20/2024) |
Time-since | [list:2:created:since] | A date in 'time-since' format. (54 ปี 3 เดือน) |
กำหนดรูปแบบเอง | [list:2:created:custom:?] | A date in a custom format. See the PHP documentation for details. |
อีเมล | [list:2:mail] | The email address of the user account. |
เข้าสู่ระบบล่าสุด | [list:2:last-login] | The date the user last logged in to the site. |
Availability Calendar date display | [list:2:last-login:availability_calendar_date_display] | A date in 'availability_calendar_date_display' format. (03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Availability Calendar date entry | [list:2:last-login:availability_calendar_date_entry] | A date in 'availability_calendar_date_entry' format. (03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Availability Calendar month caption | [list:2:last-login:availability_calendar_month_caption] | A date in 'availability_calendar_month_caption' format. (03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Hours am/pm | [list:2:last-login:hours_ampm] | A date in 'hours_ampm' format. (3:29 am) |
Long format | [list:2:last-login:long] | A date in 'long' format. (พุธ, มีนาคม 20, 2024 - 03:29) |
Medium format | [list:2:last-login:medium] | A date in 'medium' format. (พ, 03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Raw timestamp | [list:2:last-login:raw] | A date in UNIX timestamp format (1710880172) |
Short format | [list:2:last-login:short] | A date in 'short' format. (03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Studyroom Availability Date | [list:2:last-login:studyroom_availability_date] | A date in 'studyroom_availability_date' format. (พ, 03/20/2024) |
Time-since | [list:2:last-login:since] | A date in 'time-since' format. (54 ปี 3 เดือน) |
กำหนดรูปแบบเอง | [list:2:last-login:custom:?] | A date in a custom format. See the PHP documentation for details. |
แก้ไข URL | [list:2:edit-url] | The URL of the account edit page. |
Users with delta 3 | [list:3] | The list item with delta 3. Delta values start from 0 and are incremented by one per list item. |
Account cancellation URL | [list:3:cancel-url] | The URL of the confirm delete page for the user account. |
Last access | [list:3:last-access] | The date the user last accessed the site. |
Availability Calendar date display | [list:3:last-access:availability_calendar_date_display] | A date in 'availability_calendar_date_display' format. (03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Availability Calendar date entry | [list:3:last-access:availability_calendar_date_entry] | A date in 'availability_calendar_date_entry' format. (03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Availability Calendar month caption | [list:3:last-access:availability_calendar_month_caption] | A date in 'availability_calendar_month_caption' format. (03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Hours am/pm | [list:3:last-access:hours_ampm] | A date in 'hours_ampm' format. (3:29 am) |
Long format | [list:3:last-access:long] | A date in 'long' format. (พุธ, มีนาคม 20, 2024 - 03:29) |
Medium format | [list:3:last-access:medium] | A date in 'medium' format. (พ, 03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Raw timestamp | [list:3:last-access:raw] | A date in UNIX timestamp format (1710880172) |
Short format | [list:3:last-access:short] | A date in 'short' format. (03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Studyroom Availability Date | [list:3:last-access:studyroom_availability_date] | A date in 'studyroom_availability_date' format. (พ, 03/20/2024) |
Time-since | [list:3:last-access:since] | A date in 'time-since' format. (54 ปี 3 เดือน) |
กำหนดรูปแบบเอง | [list:3:last-access:custom:?] | A date in a custom format. See the PHP documentation for details. |
Location | [list:3:location] | The location for this user. |
Additional | [list:3:location:additional:?] | Additional (If there are multiple locations, N is the iteration, starting with 0). |
Country Name | [list:3:location:country_name:?] | Country Name (If there are multiple locations, N is the iteration, starting with 0). |
Latitude | [list:3:location:latitude:?] | Latitude (If there are multiple locations, N is the iteration, starting with 0). |
Location Name | [list:3:location:name:?] | Location Name (If there are multiple locations, N is the iteration, starting with 0). |
Longitude | [list:3:location:longitude:?] | Longitude (If there are multiple locations, N is the iteration, starting with 0). |
Postal Code | [list:3:location:postal_code:?] | Postal Code (If there are multiple locations, N is the iteration, starting with 0). |
State/Province Name | [list:3:location:province_name:?] | State/Province Name (If there are multiple locations, N is the iteration, starting with 0). |
Street | [list:3:location:street:?] | Street (If there are multiple locations, N is the iteration, starting with 0). |
ประเทศ | [list:3:location:country:?] | Country (If there are multiple locations, N is the iteration, starting with 0). |
รัฐ / จังหวัด | [list:3:location:province:?] | State/Province (If there are multiple locations, N is the iteration, starting with 0). |
เมือง | [list:3:location:city:?] | City (If there are multiple locations, N is the iteration, starting with 0). |
Name | [list:3:name] | The login name of the user account. |
One-time login URL | [list:3:one-time-login-url] | The URL of the one-time login page for the user account. |
Original user | [list:3:original] | The original user data if the user is being updated or saved. |
Account cancellation URL | [list:3:original:cancel-url] | The URL of the confirm delete page for the user account. |
Last access | [list:3:original:last-access] | The date the user last accessed the site. |
Location | [list:3:original:location] | The location for this user. |
Name | [list:3:original:name] | The login name of the user account. |
One-time login URL | [list:3:original:one-time-login-url] | The URL of the one-time login page for the user account. |
Roles | [list:3:original:roles] | The user roles associated with the user account. |
URL | [list:3:original:url] | The URL of the account profile page. |
User role ids | [list:3:original:role-ids] | The role ids the user account is a member of as comma separated list. |
User role names | [list:3:original:role-names] | The role names the user account is a member of as comma separated list. |
ธีมเริ่มต้น | [list:3:original:theme] | The user's default theme. |
รหัสผู้ใช้ | [list:3:original:uid] | The unique ID of the user account. |
รูปภาพ | [list:3:original:picture] | The picture of the user. |
สถานะ | [list:3:original:status] | Whether the user is active or blocked. |
สร้างเมื่อ | [list:3:original:created] | The date the user account was created. |
อีเมล | [list:3:original:mail] | The email address of the user account. |
เข้าสู่ระบบล่าสุด | [list:3:original:last-login] | The date the user last logged in to the site. |
แก้ไข URL | [list:3:original:edit-url] | The URL of the account edit page. |
Roles | [list:3:roles] | The user roles associated with the user account. |
First | [list:3:roles:first] | The first element of the array. |
Imploded | [list:3:roles:join:?] | The values of the array joined together with a custom string in-between each value. |
Joined path | [list:3:roles:join-path] | The array values each cleaned by Pathauto and then joined with the slash into a string that resembles an URL. |
Keys | [list:3:roles:keys] | The array of keys of the array. |
Last | [list:3:roles:last] | The last element of the array. |
Reversed | [list:3:roles:reversed] | The array reversed. |
Value | [list:3:roles:value:?] | The specific value of the array. |
จำนวน | [list:3:roles:count] | The number of elements in the array. |
URL | [list:3:url] | The URL of the account profile page. |
Absolute URL | [list:3:url:absolute] | The absolute URL. |
Arguments | [list:3:url:args] | The specific argument of the current page (e.g. 'arg:1' on the page 'node/1' returns '1'). |
Brief URL | [list:3:url:brief] | The URL without the protocol and trailing backslash. |
Relative URL | [list:3:url:relative] | The relative URL. |
Unaliased URL | [list:3:url:unaliased] | The unaliased URL. |
ตำแหน่งพาธ | [list:3:url:path] | The path component of the URL. |
User role ids | [list:3:role-ids] | The role ids the user account is a member of as comma separated list. |
User role names | [list:3:role-names] | The role names the user account is a member of as comma separated list. |
ธีมเริ่มต้น | [list:3:theme] | The user's default theme. |
รหัสผู้ใช้ | [list:3:uid] | The unique ID of the user account. |
รูปภาพ | [list:3:picture] | The picture of the user. |
Base name | [list:3:picture:basename] | The base name of the file. |
Extension | [list:3:picture:extension] | The extension of the file. |
File byte size | [list:3:picture:size-raw] | The size of the file, in bytes. |
File name | [list:3:picture:name] | The name of the file on disk. |
MIME type | [list:3:picture:mime] | The MIME type of the file. |
Original ไฟล์ | [list:3:picture:original] | The original ไฟล์ data if the ไฟล์ is being updated or saved. |
URL | [list:3:picture:url] | The web-accessible URL for the file. |
ขนาดไฟล์ | [list:3:picture:size] | ขนาดของไฟล์ |
ตำแหน่งพาธ | [list:3:picture:path] | The location of the file relative to Drupal root. |
รหัสไฟล์ | [list:3:picture:fid] | The unique ID of the uploaded file. |
ระบุเวลา | [list:3:picture:timestamp] | The date the file was most recently changed. |
เจ้าของ | [list:3:picture:owner] | The user who originally uploaded the file. |
สถานะ | [list:3:status] | Whether the user is active or blocked. |
สร้างเมื่อ | [list:3:created] | The date the user account was created. |
Availability Calendar date display | [list:3:created:availability_calendar_date_display] | A date in 'availability_calendar_date_display' format. (03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Availability Calendar date entry | [list:3:created:availability_calendar_date_entry] | A date in 'availability_calendar_date_entry' format. (03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Availability Calendar month caption | [list:3:created:availability_calendar_month_caption] | A date in 'availability_calendar_month_caption' format. (03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Hours am/pm | [list:3:created:hours_ampm] | A date in 'hours_ampm' format. (3:29 am) |
Long format | [list:3:created:long] | A date in 'long' format. (พุธ, มีนาคม 20, 2024 - 03:29) |
Medium format | [list:3:created:medium] | A date in 'medium' format. (พ, 03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Raw timestamp | [list:3:created:raw] | A date in UNIX timestamp format (1710880172) |
Short format | [list:3:created:short] | A date in 'short' format. (03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Studyroom Availability Date | [list:3:created:studyroom_availability_date] | A date in 'studyroom_availability_date' format. (พ, 03/20/2024) |
Time-since | [list:3:created:since] | A date in 'time-since' format. (54 ปี 3 เดือน) |
กำหนดรูปแบบเอง | [list:3:created:custom:?] | A date in a custom format. See the PHP documentation for details. |
อีเมล | [list:3:mail] | The email address of the user account. |
เข้าสู่ระบบล่าสุด | [list:3:last-login] | The date the user last logged in to the site. |
Availability Calendar date display | [list:3:last-login:availability_calendar_date_display] | A date in 'availability_calendar_date_display' format. (03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Availability Calendar date entry | [list:3:last-login:availability_calendar_date_entry] | A date in 'availability_calendar_date_entry' format. (03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Availability Calendar month caption | [list:3:last-login:availability_calendar_month_caption] | A date in 'availability_calendar_month_caption' format. (03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Hours am/pm | [list:3:last-login:hours_ampm] | A date in 'hours_ampm' format. (3:29 am) |
Long format | [list:3:last-login:long] | A date in 'long' format. (พุธ, มีนาคม 20, 2024 - 03:29) |
Medium format | [list:3:last-login:medium] | A date in 'medium' format. (พ, 03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Raw timestamp | [list:3:last-login:raw] | A date in UNIX timestamp format (1710880172) |
Short format | [list:3:last-login:short] | A date in 'short' format. (03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Studyroom Availability Date | [list:3:last-login:studyroom_availability_date] | A date in 'studyroom_availability_date' format. (พ, 03/20/2024) |
Time-since | [list:3:last-login:since] | A date in 'time-since' format. (54 ปี 3 เดือน) |
กำหนดรูปแบบเอง | [list:3:last-login:custom:?] | A date in a custom format. See the PHP documentation for details. |
แก้ไข URL | [list:3:edit-url] | The URL of the account edit page. |
List of date values | | Tokens for lists of date values. |
Dates with delta 0 | [list:0] | The list item with delta 0. Delta values start from 0 and are incremented by one per list item. |
Availability Calendar date display | [list:0:availability_calendar_date_display] | A date in 'availability_calendar_date_display' format. (03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Availability Calendar date entry | [list:0:availability_calendar_date_entry] | A date in 'availability_calendar_date_entry' format. (03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Availability Calendar month caption | [list:0:availability_calendar_month_caption] | A date in 'availability_calendar_month_caption' format. (03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Hours am/pm | [list:0:hours_ampm] | A date in 'hours_ampm' format. (3:29 am) |
Long format | [list:0:long] | A date in 'long' format. (พุธ, มีนาคม 20, 2024 - 03:29) |
Medium format | [list:0:medium] | A date in 'medium' format. (พ, 03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Raw timestamp | [list:0:raw] | A date in UNIX timestamp format (1710880172) |
Short format | [list:0:short] | A date in 'short' format. (03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Studyroom Availability Date | [list:0:studyroom_availability_date] | A date in 'studyroom_availability_date' format. (พ, 03/20/2024) |
Time-since | [list:0:since] | A date in 'time-since' format. (54 ปี 3 เดือน) |
กำหนดรูปแบบเอง | [list:0:custom:?] | A date in a custom format. See the PHP documentation for details. |
Dates with delta 1 | [list:1] | The list item with delta 1. Delta values start from 0 and are incremented by one per list item. |
Availability Calendar date display | [list:1:availability_calendar_date_display] | A date in 'availability_calendar_date_display' format. (03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Availability Calendar date entry | [list:1:availability_calendar_date_entry] | A date in 'availability_calendar_date_entry' format. (03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Availability Calendar month caption | [list:1:availability_calendar_month_caption] | A date in 'availability_calendar_month_caption' format. (03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Hours am/pm | [list:1:hours_ampm] | A date in 'hours_ampm' format. (3:29 am) |
Long format | [list:1:long] | A date in 'long' format. (พุธ, มีนาคม 20, 2024 - 03:29) |
Medium format | [list:1:medium] | A date in 'medium' format. (พ, 03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Raw timestamp | [list:1:raw] | A date in UNIX timestamp format (1710880172) |
Short format | [list:1:short] | A date in 'short' format. (03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Studyroom Availability Date | [list:1:studyroom_availability_date] | A date in 'studyroom_availability_date' format. (พ, 03/20/2024) |
Time-since | [list:1:since] | A date in 'time-since' format. (54 ปี 3 เดือน) |
กำหนดรูปแบบเอง | [list:1:custom:?] | A date in a custom format. See the PHP documentation for details. |
Dates with delta 2 | [list:2] | The list item with delta 2. Delta values start from 0 and are incremented by one per list item. |
Availability Calendar date display | [list:2:availability_calendar_date_display] | A date in 'availability_calendar_date_display' format. (03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Availability Calendar date entry | [list:2:availability_calendar_date_entry] | A date in 'availability_calendar_date_entry' format. (03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Availability Calendar month caption | [list:2:availability_calendar_month_caption] | A date in 'availability_calendar_month_caption' format. (03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Hours am/pm | [list:2:hours_ampm] | A date in 'hours_ampm' format. (3:29 am) |
Long format | [list:2:long] | A date in 'long' format. (พุธ, มีนาคม 20, 2024 - 03:29) |
Medium format | [list:2:medium] | A date in 'medium' format. (พ, 03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Raw timestamp | [list:2:raw] | A date in UNIX timestamp format (1710880172) |
Short format | [list:2:short] | A date in 'short' format. (03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Studyroom Availability Date | [list:2:studyroom_availability_date] | A date in 'studyroom_availability_date' format. (พ, 03/20/2024) |
Time-since | [list:2:since] | A date in 'time-since' format. (54 ปี 3 เดือน) |
กำหนดรูปแบบเอง | [list:2:custom:?] | A date in a custom format. See the PHP documentation for details. |
Dates with delta 3 | [list:3] | The list item with delta 3. Delta values start from 0 and are incremented by one per list item. |
Availability Calendar date display | [list:3:availability_calendar_date_display] | A date in 'availability_calendar_date_display' format. (03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Availability Calendar date entry | [list:3:availability_calendar_date_entry] | A date in 'availability_calendar_date_entry' format. (03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Availability Calendar month caption | [list:3:availability_calendar_month_caption] | A date in 'availability_calendar_month_caption' format. (03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Hours am/pm | [list:3:hours_ampm] | A date in 'hours_ampm' format. (3:29 am) |
Long format | [list:3:long] | A date in 'long' format. (พุธ, มีนาคม 20, 2024 - 03:29) |
Medium format | [list:3:medium] | A date in 'medium' format. (พ, 03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Raw timestamp | [list:3:raw] | A date in UNIX timestamp format (1710880172) |
Short format | [list:3:short] | A date in 'short' format. (03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Studyroom Availability Date | [list:3:studyroom_availability_date] | A date in 'studyroom_availability_date' format. (พ, 03/20/2024) |
Time-since | [list:3:since] | A date in 'time-since' format. (54 ปี 3 เดือน) |
กำหนดรูปแบบเอง | [list:3:custom:?] | A date in a custom format. See the PHP documentation for details. |
List of ช่องทางจ่ายเงินs | | Tokens related to the "ช่องทางจ่ายเงิน" entities. |
ช่องทางจ่ายเงิน with delta 0 | [list:0] | The list item with delta 0. Delta values start from 0 and are incremented by one per list item. |
All items | [list:0:line_item-payment_all] | The total amount of all line items of this type. |
Commerce line item | [list:0:line_item-payment_commerce] | The total amount of all line items of this type. |
Currency code | [list:0:currency-code] | A three-letter ISO 4217 currency code. |
Finish callback | [list:0:finish-callback] | The name of the function to call once payment processing is completed. |
Original ช่องทางจ่ายเงิน | [list:0:original] | The original ช่องทางจ่ายเงิน data if the ช่องทางจ่ายเงิน is being updated or saved. |
All items | [list:0:original:line_item-payment_all] | The total amount of all line items of this type. |
Commerce line item | [list:0:original:line_item-payment_commerce] | The total amount of all line items of this type. |
Currency code | [list:0:original:currency-code] | A three-letter ISO 4217 currency code. |
Finish callback | [list:0:original:finish-callback] | The name of the function to call once payment processing is completed. |
Payment ID | [list:0:original:pid] | Payment ID |
Payment method ID | [list:0:original:pmid] | Payment method ID |
URL | [list:0:original:url] | The URL of the ช่องทางจ่ายเงิน. |
คำอธิบาย | [list:0:original:description] | คำอธิบาย |
บริบท | [list:0:original:context] | The machine-readable name of the context that created the payment. |
รหัสผู้ใช้ | [list:0:original:uid] | The ID of the user this payment belongs to. |
วิธีการชำระเงิน | [list:0:original:method] | วิธีการชำระเงิน |
Payment ID | [list:0:pid] | Payment ID |
Payment method ID | [list:0:pmid] | Payment method ID |
URL | [list:0:url] | The URL of the ช่องทางจ่ายเงิน. |
Absolute URL | [list:0:url:absolute] | The absolute URL. |
Arguments | [list:0:url:args] | The specific argument of the current page (e.g. 'arg:1' on the page 'node/1' returns '1'). |
Brief URL | [list:0:url:brief] | The URL without the protocol and trailing backslash. |
Relative URL | [list:0:url:relative] | The relative URL. |
Unaliased URL | [list:0:url:unaliased] | The unaliased URL. |
ตำแหน่งพาธ | [list:0:url:path] | The path component of the URL. |
คำอธิบาย | [list:0:description] | คำอธิบาย |
บริบท | [list:0:context] | The machine-readable name of the context that created the payment. |
รหัสผู้ใช้ | [list:0:uid] | The ID of the user this payment belongs to. |
วิธีการชำระเงิน | [list:0:method] | วิธีการชำระเงิน |
Payment method ID | [list:0:method:pmid] | Payment method ID |
Payment method type | [list:0:method:controller-class-name] | Payment method type |
Title (generic) | [list:0:method:title-generic] | Title (generic) |
Title (specific) | [list:0:method:title-specific] | Title (specific) |
รหัสผู้ใช้ | [list:0:method:uid] | The ID of the user this payment method belongs to. |
เปิดใช้งาน | [list:0:method:enabled] | Whether the payment method is enabled and can be used. |
ช่องทางจ่ายเงิน with delta 1 | [list:1] | The list item with delta 1. Delta values start from 0 and are incremented by one per list item. |
All items | [list:1:line_item-payment_all] | The total amount of all line items of this type. |
Commerce line item | [list:1:line_item-payment_commerce] | The total amount of all line items of this type. |
Currency code | [list:1:currency-code] | A three-letter ISO 4217 currency code. |
Finish callback | [list:1:finish-callback] | The name of the function to call once payment processing is completed. |
Original ช่องทางจ่ายเงิน | [list:1:original] | The original ช่องทางจ่ายเงิน data if the ช่องทางจ่ายเงิน is being updated or saved. |
All items | [list:1:original:line_item-payment_all] | The total amount of all line items of this type. |
Commerce line item | [list:1:original:line_item-payment_commerce] | The total amount of all line items of this type. |
Currency code | [list:1:original:currency-code] | A three-letter ISO 4217 currency code. |
Finish callback | [list:1:original:finish-callback] | The name of the function to call once payment processing is completed. |
Payment ID | [list:1:original:pid] | Payment ID |
Payment method ID | [list:1:original:pmid] | Payment method ID |
URL | [list:1:original:url] | The URL of the ช่องทางจ่ายเงิน. |
คำอธิบาย | [list:1:original:description] | คำอธิบาย |
บริบท | [list:1:original:context] | The machine-readable name of the context that created the payment. |
รหัสผู้ใช้ | [list:1:original:uid] | The ID of the user this payment belongs to. |
วิธีการชำระเงิน | [list:1:original:method] | วิธีการชำระเงิน |
Payment ID | [list:1:pid] | Payment ID |
Payment method ID | [list:1:pmid] | Payment method ID |
URL | [list:1:url] | The URL of the ช่องทางจ่ายเงิน. |
Absolute URL | [list:1:url:absolute] | The absolute URL. |
Arguments | [list:1:url:args] | The specific argument of the current page (e.g. 'arg:1' on the page 'node/1' returns '1'). |
Brief URL | [list:1:url:brief] | The URL without the protocol and trailing backslash. |
Relative URL | [list:1:url:relative] | The relative URL. |
Unaliased URL | [list:1:url:unaliased] | The unaliased URL. |
ตำแหน่งพาธ | [list:1:url:path] | The path component of the URL. |
คำอธิบาย | [list:1:description] | คำอธิบาย |
บริบท | [list:1:context] | The machine-readable name of the context that created the payment. |
รหัสผู้ใช้ | [list:1:uid] | The ID of the user this payment belongs to. |
วิธีการชำระเงิน | [list:1:method] | วิธีการชำระเงิน |
Payment method ID | [list:1:method:pmid] | Payment method ID |
Payment method type | [list:1:method:controller-class-name] | Payment method type |
Title (generic) | [list:1:method:title-generic] | Title (generic) |
Title (specific) | [list:1:method:title-specific] | Title (specific) |
รหัสผู้ใช้ | [list:1:method:uid] | The ID of the user this payment method belongs to. |
เปิดใช้งาน | [list:1:method:enabled] | Whether the payment method is enabled and can be used. |
ช่องทางจ่ายเงิน with delta 2 | [list:2] | The list item with delta 2. Delta values start from 0 and are incremented by one per list item. |
All items | [list:2:line_item-payment_all] | The total amount of all line items of this type. |
Commerce line item | [list:2:line_item-payment_commerce] | The total amount of all line items of this type. |
Currency code | [list:2:currency-code] | A three-letter ISO 4217 currency code. |
Finish callback | [list:2:finish-callback] | The name of the function to call once payment processing is completed. |
Original ช่องทางจ่ายเงิน | [list:2:original] | The original ช่องทางจ่ายเงิน data if the ช่องทางจ่ายเงิน is being updated or saved. |
All items | [list:2:original:line_item-payment_all] | The total amount of all line items of this type. |
Commerce line item | [list:2:original:line_item-payment_commerce] | The total amount of all line items of this type. |
Currency code | [list:2:original:currency-code] | A three-letter ISO 4217 currency code. |
Finish callback | [list:2:original:finish-callback] | The name of the function to call once payment processing is completed. |
Payment ID | [list:2:original:pid] | Payment ID |
Payment method ID | [list:2:original:pmid] | Payment method ID |
URL | [list:2:original:url] | The URL of the ช่องทางจ่ายเงิน. |
คำอธิบาย | [list:2:original:description] | คำอธิบาย |
บริบท | [list:2:original:context] | The machine-readable name of the context that created the payment. |
รหัสผู้ใช้ | [list:2:original:uid] | The ID of the user this payment belongs to. |
วิธีการชำระเงิน | [list:2:original:method] | วิธีการชำระเงิน |
Payment ID | [list:2:pid] | Payment ID |
Payment method ID | [list:2:pmid] | Payment method ID |
URL | [list:2:url] | The URL of the ช่องทางจ่ายเงิน. |
Absolute URL | [list:2:url:absolute] | The absolute URL. |
Arguments | [list:2:url:args] | The specific argument of the current page (e.g. 'arg:1' on the page 'node/1' returns '1'). |
Brief URL | [list:2:url:brief] | The URL without the protocol and trailing backslash. |
Relative URL | [list:2:url:relative] | The relative URL. |
Unaliased URL | [list:2:url:unaliased] | The unaliased URL. |
ตำแหน่งพาธ | [list:2:url:path] | The path component of the URL. |
คำอธิบาย | [list:2:description] | คำอธิบาย |
บริบท | [list:2:context] | The machine-readable name of the context that created the payment. |
รหัสผู้ใช้ | [list:2:uid] | The ID of the user this payment belongs to. |
วิธีการชำระเงิน | [list:2:method] | วิธีการชำระเงิน |
Payment method ID | [list:2:method:pmid] | Payment method ID |
Payment method type | [list:2:method:controller-class-name] | Payment method type |
Title (generic) | [list:2:method:title-generic] | Title (generic) |
Title (specific) | [list:2:method:title-specific] | Title (specific) |
รหัสผู้ใช้ | [list:2:method:uid] | The ID of the user this payment method belongs to. |
เปิดใช้งาน | [list:2:method:enabled] | Whether the payment method is enabled and can be used. |
ช่องทางจ่ายเงิน with delta 3 | [list:3] | The list item with delta 3. Delta values start from 0 and are incremented by one per list item. |
All items | [list:3:line_item-payment_all] | The total amount of all line items of this type. |
Commerce line item | [list:3:line_item-payment_commerce] | The total amount of all line items of this type. |
Currency code | [list:3:currency-code] | A three-letter ISO 4217 currency code. |
Finish callback | [list:3:finish-callback] | The name of the function to call once payment processing is completed. |
Original ช่องทางจ่ายเงิน | [list:3:original] | The original ช่องทางจ่ายเงิน data if the ช่องทางจ่ายเงิน is being updated or saved. |
All items | [list:3:original:line_item-payment_all] | The total amount of all line items of this type. |
Commerce line item | [list:3:original:line_item-payment_commerce] | The total amount of all line items of this type. |
Currency code | [list:3:original:currency-code] | A three-letter ISO 4217 currency code. |
Finish callback | [list:3:original:finish-callback] | The name of the function to call once payment processing is completed. |
Payment ID | [list:3:original:pid] | Payment ID |
Payment method ID | [list:3:original:pmid] | Payment method ID |
URL | [list:3:original:url] | The URL of the ช่องทางจ่ายเงิน. |
คำอธิบาย | [list:3:original:description] | คำอธิบาย |
บริบท | [list:3:original:context] | The machine-readable name of the context that created the payment. |
รหัสผู้ใช้ | [list:3:original:uid] | The ID of the user this payment belongs to. |
วิธีการชำระเงิน | [list:3:original:method] | วิธีการชำระเงิน |
Payment ID | [list:3:pid] | Payment ID |
Payment method ID | [list:3:pmid] | Payment method ID |
URL | [list:3:url] | The URL of the ช่องทางจ่ายเงิน. |
Absolute URL | [list:3:url:absolute] | The absolute URL. |
Arguments | [list:3:url:args] | The specific argument of the current page (e.g. 'arg:1' on the page 'node/1' returns '1'). |
Brief URL | [list:3:url:brief] | The URL without the protocol and trailing backslash. |
Relative URL | [list:3:url:relative] | The relative URL. |
Unaliased URL | [list:3:url:unaliased] | The unaliased URL. |
ตำแหน่งพาธ | [list:3:url:path] | The path component of the URL. |
คำอธิบาย | [list:3:description] | คำอธิบาย |
บริบท | [list:3:context] | The machine-readable name of the context that created the payment. |
รหัสผู้ใช้ | [list:3:uid] | The ID of the user this payment belongs to. |
วิธีการชำระเงิน | [list:3:method] | วิธีการชำระเงิน |
Payment method ID | [list:3:method:pmid] | Payment method ID |
Payment method type | [list:3:method:controller-class-name] | Payment method type |
Title (generic) | [list:3:method:title-generic] | Title (generic) |
Title (specific) | [list:3:method:title-specific] | Title (specific) |
รหัสผู้ใช้ | [list:3:method:uid] | The ID of the user this payment method belongs to. |
เปิดใช้งาน | [list:3:method:enabled] | Whether the payment method is enabled and can be used. |
List of ประเทศs | | Tokens related to the "ประเทศ" entities. |
Countries with delta 0 | [list:0] | The list item with delta 0. Delta values start from 0 and are incremented by one per list item. |
Continent | [list:0:continent] | The Continent of the country. |
Continent code | [list:0:continent-code] | The Continent code of the country. |
Continent name | [list:0:continent-name] | Continent name |
Country ID | [list:0:cid] | The unique internal database ID of the country. |
ISO alpha-2 code | [list:0:iso2] | The ISO alpha-2 code of the country. |
ISO alpha-3 code | [list:0:iso3] | The ISO alpha-3 code of the country. |
ISO numeric-3 code | [list:0:numcode] | The ISO numeric-3 code of the country. |
Language | [list:0:language] | ประเทศ "language" property. |
Name | [list:0:name] | The name of the country. |
Official name | [list:0:official-name] | The official name of the country. |
Original ประเทศ | [list:0:original] | The original ประเทศ data if the ประเทศ is being updated or saved. |
Continent | [list:0:original:continent] | The Continent of the country. |
Continent code | [list:0:original:continent-code] | The Continent code of the country. |
Continent name | [list:0:original:continent-name] | Continent name |
Country ID | [list:0:original:cid] | The unique internal database ID of the country. |
ISO alpha-2 code | [list:0:original:iso2] | The ISO alpha-2 code of the country. |
ISO alpha-3 code | [list:0:original:iso3] | The ISO alpha-3 code of the country. |
ISO numeric-3 code | [list:0:original:numcode] | The ISO numeric-3 code of the country. |
Language | [list:0:original:language] | ประเทศ "language" property. |
Name | [list:0:original:name] | The name of the country. |
Official name | [list:0:original:official-name] | The official name of the country. |
สถานะ | [list:0:original:enabled] | The Continent of the country. |
สถานะ | [list:0:enabled] | The Continent of the country. |
Countries with delta 1 | [list:1] | The list item with delta 1. Delta values start from 0 and are incremented by one per list item. |
Continent | [list:1:continent] | The Continent of the country. |
Continent code | [list:1:continent-code] | The Continent code of the country. |
Continent name | [list:1:continent-name] | Continent name |
Country ID | [list:1:cid] | The unique internal database ID of the country. |
ISO alpha-2 code | [list:1:iso2] | The ISO alpha-2 code of the country. |
ISO alpha-3 code | [list:1:iso3] | The ISO alpha-3 code of the country. |
ISO numeric-3 code | [list:1:numcode] | The ISO numeric-3 code of the country. |
Language | [list:1:language] | ประเทศ "language" property. |
Name | [list:1:name] | The name of the country. |
Official name | [list:1:official-name] | The official name of the country. |
Original ประเทศ | [list:1:original] | The original ประเทศ data if the ประเทศ is being updated or saved. |
Continent | [list:1:original:continent] | The Continent of the country. |
Continent code | [list:1:original:continent-code] | The Continent code of the country. |
Continent name | [list:1:original:continent-name] | Continent name |
Country ID | [list:1:original:cid] | The unique internal database ID of the country. |
ISO alpha-2 code | [list:1:original:iso2] | The ISO alpha-2 code of the country. |
ISO alpha-3 code | [list:1:original:iso3] | The ISO alpha-3 code of the country. |
ISO numeric-3 code | [list:1:original:numcode] | The ISO numeric-3 code of the country. |
Language | [list:1:original:language] | ประเทศ "language" property. |
Name | [list:1:original:name] | The name of the country. |
Official name | [list:1:original:official-name] | The official name of the country. |
สถานะ | [list:1:original:enabled] | The Continent of the country. |
สถานะ | [list:1:enabled] | The Continent of the country. |
Countries with delta 2 | [list:2] | The list item with delta 2. Delta values start from 0 and are incremented by one per list item. |
Continent | [list:2:continent] | The Continent of the country. |
Continent code | [list:2:continent-code] | The Continent code of the country. |
Continent name | [list:2:continent-name] | Continent name |
Country ID | [list:2:cid] | The unique internal database ID of the country. |
ISO alpha-2 code | [list:2:iso2] | The ISO alpha-2 code of the country. |
ISO alpha-3 code | [list:2:iso3] | The ISO alpha-3 code of the country. |
ISO numeric-3 code | [list:2:numcode] | The ISO numeric-3 code of the country. |
Language | [list:2:language] | ประเทศ "language" property. |
Name | [list:2:name] | The name of the country. |
Official name | [list:2:official-name] | The official name of the country. |
Original ประเทศ | [list:2:original] | The original ประเทศ data if the ประเทศ is being updated or saved. |
Continent | [list:2:original:continent] | The Continent of the country. |
Continent code | [list:2:original:continent-code] | The Continent code of the country. |
Continent name | [list:2:original:continent-name] | Continent name |
Country ID | [list:2:original:cid] | The unique internal database ID of the country. |
ISO alpha-2 code | [list:2:original:iso2] | The ISO alpha-2 code of the country. |
ISO alpha-3 code | [list:2:original:iso3] | The ISO alpha-3 code of the country. |
ISO numeric-3 code | [list:2:original:numcode] | The ISO numeric-3 code of the country. |
Language | [list:2:original:language] | ประเทศ "language" property. |
Name | [list:2:original:name] | The name of the country. |
Official name | [list:2:original:official-name] | The official name of the country. |
สถานะ | [list:2:original:enabled] | The Continent of the country. |
สถานะ | [list:2:enabled] | The Continent of the country. |
Countries with delta 3 | [list:3] | The list item with delta 3. Delta values start from 0 and are incremented by one per list item. |
Continent | [list:3:continent] | The Continent of the country. |
Continent code | [list:3:continent-code] | The Continent code of the country. |
Continent name | [list:3:continent-name] | Continent name |
Country ID | [list:3:cid] | The unique internal database ID of the country. |
ISO alpha-2 code | [list:3:iso2] | The ISO alpha-2 code of the country. |
ISO alpha-3 code | [list:3:iso3] | The ISO alpha-3 code of the country. |
ISO numeric-3 code | [list:3:numcode] | The ISO numeric-3 code of the country. |
Language | [list:3:language] | ประเทศ "language" property. |
Name | [list:3:name] | The name of the country. |
Official name | [list:3:official-name] | The official name of the country. |
Original ประเทศ | [list:3:original] | The original ประเทศ data if the ประเทศ is being updated or saved. |
Continent | [list:3:original:continent] | The Continent of the country. |
Continent code | [list:3:original:continent-code] | The Continent code of the country. |
Continent name | [list:3:original:continent-name] | Continent name |
Country ID | [list:3:original:cid] | The unique internal database ID of the country. |
ISO alpha-2 code | [list:3:original:iso2] | The ISO alpha-2 code of the country. |
ISO alpha-3 code | [list:3:original:iso3] | The ISO alpha-3 code of the country. |
ISO numeric-3 code | [list:3:original:numcode] | The ISO numeric-3 code of the country. |
Language | [list:3:original:language] | ประเทศ "language" property. |
Name | [list:3:original:name] | The name of the country. |
Official name | [list:3:original:official-name] | The official name of the country. |
สถานะ | [list:3:original:enabled] | The Continent of the country. |
สถานะ | [list:3:enabled] | The Continent of the country. |
List of วิธีการชำระเงินs | | Tokens related to the "วิธีการชำระเงิน" entities. |
วิธีการชำระเงิน with delta 0 | [list:0] | The list item with delta 0. Delta values start from 0 and are incremented by one per list item. |
Payment method ID | [list:0:pmid] | Payment method ID |
Payment method type | [list:0:controller-class-name] | Payment method type |
Title (generic) | [list:0:title-generic] | Title (generic) |
Title (specific) | [list:0:title-specific] | Title (specific) |
รหัสผู้ใช้ | [list:0:uid] | The ID of the user this payment method belongs to. |
เปิดใช้งาน | [list:0:enabled] | Whether the payment method is enabled and can be used. |
วิธีการชำระเงิน with delta 1 | [list:1] | The list item with delta 1. Delta values start from 0 and are incremented by one per list item. |
Payment method ID | [list:1:pmid] | Payment method ID |
Payment method type | [list:1:controller-class-name] | Payment method type |
Title (generic) | [list:1:title-generic] | Title (generic) |
Title (specific) | [list:1:title-specific] | Title (specific) |
รหัสผู้ใช้ | [list:1:uid] | The ID of the user this payment method belongs to. |
เปิดใช้งาน | [list:1:enabled] | Whether the payment method is enabled and can be used. |
วิธีการชำระเงิน with delta 2 | [list:2] | The list item with delta 2. Delta values start from 0 and are incremented by one per list item. |
Payment method ID | [list:2:pmid] | Payment method ID |
Payment method type | [list:2:controller-class-name] | Payment method type |
Title (generic) | [list:2:title-generic] | Title (generic) |
Title (specific) | [list:2:title-specific] | Title (specific) |
รหัสผู้ใช้ | [list:2:uid] | The ID of the user this payment method belongs to. |
เปิดใช้งาน | [list:2:enabled] | Whether the payment method is enabled and can be used. |
วิธีการชำระเงิน with delta 3 | [list:3] | The list item with delta 3. Delta values start from 0 and are incremented by one per list item. |
Payment method ID | [list:3:pmid] | Payment method ID |
Payment method type | [list:3:controller-class-name] | Payment method type |
Title (generic) | [list:3:title-generic] | Title (generic) |
Title (specific) | [list:3:title-specific] | Title (specific) |
รหัสผู้ใช้ | [list:3:uid] | The ID of the user this payment method belongs to. |
เปิดใช้งาน | [list:3:enabled] | Whether the payment method is enabled and can be used. |
List of แง่อนุกรมวิธาน | | Tokens related to the "Taxonomy term" entities. |
แง่อนุกรมวิธาน with delta 0 | [list:0] | The list item with delta 0. Delta values start from 0 and are incremented by one per list item. |
All parent terms | [list:0:parents-all] | Ancestors of the term, i.e. parent of all above hierarchy levels. |
แง่อนุกรมวิธาน with delta 1 | [list:0:parents-all:1] | The list item with delta 1. Delta values start from 0 and are incremented by one per list item. |
แง่อนุกรมวิธาน with delta 2 | [list:0:parents-all:2] | The list item with delta 2. Delta values start from 0 and are incremented by one per list item. |
แง่อนุกรมวิธาน with delta 3 | [list:0:parents-all:3] | The list item with delta 3. Delta values start from 0 and are incremented by one per list item. |
Description (localized) | [list:0:i18n-description] | The optional description of the taxonomy term. |
Name | [list:0:name] | The name of the taxonomy term. |
Name (localized) | [list:0:i18n-name] | The name of the taxonomy term. |
Name in current language | [list:0:localized-name] | The name of the taxonomy term in current language. |
Node count | [list:0:node-count] | The number of nodes tagged with the taxonomy term. |
Original taxonomy term | [list:0:original] | The original taxonomy term data if the taxonomy term is being updated or saved. |
All parent terms | [list:0:original:parents-all] | Ancestors of the term, i.e. parent of all above hierarchy levels. |
Description (localized) | [list:0:original:i18n-description] | The optional description of the taxonomy term. |
Name | [list:0:original:name] | The name of the taxonomy term. |
Name (localized) | [list:0:original:i18n-name] | The name of the taxonomy term. |
Name in current language | [list:0:original:localized-name] | The name of the taxonomy term in current language. |
Node count | [list:0:original:node-count] | The number of nodes tagged with the taxonomy term. |
Parents | [list:0:original:parents] | An array of all the term's parents, starting with the root. |
Parent term (localized) | [list:0:original:i18n-parent] | The parent term of the taxonomy term, if one exists. |
Root term | [list:0:original:root] | The root term of the taxonomy term. |
Term ID | [list:0:original:tid] | The unique ID of the taxonomy term. |
URL | [list:0:original:url] | The URL of the taxonomy term. |
Vocabulary (localized) | [list:0:original:i18n-vocabulary] | The vocabulary the taxonomy term belongs to. |
คำศัพท์ | [list:0:original:vocabulary] | The vocabulary the taxonomy term belongs to. |
คำอธิบาย | [list:0:original:description] | The optional description of the taxonomy term. |
น้ำหนัก | [list:0:original:weight] | The weight of the term, which is used for ordering terms during display. |
ลำดับชั้นของ Term | [list:0:original:parent] | The parent term of the taxonomy term, if one exists. |
แก้ไข URL | [list:0:original:edit-url] | The URL of the taxonomy term's edit page. |
Parents | [list:0:parents] | An array of all the term's parents, starting with the root. |
First | [list:0:parents:first] | The first element of the array. |
Imploded | [list:0:parents:join:?] | The values of the array joined together with a custom string in-between each value. |
Joined path | [list:0:parents:join-path] | The array values each cleaned by Pathauto and then joined with the slash into a string that resembles an URL. |
Keys | [list:0:parents:keys] | The array of keys of the array. |
Last | [list:0:parents:last] | The last element of the array. |
Reversed | [list:0:parents:reversed] | The array reversed. |
Value | [list:0:parents:value:?] | The specific value of the array. |
จำนวน | [list:0:parents:count] | The number of elements in the array. |
Parent term (localized) | [list:0:i18n-parent] | The parent term of the taxonomy term, if one exists. |
All parent terms | [list:0:i18n-parent:parents-all] | Ancestors of the term, i.e. parent of all above hierarchy levels. |
Description (localized) | [list:0:i18n-parent:i18n-description] | The optional description of the taxonomy term. |
Name | [list:0:i18n-parent:name] | The name of the taxonomy term. |
Name (localized) | [list:0:i18n-parent:i18n-name] | The name of the taxonomy term. |
Name in current language | [list:0:i18n-parent:localized-name] | The name of the taxonomy term in current language. |
Node count | [list:0:i18n-parent:node-count] | The number of nodes tagged with the taxonomy term. |
Original taxonomy term | [list:0:i18n-parent:original] | The original taxonomy term data if the taxonomy term is being updated or saved. |
Parents | [list:0:i18n-parent:parents] | An array of all the term's parents, starting with the root. |
Root term | [list:0:i18n-parent:root] | The root term of the taxonomy term. |
Term ID | [list:0:i18n-parent:tid] | The unique ID of the taxonomy term. |
URL | [list:0:i18n-parent:url] | The URL of the taxonomy term. |
Vocabulary (localized) | [list:0:i18n-parent:i18n-vocabulary] | The vocabulary the taxonomy term belongs to. |
คำศัพท์ | [list:0:i18n-parent:vocabulary] | The vocabulary the taxonomy term belongs to. |
คำอธิบาย | [list:0:i18n-parent:description] | The optional description of the taxonomy term. |
น้ำหนัก | [list:0:i18n-parent:weight] | The weight of the term, which is used for ordering terms during display. |
ลำดับชั้นของ Term | [list:0:i18n-parent:parent] | The parent term of the taxonomy term, if one exists. |
แก้ไข URL | [list:0:i18n-parent:edit-url] | The URL of the taxonomy term's edit page. |
Root term | [list:0:root] | The root term of the taxonomy term. |
All parent terms | [list:0:root:parents-all] | Ancestors of the term, i.e. parent of all above hierarchy levels. |
Description (localized) | [list:0:root:i18n-description] | The optional description of the taxonomy term. |
Name | [list:0:root:name] | The name of the taxonomy term. |
Name (localized) | [list:0:root:i18n-name] | The name of the taxonomy term. |
Name in current language | [list:0:root:localized-name] | The name of the taxonomy term in current language. |
Node count | [list:0:root:node-count] | The number of nodes tagged with the taxonomy term. |
Original taxonomy term | [list:0:root:original] | The original taxonomy term data if the taxonomy term is being updated or saved. |
Parents | [list:0:root:parents] | An array of all the term's parents, starting with the root. |
Parent term (localized) | [list:0:root:i18n-parent] | The parent term of the taxonomy term, if one exists. |
Term ID | [list:0:root:tid] | The unique ID of the taxonomy term. |
URL | [list:0:root:url] | The URL of the taxonomy term. |
Vocabulary (localized) | [list:0:root:i18n-vocabulary] | The vocabulary the taxonomy term belongs to. |
คำศัพท์ | [list:0:root:vocabulary] | The vocabulary the taxonomy term belongs to. |
คำอธิบาย | [list:0:root:description] | The optional description of the taxonomy term. |
น้ำหนัก | [list:0:root:weight] | The weight of the term, which is used for ordering terms during display. |
ลำดับชั้นของ Term | [list:0:root:parent] | The parent term of the taxonomy term, if one exists. |
แก้ไข URL | [list:0:root:edit-url] | The URL of the taxonomy term's edit page. |
Term ID | [list:0:tid] | The unique ID of the taxonomy term. |
URL | [list:0:url] | The URL of the taxonomy term. |
Absolute URL | [list:0:url:absolute] | The absolute URL. |
Arguments | [list:0:url:args] | The specific argument of the current page (e.g. 'arg:1' on the page 'node/1' returns '1'). |
Brief URL | [list:0:url:brief] | The URL without the protocol and trailing backslash. |
Relative URL | [list:0:url:relative] | The relative URL. |
Unaliased URL | [list:0:url:unaliased] | The unaliased URL. |
ตำแหน่งพาธ | [list:0:url:path] | The path component of the URL. |
Vocabulary (localized) | [list:0:i18n-vocabulary] | The vocabulary the taxonomy term belongs to. |
Description (localized) | [list:0:i18n-vocabulary:i18n-description] | The optional description of the taxonomy vocabulary. |
Name | [list:0:i18n-vocabulary:name] | The name of the taxonomy vocabulary. |
Name (localized) | [list:0:i18n-vocabulary:i18n-name] | The name of the taxonomy vocabulary. |
Node count | [list:0:i18n-vocabulary:node-count] | The number of nodes tagged with terms belonging to the taxonomy vocabulary. |
Original คำศัพท์จำแนกประเภท | [list:0:i18n-vocabulary:original] | The original คำศัพท์จำแนกประเภท data if the คำศัพท์จำแนกประเภท is being updated or saved. |
Term count | [list:0:i18n-vocabulary:term-count] | The number of terms belonging to the taxonomy vocabulary. |
Vocabulary ID | [list:0:i18n-vocabulary:vid] | The unique ID of the taxonomy vocabulary. |
คำอธิบาย | [list:0:i18n-vocabulary:description] | The optional description of the taxonomy vocabulary. |
ชื่อสำหรับอ้างอิง | [list:0:i18n-vocabulary:machine-name] | The unique machine-readable name of the vocabulary. |
แก้ไข URL | [list:0:i18n-vocabulary:edit-url] | The URL of the vocabulary's edit page. |
คำศัพท์ | [list:0:vocabulary] | The vocabulary the taxonomy term belongs to. |
Description (localized) | [list:0:vocabulary:i18n-description] | The optional description of the taxonomy vocabulary. |
Name | [list:0:vocabulary:name] | The name of the taxonomy vocabulary. |
Name (localized) | [list:0:vocabulary:i18n-name] | The name of the taxonomy vocabulary. |
Node count | [list:0:vocabulary:node-count] | The number of nodes tagged with terms belonging to the taxonomy vocabulary. |
Original คำศัพท์จำแนกประเภท | [list:0:vocabulary:original] | The original คำศัพท์จำแนกประเภท data if the คำศัพท์จำแนกประเภท is being updated or saved. |
Term count | [list:0:vocabulary:term-count] | The number of terms belonging to the taxonomy vocabulary. |
Vocabulary ID | [list:0:vocabulary:vid] | The unique ID of the taxonomy vocabulary. |
คำอธิบาย | [list:0:vocabulary:description] | The optional description of the taxonomy vocabulary. |
ชื่อสำหรับอ้างอิง | [list:0:vocabulary:machine-name] | The unique machine-readable name of the vocabulary. |
แก้ไข URL | [list:0:vocabulary:edit-url] | The URL of the vocabulary's edit page. |
คำอธิบาย | [list:0:description] | The optional description of the taxonomy term. |
น้ำหนัก | [list:0:weight] | The weight of the term, which is used for ordering terms during display. |
ลำดับชั้นของ Term | [list:0:parent] | The parent term of the taxonomy term, if one exists. |
All parent terms | [list:0:parent:parents-all] | Ancestors of the term, i.e. parent of all above hierarchy levels. |
Description (localized) | [list:0:parent:i18n-description] | The optional description of the taxonomy term. |
Name | [list:0:parent:name] | The name of the taxonomy term. |
Name (localized) | [list:0:parent:i18n-name] | The name of the taxonomy term. |
Name in current language | [list:0:parent:localized-name] | The name of the taxonomy term in current language. |
Node count | [list:0:parent:node-count] | The number of nodes tagged with the taxonomy term. |
Original taxonomy term | [list:0:parent:original] | The original taxonomy term data if the taxonomy term is being updated or saved. |
Parents | [list:0:parent:parents] | An array of all the term's parents, starting with the root. |
Parent term (localized) | [list:0:parent:i18n-parent] | The parent term of the taxonomy term, if one exists. |
Root term | [list:0:parent:root] | The root term of the taxonomy term. |
Term ID | [list:0:parent:tid] | The unique ID of the taxonomy term. |
URL | [list:0:parent:url] | The URL of the taxonomy term. |
Vocabulary (localized) | [list:0:parent:i18n-vocabulary] | The vocabulary the taxonomy term belongs to. |
คำศัพท์ | [list:0:parent:vocabulary] | The vocabulary the taxonomy term belongs to. |
คำอธิบาย | [list:0:parent:description] | The optional description of the taxonomy term. |
น้ำหนัก | [list:0:parent:weight] | The weight of the term, which is used for ordering terms during display. |
แก้ไข URL | [list:0:parent:edit-url] | The URL of the taxonomy term's edit page. |
แก้ไข URL | [list:0:edit-url] | The URL of the taxonomy term's edit page. |
แง่อนุกรมวิธาน with delta 1 | [list:1] | The list item with delta 1. Delta values start from 0 and are incremented by one per list item. |
All parent terms | [list:1:parents-all] | Ancestors of the term, i.e. parent of all above hierarchy levels. |
แง่อนุกรมวิธาน with delta 0 | [list:1:parents-all:0] | The list item with delta 0. Delta values start from 0 and are incremented by one per list item. |
แง่อนุกรมวิธาน with delta 2 | [list:1:parents-all:2] | The list item with delta 2. Delta values start from 0 and are incremented by one per list item. |
แง่อนุกรมวิธาน with delta 3 | [list:1:parents-all:3] | The list item with delta 3. Delta values start from 0 and are incremented by one per list item. |
Description (localized) | [list:1:i18n-description] | The optional description of the taxonomy term. |
Name | [list:1:name] | The name of the taxonomy term. |
Name (localized) | [list:1:i18n-name] | The name of the taxonomy term. |
Name in current language | [list:1:localized-name] | The name of the taxonomy term in current language. |
Node count | [list:1:node-count] | The number of nodes tagged with the taxonomy term. |
Original taxonomy term | [list:1:original] | The original taxonomy term data if the taxonomy term is being updated or saved. |
All parent terms | [list:1:original:parents-all] | Ancestors of the term, i.e. parent of all above hierarchy levels. |
Description (localized) | [list:1:original:i18n-description] | The optional description of the taxonomy term. |
Name | [list:1:original:name] | The name of the taxonomy term. |
Name (localized) | [list:1:original:i18n-name] | The name of the taxonomy term. |
Name in current language | [list:1:original:localized-name] | The name of the taxonomy term in current language. |
Node count | [list:1:original:node-count] | The number of nodes tagged with the taxonomy term. |
Parents | [list:1:original:parents] | An array of all the term's parents, starting with the root. |
Parent term (localized) | [list:1:original:i18n-parent] | The parent term of the taxonomy term, if one exists. |
Root term | [list:1:original:root] | The root term of the taxonomy term. |
Term ID | [list:1:original:tid] | The unique ID of the taxonomy term. |
URL | [list:1:original:url] | The URL of the taxonomy term. |
Vocabulary (localized) | [list:1:original:i18n-vocabulary] | The vocabulary the taxonomy term belongs to. |
คำศัพท์ | [list:1:original:vocabulary] | The vocabulary the taxonomy term belongs to. |
คำอธิบาย | [list:1:original:description] | The optional description of the taxonomy term. |
น้ำหนัก | [list:1:original:weight] | The weight of the term, which is used for ordering terms during display. |
ลำดับชั้นของ Term | [list:1:original:parent] | The parent term of the taxonomy term, if one exists. |
แก้ไข URL | [list:1:original:edit-url] | The URL of the taxonomy term's edit page. |
Parents | [list:1:parents] | An array of all the term's parents, starting with the root. |
First | [list:1:parents:first] | The first element of the array. |
Imploded | [list:1:parents:join:?] | The values of the array joined together with a custom string in-between each value. |
Joined path | [list:1:parents:join-path] | The array values each cleaned by Pathauto and then joined with the slash into a string that resembles an URL. |
Keys | [list:1:parents:keys] | The array of keys of the array. |
Last | [list:1:parents:last] | The last element of the array. |
Reversed | [list:1:parents:reversed] | The array reversed. |
Value | [list:1:parents:value:?] | The specific value of the array. |
จำนวน | [list:1:parents:count] | The number of elements in the array. |
Parent term (localized) | [list:1:i18n-parent] | The parent term of the taxonomy term, if one exists. |
All parent terms | [list:1:i18n-parent:parents-all] | Ancestors of the term, i.e. parent of all above hierarchy levels. |
Description (localized) | [list:1:i18n-parent:i18n-description] | The optional description of the taxonomy term. |
Name | [list:1:i18n-parent:name] | The name of the taxonomy term. |
Name (localized) | [list:1:i18n-parent:i18n-name] | The name of the taxonomy term. |
Name in current language | [list:1:i18n-parent:localized-name] | The name of the taxonomy term in current language. |
Node count | [list:1:i18n-parent:node-count] | The number of nodes tagged with the taxonomy term. |
Original taxonomy term | [list:1:i18n-parent:original] | The original taxonomy term data if the taxonomy term is being updated or saved. |
Parents | [list:1:i18n-parent:parents] | An array of all the term's parents, starting with the root. |
Root term | [list:1:i18n-parent:root] | The root term of the taxonomy term. |
Term ID | [list:1:i18n-parent:tid] | The unique ID of the taxonomy term. |
URL | [list:1:i18n-parent:url] | The URL of the taxonomy term. |
Vocabulary (localized) | [list:1:i18n-parent:i18n-vocabulary] | The vocabulary the taxonomy term belongs to. |
คำศัพท์ | [list:1:i18n-parent:vocabulary] | The vocabulary the taxonomy term belongs to. |
คำอธิบาย | [list:1:i18n-parent:description] | The optional description of the taxonomy term. |
น้ำหนัก | [list:1:i18n-parent:weight] | The weight of the term, which is used for ordering terms during display. |
ลำดับชั้นของ Term | [list:1:i18n-parent:parent] | The parent term of the taxonomy term, if one exists. |
แก้ไข URL | [list:1:i18n-parent:edit-url] | The URL of the taxonomy term's edit page. |
Root term | [list:1:root] | The root term of the taxonomy term. |
All parent terms | [list:1:root:parents-all] | Ancestors of the term, i.e. parent of all above hierarchy levels. |
Description (localized) | [list:1:root:i18n-description] | The optional description of the taxonomy term. |
Name | [list:1:root:name] | The name of the taxonomy term. |
Name (localized) | [list:1:root:i18n-name] | The name of the taxonomy term. |
Name in current language | [list:1:root:localized-name] | The name of the taxonomy term in current language. |
Node count | [list:1:root:node-count] | The number of nodes tagged with the taxonomy term. |
Original taxonomy term | [list:1:root:original] | The original taxonomy term data if the taxonomy term is being updated or saved. |
Parents | [list:1:root:parents] | An array of all the term's parents, starting with the root. |
Parent term (localized) | [list:1:root:i18n-parent] | The parent term of the taxonomy term, if one exists. |
Term ID | [list:1:root:tid] | The unique ID of the taxonomy term. |
URL | [list:1:root:url] | The URL of the taxonomy term. |
Vocabulary (localized) | [list:1:root:i18n-vocabulary] | The vocabulary the taxonomy term belongs to. |
คำศัพท์ | [list:1:root:vocabulary] | The vocabulary the taxonomy term belongs to. |
คำอธิบาย | [list:1:root:description] | The optional description of the taxonomy term. |
น้ำหนัก | [list:1:root:weight] | The weight of the term, which is used for ordering terms during display. |
ลำดับชั้นของ Term | [list:1:root:parent] | The parent term of the taxonomy term, if one exists. |
แก้ไข URL | [list:1:root:edit-url] | The URL of the taxonomy term's edit page. |
Term ID | [list:1:tid] | The unique ID of the taxonomy term. |
URL | [list:1:url] | The URL of the taxonomy term. |
Absolute URL | [list:1:url:absolute] | The absolute URL. |
Arguments | [list:1:url:args] | The specific argument of the current page (e.g. 'arg:1' on the page 'node/1' returns '1'). |
Brief URL | [list:1:url:brief] | The URL without the protocol and trailing backslash. |
Relative URL | [list:1:url:relative] | The relative URL. |
Unaliased URL | [list:1:url:unaliased] | The unaliased URL. |
ตำแหน่งพาธ | [list:1:url:path] | The path component of the URL. |
Vocabulary (localized) | [list:1:i18n-vocabulary] | The vocabulary the taxonomy term belongs to. |
Description (localized) | [list:1:i18n-vocabulary:i18n-description] | The optional description of the taxonomy vocabulary. |
Name | [list:1:i18n-vocabulary:name] | The name of the taxonomy vocabulary. |
Name (localized) | [list:1:i18n-vocabulary:i18n-name] | The name of the taxonomy vocabulary. |
Node count | [list:1:i18n-vocabulary:node-count] | The number of nodes tagged with terms belonging to the taxonomy vocabulary. |
Original คำศัพท์จำแนกประเภท | [list:1:i18n-vocabulary:original] | The original คำศัพท์จำแนกประเภท data if the คำศัพท์จำแนกประเภท is being updated or saved. |
Term count | [list:1:i18n-vocabulary:term-count] | The number of terms belonging to the taxonomy vocabulary. |
Vocabulary ID | [list:1:i18n-vocabulary:vid] | The unique ID of the taxonomy vocabulary. |
คำอธิบาย | [list:1:i18n-vocabulary:description] | The optional description of the taxonomy vocabulary. |
ชื่อสำหรับอ้างอิง | [list:1:i18n-vocabulary:machine-name] | The unique machine-readable name of the vocabulary. |
แก้ไข URL | [list:1:i18n-vocabulary:edit-url] | The URL of the vocabulary's edit page. |
คำศัพท์ | [list:1:vocabulary] | The vocabulary the taxonomy term belongs to. |
Description (localized) | [list:1:vocabulary:i18n-description] | The optional description of the taxonomy vocabulary. |
Name | [list:1:vocabulary:name] | The name of the taxonomy vocabulary. |
Name (localized) | [list:1:vocabulary:i18n-name] | The name of the taxonomy vocabulary. |
Node count | [list:1:vocabulary:node-count] | The number of nodes tagged with terms belonging to the taxonomy vocabulary. |
Original คำศัพท์จำแนกประเภท | [list:1:vocabulary:original] | The original คำศัพท์จำแนกประเภท data if the คำศัพท์จำแนกประเภท is being updated or saved. |
Term count | [list:1:vocabulary:term-count] | The number of terms belonging to the taxonomy vocabulary. |
Vocabulary ID | [list:1:vocabulary:vid] | The unique ID of the taxonomy vocabulary. |
คำอธิบาย | [list:1:vocabulary:description] | The optional description of the taxonomy vocabulary. |
ชื่อสำหรับอ้างอิง | [list:1:vocabulary:machine-name] | The unique machine-readable name of the vocabulary. |
แก้ไข URL | [list:1:vocabulary:edit-url] | The URL of the vocabulary's edit page. |
คำอธิบาย | [list:1:description] | The optional description of the taxonomy term. |
น้ำหนัก | [list:1:weight] | The weight of the term, which is used for ordering terms during display. |
ลำดับชั้นของ Term | [list:1:parent] | The parent term of the taxonomy term, if one exists. |
All parent terms | [list:1:parent:parents-all] | Ancestors of the term, i.e. parent of all above hierarchy levels. |
Description (localized) | [list:1:parent:i18n-description] | The optional description of the taxonomy term. |
Name | [list:1:parent:name] | The name of the taxonomy term. |
Name (localized) | [list:1:parent:i18n-name] | The name of the taxonomy term. |
Name in current language | [list:1:parent:localized-name] | The name of the taxonomy term in current language. |
Node count | [list:1:parent:node-count] | The number of nodes tagged with the taxonomy term. |
Original taxonomy term | [list:1:parent:original] | The original taxonomy term data if the taxonomy term is being updated or saved. |
Parents | [list:1:parent:parents] | An array of all the term's parents, starting with the root. |
Parent term (localized) | [list:1:parent:i18n-parent] | The parent term of the taxonomy term, if one exists. |
Root term | [list:1:parent:root] | The root term of the taxonomy term. |
Term ID | [list:1:parent:tid] | The unique ID of the taxonomy term. |
URL | [list:1:parent:url] | The URL of the taxonomy term. |
Vocabulary (localized) | [list:1:parent:i18n-vocabulary] | The vocabulary the taxonomy term belongs to. |
คำศัพท์ | [list:1:parent:vocabulary] | The vocabulary the taxonomy term belongs to. |
คำอธิบาย | [list:1:parent:description] | The optional description of the taxonomy term. |
น้ำหนัก | [list:1:parent:weight] | The weight of the term, which is used for ordering terms during display. |
แก้ไข URL | [list:1:parent:edit-url] | The URL of the taxonomy term's edit page. |
แก้ไข URL | [list:1:edit-url] | The URL of the taxonomy term's edit page. |
แง่อนุกรมวิธาน with delta 2 | [list:2] | The list item with delta 2. Delta values start from 0 and are incremented by one per list item. |
All parent terms | [list:2:parents-all] | Ancestors of the term, i.e. parent of all above hierarchy levels. |
แง่อนุกรมวิธาน with delta 0 | [list:2:parents-all:0] | The list item with delta 0. Delta values start from 0 and are incremented by one per list item. |
แง่อนุกรมวิธาน with delta 1 | [list:2:parents-all:1] | The list item with delta 1. Delta values start from 0 and are incremented by one per list item. |
แง่อนุกรมวิธาน with delta 3 | [list:2:parents-all:3] | The list item with delta 3. Delta values start from 0 and are incremented by one per list item. |
Description (localized) | [list:2:i18n-description] | The optional description of the taxonomy term. |
Name | [list:2:name] | The name of the taxonomy term. |
Name (localized) | [list:2:i18n-name] | The name of the taxonomy term. |
Name in current language | [list:2:localized-name] | The name of the taxonomy term in current language. |
Node count | [list:2:node-count] | The number of nodes tagged with the taxonomy term. |
Original taxonomy term | [list:2:original] | The original taxonomy term data if the taxonomy term is being updated or saved. |
All parent terms | [list:2:original:parents-all] | Ancestors of the term, i.e. parent of all above hierarchy levels. |
Description (localized) | [list:2:original:i18n-description] | The optional description of the taxonomy term. |
Name | [list:2:original:name] | The name of the taxonomy term. |
Name (localized) | [list:2:original:i18n-name] | The name of the taxonomy term. |
Name in current language | [list:2:original:localized-name] | The name of the taxonomy term in current language. |
Node count | [list:2:original:node-count] | The number of nodes tagged with the taxonomy term. |
Parents | [list:2:original:parents] | An array of all the term's parents, starting with the root. |
Parent term (localized) | [list:2:original:i18n-parent] | The parent term of the taxonomy term, if one exists. |
Root term | [list:2:original:root] | The root term of the taxonomy term. |
Term ID | [list:2:original:tid] | The unique ID of the taxonomy term. |
URL | [list:2:original:url] | The URL of the taxonomy term. |
Vocabulary (localized) | [list:2:original:i18n-vocabulary] | The vocabulary the taxonomy term belongs to. |
คำศัพท์ | [list:2:original:vocabulary] | The vocabulary the taxonomy term belongs to. |
คำอธิบาย | [list:2:original:description] | The optional description of the taxonomy term. |
น้ำหนัก | [list:2:original:weight] | The weight of the term, which is used for ordering terms during display. |
ลำดับชั้นของ Term | [list:2:original:parent] | The parent term of the taxonomy term, if one exists. |
แก้ไข URL | [list:2:original:edit-url] | The URL of the taxonomy term's edit page. |
Parents | [list:2:parents] | An array of all the term's parents, starting with the root. |
First | [list:2:parents:first] | The first element of the array. |
Imploded | [list:2:parents:join:?] | The values of the array joined together with a custom string in-between each value. |
Joined path | [list:2:parents:join-path] | The array values each cleaned by Pathauto and then joined with the slash into a string that resembles an URL. |
Keys | [list:2:parents:keys] | The array of keys of the array. |
Last | [list:2:parents:last] | The last element of the array. |
Reversed | [list:2:parents:reversed] | The array reversed. |
Value | [list:2:parents:value:?] | The specific value of the array. |
จำนวน | [list:2:parents:count] | The number of elements in the array. |
Parent term (localized) | [list:2:i18n-parent] | The parent term of the taxonomy term, if one exists. |
All parent terms | [list:2:i18n-parent:parents-all] | Ancestors of the term, i.e. parent of all above hierarchy levels. |
Description (localized) | [list:2:i18n-parent:i18n-description] | The optional description of the taxonomy term. |
Name | [list:2:i18n-parent:name] | The name of the taxonomy term. |
Name (localized) | [list:2:i18n-parent:i18n-name] | The name of the taxonomy term. |
Name in current language | [list:2:i18n-parent:localized-name] | The name of the taxonomy term in current language. |
Node count | [list:2:i18n-parent:node-count] | The number of nodes tagged with the taxonomy term. |
Original taxonomy term | [list:2:i18n-parent:original] | The original taxonomy term data if the taxonomy term is being updated or saved. |
Parents | [list:2:i18n-parent:parents] | An array of all the term's parents, starting with the root. |
Root term | [list:2:i18n-parent:root] | The root term of the taxonomy term. |
Term ID | [list:2:i18n-parent:tid] | The unique ID of the taxonomy term. |
URL | [list:2:i18n-parent:url] | The URL of the taxonomy term. |
Vocabulary (localized) | [list:2:i18n-parent:i18n-vocabulary] | The vocabulary the taxonomy term belongs to. |
คำศัพท์ | [list:2:i18n-parent:vocabulary] | The vocabulary the taxonomy term belongs to. |
คำอธิบาย | [list:2:i18n-parent:description] | The optional description of the taxonomy term. |
น้ำหนัก | [list:2:i18n-parent:weight] | The weight of the term, which is used for ordering terms during display. |
ลำดับชั้นของ Term | [list:2:i18n-parent:parent] | The parent term of the taxonomy term, if one exists. |
แก้ไข URL | [list:2:i18n-parent:edit-url] | The URL of the taxonomy term's edit page. |
Root term | [list:2:root] | The root term of the taxonomy term. |
All parent terms | [list:2:root:parents-all] | Ancestors of the term, i.e. parent of all above hierarchy levels. |
Description (localized) | [list:2:root:i18n-description] | The optional description of the taxonomy term. |
Name | [list:2:root:name] | The name of the taxonomy term. |
Name (localized) | [list:2:root:i18n-name] | The name of the taxonomy term. |
Name in current language | [list:2:root:localized-name] | The name of the taxonomy term in current language. |
Node count | [list:2:root:node-count] | The number of nodes tagged with the taxonomy term. |
Original taxonomy term | [list:2:root:original] | The original taxonomy term data if the taxonomy term is being updated or saved. |
Parents | [list:2:root:parents] | An array of all the term's parents, starting with the root. |
Parent term (localized) | [list:2:root:i18n-parent] | The parent term of the taxonomy term, if one exists. |
Term ID | [list:2:root:tid] | The unique ID of the taxonomy term. |
URL | [list:2:root:url] | The URL of the taxonomy term. |
Vocabulary (localized) | [list:2:root:i18n-vocabulary] | The vocabulary the taxonomy term belongs to. |
คำศัพท์ | [list:2:root:vocabulary] | The vocabulary the taxonomy term belongs to. |
คำอธิบาย | [list:2:root:description] | The optional description of the taxonomy term. |
น้ำหนัก | [list:2:root:weight] | The weight of the term, which is used for ordering terms during display. |
ลำดับชั้นของ Term | [list:2:root:parent] | The parent term of the taxonomy term, if one exists. |
แก้ไข URL | [list:2:root:edit-url] | The URL of the taxonomy term's edit page. |
Term ID | [list:2:tid] | The unique ID of the taxonomy term. |
URL | [list:2:url] | The URL of the taxonomy term. |
Absolute URL | [list:2:url:absolute] | The absolute URL. |
Arguments | [list:2:url:args] | The specific argument of the current page (e.g. 'arg:1' on the page 'node/1' returns '1'). |
Brief URL | [list:2:url:brief] | The URL without the protocol and trailing backslash. |
Relative URL | [list:2:url:relative] | The relative URL. |
Unaliased URL | [list:2:url:unaliased] | The unaliased URL. |
ตำแหน่งพาธ | [list:2:url:path] | The path component of the URL. |
Vocabulary (localized) | [list:2:i18n-vocabulary] | The vocabulary the taxonomy term belongs to. |
Description (localized) | [list:2:i18n-vocabulary:i18n-description] | The optional description of the taxonomy vocabulary. |
Name | [list:2:i18n-vocabulary:name] | The name of the taxonomy vocabulary. |
Name (localized) | [list:2:i18n-vocabulary:i18n-name] | The name of the taxonomy vocabulary. |
Node count | [list:2:i18n-vocabulary:node-count] | The number of nodes tagged with terms belonging to the taxonomy vocabulary. |
Original คำศัพท์จำแนกประเภท | [list:2:i18n-vocabulary:original] | The original คำศัพท์จำแนกประเภท data if the คำศัพท์จำแนกประเภท is being updated or saved. |
Term count | [list:2:i18n-vocabulary:term-count] | The number of terms belonging to the taxonomy vocabulary. |
Vocabulary ID | [list:2:i18n-vocabulary:vid] | The unique ID of the taxonomy vocabulary. |
คำอธิบาย | [list:2:i18n-vocabulary:description] | The optional description of the taxonomy vocabulary. |
ชื่อสำหรับอ้างอิง | [list:2:i18n-vocabulary:machine-name] | The unique machine-readable name of the vocabulary. |
แก้ไข URL | [list:2:i18n-vocabulary:edit-url] | The URL of the vocabulary's edit page. |
คำศัพท์ | [list:2:vocabulary] | The vocabulary the taxonomy term belongs to. |
Description (localized) | [list:2:vocabulary:i18n-description] | The optional description of the taxonomy vocabulary. |
Name | [list:2:vocabulary:name] | The name of the taxonomy vocabulary. |
Name (localized) | [list:2:vocabulary:i18n-name] | The name of the taxonomy vocabulary. |
Node count | [list:2:vocabulary:node-count] | The number of nodes tagged with terms belonging to the taxonomy vocabulary. |
Original คำศัพท์จำแนกประเภท | [list:2:vocabulary:original] | The original คำศัพท์จำแนกประเภท data if the คำศัพท์จำแนกประเภท is being updated or saved. |
Term count | [list:2:vocabulary:term-count] | The number of terms belonging to the taxonomy vocabulary. |
Vocabulary ID | [list:2:vocabulary:vid] | The unique ID of the taxonomy vocabulary. |
คำอธิบาย | [list:2:vocabulary:description] | The optional description of the taxonomy vocabulary. |
ชื่อสำหรับอ้างอิง | [list:2:vocabulary:machine-name] | The unique machine-readable name of the vocabulary. |
แก้ไข URL | [list:2:vocabulary:edit-url] | The URL of the vocabulary's edit page. |
คำอธิบาย | [list:2:description] | The optional description of the taxonomy term. |
น้ำหนัก | [list:2:weight] | The weight of the term, which is used for ordering terms during display. |
ลำดับชั้นของ Term | [list:2:parent] | The parent term of the taxonomy term, if one exists. |
All parent terms | [list:2:parent:parents-all] | Ancestors of the term, i.e. parent of all above hierarchy levels. |
Description (localized) | [list:2:parent:i18n-description] | The optional description of the taxonomy term. |
Name | [list:2:parent:name] | The name of the taxonomy term. |
Name (localized) | [list:2:parent:i18n-name] | The name of the taxonomy term. |
Name in current language | [list:2:parent:localized-name] | The name of the taxonomy term in current language. |
Node count | [list:2:parent:node-count] | The number of nodes tagged with the taxonomy term. |
Original taxonomy term | [list:2:parent:original] | The original taxonomy term data if the taxonomy term is being updated or saved. |
Parents | [list:2:parent:parents] | An array of all the term's parents, starting with the root. |
Parent term (localized) | [list:2:parent:i18n-parent] | The parent term of the taxonomy term, if one exists. |
Root term | [list:2:parent:root] | The root term of the taxonomy term. |
Term ID | [list:2:parent:tid] | The unique ID of the taxonomy term. |
URL | [list:2:parent:url] | The URL of the taxonomy term. |
Vocabulary (localized) | [list:2:parent:i18n-vocabulary] | The vocabulary the taxonomy term belongs to. |
คำศัพท์ | [list:2:parent:vocabulary] | The vocabulary the taxonomy term belongs to. |
คำอธิบาย | [list:2:parent:description] | The optional description of the taxonomy term. |
น้ำหนัก | [list:2:parent:weight] | The weight of the term, which is used for ordering terms during display. |
แก้ไข URL | [list:2:parent:edit-url] | The URL of the taxonomy term's edit page. |
แก้ไข URL | [list:2:edit-url] | The URL of the taxonomy term's edit page. |
แง่อนุกรมวิธาน with delta 3 | [list:3] | The list item with delta 3. Delta values start from 0 and are incremented by one per list item. |
All parent terms | [list:3:parents-all] | Ancestors of the term, i.e. parent of all above hierarchy levels. |
แง่อนุกรมวิธาน with delta 0 | [list:3:parents-all:0] | The list item with delta 0. Delta values start from 0 and are incremented by one per list item. |
แง่อนุกรมวิธาน with delta 1 | [list:3:parents-all:1] | The list item with delta 1. Delta values start from 0 and are incremented by one per list item. |
แง่อนุกรมวิธาน with delta 2 | [list:3:parents-all:2] | The list item with delta 2. Delta values start from 0 and are incremented by one per list item. |
Description (localized) | [list:3:i18n-description] | The optional description of the taxonomy term. |
Name | [list:3:name] | The name of the taxonomy term. |
Name (localized) | [list:3:i18n-name] | The name of the taxonomy term. |
Name in current language | [list:3:localized-name] | The name of the taxonomy term in current language. |
Node count | [list:3:node-count] | The number of nodes tagged with the taxonomy term. |
Original taxonomy term | [list:3:original] | The original taxonomy term data if the taxonomy term is being updated or saved. |
All parent terms | [list:3:original:parents-all] | Ancestors of the term, i.e. parent of all above hierarchy levels. |
Description (localized) | [list:3:original:i18n-description] | The optional description of the taxonomy term. |
Name | [list:3:original:name] | The name of the taxonomy term. |
Name (localized) | [list:3:original:i18n-name] | The name of the taxonomy term. |
Name in current language | [list:3:original:localized-name] | The name of the taxonomy term in current language. |
Node count | [list:3:original:node-count] | The number of nodes tagged with the taxonomy term. |
Parents | [list:3:original:parents] | An array of all the term's parents, starting with the root. |
Parent term (localized) | [list:3:original:i18n-parent] | The parent term of the taxonomy term, if one exists. |
Root term | [list:3:original:root] | The root term of the taxonomy term. |
Term ID | [list:3:original:tid] | The unique ID of the taxonomy term. |
URL | [list:3:original:url] | The URL of the taxonomy term. |
Vocabulary (localized) | [list:3:original:i18n-vocabulary] | The vocabulary the taxonomy term belongs to. |
คำศัพท์ | [list:3:original:vocabulary] | The vocabulary the taxonomy term belongs to. |
คำอธิบาย | [list:3:original:description] | The optional description of the taxonomy term. |
น้ำหนัก | [list:3:original:weight] | The weight of the term, which is used for ordering terms during display. |
ลำดับชั้นของ Term | [list:3:original:parent] | The parent term of the taxonomy term, if one exists. |
แก้ไข URL | [list:3:original:edit-url] | The URL of the taxonomy term's edit page. |
Parents | [list:3:parents] | An array of all the term's parents, starting with the root. |
First | [list:3:parents:first] | The first element of the array. |
Imploded | [list:3:parents:join:?] | The values of the array joined together with a custom string in-between each value. |
Joined path | [list:3:parents:join-path] | The array values each cleaned by Pathauto and then joined with the slash into a string that resembles an URL. |
Keys | [list:3:parents:keys] | The array of keys of the array. |
Last | [list:3:parents:last] | The last element of the array. |
Reversed | [list:3:parents:reversed] | The array reversed. |
Value | [list:3:parents:value:?] | The specific value of the array. |
จำนวน | [list:3:parents:count] | The number of elements in the array. |
Parent term (localized) | [list:3:i18n-parent] | The parent term of the taxonomy term, if one exists. |
All parent terms | [list:3:i18n-parent:parents-all] | Ancestors of the term, i.e. parent of all above hierarchy levels. |
Description (localized) | [list:3:i18n-parent:i18n-description] | The optional description of the taxonomy term. |
Name | [list:3:i18n-parent:name] | The name of the taxonomy term. |
Name (localized) | [list:3:i18n-parent:i18n-name] | The name of the taxonomy term. |
Name in current language | [list:3:i18n-parent:localized-name] | The name of the taxonomy term in current language. |
Node count | [list:3:i18n-parent:node-count] | The number of nodes tagged with the taxonomy term. |
Original taxonomy term | [list:3:i18n-parent:original] | The original taxonomy term data if the taxonomy term is being updated or saved. |
Parents | [list:3:i18n-parent:parents] | An array of all the term's parents, starting with the root. |
Root term | [list:3:i18n-parent:root] | The root term of the taxonomy term. |
Term ID | [list:3:i18n-parent:tid] | The unique ID of the taxonomy term. |
URL | [list:3:i18n-parent:url] | The URL of the taxonomy term. |
Vocabulary (localized) | [list:3:i18n-parent:i18n-vocabulary] | The vocabulary the taxonomy term belongs to. |
คำศัพท์ | [list:3:i18n-parent:vocabulary] | The vocabulary the taxonomy term belongs to. |
คำอธิบาย | [list:3:i18n-parent:description] | The optional description of the taxonomy term. |
น้ำหนัก | [list:3:i18n-parent:weight] | The weight of the term, which is used for ordering terms during display. |
ลำดับชั้นของ Term | [list:3:i18n-parent:parent] | The parent term of the taxonomy term, if one exists. |
แก้ไข URL | [list:3:i18n-parent:edit-url] | The URL of the taxonomy term's edit page. |
Root term | [list:3:root] | The root term of the taxonomy term. |
All parent terms | [list:3:root:parents-all] | Ancestors of the term, i.e. parent of all above hierarchy levels. |
Description (localized) | [list:3:root:i18n-description] | The optional description of the taxonomy term. |
Name | [list:3:root:name] | The name of the taxonomy term. |
Name (localized) | [list:3:root:i18n-name] | The name of the taxonomy term. |
Name in current language | [list:3:root:localized-name] | The name of the taxonomy term in current language. |
Node count | [list:3:root:node-count] | The number of nodes tagged with the taxonomy term. |
Original taxonomy term | [list:3:root:original] | The original taxonomy term data if the taxonomy term is being updated or saved. |
Parents | [list:3:root:parents] | An array of all the term's parents, starting with the root. |
Parent term (localized) | [list:3:root:i18n-parent] | The parent term of the taxonomy term, if one exists. |
Term ID | [list:3:root:tid] | The unique ID of the taxonomy term. |
URL | [list:3:root:url] | The URL of the taxonomy term. |
Vocabulary (localized) | [list:3:root:i18n-vocabulary] | The vocabulary the taxonomy term belongs to. |
คำศัพท์ | [list:3:root:vocabulary] | The vocabulary the taxonomy term belongs to. |
คำอธิบาย | [list:3:root:description] | The optional description of the taxonomy term. |
น้ำหนัก | [list:3:root:weight] | The weight of the term, which is used for ordering terms during display. |
ลำดับชั้นของ Term | [list:3:root:parent] | The parent term of the taxonomy term, if one exists. |
แก้ไข URL | [list:3:root:edit-url] | The URL of the taxonomy term's edit page. |
Term ID | [list:3:tid] | The unique ID of the taxonomy term. |
URL | [list:3:url] | The URL of the taxonomy term. |
Absolute URL | [list:3:url:absolute] | The absolute URL. |
Arguments | [list:3:url:args] | The specific argument of the current page (e.g. 'arg:1' on the page 'node/1' returns '1'). |
Brief URL | [list:3:url:brief] | The URL without the protocol and trailing backslash. |
Relative URL | [list:3:url:relative] | The relative URL. |
Unaliased URL | [list:3:url:unaliased] | The unaliased URL. |
ตำแหน่งพาธ | [list:3:url:path] | The path component of the URL. |
Vocabulary (localized) | [list:3:i18n-vocabulary] | The vocabulary the taxonomy term belongs to. |
Description (localized) | [list:3:i18n-vocabulary:i18n-description] | The optional description of the taxonomy vocabulary. |
Name | [list:3:i18n-vocabulary:name] | The name of the taxonomy vocabulary. |
Name (localized) | [list:3:i18n-vocabulary:i18n-name] | The name of the taxonomy vocabulary. |
Node count | [list:3:i18n-vocabulary:node-count] | The number of nodes tagged with terms belonging to the taxonomy vocabulary. |
Original คำศัพท์จำแนกประเภท | [list:3:i18n-vocabulary:original] | The original คำศัพท์จำแนกประเภท data if the คำศัพท์จำแนกประเภท is being updated or saved. |
Term count | [list:3:i18n-vocabulary:term-count] | The number of terms belonging to the taxonomy vocabulary. |
Vocabulary ID | [list:3:i18n-vocabulary:vid] | The unique ID of the taxonomy vocabulary. |
คำอธิบาย | [list:3:i18n-vocabulary:description] | The optional description of the taxonomy vocabulary. |
ชื่อสำหรับอ้างอิง | [list:3:i18n-vocabulary:machine-name] | The unique machine-readable name of the vocabulary. |
แก้ไข URL | [list:3:i18n-vocabulary:edit-url] | The URL of the vocabulary's edit page. |
คำศัพท์ | [list:3:vocabulary] | The vocabulary the taxonomy term belongs to. |
Description (localized) | [list:3:vocabulary:i18n-description] | The optional description of the taxonomy vocabulary. |
Name | [list:3:vocabulary:name] | The name of the taxonomy vocabulary. |
Name (localized) | [list:3:vocabulary:i18n-name] | The name of the taxonomy vocabulary. |
Node count | [list:3:vocabulary:node-count] | The number of nodes tagged with terms belonging to the taxonomy vocabulary. |
Original คำศัพท์จำแนกประเภท | [list:3:vocabulary:original] | The original คำศัพท์จำแนกประเภท data if the คำศัพท์จำแนกประเภท is being updated or saved. |
Term count | [list:3:vocabulary:term-count] | The number of terms belonging to the taxonomy vocabulary. |
Vocabulary ID | [list:3:vocabulary:vid] | The unique ID of the taxonomy vocabulary. |
คำอธิบาย | [list:3:vocabulary:description] | The optional description of the taxonomy vocabulary. |
ชื่อสำหรับอ้างอิง | [list:3:vocabulary:machine-name] | The unique machine-readable name of the vocabulary. |
แก้ไข URL | [list:3:vocabulary:edit-url] | The URL of the vocabulary's edit page. |
คำอธิบาย | [list:3:description] | The optional description of the taxonomy term. |
น้ำหนัก | [list:3:weight] | The weight of the term, which is used for ordering terms during display. |
ลำดับชั้นของ Term | [list:3:parent] | The parent term of the taxonomy term, if one exists. |
All parent terms | [list:3:parent:parents-all] | Ancestors of the term, i.e. parent of all above hierarchy levels. |
Description (localized) | [list:3:parent:i18n-description] | The optional description of the taxonomy term. |
Name | [list:3:parent:name] | The name of the taxonomy term. |
Name (localized) | [list:3:parent:i18n-name] | The name of the taxonomy term. |
Name in current language | [list:3:parent:localized-name] | The name of the taxonomy term in current language. |
Node count | [list:3:parent:node-count] | The number of nodes tagged with the taxonomy term. |
Original taxonomy term | [list:3:parent:original] | The original taxonomy term data if the taxonomy term is being updated or saved. |
Parents | [list:3:parent:parents] | An array of all the term's parents, starting with the root. |
Parent term (localized) | [list:3:parent:i18n-parent] | The parent term of the taxonomy term, if one exists. |
Root term | [list:3:parent:root] | The root term of the taxonomy term. |
Term ID | [list:3:parent:tid] | The unique ID of the taxonomy term. |
URL | [list:3:parent:url] | The URL of the taxonomy term. |
Vocabulary (localized) | [list:3:parent:i18n-vocabulary] | The vocabulary the taxonomy term belongs to. |
คำศัพท์ | [list:3:parent:vocabulary] | The vocabulary the taxonomy term belongs to. |
คำอธิบาย | [list:3:parent:description] | The optional description of the taxonomy term. |
น้ำหนัก | [list:3:parent:weight] | The weight of the term, which is used for ordering terms during display. |
แก้ไข URL | [list:3:parent:edit-url] | The URL of the taxonomy term's edit page. |
แก้ไข URL | [list:3:edit-url] | The URL of the taxonomy term's edit page. |
Location | | Tokens related to location. |
Additional | [location:additional:?] | Additional (If there are multiple locations, N is the iteration, starting with 0). |
Country Name | [location:country_name:?] | Country Name (If there are multiple locations, N is the iteration, starting with 0). |
Latitude | [location:latitude:?] | Latitude (If there are multiple locations, N is the iteration, starting with 0). |
Location Name | [location:name:?] | Location Name (If there are multiple locations, N is the iteration, starting with 0). |
Longitude | [location:longitude:?] | Longitude (If there are multiple locations, N is the iteration, starting with 0). |
Postal Code | [location:postal_code:?] | Postal Code (If there are multiple locations, N is the iteration, starting with 0). |
State/Province Name | [location:province_name:?] | State/Province Name (If there are multiple locations, N is the iteration, starting with 0). |
Street | [location:street:?] | Street (If there are multiple locations, N is the iteration, starting with 0). |
ประเทศ | [location:country:?] | Country (If there are multiple locations, N is the iteration, starting with 0). |
รัฐ / จังหวัด | [location:province:?] | State/Province (If there are multiple locations, N is the iteration, starting with 0). |
เมือง | [location:city:?] | City (If there are multiple locations, N is the iteration, starting with 0). |
Location map | | Tokens provided by the Location Map module. |
Latitude | [locationmap:latitude] | Latitude of map marker. |
Longitude | [locationmap:longitude] | Longitude of map marker. |
Nodes | | Tokens related to individual content items, or "nodes". |
Address compay | [node:field_address_compay] | Geofield field. |
Address compay | [node:field-address-compay:?] | Field "field_address_compay". The following properties may be appended to the token: geom (Well-known text), geo_type (Geo Type), lat (Latitude), lon (Longitude), left (Left Latitude), top (Top Longitude), right (Right Latitude), bottom (Bottom Longitude), srid (Projection (SRID)), latlon (LatLong Pair), schemaorg_shape ( Shape) |
Author | [node:author] | The author of the node. |
Account cancellation URL | [node:author:cancel-url] | The URL of the confirm delete page for the user account. |
Last access | [node:author:last-access] | The date the user last accessed the site. |
Availability Calendar date display | [node:author:last-access:availability_calendar_date_display] | A date in 'availability_calendar_date_display' format. (03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Availability Calendar date entry | [node:author:last-access:availability_calendar_date_entry] | A date in 'availability_calendar_date_entry' format. (03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Availability Calendar month caption | [node:author:last-access:availability_calendar_month_caption] | A date in 'availability_calendar_month_caption' format. (03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Hours am/pm | [node:author:last-access:hours_ampm] | A date in 'hours_ampm' format. (3:29 am) |
Long format | [node:author:last-access:long] | A date in 'long' format. (พุธ, มีนาคม 20, 2024 - 03:29) |
Medium format | [node:author:last-access:medium] | A date in 'medium' format. (พ, 03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Raw timestamp | [node:author:last-access:raw] | A date in UNIX timestamp format (1710880172) |
Short format | [node:author:last-access:short] | A date in 'short' format. (03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Studyroom Availability Date | [node:author:last-access:studyroom_availability_date] | A date in 'studyroom_availability_date' format. (พ, 03/20/2024) |
Time-since | [node:author:last-access:since] | A date in 'time-since' format. (54 ปี 3 เดือน) |
กำหนดรูปแบบเอง | [node:author:last-access:custom:?] | A date in a custom format. See the PHP documentation for details. |
Location | [node:author:location] | The location for this user. |
Additional | [node:author:location:additional:?] | Additional (If there are multiple locations, N is the iteration, starting with 0). |
Country Name | [node:author:location:country_name:?] | Country Name (If there are multiple locations, N is the iteration, starting with 0). |
Latitude | [node:author:location:latitude:?] | Latitude (If there are multiple locations, N is the iteration, starting with 0). |
Location Name | [node:author:location:name:?] | Location Name (If there are multiple locations, N is the iteration, starting with 0). |
Longitude | [node:author:location:longitude:?] | Longitude (If there are multiple locations, N is the iteration, starting with 0). |
Postal Code | [node:author:location:postal_code:?] | Postal Code (If there are multiple locations, N is the iteration, starting with 0). |
State/Province Name | [node:author:location:province_name:?] | State/Province Name (If there are multiple locations, N is the iteration, starting with 0). |
Street | [node:author:location:street:?] | Street (If there are multiple locations, N is the iteration, starting with 0). |
ประเทศ | [node:author:location:country:?] | Country (If there are multiple locations, N is the iteration, starting with 0). |
รัฐ / จังหวัด | [node:author:location:province:?] | State/Province (If there are multiple locations, N is the iteration, starting with 0). |
เมือง | [node:author:location:city:?] | City (If there are multiple locations, N is the iteration, starting with 0). |
Name | [node:author:name] | The login name of the user account. |
One-time login URL | [node:author:one-time-login-url] | The URL of the one-time login page for the user account. |
Original user | [node:author:original] | The original user data if the user is being updated or saved. |
Account cancellation URL | [node:author:original:cancel-url] | The URL of the confirm delete page for the user account. |
Last access | [node:author:original:last-access] | The date the user last accessed the site. |
Location | [node:author:original:location] | The location for this user. |
Name | [node:author:original:name] | The login name of the user account. |
One-time login URL | [node:author:original:one-time-login-url] | The URL of the one-time login page for the user account. |
Roles | [node:author:original:roles] | The user roles associated with the user account. |
URL | [node:author:original:url] | The URL of the account profile page. |
User role ids | [node:author:original:role-ids] | The role ids the user account is a member of as comma separated list. |
User role names | [node:author:original:role-names] | The role names the user account is a member of as comma separated list. |
ธีมเริ่มต้น | [node:author:original:theme] | The user's default theme. |
รหัสผู้ใช้ | [node:author:original:uid] | The unique ID of the user account. |
รูปภาพ | [node:author:original:picture] | The picture of the user. |
สถานะ | [node:author:original:status] | Whether the user is active or blocked. |
สร้างเมื่อ | [node:author:original:created] | The date the user account was created. |
อีเมล | [node:author:original:mail] | The email address of the user account. |
เข้าสู่ระบบล่าสุด | [node:author:original:last-login] | The date the user last logged in to the site. |
แก้ไข URL | [node:author:original:edit-url] | The URL of the account edit page. |
Roles | [node:author:roles] | The user roles associated with the user account. |
First | [node:author:roles:first] | The first element of the array. |
Imploded | [node:author:roles:join:?] | The values of the array joined together with a custom string in-between each value. |
Joined path | [node:author:roles:join-path] | The array values each cleaned by Pathauto and then joined with the slash into a string that resembles an URL. |
Keys | [node:author:roles:keys] | The array of keys of the array. |
Last | [node:author:roles:last] | The last element of the array. |
Reversed | [node:author:roles:reversed] | The array reversed. |
Value | [node:author:roles:value:?] | The specific value of the array. |
จำนวน | [node:author:roles:count] | The number of elements in the array. |
URL | [node:author:url] | The URL of the account profile page. |
Absolute URL | [node:author:url:absolute] | The absolute URL. |
Arguments | [node:author:url:args] | The specific argument of the current page (e.g. 'arg:1' on the page 'node/1' returns '1'). |
Brief URL | [node:author:url:brief] | The URL without the protocol and trailing backslash. |
Relative URL | [node:author:url:relative] | The relative URL. |
Unaliased URL | [node:author:url:unaliased] | The unaliased URL. |
ตำแหน่งพาธ | [node:author:url:path] | The path component of the URL. |
User role ids | [node:author:role-ids] | The role ids the user account is a member of as comma separated list. |
User role names | [node:author:role-names] | The role names the user account is a member of as comma separated list. |
ธีมเริ่มต้น | [node:author:theme] | The user's default theme. |
รหัสผู้ใช้ | [node:author:uid] | The unique ID of the user account. |
รูปภาพ | [node:author:picture] | The picture of the user. |
Base name | [node:author:picture:basename] | The base name of the file. |
Extension | [node:author:picture:extension] | The extension of the file. |
File byte size | [node:author:picture:size-raw] | The size of the file, in bytes. |
File name | [node:author:picture:name] | The name of the file on disk. |
MIME type | [node:author:picture:mime] | The MIME type of the file. |
Original ไฟล์ | [node:author:picture:original] | The original ไฟล์ data if the ไฟล์ is being updated or saved. |
URL | [node:author:picture:url] | The web-accessible URL for the file. |
ขนาดไฟล์ | [node:author:picture:size] | ขนาดของไฟล์ |
ตำแหน่งพาธ | [node:author:picture:path] | The location of the file relative to Drupal root. |
รหัสไฟล์ | [node:author:picture:fid] | The unique ID of the uploaded file. |
ระบุเวลา | [node:author:picture:timestamp] | The date the file was most recently changed. |
เจ้าของ | [node:author:picture:owner] | The user who originally uploaded the file. |
สถานะ | [node:author:status] | Whether the user is active or blocked. |
สร้างเมื่อ | [node:author:created] | The date the user account was created. |
Availability Calendar date display | [node:author:created:availability_calendar_date_display] | A date in 'availability_calendar_date_display' format. (03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Availability Calendar date entry | [node:author:created:availability_calendar_date_entry] | A date in 'availability_calendar_date_entry' format. (03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Availability Calendar month caption | [node:author:created:availability_calendar_month_caption] | A date in 'availability_calendar_month_caption' format. (03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Hours am/pm | [node:author:created:hours_ampm] | A date in 'hours_ampm' format. (3:29 am) |
Long format | [node:author:created:long] | A date in 'long' format. (พุธ, มีนาคม 20, 2024 - 03:29) |
Medium format | [node:author:created:medium] | A date in 'medium' format. (พ, 03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Raw timestamp | [node:author:created:raw] | A date in UNIX timestamp format (1710880172) |
Short format | [node:author:created:short] | A date in 'short' format. (03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Studyroom Availability Date | [node:author:created:studyroom_availability_date] | A date in 'studyroom_availability_date' format. (พ, 03/20/2024) |
Time-since | [node:author:created:since] | A date in 'time-since' format. (54 ปี 3 เดือน) |
กำหนดรูปแบบเอง | [node:author:created:custom:?] | A date in a custom format. See the PHP documentation for details. |
อีเมล | [node:author:mail] | The email address of the user account. |
เข้าสู่ระบบล่าสุด | [node:author:last-login] | The date the user last logged in to the site. |
Availability Calendar date display | [node:author:last-login:availability_calendar_date_display] | A date in 'availability_calendar_date_display' format. (03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Availability Calendar date entry | [node:author:last-login:availability_calendar_date_entry] | A date in 'availability_calendar_date_entry' format. (03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Availability Calendar month caption | [node:author:last-login:availability_calendar_month_caption] | A date in 'availability_calendar_month_caption' format. (03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Hours am/pm | [node:author:last-login:hours_ampm] | A date in 'hours_ampm' format. (3:29 am) |
Long format | [node:author:last-login:long] | A date in 'long' format. (พุธ, มีนาคม 20, 2024 - 03:29) |
Medium format | [node:author:last-login:medium] | A date in 'medium' format. (พ, 03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Raw timestamp | [node:author:last-login:raw] | A date in UNIX timestamp format (1710880172) |
Short format | [node:author:last-login:short] | A date in 'short' format. (03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Studyroom Availability Date | [node:author:last-login:studyroom_availability_date] | A date in 'studyroom_availability_date' format. (พ, 03/20/2024) |
Time-since | [node:author:last-login:since] | A date in 'time-since' format. (54 ปี 3 เดือน) |
กำหนดรูปแบบเอง | [node:author:last-login:custom:?] | A date in a custom format. See the PHP documentation for details. |
แก้ไข URL | [node:author:edit-url] | The URL of the account edit page. |
Availability | [node:field_availability] | Rooms Availability Reference field. |
Bill money | [node:field_bill_money] | Image field. |
Bill money | [node:field-bill-money:?] | Field "field_bill_money". The following properties may be appended to the token: file (The image file.) |
Block location fried | [node:field-block-location-frieds:?] | Field "field_block_location_frieds". The following properties may be appended to the token: geom (Well-known text), geo_type (Geo Type), lat (Latitude), lon (Longitude), left (Left Latitude), top (Top Longitude), right (Right Latitude), bottom (Bottom Longitude), srid (Projection (SRID)), latlon (LatLong Pair), schemaorg_shape ( Shape) |
Block location fried | [node:field_block_location_frieds] | Geofield field. |
Body | [node:body:?] | The main body text of the node. The following properties may be appended to the token: value (ข้อความ), summary (Summary), format (รูปแบบข้อความ) |
Content | [node:comments:0:body] | รูปแบบเนื้อหาของความคิดเห็น |
The main body text | [node:comments:0:comment-body:?] | The main body text The following properties may be appended to the token: value (ข้อความ), format (รูปแบบข้อความ) |
Content | [node:comments:1:body] | รูปแบบเนื้อหาของความคิดเห็น |
The main body text | [node:comments:1:comment-body:?] | The main body text The following properties may be appended to the token: value (ข้อความ), format (รูปแบบข้อความ) |
Content | [node:comments:2:body] | รูปแบบเนื้อหาของความคิดเห็น |
The main body text | [node:comments:2:comment-body:?] | The main body text The following properties may be appended to the token: value (ข้อความ), format (รูปแบบข้อความ) |
Content | [node:comments:3:body] | รูปแบบเนื้อหาของความคิดเห็น |
The main body text | [node:comments:3:comment-body:?] | The main body text The following properties may be appended to the token: value (ข้อความ), format (รูปแบบข้อความ) |
Content ID | [node:nid] | The unique ID of the content item, or "node". |
Creates revision | [node:revision] | Whether saving this node creates a new revision. |
Date | [node:event_calendar_date] | วันที่ field. |
Date | [node:event-calendar-date:?] | Field "event_calendar_date". The following properties may be appended to the token: value (Start date), value2 (End date), duration (Duration) |
Description | [node:field_description] | Long text and summary field. |
Description | [node:field-description:?] | Field "field_description". The following properties may be appended to the token: value (ข้อความ), summary (Summary), format (รูปแบบข้อความ) |
Email customer | [node:field_email_customer] | ข้อความ field. |
Email customer | [node:field-email-customer] | Field "field_email_customer". |
FlexSlider Example Image | [node:field-flexslider-example-image:?] | Field "field_flexslider_example_image". The following properties may be appended to the token: file (The image file.) |
FlexSlider Example Image | [node:field_flexslider_example_image] | Image field. |
FlexSlider Example Slideshow | [node:field_flexslider_example_slidesh] | Image field. |
FlexSlider Example Slideshow | [node:field-flexslider-example-slidesh:?] | Field "field_flexslider_example_slidesh". The following properties may be appended to the token: file (The image file.), title (The "Title" attribute text) |
Full name | [node:field-full-name-or-order] | Field "field_full_name_or_order". |
Address | [node:field-full-name-or-order:commerce-customer-address:?] | Field "commerce_customer_address". The following properties may be appended to the token: country (ประเทศ), name_line (ชื่อเต็ม), first_name (ชื่อจริง), last_name (นามสกุล), organisation_name (บริษัท), administrative_area (Administrative area (i.e. State / Province)), sub_administrative_area (Sub administrative area), locality (Locality (i.e. City)), dependent_locality (Dependent locality), postal_code (รหัสไปรษณีย์), thoroughfare (ที่อยู่ถนน), premise (Premise (i.e. Apartment / Suite number)), sub_premise (Sub Premise (i.e. Suite, Apartment, Floor, Unknown.) |
Address formatted for MailChimp | [node:field-full-name-or-order:commerce-customer-address:?:format-mailchimp] | The full address formatted for import into MailChimp. |
Administrative area (i.e. State/Province) | [node:field-full-name-or-order:commerce-customer-address:?:administrative-area] | The administrative area value, expanded to the full name if applicable. |
Administrative area (raw value) | [node:field-full-name-or-order:commerce-customer-address:?:administrative-area-raw] | The raw administrative area value. |
Country code | [node:field-full-name-or-order:commerce-customer-address:?:country-code] | The two letter ISO country code. |
Country name | [node:field-full-name-or-order:commerce-customer-address:?:country] | The full name of the country. |
Locality (i.e. City) | [node:field-full-name-or-order:commerce-customer-address:?:locality] | The locality value. |
Organisation | [node:field-full-name-or-order:commerce-customer-address:?:organisation] | The organisation name value. |
Sub Premise (i.e. Suite, Apartment, Floor, Unknown.) | [node:field-full-name-or-order:commerce-customer-address:?:sub_premise] | The sub premise value. |
ชื่อจริง | [node:field-full-name-or-order:commerce-customer-address:?:first-name] | The first name value. |
ชื่อเต็ม | [node:field-full-name-or-order:commerce-customer-address:?:name-line] | The name line value of the address. |
ที่อยู่ถนน | [node:field-full-name-or-order:commerce-customer-address:?:thoroughfare] | The thoroughfare value. |
ที่อยู่ถนน | [node:field-full-name-or-order:commerce-customer-address:?:premise] | The premise value. |
นามสกุล | [node:field-full-name-or-order:commerce-customer-address:?:last-name] | The last name value. |
รหัสไปรษณีย์ | [node:field-full-name-or-order:commerce-customer-address:?:postal-code] | The postal code value. |
Address | [node:field-full-name-or-order:commerce_customer_address] | Postal address field. |
Address formatted for MailChimp | [node:field-full-name-or-order:commerce_customer_address:format-mailchimp] | The full address formatted for import into MailChimp. |
Administrative area (i.e. State/Province) | [node:field-full-name-or-order:commerce_customer_address:administrative-area] | The administrative area value, expanded to the full name if applicable. |
Administrative area (raw value) | [node:field-full-name-or-order:commerce_customer_address:administrative-area-raw] | The raw administrative area value. |
Country code | [node:field-full-name-or-order:commerce_customer_address:country-code] | The two letter ISO country code. |
Country name | [node:field-full-name-or-order:commerce_customer_address:country] | The full name of the country. |
Locality (i.e. City) | [node:field-full-name-or-order:commerce_customer_address:locality] | The locality value. |
Organisation | [node:field-full-name-or-order:commerce_customer_address:organisation] | The organisation name value. |
Sub Premise (i.e. Suite, Apartment, Floor, Unknown.) | [node:field-full-name-or-order:commerce_customer_address:sub_premise] | The sub premise value. |
ชื่อจริง | [node:field-full-name-or-order:commerce_customer_address:first-name] | The first name value. |
ชื่อเต็ม | [node:field-full-name-or-order:commerce_customer_address:name-line] | The name line value of the address. |
ที่อยู่ถนน | [node:field-full-name-or-order:commerce_customer_address:thoroughfare] | The thoroughfare value. |
ที่อยู่ถนน | [node:field-full-name-or-order:commerce_customer_address:premise] | The premise value. |
นามสกุล | [node:field-full-name-or-order:commerce_customer_address:last-name] | The last name value. |
รหัสไปรษณีย์ | [node:field-full-name-or-order:commerce_customer_address:postal-code] | The postal code value. |
Customer profile ID | [node:field-full-name-or-order:customer-profile-id] | The unique numeric ID of the customer profile. |
Customer profile owner | [node:field-full-name-or-order:owner] | The user the customer profile belongs to. |
Account cancellation URL | [node:field-full-name-or-order:owner:cancel-url] | The URL of the confirm delete page for the user account. |
Last access | [node:field-full-name-or-order:owner:last-access] | The date the user last accessed the site. |
Location | [node:field-full-name-or-order:owner:location] | The location for this user. |
Name | [node:field-full-name-or-order:owner:name] | The login name of the user account. |
One-time login URL | [node:field-full-name-or-order:owner:one-time-login-url] | The URL of the one-time login page for the user account. |
Original user | [node:field-full-name-or-order:owner:original] | The original user data if the user is being updated or saved. |
Roles | [node:field-full-name-or-order:owner:roles] | The user roles associated with the user account. |
URL | [node:field-full-name-or-order:owner:url] | The URL of the account profile page. |
User role ids | [node:field-full-name-or-order:owner:role-ids] | The role ids the user account is a member of as comma separated list. |
User role names | [node:field-full-name-or-order:owner:role-names] | The role names the user account is a member of as comma separated list. |
ธีมเริ่มต้น | [node:field-full-name-or-order:owner:theme] | The user's default theme. |
รหัสผู้ใช้ | [node:field-full-name-or-order:owner:uid] | The unique ID of the user account. |
รูปภาพ | [node:field-full-name-or-order:owner:picture] | The picture of the user. |
สถานะ | [node:field-full-name-or-order:owner:status] | Whether the user is active or blocked. |
สร้างเมื่อ | [node:field-full-name-or-order:owner:created] | The date the user account was created. |
อีเมล | [node:field-full-name-or-order:owner:mail] | The email address of the user account. |
เข้าสู่ระบบล่าสุด | [node:field-full-name-or-order:owner:last-login] | The date the user last logged in to the site. |
แก้ไข URL | [node:field-full-name-or-order:owner:edit-url] | The URL of the account edit page. |
Customer profile type | [node:field-full-name-or-order:type] | The type of the customer profile. |
Customer profile type name | [node:field-full-name-or-order:type-name] | The type name of the customer profile. |
Date updated | [node:field-full-name-or-order:changed] | The date the customer profile was last updated. |
Availability Calendar date display | [node:field-full-name-or-order:changed:availability_calendar_date_display] | A date in 'availability_calendar_date_display' format. (03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Availability Calendar date entry | [node:field-full-name-or-order:changed:availability_calendar_date_entry] | A date in 'availability_calendar_date_entry' format. (03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Availability Calendar month caption | [node:field-full-name-or-order:changed:availability_calendar_month_caption] | A date in 'availability_calendar_month_caption' format. (03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Hours am/pm | [node:field-full-name-or-order:changed:hours_ampm] | A date in 'hours_ampm' format. (3:29 am) |
Long format | [node:field-full-name-or-order:changed:long] | A date in 'long' format. (พุธ, มีนาคม 20, 2024 - 03:29) |
Medium format | [node:field-full-name-or-order:changed:medium] | A date in 'medium' format. (พ, 03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Raw timestamp | [node:field-full-name-or-order:changed:raw] | A date in UNIX timestamp format (1710880172) |
Short format | [node:field-full-name-or-order:changed:short] | A date in 'short' format. (03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Studyroom Availability Date | [node:field-full-name-or-order:changed:studyroom_availability_date] | A date in 'studyroom_availability_date' format. (พ, 03/20/2024) |
Time-since | [node:field-full-name-or-order:changed:since] | A date in 'time-since' format. (54 ปี 3 เดือน) |
กำหนดรูปแบบเอง | [node:field-full-name-or-order:changed:custom:?] | A date in a custom format. See the PHP documentation for details. |
Original commerce customer profile | [node:field-full-name-or-order:original] | The original commerce customer profile data if the commerce customer profile is being updated or saved. |
Address | [node:field-full-name-or-order:original:commerce-customer-address:?] | Field "commerce_customer_address". The following properties may be appended to the token: country (ประเทศ), name_line (ชื่อเต็ม), first_name (ชื่อจริง), last_name (นามสกุล), organisation_name (บริษัท), administrative_area (Administrative area (i.e. State / Province)), sub_administrative_area (Sub administrative area), locality (Locality (i.e. City)), dependent_locality (Dependent locality), postal_code (รหัสไปรษณีย์), thoroughfare (ที่อยู่ถนน), premise (Premise (i.e. Apartment / Suite number)), sub_premise (Sub Premise (i.e. Suite, Apartment, Floor, Unknown.) |
Address | [node:field-full-name-or-order:original:commerce_customer_address] | Postal address field. |
Customer profile ID | [node:field-full-name-or-order:original:customer-profile-id] | The unique numeric ID of the customer profile. |
Customer profile owner | [node:field-full-name-or-order:original:owner] | The user the customer profile belongs to. |
Customer profile type | [node:field-full-name-or-order:original:type] | The type of the customer profile. |
Customer profile type name | [node:field-full-name-or-order:original:type-name] | The type name of the customer profile. |
Date updated | [node:field-full-name-or-order:original:changed] | The date the customer profile was last updated. |
Profile ID | [node:field-full-name-or-order:original:profile-id] | The internal numeric ID of the customer profile. |
URL | [node:field-full-name-or-order:original:url] | The URL of the commerce customer profile. |
User | [node:field-full-name-or-order:original:user] | The user the customer profile belongs to. |
รหัสผู้ใช้ | [node:field-full-name-or-order:original:uid] | The unique ID of the user the customer profile belongs to. |
วันที่สร้าง | [node:field-full-name-or-order:original:created] | The date the customer profile was created. |
สถานะ | [node:field-full-name-or-order:original:status] | Whether or not the customer profile is active. |
แก้ไข ID | [node:field-full-name-or-order:original:revision-id] | The unique ID of the customer profile's latest revision. |
Profile ID | [node:field-full-name-or-order:profile-id] | The internal numeric ID of the customer profile. |
URL | [node:field-full-name-or-order:url] | The URL of the commerce customer profile. |
Absolute URL | [node:field-full-name-or-order:url:absolute] | The absolute URL. |
Arguments | [node:field-full-name-or-order:url:args] | The specific argument of the current page (e.g. 'arg:1' on the page 'node/1' returns '1'). |
Brief URL | [node:field-full-name-or-order:url:brief] | The URL without the protocol and trailing backslash. |
Relative URL | [node:field-full-name-or-order:url:relative] | The relative URL. |
Unaliased URL | [node:field-full-name-or-order:url:unaliased] | The unaliased URL. |
ตำแหน่งพาธ | [node:field-full-name-or-order:url:path] | The path component of the URL. |
User | [node:field-full-name-or-order:user] | The user the customer profile belongs to. |
Account cancellation URL | [node:field-full-name-or-order:user:cancel-url] | The URL of the confirm delete page for the user account. |
Last access | [node:field-full-name-or-order:user:last-access] | The date the user last accessed the site. |
Location | [node:field-full-name-or-order:user:location] | The location for this user. |
Name | [node:field-full-name-or-order:user:name] | The login name of the user account. |
One-time login URL | [node:field-full-name-or-order:user:one-time-login-url] | The URL of the one-time login page for the user account. |
Original user | [node:field-full-name-or-order:user:original] | The original user data if the user is being updated or saved. |
Roles | [node:field-full-name-or-order:user:roles] | The user roles associated with the user account. |
URL | [node:field-full-name-or-order:user:url] | The URL of the account profile page. |
User role ids | [node:field-full-name-or-order:user:role-ids] | The role ids the user account is a member of as comma separated list. |
User role names | [node:field-full-name-or-order:user:role-names] | The role names the user account is a member of as comma separated list. |
ธีมเริ่มต้น | [node:field-full-name-or-order:user:theme] | The user's default theme. |
รหัสผู้ใช้ | [node:field-full-name-or-order:user:uid] | The unique ID of the user account. |
รูปภาพ | [node:field-full-name-or-order:user:picture] | The picture of the user. |
สถานะ | [node:field-full-name-or-order:user:status] | Whether the user is active or blocked. |
สร้างเมื่อ | [node:field-full-name-or-order:user:created] | The date the user account was created. |
อีเมล | [node:field-full-name-or-order:user:mail] | The email address of the user account. |
เข้าสู่ระบบล่าสุด | [node:field-full-name-or-order:user:last-login] | The date the user last logged in to the site. |
แก้ไข URL | [node:field-full-name-or-order:user:edit-url] | The URL of the account edit page. |
รหัสผู้ใช้ | [node:field-full-name-or-order:uid] | The unique ID of the user the customer profile belongs to. |
วันที่สร้าง | [node:field-full-name-or-order:created] | The date the customer profile was created. |
Availability Calendar date display | [node:field-full-name-or-order:created:availability_calendar_date_display] | A date in 'availability_calendar_date_display' format. (03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Availability Calendar date entry | [node:field-full-name-or-order:created:availability_calendar_date_entry] | A date in 'availability_calendar_date_entry' format. (03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Availability Calendar month caption | [node:field-full-name-or-order:created:availability_calendar_month_caption] | A date in 'availability_calendar_month_caption' format. (03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Hours am/pm | [node:field-full-name-or-order:created:hours_ampm] | A date in 'hours_ampm' format. (3:29 am) |
Long format | [node:field-full-name-or-order:created:long] | A date in 'long' format. (พุธ, มีนาคม 20, 2024 - 03:29) |
Medium format | [node:field-full-name-or-order:created:medium] | A date in 'medium' format. (พ, 03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Raw timestamp | [node:field-full-name-or-order:created:raw] | A date in UNIX timestamp format (1710880172) |
Short format | [node:field-full-name-or-order:created:short] | A date in 'short' format. (03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Studyroom Availability Date | [node:field-full-name-or-order:created:studyroom_availability_date] | A date in 'studyroom_availability_date' format. (พ, 03/20/2024) |
Time-since | [node:field-full-name-or-order:created:since] | A date in 'time-since' format. (54 ปี 3 เดือน) |
กำหนดรูปแบบเอง | [node:field-full-name-or-order:created:custom:?] | A date in a custom format. See the PHP documentation for details. |
สถานะ | [node:field-full-name-or-order:status] | Whether or not the customer profile is active. |
แก้ไข ID | [node:field-full-name-or-order:revision-id] | The unique ID of the customer profile's latest revision. |
Full name | [node:field_full_name_or_order] | Entity Reference field. |
Image | [node:field-image:?] | Field "field_image". The following properties may be appended to the token: file (The image file.), alt (The "Alt" attribute text) |
Image_home | [node:field-image-home:?] | Field "field_image_home". The following properties may be appended to the token: file (The image file.) |
Image_home | [node:field_image_home] | Image field. |
Images | [node:field_image] | Image field. Also known as Image. |
Images | [node:field_images] | Image field. |
Images | [node:field-images:?] | Field "field_images". The following properties may be appended to the token: file (The image file.) |
Is new | [node:is-new] | Whether the node is new and not saved to the database yet. |
Language | [node:language] | The language the node is written in. |
Last view | [node:last-view] | The date on which a visitor last read the node. |
Availability Calendar date display | [node:last-view:availability_calendar_date_display] | A date in 'availability_calendar_date_display' format. (03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Availability Calendar date entry | [node:last-view:availability_calendar_date_entry] | A date in 'availability_calendar_date_entry' format. (03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Availability Calendar month caption | [node:last-view:availability_calendar_month_caption] | A date in 'availability_calendar_month_caption' format. (03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Hours am/pm | [node:last-view:hours_ampm] | A date in 'hours_ampm' format. (3:29 am) |
Long format | [node:last-view:long] | A date in 'long' format. (พุธ, มีนาคม 20, 2024 - 03:29) |
Medium format | [node:last-view:medium] | A date in 'medium' format. (พ, 03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Raw timestamp | [node:last-view:raw] | A date in UNIX timestamp format (1710880172) |
Short format | [node:last-view:short] | A date in 'short' format. (03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Studyroom Availability Date | [node:last-view:studyroom_availability_date] | A date in 'studyroom_availability_date' format. (พ, 03/20/2024) |
Time-since | [node:last-view:since] | A date in 'time-since' format. (54 ปี 3 เดือน) |
กำหนดรูปแบบเอง | [node:last-view:custom:?] | A date in a custom format. See the PHP documentation for details. |
Location | [node:location] | The location for this node. |
Additional | [node:location:additional:?] | Additional (If there are multiple locations, N is the iteration, starting with 0). |
Country Name | [node:location:country_name:?] | Country Name (If there are multiple locations, N is the iteration, starting with 0). |
Latitude | [node:location:latitude:?] | Latitude (If there are multiple locations, N is the iteration, starting with 0). |
Location Name | [node:location:name:?] | Location Name (If there are multiple locations, N is the iteration, starting with 0). |
Longitude | [node:location:longitude:?] | Longitude (If there are multiple locations, N is the iteration, starting with 0). |
Postal Code | [node:location:postal_code:?] | Postal Code (If there are multiple locations, N is the iteration, starting with 0). |
State/Province Name | [node:location:province_name:?] | State/Province Name (If there are multiple locations, N is the iteration, starting with 0). |
Street | [node:location:street:?] | Street (If there are multiple locations, N is the iteration, starting with 0). |
ประเทศ | [node:location:country:?] | Country (If there are multiple locations, N is the iteration, starting with 0). |
รัฐ / จังหวัด | [node:location:province:?] | State/Province (If there are multiple locations, N is the iteration, starting with 0). |
เมือง | [node:location:city:?] | City (If there are multiple locations, N is the iteration, starting with 0). |
Order | [node:field_order] | Entity Reference field. |
Order | [node:field-order] | Field "field_order". |
Billing information | [node:field-order:commerce-customer-billing] | Field "commerce_customer_billing". |
Address | [node:field-order:commerce-customer-billing:commerce-customer-address:?] | Field "commerce_customer_address". The following properties may be appended to the token: country (ประเทศ), name_line (ชื่อเต็ม), first_name (ชื่อจริง), last_name (นามสกุล), organisation_name (บริษัท), administrative_area (Administrative area (i.e. State / Province)), sub_administrative_area (Sub administrative area), locality (Locality (i.e. City)), dependent_locality (Dependent locality), postal_code (รหัสไปรษณีย์), thoroughfare (ที่อยู่ถนน), premise (Premise (i.e. Apartment / Suite number)), sub_premise (Sub Premise (i.e. Suite, Apartment, Floor, Unknown.) |
Address | [node:field-order:commerce-customer-billing:commerce_customer_address] | Postal address field. |
Customer profile ID | [node:field-order:commerce-customer-billing:customer-profile-id] | The unique numeric ID of the customer profile. |
Customer profile owner | [node:field-order:commerce-customer-billing:owner] | The user the customer profile belongs to. |
Customer profile type | [node:field-order:commerce-customer-billing:type] | The type of the customer profile. |
Customer profile type name | [node:field-order:commerce-customer-billing:type-name] | The type name of the customer profile. |
Date updated | [node:field-order:commerce-customer-billing:changed] | The date the customer profile was last updated. |
Original commerce customer profile | [node:field-order:commerce-customer-billing:original] | The original commerce customer profile data if the commerce customer profile is being updated or saved. |
Profile ID | [node:field-order:commerce-customer-billing:profile-id] | The internal numeric ID of the customer profile. |
URL | [node:field-order:commerce-customer-billing:url] | The URL of the commerce customer profile. |
User | [node:field-order:commerce-customer-billing:user] | The user the customer profile belongs to. |
รหัสผู้ใช้ | [node:field-order:commerce-customer-billing:uid] | The unique ID of the user the customer profile belongs to. |
วันที่สร้าง | [node:field-order:commerce-customer-billing:created] | The date the customer profile was created. |
สถานะ | [node:field-order:commerce-customer-billing:status] | Whether or not the customer profile is active. |
แก้ไข ID | [node:field-order:commerce-customer-billing:revision-id] | The unique ID of the customer profile's latest revision. |
Billing information | [node:field-order:commerce_customer_billing] | Customer profile reference field. |
Cancel date | [node:field-order:field-commerce-billy-cancel-date] | Field "field_commerce_billy_cancel_date". |
Availability Calendar date display | [node:field-order:field-commerce-billy-cancel-date:availability_calendar_date_display] | A date in 'availability_calendar_date_display' format. (03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Availability Calendar date entry | [node:field-order:field-commerce-billy-cancel-date:availability_calendar_date_entry] | A date in 'availability_calendar_date_entry' format. (03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Availability Calendar month caption | [node:field-order:field-commerce-billy-cancel-date:availability_calendar_month_caption] | A date in 'availability_calendar_month_caption' format. (03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Hours am/pm | [node:field-order:field-commerce-billy-cancel-date:hours_ampm] | A date in 'hours_ampm' format. (3:29 am) |
Long format | [node:field-order:field-commerce-billy-cancel-date:long] | A date in 'long' format. (พุธ, มีนาคม 20, 2024 - 03:29) |
Medium format | [node:field-order:field-commerce-billy-cancel-date:medium] | A date in 'medium' format. (พ, 03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Raw timestamp | [node:field-order:field-commerce-billy-cancel-date:raw] | A date in UNIX timestamp format (1710880172) |
Short format | [node:field-order:field-commerce-billy-cancel-date:short] | A date in 'short' format. (03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Studyroom Availability Date | [node:field-order:field-commerce-billy-cancel-date:studyroom_availability_date] | A date in 'studyroom_availability_date' format. (พ, 03/20/2024) |
Time-since | [node:field-order:field-commerce-billy-cancel-date:since] | A date in 'time-since' format. (54 ปี 3 เดือน) |
กำหนดรูปแบบเอง | [node:field-order:field-commerce-billy-cancel-date:custom:?] | A date in a custom format. See the PHP documentation for details. |
Cancel date | [node:field-order:field_commerce_billy_cancel_date] | Date (Unix timestamp) field. |
Coupons | [node:field-order:commerce_coupons] | Entity Reference field. |
Coupons | [node:field-order:commerce-coupons] | Field "commerce_coupons". |
Commerce Coupon with delta 0 | [node:field-order:commerce-coupons:0] | The list item with delta 0. Delta values start from 0 and are incremented by one per list item. |
Commerce Coupon with delta 1 | [node:field-order:commerce-coupons:1] | The list item with delta 1. Delta values start from 0 and are incremented by one per list item. |
Commerce Coupon with delta 2 | [node:field-order:commerce-coupons:2] | The list item with delta 2. Delta values start from 0 and are incremented by one per list item. |
Commerce Coupon with delta 3 | [node:field-order:commerce-coupons:3] | The list item with delta 3. Delta values start from 0 and are incremented by one per list item. |
Create revision | [node:field-order:revision] | Whether or not saving this order creates a new revision. |
Date placed | [node:field-order:placed] | The date the order was placed i.e. checkout was completed. |
Availability Calendar date display | [node:field-order:placed:availability_calendar_date_display] | A date in 'availability_calendar_date_display' format. (03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Availability Calendar date entry | [node:field-order:placed:availability_calendar_date_entry] | A date in 'availability_calendar_date_entry' format. (03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Availability Calendar month caption | [node:field-order:placed:availability_calendar_month_caption] | A date in 'availability_calendar_month_caption' format. (03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Hours am/pm | [node:field-order:placed:hours_ampm] | A date in 'hours_ampm' format. (3:29 am) |
Long format | [node:field-order:placed:long] | A date in 'long' format. (พุธ, มีนาคม 20, 2024 - 03:29) |
Medium format | [node:field-order:placed:medium] | A date in 'medium' format. (พ, 03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Raw timestamp | [node:field-order:placed:raw] | A date in UNIX timestamp format (1710880172) |
Short format | [node:field-order:placed:short] | A date in 'short' format. (03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Studyroom Availability Date | [node:field-order:placed:studyroom_availability_date] | A date in 'studyroom_availability_date' format. (พ, 03/20/2024) |
Time-since | [node:field-order:placed:since] | A date in 'time-since' format. (54 ปี 3 เดือน) |
กำหนดรูปแบบเอง | [node:field-order:placed:custom:?] | A date in a custom format. See the PHP documentation for details. |
Discount reference | [node:field-order:commerce_discounts] | Entity Reference field. |
Discount reference | [node:field-order:commerce-discounts] | Field "commerce_discounts". |
Commerce Discount with delta 0 | [node:field-order:commerce-discounts:0] | The list item with delta 0. Delta values start from 0 and are incremented by one per list item. |
Commerce Discount with delta 1 | [node:field-order:commerce-discounts:1] | The list item with delta 1. Delta values start from 0 and are incremented by one per list item. |
Commerce Discount with delta 2 | [node:field-order:commerce-discounts:2] | The list item with delta 2. Delta values start from 0 and are incremented by one per list item. |
Commerce Discount with delta 3 | [node:field-order:commerce-discounts:3] | The list item with delta 3. Delta values start from 0 and are incremented by one per list item. |
Expiration (formatted) | [node:field-order:expiration-formatted] | The time left until this order expires. Formatted by theme_commerce_cart_expiration(). |
Expiration (raw) | [node:field-order:expiration-raw] | The raw time left until this order expires in seconds. |
Host name | [node:field-order:hostname] | The IP address that created this order. |
Invoice date | [node:field-order:field-commerce-billy-i-date] | Field "field_commerce_billy_i_date". |
Availability Calendar date display | [node:field-order:field-commerce-billy-i-date:availability_calendar_date_display] | A date in 'availability_calendar_date_display' format. (03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Availability Calendar date entry | [node:field-order:field-commerce-billy-i-date:availability_calendar_date_entry] | A date in 'availability_calendar_date_entry' format. (03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Availability Calendar month caption | [node:field-order:field-commerce-billy-i-date:availability_calendar_month_caption] | A date in 'availability_calendar_month_caption' format. (03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Hours am/pm | [node:field-order:field-commerce-billy-i-date:hours_ampm] | A date in 'hours_ampm' format. (3:29 am) |
Long format | [node:field-order:field-commerce-billy-i-date:long] | A date in 'long' format. (พุธ, มีนาคม 20, 2024 - 03:29) |
Medium format | [node:field-order:field-commerce-billy-i-date:medium] | A date in 'medium' format. (พ, 03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Raw timestamp | [node:field-order:field-commerce-billy-i-date:raw] | A date in UNIX timestamp format (1710880172) |
Short format | [node:field-order:field-commerce-billy-i-date:short] | A date in 'short' format. (03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Studyroom Availability Date | [node:field-order:field-commerce-billy-i-date:studyroom_availability_date] | A date in 'studyroom_availability_date' format. (พ, 03/20/2024) |
Time-since | [node:field-order:field-commerce-billy-i-date:since] | A date in 'time-since' format. (54 ปี 3 เดือน) |
กำหนดรูปแบบเอง | [node:field-order:field-commerce-billy-i-date:custom:?] | A date in a custom format. See the PHP documentation for details. |
Invoice date | [node:field-order:field_commerce_billy_i_date] | Date (Unix timestamp) field. |
Line items | [node:field-order:commerce-line-items] | Field "commerce_line_items". |
Line items with delta 0 | [node:field-order:commerce-line-items:0] | The list item with delta 0. Delta values start from 0 and are incremented by one per list item. |
Line items with delta 1 | [node:field-order:commerce-line-items:1] | The list item with delta 1. Delta values start from 0 and are incremented by one per list item. |
Line items with delta 2 | [node:field-order:commerce-line-items:2] | The list item with delta 2. Delta values start from 0 and are incremented by one per list item. |
Line items with delta 3 | [node:field-order:commerce-line-items:3] | The list item with delta 3. Delta values start from 0 and are incremented by one per list item. |
Line items | [node:field-order:commerce_line_items] | Line item reference field. |
Order ID | [node:field-order:order-id] | The unique numeric ID of the order. |
Order e-mail | [node:field-order:mail] | The e-mail address associated with the order. |
Order e-mail prepared for username usage | [node:field-order:mail-username] | The e-mail address associated with this order with illegal characters for usernames replaced. |
Order number | [node:field-order:order-number] | The order number displayed to the customer. |
Order state | [node:field-order:state] | The current state of the order. |
Order state title | [node:field-order:state-title] | The human-readable title of the order state. |
Order status | [node:field-order:status] | The current status of the order. |
Order status title | [node:field-order:status-title] | The human-readable title of the order status. |
Order total | [node:field-order:commerce-order-total:?] | Field "commerce_order_total". The following properties may be appended to the token: amount (Amount), amount_decimal (Amount (decimal)), currency_code (Currency), data (Data) |
Order total | [node:field-order:commerce_order_total] | ราคา field. |
Order type | [node:field-order:type] | The type of the order. |
Order type name | [node:field-order:type-name] | The human-readable name of the order type. |
Original commerce order | [node:field-order:original] | The original commerce order data if the commerce order is being updated or saved. |
Billing information | [node:field-order:original:commerce-customer-billing] | Field "commerce_customer_billing". |
Billing information | [node:field-order:original:commerce_customer_billing] | Customer profile reference field. |
Cancel date | [node:field-order:original:field-commerce-billy-cancel-date] | Field "field_commerce_billy_cancel_date". |
Cancel date | [node:field-order:original:field_commerce_billy_cancel_date] | Date (Unix timestamp) field. |
Coupons | [node:field-order:original:commerce_coupons] | Entity Reference field. |
Coupons | [node:field-order:original:commerce-coupons] | Field "commerce_coupons". |
Create revision | [node:field-order:original:revision] | Whether or not saving this order creates a new revision. |
Date placed | [node:field-order:original:placed] | The date the order was placed i.e. checkout was completed. |
Discount reference | [node:field-order:original:commerce_discounts] | Entity Reference field. |
Discount reference | [node:field-order:original:commerce-discounts] | Field "commerce_discounts". |
Expiration (formatted) | [node:field-order:original:expiration-formatted] | The time left until this order expires. Formatted by theme_commerce_cart_expiration(). |
Expiration (raw) | [node:field-order:original:expiration-raw] | The raw time left until this order expires in seconds. |
Host name | [node:field-order:original:hostname] | The IP address that created this order. |
Invoice date | [node:field-order:original:field-commerce-billy-i-date] | Field "field_commerce_billy_i_date". |
Invoice date | [node:field-order:original:field_commerce_billy_i_date] | Date (Unix timestamp) field. |
Line items | [node:field-order:original:commerce-line-items] | Field "commerce_line_items". |
Line items | [node:field-order:original:commerce_line_items] | Line item reference field. |
Order ID | [node:field-order:original:order-id] | The unique numeric ID of the order. |
Order e-mail | [node:field-order:original:mail] | The e-mail address associated with the order. |
Order e-mail prepared for username usage | [node:field-order:original:mail-username] | The e-mail address associated with this order with illegal characters for usernames replaced. |
Order number | [node:field-order:original:order-number] | The order number displayed to the customer. |
Order state | [node:field-order:original:state] | The current state of the order. |
Order state title | [node:field-order:original:state-title] | The human-readable title of the order state. |
Order status | [node:field-order:original:status] | The current status of the order. |
Order status title | [node:field-order:original:status-title] | The human-readable title of the order status. |
Order total | [node:field-order:original:commerce-order-total:?] | Field "commerce_order_total". The following properties may be appended to the token: amount (Amount), amount_decimal (Amount (decimal)), currency_code (Currency), data (Data) |
Order total | [node:field-order:original:commerce_order_total] | ราคา field. |
Order type | [node:field-order:original:type] | The type of the order. |
Order type name | [node:field-order:original:type-name] | The human-readable name of the order type. |
Owner ID | [node:field-order:original:uid] | The unique ID of the order owner. |
Payment method display title | [node:field-order:original:payment-method-display-title] | The checkout form oriented display title of the payment method for the payment transaction. |
Payment method short title | [node:field-order:original:payment-method-short-title] | The customer oriented short title of the payment method selected by the customer during checkout. |
Payment method title | [node:field-order:original:payment-method-title] | The administrative title of the payment method selected by the customer during checkout. |
URL | [node:field-order:original:url] | The URL of the order. |
URL | [node:field-order:original:admin-url] | The URL for administrators to view the order. |
URL | [node:field-order:original:customer-url] | The URL for customers to view the order. |
View URL | [node:field-order:original:view-url] | The URL a customer can visit to view the order. |
วันที่สร้าง | [node:field-order:original:created] | The date the order was created. |
วันที่เปลี่ยนแปลง | [node:field-order:original:changed] | The date the order was last updated. |
วิธีการชำระเงิน | [node:field-order:original:payment-method] | The method_id of the payment method selected by the customer during checkout. |
เจ้าของ | [node:field-order:original:owner] | The owner of the order. |
แก้ไข ID | [node:field-order:original:revision-id] | The unique ID of the order's latest revision. |
แก้ไข URL | [node:field-order:original:edit-url] | The URL of the order's edit page. |
Owner ID | [node:field-order:uid] | The unique ID of the order owner. |
Payment method display title | [node:field-order:payment-method-display-title] | The checkout form oriented display title of the payment method for the payment transaction. |
Payment method short title | [node:field-order:payment-method-short-title] | The customer oriented short title of the payment method selected by the customer during checkout. |
Payment method title | [node:field-order:payment-method-title] | The administrative title of the payment method selected by the customer during checkout. |
URL | [node:field-order:url] | The URL of the order. |
URL | [node:field-order:admin-url] | The URL for administrators to view the order. |
URL | [node:field-order:customer-url] | The URL for customers to view the order. |
View URL | [node:field-order:view-url] | The URL a customer can visit to view the order. |
วันที่สร้าง | [node:field-order:created] | The date the order was created. |
Availability Calendar date display | [node:field-order:created:availability_calendar_date_display] | A date in 'availability_calendar_date_display' format. (03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Availability Calendar date entry | [node:field-order:created:availability_calendar_date_entry] | A date in 'availability_calendar_date_entry' format. (03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Availability Calendar month caption | [node:field-order:created:availability_calendar_month_caption] | A date in 'availability_calendar_month_caption' format. (03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Hours am/pm | [node:field-order:created:hours_ampm] | A date in 'hours_ampm' format. (3:29 am) |
Long format | [node:field-order:created:long] | A date in 'long' format. (พุธ, มีนาคม 20, 2024 - 03:29) |
Medium format | [node:field-order:created:medium] | A date in 'medium' format. (พ, 03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Raw timestamp | [node:field-order:created:raw] | A date in UNIX timestamp format (1710880172) |
Short format | [node:field-order:created:short] | A date in 'short' format. (03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Studyroom Availability Date | [node:field-order:created:studyroom_availability_date] | A date in 'studyroom_availability_date' format. (พ, 03/20/2024) |
Time-since | [node:field-order:created:since] | A date in 'time-since' format. (54 ปี 3 เดือน) |
กำหนดรูปแบบเอง | [node:field-order:created:custom:?] | A date in a custom format. See the PHP documentation for details. |
วันที่เปลี่ยนแปลง | [node:field-order:changed] | The date the order was last updated. |
Availability Calendar date display | [node:field-order:changed:availability_calendar_date_display] | A date in 'availability_calendar_date_display' format. (03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Availability Calendar date entry | [node:field-order:changed:availability_calendar_date_entry] | A date in 'availability_calendar_date_entry' format. (03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Availability Calendar month caption | [node:field-order:changed:availability_calendar_month_caption] | A date in 'availability_calendar_month_caption' format. (03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Hours am/pm | [node:field-order:changed:hours_ampm] | A date in 'hours_ampm' format. (3:29 am) |
Long format | [node:field-order:changed:long] | A date in 'long' format. (พุธ, มีนาคม 20, 2024 - 03:29) |
Medium format | [node:field-order:changed:medium] | A date in 'medium' format. (พ, 03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Raw timestamp | [node:field-order:changed:raw] | A date in UNIX timestamp format (1710880172) |
Short format | [node:field-order:changed:short] | A date in 'short' format. (03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Studyroom Availability Date | [node:field-order:changed:studyroom_availability_date] | A date in 'studyroom_availability_date' format. (พ, 03/20/2024) |
Time-since | [node:field-order:changed:since] | A date in 'time-since' format. (54 ปี 3 เดือน) |
กำหนดรูปแบบเอง | [node:field-order:changed:custom:?] | A date in a custom format. See the PHP documentation for details. |
วิธีการชำระเงิน | [node:field-order:payment-method] | The method_id of the payment method selected by the customer during checkout. |
เจ้าของ | [node:field-order:owner] | The owner of the order. |
Account cancellation URL | [node:field-order:owner:cancel-url] | The URL of the confirm delete page for the user account. |
Last access | [node:field-order:owner:last-access] | The date the user last accessed the site. |
Location | [node:field-order:owner:location] | The location for this user. |
Name | [node:field-order:owner:name] | The login name of the user account. |
One-time login URL | [node:field-order:owner:one-time-login-url] | The URL of the one-time login page for the user account. |
Original user | [node:field-order:owner:original] | The original user data if the user is being updated or saved. |
Roles | [node:field-order:owner:roles] | The user roles associated with the user account. |
URL | [node:field-order:owner:url] | The URL of the account profile page. |
User role ids | [node:field-order:owner:role-ids] | The role ids the user account is a member of as comma separated list. |
User role names | [node:field-order:owner:role-names] | The role names the user account is a member of as comma separated list. |
ธีมเริ่มต้น | [node:field-order:owner:theme] | The user's default theme. |
รหัสผู้ใช้ | [node:field-order:owner:uid] | The unique ID of the user account. |
รูปภาพ | [node:field-order:owner:picture] | The picture of the user. |
สถานะ | [node:field-order:owner:status] | Whether the user is active or blocked. |
สร้างเมื่อ | [node:field-order:owner:created] | The date the user account was created. |
อีเมล | [node:field-order:owner:mail] | The email address of the user account. |
เข้าสู่ระบบล่าสุด | [node:field-order:owner:last-login] | The date the user last logged in to the site. |
แก้ไข URL | [node:field-order:owner:edit-url] | The URL of the account edit page. |
แก้ไข ID | [node:field-order:revision-id] | The unique ID of the order's latest revision. |
แก้ไข URL | [node:field-order:edit-url] | The URL of the order's edit page. |
Original node | [node:original] | The original node data if the node is being updated or saved. |
Address compay | [node:original:field_address_compay] | Geofield field. |
Address compay | [node:original:field-address-compay:?] | Field "field_address_compay". The following properties may be appended to the token: geom (Well-known text), geo_type (Geo Type), lat (Latitude), lon (Longitude), left (Left Latitude), top (Top Longitude), right (Right Latitude), bottom (Bottom Longitude), srid (Projection (SRID)), latlon (LatLong Pair), schemaorg_shape ( Shape) |
Author | [node:original:author] | The author of the node. |
Account cancellation URL | [node:original:author:cancel-url] | The URL of the confirm delete page for the user account. |
Last access | [node:original:author:last-access] | The date the user last accessed the site. |
Location | [node:original:author:location] | The location for this user. |
Name | [node:original:author:name] | The login name of the user account. |
One-time login URL | [node:original:author:one-time-login-url] | The URL of the one-time login page for the user account. |
Roles | [node:original:author:roles] | The user roles associated with the user account. |
URL | [node:original:author:url] | The URL of the account profile page. |
User role ids | [node:original:author:role-ids] | The role ids the user account is a member of as comma separated list. |
User role names | [node:original:author:role-names] | The role names the user account is a member of as comma separated list. |
ธีมเริ่มต้น | [node:original:author:theme] | The user's default theme. |
รหัสผู้ใช้ | [node:original:author:uid] | The unique ID of the user account. |
รูปภาพ | [node:original:author:picture] | The picture of the user. |
สถานะ | [node:original:author:status] | Whether the user is active or blocked. |
สร้างเมื่อ | [node:original:author:created] | The date the user account was created. |
อีเมล | [node:original:author:mail] | The email address of the user account. |
เข้าสู่ระบบล่าสุด | [node:original:author:last-login] | The date the user last logged in to the site. |
แก้ไข URL | [node:original:author:edit-url] | The URL of the account edit page. |
Availability | [node:original:field_availability] | Rooms Availability Reference field. |
Bill money | [node:original:field_bill_money] | Image field. |
Bill money | [node:original:field-bill-money:?] | Field "field_bill_money". The following properties may be appended to the token: file (The image file.) |
Block location fried | [node:original:field-block-location-frieds:?] | Field "field_block_location_frieds". The following properties may be appended to the token: geom (Well-known text), geo_type (Geo Type), lat (Latitude), lon (Longitude), left (Left Latitude), top (Top Longitude), right (Right Latitude), bottom (Bottom Longitude), srid (Projection (SRID)), latlon (LatLong Pair), schemaorg_shape ( Shape) |
Block location fried | [node:original:field_block_location_frieds] | Geofield field. |
Body | [node:original:body:?] | The main body text of the node. The following properties may be appended to the token: value (ข้อความ), summary (Summary), format (รูปแบบข้อความ) |
Content ID | [node:original:nid] | The unique ID of the content item, or "node". |
Creates revision | [node:original:revision] | Whether saving this node creates a new revision. |
Date | [node:original:event_calendar_date] | วันที่ field. |
Date | [node:original:event-calendar-date:?] | Field "event_calendar_date". The following properties may be appended to the token: value (Start date), value2 (End date), duration (Duration) |
Description | [node:original:field_description] | Long text and summary field. |
Description | [node:original:field-description:?] | Field "field_description". The following properties may be appended to the token: value (ข้อความ), summary (Summary), format (รูปแบบข้อความ) |
Email customer | [node:original:field_email_customer] | ข้อความ field. |
Email customer | [node:original:field-email-customer] | Field "field_email_customer". |
FlexSlider Example Image | [node:original:field-flexslider-example-image:?] | Field "field_flexslider_example_image". The following properties may be appended to the token: file (The image file.) |
FlexSlider Example Image | [node:original:field_flexslider_example_image] | Image field. |
FlexSlider Example Slideshow | [node:original:field_flexslider_example_slidesh] | Image field. |
FlexSlider Example Slideshow | [node:original:field-flexslider-example-slidesh:?] | Field "field_flexslider_example_slidesh". The following properties may be appended to the token: file (The image file.), title (The "Title" attribute text) |
Full name | [node:original:field-full-name-or-order] | Field "field_full_name_or_order". |
Address | [node:original:field-full-name-or-order:commerce-customer-address:?] | Field "commerce_customer_address". The following properties may be appended to the token: country (ประเทศ), name_line (ชื่อเต็ม), first_name (ชื่อจริง), last_name (นามสกุล), organisation_name (บริษัท), administrative_area (Administrative area (i.e. State / Province)), sub_administrative_area (Sub administrative area), locality (Locality (i.e. City)), dependent_locality (Dependent locality), postal_code (รหัสไปรษณีย์), thoroughfare (ที่อยู่ถนน), premise (Premise (i.e. Apartment / Suite number)), sub_premise (Sub Premise (i.e. Suite, Apartment, Floor, Unknown.) |
Address | [node:original:field-full-name-or-order:commerce_customer_address] | Postal address field. |
Customer profile ID | [node:original:field-full-name-or-order:customer-profile-id] | The unique numeric ID of the customer profile. |
Customer profile owner | [node:original:field-full-name-or-order:owner] | The user the customer profile belongs to. |
Customer profile type | [node:original:field-full-name-or-order:type] | The type of the customer profile. |
Customer profile type name | [node:original:field-full-name-or-order:type-name] | The type name of the customer profile. |
Date updated | [node:original:field-full-name-or-order:changed] | The date the customer profile was last updated. |
Profile ID | [node:original:field-full-name-or-order:profile-id] | The internal numeric ID of the customer profile. |
URL | [node:original:field-full-name-or-order:url] | The URL of the commerce customer profile. |
User | [node:original:field-full-name-or-order:user] | The user the customer profile belongs to. |
รหัสผู้ใช้ | [node:original:field-full-name-or-order:uid] | The unique ID of the user the customer profile belongs to. |
วันที่สร้าง | [node:original:field-full-name-or-order:created] | The date the customer profile was created. |
สถานะ | [node:original:field-full-name-or-order:status] | Whether or not the customer profile is active. |
แก้ไข ID | [node:original:field-full-name-or-order:revision-id] | The unique ID of the customer profile's latest revision. |
Full name | [node:original:field_full_name_or_order] | Entity Reference field. |
Image | [node:original:field-image:?] | Field "field_image". The following properties may be appended to the token: file (The image file.), alt (The "Alt" attribute text) |
Image_home | [node:original:field-image-home:?] | Field "field_image_home". The following properties may be appended to the token: file (The image file.) |
Image_home | [node:original:field_image_home] | Image field. |
Images | [node:original:field_image] | Image field. Also known as Image. |
Images | [node:original:field_images] | Image field. |
Images | [node:original:field-images:?] | Field "field_images". The following properties may be appended to the token: file (The image file.) |
Is new | [node:original:is-new] | Whether the node is new and not saved to the database yet. |
Language | [node:original:language] | The language the node is written in. |
Last view | [node:original:last-view] | The date on which a visitor last read the node. |
Availability Calendar date display | [node:original:last-view:availability_calendar_date_display] | A date in 'availability_calendar_date_display' format. (03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Availability Calendar date entry | [node:original:last-view:availability_calendar_date_entry] | A date in 'availability_calendar_date_entry' format. (03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Availability Calendar month caption | [node:original:last-view:availability_calendar_month_caption] | A date in 'availability_calendar_month_caption' format. (03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Hours am/pm | [node:original:last-view:hours_ampm] | A date in 'hours_ampm' format. (3:29 am) |
Long format | [node:original:last-view:long] | A date in 'long' format. (พุธ, มีนาคม 20, 2024 - 03:29) |
Medium format | [node:original:last-view:medium] | A date in 'medium' format. (พ, 03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Raw timestamp | [node:original:last-view:raw] | A date in UNIX timestamp format (1710880172) |
Short format | [node:original:last-view:short] | A date in 'short' format. (03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Studyroom Availability Date | [node:original:last-view:studyroom_availability_date] | A date in 'studyroom_availability_date' format. (พ, 03/20/2024) |
Time-since | [node:original:last-view:since] | A date in 'time-since' format. (54 ปี 3 เดือน) |
กำหนดรูปแบบเอง | [node:original:last-view:custom:?] | A date in a custom format. See the PHP documentation for details. |
Location | [node:original:location] | The location for this node. |
Additional | [node:original:location:additional:?] | Additional (If there are multiple locations, N is the iteration, starting with 0). |
Country Name | [node:original:location:country_name:?] | Country Name (If there are multiple locations, N is the iteration, starting with 0). |
Latitude | [node:original:location:latitude:?] | Latitude (If there are multiple locations, N is the iteration, starting with 0). |
Location Name | [node:original:location:name:?] | Location Name (If there are multiple locations, N is the iteration, starting with 0). |
Longitude | [node:original:location:longitude:?] | Longitude (If there are multiple locations, N is the iteration, starting with 0). |
Postal Code | [node:original:location:postal_code:?] | Postal Code (If there are multiple locations, N is the iteration, starting with 0). |
State/Province Name | [node:original:location:province_name:?] | State/Province Name (If there are multiple locations, N is the iteration, starting with 0). |
Street | [node:original:location:street:?] | Street (If there are multiple locations, N is the iteration, starting with 0). |
ประเทศ | [node:original:location:country:?] | Country (If there are multiple locations, N is the iteration, starting with 0). |
รัฐ / จังหวัด | [node:original:location:province:?] | State/Province (If there are multiple locations, N is the iteration, starting with 0). |
เมือง | [node:original:location:city:?] | City (If there are multiple locations, N is the iteration, starting with 0). |
Order | [node:original:field_order] | Entity Reference field. |
Order | [node:original:field-order] | Field "field_order". |
Billing information | [node:original:field-order:commerce-customer-billing] | Field "commerce_customer_billing". |
Billing information | [node:original:field-order:commerce_customer_billing] | Customer profile reference field. |
Cancel date | [node:original:field-order:field-commerce-billy-cancel-date] | Field "field_commerce_billy_cancel_date". |
Cancel date | [node:original:field-order:field_commerce_billy_cancel_date] | Date (Unix timestamp) field. |
Coupons | [node:original:field-order:commerce_coupons] | Entity Reference field. |
Coupons | [node:original:field-order:commerce-coupons] | Field "commerce_coupons". |
Create revision | [node:original:field-order:revision] | Whether or not saving this order creates a new revision. |
Date placed | [node:original:field-order:placed] | The date the order was placed i.e. checkout was completed. |
Discount reference | [node:original:field-order:commerce_discounts] | Entity Reference field. |
Discount reference | [node:original:field-order:commerce-discounts] | Field "commerce_discounts". |
Expiration (formatted) | [node:original:field-order:expiration-formatted] | The time left until this order expires. Formatted by theme_commerce_cart_expiration(). |
Expiration (raw) | [node:original:field-order:expiration-raw] | The raw time left until this order expires in seconds. |
Host name | [node:original:field-order:hostname] | The IP address that created this order. |
Invoice date | [node:original:field-order:field-commerce-billy-i-date] | Field "field_commerce_billy_i_date". |
Invoice date | [node:original:field-order:field_commerce_billy_i_date] | Date (Unix timestamp) field. |
Line items | [node:original:field-order:commerce-line-items] | Field "commerce_line_items". |
Line items | [node:original:field-order:commerce_line_items] | Line item reference field. |
Order ID | [node:original:field-order:order-id] | The unique numeric ID of the order. |
Order e-mail | [node:original:field-order:mail] | The e-mail address associated with the order. |
Order e-mail prepared for username usage | [node:original:field-order:mail-username] | The e-mail address associated with this order with illegal characters for usernames replaced. |
Order number | [node:original:field-order:order-number] | The order number displayed to the customer. |
Order state | [node:original:field-order:state] | The current state of the order. |
Order state title | [node:original:field-order:state-title] | The human-readable title of the order state. |
Order status | [node:original:field-order:status] | The current status of the order. |
Order status title | [node:original:field-order:status-title] | The human-readable title of the order status. |
Order total | [node:original:field-order:commerce-order-total:?] | Field "commerce_order_total". The following properties may be appended to the token: amount (Amount), amount_decimal (Amount (decimal)), currency_code (Currency), data (Data) |
Order total | [node:original:field-order:commerce_order_total] | ราคา field. |
Order type | [node:original:field-order:type] | The type of the order. |
Order type name | [node:original:field-order:type-name] | The human-readable name of the order type. |
Owner ID | [node:original:field-order:uid] | The unique ID of the order owner. |
Payment method display title | [node:original:field-order:payment-method-display-title] | The checkout form oriented display title of the payment method for the payment transaction. |
Payment method short title | [node:original:field-order:payment-method-short-title] | The customer oriented short title of the payment method selected by the customer during checkout. |
Payment method title | [node:original:field-order:payment-method-title] | The administrative title of the payment method selected by the customer during checkout. |
URL | [node:original:field-order:url] | The URL of the order. |
URL | [node:original:field-order:admin-url] | The URL for administrators to view the order. |
URL | [node:original:field-order:customer-url] | The URL for customers to view the order. |
View URL | [node:original:field-order:view-url] | The URL a customer can visit to view the order. |
วันที่สร้าง | [node:original:field-order:created] | The date the order was created. |
วันที่เปลี่ยนแปลง | [node:original:field-order:changed] | The date the order was last updated. |
วิธีการชำระเงิน | [node:original:field-order:payment-method] | The method_id of the payment method selected by the customer during checkout. |
เจ้าของ | [node:original:field-order:owner] | The owner of the order. |
แก้ไข ID | [node:original:field-order:revision-id] | The unique ID of the order's latest revision. |
แก้ไข URL | [node:original:field-order:edit-url] | The URL of the order's edit page. |
Poll votes | [node:original:poll-votes] | The number of votes that have been cast on a poll. |
Poll winner | [node:original:poll-winner] | The winning poll answer. |
Poll winner percent | [node:original:poll-winner-percent] | The percentage of votes received by the winning poll answer. |
Poll winner votes | [node:original:poll-winner-votes] | The number of votes received by the winning poll answer. |
Promoted to frontpage | [node:original:promote] | Whether the node is promoted to the frontpage. |
Slideshow Image | [node:original:field-slideshow-image:?] | Field "field_slideshow_image". The following properties may be appended to the token: file (The image file.) |
Slideshow Image | [node:original:field_slideshow_image] | Image field. |
Status | [node:original:event_calendar_status] | คำอ้างอิง field. |
Status | [node:original:event-calendar-status] | Field "event_calendar_status". |
All parent terms | [node:original:event-calendar-status:parents-all] | Ancestors of the term, i.e. parent of all above hierarchy levels. |
Description (localized) | [node:original:event-calendar-status:i18n-description] | The optional description of the taxonomy term. |
Name | [node:original:event-calendar-status:name] | The name of the taxonomy term. |
Name (localized) | [node:original:event-calendar-status:i18n-name] | The name of the taxonomy term. |
Name in current language | [node:original:event-calendar-status:localized-name] | The name of the taxonomy term in current language. |
Node count | [node:original:event-calendar-status:node-count] | The number of nodes tagged with the taxonomy term. |
Parents | [node:original:event-calendar-status:parents] | An array of all the term's parents, starting with the root. |
Parent term (localized) | [node:original:event-calendar-status:i18n-parent] | The parent term of the taxonomy term, if one exists. |
Root term | [node:original:event-calendar-status:root] | The root term of the taxonomy term. |
Term ID | [node:original:event-calendar-status:tid] | The unique ID of the taxonomy term. |
URL | [node:original:event-calendar-status:url] | The URL of the taxonomy term. |
Vocabulary (localized) | [node:original:event-calendar-status:i18n-vocabulary] | The vocabulary the taxonomy term belongs to. |
คำศัพท์ | [node:original:event-calendar-status:vocabulary] | The vocabulary the taxonomy term belongs to. |
คำอธิบาย | [node:original:event-calendar-status:description] | The optional description of the taxonomy term. |
น้ำหนัก | [node:original:event-calendar-status:weight] | The weight of the term, which is used for ordering terms during display. |
ลำดับชั้นของ Term | [node:original:event-calendar-status:parent] | The parent term of the taxonomy term, if one exists. |
แก้ไข URL | [node:original:event-calendar-status:edit-url] | The URL of the taxonomy term's edit page. |
Sticky in lists | [node:original:sticky] | Whether the node is displayed at the top of lists in which it appears. |
Summary | [node:original:summary] | The summary of the node's main body text. |
Tags | [node:original:field_tags] | คำอ้างอิง field. |
Tags | [node:original:field-tags] | Field "field_tags". |
แง่อนุกรมวิธาน with delta 0 | [node:original:field-tags:0] | The list item with delta 0. Delta values start from 0 and are incremented by one per list item. |
แง่อนุกรมวิธาน with delta 1 | [node:original:field-tags:1] | The list item with delta 1. Delta values start from 0 and are incremented by one per list item. |
แง่อนุกรมวิธาน with delta 2 | [node:original:field-tags:2] | The list item with delta 2. Delta values start from 0 and are incremented by one per list item. |
แง่อนุกรมวิธาน with delta 3 | [node:original:field-tags:3] | The list item with delta 3. Delta values start from 0 and are incremented by one per list item. |
The information entered is correct. | [node:original:field_n] | บูลีน field. |
The information entered is correct. | [node:original:field-n] | Field "field_n". |
Translation source node | [node:original:source] | The source node for this current node's translation set. |
Address compay | [node:original:source:field_address_compay] | Geofield field. |
Address compay | [node:original:source:field-address-compay:?] | Field "field_address_compay". The following properties may be appended to the token: geom (Well-known text), geo_type (Geo Type), lat (Latitude), lon (Longitude), left (Left Latitude), top (Top Longitude), right (Right Latitude), bottom (Bottom Longitude), srid (Projection (SRID)), latlon (LatLong Pair), schemaorg_shape ( Shape) |
Author | [node:original:source:author] | The author of the node. |
Availability | [node:original:source:field_availability] | Rooms Availability Reference field. |
Bill money | [node:original:source:field_bill_money] | Image field. |
Bill money | [node:original:source:field-bill-money:?] | Field "field_bill_money". The following properties may be appended to the token: file (The image file.) |
Block location fried | [node:original:source:field-block-location-frieds:?] | Field "field_block_location_frieds". The following properties may be appended to the token: geom (Well-known text), geo_type (Geo Type), lat (Latitude), lon (Longitude), left (Left Latitude), top (Top Longitude), right (Right Latitude), bottom (Bottom Longitude), srid (Projection (SRID)), latlon (LatLong Pair), schemaorg_shape ( Shape) |
Block location fried | [node:original:source:field_block_location_frieds] | Geofield field. |
Body | [node:original:source:body:?] | The main body text of the node. The following properties may be appended to the token: value (ข้อความ), summary (Summary), format (รูปแบบข้อความ) |
Content ID | [node:original:source:nid] | The unique ID of the content item, or "node". |
Creates revision | [node:original:source:revision] | Whether saving this node creates a new revision. |
Date | [node:original:source:event_calendar_date] | วันที่ field. |
Date | [node:original:source:event-calendar-date:?] | Field "event_calendar_date". The following properties may be appended to the token: value (Start date), value2 (End date), duration (Duration) |
Description | [node:original:source:field_description] | Long text and summary field. |
Description | [node:original:source:field-description:?] | Field "field_description". The following properties may be appended to the token: value (ข้อความ), summary (Summary), format (รูปแบบข้อความ) |
Email customer | [node:original:source:field_email_customer] | ข้อความ field. |
Email customer | [node:original:source:field-email-customer] | Field "field_email_customer". |
FlexSlider Example Image | [node:original:source:field-flexslider-example-image:?] | Field "field_flexslider_example_image". The following properties may be appended to the token: file (The image file.) |
FlexSlider Example Image | [node:original:source:field_flexslider_example_image] | Image field. |
FlexSlider Example Slideshow | [node:original:source:field_flexslider_example_slidesh] | Image field. |
FlexSlider Example Slideshow | [node:original:source:field-flexslider-example-slidesh:?] | Field "field_flexslider_example_slidesh". The following properties may be appended to the token: file (The image file.), title (The "Title" attribute text) |
Full name | [node:original:source:field-full-name-or-order] | Field "field_full_name_or_order". |
Full name | [node:original:source:field_full_name_or_order] | Entity Reference field. |
Image | [node:original:source:field-image:?] | Field "field_image". The following properties may be appended to the token: file (The image file.), alt (The "Alt" attribute text) |
Image_home | [node:original:source:field-image-home:?] | Field "field_image_home". The following properties may be appended to the token: file (The image file.) |
Image_home | [node:original:source:field_image_home] | Image field. |
Images | [node:original:source:field_image] | Image field. Also known as Image. |
Images | [node:original:source:field_images] | Image field. |
Images | [node:original:source:field-images:?] | Field "field_images". The following properties may be appended to the token: file (The image file.) |
Is new | [node:original:source:is-new] | Whether the node is new and not saved to the database yet. |
Language | [node:original:source:language] | The language the node is written in. |
Last view | [node:original:source:last-view] | The date on which a visitor last read the node. |
Location | [node:original:source:location] | The location for this node. |
Order | [node:original:source:field_order] | Entity Reference field. |
Order | [node:original:source:field-order] | Field "field_order". |
Poll votes | [node:original:source:poll-votes] | The number of votes that have been cast on a poll. |
Poll winner | [node:original:source:poll-winner] | The winning poll answer. |
Poll winner percent | [node:original:source:poll-winner-percent] | The percentage of votes received by the winning poll answer. |
Poll winner votes | [node:original:source:poll-winner-votes] | The number of votes received by the winning poll answer. |
Promoted to frontpage | [node:original:source:promote] | Whether the node is promoted to the frontpage. |
Slideshow Image | [node:original:source:field-slideshow-image:?] | Field "field_slideshow_image". The following properties may be appended to the token: file (The image file.) |
Slideshow Image | [node:original:source:field_slideshow_image] | Image field. |
Status | [node:original:source:event_calendar_status] | คำอ้างอิง field. |
Status | [node:original:source:event-calendar-status] | Field "event_calendar_status". |
Sticky in lists | [node:original:source:sticky] | Whether the node is displayed at the top of lists in which it appears. |
Summary | [node:original:source:summary] | The summary of the node's main body text. |
Tags | [node:original:source:field_tags] | คำอ้างอิง field. |
Tags | [node:original:source:field-tags] | Field "field_tags". |
The information entered is correct. | [node:original:source:field_n] | บูลีน field. |
The information entered is correct. | [node:original:source:field-n] | Field "field_n". |
URL | [node:original:source:url] | The URL of the node. |
Vedio | [node:original:source:field-vedios:?] | Field "field_vedios". The following properties may be appended to the token: input (YouTube URL), video_id (YouTube Video ID) |
Vedio: Default | [node:original:source:field_vedios] | The YouTube video field value's Default (or Token if exists) view mode output. |
Vedio: Image URL | [node:original:source:field_vedios__youtube_image_url] | The YouTube video field value's local image URL. |
Vedio: Video URL | [node:original:source:field_vedios__youtube_video_url] | The YouTube video field value's URL. |
Vedio samui iland youtube | [node:original:source:field-vedio-samui-iland-youtube-:?] | Field "field_vedio_samui_iland_youtube_". The following properties may be appended to the token: input (YouTube URL), video_id (YouTube Video ID) |
Vedio samui iland youtube : Default | [node:original:source:field_vedio_samui_iland_youtube_] | The YouTube video field value's Default (or Token if exists) view mode output. |
Vedio samui iland youtube : Image URL | [node:original:source:field_vedio_samui_iland_youtube___youtube_image_url] | The YouTube video field value's local image URL. |
Vedio samui iland youtube : Video URL | [node:original:source:field_vedio_samui_iland_youtube___youtube_video_url] | The YouTube video field value's URL. |
Views today | [node:original:source:day-views] | The number of visitors who have read the node today. |
Views today | [node:original:source:day-count] | The number of visitors who have read the node today. |
กระดานสนทนา ถาม ตอบ | [node:original:source:taxonomy-forums] | Field "taxonomy_forums". |
กระดานสนทนา ถาม ตอบ | [node:original:source:taxonomy_forums] | คำอ้างอิง field. |
การแก้ไขการบันทึกข้อความ | [node:original:source:log] | The explanation of the most recent changes made to the node. |
จำนวนการเข้าชม | [node:original:source:total-count] | The number of visitors who have read the node. |
จำนวนการเข้าชม | [node:original:source:views] | The number of visitors who have read the node. |
ชนิดของเนื้อหา | [node:original:source:content-type] | The content type of the node. |
ระยะเวลาแบบสำรวจ | [node:original:source:poll-duration] | The length of time the poll is set to run. |
วันที่สร้าง | [node:original:source:created] | The date the node was posted. |
วันที่เปลี่ยนแปลง | [node:original:source:changed] | The date the node was most recently updated. |
สถานะ | [node:original:source:status] | Whether the node is published or unpublished. |
หัวข้อ | [node:original:source:title] | The title of the node. |
แก้ไข ID | [node:original:source:vid] | The unique ID of the node's latest revision. |
แก้ไข URL | [node:original:source:edit-url] | The URL of the node's edit page. |
URL | [node:original:url] | The URL of the node. |
Absolute URL | [node:original:url:absolute] | The absolute URL. |
Arguments | [node:original:url:args] | The specific argument of the current page (e.g. 'arg:1' on the page 'node/1' returns '1'). |
Brief URL | [node:original:url:brief] | The URL without the protocol and trailing backslash. |
Relative URL | [node:original:url:relative] | The relative URL. |
Unaliased URL | [node:original:url:unaliased] | The unaliased URL. |
ตำแหน่งพาธ | [node:original:url:path] | The path component of the URL. |
Vedio | [node:original:field-vedios:?] | Field "field_vedios". The following properties may be appended to the token: input (YouTube URL), video_id (YouTube Video ID) |
Vedio: Default | [node:original:field_vedios] | The YouTube video field value's Default (or Token if exists) view mode output. |
Vedio: Image URL | [node:original:field_vedios__youtube_image_url] | The YouTube video field value's local image URL. |
Vedio: Video URL | [node:original:field_vedios__youtube_video_url] | The YouTube video field value's URL. |
Vedio samui iland youtube | [node:original:field-vedio-samui-iland-youtube-:?] | Field "field_vedio_samui_iland_youtube_". The following properties may be appended to the token: input (YouTube URL), video_id (YouTube Video ID) |
Vedio samui iland youtube : Default | [node:original:field_vedio_samui_iland_youtube_] | The YouTube video field value's Default (or Token if exists) view mode output. |
Vedio samui iland youtube : Image URL | [node:original:field_vedio_samui_iland_youtube___youtube_image_url] | The YouTube video field value's local image URL. |
Vedio samui iland youtube : Video URL | [node:original:field_vedio_samui_iland_youtube___youtube_video_url] | The YouTube video field value's URL. |
Views today | [node:original:day-views] | The number of visitors who have read the node today. |
Views today | [node:original:day-count] | The number of visitors who have read the node today. |
กระดานสนทนา ถาม ตอบ | [node:original:taxonomy-forums] | Field "taxonomy_forums". |
All parent terms | [node:original:taxonomy-forums:parents-all] | Ancestors of the term, i.e. parent of all above hierarchy levels. |
Description (localized) | [node:original:taxonomy-forums:i18n-description] | The optional description of the taxonomy term. |
Name | [node:original:taxonomy-forums:name] | The name of the taxonomy term. |
Name (localized) | [node:original:taxonomy-forums:i18n-name] | The name of the taxonomy term. |
Name in current language | [node:original:taxonomy-forums:localized-name] | The name of the taxonomy term in current language. |
Node count | [node:original:taxonomy-forums:node-count] | The number of nodes tagged with the taxonomy term. |
Parents | [node:original:taxonomy-forums:parents] | An array of all the term's parents, starting with the root. |
Parent term (localized) | [node:original:taxonomy-forums:i18n-parent] | The parent term of the taxonomy term, if one exists. |
Root term | [node:original:taxonomy-forums:root] | The root term of the taxonomy term. |
Term ID | [node:original:taxonomy-forums:tid] | The unique ID of the taxonomy term. |
URL | [node:original:taxonomy-forums:url] | The URL of the taxonomy term. |
Vocabulary (localized) | [node:original:taxonomy-forums:i18n-vocabulary] | The vocabulary the taxonomy term belongs to. |
คำศัพท์ | [node:original:taxonomy-forums:vocabulary] | The vocabulary the taxonomy term belongs to. |
คำอธิบาย | [node:original:taxonomy-forums:description] | The optional description of the taxonomy term. |
น้ำหนัก | [node:original:taxonomy-forums:weight] | The weight of the term, which is used for ordering terms during display. |
ลำดับชั้นของ Term | [node:original:taxonomy-forums:parent] | The parent term of the taxonomy term, if one exists. |
แก้ไข URL | [node:original:taxonomy-forums:edit-url] | The URL of the taxonomy term's edit page. |
กระดานสนทนา ถาม ตอบ | [node:original:taxonomy_forums] | คำอ้างอิง field. |
การแก้ไขการบันทึกข้อความ | [node:original:log] | The explanation of the most recent changes made to the node. |
จำนวนการเข้าชม | [node:original:total-count] | The number of visitors who have read the node. |
จำนวนการเข้าชม | [node:original:views] | The number of visitors who have read the node. |
ชนิดของเนื้อหา | [node:original:content-type] | The content type of the node. |
Description (localized) | [node:original:content-type:i18n-description] | The optional description of the content type. |
Name | [node:original:content-type:name] | The name of the content type. |
Name (localized) | [node:original:content-type:i18n-name] | The name of the content type. |
Node count | [node:original:content-type:node-count] | The number of nodes belonging to the content type. |
คำอธิบาย | [node:original:content-type:description] | The optional description of the content type. |
ชื่อสำหรับอ้างอิง | [node:original:content-type:machine-name] | The unique machine-readable name of the content type. |
แก้ไข URL | [node:original:content-type:edit-url] | The URL of the content type's edit page. |
ระยะเวลาแบบสำรวจ | [node:original:poll-duration] | The length of time the poll is set to run. |
วันที่สร้าง | [node:original:created] | The date the node was posted. |
Availability Calendar date display | [node:original:created:availability_calendar_date_display] | A date in 'availability_calendar_date_display' format. (03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Availability Calendar date entry | [node:original:created:availability_calendar_date_entry] | A date in 'availability_calendar_date_entry' format. (03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Availability Calendar month caption | [node:original:created:availability_calendar_month_caption] | A date in 'availability_calendar_month_caption' format. (03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Hours am/pm | [node:original:created:hours_ampm] | A date in 'hours_ampm' format. (3:29 am) |
Long format | [node:original:created:long] | A date in 'long' format. (พุธ, มีนาคม 20, 2024 - 03:29) |
Medium format | [node:original:created:medium] | A date in 'medium' format. (พ, 03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Raw timestamp | [node:original:created:raw] | A date in UNIX timestamp format (1710880172) |
Short format | [node:original:created:short] | A date in 'short' format. (03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Studyroom Availability Date | [node:original:created:studyroom_availability_date] | A date in 'studyroom_availability_date' format. (พ, 03/20/2024) |
Time-since | [node:original:created:since] | A date in 'time-since' format. (54 ปี 3 เดือน) |
กำหนดรูปแบบเอง | [node:original:created:custom:?] | A date in a custom format. See the PHP documentation for details. |
วันที่เปลี่ยนแปลง | [node:original:changed] | The date the node was most recently updated. |
Availability Calendar date display | [node:original:changed:availability_calendar_date_display] | A date in 'availability_calendar_date_display' format. (03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Availability Calendar date entry | [node:original:changed:availability_calendar_date_entry] | A date in 'availability_calendar_date_entry' format. (03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Availability Calendar month caption | [node:original:changed:availability_calendar_month_caption] | A date in 'availability_calendar_month_caption' format. (03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Hours am/pm | [node:original:changed:hours_ampm] | A date in 'hours_ampm' format. (3:29 am) |
Long format | [node:original:changed:long] | A date in 'long' format. (พุธ, มีนาคม 20, 2024 - 03:29) |
Medium format | [node:original:changed:medium] | A date in 'medium' format. (พ, 03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Raw timestamp | [node:original:changed:raw] | A date in UNIX timestamp format (1710880172) |
Short format | [node:original:changed:short] | A date in 'short' format. (03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Studyroom Availability Date | [node:original:changed:studyroom_availability_date] | A date in 'studyroom_availability_date' format. (พ, 03/20/2024) |
Time-since | [node:original:changed:since] | A date in 'time-since' format. (54 ปี 3 เดือน) |
กำหนดรูปแบบเอง | [node:original:changed:custom:?] | A date in a custom format. See the PHP documentation for details. |
สถานะ | [node:original:status] | Whether the node is published or unpublished. |
หัวข้อ | [node:original:title] | The title of the node. |
แก้ไข ID | [node:original:vid] | The unique ID of the node's latest revision. |
แก้ไข URL | [node:original:edit-url] | The URL of the node's edit page. |
Poll votes | [node:poll-votes] | The number of votes that have been cast on a poll. |
Poll winner | [node:poll-winner] | The winning poll answer. |
Poll winner percent | [node:poll-winner-percent] | The percentage of votes received by the winning poll answer. |
Poll winner votes | [node:poll-winner-votes] | The number of votes received by the winning poll answer. |
Promoted to frontpage | [node:promote] | Whether the node is promoted to the frontpage. |
Slideshow Image | [node:field-slideshow-image:?] | Field "field_slideshow_image". The following properties may be appended to the token: file (The image file.) |
Slideshow Image | [node:field_slideshow_image] | Image field. |
Status | [node:event_calendar_status] | คำอ้างอิง field. |
Status | [node:event-calendar-status] | Field "event_calendar_status". |
All parent terms | [node:event-calendar-status:parents-all] | Ancestors of the term, i.e. parent of all above hierarchy levels. |
แง่อนุกรมวิธาน with delta 0 | [node:event-calendar-status:parents-all:0] | The list item with delta 0. Delta values start from 0 and are incremented by one per list item. |
แง่อนุกรมวิธาน with delta 1 | [node:event-calendar-status:parents-all:1] | The list item with delta 1. Delta values start from 0 and are incremented by one per list item. |
แง่อนุกรมวิธาน with delta 2 | [node:event-calendar-status:parents-all:2] | The list item with delta 2. Delta values start from 0 and are incremented by one per list item. |
แง่อนุกรมวิธาน with delta 3 | [node:event-calendar-status:parents-all:3] | The list item with delta 3. Delta values start from 0 and are incremented by one per list item. |
Description (localized) | [node:event-calendar-status:i18n-description] | The optional description of the taxonomy term. |
Name | [node:event-calendar-status:name] | The name of the taxonomy term. |
Name (localized) | [node:event-calendar-status:i18n-name] | The name of the taxonomy term. |
Name in current language | [node:event-calendar-status:localized-name] | The name of the taxonomy term in current language. |
Node count | [node:event-calendar-status:node-count] | The number of nodes tagged with the taxonomy term. |
Original taxonomy term | [node:event-calendar-status:original] | The original taxonomy term data if the taxonomy term is being updated or saved. |
All parent terms | [node:event-calendar-status:original:parents-all] | Ancestors of the term, i.e. parent of all above hierarchy levels. |
Description (localized) | [node:event-calendar-status:original:i18n-description] | The optional description of the taxonomy term. |
Name | [node:event-calendar-status:original:name] | The name of the taxonomy term. |
Name (localized) | [node:event-calendar-status:original:i18n-name] | The name of the taxonomy term. |
Name in current language | [node:event-calendar-status:original:localized-name] | The name of the taxonomy term in current language. |
Node count | [node:event-calendar-status:original:node-count] | The number of nodes tagged with the taxonomy term. |
Parents | [node:event-calendar-status:original:parents] | An array of all the term's parents, starting with the root. |
Parent term (localized) | [node:event-calendar-status:original:i18n-parent] | The parent term of the taxonomy term, if one exists. |
Root term | [node:event-calendar-status:original:root] | The root term of the taxonomy term. |
Term ID | [node:event-calendar-status:original:tid] | The unique ID of the taxonomy term. |
URL | [node:event-calendar-status:original:url] | The URL of the taxonomy term. |
Vocabulary (localized) | [node:event-calendar-status:original:i18n-vocabulary] | The vocabulary the taxonomy term belongs to. |
คำศัพท์ | [node:event-calendar-status:original:vocabulary] | The vocabulary the taxonomy term belongs to. |
คำอธิบาย | [node:event-calendar-status:original:description] | The optional description of the taxonomy term. |
น้ำหนัก | [node:event-calendar-status:original:weight] | The weight of the term, which is used for ordering terms during display. |
ลำดับชั้นของ Term | [node:event-calendar-status:original:parent] | The parent term of the taxonomy term, if one exists. |
แก้ไข URL | [node:event-calendar-status:original:edit-url] | The URL of the taxonomy term's edit page. |
Parents | [node:event-calendar-status:parents] | An array of all the term's parents, starting with the root. |
First | [node:event-calendar-status:parents:first] | The first element of the array. |
Imploded | [node:event-calendar-status:parents:join:?] | The values of the array joined together with a custom string in-between each value. |
Joined path | [node:event-calendar-status:parents:join-path] | The array values each cleaned by Pathauto and then joined with the slash into a string that resembles an URL. |
Keys | [node:event-calendar-status:parents:keys] | The array of keys of the array. |
Last | [node:event-calendar-status:parents:last] | The last element of the array. |
Reversed | [node:event-calendar-status:parents:reversed] | The array reversed. |
Value | [node:event-calendar-status:parents:value:?] | The specific value of the array. |
จำนวน | [node:event-calendar-status:parents:count] | The number of elements in the array. |
Parent term (localized) | [node:event-calendar-status:i18n-parent] | The parent term of the taxonomy term, if one exists. |
All parent terms | [node:event-calendar-status:i18n-parent:parents-all] | Ancestors of the term, i.e. parent of all above hierarchy levels. |
Description (localized) | [node:event-calendar-status:i18n-parent:i18n-description] | The optional description of the taxonomy term. |
Name | [node:event-calendar-status:i18n-parent:name] | The name of the taxonomy term. |
Name (localized) | [node:event-calendar-status:i18n-parent:i18n-name] | The name of the taxonomy term. |
Name in current language | [node:event-calendar-status:i18n-parent:localized-name] | The name of the taxonomy term in current language. |
Node count | [node:event-calendar-status:i18n-parent:node-count] | The number of nodes tagged with the taxonomy term. |
Original taxonomy term | [node:event-calendar-status:i18n-parent:original] | The original taxonomy term data if the taxonomy term is being updated or saved. |
Parents | [node:event-calendar-status:i18n-parent:parents] | An array of all the term's parents, starting with the root. |
Root term | [node:event-calendar-status:i18n-parent:root] | The root term of the taxonomy term. |
Term ID | [node:event-calendar-status:i18n-parent:tid] | The unique ID of the taxonomy term. |
URL | [node:event-calendar-status:i18n-parent:url] | The URL of the taxonomy term. |
Vocabulary (localized) | [node:event-calendar-status:i18n-parent:i18n-vocabulary] | The vocabulary the taxonomy term belongs to. |
คำศัพท์ | [node:event-calendar-status:i18n-parent:vocabulary] | The vocabulary the taxonomy term belongs to. |
คำอธิบาย | [node:event-calendar-status:i18n-parent:description] | The optional description of the taxonomy term. |
น้ำหนัก | [node:event-calendar-status:i18n-parent:weight] | The weight of the term, which is used for ordering terms during display. |
ลำดับชั้นของ Term | [node:event-calendar-status:i18n-parent:parent] | The parent term of the taxonomy term, if one exists. |
แก้ไข URL | [node:event-calendar-status:i18n-parent:edit-url] | The URL of the taxonomy term's edit page. |
Root term | [node:event-calendar-status:root] | The root term of the taxonomy term. |
All parent terms | [node:event-calendar-status:root:parents-all] | Ancestors of the term, i.e. parent of all above hierarchy levels. |
Description (localized) | [node:event-calendar-status:root:i18n-description] | The optional description of the taxonomy term. |
Name | [node:event-calendar-status:root:name] | The name of the taxonomy term. |
Name (localized) | [node:event-calendar-status:root:i18n-name] | The name of the taxonomy term. |
Name in current language | [node:event-calendar-status:root:localized-name] | The name of the taxonomy term in current language. |
Node count | [node:event-calendar-status:root:node-count] | The number of nodes tagged with the taxonomy term. |
Original taxonomy term | [node:event-calendar-status:root:original] | The original taxonomy term data if the taxonomy term is being updated or saved. |
Parents | [node:event-calendar-status:root:parents] | An array of all the term's parents, starting with the root. |
Parent term (localized) | [node:event-calendar-status:root:i18n-parent] | The parent term of the taxonomy term, if one exists. |
Term ID | [node:event-calendar-status:root:tid] | The unique ID of the taxonomy term. |
URL | [node:event-calendar-status:root:url] | The URL of the taxonomy term. |
Vocabulary (localized) | [node:event-calendar-status:root:i18n-vocabulary] | The vocabulary the taxonomy term belongs to. |
คำศัพท์ | [node:event-calendar-status:root:vocabulary] | The vocabulary the taxonomy term belongs to. |
คำอธิบาย | [node:event-calendar-status:root:description] | The optional description of the taxonomy term. |
น้ำหนัก | [node:event-calendar-status:root:weight] | The weight of the term, which is used for ordering terms during display. |
ลำดับชั้นของ Term | [node:event-calendar-status:root:parent] | The parent term of the taxonomy term, if one exists. |
แก้ไข URL | [node:event-calendar-status:root:edit-url] | The URL of the taxonomy term's edit page. |
Term ID | [node:event-calendar-status:tid] | The unique ID of the taxonomy term. |
URL | [node:event-calendar-status:url] | The URL of the taxonomy term. |
Absolute URL | [node:event-calendar-status:url:absolute] | The absolute URL. |
Arguments | [node:event-calendar-status:url:args] | The specific argument of the current page (e.g. 'arg:1' on the page 'node/1' returns '1'). |
Brief URL | [node:event-calendar-status:url:brief] | The URL without the protocol and trailing backslash. |
Relative URL | [node:event-calendar-status:url:relative] | The relative URL. |
Unaliased URL | [node:event-calendar-status:url:unaliased] | The unaliased URL. |
ตำแหน่งพาธ | [node:event-calendar-status:url:path] | The path component of the URL. |
Vocabulary (localized) | [node:event-calendar-status:i18n-vocabulary] | The vocabulary the taxonomy term belongs to. |
Description (localized) | [node:event-calendar-status:i18n-vocabulary:i18n-description] | The optional description of the taxonomy vocabulary. |
Name | [node:event-calendar-status:i18n-vocabulary:name] | The name of the taxonomy vocabulary. |
Name (localized) | [node:event-calendar-status:i18n-vocabulary:i18n-name] | The name of the taxonomy vocabulary. |
Node count | [node:event-calendar-status:i18n-vocabulary:node-count] | The number of nodes tagged with terms belonging to the taxonomy vocabulary. |
Original คำศัพท์จำแนกประเภท | [node:event-calendar-status:i18n-vocabulary:original] | The original คำศัพท์จำแนกประเภท data if the คำศัพท์จำแนกประเภท is being updated or saved. |
Term count | [node:event-calendar-status:i18n-vocabulary:term-count] | The number of terms belonging to the taxonomy vocabulary. |
Vocabulary ID | [node:event-calendar-status:i18n-vocabulary:vid] | The unique ID of the taxonomy vocabulary. |
คำอธิบาย | [node:event-calendar-status:i18n-vocabulary:description] | The optional description of the taxonomy vocabulary. |
ชื่อสำหรับอ้างอิง | [node:event-calendar-status:i18n-vocabulary:machine-name] | The unique machine-readable name of the vocabulary. |
แก้ไข URL | [node:event-calendar-status:i18n-vocabulary:edit-url] | The URL of the vocabulary's edit page. |
คำศัพท์ | [node:event-calendar-status:vocabulary] | The vocabulary the taxonomy term belongs to. |
Description (localized) | [node:event-calendar-status:vocabulary:i18n-description] | The optional description of the taxonomy vocabulary. |
Name | [node:event-calendar-status:vocabulary:name] | The name of the taxonomy vocabulary. |
Name (localized) | [node:event-calendar-status:vocabulary:i18n-name] | The name of the taxonomy vocabulary. |
Node count | [node:event-calendar-status:vocabulary:node-count] | The number of nodes tagged with terms belonging to the taxonomy vocabulary. |
Original คำศัพท์จำแนกประเภท | [node:event-calendar-status:vocabulary:original] | The original คำศัพท์จำแนกประเภท data if the คำศัพท์จำแนกประเภท is being updated or saved. |
Term count | [node:event-calendar-status:vocabulary:term-count] | The number of terms belonging to the taxonomy vocabulary. |
Vocabulary ID | [node:event-calendar-status:vocabulary:vid] | The unique ID of the taxonomy vocabulary. |
คำอธิบาย | [node:event-calendar-status:vocabulary:description] | The optional description of the taxonomy vocabulary. |
ชื่อสำหรับอ้างอิง | [node:event-calendar-status:vocabulary:machine-name] | The unique machine-readable name of the vocabulary. |
แก้ไข URL | [node:event-calendar-status:vocabulary:edit-url] | The URL of the vocabulary's edit page. |
คำอธิบาย | [node:event-calendar-status:description] | The optional description of the taxonomy term. |
น้ำหนัก | [node:event-calendar-status:weight] | The weight of the term, which is used for ordering terms during display. |
ลำดับชั้นของ Term | [node:event-calendar-status:parent] | The parent term of the taxonomy term, if one exists. |
All parent terms | [node:event-calendar-status:parent:parents-all] | Ancestors of the term, i.e. parent of all above hierarchy levels. |
Description (localized) | [node:event-calendar-status:parent:i18n-description] | The optional description of the taxonomy term. |
Name | [node:event-calendar-status:parent:name] | The name of the taxonomy term. |
Name (localized) | [node:event-calendar-status:parent:i18n-name] | The name of the taxonomy term. |
Name in current language | [node:event-calendar-status:parent:localized-name] | The name of the taxonomy term in current language. |
Node count | [node:event-calendar-status:parent:node-count] | The number of nodes tagged with the taxonomy term. |
Original taxonomy term | [node:event-calendar-status:parent:original] | The original taxonomy term data if the taxonomy term is being updated or saved. |
Parents | [node:event-calendar-status:parent:parents] | An array of all the term's parents, starting with the root. |
Parent term (localized) | [node:event-calendar-status:parent:i18n-parent] | The parent term of the taxonomy term, if one exists. |
Root term | [node:event-calendar-status:parent:root] | The root term of the taxonomy term. |
Term ID | [node:event-calendar-status:parent:tid] | The unique ID of the taxonomy term. |
URL | [node:event-calendar-status:parent:url] | The URL of the taxonomy term. |
Vocabulary (localized) | [node:event-calendar-status:parent:i18n-vocabulary] | The vocabulary the taxonomy term belongs to. |
คำศัพท์ | [node:event-calendar-status:parent:vocabulary] | The vocabulary the taxonomy term belongs to. |
คำอธิบาย | [node:event-calendar-status:parent:description] | The optional description of the taxonomy term. |
น้ำหนัก | [node:event-calendar-status:parent:weight] | The weight of the term, which is used for ordering terms during display. |
แก้ไข URL | [node:event-calendar-status:parent:edit-url] | The URL of the taxonomy term's edit page. |
แก้ไข URL | [node:event-calendar-status:edit-url] | The URL of the taxonomy term's edit page. |
Sticky in lists | [node:sticky] | Whether the node is displayed at the top of lists in which it appears. |
Summary | [node:summary] | The summary of the node's main body text. |
Tags | [node:field_tags] | คำอ้างอิง field. |
Tags | [node:field-tags] | Field "field_tags". |
แง่อนุกรมวิธาน with delta 0 | [node:field-tags:0] | The list item with delta 0. Delta values start from 0 and are incremented by one per list item. |
All parent terms | [node:field-tags:0:parents-all] | Ancestors of the term, i.e. parent of all above hierarchy levels. |
Description (localized) | [node:field-tags:0:i18n-description] | The optional description of the taxonomy term. |
Name | [node:field-tags:0:name] | The name of the taxonomy term. |
Name (localized) | [node:field-tags:0:i18n-name] | The name of the taxonomy term. |
Name in current language | [node:field-tags:0:localized-name] | The name of the taxonomy term in current language. |
Node count | [node:field-tags:0:node-count] | The number of nodes tagged with the taxonomy term. |
Original taxonomy term | [node:field-tags:0:original] | The original taxonomy term data if the taxonomy term is being updated or saved. |
Parents | [node:field-tags:0:parents] | An array of all the term's parents, starting with the root. |
Parent term (localized) | [node:field-tags:0:i18n-parent] | The parent term of the taxonomy term, if one exists. |
Root term | [node:field-tags:0:root] | The root term of the taxonomy term. |
Term ID | [node:field-tags:0:tid] | The unique ID of the taxonomy term. |
URL | [node:field-tags:0:url] | The URL of the taxonomy term. |
Vocabulary (localized) | [node:field-tags:0:i18n-vocabulary] | The vocabulary the taxonomy term belongs to. |
คำศัพท์ | [node:field-tags:0:vocabulary] | The vocabulary the taxonomy term belongs to. |
คำอธิบาย | [node:field-tags:0:description] | The optional description of the taxonomy term. |
น้ำหนัก | [node:field-tags:0:weight] | The weight of the term, which is used for ordering terms during display. |
ลำดับชั้นของ Term | [node:field-tags:0:parent] | The parent term of the taxonomy term, if one exists. |
แก้ไข URL | [node:field-tags:0:edit-url] | The URL of the taxonomy term's edit page. |
แง่อนุกรมวิธาน with delta 1 | [node:field-tags:1] | The list item with delta 1. Delta values start from 0 and are incremented by one per list item. |
All parent terms | [node:field-tags:1:parents-all] | Ancestors of the term, i.e. parent of all above hierarchy levels. |
Description (localized) | [node:field-tags:1:i18n-description] | The optional description of the taxonomy term. |
Name | [node:field-tags:1:name] | The name of the taxonomy term. |
Name (localized) | [node:field-tags:1:i18n-name] | The name of the taxonomy term. |
Name in current language | [node:field-tags:1:localized-name] | The name of the taxonomy term in current language. |
Node count | [node:field-tags:1:node-count] | The number of nodes tagged with the taxonomy term. |
Original taxonomy term | [node:field-tags:1:original] | The original taxonomy term data if the taxonomy term is being updated or saved. |
Parents | [node:field-tags:1:parents] | An array of all the term's parents, starting with the root. |
Parent term (localized) | [node:field-tags:1:i18n-parent] | The parent term of the taxonomy term, if one exists. |
Root term | [node:field-tags:1:root] | The root term of the taxonomy term. |
Term ID | [node:field-tags:1:tid] | The unique ID of the taxonomy term. |
URL | [node:field-tags:1:url] | The URL of the taxonomy term. |
Vocabulary (localized) | [node:field-tags:1:i18n-vocabulary] | The vocabulary the taxonomy term belongs to. |
คำศัพท์ | [node:field-tags:1:vocabulary] | The vocabulary the taxonomy term belongs to. |
คำอธิบาย | [node:field-tags:1:description] | The optional description of the taxonomy term. |
น้ำหนัก | [node:field-tags:1:weight] | The weight of the term, which is used for ordering terms during display. |
ลำดับชั้นของ Term | [node:field-tags:1:parent] | The parent term of the taxonomy term, if one exists. |
แก้ไข URL | [node:field-tags:1:edit-url] | The URL of the taxonomy term's edit page. |
แง่อนุกรมวิธาน with delta 2 | [node:field-tags:2] | The list item with delta 2. Delta values start from 0 and are incremented by one per list item. |
All parent terms | [node:field-tags:2:parents-all] | Ancestors of the term, i.e. parent of all above hierarchy levels. |
Description (localized) | [node:field-tags:2:i18n-description] | The optional description of the taxonomy term. |
Name | [node:field-tags:2:name] | The name of the taxonomy term. |
Name (localized) | [node:field-tags:2:i18n-name] | The name of the taxonomy term. |
Name in current language | [node:field-tags:2:localized-name] | The name of the taxonomy term in current language. |
Node count | [node:field-tags:2:node-count] | The number of nodes tagged with the taxonomy term. |
Original taxonomy term | [node:field-tags:2:original] | The original taxonomy term data if the taxonomy term is being updated or saved. |
Parents | [node:field-tags:2:parents] | An array of all the term's parents, starting with the root. |
Parent term (localized) | [node:field-tags:2:i18n-parent] | The parent term of the taxonomy term, if one exists. |
Root term | [node:field-tags:2:root] | The root term of the taxonomy term. |
Term ID | [node:field-tags:2:tid] | The unique ID of the taxonomy term. |
URL | [node:field-tags:2:url] | The URL of the taxonomy term. |
Vocabulary (localized) | [node:field-tags:2:i18n-vocabulary] | The vocabulary the taxonomy term belongs to. |
คำศัพท์ | [node:field-tags:2:vocabulary] | The vocabulary the taxonomy term belongs to. |
คำอธิบาย | [node:field-tags:2:description] | The optional description of the taxonomy term. |
น้ำหนัก | [node:field-tags:2:weight] | The weight of the term, which is used for ordering terms during display. |
ลำดับชั้นของ Term | [node:field-tags:2:parent] | The parent term of the taxonomy term, if one exists. |
แก้ไข URL | [node:field-tags:2:edit-url] | The URL of the taxonomy term's edit page. |
แง่อนุกรมวิธาน with delta 3 | [node:field-tags:3] | The list item with delta 3. Delta values start from 0 and are incremented by one per list item. |
All parent terms | [node:field-tags:3:parents-all] | Ancestors of the term, i.e. parent of all above hierarchy levels. |
Description (localized) | [node:field-tags:3:i18n-description] | The optional description of the taxonomy term. |
Name | [node:field-tags:3:name] | The name of the taxonomy term. |
Name (localized) | [node:field-tags:3:i18n-name] | The name of the taxonomy term. |
Name in current language | [node:field-tags:3:localized-name] | The name of the taxonomy term in current language. |
Node count | [node:field-tags:3:node-count] | The number of nodes tagged with the taxonomy term. |
Original taxonomy term | [node:field-tags:3:original] | The original taxonomy term data if the taxonomy term is being updated or saved. |
Parents | [node:field-tags:3:parents] | An array of all the term's parents, starting with the root. |
Parent term (localized) | [node:field-tags:3:i18n-parent] | The parent term of the taxonomy term, if one exists. |
Root term | [node:field-tags:3:root] | The root term of the taxonomy term. |
Term ID | [node:field-tags:3:tid] | The unique ID of the taxonomy term. |
URL | [node:field-tags:3:url] | The URL of the taxonomy term. |
Vocabulary (localized) | [node:field-tags:3:i18n-vocabulary] | The vocabulary the taxonomy term belongs to. |
คำศัพท์ | [node:field-tags:3:vocabulary] | The vocabulary the taxonomy term belongs to. |
คำอธิบาย | [node:field-tags:3:description] | The optional description of the taxonomy term. |
น้ำหนัก | [node:field-tags:3:weight] | The weight of the term, which is used for ordering terms during display. |
ลำดับชั้นของ Term | [node:field-tags:3:parent] | The parent term of the taxonomy term, if one exists. |
แก้ไข URL | [node:field-tags:3:edit-url] | The URL of the taxonomy term's edit page. |
The information entered is correct. | [node:field_n] | บูลีน field. |
The information entered is correct. | [node:field-n] | Field "field_n". |
Translation source node | [node:source] | The source node for this current node's translation set. |
Address compay | [node:source:field_address_compay] | Geofield field. |
Address compay | [node:source:field-address-compay:?] | Field "field_address_compay". The following properties may be appended to the token: geom (Well-known text), geo_type (Geo Type), lat (Latitude), lon (Longitude), left (Left Latitude), top (Top Longitude), right (Right Latitude), bottom (Bottom Longitude), srid (Projection (SRID)), latlon (LatLong Pair), schemaorg_shape ( Shape) |
Author | [node:source:author] | The author of the node. |
Account cancellation URL | [node:source:author:cancel-url] | The URL of the confirm delete page for the user account. |
Last access | [node:source:author:last-access] | The date the user last accessed the site. |
Location | [node:source:author:location] | The location for this user. |
Name | [node:source:author:name] | The login name of the user account. |
One-time login URL | [node:source:author:one-time-login-url] | The URL of the one-time login page for the user account. |
Original user | [node:source:author:original] | The original user data if the user is being updated or saved. |
Roles | [node:source:author:roles] | The user roles associated with the user account. |
URL | [node:source:author:url] | The URL of the account profile page. |
User role ids | [node:source:author:role-ids] | The role ids the user account is a member of as comma separated list. |
User role names | [node:source:author:role-names] | The role names the user account is a member of as comma separated list. |
ธีมเริ่มต้น | [node:source:author:theme] | The user's default theme. |
รหัสผู้ใช้ | [node:source:author:uid] | The unique ID of the user account. |
รูปภาพ | [node:source:author:picture] | The picture of the user. |
สถานะ | [node:source:author:status] | Whether the user is active or blocked. |
สร้างเมื่อ | [node:source:author:created] | The date the user account was created. |
อีเมล | [node:source:author:mail] | The email address of the user account. |
เข้าสู่ระบบล่าสุด | [node:source:author:last-login] | The date the user last logged in to the site. |
แก้ไข URL | [node:source:author:edit-url] | The URL of the account edit page. |
Availability | [node:source:field_availability] | Rooms Availability Reference field. |
Bill money | [node:source:field_bill_money] | Image field. |
Bill money | [node:source:field-bill-money:?] | Field "field_bill_money". The following properties may be appended to the token: file (The image file.) |
Block location fried | [node:source:field-block-location-frieds:?] | Field "field_block_location_frieds". The following properties may be appended to the token: geom (Well-known text), geo_type (Geo Type), lat (Latitude), lon (Longitude), left (Left Latitude), top (Top Longitude), right (Right Latitude), bottom (Bottom Longitude), srid (Projection (SRID)), latlon (LatLong Pair), schemaorg_shape ( Shape) |
Block location fried | [node:source:field_block_location_frieds] | Geofield field. |
Body | [node:source:body:?] | The main body text of the node. The following properties may be appended to the token: value (ข้อความ), summary (Summary), format (รูปแบบข้อความ) |
Content ID | [node:source:nid] | The unique ID of the content item, or "node". |
Creates revision | [node:source:revision] | Whether saving this node creates a new revision. |
Date | [node:source:event_calendar_date] | วันที่ field. |
Date | [node:source:event-calendar-date:?] | Field "event_calendar_date". The following properties may be appended to the token: value (Start date), value2 (End date), duration (Duration) |
Description | [node:source:field_description] | Long text and summary field. |
Description | [node:source:field-description:?] | Field "field_description". The following properties may be appended to the token: value (ข้อความ), summary (Summary), format (รูปแบบข้อความ) |
Email customer | [node:source:field_email_customer] | ข้อความ field. |
Email customer | [node:source:field-email-customer] | Field "field_email_customer". |
FlexSlider Example Image | [node:source:field-flexslider-example-image:?] | Field "field_flexslider_example_image". The following properties may be appended to the token: file (The image file.) |
FlexSlider Example Image | [node:source:field_flexslider_example_image] | Image field. |
FlexSlider Example Slideshow | [node:source:field_flexslider_example_slidesh] | Image field. |
FlexSlider Example Slideshow | [node:source:field-flexslider-example-slidesh:?] | Field "field_flexslider_example_slidesh". The following properties may be appended to the token: file (The image file.), title (The "Title" attribute text) |
Full name | [node:source:field-full-name-or-order] | Field "field_full_name_or_order". |
Address | [node:source:field-full-name-or-order:commerce-customer-address:?] | Field "commerce_customer_address". The following properties may be appended to the token: country (ประเทศ), name_line (ชื่อเต็ม), first_name (ชื่อจริง), last_name (นามสกุล), organisation_name (บริษัท), administrative_area (Administrative area (i.e. State / Province)), sub_administrative_area (Sub administrative area), locality (Locality (i.e. City)), dependent_locality (Dependent locality), postal_code (รหัสไปรษณีย์), thoroughfare (ที่อยู่ถนน), premise (Premise (i.e. Apartment / Suite number)), sub_premise (Sub Premise (i.e. Suite, Apartment, Floor, Unknown.) |
Address | [node:source:field-full-name-or-order:commerce_customer_address] | Postal address field. |
Customer profile ID | [node:source:field-full-name-or-order:customer-profile-id] | The unique numeric ID of the customer profile. |
Customer profile owner | [node:source:field-full-name-or-order:owner] | The user the customer profile belongs to. |
Customer profile type | [node:source:field-full-name-or-order:type] | The type of the customer profile. |
Customer profile type name | [node:source:field-full-name-or-order:type-name] | The type name of the customer profile. |
Date updated | [node:source:field-full-name-or-order:changed] | The date the customer profile was last updated. |
Original commerce customer profile | [node:source:field-full-name-or-order:original] | The original commerce customer profile data if the commerce customer profile is being updated or saved. |
Profile ID | [node:source:field-full-name-or-order:profile-id] | The internal numeric ID of the customer profile. |
URL | [node:source:field-full-name-or-order:url] | The URL of the commerce customer profile. |
User | [node:source:field-full-name-or-order:user] | The user the customer profile belongs to. |
รหัสผู้ใช้ | [node:source:field-full-name-or-order:uid] | The unique ID of the user the customer profile belongs to. |
วันที่สร้าง | [node:source:field-full-name-or-order:created] | The date the customer profile was created. |
สถานะ | [node:source:field-full-name-or-order:status] | Whether or not the customer profile is active. |
แก้ไข ID | [node:source:field-full-name-or-order:revision-id] | The unique ID of the customer profile's latest revision. |
Full name | [node:source:field_full_name_or_order] | Entity Reference field. |
Image | [node:source:field-image:?] | Field "field_image". The following properties may be appended to the token: file (The image file.), alt (The "Alt" attribute text) |
Image_home | [node:source:field-image-home:?] | Field "field_image_home". The following properties may be appended to the token: file (The image file.) |
Image_home | [node:source:field_image_home] | Image field. |
Images | [node:source:field_image] | Image field. Also known as Image. |
Images | [node:source:field_images] | Image field. |
Images | [node:source:field-images:?] | Field "field_images". The following properties may be appended to the token: file (The image file.) |
Is new | [node:source:is-new] | Whether the node is new and not saved to the database yet. |
Language | [node:source:language] | The language the node is written in. |
Last view | [node:source:last-view] | The date on which a visitor last read the node. |
Availability Calendar date display | [node:source:last-view:availability_calendar_date_display] | A date in 'availability_calendar_date_display' format. (03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Availability Calendar date entry | [node:source:last-view:availability_calendar_date_entry] | A date in 'availability_calendar_date_entry' format. (03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Availability Calendar month caption | [node:source:last-view:availability_calendar_month_caption] | A date in 'availability_calendar_month_caption' format. (03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Hours am/pm | [node:source:last-view:hours_ampm] | A date in 'hours_ampm' format. (3:29 am) |
Long format | [node:source:last-view:long] | A date in 'long' format. (พุธ, มีนาคม 20, 2024 - 03:29) |
Medium format | [node:source:last-view:medium] | A date in 'medium' format. (พ, 03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Raw timestamp | [node:source:last-view:raw] | A date in UNIX timestamp format (1710880172) |
Short format | [node:source:last-view:short] | A date in 'short' format. (03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Studyroom Availability Date | [node:source:last-view:studyroom_availability_date] | A date in 'studyroom_availability_date' format. (พ, 03/20/2024) |
Time-since | [node:source:last-view:since] | A date in 'time-since' format. (54 ปี 3 เดือน) |
กำหนดรูปแบบเอง | [node:source:last-view:custom:?] | A date in a custom format. See the PHP documentation for details. |
Location | [node:source:location] | The location for this node. |
Additional | [node:source:location:additional:?] | Additional (If there are multiple locations, N is the iteration, starting with 0). |
Country Name | [node:source:location:country_name:?] | Country Name (If there are multiple locations, N is the iteration, starting with 0). |
Latitude | [node:source:location:latitude:?] | Latitude (If there are multiple locations, N is the iteration, starting with 0). |
Location Name | [node:source:location:name:?] | Location Name (If there are multiple locations, N is the iteration, starting with 0). |
Longitude | [node:source:location:longitude:?] | Longitude (If there are multiple locations, N is the iteration, starting with 0). |
Postal Code | [node:source:location:postal_code:?] | Postal Code (If there are multiple locations, N is the iteration, starting with 0). |
State/Province Name | [node:source:location:province_name:?] | State/Province Name (If there are multiple locations, N is the iteration, starting with 0). |
Street | [node:source:location:street:?] | Street (If there are multiple locations, N is the iteration, starting with 0). |
ประเทศ | [node:source:location:country:?] | Country (If there are multiple locations, N is the iteration, starting with 0). |
รัฐ / จังหวัด | [node:source:location:province:?] | State/Province (If there are multiple locations, N is the iteration, starting with 0). |
เมือง | [node:source:location:city:?] | City (If there are multiple locations, N is the iteration, starting with 0). |
Order | [node:source:field_order] | Entity Reference field. |
Order | [node:source:field-order] | Field "field_order". |
Billing information | [node:source:field-order:commerce-customer-billing] | Field "commerce_customer_billing". |
Billing information | [node:source:field-order:commerce_customer_billing] | Customer profile reference field. |
Cancel date | [node:source:field-order:field-commerce-billy-cancel-date] | Field "field_commerce_billy_cancel_date". |
Cancel date | [node:source:field-order:field_commerce_billy_cancel_date] | Date (Unix timestamp) field. |
Coupons | [node:source:field-order:commerce_coupons] | Entity Reference field. |
Coupons | [node:source:field-order:commerce-coupons] | Field "commerce_coupons". |
Create revision | [node:source:field-order:revision] | Whether or not saving this order creates a new revision. |
Date placed | [node:source:field-order:placed] | The date the order was placed i.e. checkout was completed. |
Discount reference | [node:source:field-order:commerce_discounts] | Entity Reference field. |
Discount reference | [node:source:field-order:commerce-discounts] | Field "commerce_discounts". |
Expiration (formatted) | [node:source:field-order:expiration-formatted] | The time left until this order expires. Formatted by theme_commerce_cart_expiration(). |
Expiration (raw) | [node:source:field-order:expiration-raw] | The raw time left until this order expires in seconds. |
Host name | [node:source:field-order:hostname] | The IP address that created this order. |
Invoice date | [node:source:field-order:field-commerce-billy-i-date] | Field "field_commerce_billy_i_date". |
Invoice date | [node:source:field-order:field_commerce_billy_i_date] | Date (Unix timestamp) field. |
Line items | [node:source:field-order:commerce-line-items] | Field "commerce_line_items". |
Line items | [node:source:field-order:commerce_line_items] | Line item reference field. |
Order ID | [node:source:field-order:order-id] | The unique numeric ID of the order. |
Order e-mail | [node:source:field-order:mail] | The e-mail address associated with the order. |
Order e-mail prepared for username usage | [node:source:field-order:mail-username] | The e-mail address associated with this order with illegal characters for usernames replaced. |
Order number | [node:source:field-order:order-number] | The order number displayed to the customer. |
Order state | [node:source:field-order:state] | The current state of the order. |
Order state title | [node:source:field-order:state-title] | The human-readable title of the order state. |
Order status | [node:source:field-order:status] | The current status of the order. |
Order status title | [node:source:field-order:status-title] | The human-readable title of the order status. |
Order total | [node:source:field-order:commerce-order-total:?] | Field "commerce_order_total". The following properties may be appended to the token: amount (Amount), amount_decimal (Amount (decimal)), currency_code (Currency), data (Data) |
Order total | [node:source:field-order:commerce_order_total] | ราคา field. |
Order type | [node:source:field-order:type] | The type of the order. |
Order type name | [node:source:field-order:type-name] | The human-readable name of the order type. |
Original commerce order | [node:source:field-order:original] | The original commerce order data if the commerce order is being updated or saved. |
Owner ID | [node:source:field-order:uid] | The unique ID of the order owner. |
Payment method display title | [node:source:field-order:payment-method-display-title] | The checkout form oriented display title of the payment method for the payment transaction. |
Payment method short title | [node:source:field-order:payment-method-short-title] | The customer oriented short title of the payment method selected by the customer during checkout. |
Payment method title | [node:source:field-order:payment-method-title] | The administrative title of the payment method selected by the customer during checkout. |
URL | [node:source:field-order:url] | The URL of the order. |
URL | [node:source:field-order:admin-url] | The URL for administrators to view the order. |
URL | [node:source:field-order:customer-url] | The URL for customers to view the order. |
View URL | [node:source:field-order:view-url] | The URL a customer can visit to view the order. |
วันที่สร้าง | [node:source:field-order:created] | The date the order was created. |
วันที่เปลี่ยนแปลง | [node:source:field-order:changed] | The date the order was last updated. |
วิธีการชำระเงิน | [node:source:field-order:payment-method] | The method_id of the payment method selected by the customer during checkout. |
เจ้าของ | [node:source:field-order:owner] | The owner of the order. |
แก้ไข ID | [node:source:field-order:revision-id] | The unique ID of the order's latest revision. |
แก้ไข URL | [node:source:field-order:edit-url] | The URL of the order's edit page. |
Original node | [node:source:original] | The original node data if the node is being updated or saved. |
Address compay | [node:source:original:field_address_compay] | Geofield field. |
Address compay | [node:source:original:field-address-compay:?] | Field "field_address_compay". The following properties may be appended to the token: geom (Well-known text), geo_type (Geo Type), lat (Latitude), lon (Longitude), left (Left Latitude), top (Top Longitude), right (Right Latitude), bottom (Bottom Longitude), srid (Projection (SRID)), latlon (LatLong Pair), schemaorg_shape ( Shape) |
Author | [node:source:original:author] | The author of the node. |
Availability | [node:source:original:field_availability] | Rooms Availability Reference field. |
Bill money | [node:source:original:field_bill_money] | Image field. |
Bill money | [node:source:original:field-bill-money:?] | Field "field_bill_money". The following properties may be appended to the token: file (The image file.) |
Block location fried | [node:source:original:field-block-location-frieds:?] | Field "field_block_location_frieds". The following properties may be appended to the token: geom (Well-known text), geo_type (Geo Type), lat (Latitude), lon (Longitude), left (Left Latitude), top (Top Longitude), right (Right Latitude), bottom (Bottom Longitude), srid (Projection (SRID)), latlon (LatLong Pair), schemaorg_shape ( Shape) |
Block location fried | [node:source:original:field_block_location_frieds] | Geofield field. |
Body | [node:source:original:body:?] | The main body text of the node. The following properties may be appended to the token: value (ข้อความ), summary (Summary), format (รูปแบบข้อความ) |
Content ID | [node:source:original:nid] | The unique ID of the content item, or "node". |
Creates revision | [node:source:original:revision] | Whether saving this node creates a new revision. |
Date | [node:source:original:event_calendar_date] | วันที่ field. |
Date | [node:source:original:event-calendar-date:?] | Field "event_calendar_date". The following properties may be appended to the token: value (Start date), value2 (End date), duration (Duration) |
Description | [node:source:original:field_description] | Long text and summary field. |
Description | [node:source:original:field-description:?] | Field "field_description". The following properties may be appended to the token: value (ข้อความ), summary (Summary), format (รูปแบบข้อความ) |
Email customer | [node:source:original:field_email_customer] | ข้อความ field. |
Email customer | [node:source:original:field-email-customer] | Field "field_email_customer". |
FlexSlider Example Image | [node:source:original:field-flexslider-example-image:?] | Field "field_flexslider_example_image". The following properties may be appended to the token: file (The image file.) |
FlexSlider Example Image | [node:source:original:field_flexslider_example_image] | Image field. |
FlexSlider Example Slideshow | [node:source:original:field_flexslider_example_slidesh] | Image field. |
FlexSlider Example Slideshow | [node:source:original:field-flexslider-example-slidesh:?] | Field "field_flexslider_example_slidesh". The following properties may be appended to the token: file (The image file.), title (The "Title" attribute text) |
Full name | [node:source:original:field-full-name-or-order] | Field "field_full_name_or_order". |
Full name | [node:source:original:field_full_name_or_order] | Entity Reference field. |
Image | [node:source:original:field-image:?] | Field "field_image". The following properties may be appended to the token: file (The image file.), alt (The "Alt" attribute text) |
Image_home | [node:source:original:field-image-home:?] | Field "field_image_home". The following properties may be appended to the token: file (The image file.) |
Image_home | [node:source:original:field_image_home] | Image field. |
Images | [node:source:original:field_image] | Image field. Also known as Image. |
Images | [node:source:original:field_images] | Image field. |
Images | [node:source:original:field-images:?] | Field "field_images". The following properties may be appended to the token: file (The image file.) |
Is new | [node:source:original:is-new] | Whether the node is new and not saved to the database yet. |
Language | [node:source:original:language] | The language the node is written in. |
Last view | [node:source:original:last-view] | The date on which a visitor last read the node. |
Location | [node:source:original:location] | The location for this node. |
Order | [node:source:original:field_order] | Entity Reference field. |
Order | [node:source:original:field-order] | Field "field_order". |
Poll votes | [node:source:original:poll-votes] | The number of votes that have been cast on a poll. |
Poll winner | [node:source:original:poll-winner] | The winning poll answer. |
Poll winner percent | [node:source:original:poll-winner-percent] | The percentage of votes received by the winning poll answer. |
Poll winner votes | [node:source:original:poll-winner-votes] | The number of votes received by the winning poll answer. |
Promoted to frontpage | [node:source:original:promote] | Whether the node is promoted to the frontpage. |
Slideshow Image | [node:source:original:field-slideshow-image:?] | Field "field_slideshow_image". The following properties may be appended to the token: file (The image file.) |
Slideshow Image | [node:source:original:field_slideshow_image] | Image field. |
Status | [node:source:original:event_calendar_status] | คำอ้างอิง field. |
Status | [node:source:original:event-calendar-status] | Field "event_calendar_status". |
Sticky in lists | [node:source:original:sticky] | Whether the node is displayed at the top of lists in which it appears. |
Summary | [node:source:original:summary] | The summary of the node's main body text. |
Tags | [node:source:original:field_tags] | คำอ้างอิง field. |
Tags | [node:source:original:field-tags] | Field "field_tags". |
The information entered is correct. | [node:source:original:field_n] | บูลีน field. |
The information entered is correct. | [node:source:original:field-n] | Field "field_n". |
URL | [node:source:original:url] | The URL of the node. |
Vedio | [node:source:original:field-vedios:?] | Field "field_vedios". The following properties may be appended to the token: input (YouTube URL), video_id (YouTube Video ID) |
Vedio: Default | [node:source:original:field_vedios] | The YouTube video field value's Default (or Token if exists) view mode output. |
Vedio: Image URL | [node:source:original:field_vedios__youtube_image_url] | The YouTube video field value's local image URL. |
Vedio: Video URL | [node:source:original:field_vedios__youtube_video_url] | The YouTube video field value's URL. |
Vedio samui iland youtube | [node:source:original:field-vedio-samui-iland-youtube-:?] | Field "field_vedio_samui_iland_youtube_". The following properties may be appended to the token: input (YouTube URL), video_id (YouTube Video ID) |
Vedio samui iland youtube : Default | [node:source:original:field_vedio_samui_iland_youtube_] | The YouTube video field value's Default (or Token if exists) view mode output. |
Vedio samui iland youtube : Image URL | [node:source:original:field_vedio_samui_iland_youtube___youtube_image_url] | The YouTube video field value's local image URL. |
Vedio samui iland youtube : Video URL | [node:source:original:field_vedio_samui_iland_youtube___youtube_video_url] | The YouTube video field value's URL. |
Views today | [node:source:original:day-views] | The number of visitors who have read the node today. |
Views today | [node:source:original:day-count] | The number of visitors who have read the node today. |
กระดานสนทนา ถาม ตอบ | [node:source:original:taxonomy-forums] | Field "taxonomy_forums". |
กระดานสนทนา ถาม ตอบ | [node:source:original:taxonomy_forums] | คำอ้างอิง field. |
การแก้ไขการบันทึกข้อความ | [node:source:original:log] | The explanation of the most recent changes made to the node. |
จำนวนการเข้าชม | [node:source:original:total-count] | The number of visitors who have read the node. |
จำนวนการเข้าชม | [node:source:original:views] | The number of visitors who have read the node. |
ชนิดของเนื้อหา | [node:source:original:content-type] | The content type of the node. |
ระยะเวลาแบบสำรวจ | [node:source:original:poll-duration] | The length of time the poll is set to run. |
วันที่สร้าง | [node:source:original:created] | The date the node was posted. |
วันที่เปลี่ยนแปลง | [node:source:original:changed] | The date the node was most recently updated. |
สถานะ | [node:source:original:status] | Whether the node is published or unpublished. |
หัวข้อ | [node:source:original:title] | The title of the node. |
แก้ไข ID | [node:source:original:vid] | The unique ID of the node's latest revision. |
แก้ไข URL | [node:source:original:edit-url] | The URL of the node's edit page. |
Poll votes | [node:source:poll-votes] | The number of votes that have been cast on a poll. |
Poll winner | [node:source:poll-winner] | The winning poll answer. |
Poll winner percent | [node:source:poll-winner-percent] | The percentage of votes received by the winning poll answer. |
Poll winner votes | [node:source:poll-winner-votes] | The number of votes received by the winning poll answer. |
Promoted to frontpage | [node:source:promote] | Whether the node is promoted to the frontpage. |
Slideshow Image | [node:source:field-slideshow-image:?] | Field "field_slideshow_image". The following properties may be appended to the token: file (The image file.) |
Slideshow Image | [node:source:field_slideshow_image] | Image field. |
Status | [node:source:event_calendar_status] | คำอ้างอิง field. |
Status | [node:source:event-calendar-status] | Field "event_calendar_status". |
All parent terms | [node:source:event-calendar-status:parents-all] | Ancestors of the term, i.e. parent of all above hierarchy levels. |
Description (localized) | [node:source:event-calendar-status:i18n-description] | The optional description of the taxonomy term. |
Name | [node:source:event-calendar-status:name] | The name of the taxonomy term. |
Name (localized) | [node:source:event-calendar-status:i18n-name] | The name of the taxonomy term. |
Name in current language | [node:source:event-calendar-status:localized-name] | The name of the taxonomy term in current language. |
Node count | [node:source:event-calendar-status:node-count] | The number of nodes tagged with the taxonomy term. |
Original taxonomy term | [node:source:event-calendar-status:original] | The original taxonomy term data if the taxonomy term is being updated or saved. |
Parents | [node:source:event-calendar-status:parents] | An array of all the term's parents, starting with the root. |
Parent term (localized) | [node:source:event-calendar-status:i18n-parent] | The parent term of the taxonomy term, if one exists. |
Root term | [node:source:event-calendar-status:root] | The root term of the taxonomy term. |
Term ID | [node:source:event-calendar-status:tid] | The unique ID of the taxonomy term. |
URL | [node:source:event-calendar-status:url] | The URL of the taxonomy term. |
Vocabulary (localized) | [node:source:event-calendar-status:i18n-vocabulary] | The vocabulary the taxonomy term belongs to. |
คำศัพท์ | [node:source:event-calendar-status:vocabulary] | The vocabulary the taxonomy term belongs to. |
คำอธิบาย | [node:source:event-calendar-status:description] | The optional description of the taxonomy term. |
น้ำหนัก | [node:source:event-calendar-status:weight] | The weight of the term, which is used for ordering terms during display. |
ลำดับชั้นของ Term | [node:source:event-calendar-status:parent] | The parent term of the taxonomy term, if one exists. |
แก้ไข URL | [node:source:event-calendar-status:edit-url] | The URL of the taxonomy term's edit page. |
Sticky in lists | [node:source:sticky] | Whether the node is displayed at the top of lists in which it appears. |
Summary | [node:source:summary] | The summary of the node's main body text. |
Tags | [node:source:field_tags] | คำอ้างอิง field. |
Tags | [node:source:field-tags] | Field "field_tags". |
แง่อนุกรมวิธาน with delta 0 | [node:source:field-tags:0] | The list item with delta 0. Delta values start from 0 and are incremented by one per list item. |
แง่อนุกรมวิธาน with delta 1 | [node:source:field-tags:1] | The list item with delta 1. Delta values start from 0 and are incremented by one per list item. |
แง่อนุกรมวิธาน with delta 2 | [node:source:field-tags:2] | The list item with delta 2. Delta values start from 0 and are incremented by one per list item. |
แง่อนุกรมวิธาน with delta 3 | [node:source:field-tags:3] | The list item with delta 3. Delta values start from 0 and are incremented by one per list item. |
The information entered is correct. | [node:source:field_n] | บูลีน field. |
The information entered is correct. | [node:source:field-n] | Field "field_n". |
URL | [node:source:url] | The URL of the node. |
Absolute URL | [node:source:url:absolute] | The absolute URL. |
Arguments | [node:source:url:args] | The specific argument of the current page (e.g. 'arg:1' on the page 'node/1' returns '1'). |
Brief URL | [node:source:url:brief] | The URL without the protocol and trailing backslash. |
Relative URL | [node:source:url:relative] | The relative URL. |
Unaliased URL | [node:source:url:unaliased] | The unaliased URL. |
ตำแหน่งพาธ | [node:source:url:path] | The path component of the URL. |
Vedio | [node:source:field-vedios:?] | Field "field_vedios". The following properties may be appended to the token: input (YouTube URL), video_id (YouTube Video ID) |
Vedio: Default | [node:source:field_vedios] | The YouTube video field value's Default (or Token if exists) view mode output. |
Vedio: Image URL | [node:source:field_vedios__youtube_image_url] | The YouTube video field value's local image URL. |
Vedio: Video URL | [node:source:field_vedios__youtube_video_url] | The YouTube video field value's URL. |
Vedio samui iland youtube | [node:source:field-vedio-samui-iland-youtube-:?] | Field "field_vedio_samui_iland_youtube_". The following properties may be appended to the token: input (YouTube URL), video_id (YouTube Video ID) |
Vedio samui iland youtube : Default | [node:source:field_vedio_samui_iland_youtube_] | The YouTube video field value's Default (or Token if exists) view mode output. |
Vedio samui iland youtube : Image URL | [node:source:field_vedio_samui_iland_youtube___youtube_image_url] | The YouTube video field value's local image URL. |
Vedio samui iland youtube : Video URL | [node:source:field_vedio_samui_iland_youtube___youtube_video_url] | The YouTube video field value's URL. |
Views today | [node:source:day-views] | The number of visitors who have read the node today. |
Views today | [node:source:day-count] | The number of visitors who have read the node today. |
กระดานสนทนา ถาม ตอบ | [node:source:taxonomy-forums] | Field "taxonomy_forums". |
All parent terms | [node:source:taxonomy-forums:parents-all] | Ancestors of the term, i.e. parent of all above hierarchy levels. |
Description (localized) | [node:source:taxonomy-forums:i18n-description] | The optional description of the taxonomy term. |
Name | [node:source:taxonomy-forums:name] | The name of the taxonomy term. |
Name (localized) | [node:source:taxonomy-forums:i18n-name] | The name of the taxonomy term. |
Name in current language | [node:source:taxonomy-forums:localized-name] | The name of the taxonomy term in current language. |
Node count | [node:source:taxonomy-forums:node-count] | The number of nodes tagged with the taxonomy term. |
Original taxonomy term | [node:source:taxonomy-forums:original] | The original taxonomy term data if the taxonomy term is being updated or saved. |
Parents | [node:source:taxonomy-forums:parents] | An array of all the term's parents, starting with the root. |
Parent term (localized) | [node:source:taxonomy-forums:i18n-parent] | The parent term of the taxonomy term, if one exists. |
Root term | [node:source:taxonomy-forums:root] | The root term of the taxonomy term. |
Term ID | [node:source:taxonomy-forums:tid] | The unique ID of the taxonomy term. |
URL | [node:source:taxonomy-forums:url] | The URL of the taxonomy term. |
Vocabulary (localized) | [node:source:taxonomy-forums:i18n-vocabulary] | The vocabulary the taxonomy term belongs to. |
คำศัพท์ | [node:source:taxonomy-forums:vocabulary] | The vocabulary the taxonomy term belongs to. |
คำอธิบาย | [node:source:taxonomy-forums:description] | The optional description of the taxonomy term. |
น้ำหนัก | [node:source:taxonomy-forums:weight] | The weight of the term, which is used for ordering terms during display. |
ลำดับชั้นของ Term | [node:source:taxonomy-forums:parent] | The parent term of the taxonomy term, if one exists. |
แก้ไข URL | [node:source:taxonomy-forums:edit-url] | The URL of the taxonomy term's edit page. |
กระดานสนทนา ถาม ตอบ | [node:source:taxonomy_forums] | คำอ้างอิง field. |
การแก้ไขการบันทึกข้อความ | [node:source:log] | The explanation of the most recent changes made to the node. |
จำนวนการเข้าชม | [node:source:total-count] | The number of visitors who have read the node. |
จำนวนการเข้าชม | [node:source:views] | The number of visitors who have read the node. |
ชนิดของเนื้อหา | [node:source:content-type] | The content type of the node. |
Description (localized) | [node:source:content-type:i18n-description] | The optional description of the content type. |
Name | [node:source:content-type:name] | The name of the content type. |
Name (localized) | [node:source:content-type:i18n-name] | The name of the content type. |
Node count | [node:source:content-type:node-count] | The number of nodes belonging to the content type. |
คำอธิบาย | [node:source:content-type:description] | The optional description of the content type. |
ชื่อสำหรับอ้างอิง | [node:source:content-type:machine-name] | The unique machine-readable name of the content type. |
แก้ไข URL | [node:source:content-type:edit-url] | The URL of the content type's edit page. |
ระยะเวลาแบบสำรวจ | [node:source:poll-duration] | The length of time the poll is set to run. |
วันที่สร้าง | [node:source:created] | The date the node was posted. |
Availability Calendar date display | [node:source:created:availability_calendar_date_display] | A date in 'availability_calendar_date_display' format. (03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Availability Calendar date entry | [node:source:created:availability_calendar_date_entry] | A date in 'availability_calendar_date_entry' format. (03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Availability Calendar month caption | [node:source:created:availability_calendar_month_caption] | A date in 'availability_calendar_month_caption' format. (03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Hours am/pm | [node:source:created:hours_ampm] | A date in 'hours_ampm' format. (3:29 am) |
Long format | [node:source:created:long] | A date in 'long' format. (พุธ, มีนาคม 20, 2024 - 03:29) |
Medium format | [node:source:created:medium] | A date in 'medium' format. (พ, 03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Raw timestamp | [node:source:created:raw] | A date in UNIX timestamp format (1710880172) |
Short format | [node:source:created:short] | A date in 'short' format. (03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Studyroom Availability Date | [node:source:created:studyroom_availability_date] | A date in 'studyroom_availability_date' format. (พ, 03/20/2024) |
Time-since | [node:source:created:since] | A date in 'time-since' format. (54 ปี 3 เดือน) |
กำหนดรูปแบบเอง | [node:source:created:custom:?] | A date in a custom format. See the PHP documentation for details. |
วันที่เปลี่ยนแปลง | [node:source:changed] | The date the node was most recently updated. |
Availability Calendar date display | [node:source:changed:availability_calendar_date_display] | A date in 'availability_calendar_date_display' format. (03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Availability Calendar date entry | [node:source:changed:availability_calendar_date_entry] | A date in 'availability_calendar_date_entry' format. (03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Availability Calendar month caption | [node:source:changed:availability_calendar_month_caption] | A date in 'availability_calendar_month_caption' format. (03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Hours am/pm | [node:source:changed:hours_ampm] | A date in 'hours_ampm' format. (3:29 am) |
Long format | [node:source:changed:long] | A date in 'long' format. (พุธ, มีนาคม 20, 2024 - 03:29) |
Medium format | [node:source:changed:medium] | A date in 'medium' format. (พ, 03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Raw timestamp | [node:source:changed:raw] | A date in UNIX timestamp format (1710880172) |
Short format | [node:source:changed:short] | A date in 'short' format. (03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Studyroom Availability Date | [node:source:changed:studyroom_availability_date] | A date in 'studyroom_availability_date' format. (พ, 03/20/2024) |
Time-since | [node:source:changed:since] | A date in 'time-since' format. (54 ปี 3 เดือน) |
กำหนดรูปแบบเอง | [node:source:changed:custom:?] | A date in a custom format. See the PHP documentation for details. |
สถานะ | [node:source:status] | Whether the node is published or unpublished. |
หัวข้อ | [node:source:title] | The title of the node. |
แก้ไข ID | [node:source:vid] | The unique ID of the node's latest revision. |
แก้ไข URL | [node:source:edit-url] | The URL of the node's edit page. |
URL | [node:url] | The URL of the node. |
Absolute URL | [node:url:absolute] | The absolute URL. |
Arguments | [node:url:args] | The specific argument of the current page (e.g. 'arg:1' on the page 'node/1' returns '1'). |
First | [node:url:args:first] | The first element of the array. |
Imploded | [node:url:args:join:?] | The values of the array joined together with a custom string in-between each value. |
Joined path | [node:url:args:join-path] | The array values each cleaned by Pathauto and then joined with the slash into a string that resembles an URL. |
Keys | [node:url:args:keys] | The array of keys of the array. |
Last | [node:url:args:last] | The last element of the array. |
Reversed | [node:url:args:reversed] | The array reversed. |
Value | [node:url:args:value:?] | The specific value of the array. |
จำนวน | [node:url:args:count] | The number of elements in the array. |
Brief URL | [node:url:brief] | The URL without the protocol and trailing backslash. |
Relative URL | [node:url:relative] | The relative URL. |
Unaliased URL | [node:url:unaliased] | The unaliased URL. |
Absolute URL | [node:url:unaliased:absolute] | The absolute URL. |
Arguments | [node:url:unaliased:args] | The specific argument of the current page (e.g. 'arg:1' on the page 'node/1' returns '1'). |
Brief URL | [node:url:unaliased:brief] | The URL without the protocol and trailing backslash. |
Relative URL | [node:url:unaliased:relative] | The relative URL. |
ตำแหน่งพาธ | [node:url:unaliased:path] | The path component of the URL. |
ตำแหน่งพาธ | [node:url:path] | The path component of the URL. |
Vedio | [node:field-vedios:?] | Field "field_vedios". The following properties may be appended to the token: input (YouTube URL), video_id (YouTube Video ID) |
Vedio: Default | [node:field_vedios] | The YouTube video field value's Default (or Token if exists) view mode output. |
Vedio: Image URL | [node:field_vedios__youtube_image_url] | The YouTube video field value's local image URL. |
Vedio: Video URL | [node:field_vedios__youtube_video_url] | The YouTube video field value's URL. |
Vedio samui iland youtube | [node:field-vedio-samui-iland-youtube-:?] | Field "field_vedio_samui_iland_youtube_". The following properties may be appended to the token: input (YouTube URL), video_id (YouTube Video ID) |
Vedio samui iland youtube : Default | [node:field_vedio_samui_iland_youtube_] | The YouTube video field value's Default (or Token if exists) view mode output. |
Vedio samui iland youtube : Image URL | [node:field_vedio_samui_iland_youtube___youtube_image_url] | The YouTube video field value's local image URL. |
Vedio samui iland youtube : Video URL | [node:field_vedio_samui_iland_youtube___youtube_video_url] | The YouTube video field value's URL. |
Views today | [node:day-views] | The number of visitors who have read the node today. |
Views today | [node:day-count] | The number of visitors who have read the node today. |
กระดานสนทนา ถาม ตอบ | [node:taxonomy-forums] | Field "taxonomy_forums". |
All parent terms | [node:taxonomy-forums:parents-all] | Ancestors of the term, i.e. parent of all above hierarchy levels. |
แง่อนุกรมวิธาน with delta 0 | [node:taxonomy-forums:parents-all:0] | The list item with delta 0. Delta values start from 0 and are incremented by one per list item. |
แง่อนุกรมวิธาน with delta 1 | [node:taxonomy-forums:parents-all:1] | The list item with delta 1. Delta values start from 0 and are incremented by one per list item. |
แง่อนุกรมวิธาน with delta 2 | [node:taxonomy-forums:parents-all:2] | The list item with delta 2. Delta values start from 0 and are incremented by one per list item. |
แง่อนุกรมวิธาน with delta 3 | [node:taxonomy-forums:parents-all:3] | The list item with delta 3. Delta values start from 0 and are incremented by one per list item. |
Description (localized) | [node:taxonomy-forums:i18n-description] | The optional description of the taxonomy term. |
Name | [node:taxonomy-forums:name] | The name of the taxonomy term. |
Name (localized) | [node:taxonomy-forums:i18n-name] | The name of the taxonomy term. |
Name in current language | [node:taxonomy-forums:localized-name] | The name of the taxonomy term in current language. |
Node count | [node:taxonomy-forums:node-count] | The number of nodes tagged with the taxonomy term. |
Original taxonomy term | [node:taxonomy-forums:original] | The original taxonomy term data if the taxonomy term is being updated or saved. |
All parent terms | [node:taxonomy-forums:original:parents-all] | Ancestors of the term, i.e. parent of all above hierarchy levels. |
Description (localized) | [node:taxonomy-forums:original:i18n-description] | The optional description of the taxonomy term. |
Name | [node:taxonomy-forums:original:name] | The name of the taxonomy term. |
Name (localized) | [node:taxonomy-forums:original:i18n-name] | The name of the taxonomy term. |
Name in current language | [node:taxonomy-forums:original:localized-name] | The name of the taxonomy term in current language. |
Node count | [node:taxonomy-forums:original:node-count] | The number of nodes tagged with the taxonomy term. |
Parents | [node:taxonomy-forums:original:parents] | An array of all the term's parents, starting with the root. |
Parent term (localized) | [node:taxonomy-forums:original:i18n-parent] | The parent term of the taxonomy term, if one exists. |
Root term | [node:taxonomy-forums:original:root] | The root term of the taxonomy term. |
Term ID | [node:taxonomy-forums:original:tid] | The unique ID of the taxonomy term. |
URL | [node:taxonomy-forums:original:url] | The URL of the taxonomy term. |
Vocabulary (localized) | [node:taxonomy-forums:original:i18n-vocabulary] | The vocabulary the taxonomy term belongs to. |
คำศัพท์ | [node:taxonomy-forums:original:vocabulary] | The vocabulary the taxonomy term belongs to. |
คำอธิบาย | [node:taxonomy-forums:original:description] | The optional description of the taxonomy term. |
น้ำหนัก | [node:taxonomy-forums:original:weight] | The weight of the term, which is used for ordering terms during display. |
ลำดับชั้นของ Term | [node:taxonomy-forums:original:parent] | The parent term of the taxonomy term, if one exists. |
แก้ไข URL | [node:taxonomy-forums:original:edit-url] | The URL of the taxonomy term's edit page. |
Parents | [node:taxonomy-forums:parents] | An array of all the term's parents, starting with the root. |
First | [node:taxonomy-forums:parents:first] | The first element of the array. |
Imploded | [node:taxonomy-forums:parents:join:?] | The values of the array joined together with a custom string in-between each value. |
Joined path | [node:taxonomy-forums:parents:join-path] | The array values each cleaned by Pathauto and then joined with the slash into a string that resembles an URL. |
Keys | [node:taxonomy-forums:parents:keys] | The array of keys of the array. |
Last | [node:taxonomy-forums:parents:last] | The last element of the array. |
Reversed | [node:taxonomy-forums:parents:reversed] | The array reversed. |
Value | [node:taxonomy-forums:parents:value:?] | The specific value of the array. |
จำนวน | [node:taxonomy-forums:parents:count] | The number of elements in the array. |
Parent term (localized) | [node:taxonomy-forums:i18n-parent] | The parent term of the taxonomy term, if one exists. |
All parent terms | [node:taxonomy-forums:i18n-parent:parents-all] | Ancestors of the term, i.e. parent of all above hierarchy levels. |
Description (localized) | [node:taxonomy-forums:i18n-parent:i18n-description] | The optional description of the taxonomy term. |
Name | [node:taxonomy-forums:i18n-parent:name] | The name of the taxonomy term. |
Name (localized) | [node:taxonomy-forums:i18n-parent:i18n-name] | The name of the taxonomy term. |
Name in current language | [node:taxonomy-forums:i18n-parent:localized-name] | The name of the taxonomy term in current language. |
Node count | [node:taxonomy-forums:i18n-parent:node-count] | The number of nodes tagged with the taxonomy term. |
Original taxonomy term | [node:taxonomy-forums:i18n-parent:original] | The original taxonomy term data if the taxonomy term is being updated or saved. |
Parents | [node:taxonomy-forums:i18n-parent:parents] | An array of all the term's parents, starting with the root. |
Root term | [node:taxonomy-forums:i18n-parent:root] | The root term of the taxonomy term. |
Term ID | [node:taxonomy-forums:i18n-parent:tid] | The unique ID of the taxonomy term. |
URL | [node:taxonomy-forums:i18n-parent:url] | The URL of the taxonomy term. |
Vocabulary (localized) | [node:taxonomy-forums:i18n-parent:i18n-vocabulary] | The vocabulary the taxonomy term belongs to. |
คำศัพท์ | [node:taxonomy-forums:i18n-parent:vocabulary] | The vocabulary the taxonomy term belongs to. |
คำอธิบาย | [node:taxonomy-forums:i18n-parent:description] | The optional description of the taxonomy term. |
น้ำหนัก | [node:taxonomy-forums:i18n-parent:weight] | The weight of the term, which is used for ordering terms during display. |
ลำดับชั้นของ Term | [node:taxonomy-forums:i18n-parent:parent] | The parent term of the taxonomy term, if one exists. |
แก้ไข URL | [node:taxonomy-forums:i18n-parent:edit-url] | The URL of the taxonomy term's edit page. |
Root term | [node:taxonomy-forums:root] | The root term of the taxonomy term. |
All parent terms | [node:taxonomy-forums:root:parents-all] | Ancestors of the term, i.e. parent of all above hierarchy levels. |
Description (localized) | [node:taxonomy-forums:root:i18n-description] | The optional description of the taxonomy term. |
Name | [node:taxonomy-forums:root:name] | The name of the taxonomy term. |
Name (localized) | [node:taxonomy-forums:root:i18n-name] | The name of the taxonomy term. |
Name in current language | [node:taxonomy-forums:root:localized-name] | The name of the taxonomy term in current language. |
Node count | [node:taxonomy-forums:root:node-count] | The number of nodes tagged with the taxonomy term. |
Original taxonomy term | [node:taxonomy-forums:root:original] | The original taxonomy term data if the taxonomy term is being updated or saved. |
Parents | [node:taxonomy-forums:root:parents] | An array of all the term's parents, starting with the root. |
Parent term (localized) | [node:taxonomy-forums:root:i18n-parent] | The parent term of the taxonomy term, if one exists. |
Term ID | [node:taxonomy-forums:root:tid] | The unique ID of the taxonomy term. |
URL | [node:taxonomy-forums:root:url] | The URL of the taxonomy term. |
Vocabulary (localized) | [node:taxonomy-forums:root:i18n-vocabulary] | The vocabulary the taxonomy term belongs to. |
คำศัพท์ | [node:taxonomy-forums:root:vocabulary] | The vocabulary the taxonomy term belongs to. |
คำอธิบาย | [node:taxonomy-forums:root:description] | The optional description of the taxonomy term. |
น้ำหนัก | [node:taxonomy-forums:root:weight] | The weight of the term, which is used for ordering terms during display. |
ลำดับชั้นของ Term | [node:taxonomy-forums:root:parent] | The parent term of the taxonomy term, if one exists. |
แก้ไข URL | [node:taxonomy-forums:root:edit-url] | The URL of the taxonomy term's edit page. |
Term ID | [node:taxonomy-forums:tid] | The unique ID of the taxonomy term. |
URL | [node:taxonomy-forums:url] | The URL of the taxonomy term. |
Absolute URL | [node:taxonomy-forums:url:absolute] | The absolute URL. |
Arguments | [node:taxonomy-forums:url:args] | The specific argument of the current page (e.g. 'arg:1' on the page 'node/1' returns '1'). |
Brief URL | [node:taxonomy-forums:url:brief] | The URL without the protocol and trailing backslash. |
Relative URL | [node:taxonomy-forums:url:relative] | The relative URL. |
Unaliased URL | [node:taxonomy-forums:url:unaliased] | The unaliased URL. |
ตำแหน่งพาธ | [node:taxonomy-forums:url:path] | The path component of the URL. |
Vocabulary (localized) | [node:taxonomy-forums:i18n-vocabulary] | The vocabulary the taxonomy term belongs to. |
Description (localized) | [node:taxonomy-forums:i18n-vocabulary:i18n-description] | The optional description of the taxonomy vocabulary. |
Name | [node:taxonomy-forums:i18n-vocabulary:name] | The name of the taxonomy vocabulary. |
Name (localized) | [node:taxonomy-forums:i18n-vocabulary:i18n-name] | The name of the taxonomy vocabulary. |
Node count | [node:taxonomy-forums:i18n-vocabulary:node-count] | The number of nodes tagged with terms belonging to the taxonomy vocabulary. |
Original คำศัพท์จำแนกประเภท | [node:taxonomy-forums:i18n-vocabulary:original] | The original คำศัพท์จำแนกประเภท data if the คำศัพท์จำแนกประเภท is being updated or saved. |
Term count | [node:taxonomy-forums:i18n-vocabulary:term-count] | The number of terms belonging to the taxonomy vocabulary. |
Vocabulary ID | [node:taxonomy-forums:i18n-vocabulary:vid] | The unique ID of the taxonomy vocabulary. |
คำอธิบาย | [node:taxonomy-forums:i18n-vocabulary:description] | The optional description of the taxonomy vocabulary. |
ชื่อสำหรับอ้างอิง | [node:taxonomy-forums:i18n-vocabulary:machine-name] | The unique machine-readable name of the vocabulary. |
แก้ไข URL | [node:taxonomy-forums:i18n-vocabulary:edit-url] | The URL of the vocabulary's edit page. |
คำศัพท์ | [node:taxonomy-forums:vocabulary] | The vocabulary the taxonomy term belongs to. |
Description (localized) | [node:taxonomy-forums:vocabulary:i18n-description] | The optional description of the taxonomy vocabulary. |
Name | [node:taxonomy-forums:vocabulary:name] | The name of the taxonomy vocabulary. |
Name (localized) | [node:taxonomy-forums:vocabulary:i18n-name] | The name of the taxonomy vocabulary. |
Node count | [node:taxonomy-forums:vocabulary:node-count] | The number of nodes tagged with terms belonging to the taxonomy vocabulary. |
Original คำศัพท์จำแนกประเภท | [node:taxonomy-forums:vocabulary:original] | The original คำศัพท์จำแนกประเภท data if the คำศัพท์จำแนกประเภท is being updated or saved. |
Term count | [node:taxonomy-forums:vocabulary:term-count] | The number of terms belonging to the taxonomy vocabulary. |
Vocabulary ID | [node:taxonomy-forums:vocabulary:vid] | The unique ID of the taxonomy vocabulary. |
คำอธิบาย | [node:taxonomy-forums:vocabulary:description] | The optional description of the taxonomy vocabulary. |
ชื่อสำหรับอ้างอิง | [node:taxonomy-forums:vocabulary:machine-name] | The unique machine-readable name of the vocabulary. |
แก้ไข URL | [node:taxonomy-forums:vocabulary:edit-url] | The URL of the vocabulary's edit page. |
คำอธิบาย | [node:taxonomy-forums:description] | The optional description of the taxonomy term. |
น้ำหนัก | [node:taxonomy-forums:weight] | The weight of the term, which is used for ordering terms during display. |
ลำดับชั้นของ Term | [node:taxonomy-forums:parent] | The parent term of the taxonomy term, if one exists. |
All parent terms | [node:taxonomy-forums:parent:parents-all] | Ancestors of the term, i.e. parent of all above hierarchy levels. |
Description (localized) | [node:taxonomy-forums:parent:i18n-description] | The optional description of the taxonomy term. |
Name | [node:taxonomy-forums:parent:name] | The name of the taxonomy term. |
Name (localized) | [node:taxonomy-forums:parent:i18n-name] | The name of the taxonomy term. |
Name in current language | [node:taxonomy-forums:parent:localized-name] | The name of the taxonomy term in current language. |
Node count | [node:taxonomy-forums:parent:node-count] | The number of nodes tagged with the taxonomy term. |
Original taxonomy term | [node:taxonomy-forums:parent:original] | The original taxonomy term data if the taxonomy term is being updated or saved. |
Parents | [node:taxonomy-forums:parent:parents] | An array of all the term's parents, starting with the root. |
Parent term (localized) | [node:taxonomy-forums:parent:i18n-parent] | The parent term of the taxonomy term, if one exists. |
Root term | [node:taxonomy-forums:parent:root] | The root term of the taxonomy term. |
Term ID | [node:taxonomy-forums:parent:tid] | The unique ID of the taxonomy term. |
URL | [node:taxonomy-forums:parent:url] | The URL of the taxonomy term. |
Vocabulary (localized) | [node:taxonomy-forums:parent:i18n-vocabulary] | The vocabulary the taxonomy term belongs to. |
คำศัพท์ | [node:taxonomy-forums:parent:vocabulary] | The vocabulary the taxonomy term belongs to. |
คำอธิบาย | [node:taxonomy-forums:parent:description] | The optional description of the taxonomy term. |
น้ำหนัก | [node:taxonomy-forums:parent:weight] | The weight of the term, which is used for ordering terms during display. |
แก้ไข URL | [node:taxonomy-forums:parent:edit-url] | The URL of the taxonomy term's edit page. |
แก้ไข URL | [node:taxonomy-forums:edit-url] | The URL of the taxonomy term's edit page. |
กระดานสนทนา ถาม ตอบ | [node:taxonomy_forums] | คำอ้างอิง field. |
การแก้ไขการบันทึกข้อความ | [node:log] | The explanation of the most recent changes made to the node. |
จำนวนการเข้าชม | [node:total-count] | The number of visitors who have read the node. |
จำนวนการเข้าชม | [node:views] | The number of visitors who have read the node. |
ชนิดของเนื้อหา | [node:content-type] | The content type of the node. |
Description (localized) | [node:content-type:i18n-description] | The optional description of the content type. |
Name | [node:content-type:name] | The name of the content type. |
Name (localized) | [node:content-type:i18n-name] | The name of the content type. |
Node count | [node:content-type:node-count] | The number of nodes belonging to the content type. |
คำอธิบาย | [node:content-type:description] | The optional description of the content type. |
ชื่อสำหรับอ้างอิง | [node:content-type:machine-name] | The unique machine-readable name of the content type. |
แก้ไข URL | [node:content-type:edit-url] | The URL of the content type's edit page. |
ระยะเวลาแบบสำรวจ | [node:poll-duration] | The length of time the poll is set to run. |
วันที่สร้าง | [node:created] | The date the node was posted. |
Availability Calendar date display | [node:created:availability_calendar_date_display] | A date in 'availability_calendar_date_display' format. (03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Availability Calendar date entry | [node:created:availability_calendar_date_entry] | A date in 'availability_calendar_date_entry' format. (03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Availability Calendar month caption | [node:created:availability_calendar_month_caption] | A date in 'availability_calendar_month_caption' format. (03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Hours am/pm | [node:created:hours_ampm] | A date in 'hours_ampm' format. (3:29 am) |
Long format | [node:created:long] | A date in 'long' format. (พุธ, มีนาคม 20, 2024 - 03:29) |
Medium format | [node:created:medium] | A date in 'medium' format. (พ, 03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Raw timestamp | [node:created:raw] | A date in UNIX timestamp format (1710880172) |
Short format | [node:created:short] | A date in 'short' format. (03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Studyroom Availability Date | [node:created:studyroom_availability_date] | A date in 'studyroom_availability_date' format. (พ, 03/20/2024) |
Time-since | [node:created:since] | A date in 'time-since' format. (54 ปี 3 เดือน) |
กำหนดรูปแบบเอง | [node:created:custom:?] | A date in a custom format. See the PHP documentation for details. |
วันที่เปลี่ยนแปลง | [node:changed] | The date the node was most recently updated. |
Availability Calendar date display | [node:changed:availability_calendar_date_display] | A date in 'availability_calendar_date_display' format. (03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Availability Calendar date entry | [node:changed:availability_calendar_date_entry] | A date in 'availability_calendar_date_entry' format. (03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Availability Calendar month caption | [node:changed:availability_calendar_month_caption] | A date in 'availability_calendar_month_caption' format. (03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Hours am/pm | [node:changed:hours_ampm] | A date in 'hours_ampm' format. (3:29 am) |
Long format | [node:changed:long] | A date in 'long' format. (พุธ, มีนาคม 20, 2024 - 03:29) |
Medium format | [node:changed:medium] | A date in 'medium' format. (พ, 03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Raw timestamp | [node:changed:raw] | A date in UNIX timestamp format (1710880172) |
Short format | [node:changed:short] | A date in 'short' format. (03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Studyroom Availability Date | [node:changed:studyroom_availability_date] | A date in 'studyroom_availability_date' format. (พ, 03/20/2024) |
Time-since | [node:changed:since] | A date in 'time-since' format. (54 ปี 3 เดือน) |
กำหนดรูปแบบเอง | [node:changed:custom:?] | A date in a custom format. See the PHP documentation for details. |
สถานะ | [node:status] | Whether the node is published or unpublished. |
หัวข้อ | [node:title] | The title of the node. |
แก้ไข ID | [node:vid] | The unique ID of the node's latest revision. |
แก้ไข URL | [node:edit-url] | The URL of the node's edit page. |
Payment transactions | | Tokens related to payment transactions. |
Amount | [commerce-payment-transaction:amount] | The amount for this transaction. |
Creator | [commerce-payment-transaction:creator] | The creator of the payment transaction. |
Account cancellation URL | [commerce-payment-transaction:creator:cancel-url] | The URL of the confirm delete page for the user account. |
Last access | [commerce-payment-transaction:creator:last-access] | The date the user last accessed the site. |
Availability Calendar date display | [commerce-payment-transaction:creator:last-access:availability_calendar_date_display] | A date in 'availability_calendar_date_display' format. (03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Availability Calendar date entry | [commerce-payment-transaction:creator:last-access:availability_calendar_date_entry] | A date in 'availability_calendar_date_entry' format. (03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Availability Calendar month caption | [commerce-payment-transaction:creator:last-access:availability_calendar_month_caption] | A date in 'availability_calendar_month_caption' format. (03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Hours am/pm | [commerce-payment-transaction:creator:last-access:hours_ampm] | A date in 'hours_ampm' format. (3:29 am) |
Long format | [commerce-payment-transaction:creator:last-access:long] | A date in 'long' format. (พุธ, มีนาคม 20, 2024 - 03:29) |
Medium format | [commerce-payment-transaction:creator:last-access:medium] | A date in 'medium' format. (พ, 03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Raw timestamp | [commerce-payment-transaction:creator:last-access:raw] | A date in UNIX timestamp format (1710880172) |
Short format | [commerce-payment-transaction:creator:last-access:short] | A date in 'short' format. (03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Studyroom Availability Date | [commerce-payment-transaction:creator:last-access:studyroom_availability_date] | A date in 'studyroom_availability_date' format. (พ, 03/20/2024) |
Time-since | [commerce-payment-transaction:creator:last-access:since] | A date in 'time-since' format. (54 ปี 3 เดือน) |
กำหนดรูปแบบเอง | [commerce-payment-transaction:creator:last-access:custom:?] | A date in a custom format. See the PHP documentation for details. |
Location | [commerce-payment-transaction:creator:location] | The location for this user. |
Additional | [commerce-payment-transaction:creator:location:additional:?] | Additional (If there are multiple locations, N is the iteration, starting with 0). |
Country Name | [commerce-payment-transaction:creator:location:country_name:?] | Country Name (If there are multiple locations, N is the iteration, starting with 0). |
Latitude | [commerce-payment-transaction:creator:location:latitude:?] | Latitude (If there are multiple locations, N is the iteration, starting with 0). |
Location Name | [commerce-payment-transaction:creator:location:name:?] | Location Name (If there are multiple locations, N is the iteration, starting with 0). |
Longitude | [commerce-payment-transaction:creator:location:longitude:?] | Longitude (If there are multiple locations, N is the iteration, starting with 0). |
Postal Code | [commerce-payment-transaction:creator:location:postal_code:?] | Postal Code (If there are multiple locations, N is the iteration, starting with 0). |
State/Province Name | [commerce-payment-transaction:creator:location:province_name:?] | State/Province Name (If there are multiple locations, N is the iteration, starting with 0). |
Street | [commerce-payment-transaction:creator:location:street:?] | Street (If there are multiple locations, N is the iteration, starting with 0). |
ประเทศ | [commerce-payment-transaction:creator:location:country:?] | Country (If there are multiple locations, N is the iteration, starting with 0). |
รัฐ / จังหวัด | [commerce-payment-transaction:creator:location:province:?] | State/Province (If there are multiple locations, N is the iteration, starting with 0). |
เมือง | [commerce-payment-transaction:creator:location:city:?] | City (If there are multiple locations, N is the iteration, starting with 0). |
Name | [commerce-payment-transaction:creator:name] | The login name of the user account. |
One-time login URL | [commerce-payment-transaction:creator:one-time-login-url] | The URL of the one-time login page for the user account. |
Original user | [commerce-payment-transaction:creator:original] | The original user data if the user is being updated or saved. |
Account cancellation URL | [commerce-payment-transaction:creator:original:cancel-url] | The URL of the confirm delete page for the user account. |
Last access | [commerce-payment-transaction:creator:original:last-access] | The date the user last accessed the site. |
Location | [commerce-payment-transaction:creator:original:location] | The location for this user. |
Name | [commerce-payment-transaction:creator:original:name] | The login name of the user account. |
One-time login URL | [commerce-payment-transaction:creator:original:one-time-login-url] | The URL of the one-time login page for the user account. |
Roles | [commerce-payment-transaction:creator:original:roles] | The user roles associated with the user account. |
URL | [commerce-payment-transaction:creator:original:url] | The URL of the account profile page. |
User role ids | [commerce-payment-transaction:creator:original:role-ids] | The role ids the user account is a member of as comma separated list. |
User role names | [commerce-payment-transaction:creator:original:role-names] | The role names the user account is a member of as comma separated list. |
ธีมเริ่มต้น | [commerce-payment-transaction:creator:original:theme] | The user's default theme. |
รหัสผู้ใช้ | [commerce-payment-transaction:creator:original:uid] | The unique ID of the user account. |
รูปภาพ | [commerce-payment-transaction:creator:original:picture] | The picture of the user. |
สถานะ | [commerce-payment-transaction:creator:original:status] | Whether the user is active or blocked. |
สร้างเมื่อ | [commerce-payment-transaction:creator:original:created] | The date the user account was created. |
อีเมล | [commerce-payment-transaction:creator:original:mail] | The email address of the user account. |
เข้าสู่ระบบล่าสุด | [commerce-payment-transaction:creator:original:last-login] | The date the user last logged in to the site. |
แก้ไข URL | [commerce-payment-transaction:creator:original:edit-url] | The URL of the account edit page. |
Roles | [commerce-payment-transaction:creator:roles] | The user roles associated with the user account. |
First | [commerce-payment-transaction:creator:roles:first] | The first element of the array. |
Imploded | [commerce-payment-transaction:creator:roles:join:?] | The values of the array joined together with a custom string in-between each value. |
Joined path | [commerce-payment-transaction:creator:roles:join-path] | The array values each cleaned by Pathauto and then joined with the slash into a string that resembles an URL. |
Keys | [commerce-payment-transaction:creator:roles:keys] | The array of keys of the array. |
Last | [commerce-payment-transaction:creator:roles:last] | The last element of the array. |
Reversed | [commerce-payment-transaction:creator:roles:reversed] | The array reversed. |
Value | [commerce-payment-transaction:creator:roles:value:?] | The specific value of the array. |
จำนวน | [commerce-payment-transaction:creator:roles:count] | The number of elements in the array. |
URL | [commerce-payment-transaction:creator:url] | The URL of the account profile page. |
Absolute URL | [commerce-payment-transaction:creator:url:absolute] | The absolute URL. |
Arguments | [commerce-payment-transaction:creator:url:args] | The specific argument of the current page (e.g. 'arg:1' on the page 'node/1' returns '1'). |
Brief URL | [commerce-payment-transaction:creator:url:brief] | The URL without the protocol and trailing backslash. |
Relative URL | [commerce-payment-transaction:creator:url:relative] | The relative URL. |
Unaliased URL | [commerce-payment-transaction:creator:url:unaliased] | The unaliased URL. |
ตำแหน่งพาธ | [commerce-payment-transaction:creator:url:path] | The path component of the URL. |
User role ids | [commerce-payment-transaction:creator:role-ids] | The role ids the user account is a member of as comma separated list. |
User role names | [commerce-payment-transaction:creator:role-names] | The role names the user account is a member of as comma separated list. |
ธีมเริ่มต้น | [commerce-payment-transaction:creator:theme] | The user's default theme. |
รหัสผู้ใช้ | [commerce-payment-transaction:creator:uid] | The unique ID of the user account. |
รูปภาพ | [commerce-payment-transaction:creator:picture] | The picture of the user. |
Base name | [commerce-payment-transaction:creator:picture:basename] | The base name of the file. |
Extension | [commerce-payment-transaction:creator:picture:extension] | The extension of the file. |
File byte size | [commerce-payment-transaction:creator:picture:size-raw] | The size of the file, in bytes. |
File name | [commerce-payment-transaction:creator:picture:name] | The name of the file on disk. |
MIME type | [commerce-payment-transaction:creator:picture:mime] | The MIME type of the file. |
Original ไฟล์ | [commerce-payment-transaction:creator:picture:original] | The original ไฟล์ data if the ไฟล์ is being updated or saved. |
URL | [commerce-payment-transaction:creator:picture:url] | The web-accessible URL for the file. |
ขนาดไฟล์ | [commerce-payment-transaction:creator:picture:size] | ขนาดของไฟล์ |
ตำแหน่งพาธ | [commerce-payment-transaction:creator:picture:path] | The location of the file relative to Drupal root. |
รหัสไฟล์ | [commerce-payment-transaction:creator:picture:fid] | The unique ID of the uploaded file. |
ระบุเวลา | [commerce-payment-transaction:creator:picture:timestamp] | The date the file was most recently changed. |
เจ้าของ | [commerce-payment-transaction:creator:picture:owner] | The user who originally uploaded the file. |
สถานะ | [commerce-payment-transaction:creator:status] | Whether the user is active or blocked. |
สร้างเมื่อ | [commerce-payment-transaction:creator:created] | The date the user account was created. |
Availability Calendar date display | [commerce-payment-transaction:creator:created:availability_calendar_date_display] | A date in 'availability_calendar_date_display' format. (03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Availability Calendar date entry | [commerce-payment-transaction:creator:created:availability_calendar_date_entry] | A date in 'availability_calendar_date_entry' format. (03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Availability Calendar month caption | [commerce-payment-transaction:creator:created:availability_calendar_month_caption] | A date in 'availability_calendar_month_caption' format. (03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Hours am/pm | [commerce-payment-transaction:creator:created:hours_ampm] | A date in 'hours_ampm' format. (3:29 am) |
Long format | [commerce-payment-transaction:creator:created:long] | A date in 'long' format. (พุธ, มีนาคม 20, 2024 - 03:29) |
Medium format | [commerce-payment-transaction:creator:created:medium] | A date in 'medium' format. (พ, 03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Raw timestamp | [commerce-payment-transaction:creator:created:raw] | A date in UNIX timestamp format (1710880172) |
Short format | [commerce-payment-transaction:creator:created:short] | A date in 'short' format. (03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Studyroom Availability Date | [commerce-payment-transaction:creator:created:studyroom_availability_date] | A date in 'studyroom_availability_date' format. (พ, 03/20/2024) |
Time-since | [commerce-payment-transaction:creator:created:since] | A date in 'time-since' format. (54 ปี 3 เดือน) |
กำหนดรูปแบบเอง | [commerce-payment-transaction:creator:created:custom:?] | A date in a custom format. See the PHP documentation for details. |
อีเมล | [commerce-payment-transaction:creator:mail] | The email address of the user account. |
เข้าสู่ระบบล่าสุด | [commerce-payment-transaction:creator:last-login] | The date the user last logged in to the site. |
Availability Calendar date display | [commerce-payment-transaction:creator:last-login:availability_calendar_date_display] | A date in 'availability_calendar_date_display' format. (03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Availability Calendar date entry | [commerce-payment-transaction:creator:last-login:availability_calendar_date_entry] | A date in 'availability_calendar_date_entry' format. (03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Availability Calendar month caption | [commerce-payment-transaction:creator:last-login:availability_calendar_month_caption] | A date in 'availability_calendar_month_caption' format. (03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Hours am/pm | [commerce-payment-transaction:creator:last-login:hours_ampm] | A date in 'hours_ampm' format. (3:29 am) |
Long format | [commerce-payment-transaction:creator:last-login:long] | A date in 'long' format. (พุธ, มีนาคม 20, 2024 - 03:29) |
Medium format | [commerce-payment-transaction:creator:last-login:medium] | A date in 'medium' format. (พ, 03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Raw timestamp | [commerce-payment-transaction:creator:last-login:raw] | A date in UNIX timestamp format (1710880172) |
Short format | [commerce-payment-transaction:creator:last-login:short] | A date in 'short' format. (03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Studyroom Availability Date | [commerce-payment-transaction:creator:last-login:studyroom_availability_date] | A date in 'studyroom_availability_date' format. (พ, 03/20/2024) |
Time-since | [commerce-payment-transaction:creator:last-login:since] | A date in 'time-since' format. (54 ปี 3 เดือน) |
กำหนดรูปแบบเอง | [commerce-payment-transaction:creator:last-login:custom:?] | A date in a custom format. See the PHP documentation for details. |
แก้ไข URL | [commerce-payment-transaction:creator:edit-url] | The URL of the account edit page. |
Currency code | [commerce-payment-transaction:currency-code] | The currency code for the payment. |
Currency symbol | [commerce-payment-transaction:currency-symbol] | The currency symbol for the payment. |
Formatted amount | [commerce-payment-transaction:amount-formatted] | The formatted amount of the payment transaction. |
Order ID | [commerce-payment-transaction:order-id] | The unique ID of the order the transaction belongs to. |
Original commerce payment transaction | [commerce-payment-transaction:original] | The original commerce payment transaction data if the commerce payment transaction is being updated or saved. |
Amount | [commerce-payment-transaction:original:amount] | The amount for this transaction. |
Creator | [commerce-payment-transaction:original:creator] | The creator of the payment transaction. |
Account cancellation URL | [commerce-payment-transaction:original:creator:cancel-url] | The URL of the confirm delete page for the user account. |
Last access | [commerce-payment-transaction:original:creator:last-access] | The date the user last accessed the site. |
Location | [commerce-payment-transaction:original:creator:location] | The location for this user. |
Name | [commerce-payment-transaction:original:creator:name] | The login name of the user account. |
One-time login URL | [commerce-payment-transaction:original:creator:one-time-login-url] | The URL of the one-time login page for the user account. |
Roles | [commerce-payment-transaction:original:creator:roles] | The user roles associated with the user account. |
URL | [commerce-payment-transaction:original:creator:url] | The URL of the account profile page. |
User role ids | [commerce-payment-transaction:original:creator:role-ids] | The role ids the user account is a member of as comma separated list. |
User role names | [commerce-payment-transaction:original:creator:role-names] | The role names the user account is a member of as comma separated list. |
ธีมเริ่มต้น | [commerce-payment-transaction:original:creator:theme] | The user's default theme. |
รหัสผู้ใช้ | [commerce-payment-transaction:original:creator:uid] | The unique ID of the user account. |
รูปภาพ | [commerce-payment-transaction:original:creator:picture] | The picture of the user. |
สถานะ | [commerce-payment-transaction:original:creator:status] | Whether the user is active or blocked. |
สร้างเมื่อ | [commerce-payment-transaction:original:creator:created] | The date the user account was created. |
อีเมล | [commerce-payment-transaction:original:creator:mail] | The email address of the user account. |
เข้าสู่ระบบล่าสุด | [commerce-payment-transaction:original:creator:last-login] | The date the user last logged in to the site. |
แก้ไข URL | [commerce-payment-transaction:original:creator:edit-url] | The URL of the account edit page. |
Currency code | [commerce-payment-transaction:original:currency-code] | The currency code for the payment. |
Currency symbol | [commerce-payment-transaction:original:currency-symbol] | The currency symbol for the payment. |
Formatted amount | [commerce-payment-transaction:original:amount-formatted] | The formatted amount of the payment transaction. |
Order ID | [commerce-payment-transaction:original:order-id] | The unique ID of the order the transaction belongs to. |
Payment method display title | [commerce-payment-transaction:original:payment-method-display-title] | The checkout form oriented display title of the payment method for the payment transaction. |
Payment method short title | [commerce-payment-transaction:original:payment-method-short-title] | The customer oriented short title of the payment method for the payment transaction. |
Payment method title | [commerce-payment-transaction:original:payment-method-title] | The administrative title of the payment method for the payment transaction. |
Raw amount | [commerce-payment-transaction:original:amount-raw] | The raw amount of the payment transaction. |
Remote ID | [commerce-payment-transaction:original:remote-id] | The remote identifier for the payment transaction. |
Remote status | [commerce-payment-transaction:original:remote-status] | The status of the transaction at the payment provider. |
Transaction ID | [commerce-payment-transaction:original:transaction-id] | The primary identifier for a payment transaction. |
URL | [commerce-payment-transaction:original:url] | The URL of the commerce payment transaction. |
Absolute URL | [commerce-payment-transaction:original:url:absolute] | The absolute URL. |
Arguments | [commerce-payment-transaction:original:url:args] | The specific argument of the current page (e.g. 'arg:1' on the page 'node/1' returns '1'). |
Brief URL | [commerce-payment-transaction:original:url:brief] | The URL without the protocol and trailing backslash. |
Relative URL | [commerce-payment-transaction:original:url:relative] | The relative URL. |
Unaliased URL | [commerce-payment-transaction:original:url:unaliased] | The unaliased URL. |
ตำแหน่งพาธ | [commerce-payment-transaction:original:url:path] | The path component of the URL. |
User | [commerce-payment-transaction:original:user] | The user who created the transaction. |
Account cancellation URL | [commerce-payment-transaction:original:user:cancel-url] | The URL of the confirm delete page for the user account. |
Last access | [commerce-payment-transaction:original:user:last-access] | The date the user last accessed the site. |
Location | [commerce-payment-transaction:original:user:location] | The location for this user. |
Name | [commerce-payment-transaction:original:user:name] | The login name of the user account. |
One-time login URL | [commerce-payment-transaction:original:user:one-time-login-url] | The URL of the one-time login page for the user account. |
Roles | [commerce-payment-transaction:original:user:roles] | The user roles associated with the user account. |
URL | [commerce-payment-transaction:original:user:url] | The URL of the account profile page. |
User role ids | [commerce-payment-transaction:original:user:role-ids] | The role ids the user account is a member of as comma separated list. |
User role names | [commerce-payment-transaction:original:user:role-names] | The role names the user account is a member of as comma separated list. |
ธีมเริ่มต้น | [commerce-payment-transaction:original:user:theme] | The user's default theme. |
รหัสผู้ใช้ | [commerce-payment-transaction:original:user:uid] | The unique ID of the user account. |
รูปภาพ | [commerce-payment-transaction:original:user:picture] | The picture of the user. |
สถานะ | [commerce-payment-transaction:original:user:status] | Whether the user is active or blocked. |
สร้างเมื่อ | [commerce-payment-transaction:original:user:created] | The date the user account was created. |
อีเมล | [commerce-payment-transaction:original:user:mail] | The email address of the user account. |
เข้าสู่ระบบล่าสุด | [commerce-payment-transaction:original:user:last-login] | The date the user last logged in to the site. |
แก้ไข URL | [commerce-payment-transaction:original:user:edit-url] | The URL of the account edit page. |
ข้อความ | [commerce-payment-transaction:original:message] | The human-readable message associated to the payment transaction. |
รหัสผู้ใช้ | [commerce-payment-transaction:original:uid] | The unique ID of the user who created the transaction. |
วันที่สร้าง | [commerce-payment-transaction:original:created] | The date the payment transaction was created. |
Availability Calendar date display | [commerce-payment-transaction:original:created:availability_calendar_date_display] | A date in 'availability_calendar_date_display' format. (03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Availability Calendar date entry | [commerce-payment-transaction:original:created:availability_calendar_date_entry] | A date in 'availability_calendar_date_entry' format. (03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Availability Calendar month caption | [commerce-payment-transaction:original:created:availability_calendar_month_caption] | A date in 'availability_calendar_month_caption' format. (03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Hours am/pm | [commerce-payment-transaction:original:created:hours_ampm] | A date in 'hours_ampm' format. (3:29 am) |
Long format | [commerce-payment-transaction:original:created:long] | A date in 'long' format. (พุธ, มีนาคม 20, 2024 - 03:29) |
Medium format | [commerce-payment-transaction:original:created:medium] | A date in 'medium' format. (พ, 03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Raw timestamp | [commerce-payment-transaction:original:created:raw] | A date in UNIX timestamp format (1710880172) |
Short format | [commerce-payment-transaction:original:created:short] | A date in 'short' format. (03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Studyroom Availability Date | [commerce-payment-transaction:original:created:studyroom_availability_date] | A date in 'studyroom_availability_date' format. (พ, 03/20/2024) |
Time-since | [commerce-payment-transaction:original:created:since] | A date in 'time-since' format. (54 ปี 3 เดือน) |
กำหนดรูปแบบเอง | [commerce-payment-transaction:original:created:custom:?] | A date in a custom format. See the PHP documentation for details. |
วันที่เปลี่ยนแปลง | [commerce-payment-transaction:original:changed] | The date the payment transaction was last updated. |
Availability Calendar date display | [commerce-payment-transaction:original:changed:availability_calendar_date_display] | A date in 'availability_calendar_date_display' format. (03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Availability Calendar date entry | [commerce-payment-transaction:original:changed:availability_calendar_date_entry] | A date in 'availability_calendar_date_entry' format. (03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Availability Calendar month caption | [commerce-payment-transaction:original:changed:availability_calendar_month_caption] | A date in 'availability_calendar_month_caption' format. (03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Hours am/pm | [commerce-payment-transaction:original:changed:hours_ampm] | A date in 'hours_ampm' format. (3:29 am) |
Long format | [commerce-payment-transaction:original:changed:long] | A date in 'long' format. (พุธ, มีนาคม 20, 2024 - 03:29) |
Medium format | [commerce-payment-transaction:original:changed:medium] | A date in 'medium' format. (พ, 03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Raw timestamp | [commerce-payment-transaction:original:changed:raw] | A date in UNIX timestamp format (1710880172) |
Short format | [commerce-payment-transaction:original:changed:short] | A date in 'short' format. (03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Studyroom Availability Date | [commerce-payment-transaction:original:changed:studyroom_availability_date] | A date in 'studyroom_availability_date' format. (พ, 03/20/2024) |
Time-since | [commerce-payment-transaction:original:changed:since] | A date in 'time-since' format. (54 ปี 3 เดือน) |
กำหนดรูปแบบเอง | [commerce-payment-transaction:original:changed:custom:?] | A date in a custom format. See the PHP documentation for details. |
วิธีการชำระเงิน | [commerce-payment-transaction:original:payment-method] | The payment method method_id for the payment transaction. |
สถานะ | [commerce-payment-transaction:original:status] | The status of this transaction (pending, success, or failure). |
หมายเลขออเด้อ | [commerce-payment-transaction:original:order] | The order related to the payment transaction. |
Billing information | [commerce-payment-transaction:original:order:commerce-customer-billing] | Field "commerce_customer_billing". |
Billing information | [commerce-payment-transaction:original:order:commerce_customer_billing] | Customer profile reference field. |
Cancel date | [commerce-payment-transaction:original:order:field-commerce-billy-cancel-date] | Field "field_commerce_billy_cancel_date". |
Cancel date | [commerce-payment-transaction:original:order:field_commerce_billy_cancel_date] | Date (Unix timestamp) field. |
Coupons | [commerce-payment-transaction:original:order:commerce_coupons] | Entity Reference field. |
Coupons | [commerce-payment-transaction:original:order:commerce-coupons] | Field "commerce_coupons". |
Create revision | [commerce-payment-transaction:original:order:revision] | Whether or not saving this order creates a new revision. |
Date placed | [commerce-payment-transaction:original:order:placed] | The date the order was placed i.e. checkout was completed. |
Discount reference | [commerce-payment-transaction:original:order:commerce_discounts] | Entity Reference field. |
Discount reference | [commerce-payment-transaction:original:order:commerce-discounts] | Field "commerce_discounts". |
Expiration (formatted) | [commerce-payment-transaction:original:order:expiration-formatted] | The time left until this order expires. Formatted by theme_commerce_cart_expiration(). |
Expiration (raw) | [commerce-payment-transaction:original:order:expiration-raw] | The raw time left until this order expires in seconds. |
Host name | [commerce-payment-transaction:original:order:hostname] | The IP address that created this order. |
Invoice date | [commerce-payment-transaction:original:order:field-commerce-billy-i-date] | Field "field_commerce_billy_i_date". |
Invoice date | [commerce-payment-transaction:original:order:field_commerce_billy_i_date] | Date (Unix timestamp) field. |
Line items | [commerce-payment-transaction:original:order:commerce-line-items] | Field "commerce_line_items". |
Line items | [commerce-payment-transaction:original:order:commerce_line_items] | Line item reference field. |
Order ID | [commerce-payment-transaction:original:order:order-id] | The unique numeric ID of the order. |
Order e-mail | [commerce-payment-transaction:original:order:mail] | The e-mail address associated with the order. |
Order e-mail prepared for username usage | [commerce-payment-transaction:original:order:mail-username] | The e-mail address associated with this order with illegal characters for usernames replaced. |
Order number | [commerce-payment-transaction:original:order:order-number] | The order number displayed to the customer. |
Order state | [commerce-payment-transaction:original:order:state] | The current state of the order. |
Order state title | [commerce-payment-transaction:original:order:state-title] | The human-readable title of the order state. |
Order status | [commerce-payment-transaction:original:order:status] | The current status of the order. |
Order status title | [commerce-payment-transaction:original:order:status-title] | The human-readable title of the order status. |
Order total | [commerce-payment-transaction:original:order:commerce-order-total:?] | Field "commerce_order_total". The following properties may be appended to the token: amount (Amount), amount_decimal (Amount (decimal)), currency_code (Currency), data (Data) |
Order total | [commerce-payment-transaction:original:order:commerce_order_total] | ราคา field. |
Order type | [commerce-payment-transaction:original:order:type] | The type of the order. |
Order type name | [commerce-payment-transaction:original:order:type-name] | The human-readable name of the order type. |
Owner ID | [commerce-payment-transaction:original:order:uid] | The unique ID of the order owner. |
Payment method display title | [commerce-payment-transaction:original:order:payment-method-display-title] | The checkout form oriented display title of the payment method for the payment transaction. |
Payment method short title | [commerce-payment-transaction:original:order:payment-method-short-title] | The customer oriented short title of the payment method selected by the customer during checkout. |
Payment method title | [commerce-payment-transaction:original:order:payment-method-title] | The administrative title of the payment method selected by the customer during checkout. |
URL | [commerce-payment-transaction:original:order:url] | The URL of the order. |
URL | [commerce-payment-transaction:original:order:admin-url] | The URL for administrators to view the order. |
URL | [commerce-payment-transaction:original:order:customer-url] | The URL for customers to view the order. |
View URL | [commerce-payment-transaction:original:order:view-url] | The URL a customer can visit to view the order. |
วันที่สร้าง | [commerce-payment-transaction:original:order:created] | The date the order was created. |
วันที่เปลี่ยนแปลง | [commerce-payment-transaction:original:order:changed] | The date the order was last updated. |
วิธีการชำระเงิน | [commerce-payment-transaction:original:order:payment-method] | The method_id of the payment method selected by the customer during checkout. |
เจ้าของ | [commerce-payment-transaction:original:order:owner] | The owner of the order. |
แก้ไข ID | [commerce-payment-transaction:original:order:revision-id] | The unique ID of the order's latest revision. |
แก้ไข URL | [commerce-payment-transaction:original:order:edit-url] | The URL of the order's edit page. |
แก้ไข ID | [commerce-payment-transaction:original:revision-id] | The unique ID for the latest revision of a payment transaction. |
Payment method display title | [commerce-payment-transaction:payment-method-display-title] | The checkout form oriented display title of the payment method for the payment transaction. |
Payment method short title | [commerce-payment-transaction:payment-method-short-title] | The customer oriented short title of the payment method for the payment transaction. |
Payment method title | [commerce-payment-transaction:payment-method-title] | The administrative title of the payment method for the payment transaction. |
Raw amount | [commerce-payment-transaction:amount-raw] | The raw amount of the payment transaction. |
Remote ID | [commerce-payment-transaction:remote-id] | The remote identifier for the payment transaction. |
Remote status | [commerce-payment-transaction:remote-status] | The status of the transaction at the payment provider. |
Transaction ID | [commerce-payment-transaction:transaction-id] | The primary identifier for a payment transaction. |
URL | [commerce-payment-transaction:url] | The URL of the commerce payment transaction. |
Absolute URL | [commerce-payment-transaction:url:absolute] | The absolute URL. |
Arguments | [commerce-payment-transaction:url:args] | The specific argument of the current page (e.g. 'arg:1' on the page 'node/1' returns '1'). |
First | [commerce-payment-transaction:url:args:first] | The first element of the array. |
Imploded | [commerce-payment-transaction:url:args:join:?] | The values of the array joined together with a custom string in-between each value. |
Joined path | [commerce-payment-transaction:url:args:join-path] | The array values each cleaned by Pathauto and then joined with the slash into a string that resembles an URL. |
Keys | [commerce-payment-transaction:url:args:keys] | The array of keys of the array. |
Last | [commerce-payment-transaction:url:args:last] | The last element of the array. |
Reversed | [commerce-payment-transaction:url:args:reversed] | The array reversed. |
Value | [commerce-payment-transaction:url:args:value:?] | The specific value of the array. |
จำนวน | [commerce-payment-transaction:url:args:count] | The number of elements in the array. |
Brief URL | [commerce-payment-transaction:url:brief] | The URL without the protocol and trailing backslash. |
Relative URL | [commerce-payment-transaction:url:relative] | The relative URL. |
Unaliased URL | [commerce-payment-transaction:url:unaliased] | The unaliased URL. |
Absolute URL | [commerce-payment-transaction:url:unaliased:absolute] | The absolute URL. |
Arguments | [commerce-payment-transaction:url:unaliased:args] | The specific argument of the current page (e.g. 'arg:1' on the page 'node/1' returns '1'). |
Brief URL | [commerce-payment-transaction:url:unaliased:brief] | The URL without the protocol and trailing backslash. |
Relative URL | [commerce-payment-transaction:url:unaliased:relative] | The relative URL. |
ตำแหน่งพาธ | [commerce-payment-transaction:url:unaliased:path] | The path component of the URL. |
ตำแหน่งพาธ | [commerce-payment-transaction:url:path] | The path component of the URL. |
User | [commerce-payment-transaction:user] | The user who created the transaction. |
Account cancellation URL | [commerce-payment-transaction:user:cancel-url] | The URL of the confirm delete page for the user account. |
Last access | [commerce-payment-transaction:user:last-access] | The date the user last accessed the site. |
Availability Calendar date display | [commerce-payment-transaction:user:last-access:availability_calendar_date_display] | A date in 'availability_calendar_date_display' format. (03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Availability Calendar date entry | [commerce-payment-transaction:user:last-access:availability_calendar_date_entry] | A date in 'availability_calendar_date_entry' format. (03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Availability Calendar month caption | [commerce-payment-transaction:user:last-access:availability_calendar_month_caption] | A date in 'availability_calendar_month_caption' format. (03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Hours am/pm | [commerce-payment-transaction:user:last-access:hours_ampm] | A date in 'hours_ampm' format. (3:29 am) |
Long format | [commerce-payment-transaction:user:last-access:long] | A date in 'long' format. (พุธ, มีนาคม 20, 2024 - 03:29) |
Medium format | [commerce-payment-transaction:user:last-access:medium] | A date in 'medium' format. (พ, 03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Raw timestamp | [commerce-payment-transaction:user:last-access:raw] | A date in UNIX timestamp format (1710880172) |
Short format | [commerce-payment-transaction:user:last-access:short] | A date in 'short' format. (03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Studyroom Availability Date | [commerce-payment-transaction:user:last-access:studyroom_availability_date] | A date in 'studyroom_availability_date' format. (พ, 03/20/2024) |
Time-since | [commerce-payment-transaction:user:last-access:since] | A date in 'time-since' format. (54 ปี 3 เดือน) |
กำหนดรูปแบบเอง | [commerce-payment-transaction:user:last-access:custom:?] | A date in a custom format. See the PHP documentation for details. |
Location | [commerce-payment-transaction:user:location] | The location for this user. |
Additional | [commerce-payment-transaction:user:location:additional:?] | Additional (If there are multiple locations, N is the iteration, starting with 0). |
Country Name | [commerce-payment-transaction:user:location:country_name:?] | Country Name (If there are multiple locations, N is the iteration, starting with 0). |
Latitude | [commerce-payment-transaction:user:location:latitude:?] | Latitude (If there are multiple locations, N is the iteration, starting with 0). |
Location Name | [commerce-payment-transaction:user:location:name:?] | Location Name (If there are multiple locations, N is the iteration, starting with 0). |
Longitude | [commerce-payment-transaction:user:location:longitude:?] | Longitude (If there are multiple locations, N is the iteration, starting with 0). |
Postal Code | [commerce-payment-transaction:user:location:postal_code:?] | Postal Code (If there are multiple locations, N is the iteration, starting with 0). |
State/Province Name | [commerce-payment-transaction:user:location:province_name:?] | State/Province Name (If there are multiple locations, N is the iteration, starting with 0). |
Street | [commerce-payment-transaction:user:location:street:?] | Street (If there are multiple locations, N is the iteration, starting with 0). |
ประเทศ | [commerce-payment-transaction:user:location:country:?] | Country (If there are multiple locations, N is the iteration, starting with 0). |
รัฐ / จังหวัด | [commerce-payment-transaction:user:location:province:?] | State/Province (If there are multiple locations, N is the iteration, starting with 0). |
เมือง | [commerce-payment-transaction:user:location:city:?] | City (If there are multiple locations, N is the iteration, starting with 0). |
Name | [commerce-payment-transaction:user:name] | The login name of the user account. |
One-time login URL | [commerce-payment-transaction:user:one-time-login-url] | The URL of the one-time login page for the user account. |
Original user | [commerce-payment-transaction:user:original] | The original user data if the user is being updated or saved. |
Account cancellation URL | [commerce-payment-transaction:user:original:cancel-url] | The URL of the confirm delete page for the user account. |
Last access | [commerce-payment-transaction:user:original:last-access] | The date the user last accessed the site. |
Location | [commerce-payment-transaction:user:original:location] | The location for this user. |
Name | [commerce-payment-transaction:user:original:name] | The login name of the user account. |
One-time login URL | [commerce-payment-transaction:user:original:one-time-login-url] | The URL of the one-time login page for the user account. |
Roles | [commerce-payment-transaction:user:original:roles] | The user roles associated with the user account. |
URL | [commerce-payment-transaction:user:original:url] | The URL of the account profile page. |
User role ids | [commerce-payment-transaction:user:original:role-ids] | The role ids the user account is a member of as comma separated list. |
User role names | [commerce-payment-transaction:user:original:role-names] | The role names the user account is a member of as comma separated list. |
ธีมเริ่มต้น | [commerce-payment-transaction:user:original:theme] | The user's default theme. |
รหัสผู้ใช้ | [commerce-payment-transaction:user:original:uid] | The unique ID of the user account. |
รูปภาพ | [commerce-payment-transaction:user:original:picture] | The picture of the user. |
สถานะ | [commerce-payment-transaction:user:original:status] | Whether the user is active or blocked. |
สร้างเมื่อ | [commerce-payment-transaction:user:original:created] | The date the user account was created. |
อีเมล | [commerce-payment-transaction:user:original:mail] | The email address of the user account. |
เข้าสู่ระบบล่าสุด | [commerce-payment-transaction:user:original:last-login] | The date the user last logged in to the site. |
แก้ไข URL | [commerce-payment-transaction:user:original:edit-url] | The URL of the account edit page. |
Roles | [commerce-payment-transaction:user:roles] | The user roles associated with the user account. |
First | [commerce-payment-transaction:user:roles:first] | The first element of the array. |
Imploded | [commerce-payment-transaction:user:roles:join:?] | The values of the array joined together with a custom string in-between each value. |
Joined path | [commerce-payment-transaction:user:roles:join-path] | The array values each cleaned by Pathauto and then joined with the slash into a string that resembles an URL. |
Keys | [commerce-payment-transaction:user:roles:keys] | The array of keys of the array. |
Last | [commerce-payment-transaction:user:roles:last] | The last element of the array. |
Reversed | [commerce-payment-transaction:user:roles:reversed] | The array reversed. |
Value | [commerce-payment-transaction:user:roles:value:?] | The specific value of the array. |
จำนวน | [commerce-payment-transaction:user:roles:count] | The number of elements in the array. |
URL | [commerce-payment-transaction:user:url] | The URL of the account profile page. |
Absolute URL | [commerce-payment-transaction:user:url:absolute] | The absolute URL. |
Arguments | [commerce-payment-transaction:user:url:args] | The specific argument of the current page (e.g. 'arg:1' on the page 'node/1' returns '1'). |
Brief URL | [commerce-payment-transaction:user:url:brief] | The URL without the protocol and trailing backslash. |
Relative URL | [commerce-payment-transaction:user:url:relative] | The relative URL. |
Unaliased URL | [commerce-payment-transaction:user:url:unaliased] | The unaliased URL. |
ตำแหน่งพาธ | [commerce-payment-transaction:user:url:path] | The path component of the URL. |
User role ids | [commerce-payment-transaction:user:role-ids] | The role ids the user account is a member of as comma separated list. |
User role names | [commerce-payment-transaction:user:role-names] | The role names the user account is a member of as comma separated list. |
ธีมเริ่มต้น | [commerce-payment-transaction:user:theme] | The user's default theme. |
รหัสผู้ใช้ | [commerce-payment-transaction:user:uid] | The unique ID of the user account. |
รูปภาพ | [commerce-payment-transaction:user:picture] | The picture of the user. |
Base name | [commerce-payment-transaction:user:picture:basename] | The base name of the file. |
Extension | [commerce-payment-transaction:user:picture:extension] | The extension of the file. |
File byte size | [commerce-payment-transaction:user:picture:size-raw] | The size of the file, in bytes. |
File name | [commerce-payment-transaction:user:picture:name] | The name of the file on disk. |
MIME type | [commerce-payment-transaction:user:picture:mime] | The MIME type of the file. |
Original ไฟล์ | [commerce-payment-transaction:user:picture:original] | The original ไฟล์ data if the ไฟล์ is being updated or saved. |
URL | [commerce-payment-transaction:user:picture:url] | The web-accessible URL for the file. |
ขนาดไฟล์ | [commerce-payment-transaction:user:picture:size] | ขนาดของไฟล์ |
ตำแหน่งพาธ | [commerce-payment-transaction:user:picture:path] | The location of the file relative to Drupal root. |
รหัสไฟล์ | [commerce-payment-transaction:user:picture:fid] | The unique ID of the uploaded file. |
ระบุเวลา | [commerce-payment-transaction:user:picture:timestamp] | The date the file was most recently changed. |
เจ้าของ | [commerce-payment-transaction:user:picture:owner] | The user who originally uploaded the file. |
สถานะ | [commerce-payment-transaction:user:status] | Whether the user is active or blocked. |
สร้างเมื่อ | [commerce-payment-transaction:user:created] | The date the user account was created. |
Availability Calendar date display | [commerce-payment-transaction:user:created:availability_calendar_date_display] | A date in 'availability_calendar_date_display' format. (03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Availability Calendar date entry | [commerce-payment-transaction:user:created:availability_calendar_date_entry] | A date in 'availability_calendar_date_entry' format. (03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Availability Calendar month caption | [commerce-payment-transaction:user:created:availability_calendar_month_caption] | A date in 'availability_calendar_month_caption' format. (03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Hours am/pm | [commerce-payment-transaction:user:created:hours_ampm] | A date in 'hours_ampm' format. (3:29 am) |
Long format | [commerce-payment-transaction:user:created:long] | A date in 'long' format. (พุธ, มีนาคม 20, 2024 - 03:29) |
Medium format | [commerce-payment-transaction:user:created:medium] | A date in 'medium' format. (พ, 03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Raw timestamp | [commerce-payment-transaction:user:created:raw] | A date in UNIX timestamp format (1710880172) |
Short format | [commerce-payment-transaction:user:created:short] | A date in 'short' format. (03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Studyroom Availability Date | [commerce-payment-transaction:user:created:studyroom_availability_date] | A date in 'studyroom_availability_date' format. (พ, 03/20/2024) |
Time-since | [commerce-payment-transaction:user:created:since] | A date in 'time-since' format. (54 ปี 3 เดือน) |
กำหนดรูปแบบเอง | [commerce-payment-transaction:user:created:custom:?] | A date in a custom format. See the PHP documentation for details. |
อีเมล | [commerce-payment-transaction:user:mail] | The email address of the user account. |
เข้าสู่ระบบล่าสุด | [commerce-payment-transaction:user:last-login] | The date the user last logged in to the site. |
Availability Calendar date display | [commerce-payment-transaction:user:last-login:availability_calendar_date_display] | A date in 'availability_calendar_date_display' format. (03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Availability Calendar date entry | [commerce-payment-transaction:user:last-login:availability_calendar_date_entry] | A date in 'availability_calendar_date_entry' format. (03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Availability Calendar month caption | [commerce-payment-transaction:user:last-login:availability_calendar_month_caption] | A date in 'availability_calendar_month_caption' format. (03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Hours am/pm | [commerce-payment-transaction:user:last-login:hours_ampm] | A date in 'hours_ampm' format. (3:29 am) |
Long format | [commerce-payment-transaction:user:last-login:long] | A date in 'long' format. (พุธ, มีนาคม 20, 2024 - 03:29) |
Medium format | [commerce-payment-transaction:user:last-login:medium] | A date in 'medium' format. (พ, 03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Raw timestamp | [commerce-payment-transaction:user:last-login:raw] | A date in UNIX timestamp format (1710880172) |
Short format | [commerce-payment-transaction:user:last-login:short] | A date in 'short' format. (03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Studyroom Availability Date | [commerce-payment-transaction:user:last-login:studyroom_availability_date] | A date in 'studyroom_availability_date' format. (พ, 03/20/2024) |
Time-since | [commerce-payment-transaction:user:last-login:since] | A date in 'time-since' format. (54 ปี 3 เดือน) |
กำหนดรูปแบบเอง | [commerce-payment-transaction:user:last-login:custom:?] | A date in a custom format. See the PHP documentation for details. |
แก้ไข URL | [commerce-payment-transaction:user:edit-url] | The URL of the account edit page. |
ข้อความ | [commerce-payment-transaction:message] | The human-readable message associated to the payment transaction. |
รหัสผู้ใช้ | [commerce-payment-transaction:uid] | The unique ID of the user who created the transaction. |
วันที่สร้าง | [commerce-payment-transaction:created] | The date the payment transaction was created. |
Availability Calendar date display | [commerce-payment-transaction:created:availability_calendar_date_display] | A date in 'availability_calendar_date_display' format. (03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Availability Calendar date entry | [commerce-payment-transaction:created:availability_calendar_date_entry] | A date in 'availability_calendar_date_entry' format. (03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Availability Calendar month caption | [commerce-payment-transaction:created:availability_calendar_month_caption] | A date in 'availability_calendar_month_caption' format. (03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Hours am/pm | [commerce-payment-transaction:created:hours_ampm] | A date in 'hours_ampm' format. (3:29 am) |
Long format | [commerce-payment-transaction:created:long] | A date in 'long' format. (พุธ, มีนาคม 20, 2024 - 03:29) |
Medium format | [commerce-payment-transaction:created:medium] | A date in 'medium' format. (พ, 03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Raw timestamp | [commerce-payment-transaction:created:raw] | A date in UNIX timestamp format (1710880172) |
Short format | [commerce-payment-transaction:created:short] | A date in 'short' format. (03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Studyroom Availability Date | [commerce-payment-transaction:created:studyroom_availability_date] | A date in 'studyroom_availability_date' format. (พ, 03/20/2024) |
Time-since | [commerce-payment-transaction:created:since] | A date in 'time-since' format. (54 ปี 3 เดือน) |
กำหนดรูปแบบเอง | [commerce-payment-transaction:created:custom:?] | A date in a custom format. See the PHP documentation for details. |
วันที่เปลี่ยนแปลง | [commerce-payment-transaction:changed] | The date the payment transaction was last updated. |
Availability Calendar date display | [commerce-payment-transaction:changed:availability_calendar_date_display] | A date in 'availability_calendar_date_display' format. (03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Availability Calendar date entry | [commerce-payment-transaction:changed:availability_calendar_date_entry] | A date in 'availability_calendar_date_entry' format. (03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Availability Calendar month caption | [commerce-payment-transaction:changed:availability_calendar_month_caption] | A date in 'availability_calendar_month_caption' format. (03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Hours am/pm | [commerce-payment-transaction:changed:hours_ampm] | A date in 'hours_ampm' format. (3:29 am) |
Long format | [commerce-payment-transaction:changed:long] | A date in 'long' format. (พุธ, มีนาคม 20, 2024 - 03:29) |
Medium format | [commerce-payment-transaction:changed:medium] | A date in 'medium' format. (พ, 03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Raw timestamp | [commerce-payment-transaction:changed:raw] | A date in UNIX timestamp format (1710880172) |
Short format | [commerce-payment-transaction:changed:short] | A date in 'short' format. (03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Studyroom Availability Date | [commerce-payment-transaction:changed:studyroom_availability_date] | A date in 'studyroom_availability_date' format. (พ, 03/20/2024) |
Time-since | [commerce-payment-transaction:changed:since] | A date in 'time-since' format. (54 ปี 3 เดือน) |
กำหนดรูปแบบเอง | [commerce-payment-transaction:changed:custom:?] | A date in a custom format. See the PHP documentation for details. |
วิธีการชำระเงิน | [commerce-payment-transaction:payment-method] | The payment method method_id for the payment transaction. |
สถานะ | [commerce-payment-transaction:status] | The status of this transaction (pending, success, or failure). |
หมายเลขออเด้อ | [commerce-payment-transaction:order] | The order related to the payment transaction. |
Billing information | [commerce-payment-transaction:order:commerce-customer-billing] | Field "commerce_customer_billing". |
Address | [commerce-payment-transaction:order:commerce-customer-billing:commerce-customer-address:?] | Field "commerce_customer_address". The following properties may be appended to the token: country (ประเทศ), name_line (ชื่อเต็ม), first_name (ชื่อจริง), last_name (นามสกุล), organisation_name (บริษัท), administrative_area (Administrative area (i.e. State / Province)), sub_administrative_area (Sub administrative area), locality (Locality (i.e. City)), dependent_locality (Dependent locality), postal_code (รหัสไปรษณีย์), thoroughfare (ที่อยู่ถนน), premise (Premise (i.e. Apartment / Suite number)), sub_premise (Sub Premise (i.e. Suite, Apartment, Floor, Unknown.) |
Address | [commerce-payment-transaction:order:commerce-customer-billing:commerce_customer_address] | Postal address field. |
Customer profile ID | [commerce-payment-transaction:order:commerce-customer-billing:customer-profile-id] | The unique numeric ID of the customer profile. |
Customer profile owner | [commerce-payment-transaction:order:commerce-customer-billing:owner] | The user the customer profile belongs to. |
Customer profile type | [commerce-payment-transaction:order:commerce-customer-billing:type] | The type of the customer profile. |
Customer profile type name | [commerce-payment-transaction:order:commerce-customer-billing:type-name] | The type name of the customer profile. |
Date updated | [commerce-payment-transaction:order:commerce-customer-billing:changed] | The date the customer profile was last updated. |
Original commerce customer profile | [commerce-payment-transaction:order:commerce-customer-billing:original] | The original commerce customer profile data if the commerce customer profile is being updated or saved. |
Profile ID | [commerce-payment-transaction:order:commerce-customer-billing:profile-id] | The internal numeric ID of the customer profile. |
URL | [commerce-payment-transaction:order:commerce-customer-billing:url] | The URL of the commerce customer profile. |
User | [commerce-payment-transaction:order:commerce-customer-billing:user] | The user the customer profile belongs to. |
รหัสผู้ใช้ | [commerce-payment-transaction:order:commerce-customer-billing:uid] | The unique ID of the user the customer profile belongs to. |
วันที่สร้าง | [commerce-payment-transaction:order:commerce-customer-billing:created] | The date the customer profile was created. |
สถานะ | [commerce-payment-transaction:order:commerce-customer-billing:status] | Whether or not the customer profile is active. |
แก้ไข ID | [commerce-payment-transaction:order:commerce-customer-billing:revision-id] | The unique ID of the customer profile's latest revision. |
Billing information | [commerce-payment-transaction:order:commerce_customer_billing] | Customer profile reference field. |
Cancel date | [commerce-payment-transaction:order:field-commerce-billy-cancel-date] | Field "field_commerce_billy_cancel_date". |
Availability Calendar date display | [commerce-payment-transaction:order:field-commerce-billy-cancel-date:availability_calendar_date_display] | A date in 'availability_calendar_date_display' format. (03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Availability Calendar date entry | [commerce-payment-transaction:order:field-commerce-billy-cancel-date:availability_calendar_date_entry] | A date in 'availability_calendar_date_entry' format. (03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Availability Calendar month caption | [commerce-payment-transaction:order:field-commerce-billy-cancel-date:availability_calendar_month_caption] | A date in 'availability_calendar_month_caption' format. (03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Hours am/pm | [commerce-payment-transaction:order:field-commerce-billy-cancel-date:hours_ampm] | A date in 'hours_ampm' format. (3:29 am) |
Long format | [commerce-payment-transaction:order:field-commerce-billy-cancel-date:long] | A date in 'long' format. (พุธ, มีนาคม 20, 2024 - 03:29) |
Medium format | [commerce-payment-transaction:order:field-commerce-billy-cancel-date:medium] | A date in 'medium' format. (พ, 03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Raw timestamp | [commerce-payment-transaction:order:field-commerce-billy-cancel-date:raw] | A date in UNIX timestamp format (1710880172) |
Short format | [commerce-payment-transaction:order:field-commerce-billy-cancel-date:short] | A date in 'short' format. (03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Studyroom Availability Date | [commerce-payment-transaction:order:field-commerce-billy-cancel-date:studyroom_availability_date] | A date in 'studyroom_availability_date' format. (พ, 03/20/2024) |
Time-since | [commerce-payment-transaction:order:field-commerce-billy-cancel-date:since] | A date in 'time-since' format. (54 ปี 3 เดือน) |
กำหนดรูปแบบเอง | [commerce-payment-transaction:order:field-commerce-billy-cancel-date:custom:?] | A date in a custom format. See the PHP documentation for details. |
Cancel date | [commerce-payment-transaction:order:field_commerce_billy_cancel_date] | Date (Unix timestamp) field. |
Coupons | [commerce-payment-transaction:order:commerce_coupons] | Entity Reference field. |
Coupons | [commerce-payment-transaction:order:commerce-coupons] | Field "commerce_coupons". |
Commerce Coupon with delta 0 | [commerce-payment-transaction:order:commerce-coupons:0] | The list item with delta 0. Delta values start from 0 and are incremented by one per list item. |
Commerce Coupon with delta 1 | [commerce-payment-transaction:order:commerce-coupons:1] | The list item with delta 1. Delta values start from 0 and are incremented by one per list item. |
Commerce Coupon with delta 2 | [commerce-payment-transaction:order:commerce-coupons:2] | The list item with delta 2. Delta values start from 0 and are incremented by one per list item. |
Commerce Coupon with delta 3 | [commerce-payment-transaction:order:commerce-coupons:3] | The list item with delta 3. Delta values start from 0 and are incremented by one per list item. |
Create revision | [commerce-payment-transaction:order:revision] | Whether or not saving this order creates a new revision. |
Date placed | [commerce-payment-transaction:order:placed] | The date the order was placed i.e. checkout was completed. |
Availability Calendar date display | [commerce-payment-transaction:order:placed:availability_calendar_date_display] | A date in 'availability_calendar_date_display' format. (03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Availability Calendar date entry | [commerce-payment-transaction:order:placed:availability_calendar_date_entry] | A date in 'availability_calendar_date_entry' format. (03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Availability Calendar month caption | [commerce-payment-transaction:order:placed:availability_calendar_month_caption] | A date in 'availability_calendar_month_caption' format. (03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Hours am/pm | [commerce-payment-transaction:order:placed:hours_ampm] | A date in 'hours_ampm' format. (3:29 am) |
Long format | [commerce-payment-transaction:order:placed:long] | A date in 'long' format. (พุธ, มีนาคม 20, 2024 - 03:29) |
Medium format | [commerce-payment-transaction:order:placed:medium] | A date in 'medium' format. (พ, 03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Raw timestamp | [commerce-payment-transaction:order:placed:raw] | A date in UNIX timestamp format (1710880172) |
Short format | [commerce-payment-transaction:order:placed:short] | A date in 'short' format. (03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Studyroom Availability Date | [commerce-payment-transaction:order:placed:studyroom_availability_date] | A date in 'studyroom_availability_date' format. (พ, 03/20/2024) |
Time-since | [commerce-payment-transaction:order:placed:since] | A date in 'time-since' format. (54 ปี 3 เดือน) |
กำหนดรูปแบบเอง | [commerce-payment-transaction:order:placed:custom:?] | A date in a custom format. See the PHP documentation for details. |
Discount reference | [commerce-payment-transaction:order:commerce_discounts] | Entity Reference field. |
Discount reference | [commerce-payment-transaction:order:commerce-discounts] | Field "commerce_discounts". |
Commerce Discount with delta 0 | [commerce-payment-transaction:order:commerce-discounts:0] | The list item with delta 0. Delta values start from 0 and are incremented by one per list item. |
Commerce Discount with delta 1 | [commerce-payment-transaction:order:commerce-discounts:1] | The list item with delta 1. Delta values start from 0 and are incremented by one per list item. |
Commerce Discount with delta 2 | [commerce-payment-transaction:order:commerce-discounts:2] | The list item with delta 2. Delta values start from 0 and are incremented by one per list item. |
Commerce Discount with delta 3 | [commerce-payment-transaction:order:commerce-discounts:3] | The list item with delta 3. Delta values start from 0 and are incremented by one per list item. |
Expiration (formatted) | [commerce-payment-transaction:order:expiration-formatted] | The time left until this order expires. Formatted by theme_commerce_cart_expiration(). |
Expiration (raw) | [commerce-payment-transaction:order:expiration-raw] | The raw time left until this order expires in seconds. |
Host name | [commerce-payment-transaction:order:hostname] | The IP address that created this order. |
Invoice date | [commerce-payment-transaction:order:field-commerce-billy-i-date] | Field "field_commerce_billy_i_date". |
Availability Calendar date display | [commerce-payment-transaction:order:field-commerce-billy-i-date:availability_calendar_date_display] | A date in 'availability_calendar_date_display' format. (03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Availability Calendar date entry | [commerce-payment-transaction:order:field-commerce-billy-i-date:availability_calendar_date_entry] | A date in 'availability_calendar_date_entry' format. (03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Availability Calendar month caption | [commerce-payment-transaction:order:field-commerce-billy-i-date:availability_calendar_month_caption] | A date in 'availability_calendar_month_caption' format. (03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Hours am/pm | [commerce-payment-transaction:order:field-commerce-billy-i-date:hours_ampm] | A date in 'hours_ampm' format. (3:29 am) |
Long format | [commerce-payment-transaction:order:field-commerce-billy-i-date:long] | A date in 'long' format. (พุธ, มีนาคม 20, 2024 - 03:29) |
Medium format | [commerce-payment-transaction:order:field-commerce-billy-i-date:medium] | A date in 'medium' format. (พ, 03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Raw timestamp | [commerce-payment-transaction:order:field-commerce-billy-i-date:raw] | A date in UNIX timestamp format (1710880172) |
Short format | [commerce-payment-transaction:order:field-commerce-billy-i-date:short] | A date in 'short' format. (03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Studyroom Availability Date | [commerce-payment-transaction:order:field-commerce-billy-i-date:studyroom_availability_date] | A date in 'studyroom_availability_date' format. (พ, 03/20/2024) |
Time-since | [commerce-payment-transaction:order:field-commerce-billy-i-date:since] | A date in 'time-since' format. (54 ปี 3 เดือน) |
กำหนดรูปแบบเอง | [commerce-payment-transaction:order:field-commerce-billy-i-date:custom:?] | A date in a custom format. See the PHP documentation for details. |
Invoice date | [commerce-payment-transaction:order:field_commerce_billy_i_date] | Date (Unix timestamp) field. |
Line items | [commerce-payment-transaction:order:commerce-line-items] | Field "commerce_line_items". |
Line items with delta 0 | [commerce-payment-transaction:order:commerce-line-items:0] | The list item with delta 0. Delta values start from 0 and are incremented by one per list item. |
Line items with delta 1 | [commerce-payment-transaction:order:commerce-line-items:1] | The list item with delta 1. Delta values start from 0 and are incremented by one per list item. |
Line items with delta 2 | [commerce-payment-transaction:order:commerce-line-items:2] | The list item with delta 2. Delta values start from 0 and are incremented by one per list item. |
Line items with delta 3 | [commerce-payment-transaction:order:commerce-line-items:3] | The list item with delta 3. Delta values start from 0 and are incremented by one per list item. |
Line items | [commerce-payment-transaction:order:commerce_line_items] | Line item reference field. |
Order ID | [commerce-payment-transaction:order:order-id] | The unique numeric ID of the order. |
Order e-mail | [commerce-payment-transaction:order:mail] | The e-mail address associated with the order. |
Order e-mail prepared for username usage | [commerce-payment-transaction:order:mail-username] | The e-mail address associated with this order with illegal characters for usernames replaced. |
Order number | [commerce-payment-transaction:order:order-number] | The order number displayed to the customer. |
Order state | [commerce-payment-transaction:order:state] | The current state of the order. |
Order state title | [commerce-payment-transaction:order:state-title] | The human-readable title of the order state. |
Order status | [commerce-payment-transaction:order:status] | The current status of the order. |
Order status title | [commerce-payment-transaction:order:status-title] | The human-readable title of the order status. |
Order total | [commerce-payment-transaction:order:commerce-order-total:?] | Field "commerce_order_total". The following properties may be appended to the token: amount (Amount), amount_decimal (Amount (decimal)), currency_code (Currency), data (Data) |
Order total | [commerce-payment-transaction:order:commerce_order_total] | ราคา field. |
Order type | [commerce-payment-transaction:order:type] | The type of the order. |
Order type name | [commerce-payment-transaction:order:type-name] | The human-readable name of the order type. |
Original commerce order | [commerce-payment-transaction:order:original] | The original commerce order data if the commerce order is being updated or saved. |
Billing information | [commerce-payment-transaction:order:original:commerce-customer-billing] | Field "commerce_customer_billing". |
Billing information | [commerce-payment-transaction:order:original:commerce_customer_billing] | Customer profile reference field. |
Cancel date | [commerce-payment-transaction:order:original:field-commerce-billy-cancel-date] | Field "field_commerce_billy_cancel_date". |
Cancel date | [commerce-payment-transaction:order:original:field_commerce_billy_cancel_date] | Date (Unix timestamp) field. |
Coupons | [commerce-payment-transaction:order:original:commerce_coupons] | Entity Reference field. |
Coupons | [commerce-payment-transaction:order:original:commerce-coupons] | Field "commerce_coupons". |
Create revision | [commerce-payment-transaction:order:original:revision] | Whether or not saving this order creates a new revision. |
Date placed | [commerce-payment-transaction:order:original:placed] | The date the order was placed i.e. checkout was completed. |
Discount reference | [commerce-payment-transaction:order:original:commerce_discounts] | Entity Reference field. |
Discount reference | [commerce-payment-transaction:order:original:commerce-discounts] | Field "commerce_discounts". |
Expiration (formatted) | [commerce-payment-transaction:order:original:expiration-formatted] | The time left until this order expires. Formatted by theme_commerce_cart_expiration(). |
Expiration (raw) | [commerce-payment-transaction:order:original:expiration-raw] | The raw time left until this order expires in seconds. |
Host name | [commerce-payment-transaction:order:original:hostname] | The IP address that created this order. |
Invoice date | [commerce-payment-transaction:order:original:field-commerce-billy-i-date] | Field "field_commerce_billy_i_date". |
Invoice date | [commerce-payment-transaction:order:original:field_commerce_billy_i_date] | Date (Unix timestamp) field. |
Line items | [commerce-payment-transaction:order:original:commerce-line-items] | Field "commerce_line_items". |
Line items | [commerce-payment-transaction:order:original:commerce_line_items] | Line item reference field. |
Order ID | [commerce-payment-transaction:order:original:order-id] | The unique numeric ID of the order. |
Order e-mail | [commerce-payment-transaction:order:original:mail] | The e-mail address associated with the order. |
Order e-mail prepared for username usage | [commerce-payment-transaction:order:original:mail-username] | The e-mail address associated with this order with illegal characters for usernames replaced. |
Order number | [commerce-payment-transaction:order:original:order-number] | The order number displayed to the customer. |
Order state | [commerce-payment-transaction:order:original:state] | The current state of the order. |
Order state title | [commerce-payment-transaction:order:original:state-title] | The human-readable title of the order state. |
Order status | [commerce-payment-transaction:order:original:status] | The current status of the order. |
Order status title | [commerce-payment-transaction:order:original:status-title] | The human-readable title of the order status. |
Order total | [commerce-payment-transaction:order:original:commerce-order-total:?] | Field "commerce_order_total". The following properties may be appended to the token: amount (Amount), amount_decimal (Amount (decimal)), currency_code (Currency), data (Data) |
Order total | [commerce-payment-transaction:order:original:commerce_order_total] | ราคา field. |
Order type | [commerce-payment-transaction:order:original:type] | The type of the order. |
Order type name | [commerce-payment-transaction:order:original:type-name] | The human-readable name of the order type. |
Owner ID | [commerce-payment-transaction:order:original:uid] | The unique ID of the order owner. |
Payment method display title | [commerce-payment-transaction:order:original:payment-method-display-title] | The checkout form oriented display title of the payment method for the payment transaction. |
Payment method short title | [commerce-payment-transaction:order:original:payment-method-short-title] | The customer oriented short title of the payment method selected by the customer during checkout. |
Payment method title | [commerce-payment-transaction:order:original:payment-method-title] | The administrative title of the payment method selected by the customer during checkout. |
URL | [commerce-payment-transaction:order:original:url] | The URL of the order. |
URL | [commerce-payment-transaction:order:original:admin-url] | The URL for administrators to view the order. |
URL | [commerce-payment-transaction:order:original:customer-url] | The URL for customers to view the order. |
View URL | [commerce-payment-transaction:order:original:view-url] | The URL a customer can visit to view the order. |
วันที่สร้าง | [commerce-payment-transaction:order:original:created] | The date the order was created. |
วันที่เปลี่ยนแปลง | [commerce-payment-transaction:order:original:changed] | The date the order was last updated. |
วิธีการชำระเงิน | [commerce-payment-transaction:order:original:payment-method] | The method_id of the payment method selected by the customer during checkout. |
เจ้าของ | [commerce-payment-transaction:order:original:owner] | The owner of the order. |
แก้ไข ID | [commerce-payment-transaction:order:original:revision-id] | The unique ID of the order's latest revision. |
แก้ไข URL | [commerce-payment-transaction:order:original:edit-url] | The URL of the order's edit page. |
Owner ID | [commerce-payment-transaction:order:uid] | The unique ID of the order owner. |
Payment method display title | [commerce-payment-transaction:order:payment-method-display-title] | The checkout form oriented display title of the payment method for the payment transaction. |
Payment method short title | [commerce-payment-transaction:order:payment-method-short-title] | The customer oriented short title of the payment method selected by the customer during checkout. |
Payment method title | [commerce-payment-transaction:order:payment-method-title] | The administrative title of the payment method selected by the customer during checkout. |
URL | [commerce-payment-transaction:order:url] | The URL of the order. |
URL | [commerce-payment-transaction:order:admin-url] | The URL for administrators to view the order. |
URL | [commerce-payment-transaction:order:customer-url] | The URL for customers to view the order. |
View URL | [commerce-payment-transaction:order:view-url] | The URL a customer can visit to view the order. |
วันที่สร้าง | [commerce-payment-transaction:order:created] | The date the order was created. |
Availability Calendar date display | [commerce-payment-transaction:order:created:availability_calendar_date_display] | A date in 'availability_calendar_date_display' format. (03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Availability Calendar date entry | [commerce-payment-transaction:order:created:availability_calendar_date_entry] | A date in 'availability_calendar_date_entry' format. (03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Availability Calendar month caption | [commerce-payment-transaction:order:created:availability_calendar_month_caption] | A date in 'availability_calendar_month_caption' format. (03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Hours am/pm | [commerce-payment-transaction:order:created:hours_ampm] | A date in 'hours_ampm' format. (3:29 am) |
Long format | [commerce-payment-transaction:order:created:long] | A date in 'long' format. (พุธ, มีนาคม 20, 2024 - 03:29) |
Medium format | [commerce-payment-transaction:order:created:medium] | A date in 'medium' format. (พ, 03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Raw timestamp | [commerce-payment-transaction:order:created:raw] | A date in UNIX timestamp format (1710880172) |
Short format | [commerce-payment-transaction:order:created:short] | A date in 'short' format. (03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Studyroom Availability Date | [commerce-payment-transaction:order:created:studyroom_availability_date] | A date in 'studyroom_availability_date' format. (พ, 03/20/2024) |
Time-since | [commerce-payment-transaction:order:created:since] | A date in 'time-since' format. (54 ปี 3 เดือน) |
กำหนดรูปแบบเอง | [commerce-payment-transaction:order:created:custom:?] | A date in a custom format. See the PHP documentation for details. |
วันที่เปลี่ยนแปลง | [commerce-payment-transaction:order:changed] | The date the order was last updated. |
Availability Calendar date display | [commerce-payment-transaction:order:changed:availability_calendar_date_display] | A date in 'availability_calendar_date_display' format. (03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Availability Calendar date entry | [commerce-payment-transaction:order:changed:availability_calendar_date_entry] | A date in 'availability_calendar_date_entry' format. (03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Availability Calendar month caption | [commerce-payment-transaction:order:changed:availability_calendar_month_caption] | A date in 'availability_calendar_month_caption' format. (03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Hours am/pm | [commerce-payment-transaction:order:changed:hours_ampm] | A date in 'hours_ampm' format. (3:29 am) |
Long format | [commerce-payment-transaction:order:changed:long] | A date in 'long' format. (พุธ, มีนาคม 20, 2024 - 03:29) |
Medium format | [commerce-payment-transaction:order:changed:medium] | A date in 'medium' format. (พ, 03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Raw timestamp | [commerce-payment-transaction:order:changed:raw] | A date in UNIX timestamp format (1710880172) |
Short format | [commerce-payment-transaction:order:changed:short] | A date in 'short' format. (03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Studyroom Availability Date | [commerce-payment-transaction:order:changed:studyroom_availability_date] | A date in 'studyroom_availability_date' format. (พ, 03/20/2024) |
Time-since | [commerce-payment-transaction:order:changed:since] | A date in 'time-since' format. (54 ปี 3 เดือน) |
กำหนดรูปแบบเอง | [commerce-payment-transaction:order:changed:custom:?] | A date in a custom format. See the PHP documentation for details. |
วิธีการชำระเงิน | [commerce-payment-transaction:order:payment-method] | The method_id of the payment method selected by the customer during checkout. |
เจ้าของ | [commerce-payment-transaction:order:owner] | The owner of the order. |
Account cancellation URL | [commerce-payment-transaction:order:owner:cancel-url] | The URL of the confirm delete page for the user account. |
Last access | [commerce-payment-transaction:order:owner:last-access] | The date the user last accessed the site. |
Location | [commerce-payment-transaction:order:owner:location] | The location for this user. |
Name | [commerce-payment-transaction:order:owner:name] | The login name of the user account. |
One-time login URL | [commerce-payment-transaction:order:owner:one-time-login-url] | The URL of the one-time login page for the user account. |
Original user | [commerce-payment-transaction:order:owner:original] | The original user data if the user is being updated or saved. |
Roles | [commerce-payment-transaction:order:owner:roles] | The user roles associated with the user account. |
URL | [commerce-payment-transaction:order:owner:url] | The URL of the account profile page. |
User role ids | [commerce-payment-transaction:order:owner:role-ids] | The role ids the user account is a member of as comma separated list. |
User role names | [commerce-payment-transaction:order:owner:role-names] | The role names the user account is a member of as comma separated list. |
ธีมเริ่มต้น | [commerce-payment-transaction:order:owner:theme] | The user's default theme. |
รหัสผู้ใช้ | [commerce-payment-transaction:order:owner:uid] | The unique ID of the user account. |
รูปภาพ | [commerce-payment-transaction:order:owner:picture] | The picture of the user. |
สถานะ | [commerce-payment-transaction:order:owner:status] | Whether the user is active or blocked. |
สร้างเมื่อ | [commerce-payment-transaction:order:owner:created] | The date the user account was created. |
อีเมล | [commerce-payment-transaction:order:owner:mail] | The email address of the user account. |
เข้าสู่ระบบล่าสุด | [commerce-payment-transaction:order:owner:last-login] | The date the user last logged in to the site. |
แก้ไข URL | [commerce-payment-transaction:order:owner:edit-url] | The URL of the account edit page. |
แก้ไข ID | [commerce-payment-transaction:order:revision-id] | The unique ID of the order's latest revision. |
แก้ไข URL | [commerce-payment-transaction:order:edit-url] | The URL of the order's edit page. |
แก้ไข ID | [commerce-payment-transaction:revision-id] | The unique ID for the latest revision of a payment transaction. |
Random | | Tokens related to random data. |
Hash | [random:hash:?] | A random hash. The possible hashing algorithms are: md2, md4, md5, sha1, sha224, sha256, sha384, sha512, ripemd128, ripemd160, ripemd256, ripemd320, whirlpool, tiger128,3, tiger160,3, tiger192,3, tiger128,4, tiger160,4, tiger192,4, snefru, snefru256, gost, gost-crypto, adler32, crc32, crc32b, fnv132, fnv1a32, fnv164, fnv1a64, joaat, haval128,3, haval160,3, haval192,3, haval224,3, haval256,3, haval128,4, haval160,4, haval192,4, haval224,4, haval256,4, haval128,5, haval160,5, haval192,5, haval224,5, haval256,5. |
Number | [random:number] | A random number from 0 to 2147483647. |
Rules configuration | | Tokens related to the "Rules configuration" entities. |
Access_exposed | [rules_config:access-exposed] | Rules configuration "access_exposed" property. |
Active | [rules_config:active] | Rules configuration "active" property. |
Dirty | [rules_config:dirty] | Rules configuration "dirty" property. |
Internal, numeric rules configuration ID | [rules_config:id] | The ID used to identify this rules configuration internally. |
Module | [rules_config:module] | Rules configuration "module" property. |
Owner | [rules_config:owner] | Rules configuration "owner" property. |
Plugin | [rules_config:plugin] | Rules configuration "plugin" property. |
Status | [rules_config:status] | Rules configuration "status" property. |
Weight | [rules_config:weight] | Rules configuration "weight" property. |
ป้ายชื่อ | [rules_config:label] | The human readable label. |
URI | | Tokens related to URI Rules variables. |
Value | [rules_uri:value] | The value of the variable. |
URL | | Tokens related to URLs. |
Absolute URL | [url:absolute] | The absolute URL. |
Arguments | [url:args] | The specific argument of the current page (e.g. 'arg:1' on the page 'node/1' returns '1'). |
First | [url:args:first] | The first element of the array. |
Imploded | [url:args:join:?] | The values of the array joined together with a custom string in-between each value. |
Joined path | [url:args:join-path] | The array values each cleaned by Pathauto and then joined with the slash into a string that resembles an URL. |
Keys | [url:args:keys] | The array of keys of the array. |
First | [url:args:keys:first] | The first element of the array. |
Imploded | [url:args:keys:join:?] | The values of the array joined together with a custom string in-between each value. |
Joined path | [url:args:keys:join-path] | The array values each cleaned by Pathauto and then joined with the slash into a string that resembles an URL. |
Last | [url:args:keys:last] | The last element of the array. |
Reversed | [url:args:keys:reversed] | The array reversed. |
Value | [url:args:keys:value:?] | The specific value of the array. |
จำนวน | [url:args:keys:count] | The number of elements in the array. |
Last | [url:args:last] | The last element of the array. |
Reversed | [url:args:reversed] | The array reversed. |
First | [url:args:reversed:first] | The first element of the array. |
Imploded | [url:args:reversed:join:?] | The values of the array joined together with a custom string in-between each value. |
Joined path | [url:args:reversed:join-path] | The array values each cleaned by Pathauto and then joined with the slash into a string that resembles an URL. |
Keys | [url:args:reversed:keys] | The array of keys of the array. |
Last | [url:args:reversed:last] | The last element of the array. |
Value | [url:args:reversed:value:?] | The specific value of the array. |
จำนวน | [url:args:reversed:count] | The number of elements in the array. |
Value | [url:args:value:?] | The specific value of the array. |
จำนวน | [url:args:count] | The number of elements in the array. |
Brief URL | [url:brief] | The URL without the protocol and trailing backslash. |
Relative URL | [url:relative] | The relative URL. |
Unaliased URL | [url:unaliased] | The unaliased URL. |
Absolute URL | [url:unaliased:absolute] | The absolute URL. |
Arguments | [url:unaliased:args] | The specific argument of the current page (e.g. 'arg:1' on the page 'node/1' returns '1'). |
First | [url:unaliased:args:first] | The first element of the array. |
Imploded | [url:unaliased:args:join:?] | The values of the array joined together with a custom string in-between each value. |
Joined path | [url:unaliased:args:join-path] | The array values each cleaned by Pathauto and then joined with the slash into a string that resembles an URL. |
Keys | [url:unaliased:args:keys] | The array of keys of the array. |
Last | [url:unaliased:args:last] | The last element of the array. |
Reversed | [url:unaliased:args:reversed] | The array reversed. |
Value | [url:unaliased:args:value:?] | The specific value of the array. |
จำนวน | [url:unaliased:args:count] | The number of elements in the array. |
Brief URL | [url:unaliased:brief] | The URL without the protocol and trailing backslash. |
Relative URL | [url:unaliased:relative] | The relative URL. |
ตำแหน่งพาธ | [url:unaliased:path] | The path component of the URL. |
ตำแหน่งพาธ | [url:path] | The path component of the URL. |
Users | | Tokens related to individual user accounts. |
Account cancellation URL | [user:cancel-url] | The URL of the confirm delete page for the user account. |
Last access | [user:last-access] | The date the user last accessed the site. |
Availability Calendar date display | [user:last-access:availability_calendar_date_display] | A date in 'availability_calendar_date_display' format. (03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Availability Calendar date entry | [user:last-access:availability_calendar_date_entry] | A date in 'availability_calendar_date_entry' format. (03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Availability Calendar month caption | [user:last-access:availability_calendar_month_caption] | A date in 'availability_calendar_month_caption' format. (03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Hours am/pm | [user:last-access:hours_ampm] | A date in 'hours_ampm' format. (3:29 am) |
Long format | [user:last-access:long] | A date in 'long' format. (พุธ, มีนาคม 20, 2024 - 03:29) |
Medium format | [user:last-access:medium] | A date in 'medium' format. (พ, 03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Raw timestamp | [user:last-access:raw] | A date in UNIX timestamp format (1710880172) |
Short format | [user:last-access:short] | A date in 'short' format. (03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Studyroom Availability Date | [user:last-access:studyroom_availability_date] | A date in 'studyroom_availability_date' format. (พ, 03/20/2024) |
Time-since | [user:last-access:since] | A date in 'time-since' format. (54 ปี 3 เดือน) |
กำหนดรูปแบบเอง | [user:last-access:custom:?] | A date in a custom format. See the PHP documentation for details. |
Location | [user:location] | The location for this user. |
Additional | [user:location:additional:?] | Additional (If there are multiple locations, N is the iteration, starting with 0). |
Country Name | [user:location:country_name:?] | Country Name (If there are multiple locations, N is the iteration, starting with 0). |
Latitude | [user:location:latitude:?] | Latitude (If there are multiple locations, N is the iteration, starting with 0). |
Location Name | [user:location:name:?] | Location Name (If there are multiple locations, N is the iteration, starting with 0). |
Longitude | [user:location:longitude:?] | Longitude (If there are multiple locations, N is the iteration, starting with 0). |
Postal Code | [user:location:postal_code:?] | Postal Code (If there are multiple locations, N is the iteration, starting with 0). |
State/Province Name | [user:location:province_name:?] | State/Province Name (If there are multiple locations, N is the iteration, starting with 0). |
Street | [user:location:street:?] | Street (If there are multiple locations, N is the iteration, starting with 0). |
ประเทศ | [user:location:country:?] | Country (If there are multiple locations, N is the iteration, starting with 0). |
รัฐ / จังหวัด | [user:location:province:?] | State/Province (If there are multiple locations, N is the iteration, starting with 0). |
เมือง | [user:location:city:?] | City (If there are multiple locations, N is the iteration, starting with 0). |
Name | [user:name] | The login name of the user account. |
One-time login URL | [user:one-time-login-url] | The URL of the one-time login page for the user account. |
Original user | [user:original] | The original user data if the user is being updated or saved. |
Account cancellation URL | [user:original:cancel-url] | The URL of the confirm delete page for the user account. |
Last access | [user:original:last-access] | The date the user last accessed the site. |
Availability Calendar date display | [user:original:last-access:availability_calendar_date_display] | A date in 'availability_calendar_date_display' format. (03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Availability Calendar date entry | [user:original:last-access:availability_calendar_date_entry] | A date in 'availability_calendar_date_entry' format. (03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Availability Calendar month caption | [user:original:last-access:availability_calendar_month_caption] | A date in 'availability_calendar_month_caption' format. (03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Hours am/pm | [user:original:last-access:hours_ampm] | A date in 'hours_ampm' format. (3:29 am) |
Long format | [user:original:last-access:long] | A date in 'long' format. (พุธ, มีนาคม 20, 2024 - 03:29) |
Medium format | [user:original:last-access:medium] | A date in 'medium' format. (พ, 03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Raw timestamp | [user:original:last-access:raw] | A date in UNIX timestamp format (1710880172) |
Short format | [user:original:last-access:short] | A date in 'short' format. (03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Studyroom Availability Date | [user:original:last-access:studyroom_availability_date] | A date in 'studyroom_availability_date' format. (พ, 03/20/2024) |
Time-since | [user:original:last-access:since] | A date in 'time-since' format. (54 ปี 3 เดือน) |
กำหนดรูปแบบเอง | [user:original:last-access:custom:?] | A date in a custom format. See the PHP documentation for details. |
Location | [user:original:location] | The location for this user. |
Additional | [user:original:location:additional:?] | Additional (If there are multiple locations, N is the iteration, starting with 0). |
Country Name | [user:original:location:country_name:?] | Country Name (If there are multiple locations, N is the iteration, starting with 0). |
Latitude | [user:original:location:latitude:?] | Latitude (If there are multiple locations, N is the iteration, starting with 0). |
Location Name | [user:original:location:name:?] | Location Name (If there are multiple locations, N is the iteration, starting with 0). |
Longitude | [user:original:location:longitude:?] | Longitude (If there are multiple locations, N is the iteration, starting with 0). |
Postal Code | [user:original:location:postal_code:?] | Postal Code (If there are multiple locations, N is the iteration, starting with 0). |
State/Province Name | [user:original:location:province_name:?] | State/Province Name (If there are multiple locations, N is the iteration, starting with 0). |
Street | [user:original:location:street:?] | Street (If there are multiple locations, N is the iteration, starting with 0). |
ประเทศ | [user:original:location:country:?] | Country (If there are multiple locations, N is the iteration, starting with 0). |
รัฐ / จังหวัด | [user:original:location:province:?] | State/Province (If there are multiple locations, N is the iteration, starting with 0). |
เมือง | [user:original:location:city:?] | City (If there are multiple locations, N is the iteration, starting with 0). |
Name | [user:original:name] | The login name of the user account. |
One-time login URL | [user:original:one-time-login-url] | The URL of the one-time login page for the user account. |
Roles | [user:original:roles] | The user roles associated with the user account. |
First | [user:original:roles:first] | The first element of the array. |
Imploded | [user:original:roles:join:?] | The values of the array joined together with a custom string in-between each value. |
Joined path | [user:original:roles:join-path] | The array values each cleaned by Pathauto and then joined with the slash into a string that resembles an URL. |
Keys | [user:original:roles:keys] | The array of keys of the array. |
Last | [user:original:roles:last] | The last element of the array. |
Reversed | [user:original:roles:reversed] | The array reversed. |
Value | [user:original:roles:value:?] | The specific value of the array. |
จำนวน | [user:original:roles:count] | The number of elements in the array. |
URL | [user:original:url] | The URL of the account profile page. |
Absolute URL | [user:original:url:absolute] | The absolute URL. |
Arguments | [user:original:url:args] | The specific argument of the current page (e.g. 'arg:1' on the page 'node/1' returns '1'). |
Brief URL | [user:original:url:brief] | The URL without the protocol and trailing backslash. |
Relative URL | [user:original:url:relative] | The relative URL. |
Unaliased URL | [user:original:url:unaliased] | The unaliased URL. |
ตำแหน่งพาธ | [user:original:url:path] | The path component of the URL. |
User role ids | [user:original:role-ids] | The role ids the user account is a member of as comma separated list. |
User role names | [user:original:role-names] | The role names the user account is a member of as comma separated list. |
ธีมเริ่มต้น | [user:original:theme] | The user's default theme. |
รหัสผู้ใช้ | [user:original:uid] | The unique ID of the user account. |
รูปภาพ | [user:original:picture] | The picture of the user. |
Base name | [user:original:picture:basename] | The base name of the file. |
Extension | [user:original:picture:extension] | The extension of the file. |
File byte size | [user:original:picture:size-raw] | The size of the file, in bytes. |
File name | [user:original:picture:name] | The name of the file on disk. |
MIME type | [user:original:picture:mime] | The MIME type of the file. |
URL | [user:original:picture:url] | The web-accessible URL for the file. |
ขนาดไฟล์ | [user:original:picture:size] | ขนาดของไฟล์ |
ตำแหน่งพาธ | [user:original:picture:path] | The location of the file relative to Drupal root. |
รหัสไฟล์ | [user:original:picture:fid] | The unique ID of the uploaded file. |
ระบุเวลา | [user:original:picture:timestamp] | The date the file was most recently changed. |
เจ้าของ | [user:original:picture:owner] | The user who originally uploaded the file. |
สถานะ | [user:original:status] | Whether the user is active or blocked. |
สร้างเมื่อ | [user:original:created] | The date the user account was created. |
Availability Calendar date display | [user:original:created:availability_calendar_date_display] | A date in 'availability_calendar_date_display' format. (03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Availability Calendar date entry | [user:original:created:availability_calendar_date_entry] | A date in 'availability_calendar_date_entry' format. (03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Availability Calendar month caption | [user:original:created:availability_calendar_month_caption] | A date in 'availability_calendar_month_caption' format. (03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Hours am/pm | [user:original:created:hours_ampm] | A date in 'hours_ampm' format. (3:29 am) |
Long format | [user:original:created:long] | A date in 'long' format. (พุธ, มีนาคม 20, 2024 - 03:29) |
Medium format | [user:original:created:medium] | A date in 'medium' format. (พ, 03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Raw timestamp | [user:original:created:raw] | A date in UNIX timestamp format (1710880172) |
Short format | [user:original:created:short] | A date in 'short' format. (03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Studyroom Availability Date | [user:original:created:studyroom_availability_date] | A date in 'studyroom_availability_date' format. (พ, 03/20/2024) |
Time-since | [user:original:created:since] | A date in 'time-since' format. (54 ปี 3 เดือน) |
กำหนดรูปแบบเอง | [user:original:created:custom:?] | A date in a custom format. See the PHP documentation for details. |
อีเมล | [user:original:mail] | The email address of the user account. |
เข้าสู่ระบบล่าสุด | [user:original:last-login] | The date the user last logged in to the site. |
Availability Calendar date display | [user:original:last-login:availability_calendar_date_display] | A date in 'availability_calendar_date_display' format. (03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Availability Calendar date entry | [user:original:last-login:availability_calendar_date_entry] | A date in 'availability_calendar_date_entry' format. (03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Availability Calendar month caption | [user:original:last-login:availability_calendar_month_caption] | A date in 'availability_calendar_month_caption' format. (03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Hours am/pm | [user:original:last-login:hours_ampm] | A date in 'hours_ampm' format. (3:29 am) |
Long format | [user:original:last-login:long] | A date in 'long' format. (พุธ, มีนาคม 20, 2024 - 03:29) |
Medium format | [user:original:last-login:medium] | A date in 'medium' format. (พ, 03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Raw timestamp | [user:original:last-login:raw] | A date in UNIX timestamp format (1710880172) |
Short format | [user:original:last-login:short] | A date in 'short' format. (03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Studyroom Availability Date | [user:original:last-login:studyroom_availability_date] | A date in 'studyroom_availability_date' format. (พ, 03/20/2024) |
Time-since | [user:original:last-login:since] | A date in 'time-since' format. (54 ปี 3 เดือน) |
กำหนดรูปแบบเอง | [user:original:last-login:custom:?] | A date in a custom format. See the PHP documentation for details. |
แก้ไข URL | [user:original:edit-url] | The URL of the account edit page. |
Roles | [user:roles] | The user roles associated with the user account. |
First | [user:roles:first] | The first element of the array. |
Imploded | [user:roles:join:?] | The values of the array joined together with a custom string in-between each value. |
Joined path | [user:roles:join-path] | The array values each cleaned by Pathauto and then joined with the slash into a string that resembles an URL. |
Keys | [user:roles:keys] | The array of keys of the array. |
First | [user:roles:keys:first] | The first element of the array. |
Imploded | [user:roles:keys:join:?] | The values of the array joined together with a custom string in-between each value. |
Joined path | [user:roles:keys:join-path] | The array values each cleaned by Pathauto and then joined with the slash into a string that resembles an URL. |
Last | [user:roles:keys:last] | The last element of the array. |
Reversed | [user:roles:keys:reversed] | The array reversed. |
Value | [user:roles:keys:value:?] | The specific value of the array. |
จำนวน | [user:roles:keys:count] | The number of elements in the array. |
Last | [user:roles:last] | The last element of the array. |
Reversed | [user:roles:reversed] | The array reversed. |
First | [user:roles:reversed:first] | The first element of the array. |
Imploded | [user:roles:reversed:join:?] | The values of the array joined together with a custom string in-between each value. |
Joined path | [user:roles:reversed:join-path] | The array values each cleaned by Pathauto and then joined with the slash into a string that resembles an URL. |
Keys | [user:roles:reversed:keys] | The array of keys of the array. |
Last | [user:roles:reversed:last] | The last element of the array. |
Value | [user:roles:reversed:value:?] | The specific value of the array. |
จำนวน | [user:roles:reversed:count] | The number of elements in the array. |
Value | [user:roles:value:?] | The specific value of the array. |
จำนวน | [user:roles:count] | The number of elements in the array. |
URL | [user:url] | The URL of the account profile page. |
Absolute URL | [user:url:absolute] | The absolute URL. |
Arguments | [user:url:args] | The specific argument of the current page (e.g. 'arg:1' on the page 'node/1' returns '1'). |
First | [user:url:args:first] | The first element of the array. |
Imploded | [user:url:args:join:?] | The values of the array joined together with a custom string in-between each value. |
Joined path | [user:url:args:join-path] | The array values each cleaned by Pathauto and then joined with the slash into a string that resembles an URL. |
Keys | [user:url:args:keys] | The array of keys of the array. |
Last | [user:url:args:last] | The last element of the array. |
Reversed | [user:url:args:reversed] | The array reversed. |
Value | [user:url:args:value:?] | The specific value of the array. |
จำนวน | [user:url:args:count] | The number of elements in the array. |
Brief URL | [user:url:brief] | The URL without the protocol and trailing backslash. |
Relative URL | [user:url:relative] | The relative URL. |
Unaliased URL | [user:url:unaliased] | The unaliased URL. |
Absolute URL | [user:url:unaliased:absolute] | The absolute URL. |
Arguments | [user:url:unaliased:args] | The specific argument of the current page (e.g. 'arg:1' on the page 'node/1' returns '1'). |
Brief URL | [user:url:unaliased:brief] | The URL without the protocol and trailing backslash. |
Relative URL | [user:url:unaliased:relative] | The relative URL. |
ตำแหน่งพาธ | [user:url:unaliased:path] | The path component of the URL. |
ตำแหน่งพาธ | [user:url:path] | The path component of the URL. |
User role ids | [user:role-ids] | The role ids the user account is a member of as comma separated list. |
User role names | [user:role-names] | The role names the user account is a member of as comma separated list. |
ธีมเริ่มต้น | [user:theme] | The user's default theme. |
รหัสผู้ใช้ | [user:uid] | The unique ID of the user account. |
รูปภาพ | [user:picture] | The picture of the user. |
Base name | [user:picture:basename] | The base name of the file. |
Extension | [user:picture:extension] | The extension of the file. |
File byte size | [user:picture:size-raw] | The size of the file, in bytes. |
File name | [user:picture:name] | The name of the file on disk. |
MIME type | [user:picture:mime] | The MIME type of the file. |
Original ไฟล์ | [user:picture:original] | The original ไฟล์ data if the ไฟล์ is being updated or saved. |
Base name | [user:picture:original:basename] | The base name of the file. |
Extension | [user:picture:original:extension] | The extension of the file. |
File byte size | [user:picture:original:size-raw] | The size of the file, in bytes. |
File name | [user:picture:original:name] | The name of the file on disk. |
MIME type | [user:picture:original:mime] | The MIME type of the file. |
URL | [user:picture:original:url] | The web-accessible URL for the file. |
ขนาดไฟล์ | [user:picture:original:size] | ขนาดของไฟล์ |
ตำแหน่งพาธ | [user:picture:original:path] | The location of the file relative to Drupal root. |
รหัสไฟล์ | [user:picture:original:fid] | The unique ID of the uploaded file. |
ระบุเวลา | [user:picture:original:timestamp] | The date the file was most recently changed. |
เจ้าของ | [user:picture:original:owner] | The user who originally uploaded the file. |
URL | [user:picture:url] | The web-accessible URL for the file. |
ขนาดไฟล์ | [user:picture:size] | ขนาดของไฟล์ |
ตำแหน่งพาธ | [user:picture:path] | The location of the file relative to Drupal root. |
รหัสไฟล์ | [user:picture:fid] | The unique ID of the uploaded file. |
ระบุเวลา | [user:picture:timestamp] | The date the file was most recently changed. |
Availability Calendar date display | [user:picture:timestamp:availability_calendar_date_display] | A date in 'availability_calendar_date_display' format. (03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Availability Calendar date entry | [user:picture:timestamp:availability_calendar_date_entry] | A date in 'availability_calendar_date_entry' format. (03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Availability Calendar month caption | [user:picture:timestamp:availability_calendar_month_caption] | A date in 'availability_calendar_month_caption' format. (03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Hours am/pm | [user:picture:timestamp:hours_ampm] | A date in 'hours_ampm' format. (3:29 am) |
Long format | [user:picture:timestamp:long] | A date in 'long' format. (พุธ, มีนาคม 20, 2024 - 03:29) |
Medium format | [user:picture:timestamp:medium] | A date in 'medium' format. (พ, 03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Raw timestamp | [user:picture:timestamp:raw] | A date in UNIX timestamp format (1710880172) |
Short format | [user:picture:timestamp:short] | A date in 'short' format. (03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Studyroom Availability Date | [user:picture:timestamp:studyroom_availability_date] | A date in 'studyroom_availability_date' format. (พ, 03/20/2024) |
Time-since | [user:picture:timestamp:since] | A date in 'time-since' format. (54 ปี 3 เดือน) |
กำหนดรูปแบบเอง | [user:picture:timestamp:custom:?] | A date in a custom format. See the PHP documentation for details. |
เจ้าของ | [user:picture:owner] | The user who originally uploaded the file. |
Account cancellation URL | [user:picture:owner:cancel-url] | The URL of the confirm delete page for the user account. |
Last access | [user:picture:owner:last-access] | The date the user last accessed the site. |
Location | [user:picture:owner:location] | The location for this user. |
Name | [user:picture:owner:name] | The login name of the user account. |
One-time login URL | [user:picture:owner:one-time-login-url] | The URL of the one-time login page for the user account. |
Original user | [user:picture:owner:original] | The original user data if the user is being updated or saved. |
Roles | [user:picture:owner:roles] | The user roles associated with the user account. |
URL | [user:picture:owner:url] | The URL of the account profile page. |
User role ids | [user:picture:owner:role-ids] | The role ids the user account is a member of as comma separated list. |
User role names | [user:picture:owner:role-names] | The role names the user account is a member of as comma separated list. |
ธีมเริ่มต้น | [user:picture:owner:theme] | The user's default theme. |
รหัสผู้ใช้ | [user:picture:owner:uid] | The unique ID of the user account. |
สถานะ | [user:picture:owner:status] | Whether the user is active or blocked. |
สร้างเมื่อ | [user:picture:owner:created] | The date the user account was created. |
อีเมล | [user:picture:owner:mail] | The email address of the user account. |
เข้าสู่ระบบล่าสุด | [user:picture:owner:last-login] | The date the user last logged in to the site. |
แก้ไข URL | [user:picture:owner:edit-url] | The URL of the account edit page. |
สถานะ | [user:status] | Whether the user is active or blocked. |
สร้างเมื่อ | [user:created] | The date the user account was created. |
Availability Calendar date display | [user:created:availability_calendar_date_display] | A date in 'availability_calendar_date_display' format. (03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Availability Calendar date entry | [user:created:availability_calendar_date_entry] | A date in 'availability_calendar_date_entry' format. (03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Availability Calendar month caption | [user:created:availability_calendar_month_caption] | A date in 'availability_calendar_month_caption' format. (03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Hours am/pm | [user:created:hours_ampm] | A date in 'hours_ampm' format. (3:29 am) |
Long format | [user:created:long] | A date in 'long' format. (พุธ, มีนาคม 20, 2024 - 03:29) |
Medium format | [user:created:medium] | A date in 'medium' format. (พ, 03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Raw timestamp | [user:created:raw] | A date in UNIX timestamp format (1710880172) |
Short format | [user:created:short] | A date in 'short' format. (03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Studyroom Availability Date | [user:created:studyroom_availability_date] | A date in 'studyroom_availability_date' format. (พ, 03/20/2024) |
Time-since | [user:created:since] | A date in 'time-since' format. (54 ปี 3 เดือน) |
กำหนดรูปแบบเอง | [user:created:custom:?] | A date in a custom format. See the PHP documentation for details. |
อีเมล | [user:mail] | The email address of the user account. |
เข้าสู่ระบบล่าสุด | [user:last-login] | The date the user last logged in to the site. |
Availability Calendar date display | [user:last-login:availability_calendar_date_display] | A date in 'availability_calendar_date_display' format. (03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Availability Calendar date entry | [user:last-login:availability_calendar_date_entry] | A date in 'availability_calendar_date_entry' format. (03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Availability Calendar month caption | [user:last-login:availability_calendar_month_caption] | A date in 'availability_calendar_month_caption' format. (03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Hours am/pm | [user:last-login:hours_ampm] | A date in 'hours_ampm' format. (3:29 am) |
Long format | [user:last-login:long] | A date in 'long' format. (พุธ, มีนาคม 20, 2024 - 03:29) |
Medium format | [user:last-login:medium] | A date in 'medium' format. (พ, 03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Raw timestamp | [user:last-login:raw] | A date in UNIX timestamp format (1710880172) |
Short format | [user:last-login:short] | A date in 'short' format. (03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Studyroom Availability Date | [user:last-login:studyroom_availability_date] | A date in 'studyroom_availability_date' format. (พ, 03/20/2024) |
Time-since | [user:last-login:since] | A date in 'time-since' format. (54 ปี 3 เดือน) |
กำหนดรูปแบบเอง | [user:last-login:custom:?] | A date in a custom format. See the PHP documentation for details. |
แก้ไข URL | [user:edit-url] | The URL of the account edit page. |
Variables | | Tokens for variable values. |
Additional text to show above the image | [variable:locationmap_block_text_top] | Value of variable Additional text to show above the image |
Address of your location | [variable:locationmap_address] | Value of variable Address of your location |
Anonymous user | [variable:anonymous] | คำเรียกผู้ใช้ที่ยังไม่ลงทะเบียน |
Arrival Date | [variable:rooms_arrival_date] | Change text : Arrival Date |
Arrival Date (text in "Current search legend") | [variable:rooms_booking_manager_arrival_date] | Change text : Arrival Date (text in "Current search legend") |
Block map height | [variable:locationmap_block_mapheight] | Value of variable Block map height |
Block map width | [variable:locationmap_block_mapwidth] | Value of variable Block map width |
Button : Change search | [variable:rooms_booking_manager_button_change_search] | Change button : Change search |
Button : Checkout | [variable:rooms_booking_manager_button_checkout] | Change button : Checkout |
Button : Place Booking | [variable:rooms_booking_manager_button_place_booking] | Change button : Place Booking |
Button : Remove | [variable:rooms_booking_manager_button_remove] | Change button : Remove |
Button : Search for Availability | [variable:rooms_booking_manager_button_search_for_availability] | Change button : Search for Availability |
Children | [variable:rooms_booking_manager_children] | Change text : Children |
Colorbox Close | [variable:colorbox_text_close] | Text for the close button. |
Colorbox Next | [variable:colorbox_text_next] | Text for the next button in a shared relation group. |
Colorbox Previous | [variable:colorbox_text_previous] | Text for the previous button in a shared relation group. |
Colorbox Start slideshow | [variable:colorbox_text_start] | Text for the slideshow start button. |
Colorbox Stop slideshow | [variable:colorbox_text_stop] | Text for the slideshow stop button. |
Colorbox current text | [variable:colorbox_text_current] | Text for the content group / gallery count |
Create your booking | [variable:rooms_booking_manager_create_your_booking] | Change text : Create your booking |
Departure Date | [variable:rooms_departure_date] | Change text : Departure Date |
Departure Date (text in "Current search legend") | [variable:rooms_booking_manager_departure_date] | Change text : Departure Date (text in "Current search legend") |
EPUB version | [variable:print_epub_link_text] | Text used in the link to the EPUB version. |
Enquiry form confirmation | [variable:rooms_booking_manager_enquiry_form_confirmation] | Enquiry form confirmation message |
Error Message : Select a Unit | [variable:rooms_booking_manager_error_select_unit] | Change text : Please select a unit in order to continue with booking. |
Feed description | [variable:feed_description] | Description of your site, included in each feed. |
Latitude | [variable:locationmap_lat] | Value of variable Latitude |
Longitude | [variable:locationmap_lng] | Value of variable Longitude |
Maintenance mode message | [variable:maintenance_mode_message] | Message to show visitors when the site is in maintenance mode. |
Map height | [variable:locationmap_height] | Value of variable Map height |
Map width | [variable:locationmap_width] | Value of variable Map width |
Nights | [variable:rooms_booking_manager_nights] | Change text : Nights |
On Request Option Description | [variable:rooms_booking_manager_onrequest_option] | Change on request option description |
PDF version | [variable:print_pdf_link_text] | Text used in the link to the PDF version. |
Picture maximum dimensions | [variable:user_picture_dimensions] | Maximum dimensions for pictures, in pixels. |
Picture maximum file size | [variable:user_picture_file_size] | Maximum file size for pictures, in kB. |
Review your reservation | [variable:rooms_booking_manager_review_your_reservation] | Change text : Review your reservation |
Select Type | [variable:rooms_booking_manager_select_type] | Change text : Select Type |
Select your stay | [variable:rooms_booking_manager_select_your_stay] | Change text : Select your stay |
Send by email | [variable:print_mail_link_text] | Text used in the link to the send by email form. |
Site email address | [variable:site_mail] | อีเมลนี้จะถูกใช้ในช่อง From ของอีเมลที่ส่งให้ผู้ใช้หลังการลงทะเบียนหรือการขอรหัสผ่านใหม่ (แนะนำให้ใช้อีเมลที่ตามด้วยโดเมนเนมของเว็บไซต์ เพื่อหลีกเลี่ยงการถูกมองเป็นจดหมายขยะ) |
Site map title | [variable:site_map_page_title] | Page title that will be used on the site map page. It should only be set to override the translatable built-in "Site map" title. Note: If you set something here, the title will no longer be translatable. |
Skip tags | [variable:i18n_select_skip_tags] | Skip queries with these tags. Enter a list of tags separated by commas. |
Unit available from | [variable:rooms_booking_manager_unit_available_from] | Change text : unit available from |
Units | [variable:rooms_booking_manager_units] | Change text : Units |
Units chosen | [variable:rooms_booking_manager_units_chosen] | Change text : Units chosen |
Unit type | [variable:rooms_booking_manager_unit_type] | Change text : Unit type |
User registration guidelines | [variable:user_registration_help] | This text is displayed at the top of the user registration form and is useful for helping or instructing your users. |
Warning Message : No units Available | [variable:rooms_booking_manager_warning_no_units_available] | Change text : Unfortunately no units are available - try different dates if possible. |
Web Property ID | [variable:googleanalytics_account] | This ID is unique to each site you want to track separately, and is in the form of UA-xxxxxxx-yy. To get a Web Property ID, register your site with Google Analytics, or if you already have registered your site, go to your Google Analytics Settings page to see the ID next to every site profile. Find more information in the documentation. |
Your current search | [variable:rooms_booking_manager_your_current_search] | Change text : Your current search |
คำแนะนำในการอัพโหลดรูปภาพ | [variable:user_picture_guidelines] | ข้อความนี้จะถูกแสดงในหน้าอัพโหลดรูปภาพ (นอกเหนือไปจากคำแนะนำทั่วไป เช่น เรื่องขนาด) เพื่อบอกให้ผู้ใช้รู้วิธีที่เหมาะสมในการอัพโหลดรูปภาพ |
จำนวนเด็ก | [variable:rooms_booking_manager_group_size] | Change text : Group size |
ชื่อเว็บไซต์ | [variable:site_name] | The name of this website. |
รูปภาพปริยาย | [variable:user_picture_default] | URL ของรูปภาพสำหรับผู้ใช้ที่ยังไม่ได้ใส่รูปภาพของตัวเอง ถ้าไม่ต้องการใช้ให้เว้นว่างไว้ |
สโลแกน | [variable:site_slogan] | Your site's motto, tag line, or catchphrase (often displayed alongside the title of the site). |
หน้าใดๆ หรือ คำสั่ง PHP | [variable:i18n_select_page_list] | กำหนดหน้าโดยใช้ path ของหน้านั้นๆ และให้กรอกบรรทัดละ path ใช้เครื่องหมาย '*' สำหรับ path ใดๆ เช่น ถ้า path ของหน้าบล็อก คือ blog ให้ใช้ %block-* สำหรับบล็อกส่วนตัวใดๆ ถ้าต้องการใช้หน้าแรก ให้กรอก %frong ถ้าเลือกใช้คำสั่ง PHP ให้พิมพ์คำสั่ง PHP ระหว่าง <?php ?> และพึงระลึกเสมอว่า การใช้คำสั่ง PHP ที่ไม่ถูกต้อง อ่านทำให้เว็บไซต์ไม่สามารถใช้งานได้ |
หัวข้อ | [variable:locationmap_title] | Value of variable หัวข้อ |
แบบง่ายต่อการพิมพ์ | [variable:print_html_link_text] | Text used in the link to the printer-friendly version. |
Vocabularies | | Tokens related to taxonomy vocabularies. |
Description (localized) | [vocabulary:i18n-description] | The optional description of the taxonomy vocabulary. |
Name | [vocabulary:name] | The name of the taxonomy vocabulary. |
Name (localized) | [vocabulary:i18n-name] | The name of the taxonomy vocabulary. |
Node count | [vocabulary:node-count] | The number of nodes tagged with terms belonging to the taxonomy vocabulary. |
Original คำศัพท์จำแนกประเภท | [vocabulary:original] | The original คำศัพท์จำแนกประเภท data if the คำศัพท์จำแนกประเภท is being updated or saved. |
Description (localized) | [vocabulary:original:i18n-description] | The optional description of the taxonomy vocabulary. |
Name | [vocabulary:original:name] | The name of the taxonomy vocabulary. |
Name (localized) | [vocabulary:original:i18n-name] | The name of the taxonomy vocabulary. |
Node count | [vocabulary:original:node-count] | The number of nodes tagged with terms belonging to the taxonomy vocabulary. |
Term count | [vocabulary:original:term-count] | The number of terms belonging to the taxonomy vocabulary. |
Vocabulary ID | [vocabulary:original:vid] | The unique ID of the taxonomy vocabulary. |
คำอธิบาย | [vocabulary:original:description] | The optional description of the taxonomy vocabulary. |
ชื่อสำหรับอ้างอิง | [vocabulary:original:machine-name] | The unique machine-readable name of the vocabulary. |
แก้ไข URL | [vocabulary:original:edit-url] | The URL of the vocabulary's edit page. |
Term count | [vocabulary:term-count] | The number of terms belonging to the taxonomy vocabulary. |
Vocabulary ID | [vocabulary:vid] | The unique ID of the taxonomy vocabulary. |
คำอธิบาย | [vocabulary:description] | The optional description of the taxonomy vocabulary. |
ชื่อสำหรับอ้างอิง | [vocabulary:machine-name] | The unique machine-readable name of the vocabulary. |
แก้ไข URL | [vocabulary:edit-url] | The URL of the vocabulary's edit page. |
decimal number | | Tokens related to decimal number Rules variables. |
Value | [rules_decimal:value] | The value of the variable. |
duration | | Tokens related to duration Rules variables. |
Value | [rules_duration:value] | The value of the variable. |
event_calendar | | Tokens related to individual content items, or "event_calendars". |
Event approval URL | [event_calendar:approval_url] | The URL for admin to approve events |
Event end date | [event_calendar:end_date] | The start date of events in event_calendar. |
Event start date | [event_calendar:start_date] | The start date of events in event_calendar. |
Event status | [event_calendar:event_status] | The Status of events in event_calendar |
integer | | Tokens related to integer Rules variables. |
Value | [rules_integer:value] | The value of the variable. |
text | | Tokens related to text Rules variables. |
Value | [rules_text:value] | The value of the variable. |
text token | | Tokens related to text token Rules variables. |
Value | [rules_token:value] | The value of the variable. |
ข้อมูลเว็บไซต์ | | Tokens for site-wide settings and other global information. |
Current date | [site:current-date] | The current date and time. |
Availability Calendar date display | [site:current-date:availability_calendar_date_display] | A date in 'availability_calendar_date_display' format. (03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Availability Calendar date entry | [site:current-date:availability_calendar_date_entry] | A date in 'availability_calendar_date_entry' format. (03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Availability Calendar month caption | [site:current-date:availability_calendar_month_caption] | A date in 'availability_calendar_month_caption' format. (03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Hours am/pm | [site:current-date:hours_ampm] | A date in 'hours_ampm' format. (3:29 am) |
Long format | [site:current-date:long] | A date in 'long' format. (พุธ, มีนาคม 20, 2024 - 03:29) |
Medium format | [site:current-date:medium] | A date in 'medium' format. (พ, 03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Raw timestamp | [site:current-date:raw] | A date in UNIX timestamp format (1710880172) |
Short format | [site:current-date:short] | A date in 'short' format. (03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Studyroom Availability Date | [site:current-date:studyroom_availability_date] | A date in 'studyroom_availability_date' format. (พ, 03/20/2024) |
Time-since | [site:current-date:since] | A date in 'time-since' format. (54 ปี 3 เดือน) |
กำหนดรูปแบบเอง | [site:current-date:custom:?] | A date in a custom format. See the PHP documentation for details. |
Current page | [site:current-page:?] | Information related to the current page request. The following properties may be appended to the token: path (ตำแหน่งพาธ), url (URL), language (Interface language), language_content (Content language) |
Logged in user | [site:current-user] | The currently logged in user. |
Account cancellation URL | [site:current-user:cancel-url] | The URL of the confirm delete page for the user account. |
Last access | [site:current-user:last-access] | The date the user last accessed the site. |
Availability Calendar date display | [site:current-user:last-access:availability_calendar_date_display] | A date in 'availability_calendar_date_display' format. (03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Availability Calendar date entry | [site:current-user:last-access:availability_calendar_date_entry] | A date in 'availability_calendar_date_entry' format. (03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Availability Calendar month caption | [site:current-user:last-access:availability_calendar_month_caption] | A date in 'availability_calendar_month_caption' format. (03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Hours am/pm | [site:current-user:last-access:hours_ampm] | A date in 'hours_ampm' format. (3:29 am) |
Long format | [site:current-user:last-access:long] | A date in 'long' format. (พุธ, มีนาคม 20, 2024 - 03:29) |
Medium format | [site:current-user:last-access:medium] | A date in 'medium' format. (พ, 03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Raw timestamp | [site:current-user:last-access:raw] | A date in UNIX timestamp format (1710880172) |
Short format | [site:current-user:last-access:short] | A date in 'short' format. (03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Studyroom Availability Date | [site:current-user:last-access:studyroom_availability_date] | A date in 'studyroom_availability_date' format. (พ, 03/20/2024) |
Time-since | [site:current-user:last-access:since] | A date in 'time-since' format. (54 ปี 3 เดือน) |
กำหนดรูปแบบเอง | [site:current-user:last-access:custom:?] | A date in a custom format. See the PHP documentation for details. |
Location | [site:current-user:location] | The location for this user. |
Additional | [site:current-user:location:additional:?] | Additional (If there are multiple locations, N is the iteration, starting with 0). |
Country Name | [site:current-user:location:country_name:?] | Country Name (If there are multiple locations, N is the iteration, starting with 0). |
Latitude | [site:current-user:location:latitude:?] | Latitude (If there are multiple locations, N is the iteration, starting with 0). |
Location Name | [site:current-user:location:name:?] | Location Name (If there are multiple locations, N is the iteration, starting with 0). |
Longitude | [site:current-user:location:longitude:?] | Longitude (If there are multiple locations, N is the iteration, starting with 0). |
Postal Code | [site:current-user:location:postal_code:?] | Postal Code (If there are multiple locations, N is the iteration, starting with 0). |
State/Province Name | [site:current-user:location:province_name:?] | State/Province Name (If there are multiple locations, N is the iteration, starting with 0). |
Street | [site:current-user:location:street:?] | Street (If there are multiple locations, N is the iteration, starting with 0). |
ประเทศ | [site:current-user:location:country:?] | Country (If there are multiple locations, N is the iteration, starting with 0). |
รัฐ / จังหวัด | [site:current-user:location:province:?] | State/Province (If there are multiple locations, N is the iteration, starting with 0). |
เมือง | [site:current-user:location:city:?] | City (If there are multiple locations, N is the iteration, starting with 0). |
Name | [site:current-user:name] | The login name of the user account. |
One-time login URL | [site:current-user:one-time-login-url] | The URL of the one-time login page for the user account. |
Original user | [site:current-user:original] | The original user data if the user is being updated or saved. |
Account cancellation URL | [site:current-user:original:cancel-url] | The URL of the confirm delete page for the user account. |
Last access | [site:current-user:original:last-access] | The date the user last accessed the site. |
Location | [site:current-user:original:location] | The location for this user. |
Name | [site:current-user:original:name] | The login name of the user account. |
One-time login URL | [site:current-user:original:one-time-login-url] | The URL of the one-time login page for the user account. |
Roles | [site:current-user:original:roles] | The user roles associated with the user account. |
URL | [site:current-user:original:url] | The URL of the account profile page. |
User role ids | [site:current-user:original:role-ids] | The role ids the user account is a member of as comma separated list. |
User role names | [site:current-user:original:role-names] | The role names the user account is a member of as comma separated list. |
ธีมเริ่มต้น | [site:current-user:original:theme] | The user's default theme. |
รหัสผู้ใช้ | [site:current-user:original:uid] | The unique ID of the user account. |
รูปภาพ | [site:current-user:original:picture] | The picture of the user. |
สถานะ | [site:current-user:original:status] | Whether the user is active or blocked. |
สร้างเมื่อ | [site:current-user:original:created] | The date the user account was created. |
อีเมล | [site:current-user:original:mail] | The email address of the user account. |
เข้าสู่ระบบล่าสุด | [site:current-user:original:last-login] | The date the user last logged in to the site. |
แก้ไข URL | [site:current-user:original:edit-url] | The URL of the account edit page. |
Roles | [site:current-user:roles] | The user roles associated with the user account. |
First | [site:current-user:roles:first] | The first element of the array. |
Imploded | [site:current-user:roles:join:?] | The values of the array joined together with a custom string in-between each value. |
Joined path | [site:current-user:roles:join-path] | The array values each cleaned by Pathauto and then joined with the slash into a string that resembles an URL. |
Keys | [site:current-user:roles:keys] | The array of keys of the array. |
Last | [site:current-user:roles:last] | The last element of the array. |
Reversed | [site:current-user:roles:reversed] | The array reversed. |
Value | [site:current-user:roles:value:?] | The specific value of the array. |
จำนวน | [site:current-user:roles:count] | The number of elements in the array. |
URL | [site:current-user:url] | The URL of the account profile page. |
Absolute URL | [site:current-user:url:absolute] | The absolute URL. |
Arguments | [site:current-user:url:args] | The specific argument of the current page (e.g. 'arg:1' on the page 'node/1' returns '1'). |
Brief URL | [site:current-user:url:brief] | The URL without the protocol and trailing backslash. |
Relative URL | [site:current-user:url:relative] | The relative URL. |
Unaliased URL | [site:current-user:url:unaliased] | The unaliased URL. |
ตำแหน่งพาธ | [site:current-user:url:path] | The path component of the URL. |
User role ids | [site:current-user:role-ids] | The role ids the user account is a member of as comma separated list. |
User role names | [site:current-user:role-names] | The role names the user account is a member of as comma separated list. |
ธีมเริ่มต้น | [site:current-user:theme] | The user's default theme. |
รหัสผู้ใช้ | [site:current-user:uid] | The unique ID of the user account. |
รูปภาพ | [site:current-user:picture] | The picture of the user. |
Base name | [site:current-user:picture:basename] | The base name of the file. |
Extension | [site:current-user:picture:extension] | The extension of the file. |
File byte size | [site:current-user:picture:size-raw] | The size of the file, in bytes. |
File name | [site:current-user:picture:name] | The name of the file on disk. |
MIME type | [site:current-user:picture:mime] | The MIME type of the file. |
Original ไฟล์ | [site:current-user:picture:original] | The original ไฟล์ data if the ไฟล์ is being updated or saved. |
URL | [site:current-user:picture:url] | The web-accessible URL for the file. |
ขนาดไฟล์ | [site:current-user:picture:size] | ขนาดของไฟล์ |
ตำแหน่งพาธ | [site:current-user:picture:path] | The location of the file relative to Drupal root. |
รหัสไฟล์ | [site:current-user:picture:fid] | The unique ID of the uploaded file. |
ระบุเวลา | [site:current-user:picture:timestamp] | The date the file was most recently changed. |
เจ้าของ | [site:current-user:picture:owner] | The user who originally uploaded the file. |
สถานะ | [site:current-user:status] | Whether the user is active or blocked. |
สร้างเมื่อ | [site:current-user:created] | The date the user account was created. |
Availability Calendar date display | [site:current-user:created:availability_calendar_date_display] | A date in 'availability_calendar_date_display' format. (03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Availability Calendar date entry | [site:current-user:created:availability_calendar_date_entry] | A date in 'availability_calendar_date_entry' format. (03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Availability Calendar month caption | [site:current-user:created:availability_calendar_month_caption] | A date in 'availability_calendar_month_caption' format. (03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Hours am/pm | [site:current-user:created:hours_ampm] | A date in 'hours_ampm' format. (3:29 am) |
Long format | [site:current-user:created:long] | A date in 'long' format. (พุธ, มีนาคม 20, 2024 - 03:29) |
Medium format | [site:current-user:created:medium] | A date in 'medium' format. (พ, 03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Raw timestamp | [site:current-user:created:raw] | A date in UNIX timestamp format (1710880172) |
Short format | [site:current-user:created:short] | A date in 'short' format. (03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Studyroom Availability Date | [site:current-user:created:studyroom_availability_date] | A date in 'studyroom_availability_date' format. (พ, 03/20/2024) |
Time-since | [site:current-user:created:since] | A date in 'time-since' format. (54 ปี 3 เดือน) |
กำหนดรูปแบบเอง | [site:current-user:created:custom:?] | A date in a custom format. See the PHP documentation for details. |
อีเมล | [site:current-user:mail] | The email address of the user account. |
เข้าสู่ระบบล่าสุด | [site:current-user:last-login] | The date the user last logged in to the site. |
Availability Calendar date display | [site:current-user:last-login:availability_calendar_date_display] | A date in 'availability_calendar_date_display' format. (03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Availability Calendar date entry | [site:current-user:last-login:availability_calendar_date_entry] | A date in 'availability_calendar_date_entry' format. (03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Availability Calendar month caption | [site:current-user:last-login:availability_calendar_month_caption] | A date in 'availability_calendar_month_caption' format. (03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Hours am/pm | [site:current-user:last-login:hours_ampm] | A date in 'hours_ampm' format. (3:29 am) |
Long format | [site:current-user:last-login:long] | A date in 'long' format. (พุธ, มีนาคม 20, 2024 - 03:29) |
Medium format | [site:current-user:last-login:medium] | A date in 'medium' format. (พ, 03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Raw timestamp | [site:current-user:last-login:raw] | A date in UNIX timestamp format (1710880172) |
Short format | [site:current-user:last-login:short] | A date in 'short' format. (03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Studyroom Availability Date | [site:current-user:last-login:studyroom_availability_date] | A date in 'studyroom_availability_date' format. (พ, 03/20/2024) |
Time-since | [site:current-user:last-login:since] | A date in 'time-since' format. (54 ปี 3 เดือน) |
กำหนดรูปแบบเอง | [site:current-user:last-login:custom:?] | A date in a custom format. See the PHP documentation for details. |
แก้ไข URL | [site:current-user:edit-url] | The URL of the account edit page. |
Login page | [site:login-url] | The URL of the site's login page. |
Name | [site:name] | The name of the site. |
URL | [site:url] | The URL of the site's front page. |
URL (brief) | [site:url-brief] | The URL of the site's front page without the protocol. |
User's shopping cart order | [site:current-cart-order] | The shopping cart order belonging to the current user. |
Billing information | [site:current-cart-order:commerce-customer-billing] | Field "commerce_customer_billing". |
Address | [site:current-cart-order:commerce-customer-billing:commerce-customer-address:?] | Field "commerce_customer_address". The following properties may be appended to the token: country (ประเทศ), name_line (ชื่อเต็ม), first_name (ชื่อจริง), last_name (นามสกุล), organisation_name (บริษัท), administrative_area (Administrative area (i.e. State / Province)), sub_administrative_area (Sub administrative area), locality (Locality (i.e. City)), dependent_locality (Dependent locality), postal_code (รหัสไปรษณีย์), thoroughfare (ที่อยู่ถนน), premise (Premise (i.e. Apartment / Suite number)), sub_premise (Sub Premise (i.e. Suite, Apartment, Floor, Unknown.) |
Address | [site:current-cart-order:commerce-customer-billing:commerce_customer_address] | Postal address field. |
Customer profile ID | [site:current-cart-order:commerce-customer-billing:customer-profile-id] | The unique numeric ID of the customer profile. |
Customer profile owner | [site:current-cart-order:commerce-customer-billing:owner] | The user the customer profile belongs to. |
Customer profile type | [site:current-cart-order:commerce-customer-billing:type] | The type of the customer profile. |
Customer profile type name | [site:current-cart-order:commerce-customer-billing:type-name] | The type name of the customer profile. |
Date updated | [site:current-cart-order:commerce-customer-billing:changed] | The date the customer profile was last updated. |
Original commerce customer profile | [site:current-cart-order:commerce-customer-billing:original] | The original commerce customer profile data if the commerce customer profile is being updated or saved. |
Profile ID | [site:current-cart-order:commerce-customer-billing:profile-id] | The internal numeric ID of the customer profile. |
URL | [site:current-cart-order:commerce-customer-billing:url] | The URL of the commerce customer profile. |
User | [site:current-cart-order:commerce-customer-billing:user] | The user the customer profile belongs to. |
รหัสผู้ใช้ | [site:current-cart-order:commerce-customer-billing:uid] | The unique ID of the user the customer profile belongs to. |
วันที่สร้าง | [site:current-cart-order:commerce-customer-billing:created] | The date the customer profile was created. |
สถานะ | [site:current-cart-order:commerce-customer-billing:status] | Whether or not the customer profile is active. |
แก้ไข ID | [site:current-cart-order:commerce-customer-billing:revision-id] | The unique ID of the customer profile's latest revision. |
Billing information | [site:current-cart-order:commerce_customer_billing] | Customer profile reference field. |
Cancel date | [site:current-cart-order:field-commerce-billy-cancel-date] | Field "field_commerce_billy_cancel_date". |
Availability Calendar date display | [site:current-cart-order:field-commerce-billy-cancel-date:availability_calendar_date_display] | A date in 'availability_calendar_date_display' format. (03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Availability Calendar date entry | [site:current-cart-order:field-commerce-billy-cancel-date:availability_calendar_date_entry] | A date in 'availability_calendar_date_entry' format. (03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Availability Calendar month caption | [site:current-cart-order:field-commerce-billy-cancel-date:availability_calendar_month_caption] | A date in 'availability_calendar_month_caption' format. (03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Hours am/pm | [site:current-cart-order:field-commerce-billy-cancel-date:hours_ampm] | A date in 'hours_ampm' format. (3:29 am) |
Long format | [site:current-cart-order:field-commerce-billy-cancel-date:long] | A date in 'long' format. (พุธ, มีนาคม 20, 2024 - 03:29) |
Medium format | [site:current-cart-order:field-commerce-billy-cancel-date:medium] | A date in 'medium' format. (พ, 03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Raw timestamp | [site:current-cart-order:field-commerce-billy-cancel-date:raw] | A date in UNIX timestamp format (1710880172) |
Short format | [site:current-cart-order:field-commerce-billy-cancel-date:short] | A date in 'short' format. (03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Studyroom Availability Date | [site:current-cart-order:field-commerce-billy-cancel-date:studyroom_availability_date] | A date in 'studyroom_availability_date' format. (พ, 03/20/2024) |
Time-since | [site:current-cart-order:field-commerce-billy-cancel-date:since] | A date in 'time-since' format. (54 ปี 3 เดือน) |
กำหนดรูปแบบเอง | [site:current-cart-order:field-commerce-billy-cancel-date:custom:?] | A date in a custom format. See the PHP documentation for details. |
Cancel date | [site:current-cart-order:field_commerce_billy_cancel_date] | Date (Unix timestamp) field. |
Coupons | [site:current-cart-order:commerce_coupons] | Entity Reference field. |
Coupons | [site:current-cart-order:commerce-coupons] | Field "commerce_coupons". |
Commerce Coupon with delta 0 | [site:current-cart-order:commerce-coupons:0] | The list item with delta 0. Delta values start from 0 and are incremented by one per list item. |
Commerce Coupon with delta 1 | [site:current-cart-order:commerce-coupons:1] | The list item with delta 1. Delta values start from 0 and are incremented by one per list item. |
Commerce Coupon with delta 2 | [site:current-cart-order:commerce-coupons:2] | The list item with delta 2. Delta values start from 0 and are incremented by one per list item. |
Commerce Coupon with delta 3 | [site:current-cart-order:commerce-coupons:3] | The list item with delta 3. Delta values start from 0 and are incremented by one per list item. |
Create revision | [site:current-cart-order:revision] | Whether or not saving this order creates a new revision. |
Date placed | [site:current-cart-order:placed] | The date the order was placed i.e. checkout was completed. |
Availability Calendar date display | [site:current-cart-order:placed:availability_calendar_date_display] | A date in 'availability_calendar_date_display' format. (03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Availability Calendar date entry | [site:current-cart-order:placed:availability_calendar_date_entry] | A date in 'availability_calendar_date_entry' format. (03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Availability Calendar month caption | [site:current-cart-order:placed:availability_calendar_month_caption] | A date in 'availability_calendar_month_caption' format. (03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Hours am/pm | [site:current-cart-order:placed:hours_ampm] | A date in 'hours_ampm' format. (3:29 am) |
Long format | [site:current-cart-order:placed:long] | A date in 'long' format. (พุธ, มีนาคม 20, 2024 - 03:29) |
Medium format | [site:current-cart-order:placed:medium] | A date in 'medium' format. (พ, 03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Raw timestamp | [site:current-cart-order:placed:raw] | A date in UNIX timestamp format (1710880172) |
Short format | [site:current-cart-order:placed:short] | A date in 'short' format. (03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Studyroom Availability Date | [site:current-cart-order:placed:studyroom_availability_date] | A date in 'studyroom_availability_date' format. (พ, 03/20/2024) |
Time-since | [site:current-cart-order:placed:since] | A date in 'time-since' format. (54 ปี 3 เดือน) |
กำหนดรูปแบบเอง | [site:current-cart-order:placed:custom:?] | A date in a custom format. See the PHP documentation for details. |
Discount reference | [site:current-cart-order:commerce_discounts] | Entity Reference field. |
Discount reference | [site:current-cart-order:commerce-discounts] | Field "commerce_discounts". |
Commerce Discount with delta 0 | [site:current-cart-order:commerce-discounts:0] | The list item with delta 0. Delta values start from 0 and are incremented by one per list item. |
Commerce Discount with delta 1 | [site:current-cart-order:commerce-discounts:1] | The list item with delta 1. Delta values start from 0 and are incremented by one per list item. |
Commerce Discount with delta 2 | [site:current-cart-order:commerce-discounts:2] | The list item with delta 2. Delta values start from 0 and are incremented by one per list item. |
Commerce Discount with delta 3 | [site:current-cart-order:commerce-discounts:3] | The list item with delta 3. Delta values start from 0 and are incremented by one per list item. |
Expiration (formatted) | [site:current-cart-order:expiration-formatted] | The time left until this order expires. Formatted by theme_commerce_cart_expiration(). |
Expiration (raw) | [site:current-cart-order:expiration-raw] | The raw time left until this order expires in seconds. |
Host name | [site:current-cart-order:hostname] | The IP address that created this order. |
Invoice date | [site:current-cart-order:field-commerce-billy-i-date] | Field "field_commerce_billy_i_date". |
Availability Calendar date display | [site:current-cart-order:field-commerce-billy-i-date:availability_calendar_date_display] | A date in 'availability_calendar_date_display' format. (03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Availability Calendar date entry | [site:current-cart-order:field-commerce-billy-i-date:availability_calendar_date_entry] | A date in 'availability_calendar_date_entry' format. (03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Availability Calendar month caption | [site:current-cart-order:field-commerce-billy-i-date:availability_calendar_month_caption] | A date in 'availability_calendar_month_caption' format. (03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Hours am/pm | [site:current-cart-order:field-commerce-billy-i-date:hours_ampm] | A date in 'hours_ampm' format. (3:29 am) |
Long format | [site:current-cart-order:field-commerce-billy-i-date:long] | A date in 'long' format. (พุธ, มีนาคม 20, 2024 - 03:29) |
Medium format | [site:current-cart-order:field-commerce-billy-i-date:medium] | A date in 'medium' format. (พ, 03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Raw timestamp | [site:current-cart-order:field-commerce-billy-i-date:raw] | A date in UNIX timestamp format (1710880172) |
Short format | [site:current-cart-order:field-commerce-billy-i-date:short] | A date in 'short' format. (03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Studyroom Availability Date | [site:current-cart-order:field-commerce-billy-i-date:studyroom_availability_date] | A date in 'studyroom_availability_date' format. (พ, 03/20/2024) |
Time-since | [site:current-cart-order:field-commerce-billy-i-date:since] | A date in 'time-since' format. (54 ปี 3 เดือน) |
กำหนดรูปแบบเอง | [site:current-cart-order:field-commerce-billy-i-date:custom:?] | A date in a custom format. See the PHP documentation for details. |
Invoice date | [site:current-cart-order:field_commerce_billy_i_date] | Date (Unix timestamp) field. |
Line items | [site:current-cart-order:commerce-line-items] | Field "commerce_line_items". |
Line items with delta 0 | [site:current-cart-order:commerce-line-items:0] | The list item with delta 0. Delta values start from 0 and are incremented by one per list item. |
Line items with delta 1 | [site:current-cart-order:commerce-line-items:1] | The list item with delta 1. Delta values start from 0 and are incremented by one per list item. |
Line items with delta 2 | [site:current-cart-order:commerce-line-items:2] | The list item with delta 2. Delta values start from 0 and are incremented by one per list item. |
Line items with delta 3 | [site:current-cart-order:commerce-line-items:3] | The list item with delta 3. Delta values start from 0 and are incremented by one per list item. |
Line items | [site:current-cart-order:commerce_line_items] | Line item reference field. |
Order ID | [site:current-cart-order:order-id] | The unique numeric ID of the order. |
Order e-mail | [site:current-cart-order:mail] | The e-mail address associated with the order. |
Order e-mail prepared for username usage | [site:current-cart-order:mail-username] | The e-mail address associated with this order with illegal characters for usernames replaced. |
Order number | [site:current-cart-order:order-number] | The order number displayed to the customer. |
Order state | [site:current-cart-order:state] | The current state of the order. |
Order state title | [site:current-cart-order:state-title] | The human-readable title of the order state. |
Order status | [site:current-cart-order:status] | The current status of the order. |
Order status title | [site:current-cart-order:status-title] | The human-readable title of the order status. |
Order total | [site:current-cart-order:commerce-order-total:?] | Field "commerce_order_total". The following properties may be appended to the token: amount (Amount), amount_decimal (Amount (decimal)), currency_code (Currency), data (Data) |
Order total | [site:current-cart-order:commerce_order_total] | ราคา field. |
Order type | [site:current-cart-order:type] | The type of the order. |
Order type name | [site:current-cart-order:type-name] | The human-readable name of the order type. |
Original commerce order | [site:current-cart-order:original] | The original commerce order data if the commerce order is being updated or saved. |
Billing information | [site:current-cart-order:original:commerce-customer-billing] | Field "commerce_customer_billing". |
Billing information | [site:current-cart-order:original:commerce_customer_billing] | Customer profile reference field. |
Cancel date | [site:current-cart-order:original:field-commerce-billy-cancel-date] | Field "field_commerce_billy_cancel_date". |
Cancel date | [site:current-cart-order:original:field_commerce_billy_cancel_date] | Date (Unix timestamp) field. |
Coupons | [site:current-cart-order:original:commerce_coupons] | Entity Reference field. |
Coupons | [site:current-cart-order:original:commerce-coupons] | Field "commerce_coupons". |
Create revision | [site:current-cart-order:original:revision] | Whether or not saving this order creates a new revision. |
Date placed | [site:current-cart-order:original:placed] | The date the order was placed i.e. checkout was completed. |
Discount reference | [site:current-cart-order:original:commerce_discounts] | Entity Reference field. |
Discount reference | [site:current-cart-order:original:commerce-discounts] | Field "commerce_discounts". |
Expiration (formatted) | [site:current-cart-order:original:expiration-formatted] | The time left until this order expires. Formatted by theme_commerce_cart_expiration(). |
Expiration (raw) | [site:current-cart-order:original:expiration-raw] | The raw time left until this order expires in seconds. |
Host name | [site:current-cart-order:original:hostname] | The IP address that created this order. |
Invoice date | [site:current-cart-order:original:field-commerce-billy-i-date] | Field "field_commerce_billy_i_date". |
Invoice date | [site:current-cart-order:original:field_commerce_billy_i_date] | Date (Unix timestamp) field. |
Line items | [site:current-cart-order:original:commerce-line-items] | Field "commerce_line_items". |
Line items | [site:current-cart-order:original:commerce_line_items] | Line item reference field. |
Order ID | [site:current-cart-order:original:order-id] | The unique numeric ID of the order. |
Order e-mail | [site:current-cart-order:original:mail] | The e-mail address associated with the order. |
Order e-mail prepared for username usage | [site:current-cart-order:original:mail-username] | The e-mail address associated with this order with illegal characters for usernames replaced. |
Order number | [site:current-cart-order:original:order-number] | The order number displayed to the customer. |
Order state | [site:current-cart-order:original:state] | The current state of the order. |
Order state title | [site:current-cart-order:original:state-title] | The human-readable title of the order state. |
Order status | [site:current-cart-order:original:status] | The current status of the order. |
Order status title | [site:current-cart-order:original:status-title] | The human-readable title of the order status. |
Order total | [site:current-cart-order:original:commerce-order-total:?] | Field "commerce_order_total". The following properties may be appended to the token: amount (Amount), amount_decimal (Amount (decimal)), currency_code (Currency), data (Data) |
Order total | [site:current-cart-order:original:commerce_order_total] | ราคา field. |
Order type | [site:current-cart-order:original:type] | The type of the order. |
Order type name | [site:current-cart-order:original:type-name] | The human-readable name of the order type. |
Owner ID | [site:current-cart-order:original:uid] | The unique ID of the order owner. |
Payment method display title | [site:current-cart-order:original:payment-method-display-title] | The checkout form oriented display title of the payment method for the payment transaction. |
Payment method short title | [site:current-cart-order:original:payment-method-short-title] | The customer oriented short title of the payment method selected by the customer during checkout. |
Payment method title | [site:current-cart-order:original:payment-method-title] | The administrative title of the payment method selected by the customer during checkout. |
URL | [site:current-cart-order:original:url] | The URL of the order. |
URL | [site:current-cart-order:original:admin-url] | The URL for administrators to view the order. |
URL | [site:current-cart-order:original:customer-url] | The URL for customers to view the order. |
View URL | [site:current-cart-order:original:view-url] | The URL a customer can visit to view the order. |
วันที่สร้าง | [site:current-cart-order:original:created] | The date the order was created. |
วันที่เปลี่ยนแปลง | [site:current-cart-order:original:changed] | The date the order was last updated. |
วิธีการชำระเงิน | [site:current-cart-order:original:payment-method] | The method_id of the payment method selected by the customer during checkout. |
เจ้าของ | [site:current-cart-order:original:owner] | The owner of the order. |
แก้ไข ID | [site:current-cart-order:original:revision-id] | The unique ID of the order's latest revision. |
แก้ไข URL | [site:current-cart-order:original:edit-url] | The URL of the order's edit page. |
Owner ID | [site:current-cart-order:uid] | The unique ID of the order owner. |
Payment method display title | [site:current-cart-order:payment-method-display-title] | The checkout form oriented display title of the payment method for the payment transaction. |
Payment method short title | [site:current-cart-order:payment-method-short-title] | The customer oriented short title of the payment method selected by the customer during checkout. |
Payment method title | [site:current-cart-order:payment-method-title] | The administrative title of the payment method selected by the customer during checkout. |
URL | [site:current-cart-order:url] | The URL of the order. |
URL | [site:current-cart-order:admin-url] | The URL for administrators to view the order. |
URL | [site:current-cart-order:customer-url] | The URL for customers to view the order. |
View URL | [site:current-cart-order:view-url] | The URL a customer can visit to view the order. |
วันที่สร้าง | [site:current-cart-order:created] | The date the order was created. |
Availability Calendar date display | [site:current-cart-order:created:availability_calendar_date_display] | A date in 'availability_calendar_date_display' format. (03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Availability Calendar date entry | [site:current-cart-order:created:availability_calendar_date_entry] | A date in 'availability_calendar_date_entry' format. (03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Availability Calendar month caption | [site:current-cart-order:created:availability_calendar_month_caption] | A date in 'availability_calendar_month_caption' format. (03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Hours am/pm | [site:current-cart-order:created:hours_ampm] | A date in 'hours_ampm' format. (3:29 am) |
Long format | [site:current-cart-order:created:long] | A date in 'long' format. (พุธ, มีนาคม 20, 2024 - 03:29) |
Medium format | [site:current-cart-order:created:medium] | A date in 'medium' format. (พ, 03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Raw timestamp | [site:current-cart-order:created:raw] | A date in UNIX timestamp format (1710880172) |
Short format | [site:current-cart-order:created:short] | A date in 'short' format. (03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Studyroom Availability Date | [site:current-cart-order:created:studyroom_availability_date] | A date in 'studyroom_availability_date' format. (พ, 03/20/2024) |
Time-since | [site:current-cart-order:created:since] | A date in 'time-since' format. (54 ปี 3 เดือน) |
กำหนดรูปแบบเอง | [site:current-cart-order:created:custom:?] | A date in a custom format. See the PHP documentation for details. |
วันที่เปลี่ยนแปลง | [site:current-cart-order:changed] | The date the order was last updated. |
Availability Calendar date display | [site:current-cart-order:changed:availability_calendar_date_display] | A date in 'availability_calendar_date_display' format. (03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Availability Calendar date entry | [site:current-cart-order:changed:availability_calendar_date_entry] | A date in 'availability_calendar_date_entry' format. (03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Availability Calendar month caption | [site:current-cart-order:changed:availability_calendar_month_caption] | A date in 'availability_calendar_month_caption' format. (03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Hours am/pm | [site:current-cart-order:changed:hours_ampm] | A date in 'hours_ampm' format. (3:29 am) |
Long format | [site:current-cart-order:changed:long] | A date in 'long' format. (พุธ, มีนาคม 20, 2024 - 03:29) |
Medium format | [site:current-cart-order:changed:medium] | A date in 'medium' format. (พ, 03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Raw timestamp | [site:current-cart-order:changed:raw] | A date in UNIX timestamp format (1710880172) |
Short format | [site:current-cart-order:changed:short] | A date in 'short' format. (03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Studyroom Availability Date | [site:current-cart-order:changed:studyroom_availability_date] | A date in 'studyroom_availability_date' format. (พ, 03/20/2024) |
Time-since | [site:current-cart-order:changed:since] | A date in 'time-since' format. (54 ปี 3 เดือน) |
กำหนดรูปแบบเอง | [site:current-cart-order:changed:custom:?] | A date in a custom format. See the PHP documentation for details. |
วิธีการชำระเงิน | [site:current-cart-order:payment-method] | The method_id of the payment method selected by the customer during checkout. |
เจ้าของ | [site:current-cart-order:owner] | The owner of the order. |
Account cancellation URL | [site:current-cart-order:owner:cancel-url] | The URL of the confirm delete page for the user account. |
Last access | [site:current-cart-order:owner:last-access] | The date the user last accessed the site. |
Location | [site:current-cart-order:owner:location] | The location for this user. |
Name | [site:current-cart-order:owner:name] | The login name of the user account. |
One-time login URL | [site:current-cart-order:owner:one-time-login-url] | The URL of the one-time login page for the user account. |
Original user | [site:current-cart-order:owner:original] | The original user data if the user is being updated or saved. |
Roles | [site:current-cart-order:owner:roles] | The user roles associated with the user account. |
URL | [site:current-cart-order:owner:url] | The URL of the account profile page. |
User role ids | [site:current-cart-order:owner:role-ids] | The role ids the user account is a member of as comma separated list. |
User role names | [site:current-cart-order:owner:role-names] | The role names the user account is a member of as comma separated list. |
ธีมเริ่มต้น | [site:current-cart-order:owner:theme] | The user's default theme. |
รหัสผู้ใช้ | [site:current-cart-order:owner:uid] | The unique ID of the user account. |
รูปภาพ | [site:current-cart-order:owner:picture] | The picture of the user. |
สถานะ | [site:current-cart-order:owner:status] | Whether the user is active or blocked. |
สร้างเมื่อ | [site:current-cart-order:owner:created] | The date the user account was created. |
อีเมล | [site:current-cart-order:owner:mail] | The email address of the user account. |
เข้าสู่ระบบล่าสุด | [site:current-cart-order:owner:last-login] | The date the user last logged in to the site. |
แก้ไข URL | [site:current-cart-order:owner:edit-url] | The URL of the account edit page. |
แก้ไข ID | [site:current-cart-order:revision-id] | The unique ID of the order's latest revision. |
แก้ไข URL | [site:current-cart-order:edit-url] | The URL of the order's edit page. |
สโลแกน | [site:slogan] | The slogan of the site. |
อีเมล | [site:mail] | The administrative email address for the site. |
ชนิดเนื้อหา | | Tokens related to content types. |
Description (localized) | [content-type:i18n-description] | The optional description of the content type. |
Name | [content-type:name] | The name of the content type. |
Name (localized) | [content-type:i18n-name] | The name of the content type. |
Node count | [content-type:node-count] | The number of nodes belonging to the content type. |
คำอธิบาย | [content-type:description] | The optional description of the content type. |
ชื่อสำหรับอ้างอิง | [content-type:machine-name] | The unique machine-readable name of the content type. |
แก้ไข URL | [content-type:edit-url] | The URL of the content type's edit page. |
ช่องทางจ่ายเงิน | | Tokens related to payment. |
All items | [payment:line_item-payment_all] | The total amount of all line items of this type. |
Commerce line item | [payment:line_item-payment_commerce] | The total amount of all line items of this type. |
Currency code | [payment:currency-code] | A three-letter ISO 4217 currency code. |
Finish callback | [payment:finish-callback] | The name of the function to call once payment processing is completed. |
Original ช่องทางจ่ายเงิน | [payment:original] | The original ช่องทางจ่ายเงิน data if the ช่องทางจ่ายเงิน is being updated or saved. |
All items | [payment:original:line_item-payment_all] | The total amount of all line items of this type. |
Commerce line item | [payment:original:line_item-payment_commerce] | The total amount of all line items of this type. |
Currency code | [payment:original:currency-code] | A three-letter ISO 4217 currency code. |
Finish callback | [payment:original:finish-callback] | The name of the function to call once payment processing is completed. |
Payment ID | [payment:original:pid] | Payment ID |
Payment method ID | [payment:original:pmid] | Payment method ID |
URL | [payment:original:url] | The URL of the ช่องทางจ่ายเงิน. |
Absolute URL | [payment:original:url:absolute] | The absolute URL. |
Arguments | [payment:original:url:args] | The specific argument of the current page (e.g. 'arg:1' on the page 'node/1' returns '1'). |
Brief URL | [payment:original:url:brief] | The URL without the protocol and trailing backslash. |
Relative URL | [payment:original:url:relative] | The relative URL. |
Unaliased URL | [payment:original:url:unaliased] | The unaliased URL. |
ตำแหน่งพาธ | [payment:original:url:path] | The path component of the URL. |
คำอธิบาย | [payment:original:description] | คำอธิบาย |
บริบท | [payment:original:context] | The machine-readable name of the context that created the payment. |
รหัสผู้ใช้ | [payment:original:uid] | The ID of the user this payment belongs to. |
วิธีการชำระเงิน | [payment:original:method] | วิธีการชำระเงิน |
Payment method ID | [payment:original:method:pmid] | Payment method ID |
Payment method type | [payment:original:method:controller-class-name] | Payment method type |
Title (generic) | [payment:original:method:title-generic] | Title (generic) |
Title (specific) | [payment:original:method:title-specific] | Title (specific) |
รหัสผู้ใช้ | [payment:original:method:uid] | The ID of the user this payment method belongs to. |
เปิดใช้งาน | [payment:original:method:enabled] | Whether the payment method is enabled and can be used. |
Payment ID | [payment:pid] | Payment ID |
Payment method ID | [payment:pmid] | Payment method ID |
URL | [payment:url] | The URL of the ช่องทางจ่ายเงิน. |
Absolute URL | [payment:url:absolute] | The absolute URL. |
Arguments | [payment:url:args] | The specific argument of the current page (e.g. 'arg:1' on the page 'node/1' returns '1'). |
First | [payment:url:args:first] | The first element of the array. |
Imploded | [payment:url:args:join:?] | The values of the array joined together with a custom string in-between each value. |
Joined path | [payment:url:args:join-path] | The array values each cleaned by Pathauto and then joined with the slash into a string that resembles an URL. |
Keys | [payment:url:args:keys] | The array of keys of the array. |
Last | [payment:url:args:last] | The last element of the array. |
Reversed | [payment:url:args:reversed] | The array reversed. |
Value | [payment:url:args:value:?] | The specific value of the array. |
จำนวน | [payment:url:args:count] | The number of elements in the array. |
Brief URL | [payment:url:brief] | The URL without the protocol and trailing backslash. |
Relative URL | [payment:url:relative] | The relative URL. |
Unaliased URL | [payment:url:unaliased] | The unaliased URL. |
Absolute URL | [payment:url:unaliased:absolute] | The absolute URL. |
Arguments | [payment:url:unaliased:args] | The specific argument of the current page (e.g. 'arg:1' on the page 'node/1' returns '1'). |
Brief URL | [payment:url:unaliased:brief] | The URL without the protocol and trailing backslash. |
Relative URL | [payment:url:unaliased:relative] | The relative URL. |
ตำแหน่งพาธ | [payment:url:unaliased:path] | The path component of the URL. |
ตำแหน่งพาธ | [payment:url:path] | The path component of the URL. |
คำอธิบาย | [payment:description] | คำอธิบาย |
บริบท | [payment:context] | The machine-readable name of the context that created the payment. |
รหัสผู้ใช้ | [payment:uid] | The ID of the user this payment belongs to. |
วิธีการชำระเงิน | [payment:method] | วิธีการชำระเงิน |
Payment method ID | [payment:method:pmid] | Payment method ID |
Payment method type | [payment:method:controller-class-name] | Payment method type |
Title (generic) | [payment:method:title-generic] | Title (generic) |
Title (specific) | [payment:method:title-specific] | Title (specific) |
รหัสผู้ใช้ | [payment:method:uid] | The ID of the user this payment method belongs to. |
เปิดใช้งาน | [payment:method:enabled] | Whether the payment method is enabled and can be used. |
ดู | | Tokens related to views. |
Name | [view:name] | The human-readable name of the view. |
URL | [view:url] | The URL of the view. |
Absolute URL | [view:url:absolute] | The absolute URL. |
Arguments | [view:url:args] | The specific argument of the current page (e.g. 'arg:1' on the page 'node/1' returns '1'). |
First | [view:url:args:first] | The first element of the array. |
Imploded | [view:url:args:join:?] | The values of the array joined together with a custom string in-between each value. |
Joined path | [view:url:args:join-path] | The array values each cleaned by Pathauto and then joined with the slash into a string that resembles an URL. |
Keys | [view:url:args:keys] | The array of keys of the array. |
Last | [view:url:args:last] | The last element of the array. |
Reversed | [view:url:args:reversed] | The array reversed. |
Value | [view:url:args:value:?] | The specific value of the array. |
จำนวน | [view:url:args:count] | The number of elements in the array. |
Brief URL | [view:url:brief] | The URL without the protocol and trailing backslash. |
Relative URL | [view:url:relative] | The relative URL. |
Unaliased URL | [view:url:unaliased] | The unaliased URL. |
Absolute URL | [view:url:unaliased:absolute] | The absolute URL. |
Arguments | [view:url:unaliased:args] | The specific argument of the current page (e.g. 'arg:1' on the page 'node/1' returns '1'). |
Brief URL | [view:url:unaliased:brief] | The URL without the protocol and trailing backslash. |
Relative URL | [view:url:unaliased:relative] | The relative URL. |
ตำแหน่งพาธ | [view:url:unaliased:path] | The path component of the URL. |
ตำแหน่งพาธ | [view:url:path] | The path component of the URL. |
คำอธิบาย | [view:description] | The description of the view. |
ชื่อสำหรับอ้างอิง | [view:machine-name] | The machine-readable name of the view. |
หัวข้อ | [view:title] | The title of current display of the view. |
ประเทศปกติ | | Tokens related to the sites default country. |
Continent | [default-country:continent] | The Continent of the country. |
Continent code | [default-country:continent-code] | The Continent code of the country. |
Continent name | [default-country:continent-name] | Continent name |
Country ID | [default-country:cid] | The unique internal database ID of the country. |
ISO alpha-2 code | [default-country:iso2] | The ISO alpha-2 code of the country. |
ISO alpha-3 code | [default-country:iso3] | The ISO alpha-3 code of the country. |
ISO numeric-3 code | [default-country:numcode] | The ISO numeric-3 code of the country. |
Language | [default-country:language] | ประเทศ "language" property. |
Name | [default-country:name] | The name of the country. |
Official name | [default-country:official-name] | The official name of the country. |
Original ประเทศ | [default-country:original] | The original ประเทศ data if the ประเทศ is being updated or saved. |
Continent | [default-country:original:continent] | The Continent of the country. |
Continent code | [default-country:original:continent-code] | The Continent code of the country. |
Continent name | [default-country:original:continent-name] | Continent name |
Country ID | [default-country:original:cid] | The unique internal database ID of the country. |
ISO alpha-2 code | [default-country:original:iso2] | The ISO alpha-2 code of the country. |
ISO alpha-3 code | [default-country:original:iso3] | The ISO alpha-3 code of the country. |
ISO numeric-3 code | [default-country:original:numcode] | The ISO numeric-3 code of the country. |
Language | [default-country:original:language] | ประเทศ "language" property. |
Name | [default-country:original:name] | The name of the country. |
Official name | [default-country:original:official-name] | The official name of the country. |
สถานะ | [default-country:original:enabled] | The Continent of the country. |
สถานะ | [default-country:enabled] | The Continent of the country. |
ผู้ใช้ปัจจุบัน | | Tokens related to the currently logged in user. |
Account cancellation URL | [current-user:cancel-url] | The URL of the confirm delete page for the user account. |
Last access | [current-user:last-access] | The date the user last accessed the site. |
Availability Calendar date display | [current-user:last-access:availability_calendar_date_display] | A date in 'availability_calendar_date_display' format. (03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Availability Calendar date entry | [current-user:last-access:availability_calendar_date_entry] | A date in 'availability_calendar_date_entry' format. (03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Availability Calendar month caption | [current-user:last-access:availability_calendar_month_caption] | A date in 'availability_calendar_month_caption' format. (03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Hours am/pm | [current-user:last-access:hours_ampm] | A date in 'hours_ampm' format. (3:29 am) |
Long format | [current-user:last-access:long] | A date in 'long' format. (พุธ, มีนาคม 20, 2024 - 03:29) |
Medium format | [current-user:last-access:medium] | A date in 'medium' format. (พ, 03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Raw timestamp | [current-user:last-access:raw] | A date in UNIX timestamp format (1710880172) |
Short format | [current-user:last-access:short] | A date in 'short' format. (03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Studyroom Availability Date | [current-user:last-access:studyroom_availability_date] | A date in 'studyroom_availability_date' format. (พ, 03/20/2024) |
Time-since | [current-user:last-access:since] | A date in 'time-since' format. (54 ปี 3 เดือน) |
กำหนดรูปแบบเอง | [current-user:last-access:custom:?] | A date in a custom format. See the PHP documentation for details. |
Location | [current-user:location] | The location for this user. |
Additional | [current-user:location:additional:?] | Additional (If there are multiple locations, N is the iteration, starting with 0). |
Country Name | [current-user:location:country_name:?] | Country Name (If there are multiple locations, N is the iteration, starting with 0). |
Latitude | [current-user:location:latitude:?] | Latitude (If there are multiple locations, N is the iteration, starting with 0). |
Location Name | [current-user:location:name:?] | Location Name (If there are multiple locations, N is the iteration, starting with 0). |
Longitude | [current-user:location:longitude:?] | Longitude (If there are multiple locations, N is the iteration, starting with 0). |
Postal Code | [current-user:location:postal_code:?] | Postal Code (If there are multiple locations, N is the iteration, starting with 0). |
State/Province Name | [current-user:location:province_name:?] | State/Province Name (If there are multiple locations, N is the iteration, starting with 0). |
Street | [current-user:location:street:?] | Street (If there are multiple locations, N is the iteration, starting with 0). |
ประเทศ | [current-user:location:country:?] | Country (If there are multiple locations, N is the iteration, starting with 0). |
รัฐ / จังหวัด | [current-user:location:province:?] | State/Province (If there are multiple locations, N is the iteration, starting with 0). |
เมือง | [current-user:location:city:?] | City (If there are multiple locations, N is the iteration, starting with 0). |
Name | [current-user:name] | The login name of the user account. |
One-time login URL | [current-user:one-time-login-url] | The URL of the one-time login page for the user account. |
Original user | [current-user:original] | The original user data if the user is being updated or saved. |
Account cancellation URL | [current-user:original:cancel-url] | The URL of the confirm delete page for the user account. |
Last access | [current-user:original:last-access] | The date the user last accessed the site. |
Availability Calendar date display | [current-user:original:last-access:availability_calendar_date_display] | A date in 'availability_calendar_date_display' format. (03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Availability Calendar date entry | [current-user:original:last-access:availability_calendar_date_entry] | A date in 'availability_calendar_date_entry' format. (03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Availability Calendar month caption | [current-user:original:last-access:availability_calendar_month_caption] | A date in 'availability_calendar_month_caption' format. (03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Hours am/pm | [current-user:original:last-access:hours_ampm] | A date in 'hours_ampm' format. (3:29 am) |
Long format | [current-user:original:last-access:long] | A date in 'long' format. (พุธ, มีนาคม 20, 2024 - 03:29) |
Medium format | [current-user:original:last-access:medium] | A date in 'medium' format. (พ, 03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Raw timestamp | [current-user:original:last-access:raw] | A date in UNIX timestamp format (1710880172) |
Short format | [current-user:original:last-access:short] | A date in 'short' format. (03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Studyroom Availability Date | [current-user:original:last-access:studyroom_availability_date] | A date in 'studyroom_availability_date' format. (พ, 03/20/2024) |
Time-since | [current-user:original:last-access:since] | A date in 'time-since' format. (54 ปี 3 เดือน) |
กำหนดรูปแบบเอง | [current-user:original:last-access:custom:?] | A date in a custom format. See the PHP documentation for details. |
Location | [current-user:original:location] | The location for this user. |
Additional | [current-user:original:location:additional:?] | Additional (If there are multiple locations, N is the iteration, starting with 0). |
Country Name | [current-user:original:location:country_name:?] | Country Name (If there are multiple locations, N is the iteration, starting with 0). |
Latitude | [current-user:original:location:latitude:?] | Latitude (If there are multiple locations, N is the iteration, starting with 0). |
Location Name | [current-user:original:location:name:?] | Location Name (If there are multiple locations, N is the iteration, starting with 0). |
Longitude | [current-user:original:location:longitude:?] | Longitude (If there are multiple locations, N is the iteration, starting with 0). |
Postal Code | [current-user:original:location:postal_code:?] | Postal Code (If there are multiple locations, N is the iteration, starting with 0). |
State/Province Name | [current-user:original:location:province_name:?] | State/Province Name (If there are multiple locations, N is the iteration, starting with 0). |
Street | [current-user:original:location:street:?] | Street (If there are multiple locations, N is the iteration, starting with 0). |
ประเทศ | [current-user:original:location:country:?] | Country (If there are multiple locations, N is the iteration, starting with 0). |
รัฐ / จังหวัด | [current-user:original:location:province:?] | State/Province (If there are multiple locations, N is the iteration, starting with 0). |
เมือง | [current-user:original:location:city:?] | City (If there are multiple locations, N is the iteration, starting with 0). |
Name | [current-user:original:name] | The login name of the user account. |
One-time login URL | [current-user:original:one-time-login-url] | The URL of the one-time login page for the user account. |
Roles | [current-user:original:roles] | The user roles associated with the user account. |
First | [current-user:original:roles:first] | The first element of the array. |
Imploded | [current-user:original:roles:join:?] | The values of the array joined together with a custom string in-between each value. |
Joined path | [current-user:original:roles:join-path] | The array values each cleaned by Pathauto and then joined with the slash into a string that resembles an URL. |
Keys | [current-user:original:roles:keys] | The array of keys of the array. |
Last | [current-user:original:roles:last] | The last element of the array. |
Reversed | [current-user:original:roles:reversed] | The array reversed. |
Value | [current-user:original:roles:value:?] | The specific value of the array. |
จำนวน | [current-user:original:roles:count] | The number of elements in the array. |
URL | [current-user:original:url] | The URL of the account profile page. |
Absolute URL | [current-user:original:url:absolute] | The absolute URL. |
Arguments | [current-user:original:url:args] | The specific argument of the current page (e.g. 'arg:1' on the page 'node/1' returns '1'). |
Brief URL | [current-user:original:url:brief] | The URL without the protocol and trailing backslash. |
Relative URL | [current-user:original:url:relative] | The relative URL. |
Unaliased URL | [current-user:original:url:unaliased] | The unaliased URL. |
ตำแหน่งพาธ | [current-user:original:url:path] | The path component of the URL. |
User role ids | [current-user:original:role-ids] | The role ids the user account is a member of as comma separated list. |
User role names | [current-user:original:role-names] | The role names the user account is a member of as comma separated list. |
ธีมเริ่มต้น | [current-user:original:theme] | The user's default theme. |
รหัสผู้ใช้ | [current-user:original:uid] | The unique ID of the user account. |
รูปภาพ | [current-user:original:picture] | The picture of the user. |
Base name | [current-user:original:picture:basename] | The base name of the file. |
Extension | [current-user:original:picture:extension] | The extension of the file. |
File byte size | [current-user:original:picture:size-raw] | The size of the file, in bytes. |
File name | [current-user:original:picture:name] | The name of the file on disk. |
MIME type | [current-user:original:picture:mime] | The MIME type of the file. |
URL | [current-user:original:picture:url] | The web-accessible URL for the file. |
ขนาดไฟล์ | [current-user:original:picture:size] | ขนาดของไฟล์ |
ตำแหน่งพาธ | [current-user:original:picture:path] | The location of the file relative to Drupal root. |
รหัสไฟล์ | [current-user:original:picture:fid] | The unique ID of the uploaded file. |
ระบุเวลา | [current-user:original:picture:timestamp] | The date the file was most recently changed. |
เจ้าของ | [current-user:original:picture:owner] | The user who originally uploaded the file. |
สถานะ | [current-user:original:status] | Whether the user is active or blocked. |
สร้างเมื่อ | [current-user:original:created] | The date the user account was created. |
Availability Calendar date display | [current-user:original:created:availability_calendar_date_display] | A date in 'availability_calendar_date_display' format. (03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Availability Calendar date entry | [current-user:original:created:availability_calendar_date_entry] | A date in 'availability_calendar_date_entry' format. (03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Availability Calendar month caption | [current-user:original:created:availability_calendar_month_caption] | A date in 'availability_calendar_month_caption' format. (03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Hours am/pm | [current-user:original:created:hours_ampm] | A date in 'hours_ampm' format. (3:29 am) |
Long format | [current-user:original:created:long] | A date in 'long' format. (พุธ, มีนาคม 20, 2024 - 03:29) |
Medium format | [current-user:original:created:medium] | A date in 'medium' format. (พ, 03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Raw timestamp | [current-user:original:created:raw] | A date in UNIX timestamp format (1710880172) |
Short format | [current-user:original:created:short] | A date in 'short' format. (03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Studyroom Availability Date | [current-user:original:created:studyroom_availability_date] | A date in 'studyroom_availability_date' format. (พ, 03/20/2024) |
Time-since | [current-user:original:created:since] | A date in 'time-since' format. (54 ปี 3 เดือน) |
กำหนดรูปแบบเอง | [current-user:original:created:custom:?] | A date in a custom format. See the PHP documentation for details. |
อีเมล | [current-user:original:mail] | The email address of the user account. |
เข้าสู่ระบบล่าสุด | [current-user:original:last-login] | The date the user last logged in to the site. |
Availability Calendar date display | [current-user:original:last-login:availability_calendar_date_display] | A date in 'availability_calendar_date_display' format. (03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Availability Calendar date entry | [current-user:original:last-login:availability_calendar_date_entry] | A date in 'availability_calendar_date_entry' format. (03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Availability Calendar month caption | [current-user:original:last-login:availability_calendar_month_caption] | A date in 'availability_calendar_month_caption' format. (03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Hours am/pm | [current-user:original:last-login:hours_ampm] | A date in 'hours_ampm' format. (3:29 am) |
Long format | [current-user:original:last-login:long] | A date in 'long' format. (พุธ, มีนาคม 20, 2024 - 03:29) |
Medium format | [current-user:original:last-login:medium] | A date in 'medium' format. (พ, 03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Raw timestamp | [current-user:original:last-login:raw] | A date in UNIX timestamp format (1710880172) |
Short format | [current-user:original:last-login:short] | A date in 'short' format. (03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Studyroom Availability Date | [current-user:original:last-login:studyroom_availability_date] | A date in 'studyroom_availability_date' format. (พ, 03/20/2024) |
Time-since | [current-user:original:last-login:since] | A date in 'time-since' format. (54 ปี 3 เดือน) |
กำหนดรูปแบบเอง | [current-user:original:last-login:custom:?] | A date in a custom format. See the PHP documentation for details. |
แก้ไข URL | [current-user:original:edit-url] | The URL of the account edit page. |
Roles | [current-user:roles] | The user roles associated with the user account. |
First | [current-user:roles:first] | The first element of the array. |
Imploded | [current-user:roles:join:?] | The values of the array joined together with a custom string in-between each value. |
Joined path | [current-user:roles:join-path] | The array values each cleaned by Pathauto and then joined with the slash into a string that resembles an URL. |
Keys | [current-user:roles:keys] | The array of keys of the array. |
First | [current-user:roles:keys:first] | The first element of the array. |
Imploded | [current-user:roles:keys:join:?] | The values of the array joined together with a custom string in-between each value. |
Joined path | [current-user:roles:keys:join-path] | The array values each cleaned by Pathauto and then joined with the slash into a string that resembles an URL. |
Last | [current-user:roles:keys:last] | The last element of the array. |
Reversed | [current-user:roles:keys:reversed] | The array reversed. |
Value | [current-user:roles:keys:value:?] | The specific value of the array. |
จำนวน | [current-user:roles:keys:count] | The number of elements in the array. |
Last | [current-user:roles:last] | The last element of the array. |
Reversed | [current-user:roles:reversed] | The array reversed. |
First | [current-user:roles:reversed:first] | The first element of the array. |
Imploded | [current-user:roles:reversed:join:?] | The values of the array joined together with a custom string in-between each value. |
Joined path | [current-user:roles:reversed:join-path] | The array values each cleaned by Pathauto and then joined with the slash into a string that resembles an URL. |
Keys | [current-user:roles:reversed:keys] | The array of keys of the array. |
Last | [current-user:roles:reversed:last] | The last element of the array. |
Value | [current-user:roles:reversed:value:?] | The specific value of the array. |
จำนวน | [current-user:roles:reversed:count] | The number of elements in the array. |
Value | [current-user:roles:value:?] | The specific value of the array. |
จำนวน | [current-user:roles:count] | The number of elements in the array. |
URL | [current-user:url] | The URL of the account profile page. |
Absolute URL | [current-user:url:absolute] | The absolute URL. |
Arguments | [current-user:url:args] | The specific argument of the current page (e.g. 'arg:1' on the page 'node/1' returns '1'). |
First | [current-user:url:args:first] | The first element of the array. |
Imploded | [current-user:url:args:join:?] | The values of the array joined together with a custom string in-between each value. |
Joined path | [current-user:url:args:join-path] | The array values each cleaned by Pathauto and then joined with the slash into a string that resembles an URL. |
Keys | [current-user:url:args:keys] | The array of keys of the array. |
Last | [current-user:url:args:last] | The last element of the array. |
Reversed | [current-user:url:args:reversed] | The array reversed. |
Value | [current-user:url:args:value:?] | The specific value of the array. |
จำนวน | [current-user:url:args:count] | The number of elements in the array. |
Brief URL | [current-user:url:brief] | The URL without the protocol and trailing backslash. |
Relative URL | [current-user:url:relative] | The relative URL. |
Unaliased URL | [current-user:url:unaliased] | The unaliased URL. |
Absolute URL | [current-user:url:unaliased:absolute] | The absolute URL. |
Arguments | [current-user:url:unaliased:args] | The specific argument of the current page (e.g. 'arg:1' on the page 'node/1' returns '1'). |
Brief URL | [current-user:url:unaliased:brief] | The URL without the protocol and trailing backslash. |
Relative URL | [current-user:url:unaliased:relative] | The relative URL. |
ตำแหน่งพาธ | [current-user:url:unaliased:path] | The path component of the URL. |
ตำแหน่งพาธ | [current-user:url:path] | The path component of the URL. |
User role ids | [current-user:role-ids] | The role ids the user account is a member of as comma separated list. |
User role names | [current-user:role-names] | The role names the user account is a member of as comma separated list. |
ที่อยู IP | [current-user:ip-address] | The IP address of the current user. |
ธีมเริ่มต้น | [current-user:theme] | The user's default theme. |
รหัสผู้ใช้ | [current-user:uid] | The unique ID of the user account. |
รูปภาพ | [current-user:picture] | The picture of the user. |
Base name | [current-user:picture:basename] | The base name of the file. |
Extension | [current-user:picture:extension] | The extension of the file. |
File byte size | [current-user:picture:size-raw] | The size of the file, in bytes. |
File name | [current-user:picture:name] | The name of the file on disk. |
MIME type | [current-user:picture:mime] | The MIME type of the file. |
Original ไฟล์ | [current-user:picture:original] | The original ไฟล์ data if the ไฟล์ is being updated or saved. |
Base name | [current-user:picture:original:basename] | The base name of the file. |
Extension | [current-user:picture:original:extension] | The extension of the file. |
File byte size | [current-user:picture:original:size-raw] | The size of the file, in bytes. |
File name | [current-user:picture:original:name] | The name of the file on disk. |
MIME type | [current-user:picture:original:mime] | The MIME type of the file. |
URL | [current-user:picture:original:url] | The web-accessible URL for the file. |
ขนาดไฟล์ | [current-user:picture:original:size] | ขนาดของไฟล์ |
ตำแหน่งพาธ | [current-user:picture:original:path] | The location of the file relative to Drupal root. |
รหัสไฟล์ | [current-user:picture:original:fid] | The unique ID of the uploaded file. |
ระบุเวลา | [current-user:picture:original:timestamp] | The date the file was most recently changed. |
เจ้าของ | [current-user:picture:original:owner] | The user who originally uploaded the file. |
URL | [current-user:picture:url] | The web-accessible URL for the file. |
ขนาดไฟล์ | [current-user:picture:size] | ขนาดของไฟล์ |
ตำแหน่งพาธ | [current-user:picture:path] | The location of the file relative to Drupal root. |
รหัสไฟล์ | [current-user:picture:fid] | The unique ID of the uploaded file. |
ระบุเวลา | [current-user:picture:timestamp] | The date the file was most recently changed. |
Availability Calendar date display | [current-user:picture:timestamp:availability_calendar_date_display] | A date in 'availability_calendar_date_display' format. (03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Availability Calendar date entry | [current-user:picture:timestamp:availability_calendar_date_entry] | A date in 'availability_calendar_date_entry' format. (03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Availability Calendar month caption | [current-user:picture:timestamp:availability_calendar_month_caption] | A date in 'availability_calendar_month_caption' format. (03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Hours am/pm | [current-user:picture:timestamp:hours_ampm] | A date in 'hours_ampm' format. (3:29 am) |
Long format | [current-user:picture:timestamp:long] | A date in 'long' format. (พุธ, มีนาคม 20, 2024 - 03:29) |
Medium format | [current-user:picture:timestamp:medium] | A date in 'medium' format. (พ, 03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Raw timestamp | [current-user:picture:timestamp:raw] | A date in UNIX timestamp format (1710880172) |
Short format | [current-user:picture:timestamp:short] | A date in 'short' format. (03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Studyroom Availability Date | [current-user:picture:timestamp:studyroom_availability_date] | A date in 'studyroom_availability_date' format. (พ, 03/20/2024) |
Time-since | [current-user:picture:timestamp:since] | A date in 'time-since' format. (54 ปี 3 เดือน) |
กำหนดรูปแบบเอง | [current-user:picture:timestamp:custom:?] | A date in a custom format. See the PHP documentation for details. |
เจ้าของ | [current-user:picture:owner] | The user who originally uploaded the file. |
Account cancellation URL | [current-user:picture:owner:cancel-url] | The URL of the confirm delete page for the user account. |
Last access | [current-user:picture:owner:last-access] | The date the user last accessed the site. |
Location | [current-user:picture:owner:location] | The location for this user. |
Name | [current-user:picture:owner:name] | The login name of the user account. |
One-time login URL | [current-user:picture:owner:one-time-login-url] | The URL of the one-time login page for the user account. |
Original user | [current-user:picture:owner:original] | The original user data if the user is being updated or saved. |
Roles | [current-user:picture:owner:roles] | The user roles associated with the user account. |
URL | [current-user:picture:owner:url] | The URL of the account profile page. |
User role ids | [current-user:picture:owner:role-ids] | The role ids the user account is a member of as comma separated list. |
User role names | [current-user:picture:owner:role-names] | The role names the user account is a member of as comma separated list. |
ธีมเริ่มต้น | [current-user:picture:owner:theme] | The user's default theme. |
รหัสผู้ใช้ | [current-user:picture:owner:uid] | The unique ID of the user account. |
สถานะ | [current-user:picture:owner:status] | Whether the user is active or blocked. |
สร้างเมื่อ | [current-user:picture:owner:created] | The date the user account was created. |
อีเมล | [current-user:picture:owner:mail] | The email address of the user account. |
เข้าสู่ระบบล่าสุด | [current-user:picture:owner:last-login] | The date the user last logged in to the site. |
แก้ไข URL | [current-user:picture:owner:edit-url] | The URL of the account edit page. |
สถานะ | [current-user:status] | Whether the user is active or blocked. |
สร้างเมื่อ | [current-user:created] | The date the user account was created. |
Availability Calendar date display | [current-user:created:availability_calendar_date_display] | A date in 'availability_calendar_date_display' format. (03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Availability Calendar date entry | [current-user:created:availability_calendar_date_entry] | A date in 'availability_calendar_date_entry' format. (03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Availability Calendar month caption | [current-user:created:availability_calendar_month_caption] | A date in 'availability_calendar_month_caption' format. (03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Hours am/pm | [current-user:created:hours_ampm] | A date in 'hours_ampm' format. (3:29 am) |
Long format | [current-user:created:long] | A date in 'long' format. (พุธ, มีนาคม 20, 2024 - 03:29) |
Medium format | [current-user:created:medium] | A date in 'medium' format. (พ, 03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Raw timestamp | [current-user:created:raw] | A date in UNIX timestamp format (1710880172) |
Short format | [current-user:created:short] | A date in 'short' format. (03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Studyroom Availability Date | [current-user:created:studyroom_availability_date] | A date in 'studyroom_availability_date' format. (พ, 03/20/2024) |
Time-since | [current-user:created:since] | A date in 'time-since' format. (54 ปี 3 เดือน) |
กำหนดรูปแบบเอง | [current-user:created:custom:?] | A date in a custom format. See the PHP documentation for details. |
อีเมล | [current-user:mail] | The email address of the user account. |
เข้าสู่ระบบล่าสุด | [current-user:last-login] | The date the user last logged in to the site. |
Availability Calendar date display | [current-user:last-login:availability_calendar_date_display] | A date in 'availability_calendar_date_display' format. (03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Availability Calendar date entry | [current-user:last-login:availability_calendar_date_entry] | A date in 'availability_calendar_date_entry' format. (03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Availability Calendar month caption | [current-user:last-login:availability_calendar_month_caption] | A date in 'availability_calendar_month_caption' format. (03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Hours am/pm | [current-user:last-login:hours_ampm] | A date in 'hours_ampm' format. (3:29 am) |
Long format | [current-user:last-login:long] | A date in 'long' format. (พุธ, มีนาคม 20, 2024 - 03:29) |
Medium format | [current-user:last-login:medium] | A date in 'medium' format. (พ, 03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Raw timestamp | [current-user:last-login:raw] | A date in UNIX timestamp format (1710880172) |
Short format | [current-user:last-login:short] | A date in 'short' format. (03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Studyroom Availability Date | [current-user:last-login:studyroom_availability_date] | A date in 'studyroom_availability_date' format. (พ, 03/20/2024) |
Time-since | [current-user:last-login:since] | A date in 'time-since' format. (54 ปี 3 เดือน) |
กำหนดรูปแบบเอง | [current-user:last-login:custom:?] | A date in a custom format. See the PHP documentation for details. |
แก้ไข URL | [current-user:edit-url] | The URL of the account edit page. |
รายการจองของคุณ | | Tokens related to individual orders. |
Billing information | [commerce-order:commerce-customer-billing] | Field "commerce_customer_billing". |
Address | [commerce-order:commerce-customer-billing:commerce-customer-address:?] | Field "commerce_customer_address". The following properties may be appended to the token: country (ประเทศ), name_line (ชื่อเต็ม), first_name (ชื่อจริง), last_name (นามสกุล), organisation_name (บริษัท), administrative_area (Administrative area (i.e. State / Province)), sub_administrative_area (Sub administrative area), locality (Locality (i.e. City)), dependent_locality (Dependent locality), postal_code (รหัสไปรษณีย์), thoroughfare (ที่อยู่ถนน), premise (Premise (i.e. Apartment / Suite number)), sub_premise (Sub Premise (i.e. Suite, Apartment, Floor, Unknown.) |
Address formatted for MailChimp | [commerce-order:commerce-customer-billing:commerce-customer-address:?:format-mailchimp] | The full address formatted for import into MailChimp. |
Administrative area (i.e. State/Province) | [commerce-order:commerce-customer-billing:commerce-customer-address:?:administrative-area] | The administrative area value, expanded to the full name if applicable. |
Administrative area (raw value) | [commerce-order:commerce-customer-billing:commerce-customer-address:?:administrative-area-raw] | The raw administrative area value. |
Country code | [commerce-order:commerce-customer-billing:commerce-customer-address:?:country-code] | The two letter ISO country code. |
Country name | [commerce-order:commerce-customer-billing:commerce-customer-address:?:country] | The full name of the country. |
Locality (i.e. City) | [commerce-order:commerce-customer-billing:commerce-customer-address:?:locality] | The locality value. |
Organisation | [commerce-order:commerce-customer-billing:commerce-customer-address:?:organisation] | The organisation name value. |
Sub Premise (i.e. Suite, Apartment, Floor, Unknown.) | [commerce-order:commerce-customer-billing:commerce-customer-address:?:sub_premise] | The sub premise value. |
ชื่อจริง | [commerce-order:commerce-customer-billing:commerce-customer-address:?:first-name] | The first name value. |
ชื่อเต็ม | [commerce-order:commerce-customer-billing:commerce-customer-address:?:name-line] | The name line value of the address. |
ที่อยู่ถนน | [commerce-order:commerce-customer-billing:commerce-customer-address:?:thoroughfare] | The thoroughfare value. |
ที่อยู่ถนน | [commerce-order:commerce-customer-billing:commerce-customer-address:?:premise] | The premise value. |
นามสกุล | [commerce-order:commerce-customer-billing:commerce-customer-address:?:last-name] | The last name value. |
รหัสไปรษณีย์ | [commerce-order:commerce-customer-billing:commerce-customer-address:?:postal-code] | The postal code value. |
Address | [commerce-order:commerce-customer-billing:commerce_customer_address] | Postal address field. |
Address formatted for MailChimp | [commerce-order:commerce-customer-billing:commerce_customer_address:format-mailchimp] | The full address formatted for import into MailChimp. |
Administrative area (i.e. State/Province) | [commerce-order:commerce-customer-billing:commerce_customer_address:administrative-area] | The administrative area value, expanded to the full name if applicable. |
Administrative area (raw value) | [commerce-order:commerce-customer-billing:commerce_customer_address:administrative-area-raw] | The raw administrative area value. |
Country code | [commerce-order:commerce-customer-billing:commerce_customer_address:country-code] | The two letter ISO country code. |
Country name | [commerce-order:commerce-customer-billing:commerce_customer_address:country] | The full name of the country. |
Locality (i.e. City) | [commerce-order:commerce-customer-billing:commerce_customer_address:locality] | The locality value. |
Organisation | [commerce-order:commerce-customer-billing:commerce_customer_address:organisation] | The organisation name value. |
Sub Premise (i.e. Suite, Apartment, Floor, Unknown.) | [commerce-order:commerce-customer-billing:commerce_customer_address:sub_premise] | The sub premise value. |
ชื่อจริง | [commerce-order:commerce-customer-billing:commerce_customer_address:first-name] | The first name value. |
ชื่อเต็ม | [commerce-order:commerce-customer-billing:commerce_customer_address:name-line] | The name line value of the address. |
ที่อยู่ถนน | [commerce-order:commerce-customer-billing:commerce_customer_address:thoroughfare] | The thoroughfare value. |
ที่อยู่ถนน | [commerce-order:commerce-customer-billing:commerce_customer_address:premise] | The premise value. |
นามสกุล | [commerce-order:commerce-customer-billing:commerce_customer_address:last-name] | The last name value. |
รหัสไปรษณีย์ | [commerce-order:commerce-customer-billing:commerce_customer_address:postal-code] | The postal code value. |
Customer profile ID | [commerce-order:commerce-customer-billing:customer-profile-id] | The unique numeric ID of the customer profile. |
Customer profile owner | [commerce-order:commerce-customer-billing:owner] | The user the customer profile belongs to. |
Account cancellation URL | [commerce-order:commerce-customer-billing:owner:cancel-url] | The URL of the confirm delete page for the user account. |
Last access | [commerce-order:commerce-customer-billing:owner:last-access] | The date the user last accessed the site. |
Location | [commerce-order:commerce-customer-billing:owner:location] | The location for this user. |
Name | [commerce-order:commerce-customer-billing:owner:name] | The login name of the user account. |
One-time login URL | [commerce-order:commerce-customer-billing:owner:one-time-login-url] | The URL of the one-time login page for the user account. |
Original user | [commerce-order:commerce-customer-billing:owner:original] | The original user data if the user is being updated or saved. |
Roles | [commerce-order:commerce-customer-billing:owner:roles] | The user roles associated with the user account. |
URL | [commerce-order:commerce-customer-billing:owner:url] | The URL of the account profile page. |
User role ids | [commerce-order:commerce-customer-billing:owner:role-ids] | The role ids the user account is a member of as comma separated list. |
User role names | [commerce-order:commerce-customer-billing:owner:role-names] | The role names the user account is a member of as comma separated list. |
ธีมเริ่มต้น | [commerce-order:commerce-customer-billing:owner:theme] | The user's default theme. |
รหัสผู้ใช้ | [commerce-order:commerce-customer-billing:owner:uid] | The unique ID of the user account. |
รูปภาพ | [commerce-order:commerce-customer-billing:owner:picture] | The picture of the user. |
สถานะ | [commerce-order:commerce-customer-billing:owner:status] | Whether the user is active or blocked. |
สร้างเมื่อ | [commerce-order:commerce-customer-billing:owner:created] | The date the user account was created. |
อีเมล | [commerce-order:commerce-customer-billing:owner:mail] | The email address of the user account. |
เข้าสู่ระบบล่าสุด | [commerce-order:commerce-customer-billing:owner:last-login] | The date the user last logged in to the site. |
แก้ไข URL | [commerce-order:commerce-customer-billing:owner:edit-url] | The URL of the account edit page. |
Customer profile type | [commerce-order:commerce-customer-billing:type] | The type of the customer profile. |
Customer profile type name | [commerce-order:commerce-customer-billing:type-name] | The type name of the customer profile. |
Date updated | [commerce-order:commerce-customer-billing:changed] | The date the customer profile was last updated. |
Availability Calendar date display | [commerce-order:commerce-customer-billing:changed:availability_calendar_date_display] | A date in 'availability_calendar_date_display' format. (03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Availability Calendar date entry | [commerce-order:commerce-customer-billing:changed:availability_calendar_date_entry] | A date in 'availability_calendar_date_entry' format. (03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Availability Calendar month caption | [commerce-order:commerce-customer-billing:changed:availability_calendar_month_caption] | A date in 'availability_calendar_month_caption' format. (03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Hours am/pm | [commerce-order:commerce-customer-billing:changed:hours_ampm] | A date in 'hours_ampm' format. (3:29 am) |
Long format | [commerce-order:commerce-customer-billing:changed:long] | A date in 'long' format. (พุธ, มีนาคม 20, 2024 - 03:29) |
Medium format | [commerce-order:commerce-customer-billing:changed:medium] | A date in 'medium' format. (พ, 03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Raw timestamp | [commerce-order:commerce-customer-billing:changed:raw] | A date in UNIX timestamp format (1710880172) |
Short format | [commerce-order:commerce-customer-billing:changed:short] | A date in 'short' format. (03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Studyroom Availability Date | [commerce-order:commerce-customer-billing:changed:studyroom_availability_date] | A date in 'studyroom_availability_date' format. (พ, 03/20/2024) |
Time-since | [commerce-order:commerce-customer-billing:changed:since] | A date in 'time-since' format. (54 ปี 3 เดือน) |
กำหนดรูปแบบเอง | [commerce-order:commerce-customer-billing:changed:custom:?] | A date in a custom format. See the PHP documentation for details. |
Original commerce customer profile | [commerce-order:commerce-customer-billing:original] | The original commerce customer profile data if the commerce customer profile is being updated or saved. |
Address | [commerce-order:commerce-customer-billing:original:commerce-customer-address:?] | Field "commerce_customer_address". The following properties may be appended to the token: country (ประเทศ), name_line (ชื่อเต็ม), first_name (ชื่อจริง), last_name (นามสกุล), organisation_name (บริษัท), administrative_area (Administrative area (i.e. State / Province)), sub_administrative_area (Sub administrative area), locality (Locality (i.e. City)), dependent_locality (Dependent locality), postal_code (รหัสไปรษณีย์), thoroughfare (ที่อยู่ถนน), premise (Premise (i.e. Apartment / Suite number)), sub_premise (Sub Premise (i.e. Suite, Apartment, Floor, Unknown.) |
Address | [commerce-order:commerce-customer-billing:original:commerce_customer_address] | Postal address field. |
Customer profile ID | [commerce-order:commerce-customer-billing:original:customer-profile-id] | The unique numeric ID of the customer profile. |
Customer profile owner | [commerce-order:commerce-customer-billing:original:owner] | The user the customer profile belongs to. |
Customer profile type | [commerce-order:commerce-customer-billing:original:type] | The type of the customer profile. |
Customer profile type name | [commerce-order:commerce-customer-billing:original:type-name] | The type name of the customer profile. |
Date updated | [commerce-order:commerce-customer-billing:original:changed] | The date the customer profile was last updated. |
Profile ID | [commerce-order:commerce-customer-billing:original:profile-id] | The internal numeric ID of the customer profile. |
URL | [commerce-order:commerce-customer-billing:original:url] | The URL of the commerce customer profile. |
User | [commerce-order:commerce-customer-billing:original:user] | The user the customer profile belongs to. |
รหัสผู้ใช้ | [commerce-order:commerce-customer-billing:original:uid] | The unique ID of the user the customer profile belongs to. |
วันที่สร้าง | [commerce-order:commerce-customer-billing:original:created] | The date the customer profile was created. |
สถานะ | [commerce-order:commerce-customer-billing:original:status] | Whether or not the customer profile is active. |
แก้ไข ID | [commerce-order:commerce-customer-billing:original:revision-id] | The unique ID of the customer profile's latest revision. |
Profile ID | [commerce-order:commerce-customer-billing:profile-id] | The internal numeric ID of the customer profile. |
URL | [commerce-order:commerce-customer-billing:url] | The URL of the commerce customer profile. |
Absolute URL | [commerce-order:commerce-customer-billing:url:absolute] | The absolute URL. |
Arguments | [commerce-order:commerce-customer-billing:url:args] | The specific argument of the current page (e.g. 'arg:1' on the page 'node/1' returns '1'). |
Brief URL | [commerce-order:commerce-customer-billing:url:brief] | The URL without the protocol and trailing backslash. |
Relative URL | [commerce-order:commerce-customer-billing:url:relative] | The relative URL. |
Unaliased URL | [commerce-order:commerce-customer-billing:url:unaliased] | The unaliased URL. |
ตำแหน่งพาธ | [commerce-order:commerce-customer-billing:url:path] | The path component of the URL. |
User | [commerce-order:commerce-customer-billing:user] | The user the customer profile belongs to. |
Account cancellation URL | [commerce-order:commerce-customer-billing:user:cancel-url] | The URL of the confirm delete page for the user account. |
Last access | [commerce-order:commerce-customer-billing:user:last-access] | The date the user last accessed the site. |
Location | [commerce-order:commerce-customer-billing:user:location] | The location for this user. |
Name | [commerce-order:commerce-customer-billing:user:name] | The login name of the user account. |
One-time login URL | [commerce-order:commerce-customer-billing:user:one-time-login-url] | The URL of the one-time login page for the user account. |
Original user | [commerce-order:commerce-customer-billing:user:original] | The original user data if the user is being updated or saved. |
Roles | [commerce-order:commerce-customer-billing:user:roles] | The user roles associated with the user account. |
URL | [commerce-order:commerce-customer-billing:user:url] | The URL of the account profile page. |
User role ids | [commerce-order:commerce-customer-billing:user:role-ids] | The role ids the user account is a member of as comma separated list. |
User role names | [commerce-order:commerce-customer-billing:user:role-names] | The role names the user account is a member of as comma separated list. |
ธีมเริ่มต้น | [commerce-order:commerce-customer-billing:user:theme] | The user's default theme. |
รหัสผู้ใช้ | [commerce-order:commerce-customer-billing:user:uid] | The unique ID of the user account. |
รูปภาพ | [commerce-order:commerce-customer-billing:user:picture] | The picture of the user. |
สถานะ | [commerce-order:commerce-customer-billing:user:status] | Whether the user is active or blocked. |
สร้างเมื่อ | [commerce-order:commerce-customer-billing:user:created] | The date the user account was created. |
อีเมล | [commerce-order:commerce-customer-billing:user:mail] | The email address of the user account. |
เข้าสู่ระบบล่าสุด | [commerce-order:commerce-customer-billing:user:last-login] | The date the user last logged in to the site. |
แก้ไข URL | [commerce-order:commerce-customer-billing:user:edit-url] | The URL of the account edit page. |
รหัสผู้ใช้ | [commerce-order:commerce-customer-billing:uid] | The unique ID of the user the customer profile belongs to. |
วันที่สร้าง | [commerce-order:commerce-customer-billing:created] | The date the customer profile was created. |
Availability Calendar date display | [commerce-order:commerce-customer-billing:created:availability_calendar_date_display] | A date in 'availability_calendar_date_display' format. (03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Availability Calendar date entry | [commerce-order:commerce-customer-billing:created:availability_calendar_date_entry] | A date in 'availability_calendar_date_entry' format. (03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Availability Calendar month caption | [commerce-order:commerce-customer-billing:created:availability_calendar_month_caption] | A date in 'availability_calendar_month_caption' format. (03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Hours am/pm | [commerce-order:commerce-customer-billing:created:hours_ampm] | A date in 'hours_ampm' format. (3:29 am) |
Long format | [commerce-order:commerce-customer-billing:created:long] | A date in 'long' format. (พุธ, มีนาคม 20, 2024 - 03:29) |
Medium format | [commerce-order:commerce-customer-billing:created:medium] | A date in 'medium' format. (พ, 03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Raw timestamp | [commerce-order:commerce-customer-billing:created:raw] | A date in UNIX timestamp format (1710880172) |
Short format | [commerce-order:commerce-customer-billing:created:short] | A date in 'short' format. (03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Studyroom Availability Date | [commerce-order:commerce-customer-billing:created:studyroom_availability_date] | A date in 'studyroom_availability_date' format. (พ, 03/20/2024) |
Time-since | [commerce-order:commerce-customer-billing:created:since] | A date in 'time-since' format. (54 ปี 3 เดือน) |
กำหนดรูปแบบเอง | [commerce-order:commerce-customer-billing:created:custom:?] | A date in a custom format. See the PHP documentation for details. |
สถานะ | [commerce-order:commerce-customer-billing:status] | Whether or not the customer profile is active. |
แก้ไข ID | [commerce-order:commerce-customer-billing:revision-id] | The unique ID of the customer profile's latest revision. |
Billing information | [commerce-order:commerce_customer_billing] | Customer profile reference field. |
Cancel date | [commerce-order:field-commerce-billy-cancel-date] | Field "field_commerce_billy_cancel_date". |
Availability Calendar date display | [commerce-order:field-commerce-billy-cancel-date:availability_calendar_date_display] | A date in 'availability_calendar_date_display' format. (03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Availability Calendar date entry | [commerce-order:field-commerce-billy-cancel-date:availability_calendar_date_entry] | A date in 'availability_calendar_date_entry' format. (03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Availability Calendar month caption | [commerce-order:field-commerce-billy-cancel-date:availability_calendar_month_caption] | A date in 'availability_calendar_month_caption' format. (03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Hours am/pm | [commerce-order:field-commerce-billy-cancel-date:hours_ampm] | A date in 'hours_ampm' format. (3:29 am) |
Long format | [commerce-order:field-commerce-billy-cancel-date:long] | A date in 'long' format. (พุธ, มีนาคม 20, 2024 - 03:29) |
Medium format | [commerce-order:field-commerce-billy-cancel-date:medium] | A date in 'medium' format. (พ, 03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Raw timestamp | [commerce-order:field-commerce-billy-cancel-date:raw] | A date in UNIX timestamp format (1710880172) |
Short format | [commerce-order:field-commerce-billy-cancel-date:short] | A date in 'short' format. (03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Studyroom Availability Date | [commerce-order:field-commerce-billy-cancel-date:studyroom_availability_date] | A date in 'studyroom_availability_date' format. (พ, 03/20/2024) |
Time-since | [commerce-order:field-commerce-billy-cancel-date:since] | A date in 'time-since' format. (54 ปี 3 เดือน) |
กำหนดรูปแบบเอง | [commerce-order:field-commerce-billy-cancel-date:custom:?] | A date in a custom format. See the PHP documentation for details. |
Cancel date | [commerce-order:field_commerce_billy_cancel_date] | Date (Unix timestamp) field. |
Coupons | [commerce-order:commerce_coupons] | Entity Reference field. |
Coupons | [commerce-order:commerce-coupons] | Field "commerce_coupons". |
Commerce Coupon with delta 0 | [commerce-order:commerce-coupons:0] | The list item with delta 0. Delta values start from 0 and are incremented by one per list item. |
Bulk | [commerce-order:commerce-coupons:0:bulk] | Commerce coupon "bulk" property. |
Changed | [commerce-order:commerce-coupons:0:changed] | Commerce coupon "changed" property. |
Commerce coupon ID | [commerce-order:commerce-coupons:0:coupon-id] | The unique ID of the commerce coupon. |
Conditions | [commerce-order:commerce-coupons:0:commerce_coupon_conditions] | Inline conditions field. |
Created | [commerce-order:commerce-coupons:0:created] | Commerce coupon "created" property. |
Discount reference | [commerce-order:commerce-coupons:0:commerce-discount-reference] | Field "commerce_discount_reference". |
Discount reference | [commerce-order:commerce-coupons:0:commerce_discount_reference] | Entity Reference field. |
Recipient | [commerce-order:commerce-coupons:0:commerce-coupon-recipient] | Field "commerce_coupon_recipient". |
Recipient | [commerce-order:commerce-coupons:0:commerce_coupon_recipient] | Entity Reference field. |
Status | [commerce-order:commerce-coupons:0:status] | Commerce coupon "status" property. |
Uid | [commerce-order:commerce-coupons:0:uid] | Commerce coupon "uid" property. |
ป้ายชื่อ | [commerce-order:commerce-coupons:0:code] | The human readable label. |
Commerce Coupon with delta 1 | [commerce-order:commerce-coupons:1] | The list item with delta 1. Delta values start from 0 and are incremented by one per list item. |
Bulk | [commerce-order:commerce-coupons:1:bulk] | Commerce coupon "bulk" property. |
Changed | [commerce-order:commerce-coupons:1:changed] | Commerce coupon "changed" property. |
Commerce coupon ID | [commerce-order:commerce-coupons:1:coupon-id] | The unique ID of the commerce coupon. |
Conditions | [commerce-order:commerce-coupons:1:commerce_coupon_conditions] | Inline conditions field. |
Created | [commerce-order:commerce-coupons:1:created] | Commerce coupon "created" property. |
Discount reference | [commerce-order:commerce-coupons:1:commerce-discount-reference] | Field "commerce_discount_reference". |
Discount reference | [commerce-order:commerce-coupons:1:commerce_discount_reference] | Entity Reference field. |
Recipient | [commerce-order:commerce-coupons:1:commerce-coupon-recipient] | Field "commerce_coupon_recipient". |
Recipient | [commerce-order:commerce-coupons:1:commerce_coupon_recipient] | Entity Reference field. |
Status | [commerce-order:commerce-coupons:1:status] | Commerce coupon "status" property. |
Uid | [commerce-order:commerce-coupons:1:uid] | Commerce coupon "uid" property. |
ป้ายชื่อ | [commerce-order:commerce-coupons:1:code] | The human readable label. |
Commerce Coupon with delta 2 | [commerce-order:commerce-coupons:2] | The list item with delta 2. Delta values start from 0 and are incremented by one per list item. |
Bulk | [commerce-order:commerce-coupons:2:bulk] | Commerce coupon "bulk" property. |
Changed | [commerce-order:commerce-coupons:2:changed] | Commerce coupon "changed" property. |
Commerce coupon ID | [commerce-order:commerce-coupons:2:coupon-id] | The unique ID of the commerce coupon. |
Conditions | [commerce-order:commerce-coupons:2:commerce_coupon_conditions] | Inline conditions field. |
Created | [commerce-order:commerce-coupons:2:created] | Commerce coupon "created" property. |
Discount reference | [commerce-order:commerce-coupons:2:commerce-discount-reference] | Field "commerce_discount_reference". |
Discount reference | [commerce-order:commerce-coupons:2:commerce_discount_reference] | Entity Reference field. |
Recipient | [commerce-order:commerce-coupons:2:commerce-coupon-recipient] | Field "commerce_coupon_recipient". |
Recipient | [commerce-order:commerce-coupons:2:commerce_coupon_recipient] | Entity Reference field. |
Status | [commerce-order:commerce-coupons:2:status] | Commerce coupon "status" property. |
Uid | [commerce-order:commerce-coupons:2:uid] | Commerce coupon "uid" property. |
ป้ายชื่อ | [commerce-order:commerce-coupons:2:code] | The human readable label. |
Commerce Coupon with delta 3 | [commerce-order:commerce-coupons:3] | The list item with delta 3. Delta values start from 0 and are incremented by one per list item. |
Bulk | [commerce-order:commerce-coupons:3:bulk] | Commerce coupon "bulk" property. |
Changed | [commerce-order:commerce-coupons:3:changed] | Commerce coupon "changed" property. |
Commerce coupon ID | [commerce-order:commerce-coupons:3:coupon-id] | The unique ID of the commerce coupon. |
Conditions | [commerce-order:commerce-coupons:3:commerce_coupon_conditions] | Inline conditions field. |
Created | [commerce-order:commerce-coupons:3:created] | Commerce coupon "created" property. |
Discount reference | [commerce-order:commerce-coupons:3:commerce-discount-reference] | Field "commerce_discount_reference". |
Discount reference | [commerce-order:commerce-coupons:3:commerce_discount_reference] | Entity Reference field. |
Recipient | [commerce-order:commerce-coupons:3:commerce-coupon-recipient] | Field "commerce_coupon_recipient". |
Recipient | [commerce-order:commerce-coupons:3:commerce_coupon_recipient] | Entity Reference field. |
Status | [commerce-order:commerce-coupons:3:status] | Commerce coupon "status" property. |
Uid | [commerce-order:commerce-coupons:3:uid] | Commerce coupon "uid" property. |
ป้ายชื่อ | [commerce-order:commerce-coupons:3:code] | The human readable label. |
Create revision | [commerce-order:revision] | Whether or not saving this order creates a new revision. |
Date placed | [commerce-order:placed] | The date the order was placed i.e. checkout was completed. |
Availability Calendar date display | [commerce-order:placed:availability_calendar_date_display] | A date in 'availability_calendar_date_display' format. (03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Availability Calendar date entry | [commerce-order:placed:availability_calendar_date_entry] | A date in 'availability_calendar_date_entry' format. (03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Availability Calendar month caption | [commerce-order:placed:availability_calendar_month_caption] | A date in 'availability_calendar_month_caption' format. (03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Hours am/pm | [commerce-order:placed:hours_ampm] | A date in 'hours_ampm' format. (3:29 am) |
Long format | [commerce-order:placed:long] | A date in 'long' format. (พุธ, มีนาคม 20, 2024 - 03:29) |
Medium format | [commerce-order:placed:medium] | A date in 'medium' format. (พ, 03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Raw timestamp | [commerce-order:placed:raw] | A date in UNIX timestamp format (1710880172) |
Short format | [commerce-order:placed:short] | A date in 'short' format. (03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Studyroom Availability Date | [commerce-order:placed:studyroom_availability_date] | A date in 'studyroom_availability_date' format. (พ, 03/20/2024) |
Time-since | [commerce-order:placed:since] | A date in 'time-since' format. (54 ปี 3 เดือน) |
กำหนดรูปแบบเอง | [commerce-order:placed:custom:?] | A date in a custom format. See the PHP documentation for details. |
Discount reference | [commerce-order:commerce_discounts] | Entity Reference field. |
Discount reference | [commerce-order:commerce-discounts] | Field "commerce_discounts". |
Commerce Discount with delta 0 | [commerce-order:commerce-discounts:0] | The list item with delta 0. Delta values start from 0 and are incremented by one per list item. |
Admin title | [commerce-order:commerce-discounts:0:label] | The label used for the discount on administrative screens. |
Compatibility with other discounts | [commerce-order:commerce-discounts:0:commerce_compatibility_strategy] | รายการ (ข้อความ) field. |
Compatibility with other discounts | [commerce-order:commerce-discounts:0:commerce-compatibility-strategy] | Field "commerce_compatibility_strategy". |
Coupon count | [commerce-order:commerce-discounts:0:coupon-count] | Coupon count |
Coupons | [commerce-order:commerce-discounts:0:coupons] | Coupons |
Discount ID | [commerce-order:commerce-discounts:0:discount-id] | The serial numeric ID of the discount. |
Discount dates | [commerce-order:commerce-discounts:0:commerce-discount-date:?] | Field "commerce_discount_date". The following properties may be appended to the token: value (Start date), value2 (End date), duration (Duration) |
Discount dates | [commerce-order:commerce-discounts:0:commerce_discount_date] | Date (Unix timestamp) field. |
Discount offer reference | [commerce-order:commerce-discounts:0:commerce_discount_offer] | Entity Reference field. |
Discount offer reference | [commerce-order:commerce-discounts:0:commerce-discount-offer] | Field "commerce_discount_offer". |
Export status | [commerce-order:commerce-discounts:0:export-status] | The exportable status of the discount. |
Maximum overall usage | [commerce-order:commerce-discounts:0:discount-usage-limit] | Field "discount_usage_limit". |
Maximum overall usage | [commerce-order:commerce-discounts:0:discount_usage_limit] | จำนวนเต็ม field. |
Maximum usage per customer | [commerce-order:commerce-discounts:0:discount-usage-per-person] | Field "discount_usage_per_person". |
Maximum usage per customer | [commerce-order:commerce-discounts:0:discount_usage_per_person] | จำนวนเต็ม field. |
Module | [commerce-order:commerce-discounts:0:module] | The name of the module that defined the discount if applicable. |
Name | [commerce-order:commerce-discounts:0:component-title] | The name of the discount as shown to customers (e.g. in the price component list). |
Product discount conditions | [commerce-order:commerce-discounts:0:inline_conditions] | Inline conditions field. Also known as Order discount conditions. |
Selected discounts | [commerce-order:commerce-discounts:0:commerce-compatibility-selection] | Field "commerce_compatibility_selection". |
Selected discounts | [commerce-order:commerce-discounts:0:commerce_compatibility_selection] | Entity Reference field. |
Sort order | [commerce-order:commerce-discounts:0:sort-order] | The default sort order of the rule created for the discount. |
Status | [commerce-order:commerce-discounts:0:status] | The status of the discount (i.e. Active vs. Disabled). |
URL | [commerce-order:commerce-discounts:0:url] | The URL of the entity. |
Commerce Discount with delta 1 | [commerce-order:commerce-discounts:1] | The list item with delta 1. Delta values start from 0 and are incremented by one per list item. |
Admin title | [commerce-order:commerce-discounts:1:label] | The label used for the discount on administrative screens. |
Compatibility with other discounts | [commerce-order:commerce-discounts:1:commerce_compatibility_strategy] | รายการ (ข้อความ) field. |
Compatibility with other discounts | [commerce-order:commerce-discounts:1:commerce-compatibility-strategy] | Field "commerce_compatibility_strategy". |
Coupon count | [commerce-order:commerce-discounts:1:coupon-count] | Coupon count |
Coupons | [commerce-order:commerce-discounts:1:coupons] | Coupons |
Discount ID | [commerce-order:commerce-discounts:1:discount-id] | The serial numeric ID of the discount. |
Discount dates | [commerce-order:commerce-discounts:1:commerce-discount-date:?] | Field "commerce_discount_date". The following properties may be appended to the token: value (Start date), value2 (End date), duration (Duration) |
Discount dates | [commerce-order:commerce-discounts:1:commerce_discount_date] | Date (Unix timestamp) field. |
Discount offer reference | [commerce-order:commerce-discounts:1:commerce_discount_offer] | Entity Reference field. |
Discount offer reference | [commerce-order:commerce-discounts:1:commerce-discount-offer] | Field "commerce_discount_offer". |
Export status | [commerce-order:commerce-discounts:1:export-status] | The exportable status of the discount. |
Maximum overall usage | [commerce-order:commerce-discounts:1:discount-usage-limit] | Field "discount_usage_limit". |
Maximum overall usage | [commerce-order:commerce-discounts:1:discount_usage_limit] | จำนวนเต็ม field. |
Maximum usage per customer | [commerce-order:commerce-discounts:1:discount-usage-per-person] | Field "discount_usage_per_person". |
Maximum usage per customer | [commerce-order:commerce-discounts:1:discount_usage_per_person] | จำนวนเต็ม field. |
Module | [commerce-order:commerce-discounts:1:module] | The name of the module that defined the discount if applicable. |
Name | [commerce-order:commerce-discounts:1:component-title] | The name of the discount as shown to customers (e.g. in the price component list). |
Product discount conditions | [commerce-order:commerce-discounts:1:inline_conditions] | Inline conditions field. Also known as Order discount conditions. |
Selected discounts | [commerce-order:commerce-discounts:1:commerce-compatibility-selection] | Field "commerce_compatibility_selection". |
Selected discounts | [commerce-order:commerce-discounts:1:commerce_compatibility_selection] | Entity Reference field. |
Sort order | [commerce-order:commerce-discounts:1:sort-order] | The default sort order of the rule created for the discount. |
Status | [commerce-order:commerce-discounts:1:status] | The status of the discount (i.e. Active vs. Disabled). |
URL | [commerce-order:commerce-discounts:1:url] | The URL of the entity. |
Commerce Discount with delta 2 | [commerce-order:commerce-discounts:2] | The list item with delta 2. Delta values start from 0 and are incremented by one per list item. |
Admin title | [commerce-order:commerce-discounts:2:label] | The label used for the discount on administrative screens. |
Compatibility with other discounts | [commerce-order:commerce-discounts:2:commerce_compatibility_strategy] | รายการ (ข้อความ) field. |
Compatibility with other discounts | [commerce-order:commerce-discounts:2:commerce-compatibility-strategy] | Field "commerce_compatibility_strategy". |
Coupon count | [commerce-order:commerce-discounts:2:coupon-count] | Coupon count |
Coupons | [commerce-order:commerce-discounts:2:coupons] | Coupons |
Discount ID | [commerce-order:commerce-discounts:2:discount-id] | The serial numeric ID of the discount. |
Discount dates | [commerce-order:commerce-discounts:2:commerce-discount-date:?] | Field "commerce_discount_date". The following properties may be appended to the token: value (Start date), value2 (End date), duration (Duration) |
Discount dates | [commerce-order:commerce-discounts:2:commerce_discount_date] | Date (Unix timestamp) field. |
Discount offer reference | [commerce-order:commerce-discounts:2:commerce_discount_offer] | Entity Reference field. |
Discount offer reference | [commerce-order:commerce-discounts:2:commerce-discount-offer] | Field "commerce_discount_offer". |
Export status | [commerce-order:commerce-discounts:2:export-status] | The exportable status of the discount. |
Maximum overall usage | [commerce-order:commerce-discounts:2:discount-usage-limit] | Field "discount_usage_limit". |
Maximum overall usage | [commerce-order:commerce-discounts:2:discount_usage_limit] | จำนวนเต็ม field. |
Maximum usage per customer | [commerce-order:commerce-discounts:2:discount-usage-per-person] | Field "discount_usage_per_person". |
Maximum usage per customer | [commerce-order:commerce-discounts:2:discount_usage_per_person] | จำนวนเต็ม field. |
Module | [commerce-order:commerce-discounts:2:module] | The name of the module that defined the discount if applicable. |
Name | [commerce-order:commerce-discounts:2:component-title] | The name of the discount as shown to customers (e.g. in the price component list). |
Product discount conditions | [commerce-order:commerce-discounts:2:inline_conditions] | Inline conditions field. Also known as Order discount conditions. |
Selected discounts | [commerce-order:commerce-discounts:2:commerce-compatibility-selection] | Field "commerce_compatibility_selection". |
Selected discounts | [commerce-order:commerce-discounts:2:commerce_compatibility_selection] | Entity Reference field. |
Sort order | [commerce-order:commerce-discounts:2:sort-order] | The default sort order of the rule created for the discount. |
Status | [commerce-order:commerce-discounts:2:status] | The status of the discount (i.e. Active vs. Disabled). |
URL | [commerce-order:commerce-discounts:2:url] | The URL of the entity. |
Commerce Discount with delta 3 | [commerce-order:commerce-discounts:3] | The list item with delta 3. Delta values start from 0 and are incremented by one per list item. |
Admin title | [commerce-order:commerce-discounts:3:label] | The label used for the discount on administrative screens. |
Compatibility with other discounts | [commerce-order:commerce-discounts:3:commerce_compatibility_strategy] | รายการ (ข้อความ) field. |
Compatibility with other discounts | [commerce-order:commerce-discounts:3:commerce-compatibility-strategy] | Field "commerce_compatibility_strategy". |
Coupon count | [commerce-order:commerce-discounts:3:coupon-count] | Coupon count |
Coupons | [commerce-order:commerce-discounts:3:coupons] | Coupons |
Discount ID | [commerce-order:commerce-discounts:3:discount-id] | The serial numeric ID of the discount. |
Discount dates | [commerce-order:commerce-discounts:3:commerce-discount-date:?] | Field "commerce_discount_date". The following properties may be appended to the token: value (Start date), value2 (End date), duration (Duration) |
Discount dates | [commerce-order:commerce-discounts:3:commerce_discount_date] | Date (Unix timestamp) field. |
Discount offer reference | [commerce-order:commerce-discounts:3:commerce_discount_offer] | Entity Reference field. |
Discount offer reference | [commerce-order:commerce-discounts:3:commerce-discount-offer] | Field "commerce_discount_offer". |
Export status | [commerce-order:commerce-discounts:3:export-status] | The exportable status of the discount. |
Maximum overall usage | [commerce-order:commerce-discounts:3:discount-usage-limit] | Field "discount_usage_limit". |
Maximum overall usage | [commerce-order:commerce-discounts:3:discount_usage_limit] | จำนวนเต็ม field. |
Maximum usage per customer | [commerce-order:commerce-discounts:3:discount-usage-per-person] | Field "discount_usage_per_person". |
Maximum usage per customer | [commerce-order:commerce-discounts:3:discount_usage_per_person] | จำนวนเต็ม field. |
Module | [commerce-order:commerce-discounts:3:module] | The name of the module that defined the discount if applicable. |
Name | [commerce-order:commerce-discounts:3:component-title] | The name of the discount as shown to customers (e.g. in the price component list). |
Product discount conditions | [commerce-order:commerce-discounts:3:inline_conditions] | Inline conditions field. Also known as Order discount conditions. |
Selected discounts | [commerce-order:commerce-discounts:3:commerce-compatibility-selection] | Field "commerce_compatibility_selection". |
Selected discounts | [commerce-order:commerce-discounts:3:commerce_compatibility_selection] | Entity Reference field. |
Sort order | [commerce-order:commerce-discounts:3:sort-order] | The default sort order of the rule created for the discount. |
Status | [commerce-order:commerce-discounts:3:status] | The status of the discount (i.e. Active vs. Disabled). |
URL | [commerce-order:commerce-discounts:3:url] | The URL of the entity. |
Expiration (formatted) | [commerce-order:expiration-formatted] | The time left until this order expires. Formatted by theme_commerce_cart_expiration(). |
Expiration (raw) | [commerce-order:expiration-raw] | The raw time left until this order expires in seconds. |
Host name | [commerce-order:hostname] | The IP address that created this order. |
Invoice date | [commerce-order:field-commerce-billy-i-date] | Field "field_commerce_billy_i_date". |
Availability Calendar date display | [commerce-order:field-commerce-billy-i-date:availability_calendar_date_display] | A date in 'availability_calendar_date_display' format. (03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Availability Calendar date entry | [commerce-order:field-commerce-billy-i-date:availability_calendar_date_entry] | A date in 'availability_calendar_date_entry' format. (03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Availability Calendar month caption | [commerce-order:field-commerce-billy-i-date:availability_calendar_month_caption] | A date in 'availability_calendar_month_caption' format. (03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Hours am/pm | [commerce-order:field-commerce-billy-i-date:hours_ampm] | A date in 'hours_ampm' format. (3:29 am) |
Long format | [commerce-order:field-commerce-billy-i-date:long] | A date in 'long' format. (พุธ, มีนาคม 20, 2024 - 03:29) |
Medium format | [commerce-order:field-commerce-billy-i-date:medium] | A date in 'medium' format. (พ, 03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Raw timestamp | [commerce-order:field-commerce-billy-i-date:raw] | A date in UNIX timestamp format (1710880172) |
Short format | [commerce-order:field-commerce-billy-i-date:short] | A date in 'short' format. (03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Studyroom Availability Date | [commerce-order:field-commerce-billy-i-date:studyroom_availability_date] | A date in 'studyroom_availability_date' format. (พ, 03/20/2024) |
Time-since | [commerce-order:field-commerce-billy-i-date:since] | A date in 'time-since' format. (54 ปี 3 เดือน) |
กำหนดรูปแบบเอง | [commerce-order:field-commerce-billy-i-date:custom:?] | A date in a custom format. See the PHP documentation for details. |
Invoice date | [commerce-order:field_commerce_billy_i_date] | Date (Unix timestamp) field. |
Line items | [commerce-order:commerce-line-items] | Field "commerce_line_items". |
Line items with delta 0 | [commerce-order:commerce-line-items:0] | The list item with delta 0. Delta values start from 0 and are incremented by one per list item. |
Booked Unit ID | [commerce-order:commerce-line-items:0:rooms-booked-unit-id] | Field "rooms_booked_unit_id". |
Booked Unit ID | [commerce-order:commerce-line-items:0:rooms_booked_unit_id] | จำนวนเต็ม field. |
Booked Unit Price | [commerce-order:commerce-line-items:0:rooms_booked_price] | จำนวนเต็ม field. |
Booked Unit Price | [commerce-order:commerce-line-items:0:rooms-booked-price] | Field "rooms_booked_price". |
Booked Unit Status | [commerce-order:commerce-line-items:0:rooms_booked_status] | จำนวนเต็ม field. |
Booked Unit Status | [commerce-order:commerce-line-items:0:rooms-booked-status] | Field "rooms_booked_status". |
Booking Children Ages | [commerce-order:commerce-line-items:0:rooms_booking_children_ages] | จำนวนเต็ม field. |
Booking Children Ages | [commerce-order:commerce-line-items:0:rooms-booking-children-ages] | Field "rooms_booking_children_ages". |
Booking Dates | [commerce-order:commerce-line-items:0:rooms_booking_dates] | Date (ISO format) field. |
Booking Dates | [commerce-order:commerce-line-items:0:rooms-booking-dates:?] | Field "rooms_booking_dates". The following properties may be appended to the token: value (Start date), value2 (End date), duration (Duration) |
Booking Number People | [commerce-order:commerce-line-items:0:rooms_booking_number_people] | จำนวนเต็ม field. |
Booking Number People | [commerce-order:commerce-line-items:0:rooms-booking-number-people] | Field "rooms_booking_number_people". |
Booking Options | [commerce-order:commerce-line-items:0:rooms_booking_options] | Unit Options field. |
Booking Options | [commerce-order:commerce-line-items:0:rooms-booking-options:?] | Field "rooms_booking_options". The following properties may be appended to the token: name (Name), quantity (Quantity), operation (Operation), value (Value), type (Type) |
Booking Price | [commerce-order:commerce-line-items:0:rooms_booked_bookingprice] | จำนวนเต็ม field. |
Booking Price | [commerce-order:commerce-line-items:0:rooms-booked-bookingprice] | Field "rooms_booked_bookingprice". |
Booking Reference | [commerce-order:commerce-line-items:0:rooms_booking_reference] | Entity Reference field. |
Booking Reference | [commerce-order:commerce-line-items:0:rooms-booking-reference] | Field "rooms_booking_reference". |
Datees Line Item | [commerce-order:commerce-line-items:0:field-datees-line-item] | Field "field_datees_line_item". |
Datees Line Item | [commerce-order:commerce-line-items:0:field_datees_line_item] | วันที่ field. |
Date updated | [commerce-order:commerce-line-items:0:changed] | The date the line item was last updated. |
Display path | [commerce-order:commerce-line-items:0:commerce-display-path] | Field "commerce_display_path". |
Display path | [commerce-order:commerce-line-items:0:commerce_display_path] | ข้อความ field. |
Line item ID | [commerce-order:commerce-line-items:0:line-item-id] | The unique numeric ID of the line item. |
Line item Productss | [commerce-order:commerce-line-items:0:field-line-item-product] | Field "field_line_item_product". |
Line item Productss | [commerce-order:commerce-line-items:0:field_line_item_product] | ข้อความ field. |
Line item label | [commerce-order:commerce-line-items:0:line-item-label] | The label displayed with the line item. |
Line item type | [commerce-order:commerce-line-items:0:type] | The type of the line item. |
Line item type name | [commerce-order:commerce-line-items:0:type-name] | The human-readable name of the line item type. |
Order ID | [commerce-order:commerce-line-items:0:order-id] | The unique ID of the order the line item belongs to. |
Original commerce line item | [commerce-order:commerce-line-items:0:original] | The original commerce line item data if the commerce line item is being updated or saved. |
Product | [commerce-order:commerce-line-items:0:commerce_product] | Product reference field. |
Product | [commerce-order:commerce-line-items:0:commerce-product] | Field "commerce_product". |
Total | [commerce-order:commerce-line-items:0:commerce-total:?] | Field "commerce_total". The following properties may be appended to the token: amount (Amount), amount_decimal (Amount (decimal)), currency_code (Currency), data (Data) |
Total | [commerce-order:commerce-line-items:0:commerce_total] | ราคา field. |
Unit price | [commerce-order:commerce-line-items:0:commerce_unit_price] | ราคา field. |
Unit price | [commerce-order:commerce-line-items:0:commerce-unit-price:?] | Field "commerce_unit_price". The following properties may be appended to the token: amount (Amount), amount_decimal (Amount (decimal)), currency_code (Currency), data (Data) |
จำนวนสินค้า | [commerce-order:commerce-line-items:0:quantity] | The quantity of the line item. |
วันที่สร้าง | [commerce-order:commerce-line-items:0:created] | The date the line item was created. |
หมายเลขออเด้อ | [commerce-order:commerce-line-items:0:order] | Order associated with the line item |
Line items with delta 1 | [commerce-order:commerce-line-items:1] | The list item with delta 1. Delta values start from 0 and are incremented by one per list item. |
Booked Unit ID | [commerce-order:commerce-line-items:1:rooms-booked-unit-id] | Field "rooms_booked_unit_id". |
Booked Unit ID | [commerce-order:commerce-line-items:1:rooms_booked_unit_id] | จำนวนเต็ม field. |
Booked Unit Price | [commerce-order:commerce-line-items:1:rooms_booked_price] | จำนวนเต็ม field. |
Booked Unit Price | [commerce-order:commerce-line-items:1:rooms-booked-price] | Field "rooms_booked_price". |
Booked Unit Status | [commerce-order:commerce-line-items:1:rooms_booked_status] | จำนวนเต็ม field. |
Booked Unit Status | [commerce-order:commerce-line-items:1:rooms-booked-status] | Field "rooms_booked_status". |
Booking Children Ages | [commerce-order:commerce-line-items:1:rooms_booking_children_ages] | จำนวนเต็ม field. |
Booking Children Ages | [commerce-order:commerce-line-items:1:rooms-booking-children-ages] | Field "rooms_booking_children_ages". |
Booking Dates | [commerce-order:commerce-line-items:1:rooms_booking_dates] | Date (ISO format) field. |
Booking Dates | [commerce-order:commerce-line-items:1:rooms-booking-dates:?] | Field "rooms_booking_dates". The following properties may be appended to the token: value (Start date), value2 (End date), duration (Duration) |
Booking Number People | [commerce-order:commerce-line-items:1:rooms_booking_number_people] | จำนวนเต็ม field. |
Booking Number People | [commerce-order:commerce-line-items:1:rooms-booking-number-people] | Field "rooms_booking_number_people". |
Booking Options | [commerce-order:commerce-line-items:1:rooms_booking_options] | Unit Options field. |
Booking Options | [commerce-order:commerce-line-items:1:rooms-booking-options:?] | Field "rooms_booking_options". The following properties may be appended to the token: name (Name), quantity (Quantity), operation (Operation), value (Value), type (Type) |
Booking Price | [commerce-order:commerce-line-items:1:rooms_booked_bookingprice] | จำนวนเต็ม field. |
Booking Price | [commerce-order:commerce-line-items:1:rooms-booked-bookingprice] | Field "rooms_booked_bookingprice". |
Booking Reference | [commerce-order:commerce-line-items:1:rooms_booking_reference] | Entity Reference field. |
Booking Reference | [commerce-order:commerce-line-items:1:rooms-booking-reference] | Field "rooms_booking_reference". |
Datees Line Item | [commerce-order:commerce-line-items:1:field-datees-line-item] | Field "field_datees_line_item". |
Datees Line Item | [commerce-order:commerce-line-items:1:field_datees_line_item] | วันที่ field. |
Date updated | [commerce-order:commerce-line-items:1:changed] | The date the line item was last updated. |
Display path | [commerce-order:commerce-line-items:1:commerce-display-path] | Field "commerce_display_path". |
Display path | [commerce-order:commerce-line-items:1:commerce_display_path] | ข้อความ field. |
Line item ID | [commerce-order:commerce-line-items:1:line-item-id] | The unique numeric ID of the line item. |
Line item Productss | [commerce-order:commerce-line-items:1:field-line-item-product] | Field "field_line_item_product". |
Line item Productss | [commerce-order:commerce-line-items:1:field_line_item_product] | ข้อความ field. |
Line item label | [commerce-order:commerce-line-items:1:line-item-label] | The label displayed with the line item. |
Line item type | [commerce-order:commerce-line-items:1:type] | The type of the line item. |
Line item type name | [commerce-order:commerce-line-items:1:type-name] | The human-readable name of the line item type. |
Order ID | [commerce-order:commerce-line-items:1:order-id] | The unique ID of the order the line item belongs to. |
Original commerce line item | [commerce-order:commerce-line-items:1:original] | The original commerce line item data if the commerce line item is being updated or saved. |
Product | [commerce-order:commerce-line-items:1:commerce_product] | Product reference field. |
Product | [commerce-order:commerce-line-items:1:commerce-product] | Field "commerce_product". |
Total | [commerce-order:commerce-line-items:1:commerce-total:?] | Field "commerce_total". The following properties may be appended to the token: amount (Amount), amount_decimal (Amount (decimal)), currency_code (Currency), data (Data) |
Total | [commerce-order:commerce-line-items:1:commerce_total] | ราคา field. |
Unit price | [commerce-order:commerce-line-items:1:commerce_unit_price] | ราคา field. |
Unit price | [commerce-order:commerce-line-items:1:commerce-unit-price:?] | Field "commerce_unit_price". The following properties may be appended to the token: amount (Amount), amount_decimal (Amount (decimal)), currency_code (Currency), data (Data) |
จำนวนสินค้า | [commerce-order:commerce-line-items:1:quantity] | The quantity of the line item. |
วันที่สร้าง | [commerce-order:commerce-line-items:1:created] | The date the line item was created. |
หมายเลขออเด้อ | [commerce-order:commerce-line-items:1:order] | Order associated with the line item |
Line items with delta 2 | [commerce-order:commerce-line-items:2] | The list item with delta 2. Delta values start from 0 and are incremented by one per list item. |
Booked Unit ID | [commerce-order:commerce-line-items:2:rooms-booked-unit-id] | Field "rooms_booked_unit_id". |
Booked Unit ID | [commerce-order:commerce-line-items:2:rooms_booked_unit_id] | จำนวนเต็ม field. |
Booked Unit Price | [commerce-order:commerce-line-items:2:rooms_booked_price] | จำนวนเต็ม field. |
Booked Unit Price | [commerce-order:commerce-line-items:2:rooms-booked-price] | Field "rooms_booked_price". |
Booked Unit Status | [commerce-order:commerce-line-items:2:rooms_booked_status] | จำนวนเต็ม field. |
Booked Unit Status | [commerce-order:commerce-line-items:2:rooms-booked-status] | Field "rooms_booked_status". |
Booking Children Ages | [commerce-order:commerce-line-items:2:rooms_booking_children_ages] | จำนวนเต็ม field. |
Booking Children Ages | [commerce-order:commerce-line-items:2:rooms-booking-children-ages] | Field "rooms_booking_children_ages". |
Booking Dates | [commerce-order:commerce-line-items:2:rooms_booking_dates] | Date (ISO format) field. |
Booking Dates | [commerce-order:commerce-line-items:2:rooms-booking-dates:?] | Field "rooms_booking_dates". The following properties may be appended to the token: value (Start date), value2 (End date), duration (Duration) |
Booking Number People | [commerce-order:commerce-line-items:2:rooms_booking_number_people] | จำนวนเต็ม field. |
Booking Number People | [commerce-order:commerce-line-items:2:rooms-booking-number-people] | Field "rooms_booking_number_people". |
Booking Options | [commerce-order:commerce-line-items:2:rooms_booking_options] | Unit Options field. |
Booking Options | [commerce-order:commerce-line-items:2:rooms-booking-options:?] | Field "rooms_booking_options". The following properties may be appended to the token: name (Name), quantity (Quantity), operation (Operation), value (Value), type (Type) |
Booking Price | [commerce-order:commerce-line-items:2:rooms_booked_bookingprice] | จำนวนเต็ม field. |
Booking Price | [commerce-order:commerce-line-items:2:rooms-booked-bookingprice] | Field "rooms_booked_bookingprice". |
Booking Reference | [commerce-order:commerce-line-items:2:rooms_booking_reference] | Entity Reference field. |
Booking Reference | [commerce-order:commerce-line-items:2:rooms-booking-reference] | Field "rooms_booking_reference". |
Datees Line Item | [commerce-order:commerce-line-items:2:field-datees-line-item] | Field "field_datees_line_item". |
Datees Line Item | [commerce-order:commerce-line-items:2:field_datees_line_item] | วันที่ field. |
Date updated | [commerce-order:commerce-line-items:2:changed] | The date the line item was last updated. |
Display path | [commerce-order:commerce-line-items:2:commerce-display-path] | Field "commerce_display_path". |
Display path | [commerce-order:commerce-line-items:2:commerce_display_path] | ข้อความ field. |
Line item ID | [commerce-order:commerce-line-items:2:line-item-id] | The unique numeric ID of the line item. |
Line item Productss | [commerce-order:commerce-line-items:2:field-line-item-product] | Field "field_line_item_product". |
Line item Productss | [commerce-order:commerce-line-items:2:field_line_item_product] | ข้อความ field. |
Line item label | [commerce-order:commerce-line-items:2:line-item-label] | The label displayed with the line item. |
Line item type | [commerce-order:commerce-line-items:2:type] | The type of the line item. |
Line item type name | [commerce-order:commerce-line-items:2:type-name] | The human-readable name of the line item type. |
Order ID | [commerce-order:commerce-line-items:2:order-id] | The unique ID of the order the line item belongs to. |
Original commerce line item | [commerce-order:commerce-line-items:2:original] | The original commerce line item data if the commerce line item is being updated or saved. |
Product | [commerce-order:commerce-line-items:2:commerce_product] | Product reference field. |
Product | [commerce-order:commerce-line-items:2:commerce-product] | Field "commerce_product". |
Total | [commerce-order:commerce-line-items:2:commerce-total:?] | Field "commerce_total". The following properties may be appended to the token: amount (Amount), amount_decimal (Amount (decimal)), currency_code (Currency), data (Data) |
Total | [commerce-order:commerce-line-items:2:commerce_total] | ราคา field. |
Unit price | [commerce-order:commerce-line-items:2:commerce_unit_price] | ราคา field. |
Unit price | [commerce-order:commerce-line-items:2:commerce-unit-price:?] | Field "commerce_unit_price". The following properties may be appended to the token: amount (Amount), amount_decimal (Amount (decimal)), currency_code (Currency), data (Data) |
จำนวนสินค้า | [commerce-order:commerce-line-items:2:quantity] | The quantity of the line item. |
วันที่สร้าง | [commerce-order:commerce-line-items:2:created] | The date the line item was created. |
หมายเลขออเด้อ | [commerce-order:commerce-line-items:2:order] | Order associated with the line item |
Line items with delta 3 | [commerce-order:commerce-line-items:3] | The list item with delta 3. Delta values start from 0 and are incremented by one per list item. |
Booked Unit ID | [commerce-order:commerce-line-items:3:rooms-booked-unit-id] | Field "rooms_booked_unit_id". |
Booked Unit ID | [commerce-order:commerce-line-items:3:rooms_booked_unit_id] | จำนวนเต็ม field. |
Booked Unit Price | [commerce-order:commerce-line-items:3:rooms_booked_price] | จำนวนเต็ม field. |
Booked Unit Price | [commerce-order:commerce-line-items:3:rooms-booked-price] | Field "rooms_booked_price". |
Booked Unit Status | [commerce-order:commerce-line-items:3:rooms_booked_status] | จำนวนเต็ม field. |
Booked Unit Status | [commerce-order:commerce-line-items:3:rooms-booked-status] | Field "rooms_booked_status". |
Booking Children Ages | [commerce-order:commerce-line-items:3:rooms_booking_children_ages] | จำนวนเต็ม field. |
Booking Children Ages | [commerce-order:commerce-line-items:3:rooms-booking-children-ages] | Field "rooms_booking_children_ages". |
Booking Dates | [commerce-order:commerce-line-items:3:rooms_booking_dates] | Date (ISO format) field. |
Booking Dates | [commerce-order:commerce-line-items:3:rooms-booking-dates:?] | Field "rooms_booking_dates". The following properties may be appended to the token: value (Start date), value2 (End date), duration (Duration) |
Booking Number People | [commerce-order:commerce-line-items:3:rooms_booking_number_people] | จำนวนเต็ม field. |
Booking Number People | [commerce-order:commerce-line-items:3:rooms-booking-number-people] | Field "rooms_booking_number_people". |
Booking Options | [commerce-order:commerce-line-items:3:rooms_booking_options] | Unit Options field. |
Booking Options | [commerce-order:commerce-line-items:3:rooms-booking-options:?] | Field "rooms_booking_options". The following properties may be appended to the token: name (Name), quantity (Quantity), operation (Operation), value (Value), type (Type) |
Booking Price | [commerce-order:commerce-line-items:3:rooms_booked_bookingprice] | จำนวนเต็ม field. |
Booking Price | [commerce-order:commerce-line-items:3:rooms-booked-bookingprice] | Field "rooms_booked_bookingprice". |
Booking Reference | [commerce-order:commerce-line-items:3:rooms_booking_reference] | Entity Reference field. |
Booking Reference | [commerce-order:commerce-line-items:3:rooms-booking-reference] | Field "rooms_booking_reference". |
Datees Line Item | [commerce-order:commerce-line-items:3:field-datees-line-item] | Field "field_datees_line_item". |
Datees Line Item | [commerce-order:commerce-line-items:3:field_datees_line_item] | วันที่ field. |
Date updated | [commerce-order:commerce-line-items:3:changed] | The date the line item was last updated. |
Display path | [commerce-order:commerce-line-items:3:commerce-display-path] | Field "commerce_display_path". |
Display path | [commerce-order:commerce-line-items:3:commerce_display_path] | ข้อความ field. |
Line item ID | [commerce-order:commerce-line-items:3:line-item-id] | The unique numeric ID of the line item. |
Line item Productss | [commerce-order:commerce-line-items:3:field-line-item-product] | Field "field_line_item_product". |
Line item Productss | [commerce-order:commerce-line-items:3:field_line_item_product] | ข้อความ field. |
Line item label | [commerce-order:commerce-line-items:3:line-item-label] | The label displayed with the line item. |
Line item type | [commerce-order:commerce-line-items:3:type] | The type of the line item. |
Line item type name | [commerce-order:commerce-line-items:3:type-name] | The human-readable name of the line item type. |
Order ID | [commerce-order:commerce-line-items:3:order-id] | The unique ID of the order the line item belongs to. |
Original commerce line item | [commerce-order:commerce-line-items:3:original] | The original commerce line item data if the commerce line item is being updated or saved. |
Product | [commerce-order:commerce-line-items:3:commerce_product] | Product reference field. |
Product | [commerce-order:commerce-line-items:3:commerce-product] | Field "commerce_product". |
Total | [commerce-order:commerce-line-items:3:commerce-total:?] | Field "commerce_total". The following properties may be appended to the token: amount (Amount), amount_decimal (Amount (decimal)), currency_code (Currency), data (Data) |
Total | [commerce-order:commerce-line-items:3:commerce_total] | ราคา field. |
Unit price | [commerce-order:commerce-line-items:3:commerce_unit_price] | ราคา field. |
Unit price | [commerce-order:commerce-line-items:3:commerce-unit-price:?] | Field "commerce_unit_price". The following properties may be appended to the token: amount (Amount), amount_decimal (Amount (decimal)), currency_code (Currency), data (Data) |
จำนวนสินค้า | [commerce-order:commerce-line-items:3:quantity] | The quantity of the line item. |
วันที่สร้าง | [commerce-order:commerce-line-items:3:created] | The date the line item was created. |
หมายเลขออเด้อ | [commerce-order:commerce-line-items:3:order] | Order associated with the line item |
Line items | [commerce-order:commerce_line_items] | Line item reference field. |
Order ID | [commerce-order:order-id] | The unique numeric ID of the order. |
Order e-mail | [commerce-order:mail] | The e-mail address associated with the order. |
Order e-mail prepared for username usage | [commerce-order:mail-username] | The e-mail address associated with this order with illegal characters for usernames replaced. |
Order number | [commerce-order:order-number] | The order number displayed to the customer. |
Order state | [commerce-order:state] | The current state of the order. |
Order state title | [commerce-order:state-title] | The human-readable title of the order state. |
Order status | [commerce-order:status] | The current status of the order. |
Order status title | [commerce-order:status-title] | The human-readable title of the order status. |
Order total | [commerce-order:commerce-order-total:?] | Field "commerce_order_total". The following properties may be appended to the token: amount (Amount), amount_decimal (Amount (decimal)), currency_code (Currency), data (Data) |
Order total | [commerce-order:commerce_order_total] | ราคา field. |
Order type | [commerce-order:type] | The type of the order. |
Order type name | [commerce-order:type-name] | The human-readable name of the order type. |
Original commerce order | [commerce-order:original] | The original commerce order data if the commerce order is being updated or saved. |
Billing information | [commerce-order:original:commerce-customer-billing] | Field "commerce_customer_billing". |
Address | [commerce-order:original:commerce-customer-billing:commerce-customer-address:?] | Field "commerce_customer_address". The following properties may be appended to the token: country (ประเทศ), name_line (ชื่อเต็ม), first_name (ชื่อจริง), last_name (นามสกุล), organisation_name (บริษัท), administrative_area (Administrative area (i.e. State / Province)), sub_administrative_area (Sub administrative area), locality (Locality (i.e. City)), dependent_locality (Dependent locality), postal_code (รหัสไปรษณีย์), thoroughfare (ที่อยู่ถนน), premise (Premise (i.e. Apartment / Suite number)), sub_premise (Sub Premise (i.e. Suite, Apartment, Floor, Unknown.) |
Address | [commerce-order:original:commerce-customer-billing:commerce_customer_address] | Postal address field. |
Customer profile ID | [commerce-order:original:commerce-customer-billing:customer-profile-id] | The unique numeric ID of the customer profile. |
Customer profile owner | [commerce-order:original:commerce-customer-billing:owner] | The user the customer profile belongs to. |
Customer profile type | [commerce-order:original:commerce-customer-billing:type] | The type of the customer profile. |
Customer profile type name | [commerce-order:original:commerce-customer-billing:type-name] | The type name of the customer profile. |
Date updated | [commerce-order:original:commerce-customer-billing:changed] | The date the customer profile was last updated. |
Profile ID | [commerce-order:original:commerce-customer-billing:profile-id] | The internal numeric ID of the customer profile. |
URL | [commerce-order:original:commerce-customer-billing:url] | The URL of the commerce customer profile. |
User | [commerce-order:original:commerce-customer-billing:user] | The user the customer profile belongs to. |
รหัสผู้ใช้ | [commerce-order:original:commerce-customer-billing:uid] | The unique ID of the user the customer profile belongs to. |
วันที่สร้าง | [commerce-order:original:commerce-customer-billing:created] | The date the customer profile was created. |
สถานะ | [commerce-order:original:commerce-customer-billing:status] | Whether or not the customer profile is active. |
แก้ไข ID | [commerce-order:original:commerce-customer-billing:revision-id] | The unique ID of the customer profile's latest revision. |
Billing information | [commerce-order:original:commerce_customer_billing] | Customer profile reference field. |
Cancel date | [commerce-order:original:field-commerce-billy-cancel-date] | Field "field_commerce_billy_cancel_date". |
Availability Calendar date display | [commerce-order:original:field-commerce-billy-cancel-date:availability_calendar_date_display] | A date in 'availability_calendar_date_display' format. (03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Availability Calendar date entry | [commerce-order:original:field-commerce-billy-cancel-date:availability_calendar_date_entry] | A date in 'availability_calendar_date_entry' format. (03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Availability Calendar month caption | [commerce-order:original:field-commerce-billy-cancel-date:availability_calendar_month_caption] | A date in 'availability_calendar_month_caption' format. (03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Hours am/pm | [commerce-order:original:field-commerce-billy-cancel-date:hours_ampm] | A date in 'hours_ampm' format. (3:29 am) |
Long format | [commerce-order:original:field-commerce-billy-cancel-date:long] | A date in 'long' format. (พุธ, มีนาคม 20, 2024 - 03:29) |
Medium format | [commerce-order:original:field-commerce-billy-cancel-date:medium] | A date in 'medium' format. (พ, 03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Raw timestamp | [commerce-order:original:field-commerce-billy-cancel-date:raw] | A date in UNIX timestamp format (1710880172) |
Short format | [commerce-order:original:field-commerce-billy-cancel-date:short] | A date in 'short' format. (03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Studyroom Availability Date | [commerce-order:original:field-commerce-billy-cancel-date:studyroom_availability_date] | A date in 'studyroom_availability_date' format. (พ, 03/20/2024) |
Time-since | [commerce-order:original:field-commerce-billy-cancel-date:since] | A date in 'time-since' format. (54 ปี 3 เดือน) |
กำหนดรูปแบบเอง | [commerce-order:original:field-commerce-billy-cancel-date:custom:?] | A date in a custom format. See the PHP documentation for details. |
Cancel date | [commerce-order:original:field_commerce_billy_cancel_date] | Date (Unix timestamp) field. |
Coupons | [commerce-order:original:commerce_coupons] | Entity Reference field. |
Coupons | [commerce-order:original:commerce-coupons] | Field "commerce_coupons". |
Commerce Coupon with delta 0 | [commerce-order:original:commerce-coupons:0] | The list item with delta 0. Delta values start from 0 and are incremented by one per list item. |
Commerce Coupon with delta 1 | [commerce-order:original:commerce-coupons:1] | The list item with delta 1. Delta values start from 0 and are incremented by one per list item. |
Commerce Coupon with delta 2 | [commerce-order:original:commerce-coupons:2] | The list item with delta 2. Delta values start from 0 and are incremented by one per list item. |
Commerce Coupon with delta 3 | [commerce-order:original:commerce-coupons:3] | The list item with delta 3. Delta values start from 0 and are incremented by one per list item. |
Create revision | [commerce-order:original:revision] | Whether or not saving this order creates a new revision. |
Date placed | [commerce-order:original:placed] | The date the order was placed i.e. checkout was completed. |
Availability Calendar date display | [commerce-order:original:placed:availability_calendar_date_display] | A date in 'availability_calendar_date_display' format. (03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Availability Calendar date entry | [commerce-order:original:placed:availability_calendar_date_entry] | A date in 'availability_calendar_date_entry' format. (03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Availability Calendar month caption | [commerce-order:original:placed:availability_calendar_month_caption] | A date in 'availability_calendar_month_caption' format. (03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Hours am/pm | [commerce-order:original:placed:hours_ampm] | A date in 'hours_ampm' format. (3:29 am) |
Long format | [commerce-order:original:placed:long] | A date in 'long' format. (พุธ, มีนาคม 20, 2024 - 03:29) |
Medium format | [commerce-order:original:placed:medium] | A date in 'medium' format. (พ, 03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Raw timestamp | [commerce-order:original:placed:raw] | A date in UNIX timestamp format (1710880172) |
Short format | [commerce-order:original:placed:short] | A date in 'short' format. (03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Studyroom Availability Date | [commerce-order:original:placed:studyroom_availability_date] | A date in 'studyroom_availability_date' format. (พ, 03/20/2024) |
Time-since | [commerce-order:original:placed:since] | A date in 'time-since' format. (54 ปี 3 เดือน) |
กำหนดรูปแบบเอง | [commerce-order:original:placed:custom:?] | A date in a custom format. See the PHP documentation for details. |
Discount reference | [commerce-order:original:commerce_discounts] | Entity Reference field. |
Discount reference | [commerce-order:original:commerce-discounts] | Field "commerce_discounts". |
Commerce Discount with delta 0 | [commerce-order:original:commerce-discounts:0] | The list item with delta 0. Delta values start from 0 and are incremented by one per list item. |
Commerce Discount with delta 1 | [commerce-order:original:commerce-discounts:1] | The list item with delta 1. Delta values start from 0 and are incremented by one per list item. |
Commerce Discount with delta 2 | [commerce-order:original:commerce-discounts:2] | The list item with delta 2. Delta values start from 0 and are incremented by one per list item. |
Commerce Discount with delta 3 | [commerce-order:original:commerce-discounts:3] | The list item with delta 3. Delta values start from 0 and are incremented by one per list item. |
Expiration (formatted) | [commerce-order:original:expiration-formatted] | The time left until this order expires. Formatted by theme_commerce_cart_expiration(). |
Expiration (raw) | [commerce-order:original:expiration-raw] | The raw time left until this order expires in seconds. |
Host name | [commerce-order:original:hostname] | The IP address that created this order. |
Invoice date | [commerce-order:original:field-commerce-billy-i-date] | Field "field_commerce_billy_i_date". |
Availability Calendar date display | [commerce-order:original:field-commerce-billy-i-date:availability_calendar_date_display] | A date in 'availability_calendar_date_display' format. (03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Availability Calendar date entry | [commerce-order:original:field-commerce-billy-i-date:availability_calendar_date_entry] | A date in 'availability_calendar_date_entry' format. (03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Availability Calendar month caption | [commerce-order:original:field-commerce-billy-i-date:availability_calendar_month_caption] | A date in 'availability_calendar_month_caption' format. (03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Hours am/pm | [commerce-order:original:field-commerce-billy-i-date:hours_ampm] | A date in 'hours_ampm' format. (3:29 am) |
Long format | [commerce-order:original:field-commerce-billy-i-date:long] | A date in 'long' format. (พุธ, มีนาคม 20, 2024 - 03:29) |
Medium format | [commerce-order:original:field-commerce-billy-i-date:medium] | A date in 'medium' format. (พ, 03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Raw timestamp | [commerce-order:original:field-commerce-billy-i-date:raw] | A date in UNIX timestamp format (1710880172) |
Short format | [commerce-order:original:field-commerce-billy-i-date:short] | A date in 'short' format. (03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Studyroom Availability Date | [commerce-order:original:field-commerce-billy-i-date:studyroom_availability_date] | A date in 'studyroom_availability_date' format. (พ, 03/20/2024) |
Time-since | [commerce-order:original:field-commerce-billy-i-date:since] | A date in 'time-since' format. (54 ปี 3 เดือน) |
กำหนดรูปแบบเอง | [commerce-order:original:field-commerce-billy-i-date:custom:?] | A date in a custom format. See the PHP documentation for details. |
Invoice date | [commerce-order:original:field_commerce_billy_i_date] | Date (Unix timestamp) field. |
Line items | [commerce-order:original:commerce-line-items] | Field "commerce_line_items". |
Line items with delta 0 | [commerce-order:original:commerce-line-items:0] | The list item with delta 0. Delta values start from 0 and are incremented by one per list item. |
Line items with delta 1 | [commerce-order:original:commerce-line-items:1] | The list item with delta 1. Delta values start from 0 and are incremented by one per list item. |
Line items with delta 2 | [commerce-order:original:commerce-line-items:2] | The list item with delta 2. Delta values start from 0 and are incremented by one per list item. |
Line items with delta 3 | [commerce-order:original:commerce-line-items:3] | The list item with delta 3. Delta values start from 0 and are incremented by one per list item. |
Line items | [commerce-order:original:commerce_line_items] | Line item reference field. |
Order ID | [commerce-order:original:order-id] | The unique numeric ID of the order. |
Order e-mail | [commerce-order:original:mail] | The e-mail address associated with the order. |
Order e-mail prepared for username usage | [commerce-order:original:mail-username] | The e-mail address associated with this order with illegal characters for usernames replaced. |
Order number | [commerce-order:original:order-number] | The order number displayed to the customer. |
Order state | [commerce-order:original:state] | The current state of the order. |
Order state title | [commerce-order:original:state-title] | The human-readable title of the order state. |
Order status | [commerce-order:original:status] | The current status of the order. |
Order status title | [commerce-order:original:status-title] | The human-readable title of the order status. |
Order total | [commerce-order:original:commerce-order-total:?] | Field "commerce_order_total". The following properties may be appended to the token: amount (Amount), amount_decimal (Amount (decimal)), currency_code (Currency), data (Data) |
Order total | [commerce-order:original:commerce_order_total] | ราคา field. |
Order type | [commerce-order:original:type] | The type of the order. |
Order type name | [commerce-order:original:type-name] | The human-readable name of the order type. |
Owner ID | [commerce-order:original:uid] | The unique ID of the order owner. |
Payment method display title | [commerce-order:original:payment-method-display-title] | The checkout form oriented display title of the payment method for the payment transaction. |
Payment method short title | [commerce-order:original:payment-method-short-title] | The customer oriented short title of the payment method selected by the customer during checkout. |
Payment method title | [commerce-order:original:payment-method-title] | The administrative title of the payment method selected by the customer during checkout. |
URL | [commerce-order:original:url] | The URL of the order. |
URL | [commerce-order:original:admin-url] | The URL for administrators to view the order. |
URL | [commerce-order:original:customer-url] | The URL for customers to view the order. |
View URL | [commerce-order:original:view-url] | The URL a customer can visit to view the order. |
วันที่สร้าง | [commerce-order:original:created] | The date the order was created. |
Availability Calendar date display | [commerce-order:original:created:availability_calendar_date_display] | A date in 'availability_calendar_date_display' format. (03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Availability Calendar date entry | [commerce-order:original:created:availability_calendar_date_entry] | A date in 'availability_calendar_date_entry' format. (03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Availability Calendar month caption | [commerce-order:original:created:availability_calendar_month_caption] | A date in 'availability_calendar_month_caption' format. (03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Hours am/pm | [commerce-order:original:created:hours_ampm] | A date in 'hours_ampm' format. (3:29 am) |
Long format | [commerce-order:original:created:long] | A date in 'long' format. (พุธ, มีนาคม 20, 2024 - 03:29) |
Medium format | [commerce-order:original:created:medium] | A date in 'medium' format. (พ, 03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Raw timestamp | [commerce-order:original:created:raw] | A date in UNIX timestamp format (1710880172) |
Short format | [commerce-order:original:created:short] | A date in 'short' format. (03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Studyroom Availability Date | [commerce-order:original:created:studyroom_availability_date] | A date in 'studyroom_availability_date' format. (พ, 03/20/2024) |
Time-since | [commerce-order:original:created:since] | A date in 'time-since' format. (54 ปี 3 เดือน) |
กำหนดรูปแบบเอง | [commerce-order:original:created:custom:?] | A date in a custom format. See the PHP documentation for details. |
วันที่เปลี่ยนแปลง | [commerce-order:original:changed] | The date the order was last updated. |
Availability Calendar date display | [commerce-order:original:changed:availability_calendar_date_display] | A date in 'availability_calendar_date_display' format. (03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Availability Calendar date entry | [commerce-order:original:changed:availability_calendar_date_entry] | A date in 'availability_calendar_date_entry' format. (03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Availability Calendar month caption | [commerce-order:original:changed:availability_calendar_month_caption] | A date in 'availability_calendar_month_caption' format. (03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Hours am/pm | [commerce-order:original:changed:hours_ampm] | A date in 'hours_ampm' format. (3:29 am) |
Long format | [commerce-order:original:changed:long] | A date in 'long' format. (พุธ, มีนาคม 20, 2024 - 03:29) |
Medium format | [commerce-order:original:changed:medium] | A date in 'medium' format. (พ, 03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Raw timestamp | [commerce-order:original:changed:raw] | A date in UNIX timestamp format (1710880172) |
Short format | [commerce-order:original:changed:short] | A date in 'short' format. (03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Studyroom Availability Date | [commerce-order:original:changed:studyroom_availability_date] | A date in 'studyroom_availability_date' format. (พ, 03/20/2024) |
Time-since | [commerce-order:original:changed:since] | A date in 'time-since' format. (54 ปี 3 เดือน) |
กำหนดรูปแบบเอง | [commerce-order:original:changed:custom:?] | A date in a custom format. See the PHP documentation for details. |
วิธีการชำระเงิน | [commerce-order:original:payment-method] | The method_id of the payment method selected by the customer during checkout. |
เจ้าของ | [commerce-order:original:owner] | The owner of the order. |
Account cancellation URL | [commerce-order:original:owner:cancel-url] | The URL of the confirm delete page for the user account. |
Last access | [commerce-order:original:owner:last-access] | The date the user last accessed the site. |
Location | [commerce-order:original:owner:location] | The location for this user. |
Name | [commerce-order:original:owner:name] | The login name of the user account. |
One-time login URL | [commerce-order:original:owner:one-time-login-url] | The URL of the one-time login page for the user account. |
Roles | [commerce-order:original:owner:roles] | The user roles associated with the user account. |
URL | [commerce-order:original:owner:url] | The URL of the account profile page. |
User role ids | [commerce-order:original:owner:role-ids] | The role ids the user account is a member of as comma separated list. |
User role names | [commerce-order:original:owner:role-names] | The role names the user account is a member of as comma separated list. |
ธีมเริ่มต้น | [commerce-order:original:owner:theme] | The user's default theme. |
รหัสผู้ใช้ | [commerce-order:original:owner:uid] | The unique ID of the user account. |
รูปภาพ | [commerce-order:original:owner:picture] | The picture of the user. |
สถานะ | [commerce-order:original:owner:status] | Whether the user is active or blocked. |
สร้างเมื่อ | [commerce-order:original:owner:created] | The date the user account was created. |
อีเมล | [commerce-order:original:owner:mail] | The email address of the user account. |
เข้าสู่ระบบล่าสุด | [commerce-order:original:owner:last-login] | The date the user last logged in to the site. |
แก้ไข URL | [commerce-order:original:owner:edit-url] | The URL of the account edit page. |
แก้ไข ID | [commerce-order:original:revision-id] | The unique ID of the order's latest revision. |
แก้ไข URL | [commerce-order:original:edit-url] | The URL of the order's edit page. |
Owner ID | [commerce-order:uid] | The unique ID of the order owner. |
Payment method display title | [commerce-order:payment-method-display-title] | The checkout form oriented display title of the payment method for the payment transaction. |
Payment method short title | [commerce-order:payment-method-short-title] | The customer oriented short title of the payment method selected by the customer during checkout. |
Payment method title | [commerce-order:payment-method-title] | The administrative title of the payment method selected by the customer during checkout. |
URL | [commerce-order:url] | The URL of the order. |
URL | [commerce-order:admin-url] | The URL for administrators to view the order. |
URL | [commerce-order:customer-url] | The URL for customers to view the order. |
View URL | [commerce-order:view-url] | The URL a customer can visit to view the order. |
วันที่สร้าง | [commerce-order:created] | The date the order was created. |
Availability Calendar date display | [commerce-order:created:availability_calendar_date_display] | A date in 'availability_calendar_date_display' format. (03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Availability Calendar date entry | [commerce-order:created:availability_calendar_date_entry] | A date in 'availability_calendar_date_entry' format. (03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Availability Calendar month caption | [commerce-order:created:availability_calendar_month_caption] | A date in 'availability_calendar_month_caption' format. (03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Hours am/pm | [commerce-order:created:hours_ampm] | A date in 'hours_ampm' format. (3:29 am) |
Long format | [commerce-order:created:long] | A date in 'long' format. (พุธ, มีนาคม 20, 2024 - 03:29) |
Medium format | [commerce-order:created:medium] | A date in 'medium' format. (พ, 03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Raw timestamp | [commerce-order:created:raw] | A date in UNIX timestamp format (1710880172) |
Short format | [commerce-order:created:short] | A date in 'short' format. (03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Studyroom Availability Date | [commerce-order:created:studyroom_availability_date] | A date in 'studyroom_availability_date' format. (พ, 03/20/2024) |
Time-since | [commerce-order:created:since] | A date in 'time-since' format. (54 ปี 3 เดือน) |
กำหนดรูปแบบเอง | [commerce-order:created:custom:?] | A date in a custom format. See the PHP documentation for details. |
วันที่เปลี่ยนแปลง | [commerce-order:changed] | The date the order was last updated. |
Availability Calendar date display | [commerce-order:changed:availability_calendar_date_display] | A date in 'availability_calendar_date_display' format. (03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Availability Calendar date entry | [commerce-order:changed:availability_calendar_date_entry] | A date in 'availability_calendar_date_entry' format. (03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Availability Calendar month caption | [commerce-order:changed:availability_calendar_month_caption] | A date in 'availability_calendar_month_caption' format. (03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Hours am/pm | [commerce-order:changed:hours_ampm] | A date in 'hours_ampm' format. (3:29 am) |
Long format | [commerce-order:changed:long] | A date in 'long' format. (พุธ, มีนาคม 20, 2024 - 03:29) |
Medium format | [commerce-order:changed:medium] | A date in 'medium' format. (พ, 03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Raw timestamp | [commerce-order:changed:raw] | A date in UNIX timestamp format (1710880172) |
Short format | [commerce-order:changed:short] | A date in 'short' format. (03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Studyroom Availability Date | [commerce-order:changed:studyroom_availability_date] | A date in 'studyroom_availability_date' format. (พ, 03/20/2024) |
Time-since | [commerce-order:changed:since] | A date in 'time-since' format. (54 ปี 3 เดือน) |
กำหนดรูปแบบเอง | [commerce-order:changed:custom:?] | A date in a custom format. See the PHP documentation for details. |
วิธีการชำระเงิน | [commerce-order:payment-method] | The method_id of the payment method selected by the customer during checkout. |
เจ้าของ | [commerce-order:owner] | The owner of the order. |
Account cancellation URL | [commerce-order:owner:cancel-url] | The URL of the confirm delete page for the user account. |
Last access | [commerce-order:owner:last-access] | The date the user last accessed the site. |
Availability Calendar date display | [commerce-order:owner:last-access:availability_calendar_date_display] | A date in 'availability_calendar_date_display' format. (03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Availability Calendar date entry | [commerce-order:owner:last-access:availability_calendar_date_entry] | A date in 'availability_calendar_date_entry' format. (03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Availability Calendar month caption | [commerce-order:owner:last-access:availability_calendar_month_caption] | A date in 'availability_calendar_month_caption' format. (03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Hours am/pm | [commerce-order:owner:last-access:hours_ampm] | A date in 'hours_ampm' format. (3:29 am) |
Long format | [commerce-order:owner:last-access:long] | A date in 'long' format. (พุธ, มีนาคม 20, 2024 - 03:29) |
Medium format | [commerce-order:owner:last-access:medium] | A date in 'medium' format. (พ, 03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Raw timestamp | [commerce-order:owner:last-access:raw] | A date in UNIX timestamp format (1710880172) |
Short format | [commerce-order:owner:last-access:short] | A date in 'short' format. (03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Studyroom Availability Date | [commerce-order:owner:last-access:studyroom_availability_date] | A date in 'studyroom_availability_date' format. (พ, 03/20/2024) |
Time-since | [commerce-order:owner:last-access:since] | A date in 'time-since' format. (54 ปี 3 เดือน) |
กำหนดรูปแบบเอง | [commerce-order:owner:last-access:custom:?] | A date in a custom format. See the PHP documentation for details. |
Location | [commerce-order:owner:location] | The location for this user. |
Additional | [commerce-order:owner:location:additional:?] | Additional (If there are multiple locations, N is the iteration, starting with 0). |
Country Name | [commerce-order:owner:location:country_name:?] | Country Name (If there are multiple locations, N is the iteration, starting with 0). |
Latitude | [commerce-order:owner:location:latitude:?] | Latitude (If there are multiple locations, N is the iteration, starting with 0). |
Location Name | [commerce-order:owner:location:name:?] | Location Name (If there are multiple locations, N is the iteration, starting with 0). |
Longitude | [commerce-order:owner:location:longitude:?] | Longitude (If there are multiple locations, N is the iteration, starting with 0). |
Postal Code | [commerce-order:owner:location:postal_code:?] | Postal Code (If there are multiple locations, N is the iteration, starting with 0). |
State/Province Name | [commerce-order:owner:location:province_name:?] | State/Province Name (If there are multiple locations, N is the iteration, starting with 0). |
Street | [commerce-order:owner:location:street:?] | Street (If there are multiple locations, N is the iteration, starting with 0). |
ประเทศ | [commerce-order:owner:location:country:?] | Country (If there are multiple locations, N is the iteration, starting with 0). |
รัฐ / จังหวัด | [commerce-order:owner:location:province:?] | State/Province (If there are multiple locations, N is the iteration, starting with 0). |
เมือง | [commerce-order:owner:location:city:?] | City (If there are multiple locations, N is the iteration, starting with 0). |
Name | [commerce-order:owner:name] | The login name of the user account. |
One-time login URL | [commerce-order:owner:one-time-login-url] | The URL of the one-time login page for the user account. |
Original user | [commerce-order:owner:original] | The original user data if the user is being updated or saved. |
Account cancellation URL | [commerce-order:owner:original:cancel-url] | The URL of the confirm delete page for the user account. |
Last access | [commerce-order:owner:original:last-access] | The date the user last accessed the site. |
Location | [commerce-order:owner:original:location] | The location for this user. |
Name | [commerce-order:owner:original:name] | The login name of the user account. |
One-time login URL | [commerce-order:owner:original:one-time-login-url] | The URL of the one-time login page for the user account. |
Roles | [commerce-order:owner:original:roles] | The user roles associated with the user account. |
URL | [commerce-order:owner:original:url] | The URL of the account profile page. |
User role ids | [commerce-order:owner:original:role-ids] | The role ids the user account is a member of as comma separated list. |
User role names | [commerce-order:owner:original:role-names] | The role names the user account is a member of as comma separated list. |
ธีมเริ่มต้น | [commerce-order:owner:original:theme] | The user's default theme. |
รหัสผู้ใช้ | [commerce-order:owner:original:uid] | The unique ID of the user account. |
รูปภาพ | [commerce-order:owner:original:picture] | The picture of the user. |
สถานะ | [commerce-order:owner:original:status] | Whether the user is active or blocked. |
สร้างเมื่อ | [commerce-order:owner:original:created] | The date the user account was created. |
อีเมล | [commerce-order:owner:original:mail] | The email address of the user account. |
เข้าสู่ระบบล่าสุด | [commerce-order:owner:original:last-login] | The date the user last logged in to the site. |
แก้ไข URL | [commerce-order:owner:original:edit-url] | The URL of the account edit page. |
Roles | [commerce-order:owner:roles] | The user roles associated with the user account. |
First | [commerce-order:owner:roles:first] | The first element of the array. |
Imploded | [commerce-order:owner:roles:join:?] | The values of the array joined together with a custom string in-between each value. |
Joined path | [commerce-order:owner:roles:join-path] | The array values each cleaned by Pathauto and then joined with the slash into a string that resembles an URL. |
Keys | [commerce-order:owner:roles:keys] | The array of keys of the array. |
Last | [commerce-order:owner:roles:last] | The last element of the array. |
Reversed | [commerce-order:owner:roles:reversed] | The array reversed. |
Value | [commerce-order:owner:roles:value:?] | The specific value of the array. |
จำนวน | [commerce-order:owner:roles:count] | The number of elements in the array. |
URL | [commerce-order:owner:url] | The URL of the account profile page. |
Absolute URL | [commerce-order:owner:url:absolute] | The absolute URL. |
Arguments | [commerce-order:owner:url:args] | The specific argument of the current page (e.g. 'arg:1' on the page 'node/1' returns '1'). |
Brief URL | [commerce-order:owner:url:brief] | The URL without the protocol and trailing backslash. |
Relative URL | [commerce-order:owner:url:relative] | The relative URL. |
Unaliased URL | [commerce-order:owner:url:unaliased] | The unaliased URL. |
ตำแหน่งพาธ | [commerce-order:owner:url:path] | The path component of the URL. |
User role ids | [commerce-order:owner:role-ids] | The role ids the user account is a member of as comma separated list. |
User role names | [commerce-order:owner:role-names] | The role names the user account is a member of as comma separated list. |
ธีมเริ่มต้น | [commerce-order:owner:theme] | The user's default theme. |
รหัสผู้ใช้ | [commerce-order:owner:uid] | The unique ID of the user account. |
รูปภาพ | [commerce-order:owner:picture] | The picture of the user. |
Base name | [commerce-order:owner:picture:basename] | The base name of the file. |
Extension | [commerce-order:owner:picture:extension] | The extension of the file. |
File byte size | [commerce-order:owner:picture:size-raw] | The size of the file, in bytes. |
File name | [commerce-order:owner:picture:name] | The name of the file on disk. |
MIME type | [commerce-order:owner:picture:mime] | The MIME type of the file. |
Original ไฟล์ | [commerce-order:owner:picture:original] | The original ไฟล์ data if the ไฟล์ is being updated or saved. |
URL | [commerce-order:owner:picture:url] | The web-accessible URL for the file. |
ขนาดไฟล์ | [commerce-order:owner:picture:size] | ขนาดของไฟล์ |
ตำแหน่งพาธ | [commerce-order:owner:picture:path] | The location of the file relative to Drupal root. |
รหัสไฟล์ | [commerce-order:owner:picture:fid] | The unique ID of the uploaded file. |
ระบุเวลา | [commerce-order:owner:picture:timestamp] | The date the file was most recently changed. |
สถานะ | [commerce-order:owner:status] | Whether the user is active or blocked. |
สร้างเมื่อ | [commerce-order:owner:created] | The date the user account was created. |
Availability Calendar date display | [commerce-order:owner:created:availability_calendar_date_display] | A date in 'availability_calendar_date_display' format. (03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Availability Calendar date entry | [commerce-order:owner:created:availability_calendar_date_entry] | A date in 'availability_calendar_date_entry' format. (03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Availability Calendar month caption | [commerce-order:owner:created:availability_calendar_month_caption] | A date in 'availability_calendar_month_caption' format. (03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Hours am/pm | [commerce-order:owner:created:hours_ampm] | A date in 'hours_ampm' format. (3:29 am) |
Long format | [commerce-order:owner:created:long] | A date in 'long' format. (พุธ, มีนาคม 20, 2024 - 03:29) |
Medium format | [commerce-order:owner:created:medium] | A date in 'medium' format. (พ, 03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Raw timestamp | [commerce-order:owner:created:raw] | A date in UNIX timestamp format (1710880172) |
Short format | [commerce-order:owner:created:short] | A date in 'short' format. (03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Studyroom Availability Date | [commerce-order:owner:created:studyroom_availability_date] | A date in 'studyroom_availability_date' format. (พ, 03/20/2024) |
Time-since | [commerce-order:owner:created:since] | A date in 'time-since' format. (54 ปี 3 เดือน) |
กำหนดรูปแบบเอง | [commerce-order:owner:created:custom:?] | A date in a custom format. See the PHP documentation for details. |
อีเมล | [commerce-order:owner:mail] | The email address of the user account. |
เข้าสู่ระบบล่าสุด | [commerce-order:owner:last-login] | The date the user last logged in to the site. |
Availability Calendar date display | [commerce-order:owner:last-login:availability_calendar_date_display] | A date in 'availability_calendar_date_display' format. (03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Availability Calendar date entry | [commerce-order:owner:last-login:availability_calendar_date_entry] | A date in 'availability_calendar_date_entry' format. (03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Availability Calendar month caption | [commerce-order:owner:last-login:availability_calendar_month_caption] | A date in 'availability_calendar_month_caption' format. (03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Hours am/pm | [commerce-order:owner:last-login:hours_ampm] | A date in 'hours_ampm' format. (3:29 am) |
Long format | [commerce-order:owner:last-login:long] | A date in 'long' format. (พุธ, มีนาคม 20, 2024 - 03:29) |
Medium format | [commerce-order:owner:last-login:medium] | A date in 'medium' format. (พ, 03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Raw timestamp | [commerce-order:owner:last-login:raw] | A date in UNIX timestamp format (1710880172) |
Short format | [commerce-order:owner:last-login:short] | A date in 'short' format. (03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Studyroom Availability Date | [commerce-order:owner:last-login:studyroom_availability_date] | A date in 'studyroom_availability_date' format. (พ, 03/20/2024) |
Time-since | [commerce-order:owner:last-login:since] | A date in 'time-since' format. (54 ปี 3 เดือน) |
กำหนดรูปแบบเอง | [commerce-order:owner:last-login:custom:?] | A date in a custom format. See the PHP documentation for details. |
แก้ไข URL | [commerce-order:owner:edit-url] | The URL of the account edit page. |
แก้ไข ID | [commerce-order:revision-id] | The unique ID of the order's latest revision. |
แก้ไข URL | [commerce-order:edit-url] | The URL of the order's edit page. |
วันที่ | | Tokens related to วันที่ Rules variables. |
Value | [rules_date:value] | The value of the variable. |
วิธีการชำระเงิน | | Tokens related to the "วิธีการชำระเงิน" entities. |
Payment method ID | [payment_method:pmid] | Payment method ID |
Payment method type | [payment_method:controller-class-name] | Payment method type |
Title (generic) | [payment_method:title-generic] | Title (generic) |
Title (specific) | [payment_method:title-specific] | Title (specific) |
รหัสผู้ใช้ | [payment_method:uid] | The ID of the user this payment method belongs to. |
เปิดใช้งาน | [payment_method:enabled] | Whether the payment method is enabled and can be used. |
สินค้า | | Tokens related to individual products. |
Creator | [commerce-product:creator] | The creator of the product. |
Account cancellation URL | [commerce-product:creator:cancel-url] | The URL of the confirm delete page for the user account. |
Last access | [commerce-product:creator:last-access] | The date the user last accessed the site. |
Availability Calendar date display | [commerce-product:creator:last-access:availability_calendar_date_display] | A date in 'availability_calendar_date_display' format. (03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Availability Calendar date entry | [commerce-product:creator:last-access:availability_calendar_date_entry] | A date in 'availability_calendar_date_entry' format. (03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Availability Calendar month caption | [commerce-product:creator:last-access:availability_calendar_month_caption] | A date in 'availability_calendar_month_caption' format. (03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Hours am/pm | [commerce-product:creator:last-access:hours_ampm] | A date in 'hours_ampm' format. (3:29 am) |
Long format | [commerce-product:creator:last-access:long] | A date in 'long' format. (พุธ, มีนาคม 20, 2024 - 03:29) |
Medium format | [commerce-product:creator:last-access:medium] | A date in 'medium' format. (พ, 03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Raw timestamp | [commerce-product:creator:last-access:raw] | A date in UNIX timestamp format (1710880172) |
Short format | [commerce-product:creator:last-access:short] | A date in 'short' format. (03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Studyroom Availability Date | [commerce-product:creator:last-access:studyroom_availability_date] | A date in 'studyroom_availability_date' format. (พ, 03/20/2024) |
Time-since | [commerce-product:creator:last-access:since] | A date in 'time-since' format. (54 ปี 3 เดือน) |
กำหนดรูปแบบเอง | [commerce-product:creator:last-access:custom:?] | A date in a custom format. See the PHP documentation for details. |
Location | [commerce-product:creator:location] | The location for this user. |
Additional | [commerce-product:creator:location:additional:?] | Additional (If there are multiple locations, N is the iteration, starting with 0). |
Country Name | [commerce-product:creator:location:country_name:?] | Country Name (If there are multiple locations, N is the iteration, starting with 0). |
Latitude | [commerce-product:creator:location:latitude:?] | Latitude (If there are multiple locations, N is the iteration, starting with 0). |
Location Name | [commerce-product:creator:location:name:?] | Location Name (If there are multiple locations, N is the iteration, starting with 0). |
Longitude | [commerce-product:creator:location:longitude:?] | Longitude (If there are multiple locations, N is the iteration, starting with 0). |
Postal Code | [commerce-product:creator:location:postal_code:?] | Postal Code (If there are multiple locations, N is the iteration, starting with 0). |
State/Province Name | [commerce-product:creator:location:province_name:?] | State/Province Name (If there are multiple locations, N is the iteration, starting with 0). |
Street | [commerce-product:creator:location:street:?] | Street (If there are multiple locations, N is the iteration, starting with 0). |
ประเทศ | [commerce-product:creator:location:country:?] | Country (If there are multiple locations, N is the iteration, starting with 0). |
รัฐ / จังหวัด | [commerce-product:creator:location:province:?] | State/Province (If there are multiple locations, N is the iteration, starting with 0). |
เมือง | [commerce-product:creator:location:city:?] | City (If there are multiple locations, N is the iteration, starting with 0). |
Name | [commerce-product:creator:name] | The login name of the user account. |
One-time login URL | [commerce-product:creator:one-time-login-url] | The URL of the one-time login page for the user account. |
Original user | [commerce-product:creator:original] | The original user data if the user is being updated or saved. |
Account cancellation URL | [commerce-product:creator:original:cancel-url] | The URL of the confirm delete page for the user account. |
Last access | [commerce-product:creator:original:last-access] | The date the user last accessed the site. |
Location | [commerce-product:creator:original:location] | The location for this user. |
Name | [commerce-product:creator:original:name] | The login name of the user account. |
One-time login URL | [commerce-product:creator:original:one-time-login-url] | The URL of the one-time login page for the user account. |
Roles | [commerce-product:creator:original:roles] | The user roles associated with the user account. |
URL | [commerce-product:creator:original:url] | The URL of the account profile page. |
User role ids | [commerce-product:creator:original:role-ids] | The role ids the user account is a member of as comma separated list. |
User role names | [commerce-product:creator:original:role-names] | The role names the user account is a member of as comma separated list. |
ธีมเริ่มต้น | [commerce-product:creator:original:theme] | The user's default theme. |
รหัสผู้ใช้ | [commerce-product:creator:original:uid] | The unique ID of the user account. |
รูปภาพ | [commerce-product:creator:original:picture] | The picture of the user. |
สถานะ | [commerce-product:creator:original:status] | Whether the user is active or blocked. |
สร้างเมื่อ | [commerce-product:creator:original:created] | The date the user account was created. |
อีเมล | [commerce-product:creator:original:mail] | The email address of the user account. |
เข้าสู่ระบบล่าสุด | [commerce-product:creator:original:last-login] | The date the user last logged in to the site. |
แก้ไข URL | [commerce-product:creator:original:edit-url] | The URL of the account edit page. |
Roles | [commerce-product:creator:roles] | The user roles associated with the user account. |
First | [commerce-product:creator:roles:first] | The first element of the array. |
Imploded | [commerce-product:creator:roles:join:?] | The values of the array joined together with a custom string in-between each value. |
Joined path | [commerce-product:creator:roles:join-path] | The array values each cleaned by Pathauto and then joined with the slash into a string that resembles an URL. |
Keys | [commerce-product:creator:roles:keys] | The array of keys of the array. |
Last | [commerce-product:creator:roles:last] | The last element of the array. |
Reversed | [commerce-product:creator:roles:reversed] | The array reversed. |
Value | [commerce-product:creator:roles:value:?] | The specific value of the array. |
จำนวน | [commerce-product:creator:roles:count] | The number of elements in the array. |
URL | [commerce-product:creator:url] | The URL of the account profile page. |
Absolute URL | [commerce-product:creator:url:absolute] | The absolute URL. |
Arguments | [commerce-product:creator:url:args] | The specific argument of the current page (e.g. 'arg:1' on the page 'node/1' returns '1'). |
Brief URL | [commerce-product:creator:url:brief] | The URL without the protocol and trailing backslash. |
Relative URL | [commerce-product:creator:url:relative] | The relative URL. |
Unaliased URL | [commerce-product:creator:url:unaliased] | The unaliased URL. |
ตำแหน่งพาธ | [commerce-product:creator:url:path] | The path component of the URL. |
User role ids | [commerce-product:creator:role-ids] | The role ids the user account is a member of as comma separated list. |
User role names | [commerce-product:creator:role-names] | The role names the user account is a member of as comma separated list. |
ธีมเริ่มต้น | [commerce-product:creator:theme] | The user's default theme. |
รหัสผู้ใช้ | [commerce-product:creator:uid] | The unique ID of the user account. |
รูปภาพ | [commerce-product:creator:picture] | The picture of the user. |
Base name | [commerce-product:creator:picture:basename] | The base name of the file. |
Extension | [commerce-product:creator:picture:extension] | The extension of the file. |
File byte size | [commerce-product:creator:picture:size-raw] | The size of the file, in bytes. |
File name | [commerce-product:creator:picture:name] | The name of the file on disk. |
MIME type | [commerce-product:creator:picture:mime] | The MIME type of the file. |
Original ไฟล์ | [commerce-product:creator:picture:original] | The original ไฟล์ data if the ไฟล์ is being updated or saved. |
URL | [commerce-product:creator:picture:url] | The web-accessible URL for the file. |
ขนาดไฟล์ | [commerce-product:creator:picture:size] | ขนาดของไฟล์ |
ตำแหน่งพาธ | [commerce-product:creator:picture:path] | The location of the file relative to Drupal root. |
รหัสไฟล์ | [commerce-product:creator:picture:fid] | The unique ID of the uploaded file. |
ระบุเวลา | [commerce-product:creator:picture:timestamp] | The date the file was most recently changed. |
เจ้าของ | [commerce-product:creator:picture:owner] | The user who originally uploaded the file. |
สถานะ | [commerce-product:creator:status] | Whether the user is active or blocked. |
สร้างเมื่อ | [commerce-product:creator:created] | The date the user account was created. |
Availability Calendar date display | [commerce-product:creator:created:availability_calendar_date_display] | A date in 'availability_calendar_date_display' format. (03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Availability Calendar date entry | [commerce-product:creator:created:availability_calendar_date_entry] | A date in 'availability_calendar_date_entry' format. (03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Availability Calendar month caption | [commerce-product:creator:created:availability_calendar_month_caption] | A date in 'availability_calendar_month_caption' format. (03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Hours am/pm | [commerce-product:creator:created:hours_ampm] | A date in 'hours_ampm' format. (3:29 am) |
Long format | [commerce-product:creator:created:long] | A date in 'long' format. (พุธ, มีนาคม 20, 2024 - 03:29) |
Medium format | [commerce-product:creator:created:medium] | A date in 'medium' format. (พ, 03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Raw timestamp | [commerce-product:creator:created:raw] | A date in UNIX timestamp format (1710880172) |
Short format | [commerce-product:creator:created:short] | A date in 'short' format. (03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Studyroom Availability Date | [commerce-product:creator:created:studyroom_availability_date] | A date in 'studyroom_availability_date' format. (พ, 03/20/2024) |
Time-since | [commerce-product:creator:created:since] | A date in 'time-since' format. (54 ปี 3 เดือน) |
กำหนดรูปแบบเอง | [commerce-product:creator:created:custom:?] | A date in a custom format. See the PHP documentation for details. |
อีเมล | [commerce-product:creator:mail] | The email address of the user account. |
เข้าสู่ระบบล่าสุด | [commerce-product:creator:last-login] | The date the user last logged in to the site. |
Availability Calendar date display | [commerce-product:creator:last-login:availability_calendar_date_display] | A date in 'availability_calendar_date_display' format. (03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Availability Calendar date entry | [commerce-product:creator:last-login:availability_calendar_date_entry] | A date in 'availability_calendar_date_entry' format. (03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Availability Calendar month caption | [commerce-product:creator:last-login:availability_calendar_month_caption] | A date in 'availability_calendar_month_caption' format. (03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Hours am/pm | [commerce-product:creator:last-login:hours_ampm] | A date in 'hours_ampm' format. (3:29 am) |
Long format | [commerce-product:creator:last-login:long] | A date in 'long' format. (พุธ, มีนาคม 20, 2024 - 03:29) |
Medium format | [commerce-product:creator:last-login:medium] | A date in 'medium' format. (พ, 03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Raw timestamp | [commerce-product:creator:last-login:raw] | A date in UNIX timestamp format (1710880172) |
Short format | [commerce-product:creator:last-login:short] | A date in 'short' format. (03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Studyroom Availability Date | [commerce-product:creator:last-login:studyroom_availability_date] | A date in 'studyroom_availability_date' format. (พ, 03/20/2024) |
Time-since | [commerce-product:creator:last-login:since] | A date in 'time-since' format. (54 ปี 3 เดือน) |
กำหนดรูปแบบเอง | [commerce-product:creator:last-login:custom:?] | A date in a custom format. See the PHP documentation for details. |
แก้ไข URL | [commerce-product:creator:edit-url] | The URL of the account edit page. |
Creator ID | [commerce-product:uid] | The unique ID of the product creator. |
Date updated | [commerce-product:changed] | The date the product was last updated. |
Availability Calendar date display | [commerce-product:changed:availability_calendar_date_display] | A date in 'availability_calendar_date_display' format. (03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Availability Calendar date entry | [commerce-product:changed:availability_calendar_date_entry] | A date in 'availability_calendar_date_entry' format. (03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Availability Calendar month caption | [commerce-product:changed:availability_calendar_month_caption] | A date in 'availability_calendar_month_caption' format. (03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Hours am/pm | [commerce-product:changed:hours_ampm] | A date in 'hours_ampm' format. (3:29 am) |
Long format | [commerce-product:changed:long] | A date in 'long' format. (พุธ, มีนาคม 20, 2024 - 03:29) |
Medium format | [commerce-product:changed:medium] | A date in 'medium' format. (พ, 03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Raw timestamp | [commerce-product:changed:raw] | A date in UNIX timestamp format (1710880172) |
Short format | [commerce-product:changed:short] | A date in 'short' format. (03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Studyroom Availability Date | [commerce-product:changed:studyroom_availability_date] | A date in 'studyroom_availability_date' format. (พ, 03/20/2024) |
Time-since | [commerce-product:changed:since] | A date in 'time-since' format. (54 ปี 3 เดือน) |
กำหนดรูปแบบเอง | [commerce-product:changed:custom:?] | A date in a custom format. See the PHP documentation for details. |
Original commerce product | [commerce-product:original] | The original commerce product data if the commerce product is being updated or saved. |
Creator | [commerce-product:original:creator] | The creator of the product. |
Account cancellation URL | [commerce-product:original:creator:cancel-url] | The URL of the confirm delete page for the user account. |
Last access | [commerce-product:original:creator:last-access] | The date the user last accessed the site. |
Location | [commerce-product:original:creator:location] | The location for this user. |
Name | [commerce-product:original:creator:name] | The login name of the user account. |
One-time login URL | [commerce-product:original:creator:one-time-login-url] | The URL of the one-time login page for the user account. |
Roles | [commerce-product:original:creator:roles] | The user roles associated with the user account. |
URL | [commerce-product:original:creator:url] | The URL of the account profile page. |
User role ids | [commerce-product:original:creator:role-ids] | The role ids the user account is a member of as comma separated list. |
User role names | [commerce-product:original:creator:role-names] | The role names the user account is a member of as comma separated list. |
ธีมเริ่มต้น | [commerce-product:original:creator:theme] | The user's default theme. |
รหัสผู้ใช้ | [commerce-product:original:creator:uid] | The unique ID of the user account. |
รูปภาพ | [commerce-product:original:creator:picture] | The picture of the user. |
สถานะ | [commerce-product:original:creator:status] | Whether the user is active or blocked. |
สร้างเมื่อ | [commerce-product:original:creator:created] | The date the user account was created. |
อีเมล | [commerce-product:original:creator:mail] | The email address of the user account. |
เข้าสู่ระบบล่าสุด | [commerce-product:original:creator:last-login] | The date the user last logged in to the site. |
แก้ไข URL | [commerce-product:original:creator:edit-url] | The URL of the account edit page. |
Creator ID | [commerce-product:original:uid] | The unique ID of the product creator. |
Date updated | [commerce-product:original:changed] | The date the product was last updated. |
Availability Calendar date display | [commerce-product:original:changed:availability_calendar_date_display] | A date in 'availability_calendar_date_display' format. (03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Availability Calendar date entry | [commerce-product:original:changed:availability_calendar_date_entry] | A date in 'availability_calendar_date_entry' format. (03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Availability Calendar month caption | [commerce-product:original:changed:availability_calendar_month_caption] | A date in 'availability_calendar_month_caption' format. (03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Hours am/pm | [commerce-product:original:changed:hours_ampm] | A date in 'hours_ampm' format. (3:29 am) |
Long format | [commerce-product:original:changed:long] | A date in 'long' format. (พุธ, มีนาคม 20, 2024 - 03:29) |
Medium format | [commerce-product:original:changed:medium] | A date in 'medium' format. (พ, 03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Raw timestamp | [commerce-product:original:changed:raw] | A date in UNIX timestamp format (1710880172) |
Short format | [commerce-product:original:changed:short] | A date in 'short' format. (03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Studyroom Availability Date | [commerce-product:original:changed:studyroom_availability_date] | A date in 'studyroom_availability_date' format. (พ, 03/20/2024) |
Time-since | [commerce-product:original:changed:since] | A date in 'time-since' format. (54 ปี 3 เดือน) |
กำหนดรูปแบบเอง | [commerce-product:original:changed:custom:?] | A date in a custom format. See the PHP documentation for details. |
Price | [commerce-product:original:commerce-price:?] | Field "commerce_price". The following properties may be appended to the token: amount (Amount), amount_decimal (Amount (decimal)), currency_code (Currency), data (Data) |
Price | [commerce-product:original:commerce_price] | ราคา field. |
Product ID | [commerce-product:original:product-id] | The internal numeric ID of the product. |
SKU | [commerce-product:original:sku] | The human readable product SKU. |
Type name | [commerce-product:original:type-name] | The human readable name of the product type. |
URL | [commerce-product:original:url] | The URL of the commerce product. |
Absolute URL | [commerce-product:original:url:absolute] | The absolute URL. |
Arguments | [commerce-product:original:url:args] | The specific argument of the current page (e.g. 'arg:1' on the page 'node/1' returns '1'). |
Brief URL | [commerce-product:original:url:brief] | The URL without the protocol and trailing backslash. |
Relative URL | [commerce-product:original:url:relative] | The relative URL. |
Unaliased URL | [commerce-product:original:url:unaliased] | The unaliased URL. |
ตำแหน่งพาธ | [commerce-product:original:url:path] | The path component of the URL. |
ประเภท | [commerce-product:original:type] | The machine name of the product type. |
วันที่สร้าง | [commerce-product:original:created] | The date the product was created. |
Availability Calendar date display | [commerce-product:original:created:availability_calendar_date_display] | A date in 'availability_calendar_date_display' format. (03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Availability Calendar date entry | [commerce-product:original:created:availability_calendar_date_entry] | A date in 'availability_calendar_date_entry' format. (03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Availability Calendar month caption | [commerce-product:original:created:availability_calendar_month_caption] | A date in 'availability_calendar_month_caption' format. (03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Hours am/pm | [commerce-product:original:created:hours_ampm] | A date in 'hours_ampm' format. (3:29 am) |
Long format | [commerce-product:original:created:long] | A date in 'long' format. (พุธ, มีนาคม 20, 2024 - 03:29) |
Medium format | [commerce-product:original:created:medium] | A date in 'medium' format. (พ, 03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Raw timestamp | [commerce-product:original:created:raw] | A date in UNIX timestamp format (1710880172) |
Short format | [commerce-product:original:created:short] | A date in 'short' format. (03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Studyroom Availability Date | [commerce-product:original:created:studyroom_availability_date] | A date in 'studyroom_availability_date' format. (พ, 03/20/2024) |
Time-since | [commerce-product:original:created:since] | A date in 'time-since' format. (54 ปี 3 เดือน) |
กำหนดรูปแบบเอง | [commerce-product:original:created:custom:?] | A date in a custom format. See the PHP documentation for details. |
สถานะ | [commerce-product:original:status] | Boolean indicating whether the product is active or disabled. |
หัวข้อ | [commerce-product:original:title] | The title of the product. |
แก้ไข URL | [commerce-product:original:edit-url] | The URL of the product's edit page. |
Price | [commerce-product:commerce-price:?] | Field "commerce_price". The following properties may be appended to the token: amount (Amount), amount_decimal (Amount (decimal)), currency_code (Currency), data (Data) |
Price | [commerce-product:commerce_price] | ราคา field. |
Product ID | [commerce-product:product-id] | The internal numeric ID of the product. |
SKU | [commerce-product:sku] | The human readable product SKU. |
Type name | [commerce-product:type-name] | The human readable name of the product type. |
URL | [commerce-product:url] | The URL of the commerce product. |
Absolute URL | [commerce-product:url:absolute] | The absolute URL. |
Arguments | [commerce-product:url:args] | The specific argument of the current page (e.g. 'arg:1' on the page 'node/1' returns '1'). |
First | [commerce-product:url:args:first] | The first element of the array. |
Imploded | [commerce-product:url:args:join:?] | The values of the array joined together with a custom string in-between each value. |
Joined path | [commerce-product:url:args:join-path] | The array values each cleaned by Pathauto and then joined with the slash into a string that resembles an URL. |
Keys | [commerce-product:url:args:keys] | The array of keys of the array. |
Last | [commerce-product:url:args:last] | The last element of the array. |
Reversed | [commerce-product:url:args:reversed] | The array reversed. |
Value | [commerce-product:url:args:value:?] | The specific value of the array. |
จำนวน | [commerce-product:url:args:count] | The number of elements in the array. |
Brief URL | [commerce-product:url:brief] | The URL without the protocol and trailing backslash. |
Relative URL | [commerce-product:url:relative] | The relative URL. |
Unaliased URL | [commerce-product:url:unaliased] | The unaliased URL. |
Absolute URL | [commerce-product:url:unaliased:absolute] | The absolute URL. |
Arguments | [commerce-product:url:unaliased:args] | The specific argument of the current page (e.g. 'arg:1' on the page 'node/1' returns '1'). |
Brief URL | [commerce-product:url:unaliased:brief] | The URL without the protocol and trailing backslash. |
Relative URL | [commerce-product:url:unaliased:relative] | The relative URL. |
ตำแหน่งพาธ | [commerce-product:url:unaliased:path] | The path component of the URL. |
ตำแหน่งพาธ | [commerce-product:url:path] | The path component of the URL. |
ประเภท | [commerce-product:type] | The machine name of the product type. |
วันที่สร้าง | [commerce-product:created] | The date the product was created. |
Availability Calendar date display | [commerce-product:created:availability_calendar_date_display] | A date in 'availability_calendar_date_display' format. (03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Availability Calendar date entry | [commerce-product:created:availability_calendar_date_entry] | A date in 'availability_calendar_date_entry' format. (03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Availability Calendar month caption | [commerce-product:created:availability_calendar_month_caption] | A date in 'availability_calendar_month_caption' format. (03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Hours am/pm | [commerce-product:created:hours_ampm] | A date in 'hours_ampm' format. (3:29 am) |
Long format | [commerce-product:created:long] | A date in 'long' format. (พุธ, มีนาคม 20, 2024 - 03:29) |
Medium format | [commerce-product:created:medium] | A date in 'medium' format. (พ, 03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Raw timestamp | [commerce-product:created:raw] | A date in UNIX timestamp format (1710880172) |
Short format | [commerce-product:created:short] | A date in 'short' format. (03/20/2024 - 03:29) |
Studyroom Availability Date | [commerce-product:created:studyroom_availability_date] | A date in 'studyroom_availability_date' format. (พ, 03/20/2024) |
Time-since | [commerce-product:created:since] | A date in 'time-since' format. (54 ปี 3 เดือน) |
กำหนดรูปแบบเอง | [commerce-product:created:custom:?] | A date in a custom format. See the PHP documentation for details. |
สถานะ | [commerce-product:status] | Boolean indicating whether the product is active or disabled. |
หัวข้อ | [commerce-product:title] | The title of the product. |
แก้ไข URL | [commerce-product:edit-url] | The URL of the product's edit page. |
แง่อนุกรมวิธาน | | Tokens related to taxonomy terms. |
All parent terms | [term:parents-all] | Ancestors of the term, i.e. parent of all above hierarchy levels. |
แง่อนุกรมวิธาน with delta 0 | [term:parents-all:0] | The list item with delta 0. Delta values start from 0 and are incremented by one per list item. |
Description (localized) | [term:parents-all:0:i18n-description] | The optional description of the taxonomy term. |
Name | [term:parents-all:0:name] | The name of the taxonomy term. |
Name (localized) | [term:parents-all:0:i18n-name] | The name of the taxonomy term. |
Name in current language | [term:parents-all:0:localized-name] | The name of the taxonomy term in current language. |
Node count | [term:parents-all:0:node-count] | The number of nodes tagged with the taxonomy term. |
Original taxonomy term | [term:parents-all:0:original] | The original taxonomy term data if the taxonomy term is being updated or saved. |
Parents | [term:parents-all:0:parents] | An array of all the term's parents, starting with the root. |
Parent term (localized) | [term:parents-all:0:i18n-parent] | The parent term of the taxonomy term, if one exists. |
Root term | [term:parents-all:0:root] | The root term of the taxonomy term. |
Term ID | [term:parents-all:0:tid] | The unique ID of the taxonomy term. |
URL | [term:parents-all:0:url] | The URL of the taxonomy term. |
Vocabulary (localized) | [term:parents-all:0:i18n-vocabulary] | The vocabulary the taxonomy term belongs to. |
คำศัพท์ | [term:parents-all:0:vocabulary] | The vocabulary the taxonomy term belongs to. |
คำอธิบาย | [term:parents-all:0:description] | The optional description of the taxonomy term. |
น้ำหนัก | [term:parents-all:0:weight] | The weight of the term, which is used for ordering terms during display. |
ลำดับชั้นของ Term | [term:parents-all:0:parent] | The parent term of the taxonomy term, if one exists. |
แก้ไข URL | [term:parents-all:0:edit-url] | The URL of the taxonomy term's edit page. |
แง่อนุกรมวิธาน with delta 1 | [term:parents-all:1] | The list item with delta 1. Delta values start from 0 and are incremented by one per list item. |
Description (localized) | [term:parents-all:1:i18n-description] | The optional description of the taxonomy term. |
Name | [term:parents-all:1:name] | The name of the taxonomy term. |
Name (localized) | [term:parents-all:1:i18n-name] | The name of the taxonomy term. |
Name in current language | [term:parents-all:1:localized-name] | The name of the taxonomy term in current language. |
Node count | [term:parents-all:1:node-count] | The number of nodes tagged with the taxonomy term. |
Original taxonomy term | [term:parents-all:1:original] | The original taxonomy term data if the taxonomy term is being updated or saved. |
Parents | [term:parents-all:1:parents] | An array of all the term's parents, starting with the root. |
Parent term (localized) | [term:parents-all:1:i18n-parent] | The parent term of the taxonomy term, if one exists. |
Root term | [term:parents-all:1:root] | The root term of the taxonomy term. |
Term ID | [term:parents-all:1:tid] | The unique ID of the taxonomy term. |
URL | [term:parents-all:1:url] | The URL of the taxonomy term. |
Vocabulary (localized) | [term:parents-all:1:i18n-vocabulary] | The vocabulary the taxonomy term belongs to. |
คำศัพท์ | [term:parents-all:1:vocabulary] | The vocabulary the taxonomy term belongs to. |
คำอธิบาย | [term:parents-all:1:description] | The optional description of the taxonomy term. |
น้ำหนัก | [term:parents-all:1:weight] | The weight of the term, which is used for ordering terms during display. |
ลำดับชั้นของ Term | [term:parents-all:1:parent] | The parent term of the taxonomy term, if one exists. |
แก้ไข URL | [term:parents-all:1:edit-url] | The URL of the taxonomy term's edit page. |
แง่อนุกรมวิธาน with delta 2 | [term:parents-all:2] | The list item with delta 2. Delta values start from 0 and are incremented by one per list item. |
Description (localized) | [term:parents-all:2:i18n-description] | The optional description of the taxonomy term. |
Name | [term:parents-all:2:name] | The name of the taxonomy term. |
Name (localized) | [term:parents-all:2:i18n-name] | The name of the taxonomy term. |
Name in current language | [term:parents-all:2:localized-name] | The name of the taxonomy term in current language. |
Node count | [term:parents-all:2:node-count] | The number of nodes tagged with the taxonomy term. |
Original taxonomy term | [term:parents-all:2:original] | The original taxonomy term data if the taxonomy term is being updated or saved. |
Parents | [term:parents-all:2:parents] | An array of all the term's parents, starting with the root. |
Parent term (localized) | [term:parents-all:2:i18n-parent] | The parent term of the taxonomy term, if one exists. |
Root term | [term:parents-all:2:root] | The root term of the taxonomy term. |
Term ID | [term:parents-all:2:tid] | The unique ID of the taxonomy term. |
URL | [term:parents-all:2:url] | The URL of the taxonomy term. |
Vocabulary (localized) | [term:parents-all:2:i18n-vocabulary] | The vocabulary the taxonomy term belongs to. |
คำศัพท์ | [term:parents-all:2:vocabulary] | The vocabulary the taxonomy term belongs to. |
คำอธิบาย | [term:parents-all:2:description] | The optional description of the taxonomy term. |
น้ำหนัก | [term:parents-all:2:weight] | The weight of the term, which is used for ordering terms during display. |
ลำดับชั้นของ Term | [term:parents-all:2:parent] | The parent term of the taxonomy term, if one exists. |
แก้ไข URL | [term:parents-all:2:edit-url] | The URL of the taxonomy term's edit page. |
แง่อนุกรมวิธาน with delta 3 | [term:parents-all:3] | The list item with delta 3. Delta values start from 0 and are incremented by one per list item. |
Description (localized) | [term:parents-all:3:i18n-description] | The optional description of the taxonomy term. |
Name | [term:parents-all:3:name] | The name of the taxonomy term. |
Name (localized) | [term:parents-all:3:i18n-name] | The name of the taxonomy term. |
Name in current language | [term:parents-all:3:localized-name] | The name of the taxonomy term in current language. |
Node count | [term:parents-all:3:node-count] | The number of nodes tagged with the taxonomy term. |
Original taxonomy term | [term:parents-all:3:original] | The original taxonomy term data if the taxonomy term is being updated or saved. |
Parents | [term:parents-all:3:parents] | An array of all the term's parents, starting with the root. |
Parent term (localized) | [term:parents-all:3:i18n-parent] | The parent term of the taxonomy term, if one exists. |
Root term | [term:parents-all:3:root] | The root term of the taxonomy term. |
Term ID | [term:parents-all:3:tid] | The unique ID of the taxonomy term. |
URL | [term:parents-all:3:url] | The URL of the taxonomy term. |
Vocabulary (localized) | [term:parents-all:3:i18n-vocabulary] | The vocabulary the taxonomy term belongs to. |
คำศัพท์ | [term:parents-all:3:vocabulary] | The vocabulary the taxonomy term belongs to. |
คำอธิบาย | [term:parents-all:3:description] | The optional description of the taxonomy term. |
น้ำหนัก | [term:parents-all:3:weight] | The weight of the term, which is used for ordering terms during display. |
ลำดับชั้นของ Term | [term:parents-all:3:parent] | The parent term of the taxonomy term, if one exists. |
แก้ไข URL | [term:parents-all:3:edit-url] | The URL of the taxonomy term's edit page. |
Description (localized) | [term:i18n-description] | The optional description of the taxonomy term. |
Name | [term:name] | The name of the taxonomy term. |
Name (localized) | [term:i18n-name] | The name of the taxonomy term. |
Name in current language | [term:localized-name] | The name of the taxonomy term in current language. |
Node count | [term:node-count] | The number of nodes tagged with the taxonomy term. |
Original taxonomy term | [term:original] | The original taxonomy term data if the taxonomy term is being updated or saved. |
All parent terms | [term:original:parents-all] | Ancestors of the term, i.e. parent of all above hierarchy levels. |
แง่อนุกรมวิธาน with delta 0 | [term:original:parents-all:0] | The list item with delta 0. Delta values start from 0 and are incremented by one per list item. |
แง่อนุกรมวิธาน with delta 1 | [term:original:parents-all:1] | The list item with delta 1. Delta values start from 0 and are incremented by one per list item. |
แง่อนุกรมวิธาน with delta 2 | [term:original:parents-all:2] | The list item with delta 2. Delta values start from 0 and are incremented by one per list item. |
แง่อนุกรมวิธาน with delta 3 | [term:original:parents-all:3] | The list item with delta 3. Delta values start from 0 and are incremented by one per list item. |
Description (localized) | [term:original:i18n-description] | The optional description of the taxonomy term. |
Name | [term:original:name] | The name of the taxonomy term. |
Name (localized) | [term:original:i18n-name] | The name of the taxonomy term. |
Name in current language | [term:original:localized-name] | The name of the taxonomy term in current language. |
Node count | [term:original:node-count] | The number of nodes tagged with the taxonomy term. |
Parents | [term:original:parents] | An array of all the term's parents, starting with the root. |
First | [term:original:parents:first] | The first element of the array. |
Imploded | [term:original:parents:join:?] | The values of the array joined together with a custom string in-between each value. |
Joined path | [term:original:parents:join-path] | The array values each cleaned by Pathauto and then joined with the slash into a string that resembles an URL. |
Keys | [term:original:parents:keys] | The array of keys of the array. |
Last | [term:original:parents:last] | The last element of the array. |
Reversed | [term:original:parents:reversed] | The array reversed. |
Value | [term:original:parents:value:?] | The specific value of the array. |
จำนวน | [term:original:parents:count] | The number of elements in the array. |
Parent term (localized) | [term:original:i18n-parent] | The parent term of the taxonomy term, if one exists. |
All parent terms | [term:original:i18n-parent:parents-all] | Ancestors of the term, i.e. parent of all above hierarchy levels. |
Description (localized) | [term:original:i18n-parent:i18n-description] | The optional description of the taxonomy term. |
Name | [term:original:i18n-parent:name] | The name of the taxonomy term. |
Name (localized) | [term:original:i18n-parent:i18n-name] | The name of the taxonomy term. |
Name in current language | [term:original:i18n-parent:localized-name] | The name of the taxonomy term in current language. |
Node count | [term:original:i18n-parent:node-count] | The number of nodes tagged with the taxonomy term. |
Parents | [term:original:i18n-parent:parents] | An array of all the term's parents, starting with the root. |
Root term | [term:original:i18n-parent:root] | The root term of the taxonomy term. |
Term ID | [term:original:i18n-parent:tid] | The unique ID of the taxonomy term. |
URL | [term:original:i18n-parent:url] | The URL of the taxonomy term. |
Vocabulary (localized) | [term:original:i18n-parent:i18n-vocabulary] | The vocabulary the taxonomy term belongs to. |
คำศัพท์ | [term:original:i18n-parent:vocabulary] | The vocabulary the taxonomy term belongs to. |
คำอธิบาย | [term:original:i18n-parent:description] | The optional description of the taxonomy term. |
น้ำหนัก | [term:original:i18n-parent:weight] | The weight of the term, which is used for ordering terms during display. |
ลำดับชั้นของ Term | [term:original:i18n-parent:parent] | The parent term of the taxonomy term, if one exists. |
แก้ไข URL | [term:original:i18n-parent:edit-url] | The URL of the taxonomy term's edit page. |
Root term | [term:original:root] | The root term of the taxonomy term. |
All parent terms | [term:original:root:parents-all] | Ancestors of the term, i.e. parent of all above hierarchy levels. |
Description (localized) | [term:original:root:i18n-description] | The optional description of the taxonomy term. |
Name | [term:original:root:name] | The name of the taxonomy term. |
Name (localized) | [term:original:root:i18n-name] | The name of the taxonomy term. |
Name in current language | [term:original:root:localized-name] | The name of the taxonomy term in current language. |
Node count | [term:original:root:node-count] | The number of nodes tagged with the taxonomy term. |
Parents | [term:original:root:parents] | An array of all the term's parents, starting with the root. |
Parent term (localized) | [term:original:root:i18n-parent] | The parent term of the taxonomy term, if one exists. |
Term ID | [term:original:root:tid] | The unique ID of the taxonomy term. |
URL | [term:original:root:url] | The URL of the taxonomy term. |
Vocabulary (localized) | [term:original:root:i18n-vocabulary] | The vocabulary the taxonomy term belongs to. |
คำศัพท์ | [term:original:root:vocabulary] | The vocabulary the taxonomy term belongs to. |
คำอธิบาย | [term:original:root:description] | The optional description of the taxonomy term. |
น้ำหนัก | [term:original:root:weight] | The weight of the term, which is used for ordering terms during display. |
ลำดับชั้นของ Term | [term:original:root:parent] | The parent term of the taxonomy term, if one exists. |
แก้ไข URL | [term:original:root:edit-url] | The URL of the taxonomy term's edit page. |
Term ID | [term:original:tid] | The unique ID of the taxonomy term. |
URL | [term:original:url] | The URL of the taxonomy term. |
Absolute URL | [term:original:url:absolute] | The absolute URL. |
Arguments | [term:original:url:args] | The specific argument of the current page (e.g. 'arg:1' on the page 'node/1' returns '1'). |
Brief URL | [term:original:url:brief] | The URL without the protocol and trailing backslash. |
Relative URL | [term:original:url:relative] | The relative URL. |
Unaliased URL | [term:original:url:unaliased] | The unaliased URL. |
ตำแหน่งพาธ | [term:original:url:path] | The path component of the URL. |
Vocabulary (localized) | [term:original:i18n-vocabulary] | The vocabulary the taxonomy term belongs to. |
Description (localized) | [term:original:i18n-vocabulary:i18n-description] | The optional description of the taxonomy vocabulary. |
Name | [term:original:i18n-vocabulary:name] | The name of the taxonomy vocabulary. |
Name (localized) | [term:original:i18n-vocabulary:i18n-name] | The name of the taxonomy vocabulary. |
Node count | [term:original:i18n-vocabulary:node-count] | The number of nodes tagged with terms belonging to the taxonomy vocabulary. |
Term count | [term:original:i18n-vocabulary:term-count] | The number of terms belonging to the taxonomy vocabulary. |
Vocabulary ID | [term:original:i18n-vocabulary:vid] | The unique ID of the taxonomy vocabulary. |
คำอธิบาย | [term:original:i18n-vocabulary:description] | The optional description of the taxonomy vocabulary. |
ชื่อสำหรับอ้างอิง | [term:original:i18n-vocabulary:machine-name] | The unique machine-readable name of the vocabulary. |
แก้ไข URL | [term:original:i18n-vocabulary:edit-url] | The URL of the vocabulary's edit page. |
คำศัพท์ | [term:original:vocabulary] | The vocabulary the taxonomy term belongs to. |
Description (localized) | [term:original:vocabulary:i18n-description] | The optional description of the taxonomy vocabulary. |
Name | [term:original:vocabulary:name] | The name of the taxonomy vocabulary. |
Name (localized) | [term:original:vocabulary:i18n-name] | The name of the taxonomy vocabulary. |
Node count | [term:original:vocabulary:node-count] | The number of nodes tagged with terms belonging to the taxonomy vocabulary. |
Term count | [term:original:vocabulary:term-count] | The number of terms belonging to the taxonomy vocabulary. |
Vocabulary ID | [term:original:vocabulary:vid] | The unique ID of the taxonomy vocabulary. |
คำอธิบาย | [term:original:vocabulary:description] | The optional description of the taxonomy vocabulary. |
ชื่อสำหรับอ้างอิง | [term:original:vocabulary:machine-name] | The unique machine-readable name of the vocabulary. |
แก้ไข URL | [term:original:vocabulary:edit-url] | The URL of the vocabulary's edit page. |
คำอธิบาย | [term:original:description] | The optional description of the taxonomy term. |
น้ำหนัก | [term:original:weight] | The weight of the term, which is used for ordering terms during display. |
ลำดับชั้นของ Term | [term:original:parent] | The parent term of the taxonomy term, if one exists. |
All parent terms | [term:original:parent:parents-all] | Ancestors of the term, i.e. parent of all above hierarchy levels. |
Description (localized) | [term:original:parent:i18n-description] | The optional description of the taxonomy term. |
Name | [term:original:parent:name] | The name of the taxonomy term. |
Name (localized) | [term:original:parent:i18n-name] | The name of the taxonomy term. |
Name in current language | [term:original:parent:localized-name] | The name of the taxonomy term in current language. |
Node count | [term:original:parent:node-count] | The number of nodes tagged with the taxonomy term. |
Parents | [term:original:parent:parents] | An array of all the term's parents, starting with the root. |
Parent term (localized) | [term:original:parent:i18n-parent] | The parent term of the taxonomy term, if one exists. |
Root term | [term:original:parent:root] | The root term of the taxonomy term. |
Term ID | [term:original:parent:tid] | The unique ID of the taxonomy term. |
URL | [term:original:parent:url] | The URL of the taxonomy term. |
Vocabulary (localized) | [term:original:parent:i18n-vocabulary] | The vocabulary the taxonomy term belongs to. |
คำศัพท์ | [term:original:parent:vocabulary] | The vocabulary the taxonomy term belongs to. |
คำอธิบาย | [term:original:parent:description] | The optional description of the taxonomy term. |
น้ำหนัก | [term:original:parent:weight] | The weight of the term, which is used for ordering terms during display. |
แก้ไข URL | [term:original:parent:edit-url] | The URL of the taxonomy term's edit page. |
แก้ไข URL | [term:original:edit-url] | The URL of the taxonomy term's edit page. |
Parents | [term:parents] | An array of all the term's parents, starting with the root. |
First | [term:parents:first] | The first element of the array. |
Imploded | [term:parents:join:?] | The values of the array joined together with a custom string in-between each value. |
Joined path | [term:parents:join-path] | The array values each cleaned by Pathauto and then joined with the slash into a string that resembles an URL. |
Keys | [term:parents:keys] | The array of keys of the array. |
First | [term:parents:keys:first] | The first element of the array. |
Imploded | [term:parents:keys:join:?] | The values of the array joined together with a custom string in-between each value. |
Joined path | [term:parents:keys:join-path] | The array values each cleaned by Pathauto and then joined with the slash into a string that resembles an URL. |
Last | [term:parents:keys:last] | The last element of the array. |
Reversed | [term:parents:keys:reversed] | The array reversed. |
Value | [term:parents:keys:value:?] | The specific value of the array. |
จำนวน | [term:parents:keys:count] | The number of elements in the array. |
Last | [term:parents:last] | The last element of the array. |
Reversed | [term:parents:reversed] | The array reversed. |
First | [term:parents:reversed:first] | The first element of the array. |
Imploded | [term:parents:reversed:join:?] | The values of the array joined together with a custom string in-between each value. |
Joined path | [term:parents:reversed:join-path] | The array values each cleaned by Pathauto and then joined with the slash into a string that resembles an URL. |
Keys | [term:parents:reversed:keys] | The array of keys of the array. |
Last | [term:parents:reversed:last] | The last element of the array. |
Value | [term:parents:reversed:value:?] | The specific value of the array. |
จำนวน | [term:parents:reversed:count] | The number of elements in the array. |
Value | [term:parents:value:?] | The specific value of the array. |
จำนวน | [term:parents:count] | The number of elements in the array. |
Parent term (localized) | [term:i18n-parent] | The parent term of the taxonomy term, if one exists. |
All parent terms | [term:i18n-parent:parents-all] | Ancestors of the term, i.e. parent of all above hierarchy levels. |
แง่อนุกรมวิธาน with delta 0 | [term:i18n-parent:parents-all:0] | The list item with delta 0. Delta values start from 0 and are incremented by one per list item. |
แง่อนุกรมวิธาน with delta 1 | [term:i18n-parent:parents-all:1] | The list item with delta 1. Delta values start from 0 and are incremented by one per list item. |
แง่อนุกรมวิธาน with delta 2 | [term:i18n-parent:parents-all:2] | The list item with delta 2. Delta values start from 0 and are incremented by one per list item. |
แง่อนุกรมวิธาน with delta 3 | [term:i18n-parent:parents-all:3] | The list item with delta 3. Delta values start from 0 and are incremented by one per list item. |
Description (localized) | [term:i18n-parent:i18n-description] | The optional description of the taxonomy term. |
Name | [term:i18n-parent:name] | The name of the taxonomy term. |
Name (localized) | [term:i18n-parent:i18n-name] | The name of the taxonomy term. |
Name in current language | [term:i18n-parent:localized-name] | The name of the taxonomy term in current language. |
Node count | [term:i18n-parent:node-count] | The number of nodes tagged with the taxonomy term. |
Original taxonomy term | [term:i18n-parent:original] | The original taxonomy term data if the taxonomy term is being updated or saved. |
All parent terms | [term:i18n-parent:original:parents-all] | Ancestors of the term, i.e. parent of all above hierarchy levels. |
Description (localized) | [term:i18n-parent:original:i18n-description] | The optional description of the taxonomy term. |
Name | [term:i18n-parent:original:name] | The name of the taxonomy term. |
Name (localized) | [term:i18n-parent:original:i18n-name] | The name of the taxonomy term. |
Name in current language | [term:i18n-parent:original:localized-name] | The name of the taxonomy term in current language. |
Node count | [term:i18n-parent:original:node-count] | The number of nodes tagged with the taxonomy term. |
Parents | [term:i18n-parent:original:parents] | An array of all the term's parents, starting with the root. |
Root term | [term:i18n-parent:original:root] | The root term of the taxonomy term. |
Term ID | [term:i18n-parent:original:tid] | The unique ID of the taxonomy term. |
URL | [term:i18n-parent:original:url] | The URL of the taxonomy term. |
Vocabulary (localized) | [term:i18n-parent:original:i18n-vocabulary] | The vocabulary the taxonomy term belongs to. |
คำศัพท์ | [term:i18n-parent:original:vocabulary] | The vocabulary the taxonomy term belongs to. |
คำอธิบาย | [term:i18n-parent:original:description] | The optional description of the taxonomy term. |
น้ำหนัก | [term:i18n-parent:original:weight] | The weight of the term, which is used for ordering terms during display. |
ลำดับชั้นของ Term | [term:i18n-parent:original:parent] | The parent term of the taxonomy term, if one exists. |
แก้ไข URL | [term:i18n-parent:original:edit-url] | The URL of the taxonomy term's edit page. |
Parents | [term:i18n-parent:parents] | An array of all the term's parents, starting with the root. |
First | [term:i18n-parent:parents:first] | The first element of the array. |
Imploded | [term:i18n-parent:parents:join:?] | The values of the array joined together with a custom string in-between each value. |
Joined path | [term:i18n-parent:parents:join-path] | The array values each cleaned by Pathauto and then joined with the slash into a string that resembles an URL. |
Keys | [term:i18n-parent:parents:keys] | The array of keys of the array. |
Last | [term:i18n-parent:parents:last] | The last element of the array. |
Reversed | [term:i18n-parent:parents:reversed] | The array reversed. |
Value | [term:i18n-parent:parents:value:?] | The specific value of the array. |
จำนวน | [term:i18n-parent:parents:count] | The number of elements in the array. |
Root term | [term:i18n-parent:root] | The root term of the taxonomy term. |
All parent terms | [term:i18n-parent:root:parents-all] | Ancestors of the term, i.e. parent of all above hierarchy levels. |
Description (localized) | [term:i18n-parent:root:i18n-description] | The optional description of the taxonomy term. |
Name | [term:i18n-parent:root:name] | The name of the taxonomy term. |
Name (localized) | [term:i18n-parent:root:i18n-name] | The name of the taxonomy term. |
Name in current language | [term:i18n-parent:root:localized-name] | The name of the taxonomy term in current language. |
Node count | [term:i18n-parent:root:node-count] | The number of nodes tagged with the taxonomy term. |
Original taxonomy term | [term:i18n-parent:root:original] | The original taxonomy term data if the taxonomy term is being updated or saved. |
Parents | [term:i18n-parent:root:parents] | An array of all the term's parents, starting with the root. |
Term ID | [term:i18n-parent:root:tid] | The unique ID of the taxonomy term. |
URL | [term:i18n-parent:root:url] | The URL of the taxonomy term. |
Vocabulary (localized) | [term:i18n-parent:root:i18n-vocabulary] | The vocabulary the taxonomy term belongs to. |
คำศัพท์ | [term:i18n-parent:root:vocabulary] | The vocabulary the taxonomy term belongs to. |
คำอธิบาย | [term:i18n-parent:root:description] | The optional description of the taxonomy term. |
น้ำหนัก | [term:i18n-parent:root:weight] | The weight of the term, which is used for ordering terms during display. |
ลำดับชั้นของ Term | [term:i18n-parent:root:parent] | The parent term of the taxonomy term, if one exists. |
แก้ไข URL | [term:i18n-parent:root:edit-url] | The URL of the taxonomy term's edit page. |
Term ID | [term:i18n-parent:tid] | The unique ID of the taxonomy term. |
URL | [term:i18n-parent:url] | The URL of the taxonomy term. |
Absolute URL | [term:i18n-parent:url:absolute] | The absolute URL. |
Arguments | [term:i18n-parent:url:args] | The specific argument of the current page (e.g. 'arg:1' on the page 'node/1' returns '1'). |
Brief URL | [term:i18n-parent:url:brief] | The URL without the protocol and trailing backslash. |
Relative URL | [term:i18n-parent:url:relative] | The relative URL. |
Unaliased URL | [term:i18n-parent:url:unaliased] | The unaliased URL. |
ตำแหน่งพาธ | [term:i18n-parent:url:path] | The path component of the URL. |
Vocabulary (localized) | [term:i18n-parent:i18n-vocabulary] | The vocabulary the taxonomy term belongs to. |
Description (localized) | [term:i18n-parent:i18n-vocabulary:i18n-description] | The optional description of the taxonomy vocabulary. |
Name | [term:i18n-parent:i18n-vocabulary:name] | The name of the taxonomy vocabulary. |
Name (localized) | [term:i18n-parent:i18n-vocabulary:i18n-name] | The name of the taxonomy vocabulary. |
Node count | [term:i18n-parent:i18n-vocabulary:node-count] | The number of nodes tagged with terms belonging to the taxonomy vocabulary. |
Original คำศัพท์จำแนกประเภท | [term:i18n-parent:i18n-vocabulary:original] | The original คำศัพท์จำแนกประเภท data if the คำศัพท์จำแนกประเภท is being updated or saved. |
Term count | [term:i18n-parent:i18n-vocabulary:term-count] | The number of terms belonging to the taxonomy vocabulary. |
Vocabulary ID | [term:i18n-parent:i18n-vocabulary:vid] | The unique ID of the taxonomy vocabulary. |
คำอธิบาย | [term:i18n-parent:i18n-vocabulary:description] | The optional description of the taxonomy vocabulary. |
ชื่อสำหรับอ้างอิง | [term:i18n-parent:i18n-vocabulary:machine-name] | The unique machine-readable name of the vocabulary. |
แก้ไข URL | [term:i18n-parent:i18n-vocabulary:edit-url] | The URL of the vocabulary's edit page. |
คำศัพท์ | [term:i18n-parent:vocabulary] | The vocabulary the taxonomy term belongs to. |
Description (localized) | [term:i18n-parent:vocabulary:i18n-description] | The optional description of the taxonomy vocabulary. |
Name | [term:i18n-parent:vocabulary:name] | The name of the taxonomy vocabulary. |
Name (localized) | [term:i18n-parent:vocabulary:i18n-name] | The name of the taxonomy vocabulary. |
Node count | [term:i18n-parent:vocabulary:node-count] | The number of nodes tagged with terms belonging to the taxonomy vocabulary. |
Original คำศัพท์จำแนกประเภท | [term:i18n-parent:vocabulary:original] | The original คำศัพท์จำแนกประเภท data if the คำศัพท์จำแนกประเภท is being updated or saved. |
Term count | [term:i18n-parent:vocabulary:term-count] | The number of terms belonging to the taxonomy vocabulary. |
Vocabulary ID | [term:i18n-parent:vocabulary:vid] | The unique ID of the taxonomy vocabulary. |
คำอธิบาย | [term:i18n-parent:vocabulary:description] | The optional description of the taxonomy vocabulary. |
ชื่อสำหรับอ้างอิง | [term:i18n-parent:vocabulary:machine-name] | The unique machine-readable name of the vocabulary. |
แก้ไข URL | [term:i18n-parent:vocabulary:edit-url] | The URL of the vocabulary's edit page. |
คำอธิบาย | [term:i18n-parent:description] | The optional description of the taxonomy term. |
น้ำหนัก | [term:i18n-parent:weight] | The weight of the term, which is used for ordering terms during display. |
ลำดับชั้นของ Term | [term:i18n-parent:parent] | The parent term of the taxonomy term, if one exists. |
All parent terms | [term:i18n-parent:parent:parents-all] | Ancestors of the term, i.e. parent of all above hierarchy levels. |
Description (localized) | [term:i18n-parent:parent:i18n-description] | The optional description of the taxonomy term. |
Name | [term:i18n-parent:parent:name] | The name of the taxonomy term. |
Name (localized) | [term:i18n-parent:parent:i18n-name] | The name of the taxonomy term. |
Name in current language | [term:i18n-parent:parent:localized-name] | The name of the taxonomy term in current language. |
Node count | [term:i18n-parent:parent:node-count] | The number of nodes tagged with the taxonomy term. |
Original taxonomy term | [term:i18n-parent:parent:original] | The original taxonomy term data if the taxonomy term is being updated or saved. |
Parents | [term:i18n-parent:parent:parents] | An array of all the term's parents, starting with the root. |
Root term | [term:i18n-parent:parent:root] | The root term of the taxonomy term. |
Term ID | [term:i18n-parent:parent:tid] | The unique ID of the taxonomy term. |
URL | [term:i18n-parent:parent:url] | The URL of the taxonomy term. |
Vocabulary (localized) | [term:i18n-parent:parent:i18n-vocabulary] | The vocabulary the taxonomy term belongs to. |
คำศัพท์ | [term:i18n-parent:parent:vocabulary] | The vocabulary the taxonomy term belongs to. |
คำอธิบาย | [term:i18n-parent:parent:description] | The optional description of the taxonomy term. |
น้ำหนัก | [term:i18n-parent:parent:weight] | The weight of the term, which is used for ordering terms during display. |
แก้ไข URL | [term:i18n-parent:parent:edit-url] | The URL of the taxonomy term's edit page. |
แก้ไข URL | [term:i18n-parent:edit-url] | The URL of the taxonomy term's edit page. |
Root term | [term:root] | The root term of the taxonomy term. |
All parent terms | [term:root:parents-all] | Ancestors of the term, i.e. parent of all above hierarchy levels. |
แง่อนุกรมวิธาน with delta 0 | [term:root:parents-all:0] | The list item with delta 0. Delta values start from 0 and are incremented by one per list item. |
แง่อนุกรมวิธาน with delta 1 | [term:root:parents-all:1] | The list item with delta 1. Delta values start from 0 and are incremented by one per list item. |
แง่อนุกรมวิธาน with delta 2 | [term:root:parents-all:2] | The list item with delta 2. Delta values start from 0 and are incremented by one per list item. |
แง่อนุกรมวิธาน with delta 3 | [term:root:parents-all:3] | The list item with delta 3. Delta values start from 0 and are incremented by one per list item. |
Description (localized) | [term:root:i18n-description] | The optional description of the taxonomy term. |
Name | [term:root:name] | The name of the taxonomy term. |
Name (localized) | [term:root:i18n-name] | The name of the taxonomy term. |
Name in current language | [term:root:localized-name] | The name of the taxonomy term in current language. |
Node count | [term:root:node-count] | The number of nodes tagged with the taxonomy term. |
Original taxonomy term | [term:root:original] | The original taxonomy term data if the taxonomy term is being updated or saved. |
All parent terms | [term:root:original:parents-all] | Ancestors of the term, i.e. parent of all above hierarchy levels. |
Description (localized) | [term:root:original:i18n-description] | The optional description of the taxonomy term. |
Name | [term:root:original:name] | The name of the taxonomy term. |
Name (localized) | [term:root:original:i18n-name] | The name of the taxonomy term. |
Name in current language | [term:root:original:localized-name] | The name of the taxonomy term in current language. |
Node count | [term:root:original:node-count] | The number of nodes tagged with the taxonomy term. |
Parents | [term:root:original:parents] | An array of all the term's parents, starting with the root. |
Parent term (localized) | [term:root:original:i18n-parent] | The parent term of the taxonomy term, if one exists. |
Term ID | [term:root:original:tid] | The unique ID of the taxonomy term. |
URL | [term:root:original:url] | The URL of the taxonomy term. |
Vocabulary (localized) | [term:root:original:i18n-vocabulary] | The vocabulary the taxonomy term belongs to. |
คำศัพท์ | [term:root:original:vocabulary] | The vocabulary the taxonomy term belongs to. |
คำอธิบาย | [term:root:original:description] | The optional description of the taxonomy term. |
น้ำหนัก | [term:root:original:weight] | The weight of the term, which is used for ordering terms during display. |
ลำดับชั้นของ Term | [term:root:original:parent] | The parent term of the taxonomy term, if one exists. |
แก้ไข URL | [term:root:original:edit-url] | The URL of the taxonomy term's edit page. |
Parents | [term:root:parents] | An array of all the term's parents, starting with the root. |
First | [term:root:parents:first] | The first element of the array. |
Imploded | [term:root:parents:join:?] | The values of the array joined together with a custom string in-between each value. |
Joined path | [term:root:parents:join-path] | The array values each cleaned by Pathauto and then joined with the slash into a string that resembles an URL. |
Keys | [term:root:parents:keys] | The array of keys of the array. |
Last | [term:root:parents:last] | The last element of the array. |
Reversed | [term:root:parents:reversed] | The array reversed. |
Value | [term:root:parents:value:?] | The specific value of the array. |
จำนวน | [term:root:parents:count] | The number of elements in the array. |
Parent term (localized) | [term:root:i18n-parent] | The parent term of the taxonomy term, if one exists. |
All parent terms | [term:root:i18n-parent:parents-all] | Ancestors of the term, i.e. parent of all above hierarchy levels. |
Description (localized) | [term:root:i18n-parent:i18n-description] | The optional description of the taxonomy term. |
Name | [term:root:i18n-parent:name] | The name of the taxonomy term. |
Name (localized) | [term:root:i18n-parent:i18n-name] | The name of the taxonomy term. |
Name in current language | [term:root:i18n-parent:localized-name] | The name of the taxonomy term in current language. |
Node count | [term:root:i18n-parent:node-count] | The number of nodes tagged with the taxonomy term. |
Original taxonomy term | [term:root:i18n-parent:original] | The original taxonomy term data if the taxonomy term is being updated or saved. |
Parents | [term:root:i18n-parent:parents] | An array of all the term's parents, starting with the root. |
Term ID | [term:root:i18n-parent:tid] | The unique ID of the taxonomy term. |
URL | [term:root:i18n-parent:url] | The URL of the taxonomy term. |
Vocabulary (localized) | [term:root:i18n-parent:i18n-vocabulary] | The vocabulary the taxonomy term belongs to. |
คำศัพท์ | [term:root:i18n-parent:vocabulary] | The vocabulary the taxonomy term belongs to. |
คำอธิบาย | [term:root:i18n-parent:description] | The optional description of the taxonomy term. |
น้ำหนัก | [term:root:i18n-parent:weight] | The weight of the term, which is used for ordering terms during display. |
ลำดับชั้นของ Term | [term:root:i18n-parent:parent] | The parent term of the taxonomy term, if one exists. |
แก้ไข URL | [term:root:i18n-parent:edit-url] | The URL of the taxonomy term's edit page. |
Term ID | [term:root:tid] | The unique ID of the taxonomy term. |
URL | [term:root:url] | The URL of the taxonomy term. |
Absolute URL | [term:root:url:absolute] | The absolute URL. |
Arguments | [term:root:url:args] | The specific argument of the current page (e.g. 'arg:1' on the page 'node/1' returns '1'). |
Brief URL | [term:root:url:brief] | The URL without the protocol and trailing backslash. |
Relative URL | [term:root:url:relative] | The relative URL. |
Unaliased URL | [term:root:url:unaliased] | The unaliased URL. |
ตำแหน่งพาธ | [term:root:url:path] | The path component of the URL. |
Vocabulary (localized) | [term:root:i18n-vocabulary] | The vocabulary the taxonomy term belongs to. |
Description (localized) | [term:root:i18n-vocabulary:i18n-description] | The optional description of the taxonomy vocabulary. |
Name | [term:root:i18n-vocabulary:name] | The name of the taxonomy vocabulary. |
Name (localized) | [term:root:i18n-vocabulary:i18n-name] | The name of the taxonomy vocabulary. |
Node count | [term:root:i18n-vocabulary:node-count] | The number of nodes tagged with terms belonging to the taxonomy vocabulary. |
Original คำศัพท์จำแนกประเภท | [term:root:i18n-vocabulary:original] | The original คำศัพท์จำแนกประเภท data if the คำศัพท์จำแนกประเภท is being updated or saved. |
Term count | [term:root:i18n-vocabulary:term-count] | The number of terms belonging to the taxonomy vocabulary. |
Vocabulary ID | [term:root:i18n-vocabulary:vid] | The unique ID of the taxonomy vocabulary. |
คำอธิบาย | [term:root:i18n-vocabulary:description] | The optional description of the taxonomy vocabulary. |
ชื่อสำหรับอ้างอิง | [term:root:i18n-vocabulary:machine-name] | The unique machine-readable name of the vocabulary. |
แก้ไข URL | [term:root:i18n-vocabulary:edit-url] | The URL of the vocabulary's edit page. |
คำศัพท์ | [term:root:vocabulary] | The vocabulary the taxonomy term belongs to. |
Description (localized) | [term:root:vocabulary:i18n-description] | The optional description of the taxonomy vocabulary. |
Name | [term:root:vocabulary:name] | The name of the taxonomy vocabulary. |
Name (localized) | [term:root:vocabulary:i18n-name] | The name of the taxonomy vocabulary. |
Node count | [term:root:vocabulary:node-count] | The number of nodes tagged with terms belonging to the taxonomy vocabulary. |
Original คำศัพท์จำแนกประเภท | [term:root:vocabulary:original] | The original คำศัพท์จำแนกประเภท data if the คำศัพท์จำแนกประเภท is being updated or saved. |
Term count | [term:root:vocabulary:term-count] | The number of terms belonging to the taxonomy vocabulary. |
Vocabulary ID | [term:root:vocabulary:vid] | The unique ID of the taxonomy vocabulary. |
คำอธิบาย | [term:root:vocabulary:description] | The optional description of the taxonomy vocabulary. |
ชื่อสำหรับอ้างอิง | [term:root:vocabulary:machine-name] | The unique machine-readable name of the vocabulary. |
แก้ไข URL | [term:root:vocabulary:edit-url] | The URL of the vocabulary's edit page. |
คำอธิบาย | [term:root:description] | The optional description of the taxonomy term. |
น้ำหนัก | [term:root:weight] | The weight of the term, which is used for ordering terms during display. |
ลำดับชั้นของ Term | [term:root:parent] | The parent term of the taxonomy term, if one exists. |
All parent terms | [term:root:parent:parents-all] | Ancestors of the term, i.e. parent of all above hierarchy levels. |
Description (localized) | [term:root:parent:i18n-description] | The optional description of the taxonomy term. |
Name | [term:root:parent:name] | The name of the taxonomy term. |
Name (localized) | [term:root:parent:i18n-name] | The name of the taxonomy term. |
Name in current language | [term:root:parent:localized-name] | The name of the taxonomy term in current language. |
Node count | [term:root:parent:node-count] | The number of nodes tagged with the taxonomy term. |
Original taxonomy term | [term:root:parent:original] | The original taxonomy term data if the taxonomy term is being updated or saved. |
Parents | [term:root:parent:parents] | An array of all the term's parents, starting with the root. |
Parent term (localized) | [term:root:parent:i18n-parent] | The parent term of the taxonomy term, if one exists. |
Term ID | [term:root:parent:tid] | The unique ID of the taxonomy term. |
URL | [term:root:parent:url] | The URL of the taxonomy term. |
Vocabulary (localized) | [term:root:parent:i18n-vocabulary] | The vocabulary the taxonomy term belongs to. |
คำศัพท์ | [term:root:parent:vocabulary] | The vocabulary the taxonomy term belongs to. |
คำอธิบาย | [term:root:parent:description] | The optional description of the taxonomy term. |
น้ำหนัก | [term:root:parent:weight] | The weight of the term, which is used for ordering terms during display. |
แก้ไข URL | [term:root:parent:edit-url] | The URL of the taxonomy term's edit page. |
แก้ไข URL | [term:root:edit-url] | The URL of the taxonomy term's edit page. |
Term ID | [term:tid] | The unique ID of the taxonomy term. |
URL | [term:url] | The URL of the taxonomy term. |
Absolute URL | [term:url:absolute] | The absolute URL. |
Arguments | [term:url:args] | The specific argument of the current page (e.g. 'arg:1' on the page 'node/1' returns '1'). |
First | [term:url:args:first] | The first element of the array. |
Imploded | [term:url:args:join:?] | The values of the array joined together with a custom string in-between each value. |
Joined path | [term:url:args:join-path] | The array values each cleaned by Pathauto and then joined with the slash into a string that resembles an URL. |
Keys | [term:url:args:keys] | The array of keys of the array. |
Last | [term:url:args:last] | The last element of the array. |
Reversed | [term:url:args:reversed] | The array reversed. |
Value | [term:url:args:value:?] | The specific value of the array. |
จำนวน | [term:url:args:count] | The number of elements in the array. |
Brief URL | [term:url:brief] | The URL without the protocol and trailing backslash. |
Relative URL | [term:url:relative] | The relative URL. |
Unaliased URL | [term:url:unaliased] | The unaliased URL. |
Absolute URL | [term:url:unaliased:absolute] | The absolute URL. |
Arguments | [term:url:unaliased:args] | The specific argument of the current page (e.g. 'arg:1' on the page 'node/1' returns '1'). |
Brief URL | [term:url:unaliased:brief] | The URL without the protocol and trailing backslash. |
Relative URL | [term:url:unaliased:relative] | The relative URL. |
ตำแหน่งพาธ | [term:url:unaliased:path] | The path component of the URL. |
ตำแหน่งพาธ | [term:url:path] | The path component of the URL. |
Vocabulary (localized) | [term:i18n-vocabulary] | The vocabulary the taxonomy term belongs to. |
Description (localized) | [term:i18n-vocabulary:i18n-description] | The optional description of the taxonomy vocabulary. |
Name | [term:i18n-vocabulary:name] | The name of the taxonomy vocabulary. |
Name (localized) | [term:i18n-vocabulary:i18n-name] | The name of the taxonomy vocabulary. |
Node count | [term:i18n-vocabulary:node-count] | The number of nodes tagged with terms belonging to the taxonomy vocabulary. |
Original คำศัพท์จำแนกประเภท | [term:i18n-vocabulary:original] | The original คำศัพท์จำแนกประเภท data if the คำศัพท์จำแนกประเภท is being updated or saved. |
Description (localized) | [term:i18n-vocabulary:original:i18n-description] | The optional description of the taxonomy vocabulary. |
Name | [term:i18n-vocabulary:original:name] | The name of the taxonomy vocabulary. |
Name (localized) | [term:i18n-vocabulary:original:i18n-name] | The name of the taxonomy vocabulary. |
Node count | [term:i18n-vocabulary:original:node-count] | The number of nodes tagged with terms belonging to the taxonomy vocabulary. |
Term count | [term:i18n-vocabulary:original:term-count] | The number of terms belonging to the taxonomy vocabulary. |
Vocabulary ID | [term:i18n-vocabulary:original:vid] | The unique ID of the taxonomy vocabulary. |
คำอธิบาย | [term:i18n-vocabulary:original:description] | The optional description of the taxonomy vocabulary. |
ชื่อสำหรับอ้างอิง | [term:i18n-vocabulary:original:machine-name] | The unique machine-readable name of the vocabulary. |
แก้ไข URL | [term:i18n-vocabulary:original:edit-url] | The URL of the vocabulary's edit page. |
Term count | [term:i18n-vocabulary:term-count] | The number of terms belonging to the taxonomy vocabulary. |
Vocabulary ID | [term:i18n-vocabulary:vid] | The unique ID of the taxonomy vocabulary. |
คำอธิบาย | [term:i18n-vocabulary:description] | The optional description of the taxonomy vocabulary. |
ชื่อสำหรับอ้างอิง | [term:i18n-vocabulary:machine-name] | The unique machine-readable name of the vocabulary. |
แก้ไข URL | [term:i18n-vocabulary:edit-url] | The URL of the vocabulary's edit page. |
คำศัพท์ | [term:vocabulary] | The vocabulary the taxonomy term belongs to. |
Description (localized) | [term:vocabulary:i18n-description] | The optional description of the taxonomy vocabulary. |
Name | [term:vocabulary:name] | The name of the taxonomy vocabulary. |
Name (localized) | [term:vocabulary:i18n-name] | The name of the taxonomy vocabulary. |
Node count | [term:vocabulary:node-count] | The number of nodes tagged with terms belonging to the taxonomy vocabulary. |
Original คำศัพท์จำแนกประเภท | [term:vocabulary:original] | The original คำศัพท์จำแนกประเภท data if the คำศัพท์จำแนกประเภท is being updated or saved. |
Description (localized) | [term:vocabulary:original:i18n-description] | The optional description of the taxonomy vocabulary. |
Name | [term:vocabulary:original:name] | The name of the taxonomy vocabulary. |
Name (localized) | [term:vocabulary:original:i18n-name] | The name of the taxonomy vocabulary. |
Node count | [term:vocabulary:original:node-count] | The number of nodes tagged with terms belonging to the taxonomy vocabulary. |
Term count | [term:vocabulary:original:term-count] | The number of terms belonging to the taxonomy vocabulary. |
Vocabulary ID | [term:vocabulary:original:vid] | The unique ID of the taxonomy vocabulary. |
คำอธิบาย | [term:vocabulary:original:description] | The optional description of the taxonomy vocabulary. |
ชื่อสำหรับอ้างอิง | [term:vocabulary:original:machine-name] | The unique machine-readable name of the vocabulary. |
แก้ไข URL | [term:vocabulary:original:edit-url] | The URL of the vocabulary's edit page. |
Term count | [term:vocabulary:term-count] | The number of terms belonging to the taxonomy vocabulary. |
Vocabulary ID | [term:vocabulary:vid] | The unique ID of the taxonomy vocabulary. |
คำอธิบาย | [term:vocabulary:description] | The optional description of the taxonomy vocabulary. |
ชื่อสำหรับอ้างอิง | [term:vocabulary:machine-name] | The unique machine-readable name of the vocabulary. |
แก้ไข URL | [term:vocabulary:edit-url] | The URL of the vocabulary's edit page. |
คำอธิบาย | [term:description] | The optional description of the taxonomy term. |
น้ำหนัก | [term:weight] | The weight of the term, which is used for ordering terms during display. |
ลำดับชั้นของ Term | [term:parent] | The parent term of the taxonomy term, if one exists. |
All parent terms | [term:parent:parents-all] | Ancestors of the term, i.e. parent of all above hierarchy levels. |
แง่อนุกรมวิธาน with delta 0 | [term:parent:parents-all:0] | The list item with delta 0. Delta values start from 0 and are incremented by one per list item. |
แง่อนุกรมวิธาน with delta 1 | [term:parent:parents-all:1] | The list item with delta 1. Delta values start from 0 and are incremented by one per list item. |
แง่อนุกรมวิธาน with delta 2 | [term:parent:parents-all:2] | The list item with delta 2. Delta values start from 0 and are incremented by one per list item. |
แง่อนุกรมวิธาน with delta 3 | [term:parent:parents-all:3] | The list item with delta 3. Delta values start from 0 and are incremented by one per list item. |
Description (localized) | [term:parent:i18n-description] | The optional description of the taxonomy term. |
Name | [term:parent:name] | The name of the taxonomy term. |
Name (localized) | [term:parent:i18n-name] | The name of the taxonomy term. |
Name in current language | [term:parent:localized-name] | The name of the taxonomy term in current language. |
Node count | [term:parent:node-count] | The number of nodes tagged with the taxonomy term. |
Original taxonomy term | [term:parent:original] | The original taxonomy term data if the taxonomy term is being updated or saved. |
All parent terms | [term:parent:original:parents-all] | Ancestors of the term, i.e. parent of all above hierarchy levels. |
Description (localized) | [term:parent:original:i18n-description] | The optional description of the taxonomy term. |
Name | [term:parent:original:name] | The name of the taxonomy term. |
Name (localized) | [term:parent:original:i18n-name] | The name of the taxonomy term. |
Name in current language | [term:parent:original:localized-name] | The name of the taxonomy term in current language. |
Node count | [term:parent:original:node-count] | The number of nodes tagged with the taxonomy term. |
Parents | [term:parent:original:parents] | An array of all the term's parents, starting with the root. |
Parent term (localized) | [term:parent:original:i18n-parent] | The parent term of the taxonomy term, if one exists. |
Root term | [term:parent:original:root] | The root term of the taxonomy term. |
Term ID | [term:parent:original:tid] | The unique ID of the taxonomy term. |
URL | [term:parent:original:url] | The URL of the taxonomy term. |
Vocabulary (localized) | [term:parent:original:i18n-vocabulary] | The vocabulary the taxonomy term belongs to. |
คำศัพท์ | [term:parent:original:vocabulary] | The vocabulary the taxonomy term belongs to. |
คำอธิบาย | [term:parent:original:description] | The optional description of the taxonomy term. |
น้ำหนัก | [term:parent:original:weight] | The weight of the term, which is used for ordering terms during display. |
แก้ไข URL | [term:parent:original:edit-url] | The URL of the taxonomy term's edit page. |
Parents | [term:parent:parents] | An array of all the term's parents, starting with the root. |
First | [term:parent:parents:first] | The first element of the array. |
Imploded | [term:parent:parents:join:?] | The values of the array joined together with a custom string in-between each value. |
Joined path | [term:parent:parents:join-path] | The array values each cleaned by Pathauto and then joined with the slash into a string that resembles an URL. |
Keys | [term:parent:parents:keys] | The array of keys of the array. |
Last | [term:parent:parents:last] | The last element of the array. |
Reversed | [term:parent:parents:reversed] | The array reversed. |
Value | [term:parent:parents:value:?] | The specific value of the array. |
จำนวน | [term:parent:parents:count] | The number of elements in the array. |
Parent term (localized) | [term:parent:i18n-parent] | The parent term of the taxonomy term, if one exists. |
All parent terms | [term:parent:i18n-parent:parents-all] | Ancestors of the term, i.e. parent of all above hierarchy levels. |
Description (localized) | [term:parent:i18n-parent:i18n-description] | The optional description of the taxonomy term. |
Name | [term:parent:i18n-parent:name] | The name of the taxonomy term. |
Name (localized) | [term:parent:i18n-parent:i18n-name] | The name of the taxonomy term. |
Name in current language | [term:parent:i18n-parent:localized-name] | The name of the taxonomy term in current language. |
Node count | [term:parent:i18n-parent:node-count] | The number of nodes tagged with the taxonomy term. |
Original taxonomy term | [term:parent:i18n-parent:original] | The original taxonomy term data if the taxonomy term is being updated or saved. |
Parents | [term:parent:i18n-parent:parents] | An array of all the term's parents, starting with the root. |
Root term | [term:parent:i18n-parent:root] | The root term of the taxonomy term. |
Term ID | [term:parent:i18n-parent:tid] | The unique ID of the taxonomy term. |
URL | [term:parent:i18n-parent:url] | The URL of the taxonomy term. |
Vocabulary (localized) | [term:parent:i18n-parent:i18n-vocabulary] | The vocabulary the taxonomy term belongs to. |
คำศัพท์ | [term:parent:i18n-parent:vocabulary] | The vocabulary the taxonomy term belongs to. |
คำอธิบาย | [term:parent:i18n-parent:description] | The optional description of the taxonomy term. |
น้ำหนัก | [term:parent:i18n-parent:weight] | The weight of the term, which is used for ordering terms during display. |
แก้ไข URL | [term:parent:i18n-parent:edit-url] | The URL of the taxonomy term's edit page. |
Root term | [term:parent:root] | The root term of the taxonomy term. |
All parent terms | [term:parent:root:parents-all] | Ancestors of the term, i.e. parent of all above hierarchy levels. |
Description (localized) | [term:parent:root:i18n-description] | The optional description of the taxonomy term. |
Name | [term:parent:root:name] | The name of the taxonomy term. |
Name (localized) | [term:parent:root:i18n-name] | The name of the taxonomy term. |
Name in current language | [term:parent:root:localized-name] | The name of the taxonomy term in current language. |
Node count | [term:parent:root:node-count] | The number of nodes tagged with the taxonomy term. |
Original taxonomy term | [term:parent:root:original] | The original taxonomy term data if the taxonomy term is being updated or saved. |
Parents | [term:parent:root:parents] | An array of all the term's parents, starting with the root. |
Parent term (localized) | [term:parent:root:i18n-parent] | The parent term of the taxonomy term, if one exists. |
Term ID | [term:parent:root:tid] | The unique ID of the taxonomy term. |
URL | [term:parent:root:url] | The URL of the taxonomy term. |
Vocabulary (localized) | [term:parent:root:i18n-vocabulary] | The vocabulary the taxonomy term belongs to. |
คำศัพท์ | [term:parent:root:vocabulary] | The vocabulary the taxonomy term belongs to. |
คำอธิบาย | [term:parent:root:description] | The optional description of the taxonomy term. |
น้ำหนัก | [term:parent:root:weight] | The weight of the term, which is used for ordering terms during display. |
แก้ไข URL | [term:parent:root:edit-url] | The URL of the taxonomy term's edit page. |
Term ID | [term:parent:tid] | The unique ID of the taxonomy term. |
URL | [term:parent:url] | The URL of the taxonomy term. |
Absolute URL | [term:parent:url:absolute] | The absolute URL. |
Arguments | [term:parent:url:args] | The specific argument of the current page (e.g. 'arg:1' on the page 'node/1' returns '1'). |
Brief URL | [term:parent:url:brief] | The URL without the protocol and trailing backslash. |
Relative URL | [term:parent:url:relative] | The relative URL. |
Unaliased URL | [term:parent:url:unaliased] | The unaliased URL. |
ตำแหน่งพาธ | [term:parent:url:path] | The path component of the URL. |
Vocabulary (localized) | [term:parent:i18n-vocabulary] | The vocabulary the taxonomy term belongs to. |
Description (localized) | [term:parent:i18n-vocabulary:i18n-description] | The optional description of the taxonomy vocabulary. |
Name | [term:parent:i18n-vocabulary:name] | The name of the taxonomy vocabulary. |
Name (localized) | [term:parent:i18n-vocabulary:i18n-name] | The name of the taxonomy vocabulary. |
Node count | [term:parent:i18n-vocabulary:node-count] | The number of nodes tagged with terms belonging to the taxonomy vocabulary. |
Original คำศัพท์จำแนกประเภท | [term:parent:i18n-vocabulary:original] | The original คำศัพท์จำแนกประเภท data if the คำศัพท์จำแนกประเภท is being updated or saved. |
Term count | [term:parent:i18n-vocabulary:term-count] | The number of terms belonging to the taxonomy vocabulary. |
Vocabulary ID | [term:parent:i18n-vocabulary:vid] | The unique ID of the taxonomy vocabulary. |
คำอธิบาย | [term:parent:i18n-vocabulary:description] | The optional description of the taxonomy vocabulary. |
ชื่อสำหรับอ้างอิง | [term:parent:i18n-vocabulary:machine-name] | The unique machine-readable name of the vocabulary. |
แก้ไข URL | [term:parent:i18n-vocabulary:edit-url] | The URL of the vocabulary's edit page. |
คำศัพท์ | [term:parent:vocabulary] | The vocabulary the taxonomy term belongs to. |
Description (localized) | [term:parent:vocabulary:i18n-description] | The optional description of the taxonomy vocabulary. |
Name | [term:parent:vocabulary:name] | The name of the taxonomy vocabulary. |
Name (localized) | [term:parent:vocabulary:i18n-name] | The name of the taxonomy vocabulary. |
Node count | [term:parent:vocabulary:node-count] | The number of nodes tagged with terms belonging to the taxonomy vocabulary. |
Original คำศัพท์จำแนกประเภท | [term:parent:vocabulary:original] | The original คำศัพท์จำแนกประเภท data if the คำศัพท์จำแนกประเภท is being updated or saved. |
Term count | [term:parent:vocabulary:term-count] | The number of terms belonging to the taxonomy vocabulary. |
Vocabulary ID | [term:parent:vocabulary:vid] | The unique ID of the taxonomy vocabulary. |
คำอธิบาย | [term:parent:vocabulary:description] | The optional description of the taxonomy vocabulary. |
ชื่อสำหรับอ้างอิง | [term:parent:vocabulary:machine-name] | The unique machine-readable name of the vocabulary. |
แก้ไข URL | [term:parent:vocabulary:edit-url] | The URL of the vocabulary's edit page. |
คำอธิบาย | [term:parent:description] | The optional description of the taxonomy term. |
น้ำหนัก | [term:parent:weight] | The weight of the term, which is used for ordering terms during display. |
แก้ไข URL | [term:parent:edit-url] | The URL of the taxonomy term's edit page. |
แก้ไข URL | [term:edit-url] | The URL of the taxonomy term's edit page. |