1. The .com extension is one of the most popular surnames in the world. It is an ideal extension for businesses. Or all types of websites But nowadays, domain names that can be registered Less is more every day because of good and short names to create memories. Has been registered almost all
2. The .net extension is the next most popular surname to .com and is the ideal name for a business organization. Or all types of websites Nowadays, there are also short and good names to create memories That can still be registered
3. The .org extension is the ideal domain extension for all types of non-profit organizations. Such as government agencies Public charities, etc.
5. The .info extension is a suitable extension for your organization. Or websites related to all types of public relations information
6. us extension is a domain extension that is suitable for all types of websites. If it is a website that wants to reach the target audience in the United States, the .us extension is most suitable for use.
7. Co.th extension is a domain extension suitable for businesses registered within Thailand only. Registration can be registered only "Full name of business organization name" or "partial name of business organization" or "abbreviation of business organization name" only and must not be duplicate of other registered business entity's domain name. Domain already
- 7.1 in the case of partnership or company Use a copy of a certificate of partnership, company registration or a copy of a certificate of association. The English name appears Issued by the Department of Business Development and Trade amount 1 issue
- 7.2 in case of trademark Use a copy of Trademark Registration Certificate or Service Mark Registration Certificate. Registered and notified by Department of Intellectual Property, Thailand
8.in.th extension is a suitable extension for all types of websites. Can be registered as any domain name as needed. But must not be the same as a pre-registered domain name Documents for registration of .in.th domains
9. .or.th surname is a suitable extension for the website of a non-profit organization. That are registered in Thailand only, such as an association, a foundation, etc. The registration can be registered only "Full name of the organization name" or "part of the organization name" or "the abbreviation of the organization name" only and must not be the same as the domain name of another business organization for which the domain name is registered. Documents for registering a .or.th domain
- 9.1 A letter of establishment of an organization, such as a book for establishing a association or a letter of establishing a foundation, etc.
10. ac.th extension is a suitable extension for the website for educational institutes, schools, colleges. Registration can be registered only. "The full name of the institution's name" or "any part of the name of the institution" or "the abbreviation of the name of the institution" only and must not be the same as the domain name of another institution for which the domain name is registered. Documents for registering a .ac.th domain
- 10.1 A copy of the school establishment letter
- 10.2 If unable to show the school establishment letter Interfere with the school issuing certificate Affiliated agencies School location And certify the domain name registration application With stamping and signing certified by The director of the school
11. Go.th surname is a surname suitable for a website for government organizations such as the Department of the SAO Division, PAO registration can be registered only "Full name of organization name" or "part of organization name" or "abbreviation of organization name" only, must not be duplicate domain name of other organization for which the domain name is registered. Documents for registering a .go.th domain
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